Peculiarities of behavior of children with general speech underdevelopment. Psychological and speech characteristics of children with special needs. Characteristics of speech development of children with special needs.

In this article:

It would seem that in the modern world there are so many sources of information, high-tech means of communication, such wide availability of books, television children's educational and entertainment channels, various specialized centers for children of all levels and ages, that general underdevelopment of speech in children should become a diagnosis long gone . It would be so if it were not for the deterioration of the environment, the cultural degradation of society, and the decrease in the degree of psychological security.

Whether the family will be able to withstand unfavorable external factors in order to give the child everything necessary for his full development depends directly on the parents. But even the most caring mothers and fathers are not immune from the child’s possible lag in the formation of the most important skill on which the scenario of the child’s entire life depends - correct, free, rich speech.

Lag or temporary decline?

A temporary slowdown in speech development in young children is indeed possible. But it is only visible, apparent. If a child develops harmoniously, exhibits skills characteristic of his age, continues to interact lively, adequately, and respond to communication, but the verbal expression of his reactions suddenly stops, this may mean that he is going through another period of passive language acquisition.

Passive perception in all people lags slightly behind the active manifestation of accumulated knowledge. In the same way, a child first absorbs everything new and only then begins to apply it in everyday life.

Mastering new skills is not uniform and progressive; it is wave-like. The conversion of quantity into quality is carried out differently at different age periods. Sometimes children immediately begin to express what they heard, and sometimes they become quiet. At this time, internal adaptation to fresh impressions occurs, the transition of understanding into the skill of application, which is then accompanied by a sharp leap forward.

Such periods of attenuation and
There may be several jumps from birth to 3 years, but by the age of 3, in proportionately developed children, basic speech skills should be formed.

The alarm should be sounded if the child shows clear signs of disharmony or systemic speech impairment.

General speech underdevelopment: characteristic signs

OHP is a speech disorder in children of a normal level of intellectual development (according to age) who do not have physiological problems with hearing. Experts say about such children that they lack phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to distinguish individual sounds, as a result - a distorted understanding of the meaning: the child hears the spoken word differently from how it was pronounced.

With OHP, all speech skills suffer: sound formation, word formation, grammatical structure, semantic load. In conversational speech, children make mistakes typical of younger children.

The dynamics of speech development of such children does not correspond to the pace of development of their psyche. While there is a delay in the development of conversational skills, children with ODD do not differ much from their peers in general development: they show an active interest in the world around them, react emotionally to situations, play with pleasure, and understand everyday speech.

Typical manifestations

  • unintelligible, incomprehensible conversation;
  • grammatically incorrect construction of phrases;
  • low activity of speech interaction, lag in understanding words from their independent use;
  • late age of pronouncing the first words and simple phrases (from 3 to 5 years, instead of 1.5-2).

In general psychological development:

In the development of gross and fine motor skills:

  • inaccuracy in performing small movements;
  • slowness of action, tendency to freeze in one position;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • undeveloped rhythm;
  • disorientation in space and time when performing movement tasks.

General speech underdevelopment: classification

Speech therapists divide OHP into 4 groups.

Level 1

Possession of skills characteristic of infants: onomatopoeia, babbling, babbling words, parts of everyday words, pieces of babbling phrases. Children pronounce sounds unclearly and actively help themselves with gestures and facial expressions.

In children with ODD of group 1, there is a gap between passive and active vocabulary
significantly more than normal, while they show a keen interest in communication.

Characteristics of speech:

  • blurred pronunciation of sounds;
  • predominance of one-syllable or two-syllable words;
  • reducing long words to two or three syllables;
  • replacing action words with object words;
  • denoting different objects or different actions in one word;
  • confusion in words that are consonant but have different meanings;
  • in some cases - lack of speech.

Level 2

Improving speech development: mastering more commonly used words
words, the use of simple phrases, replenishing the active dictionary with distorted but constantly used names.

Children of group 2 OHP are able to master some grammatical forms in simple words, as a rule, with stressed endings (singular - plural).


Level 3

Constructing phrases
extensive speech with a general lag in all speech skills.

Children with group 3 OHP have access to the basics of grammatical structure: the correct use of simple forms, the use of almost all parts of speech, and the complication of sentences. They already have enough life experiences to increase their vocabulary, the correct names of actions, objects, and their properties. Children are able to compose a simple story, but freedom of communication is still difficult.

Speech characteristics:

Level 4

An increase in vocabulary in the presence of individual gaps in grammar and lexical diversity, low assimilation of new material, inhibition in learning to read and write.

With OHP group 4, children are able to correctly use simple prepositions, they are less likely to shorten long words, but their speech is is still distorted: there is a “loss” of some sounds from the words.

