How can I convince my mom not to go to school? Adviсe. Jokes - pictures, video jokes, funny stories and anecdotes How to get rid of not going to school

The reader writes:

My son is 12 years old and recently it turns out that he regularly (several days in a row) skips school. In the morning I feed him breakfast, send him to school, go to work myself, and he walks for about two to three hours, then he comes home as if from class, every evening he does his homework, collects his portfolio, and in the morning instead of school we walk again . Began to find out - why? There is only one answer: I don't!
He has no problems with teachers, on the contrary, he is "the favorite of the public", with classmates too. He promised that this would not happen again, "swore and swore", I began to accompany him to school myself, absenteeism stopped. But yesterday I needed to go to work early and sent him alone - again I didn’t get it! In the evening, looking into my eyes, he claims that he was at school. And again promises, tears, "I won't do it again." In the morning I took him to school again, like a first grader by the hand. What can be done in such a situation? And there is no trust in the child, it’s hard for him and me, every evening I have to ask: was he at school or not, call classmates, check.

What to do?

It happens that the matter is different: for example, your child has a conflict with classmates or with a teacher. This situation is more complicated, sometimes the advice from M. Kravtsova's article "Outcast child in the classroom (advice to teachers and parents)" will help, and sometimes it's easier to change schools than to change the situation in a particular school.

The most radical step in this direction is to stop taking the child to school altogether and switch to homeschooling. A reader writes:

If a child is not interested in developing and learning something new, this is a very, very serious "bell". And it rings that this desire (absolutely natural, inherent in every person from birth) has already been crushed in the child. By whom? A school that does not give joy, and parents who insist on such a school. Who needs this kind of education? A child who is collected from year to year to school, checked lessons, scolded because of grades, study is not needed initially. She needs only his parents. Everyone did not want to trudge to school in the morning, but they went and sat at the desk and pretended to study. You don't have to lie to yourself. Although - not right, studied! Learned hypocrisy. This is called "we were bent, now we are bending" ... the cycle of BDSM ... And to break this vicious circle? Weak?

Remark """: despite the categoricalness, there is a grain of truth in this opinion. See →

It is clear that the smartest parents begin to take care of all this much earlier, educate the child in real independence even before school and teach the child to study at school from the first grade. There is a wonderful rule: “In the first grade, you need to sit with the child and study together. Teach - all the rest of the years the child will study on his own, and you will be free. If you decide in the first grade that the child should show independence and lessons, it’s his business, business will end with the fact that already from the second grade you will do all the lessons with your child for all subsequent years. Teach your child to learn, and he will enjoy learning!

A happy reader writes:

My son is also 10 years old. Daughters 12. From the second grade they study by themselves and for themselves. They themselves collect portfolios for themselves, deal with teachers themselves if they forgot to bring something, correct "2" for notebooks left at home, prepare the form for the next day, keep track of the availability of clean shirts in the closet, dress themselves, take a shower and brush their teeth in general with 5 years old, write down homework assignments themselves, learn them from classmates themselves if they forgot to write them down, learn lessons themselves, receive and correct deuces themselves if they haven’t learned, etc. But at the same time, no one had a desire not to go to school. On the contrary, if you study FOR YOURSELF, then you have the MOTIVATION to study well - to gain knowledge, go to college to get the profession you want, etc. Moreover, even if for this you have to make some conscious sacrifices, for example, to learn mathematics or history that you don’t like.

Gleb's letter

Hello, my name is Gleb, I am 13 years old. I'm already exhausted from school, I'm very tired. On the one hand, I understand that it is necessary to study. History (a subject that I deeply hate, by the way), for example, is needed to understand the mistakes of states and make the right decisions. And so with everything. This is all, as I am told, can be useful to me in life. But this is tantamount to the fact that I collect bottles on the street, they say, extra money will not hurt, but you can do without it. In short, I have a lot of deep thoughts on this topic. But I'll be brief. Knowledge I appreciate and love. BUT! At school, they force me to study, I'm bored, a lot of time is wasted, they don't take into account the characteristics of children, they don't try to understand and hear them, the school develops one-sidedly. Mountains of material, stress, violence, etc. The list can be continued indefinitely. I myself read a lot, do karate, in general, a normal person. But I can't make a decision about studying... Many subjects are not given to me and they are very boring. What to do?

Reply to Gleb

Ch. Elena, psychologist, graduate

Hello Gleb!

Judging by the rather literate letter, it is clear that you are a person who reads and thinks. So I want to give you really good advice.

But! I request you to take my advice with respect. With respect - it means to read, choosing, there is nothing to argue with, but something to agree with. Perhaps set aside for an hour or a day and read it again. And most importantly, put it into practice.

