There are women in Russian villages... Nikolai Nekrasov - There are women in Russian villages: Poem The author will stop a galloping horse

A galloping horse... and into the hut...

He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut - a line from the poem by the Russian poet and journalist Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821-1877) “Frost, Red Nose” that characterizes a Russian woman on the positive side.

It has become a catchphrase because it is true.
“On weekdays he doesn’t like to be idle.
But you won't recognize her,
How the smile of joy will disappear

The stamp of labor is on the face.
Such heartfelt laughter
And such songs and dances
Money can't buy it. "Joy!" —

The men repeat among themselves.
In the game the horseman will not catch her,
In trouble he will not fail - he will save:
Stops a galloping horse

He’ll walk into a burning hut!”

    Nekrasov took two years to create the poem “Frost, Red Nose” and finished it in 1864. Its theme is a tragic, but seemingly private event - the death of a peasant, the breadwinner of a large family, and the behavior of his wife. However, while talking about the seemingly ordinary, Nekrasov managed to give his work a universal meaning, a national orientation, to describe peasant life, folk life, and the high moral strength of a woman. The central figure of the poem is the peasant woman Daria, the wife of the deceased Proclus, a widow, her thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, hopes. The main idea of ​​the poem is that death has no freedom over a person if he loves and is loved, if someone needs him, if he is not alone.

“...every day (a person) brings him closer to destruction - there is a lot of terrible and offensive things in this! This alone can drive you crazy. But then you notice that another (or others) need you - and life suddenly gains meaning, and the person no longer feels that lonely, offensive uselessness, and so mutual responsibility... A person was created to be a support for another, because he himself needs support. Consider yourself as a unit - and you will come to despair” (Nekrasov - L. Tolstoy, May 17, 1857, Paris)

N. A. Nekrasov dedicated the poem “Frost, Red Nose” to his sister Anna Alekseevna; the first part was published in the first issue of Dostoevsky’s magazine “Time” for 1863. The poem was published in full in No. 1 of the Sovremennik magazine for 1864.

  • Winged expressions belonging to Nekrasov
  • You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.
  • There have been worse times, but nothing meaner
  • Sow reasonable, good, eternal
  • One day, in the cold winter season, I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold
  • A woodcutter's ax was heard in the forest (1861)
  • Who lives happily and freely in Rus'?
  • There are women in Russian villages
  • You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Rus'!
  • Go out to the Volga, whose groan is heard over the great Russian river
  • The master will come, the master will judge us

    Nikolai Nekrasov - biography

    Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (December 10, 1821 - January 8, 1878 BC) was born in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province, into the family of an officer, and spent his childhood on the Volga, in the village of Greshnevo named after his father. I tried unsuccessfully to enter St. Petersburg University. He remained in the capital without the support of his father, who did not forgive his son for abandoning his military career. He began collaborating in magazines and newspapers. Nekrasov’s literary talent was first noticed by the publisher of the magazine “Repertoire and Pantheon” F. A. Koni. In 1847, Nekrasov became editor of the Sovremennik magazine, founded by Pushkin, but after his death eked out a miserable existence. Nekrasov made the magazine the owner of the thoughts of the Russian intelligentsia. Pomyalovsky, Grigorovich, Belinsky, Uspensky, Sleptsov were published in Sovremennik. It was the first to publish L. Tolstoy’s trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, “Notes of a Hunter” by Turgenev, “Ordinary History” by Goncharov, “The Thieving Magpie” by Herzen, “What to Do?” Chernyshevsky. Sovremennik existed in a turning point for Russia, the post-reform era, when the main stereotypes of the existence of society were being scrapped, when the reforms of Alexander the Second seemed excessive to some, and half-hearted to others. Sovremennik tried to be objective, Nekrasov made titanic efforts to stay above the fray and preserve the independence of the magazine. For a long time he succeeded in this, although the publication of the magazine was interrupted from June to December 1862, but in 1866 Sovremennik was closed. In 1869, Nekrasov headed another journal, Otechestvennye zapiski, and edited it until his death. And there he showed extraordinary qualities as an editor, he knew how to find new, talented authors Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Ostrovsky, A. Levitov, D. Pisarev.

