A favorable environment for the development of various. Creating a favorable developmental environment when working with preschoolers

There are a number of factors that have a significant impact on the growth and development of all bacteria. Among the main reasons are:

  • temperature;
  • chemical composition of the environment;
  • acidity (level, pH);
  • humidity;
  • light.

Changing any one or a number of conditions can suppress or accelerate the development of a bacterium, force it to adapt to a new environment or lead to death.

For prokaryotes, the concepts of growth and development are almost identical. They mean that in the process of life, an individual microorganism or group of bacteria synthesizes cellular material (protein, DNA, RNA), due to which an increase in cytoplasmic mass occurs. Growth continues for some time until the cell becomes capable of reproduction, and then the development of bacteria stops.

Reproduction is characterized by the ability to reproduce itself. The result of this process is an increase in the number of microorganisms per unit volume, that is, population growth occurs.

All substances and structures of the cell can grow and develop proportionally. In this case, microbiologists talk about balanced growth. It is not such if the characteristics of the environment change. Then certain metabolic products begin to predominate, and the production of other substances stops. Knowing this pattern, scientists make the growth process deliberately unbalanced in order to synthesize useful compounds.

Life cycle of a bacterial cell

The division of a microorganism's cell, through which reproduction occurs, is characterized by a fairly short time cycle. The rate of formation of a microbial colony is influenced by all of the factors listed above. In a sufficiently nutritious environment with the desired pH level and at the optimal temperature, the generation time can range from 20 minutes to half an hour. In running water, the development cycle can be shortened to 15–18 minutes.

Ideal conditions that guarantee such rapid growth are quite rare: there is no nutrition in the required amount, and accumulating decay products interfere. If the scenario with the best conditions for the bacterial reproduction cycle were to come true, then within a day only one E. coli cell would form an extensive colony weighing several tens of thousands of tons!

The growth of microorganisms was studied in closed tanks, where, while in water, bacteria did not immediately begin to develop and multiply. Only once they got into the nutrient medium did they adapt to the new conditions for some time. Reproduction took place gradually until it began to subside and stopped altogether. These observations made it possible to identify certain developmental phases that form the overall life cycle of bacteria.

  1. The initial phase is characterized by the absence of cell growth and division. The adaptation process is underway (from 1 to 2 hours).
  2. The period of intensive growth is called the lag phase. Cell division begins, but so far very slowly. The duration of this stage of development is individual for different types of bacteria. In addition, the time of its occurrence is influenced by environmental conditions.
  3. The third phase is characterized by the beginning of intensive reproduction, the speed of which increases exponentially.
  4. The generation period begins to increase towards the beginning of the fourth phase. But the nutrient medium is depleted, and the concentration of metabolic products in it increases. The rate of reproduction decreases and some cells die.
  5. This phase of the cycle is characterized by the preservation of the equal sign between newly appearing cells and the number of dead microorganisms. The population continues to increase slightly.
  6. The sixth and seventh phases complete the development cycle. This is the time of cell death, the number of dying cells begins to dominate.
  7. At the final eighth stage, the life cycle of bacteria ends. The rate of death decreases, but under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, death continues.

The described stages correspond to a non-flowing culture of bacteria. To prevent growth from slowing down, new portions of nutrients can be constantly introduced into the environment, removing metabolic products from it. This makes it possible to ensure that the necessary microorganisms are constantly in the development period. This principle of flow-through cultivation of microorganisms is used, for example, in an aquarium.

Humidity as a necessary condition for the life of microorganisms

To grow and develop, bacteria need the humidity level in their environment to be maintained at a certain level. Water plays an important role in metabolism; it helps maintain normal osmotic pressure in the bacterial cell and makes it viable. Therefore, almost all prokaryotes are moisture-loving, and a drop in this indicator to a value below 20% is considered a growth-destructive factor.

The less water is contained in the environment, the more passive the reproduction process is. This statement is most easily verified on food products: they last much longer when dry. But this method of processing and storage is not universal. Drying retards the growth of some bacteria and microbes, but there are those that will retain their functionality.

The influence of medium acidity on the viability of bacteria

The acidity of the environment is one of the most important indicators for the growth and development of microorganisms. It is denoted by the symbol pH and is considered in the range from 0 to 14. Acidic environments correspond to values ​​from 0 to 6, for alkaline environments the indicator ranges from 8 to 14, and the neutral point is considered to be a pH level of 7.07. The optimum for the development of microorganisms are the numbers characterizing a neutral environment.

The pH range from 1 to 11 is the limit at which some bacteria managed to survive. But for the most part, their growth stops at an acidity level of 4. If the pH value is determined to be 9, then almost all known microorganisms stop reproducing. That is, for the development and growth of bacteria, it is important that the acidity is in the range from 4 to 9.

There is a type of prokaryotes for which it is vital that the pH be as acidic as possible. They are called acidophilic and belong to the type of lactic acid bacteria. When they find themselves in milk, they begin to convert the carbohydrates it contains into lactic acid. They are important participants in the process of obtaining probiotic products.

The beneficial properties of lactic acidophilic microorganisms are also used to create medicines. They have a beneficial effect not only on intestinal function, but also help cope with a number of other diseases. Lowering the pH level in order to preserve food for the winter is used by every housewife. Adding vinegar creates an acidic environment in which pathogenic microorganisms cannot survive.

Some lactic acid bacteria, during the process of growth and development, are characterized by the synthesis of acid in such large quantities that the pH drops to a critical level, and they stop developing or die. There are also real record holders for survival and successful functioning in acidic environments. Thus, at an optimal pH value of 2.5, the lactic acidophilic bacterium Thiobacillus thooxidans can develop at an acidity level of 0.9.

What happens to microorganisms during the bactericidal phase?

If bacteria under ideal conditions are capable of developing very quickly, then why, for example, in freshly received milk do they not grow for some time? The environment is quite favorable, and even aseptic milking conditions do not exclude the presence of a large number of microorganisms. But fresh milk contains lactenins - bactericidal substances that can inhibit the development of bacteria for a certain period of time.

The effect of lactenins is so strong that many microorganisms not only slow down their growth, but also die. The period of their action, called the bactericidal phase, gradually ends. This depends on the initial number of bacteria in the milk and the increase in temperature of the product. The effect of lactenins can last from 2 to 40 hours. They try to prolong the bactericidal phase and cool the milk. After its expiration, the growth of microbes and bacteria resumes.

Even if initially there was a small amount of lactic acid microorganisms in the milk, they gradually begin to predominate. And in order to prevent souring and get rid of harmful bacteria, thermal processing methods are used. Heating, boiling and other types of heat treatment are another way to eliminate unwanted microflora in products. And we can name another important component of the environment that influences the growth and development of bacteria - temperature.

What are mesophiles afraid of?