Difficulties in speech behavior:

  • unclear speech even with correct pronunciation of sounds due to sluggish articulation;
  • dull, unimaginative narration in simple, inexpressive sentences;
  • violation of logic in an independent story;
  • difficulties in choosing expressions;
  • distortion of possessive, diminutive and affectionate words;
  • replacing a specific property of an object with an approximate one;
  • substitution of names of objects with similar properties.

General speech underdevelopment: causes

As a rule, gross pathologies of the brain and nervous system are not found in children with OHP.

Doctors consider physiological and social reasons to be the sources of speech delay:

ONR is not a death sentence

Speech development disorders are not irreversible. However, without intervention
parents, in close collaboration with professionals, the beginnings of speaking skills will fade away.

It’s never too late to catch on, but the best option would be to turn to specialists at the age of 3, when, according to accepted standards, the child should already be able to speak coherently. There will be enough time ahead to have time to correct the child’s speech and general physical and mental development before entering school.

Perhaps you need to start worrying sooner. They may still be careful not to make an accurate diagnosis, but doctors will examine the child’s physiology, in case of violations they will prescribe appropriate treatment, and the speech therapist will recommend a home study program for the development of fine motor skills and the formation of the foundations of correct pronunciation.

It is best to send your child to a speech therapy kindergarten. It’s good if a children’s institution practices an integrated approach to
correctional work with children, where speech therapists work together with defectologists, psychologists and specialists in child neuroses.

An alternative to a correctional kindergarten is child development centers with a medical focus. No matter what specialists the parents entrust to their child, the treatment will be delayed and will not be effective enough if all responsibility is placed on the shoulders of educators, speech therapists and doctors.

It is necessary to be patient in order to, together with specialists, overcome the difficulties of painstaking correctional work: follow the recommendations of the speech therapist, continue classes at home according to the program prescribed by him, do not ignore taking medications prescribed by the doctor, engage in physical education with the child, games that develop mental abilities, fine motor skills, and take a lot of walks , play, talk.

In a word, love.

And, of course, do everything to minimize unfavorable factors in the family, and if necessary, isolate the child from people who negatively affect his psyche.

The behavioral side of children with general speech underdevelopment is a special problem, because this complicates the process of correcting their existing impairments and creates serious problems in the path of their development and learning.

Speech disorders are quite common among various deviations in personality development. They either act as an independent primary defect or accompany other forms of developmental pathology.

Modern research indicates an increase in the number of children with deviations in the formation and development of speech of varying manifestations and severity. The most common disorder is general speech underdevelopment. Among the children attending speech therapy classes at our Center, they make up approximately 70% of the total.

General speech underdevelopment, which has a different nature of the defect in different cases, is characterized by a commonality of typical manifestations.

As is known, speech underdevelopment is divided into R.E. Levina into three levels, while all components of speech are unformed. And at each level of development in children, researchers have noted psychological and pedagogical features.

Children with the first level of development are practically speechless; they are characterized by negativism and the absence of forms and means of communication. In this regard, the social adaptation of children is difficult.

Children at the second level of development already have a certain vocabulary of commonly used words and master some grammatical categories. Their general and speech activity is higher than that of children with the first level, but they are still characterized by insufficient stability of attention, difficulties in its distribution, weakness of mnestic activity, etc. Children may be self-impaired, they have motor deficiencies and other specific features.

Children with the third level of development communicate quite freely, but their speech is far from perfect, which becomes evident when they try to use detailed, coherent speech.

T.B. Filicheva identified the fourth level of development, which has already become part of the practice of modern speech therapy, and presented a description of such children (and there are quite a lot of them): children have residual effects of mildly expressed underdevelopment of speech.

The mental development of children with general underdevelopment usually proceeds generally more well than the development of their speech. However, children with ODD are inactive; they usually do not show initiative in communication. In Research Yu.F. Garkushi and V.V. Korzhevina notes that:

  • preschoolers with ODD have communication disorders, manifested in the immaturity of the motivational-need sphere;
  • the existing difficulties are associated with a complex of speech and cognitive disorders;
  • The predominant form of communication with adults in children 4-5 years old is situational and business-like, which does not correspond to the age norm.

Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of the affective-volitional sphere in children. There is insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively intact, children have reduced verbal memory and memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks.

The presence of general speech underdevelopment in children leads to persistent disturbances in communication. At the same time, the process of interpersonal interaction between children becomes more difficult.

In children with general speech underdevelopment (especially levels I and II), interaction with the social environment is difficult, and the ability to adequately respond to ongoing changes and increasingly complex demands is reduced. They experience difficulty achieving their goals within existing norms, which can lead to imbalanced behavior.

The relevance of this problem is due to the insufficient development of issues relating to the behavioral characteristics of children of preschool and primary school age with general speech underdevelopment, methods of correcting their existing disorders, which creates serious problems in the path of their development and learning.

