Remembering the past there is no future who said. “without the past there is no future” - essay-reasoning

In the last article there was a conversation about the highest - the ideological and methodological priority of conducting a modern hybrid war or the six main means of managing social systems. RIGHT (the root of this word will be deciphered in the next article) worldview equips people with a methodology of knowledge that allows especially inexperienced youth to quickly understand the world around them, and in the heap of information that falls upon us today, to distinguish Truth from lies, and Good from evil is an ability given to people from above according to their morality. The speed of action of these controls gradually increases from priority 1 to priority 6, but their effectiveness quickly decreases. The war moves into the sixth, fast-acting hot phase only with failures at higher priorities of its conduct, when they are no longer effective. But victories at this level are very unstable. “A rifle gives birth to power,” said the founder of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong, but one cannot sit on bayonets – a popular proverb echoes: to govern anything you need ideas that unite people, general consent and will. We all need to learn to defend ourselves without weapons, using higher levels of confrontation, which, although slower, lead to more stable and long-lasting results. Their meaningful use allows you to influence the fate of society and actually control its life or death.

In this article, we turn to the second priority of management - historical-algorithmic or information of a chronological, chronicle nature, which allows us to see the direction of the flow of society and all social processes and phenomena - what stems from what.

The famous foreign writer and publicist George Orwell said: “Who controls the past controls the future.” Therefore, it is no coincidence that the leader of our country cares about the purity of its history, which our enemies have been constantly trying to distort since the time of the great Russian scientist from the people’s hinterland, M. Lomonosov, who wrote: “A people who do not know their past have no future.” Therefore, he mercilessly exposed German academics in the Academy of Sciences who were rewriting our history in the manner prescribed by their foreign curators, distorting and cutting it off, thereby cutting off our people’s ancient nourishing roots.

And the history of the Russian people is estimated at at least seven and a half thousand years: after all, even when Peter I introduced the new Gregorian Christian calendar in 1700, the year 7208 was already running according to the old calendar. According to foreign researchers, the R1a1 genetic code, characteristic of the Russian people, was formed about 12 thousand years ago. Even our ancient writing, the alphabet of which had 49 letters and revealed the message of our ancestors to their descendants (Az Gods Lead the Verb Good Is Am - As God Knows the Verb Good That Is Life), on the basis of which Cyril and Methodius created Church Slavonic writing, had several thousand years of prehistory. The German Empress Catherine II herself wrote in her “Notes on Russian History”: “... the Slavs older than Nestor had a written language, but they were lost and have not yet been found and therefore have not reached us. The Slavs had letters long before the birth of Christ.” The Russian language underlies many Western languages ​​that emerged later, including the English language.

How important the historical priority of governance is is shown by the events in our outskirts of Ukraine after the coup organized by Western intelligence services. Previously, over many decades, they distorted the history of part of our country, in fact, they attributed the history of the Rus-Russians, who are narrated in the ancient source - the “Book of Veles”, to a fictitious people - the “ancient Ukrainians”, bringing it to the point of absurdity, and put it in their heads invented myths of immature youth. The result is that one part of the Russian people, living on the outskirts of Rus'-Russia, was forced to fight with another, and brought this part of our country to impoverishment, chaos and collapse.

Feel the difference in the perception of Russian youth: our country is only 25 years old, like the Russian Federation, or many millennia of the huge Rus'-Russia on the sixth part of the entire earth's land rich in natural and human resources! Is this why the West is so eager to humiliate us, to make the people Ivans who do not remember kinship, to cut off our deep roots? This talk about Russia's entry into Europe is tantamount to sewing a caftan to a button. After all, our Motherland is a special Russian Civilization, today still divided by artificial borders. Attempts to limit the history of our country even to a millennium - after the introduction of Christianity to Rus' - or to the time after the arrival of Rurik are untenable. After all, already in those days, Western travelers called it Gardarika - the country of cities.
In England, maps of the “Great Tartary”, which occupied almost all of Asia and the Middle East in the Middle Ages, have been preserved, and preserved mummies of people of the white race are found in the ancient burials of Altai. The fortified settlement of Arkai;m, recently excavated in the Southern Urals, belongs to the so-called. “Land of Cities” dates back to the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd millennium BC. e. To this day, descendants of Russians live for many generations in the settlements of California. Recently, the head of state drew attention to the fact that when troops stood on the Ugra River in 1480, which put an end to the so-called “Tatar-Mongol” Horde yoke, there were Russian squads on both sides. Wasn't it just our internal squabbles? And the poet A. Blok wrote: “Yes, we are the Scythians! Yes, we are Asians...” Our ancient people, who had different names at different times, moving from the east following the sun beyond the Ra River (Volga) to Scotland (Scotland) and beyond, left many topological Russian names in Europe.

