Research work “History of St. George's Ribbon. History of the action "St. George's ribbon" St. George's ribbon project

Author: Dyachenko Valeria,
4th grade student of DMBOU "Gymnasium 1", Biysk
Head: Nizhegorodtseva Aksana Yurievna,
primary school teacher
MBOU "Gymnasium 1", Biysk
"George Ribbon"
In May 2015, Russia will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Every year, from April 24 to May 12, starting from 2005, a large-scale action called "St. George's Ribbon" is held.
The action begins with the distribution of small sections of ribbons by volunteers among the population.
Handed out ribbons at the subway,
People took them, attached them to their chests,
Some for handbags, some for cars.
They handed out ribbons at the subway ...
The ribbon was presented to the Veteran,
He pressed her to his chest,
And in the eyes, suddenly, tears appeared.
What happened in these minutes
In the memory of a hero and a soldier?
Maybe he remembered an enemy raid,
Maybe a girl from the medical battalion? ..
How many roads have been traveled
And in the heat and in severe frosts ...
From the memories on the cheeks
Tears rolled and rolled.
Old worn jacket
Cane and hunched shoulders.
In that war, he defended with his chest
Our future meetings with you,
Our kisses under the moon
Our happiness is in a small apartment,
To live with you now
And calmly walked the earth.
And we don't have that right.
Forget the heroic deed of grandfathers!
How many lives have been taken by the war
Before they won?!
How many died for the country
Without even leaving your name!
Handed out ribbons at the subway,
Flame and smoke colored ribbons.
Yes, such a ribbon can often be seen on Victory Day! Orange and black stripes - what do they mean? Why did this particular ribbon become the symbol of the Victory? All these questions haunted me. I decided to do some research and tell my classmates about it.
I set myself a goal: to explore why the St. George Ribbon became a symbol of the Great Victory; to acquaint the students of the gymnasium with the symbols and history of the St. George ribbon.
- learn the history of St. George's Ribbon
- cherish the memory of the defenders of our Motherland
Research methods
1. Poll in adults.
2.Study of scientific, encyclopedic literature
3. Search for information on the local Internet network.
We can assume that the St. George ribbon is used for decoration.
Theoretical part
1.1. St. George the Victorious
After studying the literature on this topic, I learned. Saint George the Victorious is the patron saint of all defenders of the Fatherland. George lived in the 1st century, he grew up in a Christian family, entered the service of the Roman army. He was courageous, fearless in battles, a brave warrior. George was a real defender, performed miracles of heroism and feats. His most famous feat is the victory over the serpent that devoured people and ruined their homes. As the legend says, when the lot fell to give the king's daughter to be torn to pieces by the monster, George appeared on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. This feat of George is depicted on the coat of arms of Moscow (slide with the coat of arms of Moscow). In those days, believers in Christ were killed. George did not renounce his faith, was tortured and killed.
The St. George Ribbon is a ribbon from the Order of St. George, approved at the beginning of the 18th century as an order for valor shown in a real battle. George Ribbon and Order of St. George were re-approved as symbols of military honor and valor in 1992. St. George ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross, the St. George Medal. Also, St. George ribbons on a peakless cap were worn by the sailors of the guards crew of the ship, awarded the St. George flag.
St. George ribbons occupy the most honorable place among the numerous collective awards (distinctions) of the units of the Russian army. The colors of the ribbon - black and yellow-orange - mean "smoke and flame" and are a sign of the soldier's personal prowess on the battlefield.
1.2. George Ribbon during the Great Patriotic War
During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, on November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established. His statute, as well as the yellow and black colors of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross. Then the St. George ribbon, confirming the traditional colors of Russian military prowess, adorned many soldier and modern Russian award medals and badges.
For heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War, over 11 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (some of them posthumously), 104 of them twice, three three times (G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin ). Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub shot down 62 enemy aircraft. During the war years, the Soviet pilots M.P. Zhukov, S.I. Zdorovtsev and P.T. Kharitonov, who rammed fascist planes on the outskirts of Leningrad, were the first to be awarded the title of Hero during the war.
There are 87 women among the Wartime Heroes of the Soviet Union. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was the first to receive this title (posthumously). Komsomol member Zoya voluntarily joined a special partisan detachment. She twice went to the rear of the enemy. At the end of November 1941, while performing the second combat mission near the village of Petrishchevo, she was captured by the Nazis. Despite severe torture, she did not give out military secrets and did not give her name.
Action "George Ribbon"
On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day and the days of the action, each participant puts on his lapel, hand, bag or car antenna the St. for the front during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose of this event, according to the initiators of the project, is to "create a symbol of the holiday", "an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front."
The scale of the action has a rather large territorial character. In 2005, 800,000 ribbons were distributed; 1.2 million ribbons were distributed in 2006; In 2007, about 10 million tapes were distributed worldwide.
However, not all residents of Russia support the action. The site was created, which defends the St. George's Ribbon and considers the action extremely disrespectful towards the symbol of Victory. First of all, opponents of the action are outraged by the use of the tape for commercial purposes, disrespectful tying it to clothes, bags and even pets. The protesters are considered by some media representatives as fascists or people who do not respect and do not appreciate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The moral aspect of this dilemma is extremely complex, and, it seems to me, each person decides for himself: either the ribbon is a tribute, the personification of our gratitude, or the misuse of part of the military award.
Practical part
The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory. Among classmates, I conducted a sociological survey: "What does the St. George's Ribbon mean to you?" 21 respondents were interviewed, of which 18 answered in various formulations - a symbol of the Victory over Nazi Germany; 2 - find it difficult to answer; 1 - I don't know.
It follows from the foregoing that, in general, in our class, a stable association with the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War was fixed behind the St. George's Ribbon.
Our business
Every year our class takes an active part in the action “We remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol is the St. George Ribbon. Thanks to my research work, the guys expanded their knowledge of the St. George ribbon. Now, our traditional events have been supplemented with such things as: congratulations to veterans, laying flowers at the monument to the Unknown Soldier, congratulations to the residents of the city on the May 9th holiday and, of course, the action "St. George's Ribbon"
I came to the conclusion that the St. George Ribbon is a centuries-old symbol of Victory, an element of an award set for special military merits in combat operations.
My hypothesis was not confirmed. The St. George ribbon is not an ornament, but an expression of our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.
..May day is unusually beautiful - Victory Day is celebrated by the country! Maybe it's not at all accidental - That the war ended in the spring?
It is no coincidence that on this wonderful day, In memory of the heroes of bygone years, The petals of the St. George ribbons have blossomed everywhere today.
List of used literature.
Scientific and popular publication. Everything about everything. LLC Astrel Publishing House 2005
Children's magazine "Philippok"
Big Encyclopedia "Russia", 2008 - Moscow CJSC Olma Medio Group
Complete encyclopedia "History of Russia", 2008-Moscow, Eksmo LLC

