Catchphrases and expressions in Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General. Aphorisms from the comedy The Inspector General, from the entire text

Quotes from the comedy “The Inspector General” - a work in five acts by the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol:

  • I seem to have snored quite a bit. Where did they get such mattresses and feather beds from? I even started sweating.
  • ...And there is an official for writing, a kind of rat, with only a pen: tr... tr... went to write.
  • I like to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.
  • ...I admit, I wouldn’t demand anything more as soon as you show me devotion and respect, respect and devotion.
  • It was as if I had a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about two extraordinary rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, smelled it, and left.
  • Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?
  • I should also tell you about the historical teacher. He is a learned head - it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he only explains with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, while I was talking about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I can’t tell you what happened to him.
  • “So are you! We couldn't find another place to fall! And he stretched out like the devil knows what.”
  • I would scribble all these papers! Ooh, clickers, damned liberals! Damn seed! I would tie you all up in a knot, I would grind you all into flour and the hell out of my lining! Put a hat on him!..
  • And the money is in the fist, and the fist is all on fire.
  • Oh, how the crow croaked! (Teases him.) “It was on orders!..” It growls like it’s coming from a barrel.
  • And the scoundrel gave me a hundred rubles yesterday.
  • What, samovar makers, arshinniks, should complain? Archpluts, proto-beasts, worldly swindlers, complain?
  • My God, what a soup! I think no one in the world has ever eaten such a soup: some feathers float instead of butter.
  • Why are you laughing? You're laughing at yourself!
  • A big ship has a long voyage!
  • The tea is so strange: it smells like fish, not tea.
  • I thought it was a fire, by God! He ran away from the pulpit and, with all his strength, grabbed the chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? - the last phase has become popular, used as an ironic commentary on someone’s excessive passion for something - polemics, argument, etc.
  • After all, my father is stubborn and stupid, an old horseradish, like a log. I’ll tell him straight out: whatever you want, I can’t live without St. Petersburg. Why, really, should I ruin my life with men? Now the needs are not the same; my soul longs for enlightenment.
  • A smart person is either a drunkard or he will make such a face that you can even take away the saints.
  • There he is now singing bells all over the road! Will spread the story around the world. Not only will you become a laughing stock - there will be a clicker, a paper maker, who will insert you into the comedy. That's what's offensive! Rank and title will not be spared, and everyone will bare their teeth and clap their hands. Why are you laughing? - You're laughing at yourself!
  • Our friends will always praise you. For example, Pushkin. Why is all of Russia talking about him now? All the friends screamed and shouted, and then, after them, all of Russia began to scream.
  • Now you are lying at my feet. From what? - because it was mine; but if I were even a little on your side, you, the rascal, would trample me to the very dirt, and even pile me up with a log on top.
  • Now every little bitch already thinks that he is an aristocrat.
  • The mayor is as stupid as a gray gelding.
  • Also, your assessor... he, of course, is a knowledgeable person, but he smells as if he had just come out of a distillery - that’s also not good.
  • Yes, if a passing official asks the service if they are satisfied, they will answer “Everyone is satisfied, Your Honor!” And whoever is dissatisfied, then I will give him such displeasure!...
  • Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin is extremely bad manners.
  • And it’s strange to say: there is no person who does not have some sins behind him.
  • I hasten to notify you, my soul Tryapichkin, what miracles are happening to me.
  • Yes, this is the inexplicable law of fate: an intelligent person is either a drunkard, or he will make such a face that he can even endure the saints.
  • The superintendent of the schools was rotten through with onions.
  • It would be nice if there really was something worthwhile, otherwise the little Elistratista is simple!
  • Since I took over - it may even seem incredible to you - everyone has been getting better like flies. The patient will not have time to enter the infirmary before he is already healthy; and not so much with medications, but with honesty and order.
  • By all means, I don’t want any honors. It is, of course, tempting, but before virtue all is dust and vanity.
  • Russia... yes... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was any treason.
  • It’s a pity that Joachim didn’t rent a carriage, but it would be nice, damn it, to come home in a carriage, roll up like a devil under the porch of some neighboring landowner, with lanterns, and dress Osip in the back in a livery... I can imagine how alarmed everyone would be : “who is this, what is this?” And the footman enters: (stretching out and introducing the footman) “Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov from St. Petersburg, would you like to receive me?”
  • Let everyone pick up a broom down the street... damn it, down the street - a broom! And they would sweep the entire street that goes to the tavern, and sweep it clean!
  • And at that very moment there were couriers, couriers, couriers on the streets... can you imagine, thirty-five thousand couriers alone!
  • lied down a little; but no speech can be made without lying down...
  • And not witty: “A pig in a yarmulke.” Where does a pig wear a yarmulke?
  • We went to Pochechuev, and on the road Pyotr Ivanovich said: “Let’s go to the tavern,” he says. It’s in my stomach... I haven’t eaten anything since this morning, I have stomach shaking.” Yes, sir, it’s in Pyotr Ivanovich’s stomach... “And now they’ve brought fresh salmon to the tavern, so we’ll have a snack.”
  • Of course, I lied a little; but no speech is made without lying down.
  • According to merit and honor...
  • Tomorrow I will be promoted to field marshal...
  • Frightened, your blah... preos... shine... Sold the damned tongue, sold it!
  • However, there are many of my works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”, “Norma”. I don’t even remember the names. And it happens that I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please, brother, write something.” I think to myself, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, he wrote everything, astonishing everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts. All this that was under the name of Baron Brambeus, “Frigate of Hope” and “Moscow Telegraph”... I wrote all this.
  • Of course, Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?
  • On the road, an infantry captain robbed me all around, so that the innkeeper was about to throw me in prison; when suddenly, judging by my St. Petersburg physiognomy and suit, the whole city took me for the governor general.
  • Oh, subtle thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! find out who wants it! You don't know which side to take. Well, there’s no point in trying! What will happen will happen, try it at random.