Such a huge civilization was governed and interacted not by the laws of any government (after all, even in the 17th and 18th centuries, tsarist decrees went to the outskirts of Russia for many months and even years), but according to spiritual laws - on the basis of the unity of language and worldview of the people who sought to live according to the canons God's - Truth, Rule, Conscience and common sense.

But Western ideologists again and again slander the Russian princes, tsars and heads of our country in modern history.
For example, they made Ivan the Terrible, under whom there were an order of magnitude fewer casualties than in contemporary Europe, a bloody tyrant and poisoned him. But under him, serious reforms were carried out and many things appeared that did not exist then in the West: jury trials were introduced, free primary education (parochial schools), local elected self-government appeared instead of governors, a regular army was created for the first time, equality was established between all layers of the population and much more.

After the Time of Troubles that arose with the suppression of the royal Rurik dynasty, the proteges of England, the Romanovs, reigned in Russia, and it lost its sovereignty for a long time, and many court foreigners began to influence the governance of the country.

During the reign of Father Peter I Alexei, the so-called church reforms of Patriarch Nikon began. They did not come down to trifles in the practice of worship, but to the replacement of old handwritten church books - copies from Byzantine ones - with Greek ones, which by that time had already been corrected when they were reprinted in Europe in the sense needed by the West. That is why the protest of the so-called Old Believers, who were excommunicated from the faith of their ancestors and persecuted, was so great and tragic: the protests of the masses were brutally suppressed. But the Old Believers were people who sincerely believed in God, and not Pharisees who performed only the rituals of the cult, whom Jesus Christ denounced. Many large Russian merchants of pre-revolutionary times came from the Old Believers, and were distinguished by decency and honesty, and did not use tobacco or alcohol. They concluded their deals not on paper, but by shaking hands, and no one in his midst simply shook hands with the merchant who broke his word: his trading business was over. You can read about the Nizhny Novgorod Old Believers in Melnikov-Pechersky’s novel “In the Woods.”

Emperor Alexander III, a peacemaker, famous for his statement: “Russia has only two allies: its army and navy,” nevertheless made a strategic mistake in management by allowing the signing in 1887 of the so-called decree “On cooks’ children,” which closed people from the lower social classes have access even to secondary education. The result is a cessation of the influx of fresh minds from the people into the management of the country and a decline in the quality of management of the overweight elite. Three decades later, Russia found itself drawn into World War I, leading to the pro-Western bourgeois coup of February 1917, a civil war with the collapse of the empire and the death of the royal dynasty.

Only the Bolsheviks were able to stop the collapse of the country, who, in the person of their leader, declared during the anarchic chaos that began after February in response to the question of the Minister of the Provisional Government, whether anyone could name a party that would risk taking power into its own hands and accepting responsibility for everything that was happening in Russia: “There is such a party!” The October Revolution of 1917 was organizationally prepared by the Kabbalist Trotsky, who was led by the American adherent of this movement in Judaism, millionaire Schiff: that is why its funding came from abroad. Marxism is also a Western invention of the grandson of two rabbis, which essentially set the workers against the organizers of production, but hid the main thing - the exploitation and management of society through finance and loan interest.

