Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich. Condolences from colleagues and friends of Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich

Rector of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (formerly the Institute of Finance and Economics); born December 22, 1937; in 1959 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI) named after. N. A. Voznesensky, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; worked as an assistant, associate professor of the department of economic theory, from 1978 - professor, from February 1975 - vice-rector, then - first vice-rector of LFEI; Member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences; member of the International Institute of Public (Government) Finance; author and editor of a number of editions of textbooks "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "General Economic Theory", editor of the translation of the 15th edition of the textbook by P. A. Samuelson and V. D. Nordkaus "Economics", editor-in-chief of the journal "Izvestia of St. Petersburg" University of Economics and Finance"; awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples; married, has two sons.

View value Tarasevich, Leonid Stepanovich in other dictionaries

Arkhipov Leonid Andreevich- (approx. 1893 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Employee. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ufa province, worked at the Zlatoust plant. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Asolger Anton Stepanovich- (approx. 1871 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1903. Higher education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Gorsk region, worked as the head of the agricultural section of the state defense organization (?). Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Aukshtol Stanislav Stepanovich- (approx. 1883 - ?). Member of the PLSR since 1919. Employee. “Inferior” education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Petrograd province and worked at the Putilov plant. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Ashmenov Alexander Stepanovich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in Vladimir province, worked as an agent of the Union of Cooperatives. Further fate is unknown. K.M.
Political dictionary

Bazov Leonid Maksimovich- (approx. 1892 - ?). Social Democrat. Secondary education. Member of the RSDLP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in Cherepovets province. Local security officers characterized him as an “ordinary” party worker,........
Political dictionary

Batuev Grigory Stepanovich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. "Middle peasant". Member of the AKP with pre-revolutionary experience. Rural education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Perm province. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Benetsky Vladimir Stepanovich- (approx. 1899 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. "Landowner". Member of the AKP. Higher education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Nizhny Novgorod province and worked as an instructor. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Blokh Leonid Izrailovich— (1901 - not earlier than 1941). Social Democrat, member of the Bund. From the family of a handicraftsman in Dnepropetrovsk. Graduated from the Institute of National Economy, statistician. 14.3.1923 was in internal prison........
Political dictionary

Borodin Ivan Stepanovich- (approx. 1893 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Worker. Member of the AKP since 1918. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ufa province, worked at a factory. Local security officers characterized him as........
Political dictionary

Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich— (1906-1982), political and statesman. In 1950-1952, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Moldova. Since 1953, Deputy Chief of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and........
Political dictionary

Brynskikh Nikita Stepanovich- (approx. 1872 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1905. At the end of 1921 he lived in Yekaterinburg province, worked as a mechanic. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Burmakin Alexander Stepanovich- (approx. 1886 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Altai province, worked as an instructor at the Gubernia Union. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Weiner Leonid Lazarevich— (1871 - ?). Social Democrat. Arrested on December 24, 1921 in Moscow. Released on January 16, 1922. Further fate is unknown.
NIPC "Memorial", I.Z.
Political dictionary

Varushkin Leonid Mikhailovich- (approx. 1886 - ?). Joined the PLSR after the revolution of 1917. Education is “rural”. At the end of 1921 he lived in the village of Mokino, Kultaevsky volost, Tula province, and was engaged in agriculture.........
Political dictionary

Vershinin Sergey Stepanovich— (1896 - 21.3.1921, Petrograd). Anarchist. Since 1916, sailor-electrician of the battleship "Sevastopol" of the Baltic Fleet. In the modern Soviet press and later historical works, V. was called........
Political dictionary

Gubar Leonid- (? - ?). Anarchist. At the beginning of 1919, D. Bondarenko (Kharkov) was a member of the militant organization of “no-motive” anarchists. Participated in expropriations. Further fate is unknown. A.D.
Political dictionary

Gurfinkel Leonid (Hillel) Isaakovich- (1904, White Church of Vasilkovsky district, Kyiv province - ?). Member of the National Labor (right-wing) He-Halutz and the Hitahadut Party. In July 1925 - July 1926 in exile in Urda. Escaped from........
Political dictionary

Dunaev Ignatiy Stepanovich- (approx. 1892 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1910. At the end of 1921 he lived in Nizhny Novgorod province. Local security officers characterized him as an “inactive” party member........
Political dictionary