  • On an empty belly, every burden seems heavy.
  • Oh God, here I am on trial! And a cart was brought up to grab me!
  • Who are you laughing at, are you laughing at yourself!
  • Well, well, well... leave it alone, you fool! You are used to treating others there: I, brother, am not of that kind! I don't recommend it...
  • If you get tired of walking, you take a cab and sit like a gentleman, and if you don’t want to pay him, you can: every house has a through gate, and you sneak around so much that no devil will find you.
  • Well, otherwise a lot of intelligence is worse than not having it at all.
  • God forbid I serve in an academic capacity! You are afraid of everything: everyone gets in the way, everyone wants to show that he is also an intelligent person.
  • No, it’s no longer possible to get rid of this: he says that his mother hurt him as a child, and since then he’s been giving him a little vodka.
  • There is no person who does not have some sins behind him.
  • No, the mind is a great thing. Light requires subtlety. I look at life from a completely different point of view. To live like a fool would live is not a thing, but to live with subtlety, with art, to deceive everyone and not be deceived yourself - this is the real task and goal.
  • No, more of a chantret. And the eyes are so fast, like animals, they even lead to confusion.
  • No, it’s impossible to get rid of it: he says that his mother hurt him when he was a child, and since then he’s been giving him a little vodka.
  • Not bad-looking, in a particular dress, he walks around the room like that, and in his face there’s this kind of reasoning... physiognomy... actions, and here (twists his hand near his forehead) there’s a lot, a lot of things.
  • But let me point out: I'm kind of... I'm married.
  • You're not taking it according to rank.
  • Well, the city is ours!
  • The overseer of the charitable establishment, Strawberry, is a perfect pig in a yarmulke.
  • You need to be bolder. He wants to be considered incognito. Okay, let’s let the Turus in too: let’s pretend as if we don’t even know what kind of person he is.
  • On the table, for example, there is a watermelon - a watermelon costs seven hundred rubles. The soup in a saucepan arrived straight from Paris on the boat; open the lid - steam, the like of which cannot be found in nature!
  • ABOUT! As for healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took our own measures: the closer to nature, the better - we do not use expensive medicines. The man is simple: if he dies, then he will die anyway, if he recovers, then he will recover anyway. And it would be difficult for Christian Ivanovich to communicate with them: he doesn’t know a word of Russian.
  • There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.
  • He wouldn’t look at the fact that you were an official, but, lifting your shirt, he would shower you with such things, so that you would itch for four days.
  • You'll be more likely to sniff out a young man. It’s a disaster if the old devil is the one who’s young and all the way up...
  • The more it breaks, the more it means the activity of the city ruler.
  • My life is a penny
  • From man it is impossible, but from God everything is possible...
  • The lightness of thoughts is extraordinary!
  • The postmaster, just like our departmental watchman Mikheev, must also be a scoundrel, drinking bitters.
  • The government salary is not enough even for tea and sugar.
  • Accustomed to living, comprenez vous, in the light - and suddenly find yourself on the road: dirty taverns, the darkness of ignorance.
  • And the rope will come in handy on the road.
  • Extend, God, for forty terms!
  • For three thousand, I undertook to participate, deceive and deceive you. I tell you this directly: you see, I am acting nobly.
  • He speaks everything in subtle delicacy, which is only inferior to the nobility; If you go to Shchukin, the merchants shout to you: “Reverend!”
  • Even as a boy, you don’t know the Our Father, let alone measure it; and as soon as he opens your belly and fills your pocket, you become so self-important! Wow, what an incredible thing! Because you blow sixteen samovars a day, that’s why you’re putting on airs? Yes, I don’t care about your head and your importance!
  • By God, I have never put onions in my mouth.
  • Nicely tied the knot! He lies, he lies, and he never stops! But such a nondescript, short one, it seems that he would crush him with a fingernail. Well, just wait, you’ll let me slip. I'll make you tell me more!
  • God, please just let it get away with it as soon as possible, and then I’ll put up a candle that no one has ever put up before: I’ll charge three pounds of wax for each of the merchant’s beasts.
  • A strange case happened to me: I was completely wasted on the road. Do you have any money to borrow, four hundred rubles?
  • Yes, tell Derzhimorda not to give too much free rein to his fists; For the sake of order, he puts lights under everyone's eyes - both those who are right and those who are guilty.
  • One hundred years and a sack of chervonets!
  • Yes, if they ask why a church was not built at a charitable institution, for which a sum was allocated a year ago, then do not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned down. I submitted a report about this. Otherwise, perhaps someone, having forgotten himself, will foolishly say that it never began.
  • So I walked around a little, wondering if my appetite would go away - no, damn it, it won’t.
  • But I came to it on my own, with my own mind.
  • There we had our own whist: the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the French envoy, the English, the German envoy and me.
  • Now, truly, if God wants to punish, he will first take away the mind...
  • Only happiness comes to those who are as stupid as a log, who don’t understand anything, who don’t think about anything, who don’t do anything, and only play Boston for pennies with used cards!
  • Just the other day, when our leader came into the classroom, he made such a face as I had never seen before. He did it out of a good heart, but he reprimanded me: why are free-thinking thoughts being instilled in young people?
  • You too! We couldn't find another place to fall! And he stretched out like the devil knows what.
  • Nonsense - rest. If you please, gentlemen, I'm ready to rest. Your breakfast, gentlemen, is good... I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied. Labardan! Labardan!
  • The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had flogged her; She's lying, by God, she's lying. She whipped herself!
  • To the Saratov province! A? and won't blush! Oh, yes, you need to keep your eyes open with him.
  • Why are you laughing? – You’re laughing at yourself!...
  • The sick were ordered to give gabersup, but I have cabbage wafting through all the corridors, so just take care of your nose.
  • Damn it, I’m so hungry, and there’s a chattering in my stomach as if a whole regiment had blown its trumpets.
  • And, damn it, it’s nice to be a general!...
  • Eh! - Pyotr Ivanovich and I said.
  • And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!
  • It's an ax roasted instead of beef.
  • But let's see how things go after a freeshtik and a bottle of fat belly! Yes, we have a provincial Madeira: unsightly in appearance, but it would knock an elephant down. If only I could find out what he is and to what extent I should be afraid of him.