The structural features of bacteria exclude the presence of mechanisms that could regulate temperature. Therefore, they are very dependent on how much their environment cools or warms. According to temperature preferences, prokaryotes are usually divided into:

  • Psychrophiles – lovers of low temperatures (range from 0 to 35°C, optimum 5–15°C).
  • Thermophiles - they prefer high temperatures (40–80°C are acceptable conditions for existence, but the optimal value is from 55 to 75°C).
  • Mesophiles. These include most bacteria, including pathogenic ones. Their growth and development require temperatures of 30–45°C. The range for their survival is much wider (from 40 to 80°C), but only at optimum life activity is most active.

The direct effect of increasing or decreasing temperature on the development of microflora helps to combat its presence on products. This treatment measure is of particular importance in the context of preventing botulism.

Clostridium botulinum, or Another reason for careful heat treatment of products

In the process of growth and development, some microorganisms are capable of producing substances that are particularly dangerous to human health - toxins. The bacterium Clostridium botulinum causes botulism, which is most likely fatal. There are two types of bacteria:

  • vegetative;
  • spore

The vegetative variant of botulism is not so dangerous. A microorganism with this form of existence dies after the product has been boiled for 5 minutes. But botulism spores will die only after five hours of treatment, and the temperature must reach a certain point. Spores are a kind of protective shell that preserves the dormant bacterium for a long time. After a few months, they germinate and botulism “wakes up.”

Spores reliably store their valuable cargo both in cold conditions and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. A critical temperature will be 80°C for the vegetative form of botulism and a longer treatment at 120°C for the spore form. These conditions are not always observed by housewives when canning products, so you can also become infected from improperly prepared home-canned food.

The following first signs are characteristic of botulism:

  • pain in the central part of the abdomen;
  • attacks of diarrhea (from 3 to 10 times a day);
  • headache;
  • feeling of weakness, malaise and fatigue;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • high body temperature (up to 40°C).

The onset of botulism is somewhat less common, but can still be accompanied by visual disturbances, blurry vision of objects, the presence of fog or spots in front of the eyes, and previously not manifested farsightedness. Breathing problems and difficulty swallowing are other possible symptoms.

Complications of botulism manifest themselves in the form of secondary bacterial infections, for example, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, sepsis, purulent tracheobronchitis. Arrhythmia may develop, and myositis affects the calf and thigh muscles. The disease lasts for about three weeks, and as a result of competent and timely treatment of botulism, lost vision and breathing functions are restored and the ability to swallow returns.

How do bacteria grow in food?

Any food consumed by humans has its own microflora. It can be divided into two types:

  • specific - these are microorganisms that were added intentionally in order to impart certain taste or aromatic qualities;
  • non-specific - it consists of bacteria that got on the product by accident (the sanitary regime was not observed at the factory or in the store, the shelf life and processing rules were violated).

At the same time, different representatives of pathogenic prokaryotes prefer their own specific type of products. Salmonella, for example, are avid eaters of eggs, meat and milk. The danger of contamination lies in the fact that the purity of the product cannot be verified by its appearance. Salmonella in contaminated meat, offal or minced meat does not change their color, taste or smell in any way. If dishes prepared from such raw materials do not undergo proper heat treatment, then disease is inevitable.

Salmonella rods require a temperature of 37°C to develop; they do not form spores or capsules, but are very resistant to environmental conditions. Even in meat chilled to 0°C, they can survive up to 140 days. In this case, the ability to divide is not lost. In open reservoirs, salmonella will remain viable for about 4 months, and in bird eggs for about a year. Most strains are able to survive exposure to antibiotics and disinfectants.

Salmonella, which is the causative agent of infection, most often lives in the body of farm animals. The disease occurs without symptoms in cows, horses, sheep, pigs or birds. Pathogens are excreted in urine, saliva, feces and nasal mucus, but people most often become infected through milk, meat or eggs (food route). Salmonella can also be transmitted from an already sick person (contact and household transmission).

Salmonella bacteria

Poultry or animal meat may become contaminated during transportation or processing. To prevent salmonella from causing illness, at home you can only follow simple rules for the prevention of any intestinal infections.

  • high-quality processing of meat, fish, eggs and milk;
  • purchase of semi-finished meat products, unprocessed products from private farms only if there is a conclusion from the SES on safety;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • Separate equipment for cutting raw and cooked foods will help you avoid becoming carriers of salmonella.

Farms and the relevant supervisory authorities must constantly monitor the living conditions of animals, their health and the quality of products (especially meat) at the exit.

The disease proceeds as follows. Salmonella rods enter the digestive tract. In the upper intestines they destroy part of the beneficial microflora, then begin to multiply in the small intestine. In this case, the work of this section of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and peristalsis suffers. Then the disease becomes acute, with intoxication of the body, dehydration, convulsions and acute renal failure. So it is very reckless to underestimate salmonellosis.

How to maintain the population of microorganisms in an aquarium

As already mentioned, the number of bacteria in water can increase dramatically. And this is not always a beneficial microflora. So that the fish and plants in the aquarium do not get sick, and the water remains clean and unclouded, there are special preparations that help beneficial microorganisms function or contain the necessary bacteria.

Aquarists strive to ensure that the protozoa responsible for the nitrogen cycle are always present in the aquatic environment. Preparations aimed at maintaining such microflora are responsible for ensuring that natural enzymes and colloids are replenished in the aquarium water. Damaged or diseased microorganisms, with such support, return to normal and regain their lost abilities.

Preparations that improve the condition of water in an aquarium break down organic matter and stop the reproduction and growth of algae. There are also solutions that can restore acidity and maintain it at the required level. But they will be effective only if the aquarium is not in a state of disrepair and the filter materials are replaced with new ones.

Special preparations can also speed up the transition of nitrogen into simple form and reduce water hardness. The biological balance they create in the aquarium ensures that the rate of formation of waste products will be equal to the rate of their elimination. And in water uncontaminated by waste, beneficial bacteria readily develop and function.

The so-called starting microorganisms are contained in the preparations in a dormant state. As soon as they are in the aquarium, they are activated. They spread in water and transform the soil into a high-performance biofilter. Other types of aquarium bacteria begin to convert nitrites and ammonia into nitrates. This ensures high quality of the aquatic environment.

Concentrated suspensions work very effectively in an aquarium; the following brands are popular:

  • Tetra.
  • Dennerle.
  • Sera.
  • Aqua Med.

The development and growth of bacteria can be made a controlled process, which is why knowledge of the factors influencing these processes is so important. And you don’t need to be a highly specialized specialist to be interested in the life activity of microorganisms - their guaranteed presence everywhere allows you to competently apply the available information in everyday life.




The main condition for the dynamic development of entrepreneurship is the presence of an appropriate business environment. The article defines the essence of the concept of “favorable business environment”, highlights its structural elements, and also identifies conditions that objectively influence the process of forming a favorable business environment in the region.


The basic condition for dynamic development of the enterprise is the availability of appropriate business environment. In the article the essence of the notion “favorable business environment”, highlighted its structural elements, as well as the terms, objectively influencing the process of formation of favorable business environment in the region.

Key words: region, entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, business environment.

Keywords: region, entrepreneurship, small and medium business and the business environment.