Eremeev Konstantin Stepanovich- (June 6, 1874, Minsk, - January 28, 1931, Moscow). From the family of a non-commissioned officer. He graduated from a three-class elementary school in 1885. In 1893-95 he volunteered in an infantry regiment in Vilna; produced........
Political dictionary

Nogaev Sergey Stepanovich- (approx. 1898 - ?). Social Democrat. From peasants. Member of the RSDLP since 1917. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Yekaterinburg province, worked in a factory. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Prokhanov Ivan Stepanovich- (April 4, 1866, the city of Vladikavkaz, Terek region, - October 6, 1935, Berlin). From a family of Molokan sectarians. He graduated from the Vladikavkaz Real School in 1887. In 1885 he was baptized in Terek........
Political dictionary

Pyatakov Leonid Leonidovich- (October 12, 1888, Maryinsky sugar factory, Cherkasy district of the Kyiv province, - December 20, 1917, place of death unknown). From a family of industrial engineers. Brother G.L. Pyatakov.........
Political dictionary

Stolyarov Alexander Stepanovich- (approx. 1887 - ?). Member of the AKP since 1908, then left S.R. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he worked as a mechanic at the Ufa station. Local security officers characterized him as “trustworthy, active”.......
Political dictionary

Fedorov Leonid Ivanovich- (November 4, 1879, St. Petersburg, - March 7, 1935, Vyatka). My grandfather was a serf, my father was a cook and ran a restaurant; mother is Greek, artist. At the age of 14, I read the Bible, works........
Political dictionary

Feliptsev Nikolay Stepanovich- (? - ?). Member of the AKP since 1910, then left SR. From peasants. In 1918, he traveled around the volost and campaigned against Soviet power, bringing weapons. At the end of 1921 he lived in the village. Sandbox of Bryansk province........
Political dictionary

Feliptsev Petr Stepanovich- (? - ?). Member of the PLSR. Worker. “Inferior” education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the town of Zhizdra, Bryansk province. Local security officers characterized him as an “organizer” and “active” party member........
Political dictionary

Khomyakov Alexey Stepanovich- (1804–1860) - Russian religious philosopher, writer, poet, publicist, one of the founders of Slavophilism, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1856).......
Political dictionary

Veselovsky Konstantin Stepanovich (1819-1901)- Russian economist and statistician. In the article “On Bread Prices in Russia” (1845), Veselovsky, using extensive statistical data, argued that the instability of landowners......
Economic dictionary

Kantorovich Leonid Vitalievich (1912-1986)- Russian (Soviet) economist who created the theory of linear programming (1939), which expanded the possibilities of optimal use of production resources.........
Economic dictionary

Yurovsky Leonid Naumovich (1884-1938)- Russian (Soviet) economist. Yurovsky's name is closely connected with the monetary reform of 1922-1924. But Yurovsky was not only a practitioner, but also a prominent economic theorist. Along........
Economic dictionary

Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

Academic title: Professor

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich was awarded the domestic Order of Friendship of Peoples, Honor for Services to the Fatherland IV degree, the medal “For Valiant Labor”, the badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia”, and was awarded the French national order “Academic Palms - Commander”. Honorary Professor of Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), Honorary Doctor of the University. Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble, France) and a number of other foreign universities. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

Born in 1937 in the village of Sluchanka, Bialystok region (Poland).

After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics (1959), he worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the department of political economy (economic theory). From 1968 to 1972 - Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics. From March 1975 to 1991 - LFEI Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, First Vice-Rector. From 1991 to 2006 - rector of the university. Since 2006 - President of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics.

Public positions

Vice-President of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Russia

For a number of years he was a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, a member of the certification commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and a member of the International Institute of State (Public) Finance. Currently - honorary member of the Council of Rectors of Universities of St. Petersburg

Deputy Chairman of the Council of University Rectors of St. Petersburg

Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Izvestia of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance”

Member of the editorial boards of a number of economic journals in Russia.


