Didactic material for children. The use of didactic material in the classroom in order to develop the cognitive activity of preschoolers


I want to present to your attention didactic manuals made by myself.

Didactic game


To make a manual, you need 4 sheets of multi-colored cardboard; cut out white squares - “windows”, stick them on cardboard, print out small words - mine, mine, mine, mine, cut and paste at the top, you get a “multi-storey building”. Then make paper envelopes for cards with images on lexical topics (pictures can be found on the Internet, printed). All the manual for laminating, the game is ready.

Target: Formation of skills to coordinate pronouns with nouns.

Age: The game is intended for children from 4 - 7 years old, no more than 4 people can play it.

It is included in the kit: 4 cards - houses, small cards, instructions for the game.

Instruction; An adult invites children to take one card each - a house. The teacher takes small cards and shows them to the children, naming the subject: “What is this?” - “Coat”, “Whose coat?”, The child must answer: “My coat”, etc. The game will end when the children put all the small cards on the card - the house.

Game options:

I option:

Invite the child to name objects about which one can say “this is mine” (my pencil, my ball, my bear, my house, my kitten, etc.); "this is mine" (my doll, my group, my bag, my car, etc.); "this is my" my dress, my tree, my coat, my mirror, etc.); "these are mine" my pants, my shorts, my glasses, my watch, etc.).

II option

Pick up pictures and invite the child to arrange them into houses: mine, mine, mine, mine. When unfolding, let the child say, for example: my doll, my dress, etc.

Educational lotto


Algorithm for making a manual: to make a manual, download maps, diagram cards on the Internet, print, laminate and play with children.

Goals: to teach children to understand the spatial meaning of prepositions;

to form an idea of ​​the preposition as a separate word;

learn to make sentences on the picture.

Age: The game is intended for children from 4 to 7 years old, it can be played by no more than 6 people.

It is included in the kit: 6 cards, small cards with a preposition scheme, instructions for the game.

Instruction: The game is played according to the "lotto" type: an adult shows a preposition scheme, children make sentences according to their pictures. A child who has correctly composed a sentence and named a preposition closes one cell on his card with a preposition scheme. The winner is the one who closes all the plot pictures first.

Didactic game


Algorithm for making a manual: to make the manual, you need 5 sheets of colored cardboard, draw a silhouette of the “garage” on the cardboard, cut them out. Cut out rectangles from white paper and stick them on the "garages". Beyond that for laminating. Glue a plastic pocket on the roof of the "garage" with strips of self-adhesive paper. Cut out cars from colored cardboard according to a template, print and cut out numbers, stick them on cars, and laminate them. Help is ready.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's ideas about the composition of the numbers of the first ten.

Age: The game is intended for children from 4 - 7 years old, no more than 5 people can play it.

It is included in the kit: cards - garages with numbers, cars with numbers, instructions for the game.

Instruction: An adult invites children to take one card each - a garage. The teacher takes the cards of the typewriter and shows the children, naming the subject: “What is this?” - “Car”, “What is the number on the typewriter?”, The child should answer: “Two, this is my car, because the number 2 is on my garage”, etc.

Game options:

Option I: The number on the roof indicates the number of cars in the garage. The child must pick up and put cars with the same number.

II option: An adult invites children to make a number from two smaller numbers. The child finds these numbers and puts cars with numbers in the garage.

Didactic game


Algorithm for making a manual: for the manufacture of manuals, you need cardboard in green shades, cut out leaves from it according to the template, print and stick numbers, and laminate. Then download pictures on the Internet depicting ladybugs with a different number of dots on the back, print, cut, laminate. You can play.

Goals: strengthening counting skills within 10; development of the ability to compare the number of objects.

It is included in the kit: leaves with numbers, ladybugs with dots, instructions for the game.

Instruction: Plant a ladybug on each leaf, which has the same number of dots on its back as on the leaf.

Game options:

Option I: Each ladybug must find its own leaf (both on the ladybug and on the leaf there must be the same number);

II option: Arrange the ladybugs and leaves in forward and reverse order (from one to nine and from nine to one).

Game - puzzle


Algorithm for making a manual: making a puzzle is very easy. You need a 10x10 cm square. Cut it out of colored double-sided cardboard. Then cut the same square into 7 parts. It should be: 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. After that, make pockets from white paper according to the number of children, put squares cut into seven parts in them. Download and print schemes - samples. The game is ready.

Purpose of the game: development of logical, spatial and constructive thinking, ingenuity.

Age: The game is intended for children from 4 to 7 years old.

It is included in the kit: pockets with seven parts, diagrams.

Instruction: An adult invites children to compose images according to samples and according to their own design.

Game options:

I option: To begin with, you can compose images from two or three elements. For example, from triangles to make a square, a trapezoid. The child can be offered to count all the details, compare them in size, find triangles among them.

II option: A little later, you can move on to exercises for folding figures according to a given pattern. In these tasks, you need to use all 7 elements of the puzzle.

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I would like to introduce you to the visual and didactic material we have, made together with children and parents. Didactic.

In order for children to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and perform the tasks proposed to them with interest, it is necessary to invent new ones.

Methodological development of "Games" from nothing ", educational manuals made by one's own hands" Introduction. Currently, the full development of children from preschool age is becoming an urgent problem. Therefore, one of the indicators.

KU Urai Specialized Orphanage

Correction and development program

The second group of early age.



Dayanova Lilia Kamilovna


An exemplary correctional and developmental program for working with young children is based on the "Program for the upbringing and education of children" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, leading goals which are the creation of favorable conditions for the child to fully live preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physiological qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the preparation of the child for life in modern society.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: playing, educational, artistic, motor, which makes it possible to carry out comprehensive development and education.

The most important tasks early childhood education:

create conditions conducive to the development of physical activity, supporting the cheerful state of children;

Continue to carry out sensory perception, improve visual, auditory perception, form the simplest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surrounding objects and phenomena;

teach to act with household items and toys in accordance with their characteristics and purpose;

continue to develop memory in children, elementary cognitive activity, enriching connections with the environment, to educate attention;

Enrich an understandable and active vocabulary, teach to understand words denoting objects, actions, teach to listen carefully to an adult's speech, to carry out verbal instructions;

to form the preconditions for moral behavior, positive habits, emotional responsiveness;

· to form the prerequisites for an aesthetic attitude to the world around.

In order to systematically influence the development of children, didactic games and activities. It is necessary to teach children in the classroom to listen, to follow what the teacher does and shows, to imitate his words and actions. The knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom are consolidated in the process of everyday communication with children: during walks, independent games, in everyday life.

