International exams in English. American English Language Proficiency and Comprehension Test American English Proficiency Test

Country studies test. USA.

Romanova Nelly Viktorovna,

English teacher,

Secondary school No. 82, Ulyanovsk

Description of work : This test will be useful for English teachers to conduct in grades 7-8 in order to monitor students’ knowledge on the topic “USA” in lessons and extracurricular activities. The test covers information about geographic location, symbolism, political system, famous people of the United States, cities and landmarks.

Goals and objectives :

Educational: generalization of the studied material on the topic “USA”; updating of regional studies material; improving reading and speaking skills; improving lexical skills.

Developmental : increasing the level of motivation to learn English; development of cognitive activity; development of attention, memory, imagination and logical thinking.

Educational: foster a sense of belonging to world culture.

Answer the questions .

    What is the capital of the USA?

    What is the population of the USA?

    How many states are there in the USA?

    What two oceans are the USA washed by?

    What color is the American flag?

    How do people call the American flag?

    What is the motto of the USA?

    What is the symbol of the USA?

    Why is America called a “melting pot”?

    Who is the heard of the USA?

Choose the correct variant .

    Christopher Columbus discovered America in …




    Who lived in America before Columbus came?




    When did Europeans first arrive in America?




    The first colonists started the tradition of …

    Thanksgiving Day


    Independence Day

    When did America become independent?




    When is Independence Day?

    The first president of the USA was…

    Abraham Lincoln

    Jeffrey Jefferson

    George Washington

    Which American state is located 50 miles from Russia?




    The largest state in the USA is…




    Which river did native Americans call “the father of waters”?

    the Mississippi

    the Colorado

    the Missouri

    Which state of the USA is located in the Pacific Ocean?




    The USA is a … republic.




    The US President's term is…

    4 years

    5 years

    6 years

    The US Government has…braches.




    Congress is made up of

    The House of Representatives and the House of Commons

    The House of Lords and the House of Commons

    The House of Representatives and the Senate

    What is the favorite sport in the USA?




    Match the sights (A-H) with their definitions (1-7). One sight is extra.

    The Capitol

    The White House

    The Empire State Building



    The Grand Canyon

    The Statue of Liberty


    It is the official home for the President of the USA.

    It is the symbol of freedom in America.

    It is one of the tallest buildings in the USA.

    It is the tallest building in Washington and the most famous building in the USA because it is the place where laws are made.

    It is the world famous center of films.

    It is a large amusement park for children in Southern California.

    It is the oldest national park in the world. It is famous for its geysers.

    Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with the endings (A-F). One variant is extra.

1)The Grand Canyon is one mile deep and

    The Bering Strait

    277 miles long

2) Yellowstone covers

c) parts of three states

3) Alaska is separated from Russia by

d) nine million square kilometers

4) The area of ​​the USA is over

e) Great Lakes

5) The longest river in the USA is

f) the Mississippi

    Match the cities (A-F) with their definitions (1-5). One city is extra .


    New York


    Washington, DC

    Los Angeles


    It is one of the main cities of the USA. It was the first capital of America from 1790 until 1800. The USA constitution the first written constitution in the world was adopted in this city in 1787.

    This city is located on the left bank of the Potomac River. It is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the USA. It has little industry. There are no skyscrapers. It was named after the first American President.

    It is the largest city in the United States. It is located at the mouth of the Hudson River. It is the world leader in finance, the arts and communications. There are many skyscrapers of fifty and more stores in it.

    It is one of the oldest cities. It was founded in 1630. There are three universities in this city. The oldest university in the USA, Harvard University, was founded in 1636.

    It is the second largest city in the USA after New York City. It is located in Southern California. This city is known as a center of the American entertainment industry.

    Match the names of the famous people (A-F) with the sentences (1-5). One name is extra.

    Walt Disney

    Neil Armstrong

    Martin Luther king

    Henry Ford

    Charlie Chaplin

    Mark Twain

    The American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon.

    His cartoon films are popular all over the world.

    He was the leader of the Black civil rights movement in the USA.