Strategic direction of development of the Russian economy. - M., Higher School, 2003

Problems of globalization of the world economy. (Co-author) - St. Petersburg, Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2004

Russian banks: past and present. (Co-author) - St. Petersburg, KultInformPress, 2004

Russia in the 21st century: Main guidelines for development. (Co-authored) - M., University and school, 2005 (in Arabic)

Russia - XXI century: contours of new mentality. (Co-author) - M., Helios, 2006

Feder. Education Agency, Interuniversity. foreign center language at St. Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance; [editor: Tarasevich L.S. (prev.), etc. Foreign languages ​​in economic universities. - St. Petersburg, Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2007

Textbooks and tutorials

Economy. Textbook. (Co-author) - M., Yurayt, 2005

Macroeconomics. Textbook. (In co-authors). (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation):

1st ed. – St. Petersburg: Economic School, 1994

2nd ed. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 1997

3rd ed. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 1999

4th ed. – M.: Yurait, 2003 5th ed. – M.: Yurayt, 2004

6th ed. – M.: Jurayt. Higher Education, 2005, 2007

7th ed. – M.: Jurayt. Higher Education, 2009

Microeconomics. Textbook. (In co-authors). (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation):

1st ed. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 1996

2nd ed. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 1998

3rd ed. – M.: Yurayt, 2003

4th ed. – M.: Yurayt, 2005

5th ed. – M.: Jurayt. Higher Education, 2007

6th ed. – M.: Yurayt, Higher Education, 2009

World economy. Textbook for universities. (Co-author) – St. Petersburg, Peter, 2001

Microeconomics. Electronic textbook. (Co-author) - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2004

Microeconomics. Macroeconomics. (Electronic textbooks) (Co-authored) - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2005

Theory of corporate finance. (Co-authored) - M.: Higher Education, 2008. (With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

International Management. Series: Textbook for universities. (Co-author) - St. Petersburg, Publishing house: Peter, 2006

Securities: A textbook for students of economic specialties at universities. 2nd edition. (Co-author) - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000

Large economic dictionary. (Co-authored) - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. University, 2007

International management: Textbook for universities, 4th ed. (Co-author) - St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008.

On March 31, 2016, at the age of 79, a talented scientist, a man endlessly devoted to his work, the President of the University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich, suddenly passed away.

All of Leonid Stepanovich’s labor and creative activities are connected with the university, where he went from student to President.

Leonid Stepanovich went through all levels of teaching, was elected dean of the faculty, and for 16 years was vice-rector for academic affairs and first vice-rector of the university. But the brightest page of his career is associated with the period when he headed the university - he was the rector of the university. Under his leadership, for the first time in the country, a concept for the development of an economic university in new conditions was developed and implemented, aimed at improving the content of university economic education and training specialists that meet international standards.

Professor Tarasevich L.S. known as a leading scientist and author of fundamental works in the field of economic theory. A lot of strength and energy Tarasevich L.S. devoted to the development of the foundations of international cooperation of the university. With his participation, programs for modern training of specialists were developed and are still being implemented with universities in France, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, and China.

Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich - Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, member of the International Institute of State (Public) Finance, Vice President, Academician-Secretary of the Economics Department of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences.

We deeply mourn the untimely death of President Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich and express our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

Rectorate and staff
University of St. Petersburg State Economic University

Condolences from colleagues and friends of Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich

The university receives condolences on the occasion of the sudden death of Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich from his colleagues and friends.

« Leonid Tarasevich died.

I hesitate to imagine the pain of his wife and children, as well as the state of his team - colleagues and like-minded people. I express my condolences to all his loved ones.

For me, in Grenoble, his departure is a whole part of my life that is crumbling!

His activities, his memory, his smile will remain and be engraved in my thoughts and in my daily life forever.

In France, it is often said that the only friendships that last and strengthen over the years are those that began in childhood. In the case of Leonid, this was not the case; we met at the age when our children had already fled from home, at that decisive moment when the Cold War ended.

From the very beginning of our acquaintance, together with Kazbek, whose memory remains with us, our university communication turned into a deep friendship. I have always understood how fortunate we are to be able to work together to implement projects that initially had a very low probability of success, believing that we have the power to build international relationships of high quality, wanting to continually improve the learning of our students and creating a work environment that promotes efficiency projects, an atmosphere of mutual trust and the pleasure of being together. He was an exceptional strategist, a rational leader who shone and did a lot to implement his projects. He was an honorary doctorate from our university, right after Amartya Sen, the Nobel Prize winner in economics.

Leonid managed to build a university from the institute, never losing sight of it and not counting his working hours. We worked for FINEK and UPMF, two well-known universities that now have new names (SPbSUE and the University of Grenoble-Alpes). Time flies so fast...

Today I mourn my colleague who was a great president of the university, and is an example to those who have ambitions to lead an institution of higher learning. He was a charismatic man, with an elegant mindset and a positive philosophy.