Speaking about the behavioral characteristics of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment, it should be noted that their behavior is aggressive. At the same time, it has been revealed that such children are afraid of aggression and have a need for protection. Almost all children with ODD have a high (possibly unsatisfied) need for communication. The behavior of children is hyperactive, there is motor disinhibition, impulsivity, a reduced level of self-control, general anxiety, children experience a negative attitude towards the situation of testing knowledge, achievements, capabilities, and some children have low physiological resistance to stress. Some children arrive in a state of emotional tension, which is often situational.

During classes, many children quickly get tired and begin to fidget and talk about abstract topics, i.e. stop perceiving the material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly and calmly, but do not answer questions or answer them incorrectly, do not understand the tasks, and sometimes cannot repeat the answer after the speech therapist.

Thus, in the behavior of preschool children, due to limited possibilities of psycho-speech development, a number of features are noted: conflict, aggressiveness, hot temper or passivity and isolation.

The behavior of children of primary school age with general speech underdevelopment also has a number of distinctive features.

L.M. Shipitsina, L.S. Volkova, as a result of research, note some features of emotional and personal qualities in primary schoolchildren of grades I-II with general speech underdevelopment.

Unlike children with normal speech development, many children with ODD are characterized by passivity, sensitivity, dependence on others, and a tendency to spontaneous behavior.

First grade students with ODD have lower performance, which in half of the children correlates with the severity of stress reactions and the dominance of negative emotions.

As a rule, impairments in oral speech when it is underdeveloped lead to writing and reading impairments in younger schoolchildren.

K. Becker, M. Sovak distinguish two groups of behavioral disorders due to defects in written speech.

  • Children of the first group have a reluctance to study, school fears, isolation, disorganization, slowness, nervousness, which may be accompanied by such psychosomatic phenomena as asthenia, eating disorders, and urinary incontinence.
  • Children of the second group show disobedience and aggressiveness towards others at school and at home.

Thus, speech disorders not only reduce and worsen the child’s performance, but can also lead to behavioral disorders and social maladaptation phenomena, in connection with which differentiated psychoprevention and psychocorrection of the personal development characteristics of these children acquires special significance.

Significant improvements in the results of speech therapy are observed when a speech therapist works in parallel with a psychologist. Psychologist's sessions activate the child's need for communication, relieve anxiety and aggressive behavior, and increase self-confidence and success.

In this regard, diagnostic and correctional work with children with speech pathology in our Center is carried out comprehensively, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

Natalia Mokretsova
Specific characteristics of children with ODD Psychological characteristics of the development of 5-year-old children with ODD

In accordance with the principle of considering speech disorders in the relationship of speech with other parties mental development it is necessary to analyze those peculiarities, which are imposed by defective speech activity on the formation of the sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional sphere.

For children with underdevelopment speech is characterized by a low level development basic properties of attention. Some of them have insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. Speech delay also negatively affects memory development. With relatively intact semantic and logical memory in such children verbal memory and memorization productivity are noticeably reduced compared to normally speaking peers. Children often forget complex instructions (three or four steps, omit some of their elements, change the sequence of the proposed tasks. Duplication errors are common when describing objects and pictures. Some preschoolers have low recall activity, which is combined with limited abilities development cognitive activity. Relationship between speech disorders and other aspects mental development causes some specific features of thinking.

Preschoolers with SEN are behind in development verbal - logical thinking, have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis.

If general underdevelopment speech is combined with such disorders as dysarthria, alalia, then general motor disorders may be observed (poor coordination of movements, motor clumsiness, underdevelopment of fine motor skills, decreased interest in gaming activities.

Having complete prerequisites for mastering the mental operations available to them age, children, however, lag behind in development visual-figurative sphere of thinking, without special students have difficulty mastering analysis, synthesis, and comparison. Many of them are characterized by rigidity of thinking. Mental development of children with speech disorders, as a rule, is ahead of their speech development. They are critical of their own speech insufficiency. Primary speech pathology, of course, inhibits the formation of initially intact mental abilities, however, as verbal speech is corrected, intellectual processes level out.

U children with OHP often suffers emotionally - volitionally sphere: children are aware of their impairments, so they have a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes there are affective reactions to misunderstanding of verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes. Due to such developmental features in children are observed:

Aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;

Increased impressionability, fears;

Uncertainty, feeling of depression, state of discomfort;

Increased sensitivity, vulnerability;

Tendency to morbid fantasies.

Speech Features of development of 5-year-old children with special needs development

For children with OHP are typical:

late onset of speech (34 years);

severe limitation of vocabulary;

pronounced agrammatisms (mixing case forms, lack of agreement, omission of prepositions, etc.);

sound pronunciation defects (all types);

violation of the rhythmic-syllable structure of the word;

difficulty in disseminating simple sentences and constructing complex ones.