N.V. Gogol’s immortal comedy “The Inspector General” gave us many unforgettable images that are still relevant in our time. One of the main characters of the comedy is the mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.
He's no good as a city leader. The activities of Anton Antonovich led to the fact that everything in the city fell into disrepair; not a single service honestly works. The mayor sees how bad things are everywhere, but does not want to do anything at all. Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, pointing out the disorder in his department, simply says: “I wanted to notice this to you before, but somehow I forgot everything.” Only the news of the arrival of the auditor forced the hero to gather city officials and urge them to restore a semblance of order.
They, in turn, treat the mayor with respect, because with his tacit consent, each of them breaks the law and robs the treasury. Officials express their zeal for service only in words and are secretly afraid of the mayor: “For mercy, as much as possible! With weak strength, zeal and zeal for the authorities... we will try to earn it..."
Anton Antonovich treats the city merchants with disrespect and severity, and mercilessly robs them. One of the merchants speaks about it this way: “There has never been such a mayor before. He inflicts such insults that it is impossible to describe. Just wait, he’s completely exhausted, even if he climbs into a noose... We always follow the order... No, you see, all this is not enough for him! He’ll come to the shop and take whatever he gets…”; “...and, it seems, you’ve done everything, you don’t need anything; no, give him more...” This characterizes the mayor as a greedy and greedy person.
His virtue is manifested only in relation to his wife and daughter. He does not leave them in the dark about the arrival of the auditor and, even in a great hurry, writes a tender and polite note to his wife: “Kissing your hand, darling, I remain yours...”
Thus, the mayor seems to us to be “a smart man in his own way,” who managed to direct all city affairs to his own enrichment.
The final scene of the comedy is a worthy finale to the mayor’s activities. He appears as a duped, stupid man, who was easily fooled by a visiting scoundrel from St. Petersburg. This was such a shock for Anton Antonovich that he repeated in bewilderment: “How am I - no, how am I, an old fool? The stupid ram is out of his mind! Look, look, the whole world, all of Christianity, everyone, look how the mayor has been fooled!”
The mayor was taught a good lesson. Maybe this comedy by Gogol in our time will be a reminder to every official that the same “auditor” may appear in his life