I express my sincere words of support to his team, the one with whom, as rector, Leonid Tarasevich always worked with joy and respect, whom he supported and advised when he became president of the university: Igor and Veronica, Natasha and Yana, as well as Natasha, Anna, Alexander, Galina and Elena!

More than ever, I shed tears over the passing of my dear friend, as he will always remain, smart, open, with a generous soul. Thank you, Leonid!”

Jacques Fontanel, Pierre Mendes France University (Grenoble, France)

In memory of Leonid Tarasevich

“The management of the University of Grenoble-Alpes informs with deep sadness about the departure of Leonid Tarasevich, President of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and honorary doctor of our university. Leonid Tarasevich, president of St. Petersburg State Economic University and former rector of FINEK (St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance) died on March 31, 2016 at the age of 78 years. A well-known economist, on April 15, 2005, he received the title of Honorary Doctor of the University. Pierre Mendes-France (UPMF, France).

Open to everything new, a rational leader and an excellent strategist, Leonid Tarasevich was very involved in the education of youth and students. He skillfully created and developed educational projects and built international relations of high quality.

Under his leadership, in 1991, a series of international agreements were concluded between Finek and UPMF on the training of Russian students at the first stage of higher education - undergraduate - in French. These agreements are valid for 25 years and to this day, more than 600 Russian students have received French diplomas. Many vice-rectors, deans and professors of the State University of Economics completed scientific internships in Grenoble.

The close long-term cooperation of our universities is reflected in the scientific field, joint organization of conferences in St. Petersburg and Grenoble, and joint publications. Leonid Tarasevich is the author of a number of books and textbooks on economics, which are known throughout Russia.

Eternal memory to Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich!”

“The news of Leonid’s death plunged me into deep sadness. I would like to express my most sincere condolences to the family of Leonid Tarasevich, his friends and relatives in connection with this difficult loss.

From my first visits to St. Petersburg, I was able to appreciate not only the great rector, the initiator of such projects that made a huge contribution to the current success of the university, which we knew under the name FINEK, but also an open, sincere, kind person.

When I left St. Petersburg last October, Leonid gave me his book “The Facets of Personality,” which now stands in front of me, with his photograph. We kissed, as it turned out, unfortunately, for the last time. While reading the book, I received great pleasure, including from the photographs, such as “It’s in the Hat,” where we see Leonid and his wife wearing old hats. The photo was taken at my home. My wife Susan and I were happy to host our friends from St. Petersburg and spend many pleasant hours and minutes together. I cherish the memory of these meetings with friends who left us. They remain in my heart and in my prayers.

I will forever remember the friendship that connected us, the care that Leonid showed me. So much so that, knowing about my night flight from St. Petersburg, I wanted to see me off at three in the morning in person. When I talked him out of it, he had his driver take me and instructed him to call me at night from the airport to make sure everything went well and I was taken to the airport. With all his many responsibilities, caring for others and the ability to make friends were always at the forefront of his life attitudes.

I convey once again my most sincere sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of Leonid Tarasevich, a wonderful person and friend...”

Alban Richard, 1995-2000 - Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Grenoble. Pierre Mendes France

"Professor Igor A. Maximtsev

Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

It is with great sadness that we came to know that Professor Leonid Stepanovitch Tarasevitch, Rector and President, is no longer with us.

We are all very sad and miss him dearly. Our thoughts and hearts are with Valentina Michailovna Tarasevitch, the mourning family and the University.

We all share the grief.

Leonid Stepanovitch wrote history on behalf of the University in Russia. Leonid Stepanovitch remains with us as a man of the sciences, of wisdom, vision and willingness to take action.

Leonid Stepanovitch reminds us to act in peace and true human sympathy.

Although the pain and grief seems to be overwhelming, we are all very grateful for the joyful times we were fortunate to share with him: his love, his caring spirit, his generous openness of mind, his prudence and his good advice, his never- ending energy and sense of humor, his joy and his unforgettable smile.

By this, Leonid Stepanovitch remains with us. We will always carry him as a precious jewel in our hearts.

With love and in deep mourning

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Clemens Renker"

University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz
In cooperation with TU Technical University Dresden
Honorary Doctor of UNECON
Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Entrepreneur of the Year Germany

“Dear colleagues, friends!

The Academic Council and the Rector's Office of the Baikal State University deeply mourn the untimely death of the President of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Professor Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich, and express their sincere condolences to the family of the deceased, colleagues and students of the university.