The speech of these children are difficult to understand.

There is insufficient speech activity, which with age without special training, drops sharply.

However, children are quite critical of their defect.

Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional sphere.


components of the language system "Conditional standard"

age norm for the development of children's speech

Level 1

lack of common speech level 2

rudiments of common speech level 3

expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Phrasal speech Simple common sentences, using compound and complex sentences of up to 10 words.

The phrase is missing; the child uses gestures, facial expressions, individual babbling words and sound complexes, onomatopoeia. A simple phrase of 2-3 words; simple sentence structures; statements at the level of listing perceived objects and actions.

Expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment; active speech - simple sentences, difficulty in distributing simple and constructing complex sentences.

Understanding speech Understand the meaning of spoken speech; there is stability of attention to the speech of others; able to listen to answers, instructions from adults, understand the meaning of educational and practical tasks; hear, notice and correct mistakes in the speech of their comrades and their own; understand changes in words using prefixes, suffixes and inflections, understand the shades of meaning of single-root and polysemantic words, peculiarities logical and grammatical structures reflecting cause-and-effect, temporal, spatial and other connections and relationships. Situational nature; there is no understanding of the meanings of grammatical changes in words, the meanings of prepositions. Some grammatical forms and morphological elements of the language differ. Approaching normal; difficulties in understanding changes in words expressed by prefixes, suffixes, in distinguishing shades of meaning of words with the same root, and in mastering lexical and grammatical structures that reflect temporal, spatial, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships.

Vocabulary The volume of the dictionary is up to 3000 words; generalizing concepts appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, etc.); more often they use adjectives - attributes and qualities of objects; possessive adjectives appear (fox tail, etc., adverbs and pronouns, complex prepositions are used more widely (from under, because of, etc.); own word formation: form nouns with diminutive suffixes, cognates, relative adjectives (wood - wooden, snow - snowy) etc. Word creation is clearly manifested.

Lagging behind the norm; subject, everyday dictionary; verbal is almost absent; lexical substitutions are typical. Significantly lags behind the norm; does not know the names of primary colors, shapes, sizes, parts of objects; the vocabulary of actions and signs is limited; lack of word formation and word creation skills.

Much increases, uses all parts of speech, there is a noticeable predominance of nouns and verbs; inaccurate use of verbs, replacing the names of parts of objects with the names of whole objects; word formation and word creation skills suffer.

The grammatical structure of speech agrees adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case, nouns with numerals; change words according to numbers, genders, persons; use prepositions correctly in speech. But the number of grammatical errors is increasing, such as incorrect formation of the genitive plural of nouns; verbs are incorrectly coordinated with nouns, the structure of sentences is disrupted. There is no phrase; uses root words without inflections. Not formed; attempts by formations are most often unsuccessful; mixing case forms, using nouns in the nominative case and verbs in the infinitive; lack of approvals (adjective + noun; numeral + noun); skipping prepositions, replacing complex prepositions with simple ones; errors in the use of number forms, verb genders, in changing nouns according to numbers. Correctly uses simple grammatical forms, does not make mistakes when agreeing adjectives and nouns in gender, number, case; numerals and nouns; omits and replaces prepositions; errors in stress and case endings.

Sound pronunciation The process of mastering sounds ends; speech is generally clear and distinct; increases interest in the sound design of words, in the search for rhymes.

The sound design of babbling words is sharply distorted; unstable articulation; low ability to auditory sound recognition.

Significantly lags behind the norm; numerous distortions, substitutions and mixing of sounds; the pronunciation of soft and hard, voiced and deaf, hissing, whistling, affricates is impaired; dissociations appear between the pronunciation of an isolated sound and its use in spontaneous speech. Improves, but all types of disorders may remain; Characterized by unstable substitutions, when sounds in different words are pronounced differently and replacement of groups of sounds with simpler ones in articulation.

The syllabic structure of speech is rarely violated, mainly in unfamiliar words. Grossly broken, reduction of syllables from 2-3 to 1-2; limited ability perception and reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word.

The syllable structure and sound content of words are grossly disrupted; reduction in the number of syllables, rearrangement of syllables and sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, reduction of sounds when vowels are combined.

There are fewer violations; in the most difficult cases, errors and distortions remain the same as in 2nd level children, especially The sound quality of words suffers.

Phonemic awareness Quite good phonemic hearing is developed: differentiate words like goat - spit, flow - flow; establish the presence of a given sound in a word, select the first and last sound in a word, select a word for a given sound; distinguish between speech rate, timbre and volume of voice. But higher forms of analysis and synthesis of words without special training is not developed. Phonemic development is in its infancy; phonemic hearing is grossly impaired; Sound analysis tasks are not clear to the child.