In modern conditions, when the economy is oriented towards market relations, its stability and growth are noted, the development of entrepreneurship as a key factor and priority in the socio-economic development of the country, the North Caucasus Federal District and the Republic of Dagestan is of particular importance. At the same time, a special role is given to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which can and should play a decisive role in the establishment of a market economy, the development and modernization of all industries and spheres of life in the country and its regions.

However, entrepreneurship, especially small and medium-sized ones, can develop if there are certain external and internal factors (conditions) in the region, which together provide favorable opportunities for the development of civilized, successful entrepreneurship, i.e. if a certain business environment has been formed. Studying the environment makes it possible to obtain information about the conditions under which an enterprise operates.

entrepreneurial activity, which, in turn, serves as the basis for constructing various regional models of socio-economic development in order to identify trends and prospects. In this regard, we consider it necessary to clarify the essence of the concept of “regional business environment”, highlighting its main elements.

Despite the large number of scientific works devoted to the problems of entrepreneurship, there is still no single universal definition of the business environment. Moreover, this concerns both the very formulation of the concept and the definition of its essence. Moreover, in some publications (for example, A.A. Thompson, J. Strickland, S. Slavik, etc.) the term “entrepreneurial environment” is not used at all, but only a list of its elements is used.

In foreign scientific literature, the definition of “entrepreneurial environment” is found quite rarely; as a rule, the terms “environment of an entrepreneurial organization”, “business environment”, “organizational environment”, etc. are used. For a deeper understanding of the essence of the concept of “entrepreneurial environment”, it is necessary to study the main approaches to its use in research practice.

Kusakina O.N., Paltsev N.I. They believe that the business environment is a set of certain conditions in which businessmen operate. As the main components of the business environment, they identify: economic, socio-cultural, technological, institutional, territorial and geographical components.

V.V. Grebenik, S.V. Shkodinsky propose to understand the entrepreneurial environment as the favorable socio-economic, political, civil and legal situation that has developed in the country, ensuring economic freedom for capable citizens to engage in entrepreneurial activities aimed at meeting the needs of all subjects of a market economy.

However, the assertion that the business environment is already a favorable situation is debatable. Not all components of the business environment have a beneficial effect on its formation and development. This circumstance is the basis for the problem of studying the business environment and identifying the factors influencing its formation.

According to A.V. Busygin, the entrepreneurial environment is understood as “... a social economic situation, including the degree of economic freedom, the presence (or the possibility of emergence) of an entrepreneurial corps, the dominance of the market type of economic relations, the possibility of forming entrepreneurial capital and using the necessary resources ". At the same time, the main element of the business environment is entrepreneurs who have a high degree of independence and freedom, and the criterion for freedom of entrepreneurship is the number of business organizations newly emerging over a certain period of time. However, this definition represents

This is controversial, due to the fact that the very appearance of an entrepreneurial company does not guarantee its further free functioning and development, as evidenced by the real experience of the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. Thus, of all newly created firms, about half close within a year due to high administrative barriers, unfair competition and other reasons.

The most complete, in our opinion, is the definition given by M.G. Lapusta, who believes that the business environment should be understood as “... the favorable socio-economic, political, civil and legal situation that has developed in the country, ensuring economic freedom for capable citizens to engage in entrepreneurial activities aimed at meeting the needs of all subjects of the market economy.” Moreover, the situation in which entrepreneurs operate is an integrated set of various objective-subjective factors that contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and the achievement of material and moral benefits for the entrepreneurs themselves.

Secondly, here the entrepreneurial environment is understood as a situation favorable for the existence of entrepreneurial organizations. Thus, the need to create a special climate for the effective functioning and development of entrepreneurship is emphasized, which, together with the rest of this definition, involves taking measures to create appropriate conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity. As noted above, the conditions in which business entities operate do not always contribute to their development, but nevertheless also influence their activities. Consequently, negative factors counteracting the development of entrepreneurship cannot be excluded from the elements of the business environment.

The next feature of the presented definition is that the business environment is characterized by economic freedom with which capable citizens engage in entrepreneurial activities. This can be most fully realized only in a market economy and if the state has certain guarantees of freedom of enterprise and protection of the interests of business entities. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that in real life conditions, entrepreneurs need not only economic, but also a certain political freedom based on the developed institutions of a democratic state, since economic prerequisites alone do not predetermine the normal development of entrepreneurial activity in the country and in the regions .

And finally, great importance is given to meeting the needs of all subjects of a market economy in the process of doing business. This not only reflects the main goal of entrepreneurial activity - customer focus and profit maximization, but also highlights a very important factor - achieving satisfaction of the most

the recipient from the results of his labor, as well as the benefits of other entities, that is, the state and society as a whole. Consequently, the formation of conditions conducive to the development of entrepreneurship acquires not only a private, but also a socially significant character. And in creating a favorable business environment, the motivation of entrepreneurs plays an important role.

Professor A.P. Latkin also rightly notes that the conditions for the formation of an entrepreneurial environment can be both conducive and hampering the activities of the majority of participants. If the share of impeding conditions increases, this has a negative impact on business activity.

In our opinion, we should agree with researchers who recognize that the conditions and factors of the business environment can be both positive and negative; different combinations of these factors can promote or hinder the development of entrepreneurship. In this situation, it would be legitimate to say that only in a favorable business environment does entrepreneurship fully fulfill its mission. Based on this, many authors define a “favorable business environment”.

A favorable business environment presupposes such socio-economic conditions that ensure the independence of the entrepreneur’s activities, minimize the risk of his activities, provide legal guarantees of his responsibility, and provide motivation for his activities for commercial success and social responsibility.

Thus, based on the approaches and concepts of the essence of the business environment presented above, the following synthesized definition can be formulated: the business environment is a set of objective and subjective factors that influence the creation and functioning of business entities and determine the conditions for their existence and development on the basis of entrepreneurial initiative. Moreover, it can be both positive and negative and have a corresponding impact on entrepreneurial activity and the growth of entrepreneurial activity in the country and its regions. And various combinations of these factors form the operating conditions of business entities, which can promote or hinder their development.

Therefore, a favorable business environment means a special climate for the effective functioning and development of entrepreneurship, a set of measures to create appropriate conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly, the “favorable business environment of the region” is understood as a set of conditions and factors that influence the formation and effective functioning of business entities and determine the degree of favorableness of their existence and development in the region.

To create a favorable business environment in the region, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions that objectively influence the process of development of entrepreneurial activity and characterize the quality of the business environment. They can be divided into two groups:

1) conditions that directly determine the very possibility of the existence of the business sector;

2) conditions that create the prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship, the growth of entrepreneurial activity and the formation of a favorable business environment.

The first group of conditions consists of the following elements:

❖ socio-political situation in the region;

❖ regulatory and legal support for business activities;

❖ the presence of economic prerequisites for the existence of the business sector in the regions;

❖ general natural and climatic conditions for the functioning of business organizations;

❖ availability of social, industrial, transport and communication infrastructure.