    He was a famous American actor called “The Little Tramp”.

    He was the first to use an assembly line in car making, which made cars affordable.

Keys: 1) Washington, DC; 2) 250 million people; 3) 50 states; 4) the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean; 5) red, white, blue; 6) Stars and stripes; 7) In God we trust.; 8) the bald eagle; 9) because people of many nationalities live there; 10) the President; 11) a; 12)c; 13) b; 14) a;15) a; 16) b; 17) c; 18) b; 19) a; 20) a; 21) b; 22) c; 23) a; 24) a; 25) c; 26) a; 27) 1b; 2g; 3c; 4a; 5d; 6e; 7h; 28) 1b; 2c; 3a; 4d; 5f; 29) 1a; 2d; 3b; 4f; 5e; 30) 1b; 2a; 3c; 4e; 5d.

C list of used literature:

    I. Yu. Bakanova “600 oral topics for schoolchildren and those entering universities” M., “Drofa” 2001;

    T.P. Vanina, M.S. Evdokimov “Test tasks in English” M., “List” 1999;

    V.V. Oshchepkova “USA: geography, history...” M., “List” 2000

Are you an expert on Great Britain?

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London

2. How many parts does Great Britain contain?

a) 4 b) 3 c) 5

3. What is the English flag called?

a) Union Patric b) Union Jack c) Lines and Crosses

4. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

a) John Bull b) John Bell c) St. Patrick

5. What is the London underground called?

a) the tube b) the metro c) the subway

6. Who is the Head of State in Britain?

a) the Mayor b) the Queen c) the Prime Minister

7. What is the river in London?

a) Thames b) London c) Avon

8. What is the most expensive part of London?

a) West End b) East End c) the City

9. What color are the taxis in London?

A) blue b) red c) black

10. The building in the picture is...

a) St. Paul's Cathedral

b) The British Museum

c) The National Gallery

11. If you go to London, you will see…..

a) the White House

b) St. Paul's Cathedral

c) Greenwich

12. English people say……

a) candies b) cookies c) sweets

13.What is the Home of the Queen?

a) Buckingham Palace b) the White House c) Westminster Abbey

14. What city did The Beatles from?

a) London b) Manchester c) Liverpool

15. They say the Loch Ness Monster lives in a lake in……….

a) Scotland b) Wales c) Ireland

Are you an expert on the USA?

1. What is the capital of the USA?

a) Ottawa b) Washington, D.C. c) New York

2. How many states are there in the USA?

a) 52 b) 50 c) 51

3. What is the American flag called?

a) Union John b) Union Jack c) Stars and Stripes

4. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

a) in 1492 b) in 1592 c) in 1392

5. How often do American people choose a new President?

a) every 5 years b) every 3 years c) every 4 years

6. What is the most expensive part of New York?

a) Long Island b) Manhattan c) Staten Island

7. What color are the taxis in New York?

a) black b) yellow c) green

8. The building on the picture is……..

a) The Capitol b) The Pentagon c) The White House

9. If you go to New York, you will see……….

a) Big Ben b) The Capitol c) The Empire State Building

10. The territory of the USA is washed by?

a) the Pacific ocean b) the Indian ocean c) Atlantic ocean d) Black Sea

e) Caribbean Sea f) the Gulf of Mexico

11. What is the home of the President?

a) The Capitol b) The White House c) the House of Representatives

  1. The first colonists started the tradition of

a) Halloween, b) Independence Day,

c) Thanksgiving Day, d) Memorial Day.

  1. Who was the 1st President:
  1. A.Lincoln b) Kennedy c) Johnson d) Washington.
  1. What states are not connected to the other states?
  1. Texas b) Kansas c) Alaska d) Oregon e) Hawaii
  1. The population of the USA is…
  1. 350 million people
  2. 250 million people
  3. 450 million people
  1. What river American called “the father of waters”?
  1. What river formed the Grand Canyon?
  1. Missouri b) Colorado c) Mississippi
  1. The Constitution was written in…
  1. Texas b) Philadelphia c) Alaska d) Oregon e) Hawaii
  1. The USA Government has ---- branches.
  1. Three b) four c) five
  1. All together there are ----amendments to the Constitution.
  1. Twenty-one b) twenty-six c) thirty-six
  1. What President made slaves free?
  1. G. Washington b) A. Lincoln c) G. Bush
  1. Comment on this:

“The USA: one nation, many different people.”