For a solid assimilation of program requirements by the whole group, repeated repeatability the same occupations. The repetition of classes has its positive aspects, as it makes it possible, through repeated exercises, to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills. Exact repetition of a lesson is practiced in cases where the successful completion of a task depends on the correct movements and actions of children with an object, or when repetition helps them overcome difficulty, for example, when pronouncing a sound or word. When repeating classes using several objects or toys, keeping the same program content, you should definitely involve new material in addition to the already known. For example, in the didactic game “Wonderful Bag”, in order to teach children to distinguish between sizes, large small balls can be used in one lesson, and large and small nesting dolls or dogs in another.

With those children who continue to experience difficulties even after repetitions, individual work is carried out.

The emotional nature of didactic classes with children of the second year of life dictates the peculiarity of their age development - involuntary attention: the child is able to focus only on what attracts him with its content, appearance, novelty, causes positive feelings and experiences in him.

One of the main didactic principles, on the basis of which the methodology of classes with young children is built, is the use of visualization in combination with the word. At an early age, as is well known, children become acquainted with the objects around them through visual-sensory accumulation of experience: they look, pick up, act with them in one way or another. Given this age feature, the teacher should widely use techniques in the classroom. visibility: name an object, give an opportunity to touch it; organize a demonstration of a truck during a walk; in the room, bring the children to the window, draw their attention to the fact that it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining.

Work with children begins after a thorough examination of the psychomotor, social and speech functions of the child. Diagnosis is carried out by a group of specialists: neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, psychologist, defectologist.

After the examination, a general conclusion is made about the level of mental, motor, social and speech development, the state of his social functions, neurological status.

The main diagnosis in children in the group is mental retardation (MPD). The variability of pupils' deviations has a wide range: from "pedagogical neglect" to a state bordering on mental retardation. Children, as a rule, have a burdened neurological status. Outwardly, this is expressed in the characteristics of behavior: children are either hyperexcitable, disinhibited, or, conversely, passive, infantile. The attention of children is involuntary, unstable. Game activity - at the level of simple manipulation of toys. Many children are motor awkward, they have poorly developed hand movements, fine finger movements, children cannot accurately, coordinately perform various movements after being shown to adults.

aim of this program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work at an early age.

The program has 5 sections: social development, the expansion of orientation in the environment and the development of speech, the development of movements, games-classes with didactic material, games-classes with building material. The second section (expansion of orientation in the environment and the development of speech) is accompanied by correctional and developmental work.

At this age, there is a direct dependence of speech development on motor and cognitive-sensory development. The development of movements is the basis for the knowledge of the surrounding world, and cognitive development is a means for the development of speech. That is why in this program speech development is given in unity with cognitive and motor development.


Explanatory note

Young children are characterized by a pronounced interest in everything that happens around them. To achieve the goals of communication, the child widely uses non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, action). Gradually, he moves on to verbal communication, which subsequently becomes the main means of establishing contacts with others, expressing thoughts and feelings. With the help of an adult, the child establishes various connections between objects and phenomena. The expansion of social contacts makes you perceive words correctly, strive to pronounce them more accurately in order to be understandable to listeners, and therefore actively participates in speech development. The action of the educator is to teach to switch from sign language, facial expressions to expressing requests, desires, suggestions using words and short phrases.

The role of an adult at this age stage is to consolidate the ability to sit on a chair, drink from a cup. From 1 year 2 months it is necessary to cultivate the ability to use a spoon, to teach them to eat a variety of foods on their own, to use a napkin after eating, to learn to put on and take off socks, boots, and a hat when dressing.


Continue to shape behavior in accordance with the rules and regulations: talk calmly, be quiet in the bedroom,

Teaching children to understand words can't, can, must and act in accordance with their appointments,

Teach them to take care of toys, put them away,

To teach to perceive various melodies, an artistic word, to learn to imitate the actions of an adult,

Learn to communicate with peers, say the name of another child,

Learn to wash and wash your hands, eat any kind of food on your own,

Help children develop self-confidence.

Main tasks social development of young children are:

Encouragement of children to emotional responsiveness in communication with adults, peers,

Cultivating the ability to act alongside peers, which lays the foundation for joint activities.

Formation of emotional contact with others,

Development of ideas about the household work of adults.


Development tasks Organization of the environment
To teach the baby to recognize himself in the mirror, use a pointing gesture. Learn to show socially significant gestures and facial expressions (regrets). To form emotional contact with an adult, to acquaint the child with his hands, their functional significance. Learn to recognize yourself in the mirror, point to yourself and encourage you to call your name, learn to repeat actions in front of the mirror. Formation of your "I" Game: Who is this? (1.3p. 8). Methodical methods: 1. The teacher creates special situations. Game: “The doll got sick” (1.1 p. 15). Methodical methods: 1. At the show or at the request of an adult, “we will regret the doll.” Formation of my "I" Game: "Let's bake pancakes" (1. 3s. 7). Methodical methods: 1. Create a game situation. 2. Situation of communication Rhyme “Okay, okay!” (1.3s.7). Formation of ideas about others The game "Smile, bow" (1.3s. 13). Methodical methods: 1. Organize a game situation in which the child will respond to his name. 2. Show actions. 3. Activation of speech. Full-length mirror. Dolls, different in size and texture: plastic, cloth, put on the hand. Full-length mirror. Full-length mirror.


Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
To teach to give a toy to another child, not to take away a toy. To learn to perceive various melodies, an artistic word, to learn to imitate the actions of an adult. Learn to imitate adults in situations of joy, grief, anxiety. Learn to communicate with peers, say the name of another child. Formation of ideas about others"Tanya and Manechka-sisters" (1.2p.16). Methodical methods: 1. Surprise moment. 2. Provide a personality-oriented interaction of the toy with each child. Forming an emotional connection with a new adult Listening to "Dropped the bear" Mus. Eliseeva-Schmidt (1.2p.239). Methodical methods: 1. Personal example of the educator: the educator reacts emotionally himself. Formation about the objective world Showing a fairy tale on a flannelgraph. "Ryaba Hen". Methodical methods: 1. Through the emotional behavior of an adult. 2. Activation of speech. Formation of ideas about others The game "Pass the ball" (1. 3s.15). Methodical methods: 1 . Personal example of the educator: the educator reacts emotionally himself. Dolls (sisters), identical pictures (2 pieces each): "Dress", "Cup". The toy is a bear. Tape recorder, audio cassette. Attributes for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen". A set of pictures depicting characters expressing mood. For the game: a large light ball.


Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
To improve the independence of children in subject-game activities and self-service. To teach emotional recognition of mood, that is, to actually respond to speech, music, artistic word. To teach emotionally, to interest children in music, singing, folklore. Expand orientation in the immediate environment. The game "Vodichka, Vodichka!" (1.3p.92). Methodical methods: Game with singing: "Bunny", music. A. Grechaninova (1. 2 p. 241). Methodical methods: 1. Through music lessons, reading fiction, in joint activities. Formation of emotional contact with a new adult. Games "Obediant hands", "Funny toys" (1. 3s.129,133). Development and correction of auditory perception and attention The game "Run to your house" (1.3s. 70). Methodical methods: 1. During the games, the teacher discusses with the child his actions, positively sets the child up for the game and communication. Two dolls. The toy is a bunny. Bunny hats. Soft rug, two rattles, box, bright scarf. Tambourine, high chair.


Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
To cultivate interest and a friendly attitude towards others: adults and children. Learn to highlight the names of adults and children, as well as know your name, some family relationships (mom, dad, grandmother). Learn to wash and wash your hands, eat any kind of food on your own. Learn to empathize, sympathize with another person, learn to understand the phrases: “it is possible”, “it is impossible” The game "We play together" (1. 3s.18). Methodical methods: 1. Everyday communication with children. Formation of ideas about others. Lesson games: "Engine", "Pass the ball" (1. 3s.15). Formation of self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills. Activity games: “Water-water!”, “Wash your hands” (1.3 p. 92-93). Formation of ideas about others. Methodical methods: 1. Through music lessons, reading fiction, in joint activities. Paired toys (machine-cube, locomotive-trailer). Big light ball. Two dolls, rubber hare. A set of toys depicting characters read in works.


Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
To instill in children confidence in their abilities and a friendly attitude towards partners in the game. Create conditions for children to openly and sincerely express their feelings. Help children develop self-confidence. Learn to switch from body language, facial expressions to expressing requests, desires, suggestions using words and short phrases. The game "What will we give Tanya?" (1.2p.60). Methodical methods: 1. Through joint games. Formation of the concept of others The poem "The Ball" by A. Barto (1. 2s.247.) Methodical methods: 1. The teacher creates a situation (asks the child to cheer up the doll, take pity on it, etc.). Formation of ideas about the objective world Games "Catch the ball", "Collect the rings" (1. 3s. 27, 25). Formation of subject - game actions"Pictures-riddles" (1. 2s. 86). Methodical methods: 1. Through joint games. Toys - bunny, bear, Tanya doll, ball. Doll, ball. Balls of different sizes. Stick with multi-colored rings or balls. Pictures with the image "Doll is crying", "Machine".


DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
The development in children of the need to communicate with adults. Teach yourself, reproduce game actions, transfer them to other toys. To develop an understanding of the household work of adults. Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults and peers Game: "Know the mood" Methodical methods: 1. An adult, by his example, shows emotions when communicating with an adult. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills Games "Engine" (1.3s. 23), "Bayu-Bai" (1.2s.93). Methodical methods: 1. The teacher creates special situations . Formation of self-service skills. Game-lesson “We have order”, “Wash the dishes” (1. 3s. 100-102). Formation of ideas about others“Let's help grandmother”, (1. 2p.158). Methodical methods: 1. Use appropriate situations throughout the day. A set of pictures with images of people's faces with different moods. Steam locomotive, rails. Doll, dog, crib, bedding. Children's dishes, sponge, broom, scoop. The coils are large, painted in different colors.


DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
Create conditions for activities that stimulate positive self-esteem of the child. Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards game partners. To expand the knowledge of children about the names of the parts of the group's premises (furniture, clothes, utensils). To learn to play on their own in twos or threes in previously learned games with the help of an adult. Monitoring children's activities and supporting their results S. Marshak “The cat went under the bridge” (1.2 p. 253). Formation of ideas about others The game "Capricious Bear" (1.1s. 35). Methodical methods. 1. Through joint games. Formation of ideas about the objective world. Games “Let's treat the dolls with tea”, “The doll goes for a walk” (1. 3s. 22, 23) The game "The bear walked in the forest" (1. 2s. 226) Pictures, toy - cat. Toy cars - a truck, a bus, subject pictures with their image, a bear. Dolls, children's furniture, dishes and clothes. Toy - bear, balls according to the number of children.


DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
Children are taught to observe the "distance discipline" and the ability to play next to each other. Use simple words: “on”, “give”, “let”, “I don’t want”, etc. Simple dance actions are possible in pairs in music classes. First, at the prompt of an adult, the kids help each other: bring the item necessary for the game (cubes, rings for the pyramid). Formation of ideas about others Game "Pass the toy" (1.3s. 18) Methodical methods: 1. Through joint games. Methodical methods: 1. Through joint games. 2. In simple story-play situations with a doll, the teacher explains to the child the concepts: “on”, “give”, “let”, “I don’t want”, etc. Formation of prerequisites for communication with peers Games: “The bear sleeps and dances”, “Little patties” (1. 3s. 137, 139). Methodical methods: 1. Personal example of the educator: the educator reacts emotionally himself. 2. Observation of the actions of peers. Formation of subject-game actions Games: "Collect a pyramid - a swing" (1. 3s. 86), "House for a cockerel" (1. 2s. 176) Toys (rattle - bell, balloon on a stick, spinner). Doll, children's dishes. A small teddy bear, a rocking bed. Pyramid toy - swing. Desktop or floor building material (cubes and bricks), cockerel toy.
Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
Identify and name individual parts of your body, as well as animals. Imitating the teacher, one kid should try to “feed, comb” the other. Continue to develop in children the need to communicate with an adult. Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults and peers Formation of my "I" Games: "Stomp your foot" (1. 3s. 9). A game aimed at cognitive development"Who lives in the house?" (91.2 p. 22). Formation of self-service skills Games: “Doing hair” (1. 3s. 95), “Lunch at the dolls” (1.3s. 99). Formation of ideas about others Methodical methods: 1. Through joint games - classes, outdoor games, reading literature. Formation of ideas about others Games: “Learning to dance" (1. 3s. 13), "Pass the ball" (1. 3s. 15) Methodical methods: 1. Use appropriate situations throughout the day House, toys - a dog, a doll. Toy dishes, two dolls, a mirror, a comb. Toys, books. Bear (or doll). Big light ball.

functions of the cerebral cortex - the activities of the second signaling system, since only it has the properties of generalization.

For the timely and full development of speech in the conditions of children's institutions, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

1. Enrichment of sensory experience in its correct combination with verbal accompaniment.

2. Establishment of frequent emotionally positive contact, mainly individual interaction between the teacher and children and children among themselves. EXPANSION OF ORIENTATION IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH

Explanatory note

Orientation in the environment is the foundation of the mental development of the child.

Introduction to the objective world involves:

Familiarization of the child with the object as such (name, purpose, isolation of properties and qualities, simple actions with it, recognition in the immediate environment and in the picture);

The development of interest in plants and animals, the cultivation of a careful attitude towards them, the awakening of the simplest aesthetic feelings.

Mental education is organized on the principles of communicative and cognitive activity of children and enriched with modern developmental content. It provides:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world around the child;

Development of interest in objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality (the world of people, animals, plants), habitats of humans, animals, plants (earth, water, air);

Acquaintance with household items necessary for a person, their functions and purpose (clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, etc.);

Formation of initial ideas about oneself, about the immediate social environment, about the simplest family relationships.