  • There are women in Russian villages
    With calm importance of faces,
    With beautiful strength in movements,
    With the gait, with the look of queens, -

    Wouldn't a blind person notice them?
    And the sighted man says about them:
    “It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
    If he looks, he’ll give me a ruble!”

    They go the same way
    How all our people are coming,
    But the dirtiness of the situation is wretched
    It doesn't seem to stick to them. Blooms

    Beauty, the world is a wonder,
    Blush, slim, tall,
    She is beautiful in any clothes,
    Dexterous for any job.

    And endures hunger and cold,
    Always patient, even...
    I saw how she squints:
    With a wave, the mop is ready!

    The scarf fell over her ear,
    Just look, the scythes will fall.
    Some guy got it wrong
    And he threw them up, the fool!

    Heavy brown braids
    They fell on the dark chest,
    Bare feet covered her feet,
    They prevent the peasant woman from looking.

    She pulled them away with her hands,
    He looks at the guy angrily.
    The face is majestic, as if in a frame,
    Burning with embarrassment and anger...

    On weekdays he does not like idleness.
    “On weekdays he doesn’t like to be idle.
    But you won't recognize her,
    The stamp of labor is on the face.

    The stamp of labor is on the face.
    Such heartfelt laughter
    Money can't buy it. "Joy!"
    Money can't buy it. "Joy!" —

    The men repeat among themselves.
    In trouble, he will not fail, he will save;
    In trouble he will not fail - he will save:
    He will enter a burning hut!

    Beautiful, straight teeth,
    What big pearls she has,
    But strictly rosy lips
    They keep their beauty from people -

    She rarely smiles...
    She has no time to sharpen her lasses,
    Her neighbor won't dare
    Ask for a grip, a potty;

    She doesn't feel sorry for the poor beggar -
    Feel free to walk around without work!
    Lies on it with strict efficiency
    And the seal of inner strength.

    There is a clear and strong consciousness in her,
    That all their salvation is in work,
    And her work brings reward:
    The family does not struggle in need,

    They always have a warm house,
    The bread is baked, the kvass is delicious,
    Healthy and well-fed guys,
    There is an extra piece for the holiday.

    This woman is going to mass
    In front of the whole family in front:
    Sits like he's sitting on a chair, two year old
    The baby is on her chest

    Six year old son nearby
    The elegant uterus leads...
    And this picture is to my heart
    To everyone who loves the Russian people!

    Analysis of the poem “There are women in Russian villages” by Nekrasov

    In his works, N. A. Nekrasov more than once refers to the description of the image of a Russian woman, beautiful and strong. he also expresses his admiration, citing in the passage “There are women in Russian villages...” a vivid description of the simple peasant woman Daria.

    Like many of Nikolai Alekseevich’s poems, “There are women in Russian villages...” is imbued with deep sympathy for the difficult life and fate of a woman from the village. The author describes her numerous sufferings from difficult work and moral humiliation. Taking care of the family, raising children, taking care of the house and working in the field - after the death of her husband, only Daria does all this.

    According to Nekrasov, such a woman is able to endure “both hunger and cold.” The poet is amazed by how, despite such a difficult life, a Russian woman also has a rich soul. High moral qualities remain with her; she does not lose faith and does not break under the weight of life's trials. Hardworking and selfless, a good housewife, she was and remains the pillar on which the whole family rests. She manages to do everything, and at the same time, finds the strength to have fun and laugh, as if temporarily forgetting about all the hardships that have fallen on her shoulders.

    The poet calls compassionate love a feature of the Russian female character; even when in an extremely difficult situation, a person least of all thinks about himself, about his personal grief.

    Nekrasov simultaneously admires and is filled with empathy for their difficult destinies. Each quatrain is imbued with great tenderness and warmth. And he is indignant about their powerless existence, their bitter fate. According to the author, a Russian woman deserves a happy and carefree life.