  1. Who can declare the war? ______________________
  1. What is the most popular food in America?_______________
  1. Who is Commander in Chief?______________________________

Reading test

(choose a suitable title for the texts,

Select one of the texts and translate it into Russian)

  1. The United States of America stretches from the Atlantic Ocean across North America and far into the Pacific.

Because of such a huge size of the country the climate differs from one part of the country to another. The coldest climate is in the northern part, where there is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40 degrees below zero. The south has a subtropical climate, with temperature as high as 49 degrees in summer.

  1. America was founded by Columbus in 1492.

Columbus was mistaken in thinking he had reached India. There is still a great deal of confusion about the East and the West. As Columbus discovered, if you go west long enough you find yourself in the east and vice versa. In the New World most of the eastern half of the country is called the Middle West it although is known as the East by those who live in the Far West.

  1. Americans eat a lot. They have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Most of Americans don’t eat at home but prefer to go to restaurants. They can choose from many kinds of restaurants. There is a great number of ethnic restaurants in the United States. Italian, Chinese and Mexican food is very popular. An American institution is the fast food restaurant, which is very convenient but not very healthy.

  1. The eagle became the national emblem of the country in 1782. It has an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows (a symbol of strength). You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.
  2. Washington is located in the District of Columbia. The district is named in honor of Columbus, the discoverer of America. Many people consider Washington to be one of the most beautiful cities - in the world. There are many parks, wide streets and impressive buildings in it. In the center of the city, there is Capitol Park, where visitors’ eyes focus on the Capitol, the home of American Congress.
  1. This monument is the symbol of American democracy. It stands on Liberty Island in New York. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York by sea. This National Monument was a present from France to the USA. France gave the statue to America in 1886 as a symbol of friendship. Liberty carries the torch of freedom - in her right hand. In her left hand she is holding a tablet with the inscription “July 4, 1776” - American Independence Day.
  1. Nature of the USA
  2. Climate
  3. Discovery of America
  4. Traditional food
  5. The statue of Liberty
  6. The capital of the States
  7. American Symbols
  8. Presidents of America

The old saying goes that the US and Britain are “two nations divided by a common language.”

There are several ways in which differences between American and British English are clear:

British vs American English: difference in spelling

We often see differences between British and American English in spelling. In British English, words, as a rule, retain the features of those languages ​​(French, Italian) from which they passed into English, while in American English the spelling of these words is adapted to their sound.

In written English it is important to adhere to one option writing throughout the document.

Main spelling differences:

‘- tre' ‘- ter' in American English.

AmE: theater, center

BRE: theater, center

Some words ending with ‘- our’ in the British version, end with ‘- or’ in American English.

AmE: color, labor

BRE: color, labor

Some words are shorter in American English than in British English due to Americans adapting loanwords.

AmE: catalog, program

BRE: catalogue, program

Verbs in British English can end in ‘- size' or ‘– ise' , while the American version is characterized only by the spelling ‘– size' .

AmE: apologize, organize, recognize

BRE: apologize or apologise, organize or organize, recognize or recognize

Words ending with ‘- yse' in British English, end with ‘- yze' in American English.

AmE: analyze, paralyze

BRE: analyze, paralyze

Verbs ending in vowel +l, in the British version they double the final consonant when adding the ending, but in the American version they do not double it.

AmE: travel – traveled – traveling – traveler; fuel – fueled – fueling

BRE: travel – travelled – travelling – traveler; fuel – fuelled – fueling

Some words that are spelled with ae' And oe', are written with e' in American English.

AmE: leukemia, maneuver, estrogen, pediatric

BRE: leukaemia, manoeuvre, oestrogen, paediatric

Let's summarize and consider table:

Differences between American and British English in grammar.