Distinguish the main features of objects (color, size, shape);

Group objects by color (put red balls in a red box, and blue balls in a blue box);

Freely navigate in the immediate environment (group room);

Have a primary idea of ​​trees, herbs and flowers, pay attention to their beauty;

Know and show (in life and in the picture) animals: a cat, a dog, a chicken, a hare, a bear, a fish, a bird.

Speech plays an important role in the mental development of children. Under its influence, the nature of the perception of the child changes. Having begun to understand the verbal designation and semantic meaning of words, he perceives the surrounding phenomena in a different way. A child who has mastered speech realizes, first of all, the meaning of objects, i.e., under the influence of speech, the sensory type of perception is reconstructed into a semantic, objective type.

Having arisen as a result of a child's communication with adults, speech becomes a means of communication, i.e. begins to perform its main main function.

Through the word, the formation of various relationships between a small person and others takes place: obedience is developed, the ability to obey the requirements of adults, the ability to reckon with the interests of other children is brought up. With the development of understanding and independent speech of the child, everything around him becomes more understandable, meaningful, interconnected, which develops specifically human thinking.

The formation of speech during the first three years of life is not a simple quantitative accumulation of a dictionary, but a most complex neuropsychic process that occurs as a result of the interaction of the child with the environment and under the influence of the direct influences of adults in the process of education. The emerging ability of the child to generalize indicates a new

3. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of imitation and independent speech activity.

The development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years old is built in two directions: development of speech understanding and development of active speech.

Task educator in the field of speech development of children - to help them in mastering colloquial speech.

This main task involves the education skills: understand addressed speech with or without reliance on visuals, make contact with others, express their thoughts and feelings using speech means.

The solution of the main task - the development of children's colloquial speech - involves the work of the educator to organize an expedient speech environment. For children of this age, individual communication with an adult is most preferable.

The main directions in the development of speech understanding:

In children of the first subgroup (from 1 year to 1 year 6 months), expand the stock of understood words: the names of frequently used household items (soap, nasal plateau, comb, etc.), the simplest household activities (undress, wash, etc.), names of body parts.

In children of the second subgroup (from 1 year 6 months to 2 years), to consolidate the ability to understand words denoting household items, their purpose, color, size, location (high, low). Help children memorize unfolding actions (take soap, wash hands with soap and dry them).

The main directions in the development of active speech:

Children from 1 year to 1 year to 6 months continue to be taught to pronounce words that are lightweight and light in sound composition (give me, on, etc.).

Encourage children from 1 year 6 months to 2 years to replace light words with complete ones; suggest the names of items of clothing, shoes, furniture. Separate actions with them. By the age of 2, to contribute to the formation of the ability to express requests, desires, impressions in short sentences of 2-3 words.

By the end of the year, young children should be able to:

At the word of an adult, find and show in natural conditions and in the picture toys, items of clothing, utensils;

Understand words denoting parts of the human body (arms, legs, head), parts of the face (mouth, eyes, ears); household and play activities (wash, walk); signs of objects: color (red, blue), contrasting sizes (large, small), shape (cube, brick);

Understand phrases that are simple in design and content, with which an adult accompanies the display of toys, his actions;

Imitate frequently heard sound combinations and words;

Fill up the active dictionary with the names of known actions (sleep, go, fell);

Show and name the familiar objects shown in the picture in a static position (by 1 year 3 months) and in action (by 1 year 6 months).


Development tasks Forms of organization of the educational process Organization of the environment
Continue to introduce the child to the surrounding objects. Learn lightweight names (doll - lala). Teach children to pronounce the word Katya (doll). Introduce a toy depicting a cat (consider, talk about how it meows, and show it to children, supporting the desire to meow with the cat). Get interested in folklore. Contribute to the understanding of an adult's speech based on clarity (use a piece of dense fabric as a cloth, give a natural piece of butter a try). Learn to find among the many pictures (clothes, dishes, furniture, toys). Learn to select pictures (according to verbal instructions). Encourage children to use commonly used names of objects, gradually replacing light words (babble) with them. To teach with interest, listen to the reading of a literary text and actively perceive it, synchronously perform game movements. Introduce children to the toy "Cockerel", examine it, tell where it lives, etc. To form a certain pace and rhythm of speech in children. Develop your voice. Cultivate respect for animals. To teach, to recognize the child in the picture, familiar objects, to call them with light words. Teach carefully, listen, delve into the content, reproduce game movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme. To teach imitation skills, to feel a sense of rhythm, to finish simple words. "Lesson with a doll" (2.1 p. 68). “Katya doll sings and dances” (2.1 p. 70). Methodical methods: 1. Surprise moment. 2. Stimulation of active speech of children. 3. Vocabulary: eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth. 4. The game "Doll Katya" (2. 7 p. 81). “The cat came to us” (2.9 p. 23). Methodological techniques: 1.Create a game situation. 2. Communication situation "Cat" (2. 5 p. 83). 3. Stimulation of active speech of children. 4. Vocabulary: paws, tail, ears. 5. The game "Put the cat to sleep" (2. 9 p. 23). “Listen to the nursery rhyme “Kisonka-Lysonka” (2.9 p. 24). Methodical methods: 1. Surprise moment. 2. Show sequential actions. 3. Stimulation of children's active speech. "Toys for Masha and Dasha" (2. 2s. 80-81). "Toys for Misha Mishutka" (2. 2s. 81-82). Methodological techniques A: 1.Surprise moment. 2. Show pictures. 3. Identification of pictures. 4. The game "Find and bring a toy" (2. 8s. 50). "Fly" (2.3 p. 17). Methodical methods: 1. Game situation. 2. Reading a literary text and at the same time performing game actions. 3. Stimulation of children's active speech. “Let's get to know the cockerel” (2. 9s. 29) Read the nursery rhyme “Petya, Petya, cockerel” to the children. Methodical methods: 1. Surprise moment. 2. Reading nursery rhymes. 3. Show actions. 4. Stimulation of active speech of children. "Doggy" (2.5 p. 81). The game "Guess who lives in the house?" (2.7p.72) Methodical methods: 1. Organize the game situation. 2. Provide student-centered interaction of the toy with each child. Lesson with a subject picture "Toy store" (2.2s79-80). Methodical methods: 1. Surprise moment. 2. Show picture. 3. Stimulation of children's active speech. 4. Game "Give me a toy" (2. 7 p. 80). Reading the nursery rhyme "Finger is a boy" (2. 1s. 93). Methodical methods: 1. Organize the game situation. 2. Stimulation of children's active speech. 3. Performing activities with an adult. "Helper" (2.3p.17). Methodical methods: 1. Organize the game situation. 2. Stimulation of children's active speech. 3. Performing activities with an adult. Doll. For the game: doll, doll bed, stroller dishes. Toy - a cat and a piece of dense fabric or real cloth, a natural piece of butter. For the game - a cat toy. For the game - a cat toy, a bed commensurate with the toy, a pillow, a sheet, a blanket, a handkerchief. Two identical dolls (sisters), pictures (2 each) “Dress”, “Cup”, “Apple”, etc. Paired pictures that differ only in the size of the image: “Bear”, “Doll”, Matryoshka, etc. .d. For playing toys: hare, bear, cat, etc. Artistic text Toy - cockerel. Toy - dog or doll. For the game: two houses, a dog and a cat. Pictures of familiar objects, objects (toys) that children compare with their image. For the game: a spinning top toy, a pyramid, a clockwork monkey. Toys: bear, cat, dog. Broom.