Internet resources:

For 9 years, an amazing experiment has been done on the population of Russia. The orange-and-black ribbon has suddenly become a symbol of victory over the Nazis, and this year it has also become a way of identifying the pro-Russian population of Ukraine. Those who fight against the "fascists who have settled in Kyiv." In such a simple political technology way, Russian propaganda teaches us to hate the fraternal Ukrainian people. Instead of the word "Ukrainians" they say "benders".

Those who overthrew the corrupt dictator Yanukovych are equated with the Nazis, and Putin, therefore, with the new winner of the "fascists." The reception is so successful that the question arises: wasn’t the orange-black ribbon from its very beginning, 9 years ago, invented as a means of fighting against popular revolutions? - writes

But, however, everything is in order. Let's start with the fact that the black and orange ribbon has no historical relation to Victory Day. If 20 years ago a man in a black and orange ribbon appeared on the street on May 9, then at best he would not be understood. At worst, they would have been detained for illegally wearing the sign of military prowess.

The St. George Ribbon project was invented (or voiced at the request of comrades) in May 2005 (remember this date) by PR and RIA Novosti employee Natalya Loseva, born in 1970.

Then “Nashi” and other pro-Kremlin youth began to happily distribute them on the streets. Frankly, at that moment the distribution of "St. George's ribbons" seemed to me just the apotheosis of the inherent "jubilant gopota" of historical forgetfulness and a complete desecration of the very military prowess that they agreed to protect.

The fact is that the St. George ribbon is not a banner, not a flag, not a badge, and not the inscription "Spartak" on a T-shirt. This is a sign of military prowess. This is the ribbon of the Order of St. George, established by Empress Catherine in 1769, and it was awarded not to dogs, not to cats, and not to cars to be attached to the hood. “Neither a high breed, nor the wounds received before the enemy give the right to be granted this order: but it is given to those who not only corrected their position in everything according to their oath, honor and duty, but also distinguished themselves by what a special courageous act” .

It is unlikely that Suvorov, Potemkin, Rumyantsev, Barclay de Tolly, Kutuzov, who earned this badge of valor through labor and wounds, could imagine that it would be handed out by immature youths and youths in transitions to anyone and that he, carelessly attached to a car, would roll around in the mud, under the wheels of other cars.

The USSR abolished the Order of St. George, but in 1943 a “guards ribbon” was established that adorned the block of the Order of Glory.

And again - it was a sign of military prowess. It was just as blasphemous to distribute it to “everyone who wished” as to distribute the shoulder straps of a lieutenant general as a sign of Victory or to sew admiral galloons on the sleeve of a sweatshirt.

In principle, the sight of young "Nashists" seriously thinking that they have the right to present military signs of valor was the apotheosis of Mankurtism. This was a natural clinical continuation of the parade of pseudo-orders, presented in abundance by pseudo-state organizations, and the famous story about the “disguised veteran” Grinyaeva, who, having put on a bunch of awards and stars that did not belong to her, climbed onto the podium of the May 9 parade and gave (with her head uncovered! ) honor a stone's throw from the Minister of Defense and the President of Russia. (By the way, Grinyaeva also had a St. George ribbon.)

And many veterans understood this very well. More than once or twice I heard stories about real holders of the Order of Glory, who, in response to the offer to “tie a ribbon”, threw in the face of a young mankurt: “I shed blood for this order, and it’s not for you to distribute it like an advertisement in a supermarket.”

But at that moment, everything that was happening seemed to me just a political technology idea. However, suddenly, after the annexation of Crimea, the "St. George's Ribbon" acquired a new meaning. It has become a symbol of identification of the pro-Putin part of the population of Ukraine.

As Mikhail Khodorkovsky noted, the “benders” and “fascists” who allegedly won in Kyiv are just a political technique. It is difficult for a Russian to explain that he needs to hate a Ukrainian. Pindos, Georgians, Eurogays have already been taught to hate us, but it is extremely difficult to teach a Russian to hate a Ukrainian, brother. And here political technology comes to the rescue. The word "Ukrainian" is replaced by the word "bender". It was the Nazis who won in Kyiv! The USSR defeated the Nazis in 1945, and Putin will defeat them in 2014! Historical continuity is evident, Putin thereby becomes the heir to the Great Victory.

And then I remembered one simple thing.

When did the "St. George's Ribbon" appear as a political technology project? May 2005.

What happened before that? "Orange" revolution (November 2004 - January 2005). The symbol of the "orange" revolution, as you know, was an orange ribbon. It is very important to understand that this was also a symbol invented by PR people and political technologists. And here's a simple proof for you: in 2013, when the Maidan rumbled by itself, without any political strategists, there were no "orange" ribbons: only yellow-black ones.