An analysis of the current state and development of entrepreneurship in Dagestan allows us to say that this group of conditions in the region has practically been formed. The economic situation is characterized by positive dynamics, legislation is constantly being improved, targeted programs are being financed to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses, including at the municipal level, conditions for maximum economic favoring are created for entrepreneurs, a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship prevails in society, etc.

However, in the totality of these conditions, there are certain problematic issues, such as the instability of the socio-political situation in the region, disagreements in society that require corrective actions, a difficult crime situation, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the creation of production, transport and communication infrastructure.

The second group of conditions that create the prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship and the formation of an entrepreneurial environment is formed by such elements as:

1. Creation of conditions that stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the socio-political, legislative, economic, scientific and technical spheres.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to stimulating the development of entrepreneurial activity through legislative initiatives that can attract economically active subjects to engage in entrepreneurship. Legal and regulatory framework for business

activities must be predictable, comprehensive, consistent and transparent.

In addition, it is necessary to encourage entrepreneurship on the part of government agencies and to implement domestic and foreign policies that stimulate entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship needs public authorities that will inspire trust, promote the development of entrepreneurial activity, while bearing real responsibility for the actions they take. Only in this case is it possible to openly operate business structures, bring the mass of business entities out of the shadows, attract additional investments into the real sector of the economy, and develop the infrastructure to support entrepreneurship. Thus, the main task is to achieve political stability, balance of political forces, as well as the formation of a system of civilized relations between the state and entrepreneurs.

To create a favorable business environment, it is also necessary to achieve an optimal combination of administrative and economic levers of influence on business entities.

In the area of ​​improving relations between entrepreneurs and the state, attention should also be paid to improving the scope of state control of business activities. Control, in our opinion, includes not only control and inspection bodies, but also a mechanism for legal protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, as well as their liability for illegal acts.

The positive dynamics of macroeconomic indicators is of no small importance for the development of the business sector. The development of entrepreneurial activity as a form of economic activity largely depends on the existing general economic situation in the country and its regions, which is characterized by basic macroeconomic parameters. Moreover, the formation of a favorable business environment requires not just the presence of these elements, but their positive dynamics, since only under this condition new motives for the growth of entrepreneurial activity appear. An active, balanced economic policy of the state can ensure the creation of these conditions. Its main components are most often monetary and fiscal policies, as well as pricing policies in the field of natural monopolies.

It should be noted that the development of entrepreneurship is greatly facilitated by its rapid adaptation to the constantly changing individualized consumer demand. To do this, it is necessary to actively develop and implement innovations based on new knowledge, both in the field of production of products and services, and in the field of management technology. Consequently, the scientific and technical base is the main driving force for the development of entrepreneurship, and the improvement of the scientific, technical and technological business environment becomes

one of the most pressing issues in creating a favorable business environment in the region.

When forming the scientific and technical environment, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that scientific and technical achievements contribute not only to the development of the manufacturing sector itself, but also to the information support of all business activities as a whole, since new communication technologies make it possible to receive, process, analyze and transmit a huge amount of necessary market information. And information is one of the most important resources of modern business. Possession of up-to-date information resources increases the flexibility of business structures, helps to accelerate and simplify market processes, highly adapt business structures to changing conditions and increase the competitiveness of firms, and in general, the survival of a business organization and its development.

The next direction of creating a favorable business environment in the region is the creation of socio-cultural and demographic conditions that stimulate the development of entrepreneurial activity, which is to a certain extent dependent on the degree of development of political, regulatory and economic conditions. In modern conditions of the functioning and development of entrepreneurship, human capital is becoming increasingly important, which over time and the accumulation of knowledge and experience tends to increase and reach certain heights, since a person as a “resource” has a unique creative and innovative potential, as well as labor activity . Thus, taking into account the existing huge labor potential of the Republic of Dagestan, one of the most important prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship is the training of personnel with the appropriate knowledge and qualifications, possessing a certain professionalism in one or another area of ​​business activity. In general, we can say that the main objective of state policy in the field of the socio-cultural sector is to increase the social level of development of the population, including the formation of the middle class as the main subject of entrepreneurship and consumer of products produced in the process of entrepreneurial activity.

2. Level of development of state support for entrepreneurial activity.

In the modern economy of many developed countries, entrepreneurship, as the main driving force of development, enjoys government support, which occupies an important place in the economic policy of these states. The development and application of special support programs contributes to faster and more efficient growth of entrepreneurial activity. In particular, to create stimulating conditions for entrepreneurship, state support can be provided in three main areas:

❖ financial assistance (mainly at the initial stages of development of business organizations), provided in various forms, including in the form of subsidies, special lending schemes, tax benefits, etc.;

❖ property support, both in the sphere of material and intangible;

❖ consulting services and information support.

3. Availability and degree of development of the business infrastructure of entrepreneurship.

This subgroup of conditions is directly related to subgroups 1 and 2 and determines the possibility of developing the business sector depending on the satisfaction of the needs of business entities. Business infrastructure or a business support and support system consists of specialized organizations that provide various types of services to entrepreneurs and resolve issues in the area of ​​so-called business needs that arise in the process of entrepreneurial activity. Thus, when the general conditions for the functioning of business organizations are the same for all, the degree of development of this component of the business infrastructure is the determining factor in stimulating entrepreneurial activity in a particular region. Consequently, to create a favorable business environment, the formation of an effective business infrastructure is required, including institutions of the banking sector and other institutions for financing and lending to business entities; institutes for training and retraining of qualified personnel, etc. At this level, the state’s tasks in this area directly intersect with the ongoing social and economic policies. As for the Republic of Dagestan, today we can talk about the presence of a certain infrastructure and system for supporting small businesses (the Government Committee of the Republic of Dagestan for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Union of Entrepreneurs of Dagestan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Dagestan, the Association of Peasant Farmers and Agricultural Cooperatives of Dagestan - AFKOD , Interregional Marketing Center "Dagestan - Moscow", business incubators, Makhachkala Entrepreneur Support Agency, etc.).

Despite the presence of such infrastructure, insufficient attention paid by the republican and municipal authorities of Dagestan to the issues of support and development of small businesses does not allow for an increase in the economic efficiency of the functioning of small enterprises.

According to technical data of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Dagestan at the beginning of 2010. 4,022 small enterprises were registered in the republic; per 10,000 people in the Republic of Dagestan there were 15 small enterprises, while in Russia - 113, in the North Caucasus Federal District - 37, i.e. more by 7.5 and 2.5 times, respectively.

The table shows that the total number of small enterprises in the republic at different periods had a tendency to increase and decrease. In general, during the study period there was a decrease in the number of small enterprises. The share of manufacturing small businesses is low, while trade and the service sector predominate significantly. In 2009, the average number of employees in small enterprises in the Republic of Dagestan decreased by 22% compared to 2008.