A comparison of British and American English would not be complete without paying attention to the grammatical differences.

The first of these concerns collective nouns, denoting a group of people (staff, band, team, etc.). In American English, collective nouns are always singular, but in British English they are either singular or plural, depending on their meaning.

AmE: My favorite band is playing tonight.

BRE: My favorite band is/are playing tonight.

You will also find some slight differences between British and American English in the formation of the II and III forms of some irregular verbs.

AmE: learned, dreamed, burned, leaned

BRE: learnt, dreamt, burnt, leant.

Americans often use the forms - get-got -gotten, the British are exclusively get-got -got

Differences in grammar between American and British English also exist in usage divisive issues. The difference here is not in the rules of use, but in the frequency. For the British, a dividing question is a fairly common occurrence in speech; for Americans it is rare.

Americans are much less likely to use PresentPerfect than the British. In the USA we can hear the phrases Didyoudoyourhomeworkyet? or Ialreadyate, whereas in Britain only the Present Perfect can be used in these sentences.

The British use the expression more often havegot meaning to have. Americans say have.

BRE: I've got a sister.

AmE: I have a sister.

Differences between British and American English: vocabulary.

The most obvious differences between British and American English lie in the vocabulary, that is, in the words.

British vs American English – table.

American English

British English




women's bars (in the anthem.)


baking tray

official holiday

underground economy

shadow economy

bath sponge

apartment building

apartment house

drawer in the chest of drawers with the bride's dowry


emergency department

French fries

movie theater; the movies

food film

consumer durables

consumer durables


romaine lettuce


sudden infant death syndrome

cotton swab

chips; potato chips

Heavy cream

checkers (game)

drawing pin

drunk driving

cocktail party

driver's license

driver license

dummy (for a baby)

pacifier (for baby)

dust cover

trash box

busy (about short beeps on the phone)

real estate agent, realtor

real estate agent

parochial school

parochial school

fiscal year

fire company/department

fire brigade/service

fire brigade

second floor

fish fingers

wall-to-wall carpeting

Wall to wall carpet


full stop (punctuation)

period (punctuation mark)

gardening art


bachelorette party




elementary school

Junior School






expressway; highway



thoughts and crosses



Children's swimming pool

pedestrian crossing




baby carriage; stroller

stroller (cradle)

Stroller (stroller)

racing car


royal tennis (played with a cloth ball on an indoor court)

shopping trolley

shopping cart

bachelor party

tempest in a teapot

storm in a teacup

storm in a teacup


cafe on the motorway

carriage (on a train)

coffee with cream

Coffee with cream

Please note that in American and British English they are called and counted differently. floors in the building.

There is a difference in the spelling and pronunciation of dates:

Differences between American and British English in pronunciation.

I offer you a table of words whose pronunciation differs in British English and American English.

American and British English are not so different!

British and American English have many more similarities than differences. The differences between American and British English are often exaggerated. If you understand one option, you will understand the other. Often the differences between regional dialects are much greater than the differences between two national varieties. The British and Americans understand each other without much difficulty. They watch the same TV shows, listen to the same songs, read the same books.

British and American English: tasks and exercises.

Let's do some exercises on the topic BritishvsAmericanEnglish.

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks in the table.

British English

American English

(1) ______________

(2) ______________

(3) ______________

(4) ______________

(5) ______________

(6) ______________

movie theater; the movies

(7) ______________

(8) ______________

(9) ______________

chips; potato chips

(10) ______________

(11) ______________

(12) ______________

(13) ______________

(14) ______________

(15) ______________

(16) ______________

(17) ______________

(18) ______________

(19) ______________

(20) ______________

(21) ______________

(22) ______________

(23) ______________

(24) ______________

(25) ______________

tempest in a teapot

(26) ______________

(27) ______________

(28) ______________

(29) ______________

(30) ______________

(31) ______________

(32) ______________

(33) ______________

Exercise 2. Give two variants: British and American of the words that correspond to the definitions.