It was after the "orange" revolution that Putin was intimidated by the nightmare vision of "Western agents" staging "color" revolutions around the world and just waiting to overthrow Vladimir Vladimirovich. It was from that moment that the paranoid fear of “color” revolutions reigned in the Kremlin, and the entire foreign policy began to be based on the desire to get even at any cost with the leaders and peoples of those countries that, for good or bad luck, defended democracy and freedom. And they began to develop gigantic money for projects to combat the "color" revolutions.

So, my simple question: doesn’t it seem to you that the “St. for some internal psychological reasons, associating himself with any corrupt dictator overthrown by the people, to position himself as a “fighter against fascism”; Don't you think that all this was conceived by Surkov back in 2005, right after the Orange Revolution?

Even the choice of color is not accidental. After all, the “orange” revolution is an orange ribbon. And St. George's - black and orange. There is a clear PR plagiarism.

Regional scientific and practical conference

young researchers

"Step into the Future - 2015"

"Memory of the Heart"

Completed by: Merzlyakova Daria Andreevna,

3rd grade student municipal

autonomous general educational


"Antipinsk average

comprehensive school"

Russia, Tyumen region,

Nizhnetavdinsky district,

Antipino village

The teacher who provided counseling

assistance: Zhuravkova Galina Vasilievna,

municipal autonomous

general educational

institutions "Antipinskaya average

comprehensive school"

2014 – 2015 academic year year

"Memory of the Heart" St. George ribbon: I remember! I'm proud!

Merzlyakova Daria, 3rd grade.


The project is aimed at a detailed study of historical information, paying special attention to the emergence of the concept of "St. George's Ribbon", "St. George's Ribbon"

Theme of the work: “George's Ribbon: I remember! I'm proud!"

Object of study: St. George ribbon.

Purpose: to study the history of the action "George's Ribbon".

The essence of the project: the author collects information about the fact of interest to him, using all possible sources, information found on the Internet; conducts a peer survey, paying special attention to the level of awareness on this topic; conducts a detailed analysis of the St. George Ribbon campaign; draws conclusions and makes recommendations for peers.

This project is intended for students in grades 1-4 of elementary school and is aimed at studying the topic "The Great Patriotic War".

Merzlyakova Daria, 3rd grade.

Russia, Tyumen region, Nizhnetavdinsky district, Antipino village, Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Antipinsky Secondary School".


In 2015, our country is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In our time, attempts are being made to rewrite history, to misinterpret it, turning heroes into anti-heroes, downplaying the contribution of the USSR to the victory over fascism. People are beginning to forget what fascism is, what a terrible enemy our country has overcome. Neo-fascism is spreading among the youth.

In Russia, on the eve of the Great Victory Day, every year, from April 24 to May 12, starting from 2005, a large-scale action called "St. George's Ribbon" is held. The purpose of this event is "creating a symbol of the holiday", "expressing our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front."

The relevance of the chosen topic of work is due to the fact that, despite the popularity of this action, my peers know little about the history of creation and the rules for participating in the St. George Ribbon action. The indicated problem explains the choice of topic: “George's ribbon: I remember! I'm proud!"

The purpose of my work is to study the history of the St. George Ribbon action.

In this regard, the following tasks were solved:

Collect the necessary information using various sources;

Systematize the information obtained by historical eras;

Conduct a survey among my peers;





Tasks :1 . To study the history of the origin of the St. George Ribbon, references in history associated with awards in honor of St. George. Systematize the accumulated material, select the most significant, reaching the moments of the present.

2. ).

3 . Conduct a survey among your peers on the topic: "What does the St. George Ribbon mean?".

Subject of analysis In my work, the question is whether the symbol of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War - the St. George Ribbon, can adequately represent this great event.

Methods used in the study: the collection and study of historical scientific information, its systematization, conclusions and conclusions based on it, conducting a sociological survey, processing its data, conclusions, drawing up a diagram.

Bibliography : Shepelev L. E. Titles, uniforms, orders in the Russian Empire, the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Name lists 1769-1920. V. M. Shabanov, Serge Andolenko, Russian officer, who later became a general of the French army and compiled the most complete collection of drawings and descriptions of regimental badges of the Russian army, Count Litta.


Topic: "The history of the St. George ribbon as a symbol of Victory."


The black and orange colors of the St. George Ribbon have become a symbol of military prowess and glory in Russia. St. George ribbons occupy the most honorable place among the numerous collective awards (distinctions) of the units of the Russian army.
In 2005, the action “We remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol was the St. George ribbon. Appearing in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, it managed to become a tradition in 10 years. The action is recognized as the largest patriotic action in Russia. Well, this is a good result. The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

St. George is the patron saint of the army. The image of George the Victorious on a horse symbolizes the victory over the devil - the "ancient serpent" (Rev. 12, 3; 20, 2).

Picture 1.

Saint George the Victorious (Capadocian) (Greek Άγιος Γεώργιος) is a Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name. Having once heard an inhuman verdict on the extermination of Christians at the trial, St. George was inflamed with compassion for them. Anticipating that he, too, would suffer, George distributed his property to the poor, set his slaves free, appeared to Diocletian and, declaring himself a Christian, denounced him of cruelty and injustice (Fig. 1). On the icons of St. George is depicted sitting on a white horse and striking a serpent with a spear. This image is based on tradition and refers to the posthumous miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George. They say that not far from the place where St. George in the city of Beirut, a snake lived in the lake, which often devoured the people of that area.



1.Historical roots of St. George's Ribbon.

The St. George Ribbon was created as part of an award set consisting of the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross or the St. George Medal and a ribbon.
The Order of George was established in 1769. By status, it was given only for specific feats in wartime "to those who ... distinguished themselves by a special courageous act or gave wise and useful advice for our military service." It was an exceptional military award.