This is the most important thing in life - to act. You see the shortcomings of school education and you can vividly and figuratively complain about them. I see too. Many see. Many complain. But respect is given to those who do something to change the situation. They are winners in life. I call such people Creators.

Now here's a tip.

I suggest you experiment. Psychological experiment on yourself. There is a whole series of experiments invented by psychologists for schoolchildren who are bored at school. They are described in L. Soloveichik's book "". I’ll say right away: if you read it, good. The faster you can move from reading to work, to actions, to experiments.

If you haven't read it, I envy you a little. Interesting, vividly and vividly written, this book contains a number of tasks for you. The first one to start with is to love history and (if necessary) correct your grades in that subject. To a high, truly ambitious, practically challenge: to raise the level of education and culture of your class, your friends.

I think a challenge is what you need. The life of teenagers today in our country is safe and uncomplicated. You are treated like children and protected from difficulties. But without difficulties there will be no victories - you know this well thanks to karate classes. To know yourself, what you are, what you can be, is possible only in real, difficult work, in action.

And the last thing - if you report the results of the experiment, it will be great.

1. "Mom, isn't Mona going anywhere today? Well, I don't feel like it at all!" Mom will look understandingly and allow you not to go anywhere. One day. If it works, then you are extremely lucky, because. Not every child is lucky to have such parents.

2. Try to complain to your parents before school that you allegedly have a headache (usually rolls, but of course not often).

3. You can just not go to school, but sleep or go about your business, but it’s better to insure yourself against teachers and parents (just say the next day that you didn’t feel well).

4. It is possible for parents or teachers to drive as a standard about the stomach, but anything can happen: some will believe, others will not.

5. If you didn’t learn something or forgot to do it, then here’s a good excuse: You take a briefcase, hide it in some most secret place at school. right now I’ll look and come to the lesson 15-20 minutes after it starts (the briefcase should be a little dirty, like it was lying around somewhere, but it’s possible without it), you go into the class angry and everyone’s homework has already been checked and you calmly sit down and do it what they do in class. 100% works only you have to play as an actor!!!

6. But in general, a good option (it works at our school) - you answer in any subject (voluntarily), you get, for example, 4 (you have to try hard) and then you can safely not do it for 2-3 lessons. The only disadvantage of this is that you need to be able to force yourself to do something at least once + if there are few people in the next lessons, they can ask more.

7. You can still safely come to the 2nd or 3rd lesson, excuse me: problems, I went through a medical examination at the clinic, I will have to go tomorrow, and so on ...

8. About the alarm clock (overslept) - an effective thing.

9. Stupidly you can tell teachers that "I gave you a job" - this is real, once I loaded the teacher so that she gave me 5 ...

10. To let them go home - this is the topic: there are a lot of ointments against injuries (Finalgel, Finalgon, etc.), you take a tube, squeeze it onto your finger, just a little ointment, the size of a pea, and smear your forehead, then wash your forehead (otherwise it will burn a lot), and you go to the lesson to mow .....

11. You can simply take a thermometer and use the force of friction by rubbing the thermometer on the leg (do not rub the current for a long time and constantly check the temperature on the scale).

12. We also wrap the tip of the thermometer in a sheet or duvet cover and blow into the sheet, the temperature in the thermometer begins to rise sharply, blow to the desired temperature, and put the thermometer under the armpit in order to maintain the desired temperature.

13. A good way - holding your breath to raise the temperature - actually works. It rises in 5 minutes to 37. You just need to hold your breath for as long as you can, continue the procedure for 5-10 minutes.

14. A very cool way: it means you take a doctor's certificate (any) and scan it on a PC, then in various programs (I use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP) you edit it as you like, you can write: due to illness or the temperature has risen there ... Well, the possibilities are unlimited! !!

15. So everything is standard: "I forgot my notebook" :) We have a class up to the sixth maximum. And then two without talking!

16. Recently, such a chip rolled: it means you are supposedly very bad, your head hurts or something. You go to the doctor, tell everything you thought up ... You are provided with a measure of temperature and pressure. I tell you how to raise the pressure in record time: strongly clench and unclench your fists, be sure to quickly, as much as you can. Continue the procedure for 1-2 minutes. ... Good luck!!!

17. Another topic about a thermometer: You take a thermometer, squeeze its tip into a fist (so that it does not come out of your fist) and gently hit the other side of the thermometer with your palm, that's all. Turning the thermometer over changes the effect on the scale accordingly - it either decreases or increases.

18. Who was lucky with a good Classroom leader, then everything is quite simple: you approach her and say: “I had a fever yesterday, I can’t sit in class, can I go home ???” I repeat: only for good guides (otherwise it won’t work). Posted by soos(Denis)

19. I advise! Rewind the finger of the hand you write with with a bandage => come to school and say that you have badly injured your finger ... As a result, you do not write for a whole week, such a minus may consist in asking for help from you, but not the fact that they will require ...