Does not determine the position of a sound in a word; cannot select pictures with a given word, does not distinguish a sound from a number of others; I’m not ready for sound analysis and synthesis. Not enough developed phonemic awareness and phonemic hearing; readiness for sound analysis and synthesis is not formed independently.

Coherent speech Retell a familiar fairy tale, a short text (read twice, read poems expressively; can compose a story from a picture from several sentences; correctly answer questions about the plot of a story; compose a story based on a picture and a series of plot pictures; talk in some detail about what they saw or heard; argue , reason, motivate their opinions, convince their comrades. When retelling texts, they make mistakes in conveying the logical sequence of events, miss individual links, "lose" actors.

The descriptive story is not readily available. Significant difficulties are noted when describing a toy or object according to plan. Usually the story is replaced by a listing of individual features or parts of the object, and in this case any connectivity: do not finish what they started, return to what was said earlier.

Creative storytelling comes with great difficulty. Planning difficulties noted deployed statements and their linguistic design. Characteristic: violation of coherence and sequence of presentation, semantic omissions, lexical difficulties, low level of phrasal speech, a large number of errors in the construction of sentences.

Correlation of the speech state identified during the examination with the data "conditional standard" age norm, allows the speech therapist to establish the phase (stage) development abnormal child speech and assess the degree of formation of various components of language in it.

A comparative analysis speech features of children from 1-, 2nd, 3rd level ONR speech development by the structural components of the language system allows you to see the dynamics development and the child’s achievements in the learning process, choose the optimal methods and techniques of work at each stage, provide for the complication of speech and educational material.

Main areas of work on speech development with 5-year-old children with special needs development:

Dictionary development. Mastering vocabulary is the basis of speech child development, since the word is the most important unit of language. The dictionary reflects the content of speech. Words denote objects and phenomena, their signs, qualities, properties and actions with them. Children learn the words necessary for their life and communication with others;

Education of sound culture of speech. This direction assumes: speech hearing development, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of language occurs; teaching correct sound pronunciation; education of orthoepic correctness of speech; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, voice strength, intonation);

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves development morphological aspect of speech (changing words by gender, number, case, ways word formation and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences);

Development of coherent speech. Development coherent speech includes development of dialogical(colloquial) and monologue speech. Dialogue speech is the main form of communication preschool children. It is important to teach a child to have a dialogue, develop the ability to listen and understand speech addressed to him, enter into a conversation and maintain it, answer questions and ask himself, explain, use a variety of linguistic means, and behave taking into account the communication situation. No less important is the fact that in dialogical speech skills develop necessary for a more complex form of communication - a monologue, the ability to listen and understand coherent texts, retell, construct independent statements of various types;

Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech, providing preparation children to learn to read and write, reading and writing;

Development phonemic hearing.

Development fine motor skills of the hand.

Observed children with systemic speech disorders, serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior negatively affect their communication with other people. Interdependence of speech and communication skills disorders in this category children leads to what are they features of speech development, as poverty and undifferentiation of vocabulary, the obvious insufficiency of the verbal dictionary, the originality of a coherent utterance, impede the implementation of full communication. The consequence of these difficulties is a decrease in the need for communication, undeveloped forms of communication (dialogue and monologue speech). Features behavior is disinterest in contact, inability to navigate a communication situation, negativism (L. G. Solovyova, 1996).

Children use gestures and facial expressions as means of communication. If you have your own speech, the use of verbal means of communication is difficult, because speech production children remains beyond their own control (B. M. Grinshpun, 1999).

A small part children with speech pathology, the non-situational-cognitive form of communication clearly predominates. They respond with interest to the offer of a teacher or an adult to read books, they listen quite attentively to simple, entertaining texts, but after finishing reading a book, it is quite difficult to organize a conversation with them. As a rule, children almost never ask questions about the content of what they read and cannot retell what they heard themselves due to the immaturity of the reproducing phase of monologue speech. Even if there is an interest in communicating with an adult, a child often jumps from one topic to another during a conversation; his cognitive interest is short-lived, and the conversation cannot last more than 5-7 minutes.

Observing the communication process children with adults during routine moments and in the process of various types of activities shows that almost half children with underdevelopment speech culture is not formed communication: they are familiar with adults, they lack a sense of distance, their intonations are often loud and harsh, children are annoying in their demands. Researchers note that children with SEN use less expanded in content and structural terms speech production than in communication with peers, which corresponds to the normal ontogenesis of means of communication (O. E. Gribova, 1995; I. S. Krivovyaz, 1995; Yu. F. Garkusha and V. V. Korzhavina, 2001 ).

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the immaturity of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, there is underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes, and there is no coherent pronunciation. OSD in preschool children is more common (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. General underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with consequences such as dysgraphia and dyslexia (various writing disorders).

Symptoms of OPD in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a whole range of problems.