Kindergarten teacher No. 7






1. Acquaintance with the shape of objects

Purpose: to teach children to perform simple actions with objects. Draw their attention to sensory

characteristics of toys, causing an emotionally positive response.

Material: a bucket with a lid and small, easy-to-grab objects of various shapes and colors: a pyramid, a cube, a bar (brick), a mushroom, a cylinder, an egg, a ball. Bucket height -10-12 cm; the size of objects for insertion is 3-5 cm.

2. Acquaintance with the size of objects

Goal: continue to teach children the simplest ways to act with objects (take out and put in). Enrich the sensory experience of toddlers in the process of getting to know big and small toys.

Material: large and small buckets with a set of different cubes (4 large and 5 small). The height of a large bucket is 16 cm, a small one is 10 cm. The size of a large cube is 4.5x4.5x4.5 cm, a small one is 3x3x3 cm.

3. Acquaintance with the color of objects

Purpose: to accumulate color impressions in children, to consolidate elementary actions with objects, to form an emotional attitude to classes.

Material: bucket with a lid, a set of small items. The height of the bucket is 12 cm, the size of the items - liners - 3-4.5 cm. The objects are bright, their coloring is approximately the same saturation.

4. Stringing rings on the rod

Purpose: to teach children simple actions with objects: put a ring with a wide hole on the rod. Improve coordination of hand movements under visual control. To develop a positive attitude towards learning in children.

Material: rod 20 cm high, reinforced on the base; the top of the rod is rounded. 5 rings with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm with large holes.

5. Stringing rings of the same size

Purpose: to continue to teach children how to act with objects: remove and put rings with a wide hole on the rod. Develop coordination of hand movements under visual control; improve touch.

Material: one-color pyramids for 5 rings of the same size at the rate of 1 pyramid per child. The color of the pyramids is as follows: red, yellow, green, blue, red.

6. "Matryoshka came to visit us."

Purpose: to introduce children to the folk toy - matryoshka. Pay attention to the different size of the inserts. To teach to find, at the request of an adult, objects that are the same in configuration, but different in size. Introduce the concept of small nesting dolls, large nesting dolls.

Material: 12 nesting dolls in two sizes: 6 each, 10 and 5 cm high. 12 cups of one color and two sizes. (Tables are made from boxes by cutting out the sides.)

7. Acquaintance with the properties of objects

Target: in the process of practical actions with objects on an emotional-sensual, indicative basis, introduce the properties of the ball: round, unstable, rolls well.

Material: 8 balls, of the same size and color, placed 4 pcs. in 2 boxes (flat, 3 cm high, 15 cm high). Tray for rolling balls.

8. Stringing balls on a rod

Target: learn to perform the action of stringing balls on a rod: turn the ball so that a through hole is visible, correlate it with the rod, lower it onto the rod. Develop coordinated hand movements, searching for the appropriate position of the object in space.

Material: vertical rod 20-25 cm high, 5-6 balls for stringing, having a through hole along the axis of symmetry. Box for balls.



Games with didactic material


9. Acquaintance with the properties of objects

Target: in the process of practical actions, to acquaint children with the features of a cube - a stable geometric figure that has the same faces. Develop targeted actions depending on the task: lay out, shift, etc. on an emotional-sensory, indicative basis to give an idea of ​​the properties of filled and hollow containers.

Material: : 8 cubes, one size and color, placed in 4 pieces. in 2 boxes (flat, 3 cm high, 15 cm high).

10. Stringing cubes on a rod

Target: to fix the action of stringing objects with a through hole along the axis of symmetry. Working with cubes, develop the child's spatial imagination, the ability to turn the object to the appropriate side, find its location according to the practical task. Develop fine motor skills.

Material: a vertical rod 20-25 cm high, 5-6 cubes for stringing, having a through hole along the axis of symmetry. Cube box.

11. Grouping objects by shape

Target: to teach children the ability to group homogeneous objects, focusing on words such, not such; perform simple actions with objects: string on a rod.

Material: homogeneous pyramids of various shapes, consisting of 5 rings and 5 square bars.

12. Stringing large and small rings

Target: draw the attention of children to the size of objects, take into account this property when performing actions with toys; to form the ability to correctly focus on words (big, small).

Material: homogeneous pyramids, consisting of rings of large and small sizes. Large ring diameter - 4.5 cm,

small - 3 cm.

13. Unfolding homogeneous objects of different sizes Target: to teach children to act with balls, cubes - choosing them according to their shape and size; grasp the ball, holding it with the palm and fingers, hold the cube with the thumb, index and middle fingers, grasping it from above or from the side; understand words ball, cube, big, small.

Material: two boxes in the form of a parallelepiped (40x20x20 cm.) On the lid of one there are round holes, for a large ball and for a small one, on the other lid, similarly, they are square. For each child 3 large and 3 small balls, 3 large and 3 small cubes.

14. "Visiting nesting dolls" Target: continue to teach children to act with collapsible toys, separate and connect parts of the nesting dolls, performing these actions in a vertical direction. Consisting of two similar and interconnected parts. Develop tenacity, strength of the fingertips.

Material: nesting doll (10-12 cm high), inside it is a colored napkin, a house (teremok).

15. Acquaintance with the properties of objects

Target: to introduce the features of hollow objects of different sizes: imposing a smaller one on a larger one, covering a smaller one with a larger one (cubes, cones, cylinders). Develop motor skills and hand coordination, improve relatively subtle movements of the tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers. Perform the task with a focus on one property - the size of objects.

Material: a set of 8 one-color hollow cubes, retracting sequentially one into the other.

16. Stringing rings on a cone

Target: teach children to perform simple actions with objects, enrich their sensory experience, develop coordination of hand movements under visual and tactile control.

Material: a pyramid on a conical base of 5 rings, evenly decreasing in size.



Games with didactic material


17. Benefit

"Sorting box"

Target: contribute to the accumulation of visual-tactile impressions. Develop subject perception when manipulating objects.