JV Stalin was able to stop the burning of the country and the Russian people by the Trotskyists in the furnace of the world revolution only in 1938. On the eve of the inevitable war, the pro-Western fifth column was removed from power and rendered harmless. This, as well as the unprecedented transformations in industry, army, and education laid down in the 30s by the future Supreme Commander-in-Chief, allowed our people, although at the cost of enormous human and material losses, to win a difficult victory in the Second World War over the military and economic power of all of Europe, financed by world bankers. . Stalin's skillful diplomacy forced the leaders of the USA and England, who intended to support the victim of aggression in the war (so that their competitors would weaken each other as much as possible), to support not Nazi Germany, but the USSR. But when Stalin, after the Second World War, refused to enter into the dollar system of robbing the world, then from “Uncle Joe”, who saved the world from fascism, he instantly turned for the West into a bloody tyrant and aggressor almost worse than Hitler. A cold war was unleashed against the USSR, which ended in 1991 with a pro-American liberal coup and the dismemberment of our people and country, which then existed in the form of the Soviet Union.

At the end of his life, in his “Testament,” Stalin actually abandoned the dead-end Western Marxism, and wanted to transfer power from the party to the Soviets of Working People’s Deputies at the next congress. Until Khrushchev’s neo-Trotskyist coup d’etat in 1953, when the party leadership set its sights on joining the Western elite, the cooperative movement and various forms of ownership developed in the country, prices for essential goods were annually reduced, wages grew rapidly, education of the people and career growth of personnel were encouraged in every possible way . The working day was planned to be gradually reduced to 6 and even 4 hours, so that workers would have time to raise their children and educate themselves. The military card distribution system was abolished earlier than in Western countries, and the national economy destroyed by the war was, contrary to the predictions of our enemies, restored in record time. Our successes in space exploration and nuclear energy were laid precisely at that time. To preserve the attractive showcase of the “free” world, large employers and governments of Western countries had to make social concessions to the population, losing in their income. Perhaps this is why Stalin is so hated by the Western elite of exploiters and their puppets in Russia, but is revered by the majority of our people, who are not intoxicated by liberal propaganda.

In general, we have something to be proud of in our long history, and on the basis of this we strive for new heights in the future. Such information about our history must be disseminated, our children and grandchildren must be introduced to it, so that they grow up to be true patriots of their great Motherland, since school textbooks published with Western grants do not write about this, and the order of the head of state for a new unified history textbook so far this has not been accomplished. The goal of our enemies is clear - to prove that we received everything good from outside, and therefore should be subordinate to them - in the role of a raw materials appendage of the West.

But they won't succeed. In China, where at the Silk Road forum a new direction for the development of the world was outlined, V.V. Putin supported this economic project and put forward proposals expanding it. With his melodies on the piano before the meeting with the head of China, he made it clear to those who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth that the informal leader of the national liberation movement in the country and in the world is with the people and showed where we will soon go (see the lyrics of the songs “Moscow windows" and "Listen to Leningrad"). Unfortunately, while liberals are still strong in power, they have to indicate their intentions in domestic policy in this way.

This direction of movement is confirmed by signs of change during the Victory Day celebrations on May 9. After the break, the previously disbanded Dzerzhinsky Division returned to the parade, the Kantemirovsky Andropov Division marched, and the Artillerymen's Song ("Artillerymen, Stalin gave the order.") was performed by the choir of the Russian National Guard in the State Kremlin Palace (formerly the Palace of Congresses). During the broadcast of the May 9 parade from the city on the Neva, the television screensaver bore the inscription: Leningrad. The symbols of the Bolsheviks-Stalinists are returning...

Considering that our strategic ally China has already proclaimed at the UN its new model of globalization in the Chinese way to replace the deadlocked Western one - the “World Community of Common Destiny” (in fact, a new communism under a different name), which the 19th Congress of the 19th Congress will mark in November on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Revolution The Communist Party of China must only affirm that the direction of movement of global processes in our country is emerging. But this is already from the next topic - about the ideological-informational method of waging war.


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“He who does not know his past has no future”.

Many people ask: “Why didn’t our Ancestors prepare for this if they knew who our enemies were?” In fact, our Ancestors control everything. They created this Universe, this Galaxy, created all the rules by which stars and planets move, and by which all living things live. It’s just that this world in which we find ourselves is a kind of simulator where we are trained. They are growing us into gods.