Professor Doctor of Economic Sciences Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich devoted his entire life to the noble service of education and science, from his student years to the present day, connecting his fate with the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Having entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after. N.A. Voznesensky, after his graduation he successively went through all stages of professional growth from assistant to professor and rector of the university.

With his tireless and fruitful administrative, scientific, pedagogical and social activities, Leonid Stepanovich made a significant contribution to the formation of the educational potential of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, the creation and development of well-known scientific schools, thanks to which your university has become a recognized flagship of economic education in our country.

He is the author of numerous publications on a wide range of problems of the domestic economy, which have enriched social science with innovative ideas and approaches.

Leonid Stepanovich has earned well-deserved respect and authority from colleagues and students of the university. The memory of his wise and sympathetic mentor will be preserved by his many students and graduate students. He will be remembered by his friends and colleagues as a sincere and wonderful person. Everyone with whom his life, rich in labor achievements and events, brought him together, will bow their heads.

Rector of Baikal State University
A.P. Sukhodolov

  • 6900

Tarasevich, Leonid Stepanovich

Rector of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (formerly the Institute of Finance and Economics); born December 22, 1937; in 1959 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI) named after. N. A. Voznesensky, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; worked as an assistant, associate professor of the department of economic theory, from 1978 - professor, from February 1975 - vice-rector, then - first vice-rector of LFEI; Member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences; member of the International Institute of Public (Government) Finance; author and editor of a number of editions of textbooks "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "General Economic Theory", editor of the translation of the 15th edition of the textbook by P. A. Samuelson and V. D. Nordkaus "Economics", editor-in-chief of the journal "Izvestia of St. Petersburg" University of Economics and Finance"; awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples; married, has two sons.

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .


Afanasenko I. D.


Annotation. The article examines the contribution of Professor Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich to the development of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The emphasis is on the moral principles, rules and beliefs by which he lived. Historical memory allows the university to withstand the difficult conditions of university restructuring. The system, the strength of which has been tested by the experience of many generations, withstood this test. St. Petersburg State University of Economics has chosen a new motto: “Combining the best.” It fully corresponds to the new vector of development of the University.

Keywords. Professor Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich, historical memory, social assessment of personality, vector of university development.


Abstract. The article deals with the contribution of Professor Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich in development of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Emphasis is placed on moral foundations, rules and beliefs on which he lived. Historical memory allows the University to survive in difficult conditions of the restructuring of universities. System strength tested experience of many generations and has stood the test. SPbGEU elected a new motto: "Combining the Best". It fully corresponds to the new vector of development of the University.

Keywords. Professor Tarasevich Leonid Stepanovich, historical memory, social assessment of the person, vector of the university development.

Today, apparently, it is time to move on to a scientific generalization of the role and contribution of Professor Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich to the development of our University.

With the need for social assessment of the personality of L.S. I first came across Tarasevich while working on an article dedicated to him, “Man in Time,” in 2005, twelve years ago. The article was later included in the book The Facets of Personality.

I focused on the moral foundations, rules and beliefs by which he lived.

Man himself consists of two principles: “spiritual and carnal”; “The spiritual comes from the mental and moral.”

Life experience shows that what is inherent in a person from birth and develops will certainly manifest itself in the future. At the same time, each person creates his own mental world.

It is important to initially have a good beginning, to maintain the purity of your thoughts: “In whom the beginnings are distorted, he cannot be reborn.” A good beginning became the source, the root of L.S.’s entire life. Tarasevich.

From a young age, social life became for him a comprehensive environment in which he was immersed with all his participation in the common cause. This case was the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI).

Social life forms the social memory of a community. A person can enter social memory or it will be inaccessible to him. It depends on his social activity. But not only from her.

In social memory, only that which is significant beyond the current time is preserved. In order for a particular person to be preserved in social (historical) memory, there must be something in his life and his actions that goes beyond the boundaries of his time and, with its beneficial effect, covers the subsequent life of the community.

Now that he is no longer among us, it has become obvious that the work to which L. S. Tarasevich devoted his life has gone beyond the limits of his biological time. And merged with historical memory. We have to find out what was hidden under this “something” and how it turned from a historical fact into an idea, became a commandment, a covenant.

Years later, when I was working on an essay about the historical path of St. Petersburg State Economic University, it seemed to me that I could formulate the origins of the idea, which became a commandment for L.S. Tarasevich, and for his like-minded people.