20. Another excuse: You approach a familiar high school student and say: "Write a note, brother, for me." you dictate to him / her, you immediately carry a note to the classmate and leave the school. Written by my friend.

21. And you can be completely insolent and play truant right at school. If you don’t want to go to class, you take a friend, ask the guards (of course you are on good terms with them) to open the locker room, crawl under the hangers, take off a couple of jackets, well, to make it warmer, fall apart under them and do whatever you like. And the guard closes behind you until the end of the lesson. added my sister (A-Gorod)

22. My advice from absenteeism for one day is very simple. You approach the class teacher and say that you need to go to the doctor, it’s good to call a doctor with a word with a country, for example, an endocrinologist. I didn’t do it myself, but my classmates rolled.

23. Another trick! Rolls 100%!
In the evening you take your keys and put them in your mother's bag! When she leaves (in the morning) after 10 minutes, you call her and raise a panic!! She tells you, like, find spare ones! And go to bed yourself! Then you say like you took my keys and I didn't find a spare!

The school bells rang, inviting fresh and energetic students after the holidays to the classes. However, the very first day in their native school raised the question for many schoolchildren, how not to go to school. And since entire generations puzzled over this issue, some experience has accumulated, used and annually replenished by descendants.

There is a way not to go to school

It's better to get away from school by misleading parents. But if whining, like, a headache, a stomach, etc. no longer works, then you can experiment with the temperature.
Method 1: you need to take a sugar cube, put one or two drops of medical iodine on it and eat it. Gives high guarantees that the temperature will actually rise.
Method 2: chew a piece of lead (3-4 cm long) from a regular pencil. If you are not afraid to clog the body, then you can try - it works.
Method 3, mechanical: clamp the tip of the thermometer with a cloth (you can use the corner from a pillowcase) and vigorously turn it around its axis. Here you have to be extremely careful, the temperature can jump so seriously that the ancestors will call an ambulance. Therefore, it is necessary to control the situation.
Method 4: hold your breath, in 5 minutes the temperature rises to 37 degrees. For the most zealous: do not stop breathing for 10 minutes, otherwise you will suffocate. For the strength of the effect, you can repeat the procedure periodically and the temperature will rise higher.
The psychological impact on the compassionate mother can also help in this situation, but acting talent is required.
It is necessary to make eyes, as the cat from Shrek could do and pitifully poke around, like “Mommy, can you sit at home today, so you don’t want to go anywhere?”. It works one hundred percent, but only for one day, then the experiment can lead to the opposite effect.
For advanced ones: you need to scan a medical certificate, then, using one of the programs, like ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, you need to edit it, having come up with a diagnosis, and that's it, you rest for a few days.
For the brave: you need to go to the doctor and portray high blood pressure. You need to start with complaints of headache and nausea. There they will definitely begin to measure the temperature and pressure, well, in order to find the reason. So, if you clench and unclench your fists strongly and quickly (only very strongly and very quickly), for 1-2 minutes, then the pressure will jump (for some, even under 140/90). And go home, beat the buckets!
For the impudent: in the evening you need to put your keys to the apartment in your mother's bag. In the morning, when she leaves for work, call her and, with panic in your voice, tell her that she took the keys away, but there are no spare ones anywhere. Mom is unlikely to return, so you can sleep peacefully.
In general, the ways how not to go to school enough, you see, one will work. But remember: "Learning is light, and not learning is darkness."

Children love to skip school - this is a generally recognized fact. But not always they manage to come up with good reasons for absenteeism. It’s better to play it safe and read how to cheat correctly so that they don’t figure it out. A responsible parent can be very insulting for absenteeism, but who needs it? What savvy schoolchildren did not come up with, skipping unloved school classes! The article describes the brightest and most reliable ways to beg your mom for an extra day off on a weekday!

What to tell mom not to go to school is a disease

  • One of the common excuses for parents will be a sudden painful condition. You can really get sick, that is, think through the whole cunning plan in advance. Or, getting up early, try to visually worsen your situation by pale skin, weakness, and even fever. The latter is easy to do. They take a working thermometer, turn on a table lamp and hold it for some time under the light, at a small distance from the glass. Instead of a lamp, water or a battery is used, from the tap, but optimal for raising body temperature. It is about 38°C, but not higher. If you overdo it, then mom will call the doctor to the house, which in no time will reveal a shameful lie. Paleness of the skin is given with light makeup, namely by rubbing the powder on the cheeks or under the eyes. They rub their nose until redness and begin to sniff, as with a runny nose. It is also important to cough loudly and convincingly and lead a not very active bed life.
  • If the decision to get sick came in a few days, then a good option is to run with your mouth open in the cold air or drink ice water, go outside with a wet head. In the summer it is easy to catch a sunstroke, being outside all day without a panama hat.
    Increase the temperature by doing 100 squats in a secluded place so that no one can see. Just before going to your parents, you should balance your breathing.