Material: a drawer with two three-dimensional figures: a ball and a cube.

18. "What's in the box?"

Target: the accumulation of sensory experience of children, the creation of conditions for the examination of three-dimensional geometric shapes. Continue to develop object perception when manipulating objects.

Material: a drawer with three three-dimensional figures: a ball, a cube, a triangular prism.

19. "Hide the ball"


Material: sorting box, round hole lid, three balls.

20. "Hide the cube"

Target: correlation of objects by shape; improvement of actions with objects: pushing, opening a drawer, taking out objects on a tray.

Material: sorting box, square hole lid, three cubes.

21. "Hide the roof (prism)"

Target: correlation of objects by shape; improve the ability to act with objects: pushing, opening a drawer, taking out objects on a tray.

Material: sorting box, triangular hole lid, three prisms.

22. "What's in the box?"

Target: continue to teach children to correlate objects in shape; develop the ability to act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher; educate the desire to enter into a game situation with an adult.

Material: sorting box, triangular hole lid, three prisms, three balls and cubes.

23. "Wonderful Pouch"

Target: distinguishing by touch and naming three-dimensional geometric shapes (ball, cube, roof).

Material: bright toy, "wonderful bag", liners from the "sorting box": balls, cubes, triangular prisms.



Games with didactic material


24. Actions with hollow


Target: to improve practical skills of action with hollow objects. Learn to select objects, focusing on one property-form. To develop tentative-research and practical activities; to form accuracy, dexterity, purposefulness of the actions of the hands, to improve the eye.

Material: a set of 8 cylinders of caps, sequentially retracting one into the other, a similar set of 8 cubes.

25. Actions with collapsible toys.

Target: continue to teach action with a collapsible toy, separate and connect parts of the nesting doll, taking into account the ratio of their size and position in space. Enter concept big, smaller, small. Develop a more accurate eye and hand coordination.

Material: matryoshka (10-12cm high), matryoshka (6-8cm high),

non-separable (2-3 cm.) from one set (based on one child).

26. Benefit

"Sorting box"

Target: exercise children in placing inserts of contrasting shape in the holes of the corresponding shape. Develop object perception when manipulating objects: balls, cubes, triangular prisms.

Material: sorting box, lid with three holes - round, square and triangular, three prisms, three balls and three cubes.

27. Orientation in three


Purpose: to teach children to navigate in objects of 3 dimensions: big, smaller, small; understand words less, more corresponding to the intermediate size of objects; pick up objects in a certain sequence, focusing on their size.

Material: 3 hollow cylinders, the difference in size is 2-3 cm (based on one child).

28. "Find a pair of mittens"

Target: teach children to perform actions with objects; select homogeneous objects, focusing on one property - color. understand words such, not such; educate the desire to enter into a game situation with an adult.

Material: doll, 4 pairs of cardboard mittens (red, blue, yellow, green).

29. Introduction to the circle

Target: learn to act with flat round objects. To consolidate practical experience with objects, taking into account their functional properties (only a ring can be strung, but a circle cannot, but a circle and a ring can be rolled). Accumulate children's sensory experience by inviting them to act with rings and circles of different colors.

Material: large rings and circles (diameter 30,40,50cm - total 20 rings, 20 circles), rack for stringing objects

30. "Pick up the wheels to


Target: continue to teach children to perform actions with objects; select homogeneous objects, focusing on one property - color. understand words such, not such; to accumulate the sensory experience of children, inviting them to act with circles (wheels) of red, blue, yellow, green.

Material: trucks of 4 colors made (cut out) from cardboard, separately - wheels: red, blue, yellow, green (per child).

31. Stringing rings, decreasing in size

Target: To develop the ability to act in a certain system, picking up rings in descending order. To teach to adhere to the plan and the task, highlighting the main features relevant to its solution, and distracting from the non-essential.

Material: a pyramid of 4-5 rings, different in size and color.



Games with didactic material


32. Benefit "Guess".

Target: accumulation of sensory experience; familiarity with the shape (circle), color (yellow, green), size (large and small) of the lid; correlation of objects of one given form of different sizes and colors when choosing from four.

Material: stand, 2 covers yellow and green.

33. "Find a place."

Target: accumulation of sensory experience; familiarity with the shape (circle), color (yellow and red), size (large and small) of the lid; correlation of objects of one given form of different sizes and colors when choosing from four.

Material: stand, 2 covers yellow and red.

34. "Tumbler" (modeling)


Material: a sheet of cardboard, 2 covers of yellow, green.

35. "Tumbler" (modeling)

Target: Orientation on a sheet of paper; selection of objects by color and size, promote naming the color and size of objects (lids).

Material: a sheet of cardboard, 2 covers of yellow, red.

36. "Find a place."

Target: accumulation of sensory experience; introduce the color blue; correlation of objects of one given form of different sizes and colors when choosing from four.

Material: stand, 2 covers yellow and blue.

37. Orientation in space.

Target: Learn to navigate in space, find an object according to the indicated sign (color). Develop the ability to act with your fingertips, manipulating thin objects.

Material: red and blue ribbons (3-4 per child).

38. Grouping objects by shape and color

Target: to develop the speed and accuracy of hand movements when acting with objects that are in motion and have their own position in space. Learn to choose objects, focusing on 2 properties: color and shape.

Material: 5 balls and cubes of yellow and green, 2 boxes of the color corresponding to the objects, a tray for rolling balls.

39. "Find a place."

Target: accumulation of sensory experience; familiarity with the shape (circle), color (yellow, red, green, blue), size (largest and smallest) of the lid; correlation of round objects and four sizes when choosing from four.

Material: stand, 4 covers of primary colors.



Games with didactic material


40. Benefit "Guess".

" Who lives where?"

Target: development of small muscles of the hands (putting figures into holes, opening and closing the lid); correlation of objects of the same given shape, different sizes and colors when choosing from four.

Material: stand with four lids. Two figurines: a yellow duck, a green Christmas tree.

41. Benefit "Guess".

" Who lives where?"


Material: stand with four lids. Three figures: a yellow duck, a green Christmas tree, a blue bunny.

42. Benefit "Guess-ka".

" Who lives where?"

Target: accumulation of sensory experience; development of small muscles of the hands (putting figures into holes, opening and closing the lid); correlation of objects of the same given shape, different sizes and colors when choosing from four.

Material: stand with four lids. Four figures: yellow duck, green Christmas tree, blue bunny, red fungus.

43. Benefit "Entertaining

Target: continue to teach children to group figures according to shape, covering them consistently with the same figure as shown by the teacher; introduce children to the square. Accumulate children's sensory experience by inviting them to act with circles and squares of different colors.

Material: squares and circles of four primary colors (the "Entertaining Figures" manual).