  1. A line of people or vehicles that are waiting for something.
  2. A device that moves up and down inside a tall building and carries people from one floor to another.
  3. A major road that has been specially built for fast travel over long distances.
  4. An area of ​​building where people can leave their cars.
  5. A large vehicle that is used to transport goods by road.
  6. A vehicle without an engine that can be pulled by a car or a van. It contains beds and cooking equipment so that people can live and spend their holidays in it.
  7. A liquid which is used as a fuel for motor vehicles.

Answers to the exercises.

Exercise 1. 1 Eggplant, 2 biscuit, 3 car park, 4 drugstore, 5 French fries, 6 cinema, 7 crib, 8 cotton swab, 9 crisps, 10 checkers, 11 dressing gown, 12 pacifier, 13 ground floor, 14 flat, 15 soccer, 16 period, 17 vacation, 18 ladybird, 19 lift, 20 lorry, 21 corn, 22 diaper, 23 stag night, 24 appetizer, 25 storm in a teacup, 26 sneakers, 27 truck stop, 28 trolley, 29 subway, 30 undershirt, 31 wagon, 32 waistcoat, 33 zipper.

  1. queue/line (USA)
  2. lift/elevator (USA)
  3. motorway/ expressway; highway (USA)
  4. car park/parking lot (USA)
  5. lorry/truck (USA)
  6. caravan/trailer (USA)
  7. petrol/gas, gasoline (USA)

In Russian schools and other educational institutions such tests for English proficiency are rarely used. They are mainly distributed in the USA. Maybe the fact is that we are accustomed to only such tests where we need to decide on the correct use of time, or similar tasks. But what we offer you today is a very good test for understanding the language in general, and not just a specific rule. If you are a teacher, please note that in this English language proficiency test, students cannot be prompted or helped to translate tasks. The whole point lies precisely in this.
If you translate the task and understand it, then, in general, any student will be able to choose the correct answer. This test is needed so that you can actually adequately assess the knowledge of your students, but knowledge not from the point of view of what the student knows grammar, but from the extent to which he understands the language.

Today, more and more people are starting to study foreign languages, and this test will suit them too. But what if you learn English on your own? Our recommendation: pay attention to the new, but increasingly widespread all over the world, method of learning foreign languages ​​via Skype. Learning English via Skype is the same as having a personal tutor, only much more convenient. You don't have to waste time on the road, and the atmosphere is less formal. But the advantages are still the same: personal communication, speaking practice, and only you get all the attention.

The importance of the fact that a student has a good vocabulary and can understand unusual sentences and tests where there is not a word in Russian is difficult to overestimate. After all, very often, seemingly excellent students in languages ​​from regular schools, are lost when they see tests entirely in English. This English proficiency test consists of two parts. Both tasks that are done with a focus on vocabulary are important here. Answers are included with the test and are on the last page. For your convenience, all pages have a name and date column.


A pleasant bonus for you will be that there will also be a book in the archive Adventures of Tom Sawyer in English.


International exams for knowledge of the English language are conducted by specialized language centers in many countries, including Russia. The most popular exams in this category are described below.

Why is this necessary?

International English language tests are conducted for the following categories of persons:

  • applicants planning to study abroad;
  • labor migrants (for official employment);
  • employees of foreign companies whose branches operate in Russia;
  • immigrants traveling for permanent residence to English-speaking countries.

The need to introduce certain generally accepted testing systems for English proficiency was caused by the following reasons:

  1. In various organizations, companies, and educational institutions, when recruiting foreigners, they were forced to conduct their own internal language exams, which took a lot of time, effort and money.
  2. There were no uniform standards of language knowledge. This again led to problems when working with personnel, selecting applicants, when foreigners applied to government agencies, embassies, etc.

The first standards for the English language were developed back in the 1970s. They were constantly improved, and specialized assessment systems were created. In 1989, the European language organization ALTE was created, which began developing examination standards and determining levels of language skills. The University of Cambridge, national linguistic organizations, and the British Council joined the process. By 2001, the European Union had developed and began to use a unified system for assessing the level of language proficiency - CEFR.