    To create a more vivid portrait, Nekrasov uses in the poem:

    1. Comparisons - “as if the sun will illuminate”, “give a ruble”, “with the look of queens”.
    2. Epithets - “a wonder to the world”, “beautiful in all clothes”, “dexterous in any work”.
    3. Metaphors - “hearty laughter”, “rosy lips”, “a seal of inner strength”, “with a wave, a mop is ready.”

    And one cannot help but highlight the established typical image of a Russian peasant woman:

    “He will stop a galloping horse,
    He will enter a burning hut!”

    The poet described in every line the real, truthful fate of the Russian peasant woman. He deeply felt her pain and suffering, all the hardships that she had to endure. And he emphasized that despite all this, she remained beautiful externally and internally, and was able to combine courage with high moral qualities.

    He will stop at a gallop, and will enter a burning hut."

    Nekrasov -
    great Russian poet, always rooted for
    the fate of Russia. He highly valued Russian
    people for their free pursuit of happiness,
    freedom, "for which there is no death - do not crush
    push." ​​Therefore, the central character
    Nekrasov's works - the people. To
    the pictures of folk life were complete, the poet
    not limited to episodes only from
    peasant life, but also describes the hardships
    urban poor, shows and
    oppressors and people's defenders.

    occupies a place in Nekrasov's works
    image of a Russian woman. "Type of majestic
    Slavs" the poet always writes with great
    respect and love. People like this talk about it
    poems like Troika", "In full
    in full swing...", episodes from the poems "Frost,
    Red Nose", "Russian Women" and "To Whom
    Is it good to live in Rus'?"

    First two
    the poems resonate. In "Troika"
    the author only predicts the road, reminds
    to a girl about the difficult fate that awaits her: “You will bloom,
    Before you have time to bloom, you will fall into sleep
    unstoppable, you will babysit, work and
    there is." Approximately this is the path of life
    All peasant women in Russia are taking part.
    Poem "In full swing..."
    reveals to us a real episode from such
    peasant life: "A cry is heard
    next strip, the woman goes there -
    the kerchiefs are disheveled - we need a child
    download!" Nekrasov constantly emphasizes
    that a woman bears a double burden:
    landowner and family. In the poem "Troika"
    we read the bitter words: "He will beat you
    picky husband and mother-in-law in three deaths
    bend." "Share you! - Russian share
    women's! Hardly any more difficult to find." -
    the poet speaks about the fate of the Russian woman,

    In the poem "Frost"
    Red Nose" peasant Daria could not
    bear the brunt of men's work and not
    Finding no support, she died. Such
    frantic dedication to work
    very characteristic of a Russian woman. Job
    is both a heavy burden for her and
    peace of mind. Having no others
    sources of joy and ways of relaxation, she
    knows how to find them in work, knows how to find them
    a piece of happiness in your deprived fate.
    So Matryona Timofeevna from the poem "To whom on
    Is Rus' living well?” I’m already satisfied with the fact that
    her husband doesn't hit her. And she is a woman's destiny

    with three loops of silk white, red and
    black. And at the end of her sad story it sounds
    conclusion: “It’s not a business you started - among women
    look for a happy one!"

    Talking about
    female fate., the poet did not stop
    admire the spiritual qualities of everyone
    heroines., their enormous willpower, feeling
    self-esteem, pride, not
    oppressed by harsh living conditions. Also in
    one of his poems "Russian Women"
    Nekrasov spoke about his heroic deed
    wives of the Decembrists exiled to Siberia,
    who went after their husbands, not
    fearing Siberian frosts, hunger, deprivation
    and regardless of the loss of titles and fortunes.
    Here, too, golden features are revealed to us.
    character of a Russian woman.