Two fundamental points run through the entire history of our university:

first. Confidence that the need for professional economic education is objective, it is determined by the needs of economic activity and needs constant improvement. And this means: you can devote your life to such a cause;

second. Higher professional economic education in Russia was initially formed on the platform of university education.

This matter became the content of L.S.’s civil service. Tarasevich. He managed to bring these ideas to life. LFEI has indeed become not only the largest economic university, but also has become the methodological center of all economic universities in the country.

In an atmosphere of general creative inspiration, the idea of ​​transforming LFEI into a university was voiced for the first time at the official level. This initial idea at a new stage of development has already acquired concrete outlines: the institute has turned from a narrow-profile educational institution into a real educational and scientific complex. This process of comprehensive transformation of the university was led by the rector of the institute, Professor Yu.A. Lavrikov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Professor G.N. Cherkasov and Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Professor A.N. Molchanov.

Heads of departments and deans of faculties played an active role in the transformation process. L.S. Tarasevich was then the dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics. History decreed that it was he who was destined to become the head of this general movement. In 1975, he was appointed first vice-rector, and in 1991, LFEI was transformed into the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, the first in Russia. And this will happen under the new rector - Leonid Stepanovich Tarasevich.

A new era has begun - the era of the university.

The University staff as a society lives according to the laws of social systems. Such systems belong to systems with memory, where prehistory plays an important role. This means that their development is controlled not only by external influences, but also by an internal source - historical memory.

In the movement of a social system over time, there are moments when the fate of the team and the cause to which it is devoted depends entirely on the choice of the leader. Self-organization of the system is possible only on stable sections of the trajectory. At the forks of history, when the system chooses among equally probable continuations the only possible trajectory for its further evolution, randomness reigns.

This is where the leader is tested: he must, relying only on the historical memory stored by the system, choose the only correct one from the possible states.

The team realizes the multivariate development of the system it has created not at the initial stage of the path, but when the movement approaches branching points. This state is the right moment for opponents of the direction of development chosen by the leader. They try, using any plausible cover, to translate diversity of opinions into social conflict. The leader has only one support - to gain the support of the majority.

Any complex system is subject to such tests. The history of LFEI and the new history of St. Petersburg State Economic University have already experienced something similar.

The first crisis situation arose in the early 1980s, when LFEI was turning into a multidisciplinary university and was preparing to acquire a fundamentally different quality. Rector of the Institute Lavrikov Yu.A. were reproached for turning “a small and cozy specialized institute into

a huge and, as critics argued, poorly managed educational and scientific center, opened new departments and faculties.”

The second crisis arose in 2005, in the midst of higher education reform. St. Petersburg State University of Economics, which has become a leader among economic universities in the country, has received wide recognition abroad, and has firmly held the highest rating throughout these difficult years, could either remain state-owned or take the path of privatization into a free market float. The rector of the university, Professor L.S. Tarasevich, following the historical tradition of the university, sought to preserve the university as a state institution.

By the way, years will pass, and at the X Congress of Rectors of Russian Universities, the country's President V.V. Putin will say: “A university is not being created in order to earn money, but in order to train students... The main task of a higher educational institution is to train specialists.”

This now seems all clear, but then circumstances prompted leaders to raise the issue of trust. In both cases, the Academic Council of the university supported the rector’s course as the only correct one and confirmed its confidence in the leader.

In those days we thought that the university had finally found its true meaning and could calmly increase its capabilities. Reality was preparing new tests for the university: the process of thoughtlessly merging universities began. A very difficult decision had to be made: to unite yourself or wait to be united.

The new rector, Professor I.A. Maksimtsev, had to solve the new crisis situation. Once again, historical memory prevailed. The Academic Council supported the rector and spoke in favor of maintaining the initiative in the restructuring process.

The system, the strength of which has been tested by the experience of many generations, withstood this test. A new motto has been chosen for the united university: “Uniting the best.” It fully corresponds to the new vector of development of the University.


1. Afanasenko I.D. Man in Time // News of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. 2005. No. 3 (43). pp. 22-32.

2. Facets of personality / ed. I.A. Maksimtseva. St. Petersburg: Publishing house St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2008. 151 p.

3. Afanasenko I.D. Pages of the history of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics // News of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. 2016. No. 4 (100). pp. 7-29.

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