So these aliens are reptiles, just what kind of weapon are they using against us? Their main weapon is lies. But they are kind of teachers for us who inoculate us against lies. We are going through a lesson called "sanity." They impose on us a pluralism of opinions, so that everyone defends their point of view, or rather their point of view. And as a result, they keep us as slaves. And, in the end, we will gain sanity. “That’s why the pike is in the lake, so that the crucian carp doesn’t doze off.” That is, our Ancestors specially launched them, as a kind of vaccination, so that they would mislead us, lead us by the nose until we acquired immunity against this infection, against lies.

You may ask: “Why do we have such patience?” Because at the genetic level we have trust in God. We do not have faith in God, but faith in God. Each of us intuitively understands that everything goes according to the will of the Almighty, no matter what happens. That's why they say: “Let your will be done, not mine.” That's why we are so tolerant of everyone. And what will happen? They say that the Russian people take a long time to harness, but travel quickly. We don't win with quantity, we win with quality. There is a science when one person can defeat an army of thousands. The science is very simple:

Option 1:

The past, future and present are interconnected. What the present and future will be like depends on many events in the past. You cannot return to the past, just as you cannot change it.

But you can learn good lessons from the past that will help you build your future life. Don't forget the past. You should always treat everything that happened to you with respect.

Often during family conversations, my parents talk about important events that happened once. And grandparents love to remember their youth and tell some interesting stories. It turns out that if my grandparents had not met in the past, then my parents and I would not have existed. All family traditions that are passed down from generation to generation are highly valued in our family. Our whole life consists of them.

We must not forget about our ancestors, who sometimes went through difficult times. And most importantly, you need to learn from their mistakes so as not to repeat them in your future. Thanks to the past, we know that the worst thing in the world is war, and the most important thing is family. If you want to achieve something, you need to work hard. We have a huge store of knowledge that we just need to use correctly. And then life will be happy.

If it were not for the discoveries that our ancestors made, there would be no modern telephones, no televisions, or other benefits of civilization. All that we have are secrets collected over a century. It’s good that we live now and have the opportunity to use the invaluable advice of our ancestors. We also have the opportunity to pass on knowledge to future generations. You cannot break the chain connecting the past and the future. Today we are responsible for it and must diligently fulfill our mission.

Option 2:

We all live today, but often think about the past. Without the past there is no present and future. We are closely connected to the people who lived before us and to the events that happened before. Why do modern people look into the past and study history? The past teaches us how to avoid many mistakes. Advice and knowledge accumulated over thousands of years are becoming necessary today.

Thanks to our ancestors, we can live in a beautiful, successful and actively developing country. We are part of centuries-old history and must respect historical events. Our compatriots accomplished many feats. Sometimes they sacrificed their lives so that we could continue their great works today.

History should be treated with special reverence, because it is the foundation of the future. I am talking about both the history of the country and the history of an individual. Every family cherishes the traditions and relics that they inherited from the past. This is how people show their connection with their ancestors.

There are several old photographs in our family album. They depict relatives who lived a hundred years ago. I'm always interested in looking at their faces. I often hear stories from my grandmother about her parents and grandparents. These are both funny and sad stories. These stories inspire you to be a real person, help people and do good.

If we forget our roots, then we will not have a bright future. Everything in the world is connected, and only by realizing the importance of the events that happened once can you move on. The past is a good teacher who helps to find answers to many questions. We cannot know our future, but we can analyze the events of the past. This will help you overcome many difficulties in life.

This is especially striking when discussing the legendary and difficult era of the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and a clear example of this is given in the article on the website “URA.RU” ( /1052158993.html):

Examples of children's statements:

  • “Ivan the Terrible stood at the lowest stage of human development.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible had authority among the guardsmen. The others treated him like he was crazy."
  • “The guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible were like anarchists in the service of the state.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible did not allow the people to lead a deviant lifestyle.”
  • “Under Ivan the Terrible, heads were chopped off on Bolotnaya Square, rather than shouting at whatever happened.”
  • “Stalin could have won the Livonian War. Ivan the Terrible was not Stalin after all.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible loved spirituality, which did not stop him from roasting Novgorodians on fire pits.”
  • “Under Ivan the Terrible, even a philosophical steamship would not have saved anyone.”
  • “Since childhood, Ivan IV did not like people, which is why mass executions occurred.”
  • “The best minds were chopped off by the executioner Skuratov.”
  • “Modern police officers are offended when they are called guardsmen. My dad, a policeman, hits me in the face like that.”
  • “Whoever didn’t like to work joined the guardsmen.”
  • “The guardsmen helped Ivan the Terrible strengthen the ruble.”
  • “The guardsmen didn’t go to Siberia, they sent the Cossacks there.”
  • “We owe the annexation of Siberia to the oprichniks.”
  • “After everything, Ivan the Terrible tried to force the guardsmen to engage in agriculture. But nothing worked out. They didn't want to work. I had to kill them too.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible is the creator of totalitarianism.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible banned all newspapers.”
  • “The tsar put an end to the boyar lawlessness; whoever he didn’t kill, he kicked out.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible was an enemy of stability. His enemy is Kurbsky, however, too.”
  • “Ivan the Terrible divided the country into a zone of terror and a zone of anarchy.”
  • “Under Ivan the Terrible, the boyars were nervous, they were really scared.”
  • “Under Grozny, large masses of the boyar population died.”
  • “The obedience of the people increased under Ivan IV, but who cares if this makes them feel better if they dream of bloody boys every night.”
  • “Under Ivan the Terrible, the military could earn good money.”

Dear parents!

The great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, in his scientific work on the history of the Slavs, said: “A people that does not know its past has no future”*. Indeed, we cannot have a normal future if we consider our Russian history only as a succession of bloody and cruel events, and consider most of our rulers from the past exclusively “executioners and stranglers of freedom.”

Of course, in many ways the “mess” in the heads of our children is due to the decline in the quality of teaching national history in schools, but there is another important factor - the passivity of parents in this most important area of ​​​​knowledge. It is necessary and important for parents themselves to study the history of their Motherland, then bringing it to their children in an accessible and popular form.

On our website in the section “For guys about the history of Russia” various materials are regularly published, there is also about Ivan the Terrible, but in order for Ivan’s reign not to be limited in your mind only to the introduction of the oprichnina and repressions against the boyars, we offer for your information a short list of his innovations.

So, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the following innovations and events took place in Rus':

  • jury trial introduced;
  • free primary education appeared (parochial schools);
  • medical quarantine has been introduced at the borders;
  • local elected self-government appeared instead of governors;
  • a regular army was created for the first time (the first military uniform in the world appeared among the Streltsy);
  • Tatar raids from Crimea were stopped (after his death, the raids acquired their previous proportions - tens and hundreds of thousands of people were taken into slavery every year);
  • the piracy of “thieves’ Cossacks” on the middle and lower Volga was stopped;
  • equality was established between all segments of the population (serfdom did not exist in Rus' at that time: the peasants were obliged to sit on the land until they paid for its rent, and their children were considered free from birth);
  • Slave labor is prohibited (the code of law of Ivan the Terrible);
  • a state monopoly on the fur trade was introduced;
  • the country's territory has been increased 30 times (the Baltic states, Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberia, Wild Field, Don);
  • emigration of the population from Europe exceeded 30 thousand families (those who settled along the Zasechnaya Line were paid an allowance of 5 rubles per family);
  • the increase in the well-being of the population (and taxes paid) during the reign amounted to several thousand percent;
  • During the entire reign (a quarter of a century) there was not a single person executed without trial, the total number of “repressed” people was from 3 to 4 thousand people (!!!).

Regarding repressions and human casualties, the same 16th century in Western Europe:

  • the Inquisition condemned to death and executed 25 thousand inhabitants of the Netherlands;
  • in Germany under Charles V, about 100 thousand people were executed;
  • in England under Henry VIII, 72 thousand people were hanged over 14 years:
  • in England from 1558 to 1603 under Elizabeth, 89 thousand people were executed;
  • St. Bartholomew's Night in France claimed the lives of 20 thousand Protestant Huguenots (for this the Pope awarded those who distinguished themselves with a special medal).