Picture 1.

Figure 2.

The Order of St. George was divided into four classes. The first degree of the order had three signs: a cross star and a ribbon consisting of three black and two orange stripes, which was worn over the right shoulder under the uniform. The second degree of the order also had a star and a large cross, which was worn around the neck on a narrower ribbon. The third degree is a small cross on the neck, the fourth is a small cross in the buttonhole. 1 (Fig. 2) 25 people were awarded the Order of the 1st degree (Fig. 1). The first cavalier after Catherine II was in 1770 graph P. A. Rumyantsov-Zadunaisky « for the victory over the enemy on July 21, 1770 near Cahul". The last cavalier was in 1877 Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Senior « for the capture of November 28, 1877, the strongholds of Plevna and the capture of the army of Osman Pasha'. A total of 125 people were awarded the Order of the 2nd degree 2 . First cavalier in 1770 became lieutenant general P. G. Plemyannikov « for providing an example of courage, serving as his subordinates in overcoming the labors of fearlessness and winning victory over the enemy on July 21, 1770 near Cahul". The last cavalier in 1916 became a French general Ferdinand Foch « for the successful completion of the Verdun operation on December 21, 1916". About 650 people were awarded the Order of the 2nd degree in total. First cavalier in 1769 became lieutenant colonel Fedor Fabritsian " for the defeat with a detachment entrusted to him of 1600 people near the city of Galati, on November 15, 1769, a very crowded enemy army against that number". There is no exact statistics of those awarded the Order of the 4th degree. According to some reports, more than 10,500 people were awarded, of which up to 8 thousand were awarded for long service, and the rest for military merit. 2

Full cavaliers of the Order of St. George (awarded with all 4 degrees) are:

    prince, field marshal general M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky;

    prince, field marshal general M. B. Barclay de Tolly;

    count, field marshal general I. F. Paskevich-Erivan Prince of Warsaw;

    count, field marshal general I. I. Dibich-Zabalkansky.
    The St. George's ribbon was also assigned to some insignia awarded to military units - St. George's silver trumpets, banners, standards, etc. many military awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, or it was part of the ribbon.
    In 1806, award St. George banners were introduced in the Russian army. The St. George Cross was placed at the top of the banner, under the top was tied a black-orange St. George ribbon with banner tassels 1 inch wide (4.44 cm).

Figure 3

(Fig. 3) In 1855, during the Crimean War, lanyards of the St. George colors appeared on premium officer weapons. Golden weapons as a kind of award were no less honorable for a Russian officer than the Order of George. After the end of the Russian-Turkish war (1877 - 1878), Emperor Alexander II ordered the commanders-in-chief of the Danube and Caucasian armies to prepare performances for rewarding the most distinguished units and subunits. Information from the commanders about the exploits performed by their units was collected and submitted to the Cavalier Duma of the Order of St. George. The report of the Duma, in particular, stated that the most brilliant feats in the war were the Nizhny Novgorod and Seversky Dragoon Regiments, which already have all the established awards: St. George's standards, St. George's pipes, double buttonholes "for military distinction" on the uniforms of headquarters and chief officers , St. George buttonholes on the uniforms of the lower ranks, insignia on headdresses. By personal decree on April 11, 1878, a new insignia was established, the description of which was announced by order of the Military Department of October 31 of the same year. The decree, in particular, stated: “Sovereign Emperor, bearing in mind that some regiments already have all the insignia established as a reward for military exploits, the Highest deigned to establish a new highest distinction: St. granted in accordance with the attached description and drawing. These ribbons, belonging to the banners and standards, are in no case removed from them. "Until the end of the existence of the Russian imperial army, this award with wide St. George ribbons remained the only one. During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, on November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established. His statute, as well as the yellow and black colors of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross.

On March 2, 1992, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On state awards of the Russian Federation", a decision was made to restore the Russian military order of St. George and the insignia "St. George's Cross".
The St. George's ribbon was also assigned to some insignia awarded to military units - St. George's silver trumpets, banners, standards, etc. Many military awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, or it was part of the ribbon.
The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 1994 states: "The military Order of St. George and the Insignia -" St. George's Cross "1 are preserved in the system of state awards. The George medal could be awarded to: war time.- lower military ranks, for the feats of courage and bravery shown by them in wartime and peacetime.
- Persons who do not have a military rank and do not even belong to the army and navy, but only for the differences shown in battle against the enemy. In peacetime.- Who, in a skirmish with a superior number of intruders who offer armed resistance, will encourage his comrades by an example of personal courage and fearlessness, etc. it will contribute to the successful completion of the case. Who is in a skirmish with armed intruders, save the life of his boss or free him. Whoever, when attacked by an excellent number of intruders, will keep the boss behind the departure, order in the team and his courage and diligence will contribute to their detention, ... (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

Thus, obviously, the St. George's Ribbon in its modern vision and understanding is a direct similarity of the main elements of the St. George's award set, which appeared in the second half of the eighteenth century, certain attributes of which were also used in awards during the Great Patriotic War, which is very important in the light of historical traditions and themes my research

2. Symbols of the St. George Ribbon.

There are different opinions about the symbolism of the St. George ribbon. For example, Count Litta wrote in 1833: "The immortal legislator, who established this order, believed that its ribbon connects the color of gunpowder and the color of fire ...". However, Serge Andolenko, a Russian officer who later became a general of the French army and compiled the most complete collection of drawings and descriptions of the regimental badges of the Russian army, does not agree with this explanation: "In reality, the colors of the order have been state colors since the time when the double-headed eagle became the Russian national emblem on a golden background ... This is how the Russian coat of arms was described under Catherine II: "The eagle is black, on the heads is a crown, and at the top in the middle is a large Imperial crown - gold, in the middle of the same eagle is George, on a white horse, defeating a snake, an epancha and a spear are yellow , the crown is yellow, the serpent is black.