    But the image
    peasant women enslaved and
    serfdom and despotism of the husband's family,
    Nekrasov worries more. Bitter share
    peasant woman, eternally humiliated
    poverty, working too hard and not seeing
    happiness, evokes deep sympathy in the soul
    poet, but, at the same time, he notices in her and
    human dignity, and pride, and
    unshakable moral purity. Nekrasov
    talks about this

    q -gorone
    character of peasant women that "dirt
    the wretched surroundings don’t seem to stick to them.”
    They are strong with their inner foundations, and
    any of them, if necessary, "horse on
    He will stop the gallop and enter the burning hut."
    What a Russian woman can do in difficult times is
    throwing off everyday worries, and
    relax, have fun, soulful song
    sing, but during work she is dexterous,
    strong and collected. Such a woman and hunger,
    and endures the cold." She is strict with lazy people,
    beggar, but that doesn't mean she doesn't
    characterized by love and compassion for people.
    It is enough to remember how with all our might
    Daria is trying to cure her sick husband, how
    Matryona Timofeevna forgives her
    his aching mother's heart Savely
    neglect of the baby. Resentment did not dry her up
    soul, Matryona loves and respects Savely -
    Russian hero. She appreciates his wisdom
    vital and calm disposition, talks about
    silently in an instructive intonation, calling him
    into examples for imitation.

    The main thing
    the dignity of a Russian woman Nekrasov
    considers her ability to be real,
    sensitive mother. Caring for children and deep
    a sense of responsibility for their lives
    makes Daria overcome her grief and somehow
    support a family. The heroine of the poem "In
    in full swing..." "exhausted,
    so that her baby is fed. Theme of motherhood
    touched upon by Nekrasov in the poem “Nightingales”.
    A mother touchingly teaches her children to appreciate
    beautiful, love and protect nature. To her,
    Of course, I want her children to be
    happy. Expressing the dream of all mothers that
    if there were lands for people where they lived
    freely, “without taxes and recruitment”,
    then "everything is in the hands of their children

    there would be
    carried by the peasant women." To their personal
    Marya raises children by example
    Timofeevna. Her son Fedotka is already living his
    inner life: he knows the feeling
    compassion and pity. His young
    the fragile soul is already ready to help
    to others: the boy regretted

    she-wolf And Marya

    understands his son with his sensitive heart, accepting
    shameful self-punishment.

    the characters of Nekrasov’s heroines speak of strength,
    purity and integrity of the common people. Those
    inhuman living conditions, against the backdrop
    of which these images emerge,
    blatantly indicate acute
    the need for changes in order, style and
    lifestyle in villages and cities
    old regime Russia.