44. Benefit "Entertaining

figures "" Find the same shape

Target: continue to teach children to group figures according to shape, covering them consistently with the same figure as shown by the teacher; introduce children to bricks. Accumulate children's sensory experience by inviting them to act with bricks and circles of different colors.

Material: bricks and circles of four primary colors (allowance "Entertaining figures").

Lay out the figures in a certain sequence: red, green, blue, yellow.

45. “Find the same shape

Target: exercise children in distinguishing, matching and naming primary colors: red, green, blue, yellow; match and name the shape of an object: circle (ring, circle), square, brick, figure, like a roof; to develop the ability of children to lay out homogeneous objects into groups depending on their shape and color (group objects); vocabulary development:

Material: circles, squares, bricks, prisms of four primary colors (the "Entertaining Figures" manual).

46. ​​Benefit "Entertaining

figures "" Find the same shape

Target: to develop the ability of children to lay out homogeneous objects into two groups depending on their shape and color (group objects); introduce the figure, like a roof (prism); vocabulary development: like this, not like this, different, color, shape.

Material: prisms and circles of four primary colors (the "Entertaining Figures" manual).

Lay out the figures in a certain sequence: red, green, blue, yellow.

47. Benefit "Entertaining

"Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: accumulation of sensory experience. To teach children to lay out figures in accordance with the requirements for the form: a circle - for 1 rod, a brick - for 2 rods, naming the color of the figure. Exercise children in distinguishing, comparing the naming of geometric shapes: circle (ring, circle), brick. To consolidate the ability of children to lay out homogeneous objects into two groups.

Material: stand, circles and bricks of four primary colors.



Games with didactic material


48. "Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: laying out the figures in accordance with the requirements for the form: a circle - into 1 rod, a triangle - into 3 rods, naming the color of the figures.

Material: stand, circles and prisms in four primary colors.

49. "Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: laying out the figures in accordance with the requirements for the form: a circle - into 1 rod, a square - into 4 rods, naming the color of the figures.

Material: stand, circles and squares of four primary colors.

50. "Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: laying out the figures in accordance with the requirements for the form: a brick - into 2 rods, a triangle - into 3 rods, naming the color of the figures.

Material: stand, bricks and prisms of four primary colors.

51. "Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: laying out the figures in accordance with the requirements for the form: a brick - into 2 rods, a square - into 4 rods, naming the color of the figures.

Material: stand, bricks and squares of four primary colors.

52. "Lay out the figures on the stand."

Target: laying out the figures in accordance with the requirements for the shape, a triangle - into 3 rods, a square - into 4 rods, naming the color of the figures.

Material: stand, prisms and squares of four primary colors.

53. "Make a pattern."

Target: laying out figures of different shapes and colors in a certain sequence (according to the model, instructions from an adult and independently)

Material: circles and bricks in blue and red

54. "Make a pattern."

Target: laying out figures of different shapes and colors in a certain sequence (according to the model, instructions from an adult and independently)

Material: circles and squares in green and yellow.

55. "That's how I can!" (decorate the group with colorful streets)

Target: making pictures from figures; strengthening the skills of distinguishing figures by color and shape; vocabulary development: like this, not like this, different, color, shape.

Material: 4 multi-colored prisms.



Games with didactic material


56. "That's how I can!" (Let's make a roly-poly tumbler for girlfriends: a funny and sad roly-poly).


Material: 4 colored circles.

57. "That's how I can!" (we will make houses for tumblers)

Target: continue to teach children to make pictures from shapes; strengthening the skills of distinguishing figures by color and shape.

Material: 2 prisms and 2 squares in green and red.

58. "That's how I can!" (we will make a table and a chair for the tumblers)

Target: continue to teach children to make pictures from shapes; strengthening the skills of distinguishing figures by color and shape.

Material: four bricks.

59. Benefit "Put on a figure."

Target: to exercise children in recognizing, correlating and naming objects of a round, triangular shape. Improve actions with objects, teaching how to string rings of various shapes on the corresponding rods.

Material: 4 figures of a round, triangular shape.

60. Benefit "Put on a figure."

Target: to exercise children in recognizing, correlating and naming objects of a round, rectangular shape. Improve actions with objects, teaching how to string rings of various shapes on the corresponding rods.

Material: 4 figures of round, rectangular shape.

61. Benefit "Put on a figure."

Target: to exercise children in recognizing, correlating and naming objects of a round, triangular, rectangular shape. Improve actions with objects, teaching how to string rings of various shapes on the corresponding rods.

Material: 4 figures of round, triangular, rectangular shape.

62. Benefit "Tree-lacing"

Target: to form and maintain children's interest in manipulative actions with a needle and lace. To promote the formation of manual skills, the acquisition of experience by children in performing actions necessary in everyday life.

63. Benefit "Collect the beads."

Target: to form and maintain children's interest in manipulative actions with a cord and a needle, beads. To promote the formation of manual skill, developing the accuracy of movements.


Small steps into the big world of knowledge. Educational and methodological manual for preschool educators. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRES", 2005. and others. Education of the child's sensory culture. Book. for educators children. garden - M .: Education, 1988 and others. Early childhood: cognitive development. Methodological guide.- M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2000. . We introduce the child to the world around him. Section: "Education of cognitive activity in the process of actions with objects." - M .: Education, 1987. and others. Children of early age in preschool institutions: Book. for the teacher of children garden.-M.: Enlightenment, 1986. . The use of educational games in work with young children. - Snezhnogorsk, MMC, 2004 . Sensory education classes with young children. A manual for a kindergarten teacher, M., 1983. V. Sotnikova. The smallest in kindergarten. From the experience of Moscow teachers .- M .: "Linka-Press", 2005.

Didactic material (visual, handout)

The main teaching tool is a set of visual didactic material for classes. It includes the following: And - environmental objects taken in kind: Various household items, toys, dishes, buttons, cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, etc.;

  • - images of objects: flat, contour, color, on stands and without them, drawn on cards;
  • -- graphic and schematic tools: logical blocks, figures, cards, tables, models.

When forming elementary mathematical representations in the classroom, real objects and their images are most widely used. With the age of children, natural changes occur in the use of certain groups of didactic tools: along with visual aids, an indirect system of didactic materials is used. Modern research refutes the assertion that generalized mathematical concepts are inaccessible to children. Therefore, visual aids that model mathematical concepts are increasingly used in work with older preschoolers.

Didactic means should change not only taking into account age characteristics, but depending on the ratio of the concrete and the abstract at different stages of the children's assimilation of the program material. For example, at a certain stage, real objects can be replaced by numerical figures, and they, in turn, by numbers, etc.

Each age group has its own set of visual material. This is a complex didactic tool that provides the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the conditions of purposeful learning in the classroom. Thanks to it, it is possible to solve almost all program problems. Visual didactic material is designed for a certain content, methods, frontal forms of organization of education, corresponds to the age characteristics of children, meets a variety of requirements: scientific, pedagogical, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic, economic, etc. It is used in the classroom to explain the new, consolidate it , to repeat what has been passed and when testing the knowledge of children, i.e. at all stages of learning.