Table 1

Key performance indicators of small enterprises _in the Republic of Dagestan_

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Number of small enterprises 4168 4897 4381 3680 3956 4022

Turnover of small enterprises by type of economic activity, million rubles. 10933.3 40493.4 39301.8 64280.7 72607.8 86702.7

Average number of employees, total, people. 39648 45335 53481 59856 56096 45880

Investments in fixed assets, million rubles. 306.7 687.0 1585.5 2369.4 3804.5

Number of small businesses per 10,000 population 15.9 18.5 16.5 13.8 14.6 15

The need to create a favorable living environment is largely determined by ways and methods of solving social and environmental problems, as well as housing, retail, consumer and public services, and the possibilities for rational organization of leisure. Economic reforms, on the one hand, had a positive impact on updating the appearance of a number of large cities (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara), but on the other hand, they sharply reduced the social opportunities of medium-sized and small cities - the miserable existence of the population became sad and had great social consequences fact.

The creation of a favorable living environment begins with the rational, thoughtful implementation of architectural and planning transformations, a comprehensive improvement in the housing, cultural and living conditions of people. Unfortunately, cities are increasingly faced with departmentalism and spontaneity in the construction of housing and cultural and community facilities. The city's architectural service approaches these issues to a certain extent mechanically: whether or not this or that object fits into the architectural ensemble. As a result, cities often suffer from the dispersion of industrial, cultural and social facilities, and the lives of tens of thousands of people are complicated.

The systematic development of the city, the consistent development of new areas and those cleared of dilapidated housing, the appearance of its neighborhoods, main streets, and improvement can only be carried out on the basis of the united efforts of city authorities, enterprises and organizations of the city.

Despite the importance of socio-spatial and architectural-planning problems of cities, the determining factors are social mood, well-being, people’s satisfaction with their place of residence, and the ability to realize material and spiritual needs. Overcrowding of the population, the facelessness of the urban environment, the lack of proper social control are interspersed with such urgent issues as the housing problem, the spread of mass culture, the growth of dysfunctional families, the involvement of young people in various forms of deviant behavior, and the increase in crime. The alienation of people, the growth of loneliness, the lack of mercy (caring for the elderly, those offended by fate, those who are uncompetitive, etc.) are becoming more and more noticeable. The central figure should be the person, and the main task should be the organization of his life.

The intellectual potential of the city and the spiritual atmosphere in it are created by people with general and special training. Caring about increasing their number and level of influence is the key to the development of culture in the city.

It is impossible to imagine a modern city without spiritual culture, the constant development of cultural and educational institutions, cinema services, libraries, theaters, museums, concert halls, and cultural parks. One of the main questions remains about organizing the effective use of free time, which is a person’s friend, but under certain circumstances becomes his enemy.

The social development of the city involves the implementation of measures to systematically influence negative processes: drug addiction, prostitution, organized crime, delinquency, child neglect, offenses against the rules and norms of behavior and community life, any manifestations of an antisocial nature.

The vulnerable side of city life is trade and consumer services, the creation of a modern base, the introduction of new methods of work, and the improvement of everyday life. Unfortunately, in most cities the “social rear” is hopelessly lagging behind and barely corresponds to generally accepted pestilence standards.

Designing conditions for human activity in the sphere of family and everyday life begins with taking care of housing. The severity of this social problem is not decreasing. There are still many complaints about the quality of housing, since it does not always and everywhere meet a high level of comfort.

Currently, the solution to the housing problem is associated with its privatization, with the reform of the public utility sector, when the state’s orientation has clearly become clear to shift these concerns onto the shoulders of the citizens themselves. There is no doubt that without solving larger problems of people's livelihoods, such an approach only exacerbates social contradictions in society, because it exacerbates the plight of a significant number of residents.

Report to the teachers' council

The relevance of creating a favorable development environment

preschool education.

Prepared by: Art. teacher Kriushenkova E.V.

One of the important conditions for effective educational work in a preschool educational institution is the correct organization of a developing subject-spatial environment. This question is especially relevant at the present time. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), which imposes certain requirements on the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education, including requirements for the organization and updating of the subject-development environment of a preschool institution.

According to the Standard, a developing subject-spatial environment must:

Ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of the preschool educational institution space, group and territory of the preschool educational institution, materials, equipment for the development of children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development;

Provide opportunities for communication and joint activities between children and adults, physical activity for children, as well as opportunities for privacy;

Ensure the implementation of various educational programs, taking into account national, cultural and climatic conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Be rich (a variety of materials, equipment and inventory in accordance with the specifics of the program), transformable (the ability to change the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation and the changing interests and capabilities of children), multifunctional (the ability to use various components of the subject environment in a variety of ways), variable ( availability of materials and equipment for children’s free choice, periodic change of material), safe.

The very concept of “developing subject-spatial environment” covers both its spatial organization and corresponding content. The spatial organization of the environment makes it possible to create comfortable, relatively stable conditions for the implementation of the educational process. And its content, focused on systematic addition, renewal, and variability, helps to activate various types of preschooler activities and stimulates their development. The spatial organization of the environment can be called form, and the content – ​​content.

The balance of form and content plays an important role: a reasonable spatial organization with unreasonable content, as well as competent content with an irrational environment, will not provide the proper developmental and educational effect. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure an increase in the professional competence of teachers in creating an appropriate developmental environment and to focus their attention on the main problems:

Diagnosis of the needs of children and teachers in the environment;

Creation of a developing space for socialization and individualization of pupils;

Selection of toys and materials based on the age-related psychological characteristics of children in accordance with educational areas;

Ensuring variability in the development environment;

Ensuring richness and psychological safety of the educational environment;

Organization of interaction between teachers and children in the created educational environment of preschool educational institutions.

At the stage of creating a space in a preschool educational institution that ensures the processes of socialization and individualization of the individual in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, it is important to ensure targeted diagnosis of the play and environmental needs of both children and the teacher. The information received will contribute to the formation of a favorable person-oriented environment, as comfortable as possible for the life of both parties. Playing needs are the desired and preferred toys and games necessary for the implementation of play plans. Environmental needs are the desired environment, a set of conditions that create maximum comfort for the individual. It is important to remember that this diagnosis must be targeted, systematic and comprehensive. The results obtained will make it possible, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, to regularly update and change the educational environment, ensuring its variability and dynamism based not only on knowledge of the provisions of developmental psychology, the development of play activities in preschool age, but also taking into account the personal needs of children, their interests and aspirations. Purposeful identification of the environmental needs of the teacher will help create favorable conditions for the implementation of professional activities and optimization of the process of professional self-development of the teacher, which is also one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The preschool period of development is an age sensitive to the assimilation of social and moral norms, the age of active socialization and the readiness of the psyche to internalize the norms, rules and values ​​of social interaction. As a result of socialization, a child develops a basic picture of the world, and an individualized one, therefore, when modeling the educational environment, it is important to understand with which picture of the world it will be associated with a particular child. The developmental environment is designed to help the child determine his unique trajectory in the society in which he grows up. It should ensure the inclusion of the pupil in the group and mutual acceptance of the child and the group. Modeling the educational environment allows you to include a preschooler in the following groups: peers, gender and ethnocultural inclusion, interest groups, etc.