What to tell mom not to go to school - lessons canceled

You can rely on fate and say that there will be no classes at school. But this information is tritely checked by calling the teacher or the mother of a familiar student.

What to tell mom not to go to school - oversleep

Favorite type of walking, but not the most popular, because mothers always keep order in the house! It works when mom is very busy and does not have time for everything around.

What to tell mom not to go to school - going to the theater

Lie about going to the theatre. Like an appointment with the class near the school, vigorously collect things. Next, leave the house and turn around the corner, standing there for about 30 minutes, simulating the way to school and back. After returning home, tell your mother a story about being late, as a result, the school bus left without the main passenger!

What to tell mom not to go to school - toilet flooded

Lie about problems with the sewerage - the toilet broke and flooded, classes were sent home due to plumbing repairs.

What to tell mom not to go to school - batteries are not included

Suitable in the autumn-winter period, when the heating has not yet been turned on, and it is almost as cold in the rooms as on the street. To do this, supposedly go to school and return with the sad news of the end of classes.

What to tell mom not to go to school - stretching

Wrap an arm or leg with an elastic bandage and tell mom about the sprain in PE class. In this case, rest is provided for several days until the condition improves. If you have to go to the doctor, you need to jump on a healthy leg, carefully bending the damaged one. If there are problems with the hand, it is rewound and pressed against the body.

What to tell mom not to go to school - suspiciousness will help!

Self-hypnosis is excellent for those who have suspiciousness in their blood. The principle is this: in the evening before going to bed, think about the disease, about headaches, about something negative. And if a person is impressionable, then there is a high probability of waking up in the morning feeling unwell. And an additional plus will be in every possible way to show your poor condition on the eve of the decisive day.

Mom, after all, is also a person, and at her age, for sure, she also skipped school. Therefore, you can make cute, naive eyes and try to tell the truth, then you won’t have to lie and blush when the lie is revealed. Having a frank conversation with your parents explaining the situation is an easy way to get the opportunity to stay at home sometimes. But for this, it’s still worth rehearsing in front of a mirror and thinking over a bait text.

Probably only the most boring and meticulous student has never skipped school. And even then, I probably wanted to lie in bed for a day or two, play on the computer, and not sit in uninteresting lessons. Loafers and completely irresponsible students simply leave home in the morning, but they never reach the educational institution. As a result, parents are called to school, the student is reprimanded and placed under special control. And only literate and smart children first learn how not to go to school, and then put the actions into practice. Of course, advice is harmful, which means you should use it very rarely, because it is not good to deceive your parents.

pretend to be sick

So, the easiest way to simulate the disease. What parent would force their sick child to go to school? If your mom and dad do not have a medical education, then just say that you have a sore throat, head, and a fever. This is one of the most effective ways to avoid going to school. At least a day, but you can stay at home. Just get ready for the fact that mom will solder you with milk and honey, make you sweat under the covers and forbid you to walk. And the next day, do not forget to say that you are better, otherwise the doctor will come to the house and discover the deception. You can also simulate toothache, nausea, and even vomiting. Most importantly, make a sad face to look believable.

Fool the teacher

If you have enough conscience, then you can try to deceive the teacher. For example, have your friend write a note from their parents. Or ask your older sister to call the class teacher. Let her tell you that you're sick. Another way to avoid going to school is to tell the teacher about the need to visit a doctor, such as a dentist. Turn on your imagination, but don't overdo it.

A great way to skip class is to oversleep. Put old batteries in your alarm, or change the time on your phone. It is difficult for schoolchildren to get up in the morning on their own, so they can easily oversleep. Only this way, how not to go to school, will help only if you are going on your own, and not with your mother's help.

Talk to parents

The best way to skip school for a day is to talk to your parents. Explain to them that you want to get some rest. If your mother is understanding, then she will allow you not to study. Just don't be rude. This method doesn't work very often. And do not forget to study well, so that parents allow such a diligent child to sometimes take a break from a boring school. But the next day you will have to decide what to wear to school. No one will allow you to miss school for two days in a row.

go study

And it is best not to deceive anyone and not miss classes. Knowledge will definitely be useful to you in the future, so you should not skip school. If you constantly have such thoughts: “I hate school, so that it burns down, etc.” You need the help of a psychologist. The problem needs to be eradicated, not run from it. If something is bothering you, talk to your parents, tell them everything. Let them help you so that you start going to school without hatred.

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