Usually, two types of visual material are used: large (demonstration) for showing and working with children and small (handout), which the child uses while sitting at the table and performing the task of the teacher at the same time as everyone else. Demonstration and handout materials differ in purpose: the former serve to explain and show the methods of action by the educator, the latter make it possible to organize independent activities for children, during which the necessary skills and abilities are developed. These functions are basic, but not the only ones and are strictly fixed.

Demo materials include:

  • - typesetting canvases with two or more strips for laying out different planar images on them: fruits, vegetables, flowers, animals, etc .;
  • -- geometric shapes, cards with numbers and signs +, --, =, >,
  • - flannelgraph with a set of planar images pasted on the flannel with the pile outward, so that they are more firmly held on the surface of the flannelgraph board covered with flannel;
  • - an easel for drawing, on which two or three removable shelves are attached to demonstrate voluminous visual aids;
  • -- a magnetic board with a set of geometric figures, numbers, signs, flat subject images;
  • - shelves with two and three steps to demonstrate visual aids;
  • - sets of items (10 pieces each) of the same and different colors, sizes, volumetric and planar (on stands);
  • - cards and tables;
  • -- models ("number ladder", calendar, etc.);
  • -- logical blocks;
  • - panels and pictures for compiling and solving arithmetic problems;
  • -- equipment for conducting didactic games;
  • - appliances (usual, hourglass, pan scales, floor and table abacus, horizontal and vertical abacus, etc.).

Certain types of demonstration materials are included in stationary equipment for educational activities: magnetic and regular boards, flannelgraph, abacus, wall clocks, etc.

Handout materials include:

  • -- small objects, three-dimensional and planar, the same and different in color, size, shape, material, etc.;
  • - cards consisting of one, two, three or more stripes; cards with objects depicted on them, geometric shapes, numbers and signs, cards with nests, cards K with sewn buttons, lotto cards, etc .;
  • -- sets of geometric shapes, flat and three-dimensional, the same and different colors, sizes;
  • -- tables and models;
  • -- counting sticks, etc.

The division of visual didactic material into demonstration and handout is very conditional. The same tools will help to be used both for the show and for the exercises.

The size of the benefits should be taken into account: the handout should be such that the children sitting next to each other can conveniently place it on the table and not interfere with each other during work. Since the demonstration material is intended to be shown to all children, it is larger in all respects than the handout. The existing recommendations regarding the size of visual didactic materials in the formation of elementary mathematical representations of children are empirical in nature and are built on an experimental basis. In this regard, a certain standardization is urgently needed and can be achieved as a result of special scientific research. While there is no uniformity in indicating the sizes in the methodological literature and in sets produced by the industry, it is necessary to practically establish the most acceptable option And in each specific case, focus on the best pedagogical experience.

Handouts are required in large quantities for each child, demonstration - one per group of children. For a four-group kindergarten, the demonstration material is selected as follows: 1-2 sets of each name, and handout - 25 sets of each name for the entire kindergarten, in order to fully provide one group.

Both material should be artistically designed: attractiveness is of great importance in teaching kids - it is more interesting for children to study with beautiful aids. However, this requirement should not become an end in itself, since the excessive attractiveness and novelty of toys and aids can distract the child from the main thing - the knowledge of quantitative, spatial and temporal relations.

Visual didactic material serves to implement the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in the process of specially organized exercises in the classroom. For this purpose, use:

  • -- allowances for teaching children to count;
  • - manuals for exercises in recognizing the size of objects;
  • - manuals for children's exercises in recognizing the shape of objects and geometric shapes;
  • - manuals for the exercise of children in spatial orientation;
  • - manuals for children's exercises in orientation in time. These sets of manuals correspond to the main sections of the program and include both demonstration and handout material. The didactic tools necessary for conducting classes are made by educators themselves, involving parents, chefs, older preschoolers, or they are taken ready-made from the environment. Currently, the industry has begun to produce separate visual aids and entire sets that are designed for mathematics classes in kindergarten. This significantly reduces the amount of preparatory work on equipping the pedagogical process, frees the educator time for work, including the design of new didactic tools and the creative use of existing ones.

Didactic tools that are not included in the equipment for organizing educational activities are stored in the methodical room of the kindergarten, in the methodical corner of the group room, they are kept in boxes with transparent lids or on tight lids they depict the objects that are in them with appliqué. Natural material, small counting toys can also be found in boxes with internal partitions. Such storage makes it easier to find the right material, saves time and space.

Equipment for independent games and activities may include:

  • - special didactic tools for individual work with children, for preliminary acquaintance with new toys and materials;
  • - a variety of didactic games: desktop-printed and with objects; training, developed by A. A. Stolyar; developing, developed by B. P. Nikitin; checkers, chess;
  • -- entertaining mathematical material: puzzles, geometric mosaics and constructors, labyrinths, joke tasks, transfiguration tasks, etc. with the application, where necessary, of samples (for example, the game "Tangram" requires samples dissected and contour), visual instructions, etc.;
  • - books with educational and cognitive content for reading to children and looking at illustrations.

All these tools are best placed directly in the zone of independent cognitive and play activities, they should be updated periodically, taking into account children's interests and inclinations. These funds are mainly used during game hours, but can also be used in the classroom. Children should be given free access to them and their wide use.

Acting with a variety of didactic means outside the classroom, the child not only consolidates the knowledge gained in the classroom, but in some cases, assimilating additional content, can get ahead of the requirements of the program, gradually prepare for its assimilation. Independent activity under the guidance of a teacher, taking place individually, in a group, makes it possible to ensure the optimal pace of development for each child, taking into account his interests, inclinations, abilities, and characteristics.

Many of the didactic tools used outside the classroom are extremely effective. An example is the "colored numbers" - the didactic material of the Belgian teacher X. Kuzener, which has become widespread in kindergartens abroad and in our country. It can be used from kindergarten through the last years of high school. "Colored numbers" is a set of sticks in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds and cubes. All sticks are painted in different colors. The starting point is a white cube - a regular hexagon measuring 1X1X1 cm, i.e. 1 cm3. A white stick is one, a pink one is two, a blue one is three, a red one is four, etc. The longer the stick, the greater the value of the number that it expresses. Thus, a number is modeled by color and magnitude. There is also a planar version of colored numbers in the form of a set of stripes of different colors. Laying out multi-colored rugs from sticks, composing trains from wagons, building a ladder and performing other actions, the child gets acquainted with the composition of a number of units, two numbers, with a sequence of numbers in the natural series, performs arithmetic operations, etc., i.e. prepares for mastering various mathematical concepts. Sticks make it possible to construct a model of the studied mathematical concept.

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