  • Level 1 OHP – complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child exhibits the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • Level 3 OHP - the child can construct sentences, but the sound and semantic aspects are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, with only a few shortcomings in pronunciation and phrase construction.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pathologies are most often detected that were acquired in utero or during childbirth: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, or any chronic diseases.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “preconditions” for speech underdevelopment can be formed even during pregnancy and childbirth

When a child has general speech underdevelopment of any degree, he begins to talk quite late - at 3 years old, some - only at 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds unclearly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people have difficulty understanding him (see also:). Such speech cannot be called coherent. Since the formation of pronunciation occurs incorrectly, this negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity and even motor coordination.

Speech underdevelopment is corrected after the level is determined. Its characteristics and diagnosis directly determine what measures will need to be taken. Now we give a more detailed description of each level.

1st level OHP

Children of level 1 OHP do not know how to form phrases and construct sentences:

  • They use a very limited vocabulary, with the bulk of this vocabulary consisting of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, most frequently heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word long, and most words are babbling, like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meaning of many words; they often rearrange syllables in words and, instead of a full word, pronounce only a part of it, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very vaguely and indistinctly, and is not able to reproduce some of them at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: distinguishing sounds and highlighting individual ones, combining them into a word, recognizing sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, and the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, children, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gestures, already demonstrate the ability to construct simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or an action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, since the child has difficulty determining their meaning.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds unclearly, distorts, mixes, and replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Features of correctional work at level 2, ONR consists of the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. Much attention is paid to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishing vocabulary, observing language norms, and correct use of words. The child learns to construct phrases correctly. Work is also being done on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing some with others, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to include phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation

Level 3 OHP

Children of level 3 OHP can already speak in detailed phrases, but mostly construct only simple sentences, not yet able to cope with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech patterns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (cause-and-effect relationships, spatial and temporal connections).
  • The vocabulary of children with level 3 speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the major parts of speech, although nouns and verbs dominate their conversation over adjectives and adverbs. However, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also the incorrect use of prepositions and endings, accents, and incorrect coordination of words with each other.
  • Rearranging syllables in words and replacing some sounds with others is already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although impaired, is in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests activities that develop coherent speech. The vocabulary and grammar of oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are consolidated. Now children are already preparing to learn to read and write. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP, or a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, although the child has difficulties understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds, can also create problems.
  • Children with mild general speech underdevelopment are still poorly able to determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes when forming words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to present events on their own; they may miss the main thing and pay undue attention to the secondary, or repeat what they have already said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage of correction classes, after which children reach the necessary norms of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This applies to the rules of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to construct phrases and sentences is actively developing. Speech underdevelopment at this stage should no longer exist, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so their correction is carried out in specialized children's institutions. Children who have level 3 speech underdevelopment attend classes in special education classes, and from the last level – general education classes.

What does the examination involve?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary diagnosis, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the child’s examination by other children’s specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.). After this, he finds out in detail from the parents how the child’s speech development is proceeding.

The next stage of the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here the speech therapist clarifies the extent to which the various language components have been formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story using illustrations, retell).
  2. Level of grammatical processes (formation of various word forms, agreement of words, construction of sentences).

Next we study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound content of words and syllable structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with OSD undergo a full examination of all mental processes (including auditory-verbal memory).

Identification of OHP requires highly qualified specialists, as well as the availability of examination results by other pediatric specialists

Preventive actions

General underdevelopment of speech can be corrected, although it is not so simple and takes a long time. Classes begin from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years old (see also:). Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has different directions depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent speech underdevelopment, the same techniques are used as for the deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to contribute as actively as possible to the speech and general development of their child, so that even mild speech development does not manifest itself and become an obstacle to the full development of the school curriculum in the future.

The modern world is oversaturated with information and means of communication, books are widely accessible, and many educational and entertainment channels for children have been created. It would seem that in such an environment, children’s speech should develop without any difficulties, and speech therapists’ offices will become a thing of the past. However, it is not. Poor ecology, largely cultural degradation, a reduced degree of psychological protection - all this is reflected in the development of the baby’s speech. For some children, a speech therapist diagnoses “general speech underdevelopment (GSD) level 3,” the characteristics of which indicate that the child requires additional classes. The full development of each child primarily depends on the efforts of his parents. They are obliged to seek help from specialists in a timely manner if they notice any deviations in the formation of their child’s personality.

Characteristics of OHP

OHP is observed in children with a normal level of intelligence development corresponding to their age, without any physiological problems with the hearing aid. Speech therapists say about this group of patients that they do not have phonemic awareness, do not distinguish individual sounds, and therefore understand the meaning in a distorted form. The baby hears words differently from how they are actually pronounced.