    Dedicated to my sister Anna Alekseevna. You again reproached me, That I became friends with my muse, That I submitted to the worries of the current day And its amusements. For everyday calculations and enchantments I would not have parted with my muse, But God knows whether that gift that used to be friends with her has not gone out? But the poet is not yet a brother to people, And his path is thorny and fragile, I knew how not to be afraid of slander, I myself was not preoccupied with them; But I knew whose heart was torn with sadness in the darkness of the night, And on whose chest they fell like lead, And whose life they poisoned. And even though they passed by, Thunderstorms passed over me, I know whose prayers and tears averted the fatal arrow... Yes, and time passed, I was tired... Even though I was not a fighter without reproach, But I recognized the strength in myself, I deeply believed in many things, And now it’s time for me to die... Not then to set off on the road, To again awaken the fatal alarm in a loving heart... I myself reluctantly caress my subdued muse... I sing the last song For you - I dedicate it to you too. But it will not be more cheerful, It will be much sadder than before, Because it is darker in the heart And in the future it will be even more hopeless... The storm howls in the garden, the storm breaks into the house, I am afraid that it will break the old oak tree that my father planted, And that the willow that my mother planted, this willow that you strangely connected with our fate, on which the leaves faded in the night when the poor mother died... And the window trembles and is variegated... Chu! how large hailstones jump! Dear friend, you realized a long time ago - Here only stones do not cry... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You have known me since childhood. You are all fear embodied, You are all age-old languor! His feet are covered in snow up to his knees, In his hands is a spade and a crowbar, A large hat covered in frost, His mustache and beard in silver. The Old Man stands motionless, thinking, on a high hillock. Made up his mind. He marked with a cross where the grave would be dug. He made the sign of the cross and began to rake away the snow with a shovel. There were different techniques here, The cemetery is not like the fields: Crosses came out of the snow, Crosses lay on the ground. Bending his old back, He dug for a long time, diligently, And the yellow frozen clay was immediately covered with snow. A crow flew up to him, poked his nose, walked around: The earth rang like iron - The crow got away with nothing... The grave was perfectly ready, - “It’s not for me to dig this hole! (The old man burst out a word.) I wouldn’t curse you to rest in it, I wouldn’t curse you!..” The old man stumbled, the crowbar slipped out of his hands and rolled into a white hole, the old man pulled it out with difficulty. He went... walking along the road... There is no sun, the moon has not risen... It’s as if the whole world is dying: Calm, snow, half-darkness... VII In a ravine, near the river Zheltukha, the old man caught up with his woman And quietly asked the old woman : “Did the coffin go well?” Her lips barely whispered in response to the old man: “Nothing.” Then they were both silent, And the firewood ran so quietly, As if they were afraid of something... The village had not yet opened, But fire was flashing close by. The old woman made a sign of the cross, the horse darted to the side, without a hat, with bare feet, with a large pointed stake, suddenly the old acquaintance Pakhom appeared before them. Covered with a woman's shirt, the chains on him rang; The village fool tapped a stake on the frosty ground, then grunted compassionately, sighed and said: “It’s no problem! He worked for you quite a bit, And your turn has come! The mother bought a coffin for her son, the father dug a hole for him, the wife sewed a shroud for him - he gave you all a job at once!..” He mumbled again - and without purpose the fool ran into space. The chains rang sadly, And the bare calves glittered, And the staff scribbled across the snow. It’s not the wind that’s humming along the feather grass, It’s not the wedding train that’s thundering, - Prokle’s relatives howled, It’s Prokle’s family howling: “You’re our blue-winged darling! Where did you fly away from us? You had no equal in your beauty, height and strength in the village, You were an adviser to your parents, You were a worker in the field, You were hospitable and welcoming to guests, You loved your wife and children... Why didn’t you walk around the world a little? Why did you leave us, dear? You thought about this little idea, You thought it over with the damp earth, - You thought it over - and He ordered us to stay in the world; for orphans, not to wash with fresh water, but for us with burning tears! The old woman will die from the cliff, Your father will not live either, A birch tree in the forest without a top - A housewife without a husband in the house. You don’t feel sorry for her, poor thing, You don’t feel sorry for the children... Get up! You will reap a harvest from your protected strip in the summer! Splash, darling, with your hands, Look with your hawk's eye, Shake the silk O with your curls, Sakh A open your mouth! For joy, we would brew both honey and intoxicating mash, They would seat you at the table - Eat, dear, dear! And they themselves would stand opposite - Breadwinner, the family's hope! - They wouldn't take their eyes off you, They would catch your speech...” Others took over. But now the crowd had dispersed, the relatives sat down to dinner - cabbage and kvass with bread. The old man did not allow the useless ruin to take control of Him: Having moved closer to the splinter, He picked the thin bast shoe. Sighing long and loudly, the old woman lay down on the stove, and Daria, the young widow, went to visit the children. All night, standing by the candle, the sexton read over the deceased, and a cricket echoed him from behind the stove with a piercing whistle. But Daria, the owner of the patient, drove the adviser away; The woman decided to try other means: and at night she went to a distant monastery (ten versts from the village), where in a certain icon the healing power was revealed. She went and returned with the icon - The sick man was lying silent, dressed as if in a coffin, receiving communion. He saw his wife, groaned and died... XIII ...Savrasushka, touch, Pull the tug tighter! You served your master a lot, Serve for the last time! Chu! two death blows! The priests are waiting - go!.. Murdered, mournful couple, Mother and father walked ahead. The guys and the deceased both sat, not daring to sob, And, ruling Savraska, at the coffin With the reins of their poor mother