Socialization in preschool education involves creating situations for the child to test appropriate models, gain experience, and make social decisions. Not only specific sociocultural skills or the content of socialization are important, but also the active experience of the child’s actions and the degree of his independence, which involves providing the child with the opportunity to choose the means and forms of active activity. In turn, socialization is ensured by introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, country, society, and creating an ethnocultural environment. The embodiment of these provisions in practice can be a variety of options for creating ethnocultural corners in groups or corresponding objects on the territory of preschool educational institutions, holding holidays and exhibitions of the relevant focus, participating in district and regional events, visiting cultural institutions. The principle of constructing the ethnocultural component of the educational environment is an orientation towards patriotism, civic identity, on the one hand, and tolerance, on the other.

Social relations as a systemic component of the educational environment should be aimed at developing the following characteristics in the child:

Respect for yourself and others;

Self-confidence, lack of fear of making mistakes;

Natural behavior and sincerity;

Willingness to take responsibility for one's actions;

Independence of intentions and decisions;

Empathic position;

Focus on individual and social interests.

The socialization of a preschooler is carried out primarily through play. In the play space, children master social skills and learn cooperation. The contacts that arise between them regarding toys or other objects become the first form of social communication with a peer. In the game, the preschooler’s actions are directed not so much at an external object, but at depicting the action as such. The gaming environment is a necessary condition for the development of children’s social intelligence, and group role-playing games in preschool educational institutions have great potential for developing interpersonal communication and uniting the children’s team. Cognizing social reality, the child appropriates it in play, includes it in his own picture of the world, modeling relationships and exploring the content and forms of communication between people. Thus, in play, the child learns to separate himself from others, to realize individuality and relate himself to others through identification, identification, and empathy. While playing, he not only models social relationships, but also assimilates them.

Currently, the self-worth of the individual in the educational environment changes the goals of the educational process: from the assimilation of “knowledge - abilities - skills” to the formation of the child’s personality and the creation of conditions for the realization of its potential. The environment does not play the passive role of “conditions” for the realization of children’s abilities, but as an effective mechanism for the development of these abilities. In these conditions, it becomes important to take into account individual children's abilities. The effectiveness of the educational process increases if the environment creates conditions for the child to gain experience and is focused on his personal interests. The gaming environment and gaming interaction create conditions for testing in social relations what the personality of a particular child represents from the point of view of society, and at the same time studying society itself from a personal position. As an example, we can consider gender differences between boys and girls, which imply differentiation of the components of the educational environment being formed. Thus, the educational environment of a preschool educational institution can be built taking into account the specifics of gender: provide opportunities for the development of the strong qualities of boys and girls and help them overcome gender-related specific development. Girls acquire complex verbal skills a year earlier than boys and master reading and writing skills faster. Therefore, the environment for girls should be focused on auditory and tactile stimuli, verbal information, and for boys it should be presented with visual stimuli and visual information. Boys have higher research activity, which must be oriented in the environment. If girls are strong in the emotional sphere, sensory perception and various types of memory, then boys quickly form spatial concepts and abstract thinking, and from the point of view of memory, boys are strong in long-term storage of details and trifles. When organizing an educational environment, it should be taken into account that boys should be seated at the first tables, as they better perceive the loud voice of the teacher. Then, girls perceive “quiet information” well. With regard to vision, the same pattern applies - boys are recommended to take places closer to the source of visual information. In addition, boys are more vulnerable to emotional stress because they are not competent in recognizing and analyzing emotional information and cannot cope with it effectively. Boys need more space and are more comfortable in an open space; girls feel more comfortable in a protected, secluded space. Boys' games are about action, while girls' games are about relationships. In general, girls have better developed fine motor skills. Through ball games and outdoor games with rules, it is necessary to stimulate the development of lagging gross motor skills. Thus, the developmental opportunities of the educational environment of preschool educational institutions should create conditions for the individualization of education and gender socialization.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the content of the educational program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities to coverfive directions of development(educational areas) and children's education:




Artistic and aesthetic;


The types of activities of preschool children within each educational area can be implemented based on the potential of the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution with appropriate content. This environment is a collection of objects and toys that are understandable and interesting to children, without which it is impossible to carry out specific types of children's activities. The lack of pedagogically appropriate subject content impoverishes the content of the educational process and narrows the options for developing the game. The content of the developmental environment is selected in such a way as to ensure the possibility of solving pedagogical problems within a particular educational field, including on an integrative basis.
Groups should create a rich, multifunctional environment that makes it possible to organize various types of games with children and to model the gaming environment in accordance with the gaming situation. When organizing a space, it is important not to oversaturate it with pieces of furniture. Boxes with attributes for various role-playing games can be placed on open shelves. Thus, the space becomes dynamic, transformable, and not overloaded. When filling the developmental environment, it is necessary to use both traditional and modern toys. This allows you to create a variable, multifunctional environment. All games and toys should be placed so that students can take what they need and just as easily put everything back in place after the game is over. It is also important to determine the pedagogical value of toys and play materials.

Variability of the development environmentThe preschool educational institution is determined by the specifics of its activities in general and the preschool level, in particular, the characteristics of the contingent of children (dictated by their age, gender, preferences, capabilities, etc.), the content of the educational program, and priority tasks in a given period of time. The implementation of the principle of variability can be expressed through continuity, the establishment of such a connection between spaces when the new, replacing the old, retains some of its elements. In the conditions of preschool education, this is manifested in the fact that the environment in different groups should, on the one hand, have its own content and spatial organization due to the specifics of each stage of preschool childhood, and on the other, gradually be supplemented with new elements, providing a zone of proximal development and the sequence of education and training. In line with the ideas of continuity of education, the development environment should be consistent in organization and content from group to group. When organizing a variable developmental environment that ensures continuity from group to group, the following factors should be taken into account:

Age stages of each stage of preschool childhood;

Features of the development of children's play activity;

Spasmodic and uneven development of the child;

Features of the contingent of children in the group;

The specificity of pedagogical tasks in a given period;

Features of the individual style of activity of group teachers.

Saturation of the educational environment- the characteristic is dual. On the one hand, it can have a beneficial effect, stimulating the child’s activity, self-changes and the creative nature of his activities, and on the other hand, it can cause tension, anxiety, destabilize the child’s emotional state and hinder the realization of his intellectual and personal potential. Accordingly, the saturation of the educational environment can play both a stimulating and limiting and even inhibiting role. The objective saturation of the educational environment depends on the intensity, complexity and specifics of the educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution. The standard provides for the possibility of implementing various educational and partial programs aimed at developing children in all types of activities. Thus, educational and partial programs allow you to vary the content of the educational process, which affects the saturation of the educational environment.