Children with level 3 ODD (characteristics are presented below) have distorted speech skills such as word formation, sound formation, the semantic load of a word, as well as grammatical structure. When speaking, older children may make mistakes that are common at an earlier age. In such children, the rates of development of speech and psyche do not correspond to each other. At the same time, children with ODD are no different from their peers in terms of development: they are emotional, active, play with pleasure, and understand the speech of others.

Typical manifestations of OHP

The following indicators are considered typical manifestations of general speech underdevelopment:

  • the conversation is unclear and unintelligible;
  • phrases are constructed grammatically incorrectly;
  • speech interaction has low activity, words are perceived with a lag when used independently;
  • first pronunciation of the first words and simple phrases at a late age (instead of 1.5-2 years at 3-5 years).

With general mental development:

  • new words are poorly remembered and pronounced, memory is undeveloped;
  • the sequence of actions is broken, simple instructions are carried out with great difficulty;
  • attention is scattered, no skills to concentrate;
  • logical verbal generalization is difficult; there are no skills in analysis, comparison of objects, or separation of them by characteristics and properties.

Development of fine and gross motor skills:

  • small movements are performed with inaccuracies and errors;
  • the child’s movements are slow and there is a tendency to freeze in one position;
  • coordination of movements is impaired;
  • rhythm is undeveloped;
  • when performing motor tasks, disorientation in time and space is visible.

The characteristics of level 3 OHP, as well as other levels, contain the listed manifestations to varying degrees.

Reasons for OHP

Experts do not find any gross pathologies in the functioning of the nervous system and brain of children with OHP. Most often, the sources of speech delay are considered to be social or physiological reasons. It can be:

  • suffered during pregnancy or hereditary diseases of the mother;
  • during the period of bearing the baby, the mother had nervous overload;
  • bad habits during pregnancy (alcohol, smoking);
  • receiving any injuries during childbirth;
  • very early or too late pregnancy;
  • infections, complex diseases in infants;
  • Possible head injuries to the child;
  • trouble in the family where the baby experiences early stress;
  • there is no emotional contact between the baby and parents;
  • there is an unfavorable moral situation in the house;
  • scandalous, conflict situations;
  • lack of communication and attention;
  • neglect of the baby, rude speech in adults.

Classification. OHP level 1

General speech underdevelopment is classified into four levels, each of which has its own characteristics. Level 1 OHP differs in many ways from Level 3 OHP. Characteristics of speech in level 1 pathology: babbling, onomatopoeia, pieces of small phrases, parts of words. Babies pronounce sounds unclearly, actively help with facial expressions and gestures - all this can be called infant skills.

Children actively show interest in the world around them and communication, but at the same time the gap between active and passive vocabulary is much greater than the norm. The characteristics of speech also include the following:

  • the pronunciation of sounds is blurred;
  • monosyllabic, sometimes two-syllable words predominate;
  • long words are reduced to syllables;
  • action words are replaced by object words;
  • different actions and different objects can be denoted by one word;
  • words that have different meanings, but are consonant, can be confused;
  • in rare cases there is no speech at all.

Level 2

OHP levels 2 and 3 have somewhat similar characteristics, but there are also significant differences. At level 2 there is an increase in speech development. A larger number of common words are learned, the simplest phrases are used, and the vocabulary is constantly replenished with new, often distorted, words. Children are already mastering grammatical forms in simple words, often with stressed endings, and distinguish between plural and singular numbers. Level 2 features include the following:

  • sounds are pronounced with great difficulty, often replaced by simpler ones (voiced - dull, hissing - whistling, hard - soft);
  • grammatical forms are mastered spontaneously and are not associated with meaning;
  • verbal self-expression is poor, vocabulary is scant;
  • different objects and actions are denoted by one word if they are somehow similar (similarity in purpose or appearance);
  • ignorance of the properties of objects, their names (size, shape, color);
  • adjectives and nouns do not agree; replacement or absence of prepositions in speech;
  • inability to answer coherently without leading questions;
  • endings are used randomly, replaced by one another.

Level 3

The characteristics of children with level 3 ODD look like this: general speech skills are lagging behind, but the construction of phrases and expanded speech are already present. Children already have access to the basics of grammatical structure, simple forms are used correctly, many parts of speech and more complex sentences are used. At this age there are already enough life impressions, the vocabulary increases, objects, their properties and actions are named correctly. Toddlers are able to compose simple stories, but still experience freedom of communication. OHP level 3 speech characteristics have the following:

  • in general, there is no active vocabulary, the vocabulary is poor, adjectives and adverbs are insufficiently used;
  • verbs are used ineptly, adjectives with nouns are coordinated with errors, therefore the grammatical structure is unstable;
  • when constructing complex phrases, conjunctions are used incorrectly;
  • no knowledge of subspecies of birds, animals, objects;
  • actions are called instead of professions;
  • instead of a separate part of an object, the entire object is called.