* Note on quotation

As for the origin of this quote, the specific documents signed by M.V. Lomonosov, containing exactly this phrase, unfortunately, has not survived. And the background here is as follows. In 1749-1750, Lomonosov sharply opposed the then new version of Russian history, created by academicians G. Miller and I. Bayer. He publicly criticized Miller’s dissertation “On the Origin of the Russian Name and People,” and gave a scathing characterization of Bayer’s works on Russian history.

From that time on, studying Russian history became as necessary for Lomonosov as studying the natural sciences. In correspondence with I.I. Shuvalov (curator of Moscow University) he mentioned his works “Description of impostors and Streltsy riots”, “On the state of Russia during the reign of the sovereign Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich”, “Abridged description of the affairs of the sovereign”, “Notes on the works of the monarch”, but his most famous work became “Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the Russian people to the death of the Grand Duke Yaroslav the First or until 1054, composed by Mikhail Lomonosov, state councilor, professor of chemistry and member of the St. Petersburg Imperial and Royal Swedish Academies of Sciences” (full title).

However, neither the mentioned works, nor other numerous documents that Lomonosov intended to publish in the form of notes, nor preparatory materials, nor manuscripts of the 2nd and 3rd parts of volume I of “Ancient Russian History” have reached us. They were confiscated after the death of the great scientist in 1765 and disappeared without a trace. Only the 1st part of the first volume was published in 1772.

In Soviet times, the 1st part of the first volume of “Ancient Russian History” was published in the Complete Works of M.V. Lomonosov (vol. 6, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Leningrad, 1952).

That is why the famous statement of M.V. Lomonosov began to diverge in Russian society in a folklore version, reaching the present day.

P.S. Since this article aroused great interest among readers, in 2014 alone it was read by more than 3 thousand site visitors, the editors considered it possible to add additional interesting material to it concerning two legendary historical figures of Russia - Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin, published on January 3 at website of the information center “AfterShock” by the author “Solidarny” (original source

Stalin about Grozny

On AS (AfterShock) I found only a couple of offers from here. I believe that these statements by J.V. Stalin about Tsar Ivan IV should be on the resource - they have not lost a bit of their relevance.

Speech at a meeting of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the issue of the film “Big Life”

“Or another film - Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible, second series. I don’t know if anyone saw it, I looked - it’s a disgusting thing! The man is completely distracted from history. He portrayed the guardsmen as the last scoundrels, degenerates, something like the American Ku Klux Klan. Eisenstein did not understand that the oprichnina troops were progressive troops that Ivan the Terrible relied on to unite Russia into one centralized state, against the feudal princes who wanted to fragment and weaken him. Eisenstein has an old attitude towards the oprichnina. The attitude of old historians towards the oprichnina was grossly negative, because they regarded the repressions of Grozny as the repressions of Nicholas II, and were completely distracted from the historical situation in which this happened.

In our time, there is a different view of the oprichnina. Russia, fragmented into feudal principalities, i.e. into several states, had to unite if she did not want to fall under the Tatar yoke a second time. This is clear to everyone and should have been clear to Eisenstein. Eisenstein cannot but know this, because there is corresponding literature, and he portrayed some kind of degenerates. Ivan the Terrible was a man with will, with character, but in Eisenstein he is some kind of weak-willed Hamlet. This is already formalism. What do we care about formalism - give us historical truth. Studying requires patience, and some directors don't have the patience, so they put everything together and present the film: here you go, "sip it," especially since it has Eisenstein's stamp on it. How can we teach people to treat their duties and the interests of the audience and the state conscientiously? After all, we want to educate young people on the truth, and not on distorting the truth.”

Recorded conversation with S.M. Eisenstein and N.K. Cherkasov about the film “Ivan the Terrible”

Stalin. Have you studied history?

Eisenstein. More or less…

Stalin. More or less?.. I am also a little familiar with history. Your depiction of the oprichnina is incorrect. Oprichnina is the royal army. Unlike the feudal army, which could at any moment fold its banners and leave the war, a regular army, a progressive army, was formed. Your guardsmen are shown as the Ku Klux Klan.

Eisenstein He said that they are wearing white caps, and we are wearing black ones.

Molotov. This does not make a fundamental difference.