Thus, the Russian military order, both in its name and in its colors, had deep roots in Russian history "3 (Fig. 5). Thus, black and orange (yellow) are the traditional colors of the Russian monarchy, and at the same time courage, valor, victories in the struggle for the interests of the Fatherland, therefore, they are quite worthy to reflect the symbol of memory of our victory in that terrible war.

Figure 5

"Memory of the Heart" St. George ribbon: I remember! I'm proud!

Merzlyakova Daria, 3rd grade.

Russia, Tyumen region, Nizhnetavdinsky district, Antipino village, Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Antipinsky Secondary School"

Practical part

Nowadays, an interesting tradition has appeared associated with this military-historical symbol. Young people, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, tie a "Georgievka" on their clothes as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s.

Action "We remember! We are proud!" thought up for the 60th anniversary of the Victory by Natalya Loseva, an employee of the RIA Novosti news agency. The organizers of the action are "RIA Novosti" and ROOSPM "Student Community". Financing for the purchase of ribbons is provided by regional and local authorities. The action is supported by medium and large businesses, various media.

The action begins with the distribution by volunteers among the population of small sections of ribbons, identical in shape and color to the St. George ribbon. According to the terms of the promotion, the ribbon must be attached to the lapel of clothing, tied to a hand, bag or car antenna. The purpose of this event is "creating a symbol of the holiday", "expressing our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front." 4

However, not all residents of Russia support the action. In 2008, the site was created, which advocates for the St. George Ribbon and considers the action extremely disrespectful towards the symbol of Victory. First of all, opponents of the action are outraged by the use of the tape for commercial purposes, disrespectful tying it to clothes, bags and even pets. 5 The participants of the action are considered by some representatives of the media as fascists or people who do not respect and do not appreciate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The moral aspect of this dilemma is extremely complex, and, it seems to me, each person decides for himself: either the ribbon is a tribute, the personification of our gratitude, or the misuse of part of the military award.

In 2005, the action “We remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol was the St. George ribbon.

Appearing in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, the action managed to become a tradition in 10 years. It is recognized as the largest patriotic action in Russia. Well, this is a good result. The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

Among the students of our school (grades 1-8), I conducted a sociological survey: "What does the St. George's Ribbon mean to you?" 54 students were interviewed, of which 40 answered in various formulations - a symbol of the Victory over Nazi Germany; 9 - find it difficult to answer; 5 - I don't know.

It follows from the foregoing that, in general, in our society, a stable association with the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War has been attached to the St.

To learn about the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the war and post-war times, veterans of labor were invited to class hours, and the territory near the obelisk was cleaned for the dead. We went to our sponsored labor veteran Verkhovtsev Petr Ivanovich, helped him clean up the territory.


I came to the conclusion that the St. George Ribbon is a centuries-old symbol of Victory, an element of an award set for special military merits in combat operations.

In the second half of the 18th century, the St. George ribbon appeared as part of an award set consisting of the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross or the St. George medal and a ribbon. The Order of St. George was established in 1769 and, by status, they were awarded only for specific feats in wartime "to those who ... distinguished themselves by their particular courage or gave wise and useful advice for our military service." It was an exceptional military award. Many military awards were worn on the ribbon itself, which was worn under the uniform, and crosses on a narrower ribbon were also worn around the neck. In 1806, the award St. George banners were introduced in the Russian army, where a black and orange St. George ribbon was tied at the top. On September 8, 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established, its statute, as well as the yellow and black colors of the ribbon, recalls the St. George Cross. The St. George's Ribbon also adorned many soldier's and modern medals and badges. Black and orange colors are symbols of military prowess and glory, the colors of gunpowder and fire. The colors of the order have become state colors since the double-headed eagle on a golden background became the Russian national emblem, thus the Russian military order, of which the ribbon is a part, has deep roots in Russian history. The connection between some of the old and new awards and the symbol of Victory is obvious these days. The connection between the St. George ribbon and the St. George award set is obvious. The action was invented for the 60th anniversary of the Victory by N. Loseva (RIA Novosti employee) and it will begin for the tenth time with the distribution by volunteers among the population of small sections of ribbons identical in shape and color to the St. George ribbon. A survey conducted among students showed that most of them wear this symbol, knowing and understanding its meaning.

List of used literature and Internet resources:


1. Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Name lists 1769-1920. Biobibliographic reference book. Rep. status V. M. Shabanov. M., Russkiy Mir, 2004. 928 p., ill. ISBN 5-89577-059-2

2. Shepelev L. E. Titles, uniforms, orders in the Russian Empire. - L .: "Nauka", Leningrad branch, 1991. - 224 p. ISBN 5-02-027196-9

3. Encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius". - Moscow. 2006.

Internet resources:









Merzlyakova Daria Andreevna, 3rd grade student

MAOU "Antipinskaya secondary school"

The theme of my work: "The history of the St. George ribbon as a symbol of Victory."


On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the theme of its symbols is significant. Unfortunately, the veterans who won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, and who we should be proud of, are dying. Our task is to strive, by all means, not to let the new generations forget about the exploits of the fighters of the front and rear workers, all those who won this Victory.

Before the celebration of Victory Day, people hang the symbol of Victory - the St. George ribbon - on bags, on sleeves, on the antennas of cars. Probably, many do this without understanding the meaning and not knowing the history of this symbol, sometimes their actions are not even a tribute, but a simple parrot (everyone is dressed, and I will dress). This was the idea that led to the topic of project work.

Target : to find out where the symbol of Victory originates - the St. George Ribbon and what does it mean, does it have the right to be a symbol of victory today or not?