By the end of the 2000s. A certain number of generally accepted international examination programs in English have been formed. It was necessary to create a fairly large number of them in connection with different target groups of foreigners. For students, businessmen, company employees, teachers, scientists, migrants, standards and language levels, types of assessment will be different. Although there are tests for the general level of language knowledge for all categories.

Today, a person can get an objective assessment of his level of knowledge of English. For example, an applicant knows the requirements imposed on applicants by one or another foreign university: say, TOEFL 120 points or CAE 180 points. And then, no matter where he is - from Russia, or, say, Indonesia - he can take the unified international exam in English in any country and receive the corresponding uniform certificate. He presents this document upon admission to the university, without undergoing any additional language testing.

What types of exams are there?

Today there are the following types of English language exams:

  1. Tests for general knowledge of English: IELTS, TOEFL, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE;
  2. English for specialists: BEC, ILEC, ICFE, GMAT, GRE, BULATS, LCCIEB;
  3. Tests for children and adolescents: YLE, KET, PET, FCE;
  4. English for teachers: TKT, CELTA, DELTA.

These types of tests have their own characteristics, requirements, certain types of tasks, different forms of testing, assessment levels, and costs.

The most relevant certificates for Russians are those required for admission to foreign universities or obtaining prestigious vacancies in international organizations and companies. These are IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE, CPE.

General English

The IELTS English language test is designed for those who want to study in the UK and Commonwealth countries (Academic module), and for those who plan to work in these countries (Main module). The test evaluates oral and written speech, language skills in listening and reading. Scores from 1 to 9 are used for assessment; The certificate is valid for 2 years. In Moscow, the exam can be taken at the International Examination Center IELTS Students International, which is located at: st. Shchipok, 20, office 203. This is the only organization in Russia that specializes only in IELTS and implements high-quality preparatory programs for this test. The cost of IELTS is 16,000 rubles.

TOEFL is an English language test recognized in North America. The TOEFL certificate is required for international students in the US and Canada. This exam does not measure proficiency in spoken English, but only measures the foreigner's understanding of the academic language of instruction used in North American educational institutions. When preparing, you need to take into account one nuance: TOEFL tests are based on the American dialect of English. Testing takes place on the official website and is checked automatically. Typos and other random errors still count as grammatical errors. Time to complete the test is 4 hours. For example, you can take the TOEFL in Moscow at the American Center for Education and Testing (Leninsky Prospekt, 2) - the company has been preparing applicants and conducting certification exams in Russia for many years. The official cost of taking the exam is $250.

ESOL is an exam in practical English. Its developer is the PITMAN Institute, which emphasized the ability to understand the essence of information, briefly convey what was heard (abstract), take notes, understand subtext, emphasis, hidden meaning. The organization where you can take this exam is the Moscow Educational Center Meganom (Naprudny Lane, 8, 1st entrance, 3rd floor).

Cambridge exams

The University of Cambridge has created and is now effectively implementing its system of English language exams for non-native speakers. Exams for a certificate in English of one type or another are taken only once, such a certificate is valid for life.

KET and PET tests to confirm the basic (KET) or intermediate (PET) level of oral communication or written language for everyday use. First of all, these tests are used as international English language exams for children and adolescents. In Moscow, there are test centers “BKC-International House”, which are official branches of the worldwide network of language centers IHWO, founded back in 1953. Moreover, they themselves prepare English texts for the exam. There are more than 30 BKC-IH schools in Moscow. The cost of passing the test is about 6,000 rubles.

FCE is the most popular of Cambridge's exam programs. The certificate holder is considered to speak the language at the Independent level according to the European Union classification. The FCE certificate is generally accepted in the business environment, industrial production, and educational institutions. The exam tests skills in the following areas: reading, composition, everyday conversation, auditory perception, conversation. The assessment is point-based, up to 40 points for each module. You can take the FCE at the Language Link Examination Center in Moscow (Novoslobodskaya str., building 3, 5th floor). The company has been an international linguistic center since 1998, and in 2011 received a Platinum Partner certificate from the University of Cambridge. The cost of FCE is about 9,500 rubles.