Stalin. Your king turned out to be indecisive, similar to Hamlet. Everyone tells him what to do, and he doesn’t make decisions himself... Tsar Ivan was a great and wise ruler, and if you compare him with Louis XI (have you read about Louis XI, who prepared absolutism for Louis XIV?), then Ivan the Terrible towards Louis in Tenth Heaven. The wisdom of Ivan the Terrible was that he stood on a national point of view and did not allow foreigners into his country, protecting the country from the penetration of foreign influence. In the presentation of Ivan the Terrible in this direction, deviations and irregularities were made. Peter I is also a great sovereign, but he was too liberal towards foreigners, opened the gates too much and allowed foreign influence into the country, allowing the Germanization of Russia. Catherine allowed it even more. And further. Was the court of Alexander I a Russian court? Was the court of Nicholas I a Russian court? No. These were German courts.

A remarkable event of Ivan the Terrible was that he was the first to introduce a state monopoly on foreign trade. Ivan the Terrible was the first to introduce it, Lenin was the second.

Zhdanov. Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible turned out to be a neurasthenic.

Molotov. In general, emphasis is placed on psychologism, on excessive emphasizing internal psychological contradictions and personal experiences.

Stalin. It is necessary to show historical figures in the correct style. So, for example, in the first episode it is not true that Ivan the Terrible kisses his wife for so long. In those days this was not allowed.

Zhdanov. The picture was made in a Byzantine slant, and this was not practiced there either.

Molotov. The second series is very cramped by vaults, basements, there is no fresh air, there is no width of Moscow, there is no showing of people. You can show conversations, you can show repressions, but not only that.

Ivan the Terrible was very cruel. It is possible to show that he was cruel, but you need to show why it is necessary to be cruel. One of the mistakes of Ivan the Terrible was that he did not kill five large feudal families. If he had destroyed these five boyar families, then there would have been no Time of Troubles at all. And Ivan the Terrible executed someone and then repented and prayed for a long time. God prevented him in this matter... He had to be even more decisive.

Many people consider history to be not very important, a minor science, the study of which cannot be taken very seriously, at least in order to learn lessons from the past. Without knowledge of the past, it is impossible to understand the present. How can you comprehend the picture of the changes taking place if you do not know the factors that led to this. How can you call yourself a citizen of your country when you don’t know the conditions for its creation? Therefore, studying history is knowing yourself, your “I” and your roots.

Today, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill opened the popular multimedia exhibitions “Rurikovich” and “Romanov”. This unique multimedia platform will allow you to touch the amazing and unique world of Russian history. The historical park is located in the pavilion of the legendary VDNH, which was revived by decision of the Moscow Government. The exhibition materials from the “My History” cycle occupy more than 22,000 square meters and are located on 2 tiers of the pavilion.

According to Sergei Sobyanin, in the coming years, the largest museum quarter in Moscow will be created at VDNKh, which, in addition to the “Russia - My History” museum, will include museums of space and aviation, the nuclear industry, cinema, the ROSIZO exposition, the Museum of Oriental Arts, the exhibition center, national pavilions and other museums.

The museum has multimedia lecture halls - 5 classrooms with 20-50 seats, a cinema, a conference room, a bookstore

The creators of the park - historians, artists, filmmakers, designers and computer graphics specialists - did everything to ensure that Russian history moved from the category of a black and white textbook into a bright, fascinating and at the same time objective narrative.

Kings and empresses look at you from the walls

Historians, artists, filmmakers, designers, and computer graphics specialists worked on the creation of the park. And there’s just so much here. Touch tables and screens, cinemas, collages and projectors - and now the black and white pages of a textbook turn into a colorful action. In a word, the most modern museum.

There’s even Putin here, did you notice in the top photo?

Muffled light

Each era is highlighted in its own color

The first visitors are students and schoolchildren

There is even a museum of Russian food here, “The Tasty History of Russia: from Rurik to the Present Day” - we will know everything about twisted hare kidneys and overseas caviar, eggplant.

I would eat potatoes)

The exhibition is open every day from 11 am to 10 pm. There is enough space - the pavilion can accommodate up to 5 thousand people at the same time.

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