One of the requirements regarding the educational environment ispsychological safety. Psychological safety of the environment is ensured by creating a positive, friendly environment in which the child feels confident and does not experience hostile influence. Social relations, as a component of the educational environment, are built on the following methods of interaction: cooperation, recognition of the child’s rights and freedoms, discussion, empathy, support, stimulating system of requirements. In the conditions of such a system of social relations, the child experiences feelings of psychological security and acceptance of his individuality. In interaction with adults, psychological comfort and emotional well-being are achieved in an educational environment characterized by the following parameters:

Absence of unreasonable prohibitions;

Consistent system of rules and interactions;

Lack of psychological manipulation by adults;

Subjective personal communication with the child;

Providing the child with opportunities for independent activity and choice of activities and a head start on activity;

Opportunities to complete what has been started, to realize a plan, a goal.

Open, positive information to the child about different aspects of life in accordance with the age level of understanding;

Encouraging the child’s own activity and independence;

Satisfaction of all subjects of educational relations with the level of interaction in the environment.

An important component of the modern educational environment for a preschooler is the nature of his interaction with adults and other children, during which the development of personality and the transmission of moral norms and values ​​are ensured. Optimizeinteraction between the teacher and students in the created subject-developmental environmentpossible if its participants have appropriate knowledge and ideas, perform actions and show emotions. The teacher must know the features and elements of the environment, ways of changing it in joint activities with children. In turn, preschoolers should have an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of transforming the subject-play environment together with the teacher. Preschool educational institutions should be characterized by cooperation and co-creation of teachers and children, their active, proactive position aimed at achieving a common result using the resources of the educational environment, permanent partnerships between participants in educational relations; showing interest and mutual respect in the process and results of joint activities; emotionally positive background of interaction.

Thus, a properly organized subject-development environment in a preschool institution provides each child with equal opportunities to acquire certain personality traits and opportunities for his comprehensive development. But not every environment can be developmental. The space organized for children in an educational institution can be both a powerful stimulus for their development and an obstacle that prevents the manifestation of individual creative abilities.


  1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 17.10. 2013 No. 1155.
  2. Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva O.V. Childhood: Sample educational program for preschool education. – JV: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2014.
  3. Miklyaeva N.V. Subject-developmental environment of kindergarten. M.: Sphere shopping center. 2013
  4. G. Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. No. 8, 2014.

The problem of creating a favorable environment for human life is one of the most pressing in the modern theory of urban planning and architecture. It concerns issues of economic feasibility of projects, expressiveness and modernity of architectural solutions, the possibility of surrounding people with the natural environment, and extracting material benefits from the territory.

The search for a solution to this problem leads to a clash of interests of the two sides. The first is represented by state and local government bodies that regulate the types and forms of use of territories through legislation and other regulations. Together with them, the existing urban environment acts, dictating the style and boundaries of possible solutions. The second side is represented by consumers who perceive the environment as an object of use, and customers who place their own requirements on the quality indicators of the environment. The architect, taking into account the current situation, the needs of the customer and regulatory data, changes the existing urban environment with his design activities.

The problems of the modern urban environment appear in the form of a number of conflicts:

    Conflict between the nature of the use of the territory and its natural potential. Urban development always leads to the suppression of the natural environment.

    Conflict between technology (machines) and man. On the one hand there is pollution, on the other there is physical contact.

    Conflict between architectural forms and time. It finds expression in the fact that in numerous spaces of urban areas there is a moral obsolescence of its aesthetic parameters.

    Conflict between old and new. Refers to cities with a historical layer.

    A conflict between the individual and the public, reflecting the contradictory structure of the urban environment.

    A conflict between an architectural object and its environment, reflecting a broad-scale model of design, construction and reconstruction.

Speaking about the possibility of changing the modern urban environment, several approaches can be distinguished.

First. Optimization of legislative and regulatory acts, including local regulations.

Second. Participation of the population in the development of such documents. Public hearings and reviews of projects.

Third. Coordinated activities of architects-planners who shape the environment within the framework of these standards and the range of needs of the population.

The modern attitude of the urban planning code to the issue of shaping the environment is as follows: when developing urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories and settlements and their development, zoning schemes for territories are developed that determine the type of use of the territory and establish restrictions on their use for urban planning activities (Article 37, paragraph 2 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

Zoning of territories is aimed at ensuring a favorable living environment, protecting territories from the impact of natural and man-made emergencies; preventing excessive concentration of population and production, pollution of the environment; protection and use of specially protected natural areas, including natural landscapes, territories of historical and cultural sites, as well as agricultural lands and forest lands (Article 37, paragraph 2).

The preparation of urban planning documentation for the development of settlements should be carried out on the basis of comprehensive development programs for municipalities (strategic plans). The following types of territorial zones may be established in the territories of urban and rural settlements:

Public and business zones;

Production areas;

Engineering and transport infrastructure zones;

Recreational areas;

Agricultural use zones;

Special purpose zones;

Zones of military facilities, other zones of restricted areas.

In addition, the code prescribes the area and functional content of each zone. Other regulatory documents supplement it with information about the number and nature of public facilities. When receiving an urban planning plan for a site (formerly APL), the architect is prescribed all the main indicators of the formation of the environment, while he is left with design boundaries within the limits of architectural forms and landscape design. The zoning of the city's territory is clearly defined. The main directions for the development of main streets of citywide significance, the area of ​​residential blocks and the number of floors of residential groups are set; provision of schools, kindergartens and other public facilities, down to their location. Thus, when designing, relying only on regulatory data, there will be no qualitative changes in the urban environment, but an averaging of its parameters in accordance with human needs will be observed.

The Town Planning Code prescribes zoning aimed at creating a favorable environment for human life, but the consumer cannot call the modern environment favorable, although the architect complied with the norms and rules of design. The difference is that, from the designer’s point of view, the environment is harmonious, but for the average person with average needs. But for a specific person with individual needs – no. In addition, each territory has its own potential and limited development opportunities that can be used or ignored. This issue should be called an echo of the socialist period, but the modern regulatory framework largely relies on outdated design principles that require averaging of indicators and contribute to the formation of a uniform urban environment. World experience demonstrates the possibility of creating schools for both one hundred and two thousand people; comfort and beneficial effects of green areas on humans; the possibility of creating a diverse structure for the location of public facilities - from completely removing them from the residential area and combining them in one building to providing each residential building with public facilities.

Master planning is a method that forms the basis for the development of modern small towns. It is a formal model of the state that the city must achieve by a certain date. This method of creating the environment does not allow responding to the needs that arise in the process of city development and changes in its architectural and planning structure.

Currently, one of the possibilities for creating a favorable environment is the use of strategic planning techniques, which determine the goals, objectives and methods of creating an environment for human life. This methodology allows us to identify not only achievable environmental parameters, but also the real capabilities of the city, on the basis of which programs and projects of the strategic plan will be based.

The model of modern zoning of the urban environment is determined primarily by the need to regulate urban planning activities carried out in the city. Each territory needs to be provided with engineering and transport communications, regulate population density, and establish connections with other types of territories. From a regulatory point of view, it is most convenient to work with a uniform environment that meets standard, average indicators. It is more difficult to work with a “live” environment that meets the diverse possibilities of use. It is the response to human needs that allows the environment to come alive. By reacting in each specific case to the required type of use, the urban environment becomes diverse and acquires qualitatively new characteristics.