Hypothesis : Our symbol of Victory - St. George's Ribbon has its roots in the awards associated with the name of St. George, who has long been revered in Russia.

Tasks :1 . To study the history of the origin of the St. George Ribbon, 2. Decipher the symbols of the St. George Ribbon (what its colors mean ).

3 . Conduct a survey among your peers on the topic: “What does the St. George Ribbon mean?” ..

During my research, I found out that:

The black and orange colors of the St. George Ribbon have become a symbol of military prowess and glory in Russia. St. George's Ribbons occupy the most honorable place among the numerous collective awards of the units of the Russian Army.
In 2005, the action “We remember! We are proud!”, its main symbol was the St. George ribbon. Appearing in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, it managed to become a tradition in 10 years. The action was recognized as the largest. The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves that its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

St. George is the patron saint of the army. The image of George the Victorious on a horse symbolizes the victory over the devil - the "ancient serpent"

St. George's Ribbon is a direct similarity of the main elements of the St. George's award set, which appeared in the second half of the eighteenth century, which is very important in the light of historical traditions and the topic of my research

There are different opinions about the symbolism of the St. George ribbon. For example, Count Litta wrote in 1833: "The immortal legislator, who established this order, believed that its ribbon connects the color of gunpowder and the color of fire ...". However, Serge Andolenko, a Russian officer, does not agree with this explanation: “In fact, the colors of the order have been state colors since the time when the double-headed eagle on a golden background became the Russian national emblem ... This is how the Russian coat of arms was described under Catherine II: “The eagle is black, on a crown at the top, and at the top in the middle a large Imperial crown - gold, in the middle of the same eagle George, on a white horse, defeating a snake, an epancha and a spear are yellow, the crown is yellow, the snake is black.

Nowadays, an interesting tradition has appeared associated with this military-historical symbol. People, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, tie a "Georgievka" on their clothes as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s.

Action "We remember! We are proud!" thought up for the 60th anniversary of the Victory by Natalya Loseva, an employee of the RIA Novosti news agency.

The action begins with the distribution by volunteers among the population of small sections of ribbons, similar in shape and color to the St. George ribbon. According to the terms of the promotion, the ribbon must be attached to the lapel of clothing, tied to a hand, bag or car antenna. The purpose of this event is "creating a symbol of the holiday", "expressing our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front." 6

I conducted a sociological survey among the students of our school (grades 1-8): “What does the St. George Ribbon mean to you?” 54 students were interviewed, of which 40 answered in various formulations - a symbol of the Victory over Nazi Germany; 5 - find it difficult to answer; 9 - I don't know.

It follows from this that, in general, in our society, a stable association with the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War was fixed behind the St. George's Ribbon,

During the campaign, outside school hours, we made the St. George ribbon, which was handed out not only to schoolchildren, but also to parents and villagers along with greeting cards.

To learn about the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the war and post-war period, veterans of labor were invited to class hours, and the territory near the obelisk was cleaned for the dead. We went to our sponsored labor veteran Verkhovtsev Petr Ivanovich, helped him in cleaning the territory, and also congratulated him on the Victory Day, sang poems and songs.

So, I came to the conclusion that the St. George Ribbon is a centuries-old symbol of Victory, an element of an award set for special military merits in military operations.

The St. George Ribbon is an expression of our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.

I had a great grandfather

Who fought and died in 1942. He was a tanker and was blown up by a mine.


"History of St. George's Ribbon"

4 "B" class GBOU secondary school No. 2 "OTs"

with. Kinel - Cherkasy,

Kinel - Cherkasy region


GBOU secondary school No. 2 "OC"

with. Kinel - Cherkasy,

Kinel - Cherkasy region

Samara region

Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 2

Chapter I. History of the St. George Ribbon………………………..3

Chapter II. St. George's Ribbon Today….……5




Among the memorable dates celebrated by the people of our multinational Motherland, Victory Day occupies a special place. On this day - May 9, 1945 - the long-awaited news of the victorious end of the most cruel and bloody war in the history of mankind came to every house in our vast country.

The Great Patriotic War was a truly national struggle. In those terrible years, people of various nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder with the enemy and selflessly worked in the rear. It was this unity that became the main factor in the victory in the fight against fascism.

The accomplishments of our peoples in the Great Patriotic War are one of the brightest and most impressive pages not only in our national but also in world history. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against German fascism continued for 1418 days and nights. This is one of the largest and bloodiest wars in the history of mankind, in which the Soviet people lost more than 27 million of their sons and daughters. The historic victory over fascist Germany became possible thanks to the efforts and heroism of all the peoples of our country.

Almost every family has a connection with this war. The Great Patriotic War is a trace in the fate of my family, which will not be erased by time.

Every year my parents and I go to the Victory Day parade. On the eve of Victory Day, people attach black and orange ribbons to their clothes and personal vehicles, which have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I wondered what the St. George ribbon means and why everyone wears it before the holiday.

The theme of my work is "St. George's Ribbon"

1. Understanding what a St. George ribbon is,
2. Why is the St. George ribbon put on every year on the Victory Day holiday

to study the history of the origin of the St. George ribbon;

learn about the action "George's Ribbon";

tell classmates about the St. George ribbon;

Chapter 1

The St. George ribbon originally appeared with the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire. This order was established by Empress Catherine II in 1769 to distinguish officers for merit on the battlefield.

Saint George is a great martyr. He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - pagans. For courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not force him to renounce Christianity, as well as for miraculous help to people in danger, St. George is also called the Victorious.

On icons, Saint George is depicted sitting on a white horse and striking a serpent with a spear. This image is based on tradition and refers to the posthumous miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George.

In Russia, the Holy Great Martyr George was greatly loved and revered. Therefore, they gave his name to the most honorary military order. This order was awarded only to officers and generals for personal military merit.