Chagall... Her eyes were sunken, And the scarf she wore, made of white canvas, was not whiter than her cheeks. Behind Daria - neighbors, neighbors A thin crowd trailed, Interpreting that the fate of Proklov's children was now unenviable, That Daria would get work, That dark days awaited her. “There will be no one to feel sorry for her,” they decided in agreement... XIV As usual, they lowered him into the pit and covered Proclus with earth; They cried, howled loudly, took pity on the Family, and honored the Dead Man with generous praise. The headman himself, Sidor Ivanovich, howled in an undertone to the women and “Peace be with you, Prokl Sevastyanich!” He said, “You were complacent, Lived honestly, and most importantly: on time, How God helped you out, Paid dues to the master And presented taxes to the tsar!” Having spent his reserve of eloquence, the venerable man groaned: “Yes, this is human life!” He added and put on his hat. “He fell... otherwise he was in power!.. Let’s fall... not too long for us!..” They were also baptized at the grave And with God they went home. Tall, gray-haired, lean, Without a hat, motionless and mute, Like a monument, old grandfather stood at his dear grave! Then the bearded old man moved quietly along it, Leveling the earth with a shovel Under the cries of his old woman. When, having left his son, He and the woman entered the village: “He’s staggering like a drunken man! Look!..” - the people said. All around - there is no urine to look, The plain glitters in diamonds... Daria's eyes filled with tears - The sun must be blinding them... XVII It was quiet in the fields, but quieter in the forest and seemed brighter. The farther you go, the trees get higher and higher, and the shadows get longer and longer. Trees, and sun, and shadows, And dead, grave peace... But - chu! mournful pennies, a dull, crushing howl! Grief overpowered Daryushka, And the forest listened indifferently, As groans flowed in the open air, And the voice tore and trembled, And the sun, round and soulless, Like the yellow eye of an owl, Looked from heaven indifferently At the widow's grave torment. And how many strings broke in the poor peasant soul, remained hidden forever in the uninhabited wilderness of the forest. The great grief of the widow And the mothers of little orphans The free birds overheard, But they did not dare to give it to the people... XVIII It is not the huntsman who trumpets the oak tree, The daredevil cackles, - Having cried, the young widow chops and chops wood. Having cut it down, he throws it on the wood - I wish I could fill it as soon as possible, And she hardly notices that tears are still pouring from her eyes: Another will fall from an eyelash And fall into the snow with a flourish - It will reach the very ground, Burn a deep hole; He’ll throw another one onto a tree, onto a die, and look, it will solidify like a large pearl - White, and round, and dense. And she will shine on the eye, She will run like an arrow along her cheek, And the sun will play in her... Daria is in a hurry to cope, You know, she chops - she doesn’t feel the cold, She doesn’t hear that her legs are chilling, And, full of thoughts about her husband, Calls him, with says to him... XIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Darling! Our beauty In the spring, Masha’s girlfriends will again pick up Masha in a round dance And begin to swing her in her arms! XXI The little cattle began to go into the forest, Mother rye began to rush about in the ear, God sent us a harvest! Bless the newlyweds down the aisle!.. We were waiting for this day like a holiday, Do you remember how Grishukha began to walk, We spent the whole night talking about how we were going to marry him, We began to save up little by little for the wedding... Well, we have waited, thank God! A whatever O what a kid. Get up, stand up for your dear son! A You look at the sky - some coffins, Chains and weights coming out of the clouds... Didn’t I try to take care of him? O Did I regret anything? I was afraid to tell him how much I loved him! with a deep bow, she stood on her legs, and lo and behold, the Raven was sitting on a gilded cross, and her heart trembled again! Where the fast, noisy waters recently flowed freely - Today pedestrians passed, Carts with goods passed. I love to dress the dead in frost in deep graves, and freeze the blood in the veins, and freeze the brain in the head. To woe to the unkind thief, To the fear of rider and horse, I love to start a chatter in the forest in the evening. The little women, blaming the devils, quickly run away home. And it’s even more fun to fool drunk people, both on horseback and on foot. Without chalk, I’ll whiten my whole face, And my nose will burn with fire, And I’ll freeze my beard to the reins - even if I chop it with an axe! I am rich, I don’t count the treasury, And everything is not scarce; I am cleaning up my kingdom Into diamonds, pearls, silver. Enter my kingdom with me and be the queen in it! We will reign gloriously in winter, And in summer we will fall asleep deeply. Come in! I’ll take care of her, I’ll warm her up, I’ll take her to the blue palace...” And the governor began to wave his ice mace over her. The mother gave the young fellow a kindness, The boy's father pinched him; Meanwhile, the Savraska was not dozing either: He stretched and pulled his neck, He got there, baring his teeth, Chewing peas appetizingly, And taking Grishukhino’s ear into his soft, kind lips... XXXIV Mashutka shouted to her father: - Take me, daddy, with you! She jumped off the bag and fell. Her father picked her up. “Don't howl! I killed myself - it’s not an important matter! Look!..” The wife was ashamed: “That’s enough for you alone!” (And I knew that the Child was already beating under my heart...) “Well! Mashuk, nothing!” And Proklushka, standing on the cart, took Mashutka with him. Grishukha jumped up and ran, and the cart rolled off with a roar. A flock of sparrows flew from the sheaves and soared above the cart. And Daryushka watched for a long time, shielding herself from the sun with her hand, as the children and their father approached their smoking barn, And the rosy faces of the children smiled at her from the sheaves... What a song! familiar sounds! The singer has a good voice... The last signs of Daria's torment disappeared from her face, Her soul flew away after the song, She surrendered herself completely to it... There is no more charming song in the world, Which we hear in our dreams! What is she talking about - God knows! I couldn’t catch the words, But she satisfies my heart, There is a limit to lasting happiness in her. It contains a gentle caress of participation, Vows of love without end... The smile of contentment and happiness does not leave Daria's face.