From the point of view of use, man divides the environment into three main types of territories:

First. Natural natural areas. This group includes lands that are undeveloped and not urbanized by humans. Lands with the status of reserves and natural parks. The immediate surroundings of the city are forests, ponds, and open spaces.

Second type. Residential areas. This includes areas developed for various types of housing. Individual residential buildings as a natural type of territory development. Residential buildings for temporary stay - hotels, motels, sanatoriums. Multi-apartment residential buildings.

Third type of territory These are public areas. This includes all public facilities and areas associated with these facilities. Social, business, industrial, recreational, trade and other types.

From the point of view of regulation, the town planning code divides the urban environment into seven zones; from the point of view of human use, it divides it into three main types of territories. This gap in attitudes towards the urban environment, from the point of view of regulation and use, manifests itself in its disharmony.

Today, the main problem of creating an environment in small and medium-sized cities of the Sverdlovsk region is the lack of opportunities, that is, weak economic potential, a decline in production capacity, and small financial flows. Therefore, identifying the main development priorities is a basic task when developing a strategic plan. The main indicators that determine the development of a small city are its location relative to the center of the agglomeration, the type of city and its mission. Based on location, relative to the center of the agglomeration, cities are divided into the following types (Table 1, diagram):

Located in the zone of strong influence of the center, R< 20 км.

Located in the zone of medium influence, R< 60 км.

Located in a zone of weak influence, R > 60 km.

Cities located within a radius of twenty kilometers from the center of the agglomeration are subject to its strong influence. The population of these cities is characterized by daily migrations for work, education and household purposes. This group of cities, as a rule, is located in the zone of direct influence of technogenic territories. Such as main and bypass roads, railway tracks and junctions, airports, operating industrial enterprises and depleted industrial areas, warehouse areas. For such cities, during the natural development of the urban environment, the greatest attention should be paid to natural areas. Being located at a short distance from the center of the agglomeration, as a rule, the largest city, residents have the opportunity to fully use its public facilities: places of employment, educational institutions, shopping and entertainment centers. The distance from satellite cities of the first belt to the central zone of the city center is, as a rule, identical to the distance from the center to remote residential areas. At the same time, the cities close to the center are characterized by poor ecology. Major efforts aimed at developing natural areas may include: measures to screen highways and railway tracks to protect against noise; carrying out legal zoning of the city territory in order to preserve parks, squares and areas of the natural environment from cutting down, development and commercial use of territories.

Cities located within a radius of sixty kilometers from the center of the agglomeration are subject to its average influence. This group of cities has the most optimal location. Residents have the opportunity to migrate daily for work and educational purposes. Moreover, this group of cities is located at a sufficient distance from the center, which gives them the opportunity to exist in favorable environmental conditions. The natural development of the urban environment in this group of cities should be aimed at creating high-quality living conditions, that is, the development of the residential structure of the city in accordance with its type. The creation of highly comfortable apartment buildings with the inclusion of public facilities and the possibility of renting apartments in recreational cities. Reconstruction or replacement of wooden houses and the creation of a structure of modern individual houses in cities with predominant agricultural activities. Creating comfortable living conditions in industrial cities together with the city-forming industrial enterprise.

Cities located more than sixty kilometers from the center of the settlement system are to a small extent subject to its influence. If residents do not have the opportunity to constantly use the multifunctional structure of the public facilities of the center, then such cities are in the best environmental conditions and, one might say, merge with the natural environment. In such cities, the natural development of the urban environment should first of all be directed towards areas of public use. Public facilities in this group of cities should differ not in quantitative, but in qualitative indicators, that is, the narrow profile of educational institutions, the compactness of shopping and entertainment facilities.

The founding of a city is usually associated with the uniqueness of the place where it will be located. And cities located at a great distance from the main settlement system must have a particularly unique location. The main development priorities, resource potential and place in the settlement system reveal the main mission of the city. Discovering this mission in cities remote from the center will contribute to the acquisition of competitive advantages with the largest cities and will provide an opportunity for both the full development of public areas and the urban environment as a whole.

Thus, the concept of natural formation of the environment based on strategic planning techniques is one of the leading opportunities for creating a favorable living environment in modern conditions of small and medium-sized cities.

Table 1. Classification of small and medium-sized cities in the Sverdlovsk region based on location.

Name of city (pop.)

City location

Alapaevsk (72.4 thousand people)

Artyomovsk (63.4 thousand people)

Beloyarsky (46.7 thousand people)

2e(53 km from Ekaterinburg)

Berezovsky (64.4 thousand people)

1e(11 km from Ekaterinburg)

Bogdanovich (34.8 thousand people)

Verkhnyaya Salda (78.8 thousand people)

2n(34 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Verkhnyaya Pyshma (77.8 thousand)

1e(15 km from Ekaterinburg)

Verkhoturye (15.7 thousand people)*

Ivdel (26.4 thousand people)

Irbit (57.6 thousand people)

Kamyshlov (32.7 thousand people)

Karpinsk (53.4 thousand people)

Kachkanar (50.3 thousand people)

Kirovgrad (49.0 thousand people)

Krasnoturinsk (74.4 thousand people)

Krasnouralsk (35.3 thousand people)

2n(43 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Krasnoufimsk (51.7 thousand people)

Kushva (69.0 thousand people)

2n(30 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Nevyansk (47.5 thousand people)

Lower Earrings (55.6 thousand people)

Nizhnyaya Tura (34.0 thousand people)

Novaya Lyalya (25.9 thousand people)

Polevskoy (71.5 thousand people)

2e(37 km from Ekaterinburg)

Revda (84.0 thousand people)

2e(46 km from Ekaterinburg)

Director (44.6 thousand people)

Severouralsk (53.9 thousand people)

Sukhoi Log (38.5 thousand people)

Sysert (54.6 thousand people)

2e(45 km from Ekaterinburg)

Tavda (45.6 thousand people)

Talitsa (31.6 thousand people)

Turinsk (22.9 thousand people)

* - The city of Verkhoturye (with a population not reaching 20 thousand) is included in the classification because it has a unique cultural significance.

1e– in the zone of strong influence of the center (Ekaterinburg), R< 20 км.

2e– in the zone of medium influence of the center (Ekaterinburg), R< 60 км.

2n– in the zone of medium influence of the center (Nizhny Tagil), R< 60 км.

3 – in the zone of weak influence of the center, R > 60 km.


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    Sevan O.G. An interdisciplinary approach to developing a development program for a small city and surrounding area. – M., 2001.

    Kapustin V. G., Kornev I. N. Sverdlovsk region: nature, population, economy, ecology. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. – 325 p.: ill.

    Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, dated September 14, 2004 No. 173/1. Ed. Azhur, Ekaterinburg, 2004.

Bezdenezhnykh Igor Alexandrovich,
student of UralGAKhA
Scientific adviser:
candidate of architecture,
Associate Professor Sanok S.I.

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