Approximate characteristics for a preschooler

The characteristics of a preschooler with level 3 OHP are as follows:

Articulation: anatomy of organs without anomalies. Salivation is increased. The accuracy of movements and volume suffer, the child is not able to hold the organs of articulation in a certain position for a long time, and the switchability of movement is impaired. With articulation exercises, the tone of the tongue increases.

Speech: the overall sound is unimpressive, a weakly modulated quiet voice, breathing is free, the rhythm and tempo of speech is normal.

Sound pronunciation: There are problems with the pronunciation of sonorous sounds. The sizzling ones are set. Automation of sounds occurs at the word level. Control over the pronunciation of sounds, free speech is controlled.

Phonemic perception, synthesis and sound analysis: phonemic representations are formed late, the level is insufficient. By ear, the child identifies a given sound from a syllabic, sound series, as well as a series of words. The place of the sound in the word is not determined. The skills of sound and letter analysis, as well as synthesis, have not been developed.

Syllable structure: Words with a complex syllable structure are difficult to pronounce.

If a diagnosis of “general speech underdevelopment (GSD) level 3” is made, the characteristics (5 years - the age when many parents are already preparing their children for school and visiting specialists) should include all of the above points. Children at this age should be given utmost attention. A speech therapist will help resolve speech problems.

Speech with OHP level 3

Characteristics of the speech of children with ODD level 3:

Passive, active dictionary: poverty, stock inaccuracy. The child does not know the names of words that go beyond the scope of daily communication: he cannot name parts of the body, the names of animals, professions, or actions with which they are associated. There are difficulties in selecting words with the same root, antonyms, and synonyms. Passive vocabulary is much higher than active.

Grammatical structure: speech therapy characteristics of a child with level 3 OHP indicate that agrammatisms are observed in the formation of words and their coordination with other parts of speech. The child makes a mistake when choosing the plural of a noun. There are disturbances in the formation of words that go beyond the framework of everyday speech. Word-formation skills are difficult to transfer to new speech. Mostly simple sentences are used in the presentation.

Connected speech: difficulties can be traced in detailed statements and linguistic design. The sequence in the story is broken, there are semantic gaps in the plot line. Temporal and cause-and-effect relationships are violated in the text.

Preschool children with level 3 ODD receive characterization at the age of 7 from a speech therapist who conducts classes with them. If the results of classes with a speech therapist do not bring the desired result, you should consult a neurologist.

Level 4

Above was an approximate description of level 3 OHP, level 4 is slightly different. Basic parameters: the child’s vocabulary is noticeably increased, although there are gaps in vocabulary and grammar. New material is difficult to assimilate, learning to write and read is inhibited. Children use simple prepositions correctly and do not shorten long words, but still, some sounds are often dropped from words.

Speech difficulties:

  • sluggish articulation, unclear speech;
  • the narration is dull, not imaginative, children express themselves in simple sentences;
  • in an independent story, logic is violated;
  • expressions are difficult to choose;
  • possessive and diminutive words are distorted;
  • properties of objects are replaced by approximate meanings;
  • the names of objects are replaced with words with similar properties.

Help from a psychologist

The characteristics of children with level 3 ODD indicate the need for classes not only with a speech therapist, but also with a psychologist. Comprehensive measures will help correct the shortcomings. Due to speech impairment, such children have problems concentrating and find it difficult to concentrate on a task. At the same time, performance decreases.

During speech therapy correction, it is necessary to involve a psychologist. Its task is to increase motivation for learning and activities. The specialist must conduct a psychological intervention that will be aimed at developing concentration. It is recommended to conduct classes not with one, but with a small group of kids. It is important to take into account the child’s self-esteem; low self-esteem inhibits development. Therefore, a specialist must help children with ODD to believe in their strength and success.

Complex corrective effect

The pedagogical approach to correcting OPD is not an easy process; it requires a structural, special implementation of the assigned tasks. The most effective work is carried out in specialized institutions where qualified teachers work. If, in addition to OHP, a diagnosis of “dysarthria” is established, therapy is based on all pathologies. Drug treatment may be added to the corrective effect. A neurologist should take part here. Special institutions and centers aim to correct deficiencies in the development of intellectual functions and correct deficiencies in communication skills.

The first thing I want to tell parents is: do not despair if a child suffers from ODD. There is no need to conflict with teachers and specialists if they make a diagnosis of “level 3 ODD.” This will only help you take action in time. Classes with your child will help you quickly correct his speech and deal with pathologies. The sooner you get to the bottom of the problem and begin to act together with specialists, the faster the recovery process will turn in the right direction.

Treatment can be lengthy, and its outcome largely depends on the parents. Be patient and help your baby enter the world with confident, well-developed speech.

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