    The night will have stars, Will it be brighter for us?.. The hare jumped out from under the night, Bunny, stop! Don't you dare cross my path!
    He drove off into the forest, thank God... By midnight it became worse, - I hear the evil spirit has stomped, howled, and howled in the forest.
    What do I care about evil spirits?
    Forget me! I bring an offering to the Most Pure Virgin!
    I hear horses neighing, I hear wolves howling, I hear them chasing me, - Don’t rush at me, the beast!
    Don't touch a dashing man, Our penny of labor is dear!

    _____ He ​​spent the summer working, did not see the children in the winter, spent the night thinking about him, I did not close my eyes. He rides, he's cold... and I, sad, made of fibrous flax, As if his road is alien, I'm pulling a long thread. My spindle jumps, spins, hits the floor. The proklushka walks on foot, crosses himself in a pothole, and harnesses himself to the cart on the hill.
    Summer after summer, winter after winter, That's how we got the treasury! Be merciful to the poor peasant, Lord! We give everything away, What we earned by hard work, a penny, a copper penny!.. XXVI All of you, forest path!
    The forest is over.
    By morning, a golden star suddenly fell from God's heavens and fell, God blew on it, my heart trembled: I thought, I remembered - Th
    was in your thoughts then, How did the star roll?
    I remembered! My little legs have become, I’m trying to walk, but I can’t!

    I thought that I would hardly find Proclus alive... No! The queen of heaven will not allow it! A wonderful icon will give healing!. Vadim Serov. 2003.

    See what “He will stop a galloping horse, / He will enter a burning hut” in other dictionaries:

      See: He will stop a galloping horse, / He will enter a burning hut. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

      Ivan Argunov, “Portrait of an unknown woman in Russian costume”, 1784 ... Wikipedia

      1) preposition with accusative and prepositional cases. Without stress, except in cases where it is transferred from a noun to a preposition, for example: on the feet, on the floor, on the night. I. With the accusative case. 1. Used to designate an object, on... ... Small academic dictionary

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