The order was awarded to those who "personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in significant forces, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction", "personally leading the army, will take the fortress."

For the capture of the enemy banner, the capture of the commander-in-chief of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

The order of awarding: the first time the lowest, 4th degree was issued, the next time the higher 3rd, then the 2nd and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be presented for awarding the Order of St. George 1st degree.

The Order of St. George was divided into four classes.

The first degree of the order had three signs: a cross star and a ribbon consisting of three black and two orange stripes, which was worn over the right shoulder under the uniform.

The second degree of the order also had a star and a large cross, which was worn around the neck on a narrower ribbon.

The third degree is a small cross on the neck, the fourth is a small cross in the buttonhole.

In 2007, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is celebrated.
The date December 9 was not chosen by chance: on this day (according to the old style) in 1769, Empress Catherine II established the Order of St. George the Victorious. This order was awarded to warriors who showed valor, courage and courage in battle.

St. George Ribbon - a two-color ribbon for the Order of St. George, the St. George Cross, the St. George Medal. Also, St. George ribbons on a peakless cap were worn by sailors of the guards crew of the ship, awarded the St. George flag. Over time, St. George's buttonholes, standards, pipes, etc. appeared.

During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, in 1943 the Order of Glory of three degrees was established. His statute, as well as the yellow and black colors of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross. Then the St. George ribbon, confirming the traditional colors of Russian military prowess, adorned many soldier and modern Russian award medals and badges.

In 1992, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Russia "On State Awards of the Russian Federation", a decision was made to restore the Russian Order of St. George and the insignia "St. George's Cross".

Chapter 2

On the eve of Victory Day, people attach black and orange ribbons to their clothes and personal vehicles, which have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a sign of eternal gratitude that liberated the world from fascism.

Thousands of volunteers from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad have started handing out St. George ribbons today. For everyone, they have already become one of the main symbols of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

For the first time in the spring of 2005, the St. George Ribbon appeared on the streets of Russian cities. The action, conceived and implemented by RIA Novosti and the Student Community in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, brought together people of different ages and social groups during the days of celebration. The action was born spontaneously, grew out of the Our Victory Internet project, which published “folk” stories about how this or that family was affected by the Great Patriotic War, about front-line soldiers, partisans, home front workers, about front-line novels and unknown people. exploits ... The main goal of the action, as well as the site "Our Victory", was the desire at all costs not to let the new generations forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, what and who should be proud of whom to remember.

Wearing the St. George ribbon in conjunction with the corresponding awards are awarded to people
who were directly involved in the fighting.

If the war touched your family.

If you know at what cost we won the Victory.

If you are proud of your history, your country, your family.

If you remember.

"George's Ribbon" as a symbol of your memory - attach it to the lapel of your clothes.


While studying this topic, I came to understand what the St. George ribbon is, and I understood why the St. George ribbon is put on every year on the Victory Day holiday.

To do this, I studied the history of the origin of the St. George ribbon,

learned about the St. George Ribbon campaign.

"St. George's Ribbon" is one of the most interesting symbol creation projects in our country. Appearing in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory (2005), he managed to become a tradition - an unprecedented event in the newest. The action is recognized as the largest patriotic action in Russia. Well, this is a good result. The St. George Ribbon has a glorious history and deserves to have its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

Today, many people take part in the action, happily attaching a ribbon to bags and clothes.

This, still relatively young, rather new symbolism awakens in people, first of all, patriotic feelings, filling them with a sense of pride in their victorious country. In addition to all of the above, bright ribbons evoke cheerful, festive emotions, give a feeling of inviolability and unity.


Russian history:

Encyclopedia / Scientific. - pop. Edition for children. -

M.: – Press”, 2008, 123 p.

Medvedev by day: schoolchild calendar. publishing house

Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2013, 175 p.

Taborko of the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945: A Brief Illustrated History for Youth. – M.: Mol. guard, 1985. - 334 p.

MBDOU No. 74, Tula "Ship"

Senior group


"George Ribbon"


Educator: Ryzhankova N.V.

Tula 2015

Explanatory note.

St. George's Ribbon is not just a piece of matter,
which can be safely tethered anywhere. Georgievskaya
the ribbon is a centuries-old symbol representing

the feat of a Russian warrior on the battlefields, in bloody
hand-to-hand fights. This is an element of the award for which

many gave their lives.

Historically, love for the Motherland, patriotism in the Russian state at all times have been a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness by our society has become more and more noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with children of preschool age is obvious.

Patriotism is a complex and high human feeling, it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words. This is love for relatives and friends, and for a small Motherland, and pride in one's people. Therefore, patriotic education is inseparably connected with familiarization of the world around us.

The project implied the unity of children and adults, so parents became full participants.
Project type: information-practice-oriented

Project type: informative

Project duration: short-term, February 2015 (1 week).

Project participants: children of the senior group, educators, parents of pupils.

Project relevance:

2015 marks a significant date - the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of modern society. Childhood is the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education is understood as the gradual formation of love for their homeland in children. We must not forget those who defended the freedom and independence of our people. It is true, it is said: "Forgotten the past - lost the future." But we must not only remember, but also be worthy of their great feat.

The creation of the project is aimed at instilling in preschoolers a sense of pride in their people, respect for its achievements and worthy pages of history, involves the involvement of children and parents in the study of significant dates of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Objective of the project:

Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War, respect for the military history of Russia, patriotism and a sense of pride in their homeland. Education of a citizen and patriot of one's country, formation of moral values.
Project objectives:

To give an idea of ​​the significance of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War;

To form moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children;

To instill a sense of pride in the feat of their people in the Great Patriotic War, respect for veterans.