CAE is an exam that assesses the level of general English. The CAE certificate confirms that its owner fluently uses the language not only in everyday life, but also when receiving special, higher education and in work. The highest Cambridge level is CPE. The holder of this certificate is considered to have achieved the level of an educated native speaker of English. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow (Ladozhskaya St., 9/8) has been an examination center since 1997, where you can take tests for CAE and CPE certificates. By the way, in the English department of this institute, Cambridge exams are mandatory. Estimated cost of CAE and CPE: from 10,000 rubles. up to 12,000 rub.

There are also English proficiency tests developed by Cambridge linguists for specialists in certain industries.

The BEC certificate confirms the skills of using language in management activities and entrepreneurship. At the same time, such types of language activities as reading, writing, listening and speaking are tested. There are 3 levels of BEC: beginner, advanced and higher. A person with a BEC certificate can safely participate in business negotiations, correspondence, speak at seminars, conferences, understand special articles, reports, instructions, etc.

ILEC is an exam for specialists working in the field of legal relations. Also, law students can take the test. Knowledge of legal terminology and English-language legal practice is important here. Another test from Cambridge - for specialists working in the field of economics, accounting, finance - ICFE.

BEC, ILEC, ICFE can be taken at authorized Cambridge examination centers in Moscow: the already mentioned BKC-IH, Institute of Foreign Languages.

BULATS is a test developed by Cambridge linguists for testing company employees and applicants for available vacancies. The test is designed to obtain objective information about the level of the applicant’s English language in various fields of economics, entrepreneurship, and management. BULATS is used by large corporations when recruiting administrative management, marketing, economics, PR, finance specialists and so on. The test is suitable for anyone who wants to evaluate their business English skills and plans to use them in the future. Based on the test results, applicants are assigned a score that correlates with the international systematization of levels - from beginner to advanced. Testing is carried out on a computer at the request of organizations and firms. In Moscow, such an exam can be taken, for example, in the ALIBRA SCHOOL network of foreign language schools, which has 8 branches in the capital. This network is the official examination department of the University of Cambridge. The cost of the full exam package is up to 5,000 rubles.

Other Business English Certificates

The GMAT is a business school admissions test. It tests the level of oral and written speech, analytical ability, critical thinking, and includes general educational aspects. The GMAT inherently assumes a high degree of language proficiency. The applicant receives grades in areas and an overall score from 200 to 800 points. The test result is officially sent to business schools (no more than five) where the applicant plans to enroll. The already mentioned American Education and Testing Center operates in Moscow, where you can take the GMAT. In this case, you need to register on the official website The cost of taking the test is $250.

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry LCCIEB exams are several types of tests focused on various business areas: trade, business, industry, tourism business, PR. The exam is carried out only in Britain, directly in the presence of examiners. Cost - up to 80 euros (depending on the direction).

Oxford exams

The University of Oxford has also developed its own examination system, recognized throughout the world. Oxford English exams are exclusively written. They have three levels: 1) preliminary, 2) advanced and 3) diploma. At the first level, in addition to advanced knowledge of the language, knowledge of geographical terms and names and reading printed publications are required. A high level requires intensive English lessons for at least two years under the guidance of an experienced teacher. A diploma holder is, in fact, a native speaker. In Moscow, Oxford exams can be taken at the Examination and Methodological Council "RELOD" (Leninsky Ave., 4). Cost - up to 80 US dollars.

Thus, international English language tests are complex systems developed by different scientific centers for specific purposes. They are united by the fact that they are recognized all over the world and are necessary for migrant workers, students and applicants, entrepreneurs working in the field of international business, specialists of foreign companies, and so on.

It is important to emphasize that all the exams mentioned above assume a fairly high initial level of knowledge of the English language, far from the school curriculum. That’s why you don’t need to take seriously advertising of language courses that promise to prepare you, for example, for the TOEFL in six months “from scratch.”

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