To acquaint with the historical facts of the war years;

Educate future defenders of the Fatherland;

Enrich and develop the vocabulary of children, introduce them to the works of fiction and music of the war years; - work with parents, involving them in patriotic education in the family;
Expected Result:

Awakening interest in the history of their country and family;

Formation of love for the Motherland;

Formation of a civil position;

Showing attention and respect for veterans to the elderly, providing all possible assistance.

Realization of children's creativity and talent.
Project activity product

Compiling together with the parents of the album "They fought for their homeland"; "Children of war"

Productive activity - exhibition of drawings "War through the eyes of children"; application "St. George's Ribbon"

Making flowers.

Project stages

Stage 1. Preparatory:

  • Drawing up a project passport

  • Selection of children's fiction for reading to children

  • Create presentations for viewing

  • Selection of plot pictures and illustrations

  • Work with methodological material, literature on this topic
Stage 2. Basic:

  • Conducting conversations with children about the war;

  • Conducting games-competitions;

  • Reading fiction to children (memorizing poems, memorizing proverbs about the Motherland);

  • looking at pictures;

  • Creation of albums;

  • Exhibition of children's works;

  • Viewing presentations;

  • Learning songs of military subjects;

  • Listening to music about the war.

  • NOD "May 9 - Day of the Great Victory".
Stage 3. Final:

  • Entertainment military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

Working with children:
Project Implementation Plan


Goals and objectives

Content and forms of work

"So the war began..."

To give children the idea that war is a tragedy and a test for the whole people, to tell about the courage and heroism of the entire population of the country, who stood up to defend the Fatherland. Satisfy the cognitive needs of children about the war.

- conversation: "The Great Patriotic War";

Reading and learning poems about the war;

Reading "The Enemy at the Gates" N.S. Tikhonov.

Games-competitions "Who is faster", "The most accurate", "The most courageous".

Listening to songs on a military theme;

Drawing "May there always be peace"

"Roads of War"

To acquaint children with the main events of the war, hero cities. To convey to the children the idea of ​​how hard it was for the defenders of the Russian land and ordinary people in those harsh war years. To cultivate reverent respect for the heroic past of their people.

- conversation "Monuments of military glory";

Excursion to the memorial of glory;

Examination of albums of hero cities;

Proverbs and sayings about the motherland;

Drawing "George's Ribbon".

"Children of war"

To acquaint children with the names of children-heroes of the war years. To convey to the children how hard it was for the children in those harsh years. Build a sense of pride in their accomplishments. To cultivate respect, a reverent attitude towards the names of children-heroes of the Second World War.

- conversation "Children and war";

Creation of the album "War through the eyes of children";

Examination of pictures "Heroes of the Second World War";

Reading an excerpt from the work of V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”;

Application "George's Ribbon"

"Honor the Great Victory Day"

To create conditions for the perception of a holistic picture of the most bloody and terrible of the wars in the history of mankind. To consolidate and expand the idea of ​​children about the heroes in the war years of Tula. To show that the immortal glory of the military labor feat of the people lives in the memory of people.

- NOD "May 9 - Day of the Great Victory";

Conversation "On Victory Day";

Decoration of the exhibition of children's drawings "St. George's Ribbon", applications "St. George's Ribbon".

Viewing the presentation "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War of Tula";

Reading "Monument to the Soviet Soldier" L. Kassil.

"Let's bow to those great years"

To convey to the younger generation the meaning of the Victory of the people in the Second World War. Arouse interest in the military history of our Motherland, army, people. Help children keep this bright holiday in their memory.

Military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

Working with parents:

Questioning "Memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945";

Participation in all activities organized by the group;

A selection by children together with their parents of historical material (photographs, letters) about their relatives who took part in historical martial traditions.
Project result:
The St. George's Ribbon project solved the problem, implemented the tasks set. The children met and learned the origin of the St. George ribbon. 91% of parents with great desire took part in all activities organized in the group. Awakened interest in the history of their country and family; love for the motherland was formed; formed a manifestation of attention and respect for veterans the elderly.

Parents shared their impressions in the feedback notebook.

Conversation: "George's Ribbon"
St. George ribbon originally appeared with
Imperial Military Order of the Saint

Great Martyr and Victorious George -

the highest military award of the Russian Empire.

This order was established by the Empress

Catherine II in 1769 to distinguish officers

for merit on the battlefield. He had four degrees of distinction.

Georgievskaya ("Guards" in Soviet times!)
the ribbon adorns the pads of the soldier's "Order of Glory"
- Military Order of the USSR, established by Decree

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1943.

The Order of Glory has three degrees, of which the highest
I degree - gold, and II and III - silver. These

orders were issued for personal feat on the battlefield,

issued in strict order

- from lowest to highest.

St. George (Guards) ribbon adorns the blocks
medals "For the victory over Germany in the Great

Patriotic War of 1941-1945, established by
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No.

May 9, 1945. The medal was awarded

military personnel who received direct
participation in the war fronts.

St. George's Ribbon is part of the "Order
St. George "- the highest military award
Russian Federation, which is awarded

senior and senior officers for conducting combat
operations in the event of an attack by an external enemy.
The award is made by the Cross and the Star.
On the Star of the Order is engraved "For Service and Bravery"

St. George's Ribbon is part of the Badge
Distinctions "St. George's Cross" - a military award

Russian Federation, which is awarded
military personnel for personal bravery in combat
operations in the event of an attack by an external enemy.

For the victory over Germany on the guards ribbon.

Soldier's Order of Glory 1st class on a ribbon.

In addition, the St. George ribbon is present in
as a lanyard on edged premium weapons
and on other military orders, medals, standards
and banners. Tape colors - black and orange

- means "smoke and flame" and is a sign
the personal prowess of a soldier, shown by him in battle.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that
that wearing the St. George (Guards) ribbon

in conjunction with related awards

honored by those people of our Fatherland who
were directly involved in

combat operations.

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