Other questions from the category

1.Introduction (about the Belkin Tale cycle and the story The Station Warden)
2. Main part
3.Martyr 14th grade (elements of his appearance at the beginning)
4.The only consolation is his daughter Dunya (there’s not much about her, literally 4 sentences)
5. Dunya leaves with the hussar (elements of the Overseer’s appearance in this field) (and what happened 3 years later when Minsky arrived)
6.Vyrin goes to St. Petersburg.
7. Humiliated dignity.
8. Refusal to fight for Dunya.
9. Returning home. Death of Vyrin.
8. Refusal to fight for Dunya

Read also

ruled by Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky 2. The most curious character in Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” 3. Image of Gorodnichevoy
4. City officials N

Indicate the genre to which N.V. Gogol’s play “The Inspector General” belongs??? Mayor. My duty, as the mayor of this city, is to take care of

so that there is no harassment for travelers and all noble people... Khlestakov (at first he stutters a little, but towards the end of his speech he speaks loudly). But what can I do?.. It’s not my fault... I’ll really pay... They’ll send it to me from the village. Bobchinsky looks out of the door. He is more to blame: he serves me beef as hard as a log; and the soup - God knows what he splashed in there, I had to throw it out the window. He starved me for days on end... The tea is so strange: it stinks of fish, not tea. Why am I... Here's the news! Mayor (timid). Sorry, it's really not my fault. The beef at my market is always good. They are brought by Kholmogory merchants, people who are sober and of good behavior. I don't know where he gets this from. And if something goes wrong, then... Let me invite you to move with me to another apartment. Khlestakov. No I do not want to! I know what it means to another apartment: that is, to prison. What right do you have? How dare you?.. Yes, here I am... I serve in St. Petersburg. (Being cheerful.) I, I, I... Mayor (to the side). Oh my God, so angry! I found out everything, the damned merchants told me everything! Khlestakov (bravely). Even if you’re here with your whole team, I won’t go! I'm going straight to the minister! (He hits the table with his fist.) What are you doing? What do you? Mayor (stretched out and trembling with his whole body). Have mercy, don't destroy! Wife, small children... don’t make a person unhappy. Khlestakov. No I do not want! Here's another! What do I care? Because you have a wife and children, I have to go to prison, that’s great! Bobchinsky looks out the door and hides in fear. No, thank you humbly, I don’t want to. Mayor (trembling). Due to inexperience, by golly due to inexperience. Insufficient wealth... Judge for yourself: the government salary is not enough even for tea and sugar. If there were any bribes, it was very small: something for the table and a couple of dresses. As for the non-commissioned officer's widow, a merchant, whom I allegedly flogged, this is slander, by God, slander. My villains invented this: they are such a people that they are ready to encroach on my life. Khlestakov. What? I don't care about them. (In thought.) I don’t know, however, why are you talking about villains and about some non-commissioned officer’s widow... A non-commissioned officer’s wife is completely different, but you don’t dare flog me, you’re far from that... Here's another! Look at you!.. I will pay, I will pay money, but now I don’t have it. The reason I'm sitting here is because I don't have a penny. Mayor (to the side). Oh, subtle thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! Find out who wants it! You don’t know which side to take. Well, just try it at random. (Aloud.) If you definitely need money or something else, then I’m ready to serve this minute. My duty is to help those passing by. Khlestakov. Give me, lend me! I'll pay the innkeeper right now. I would only like two hundred rubles or even less. Mayor (bringing up pieces of paper). Exactly two hundred rubles, although don’t bother counting. N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General"

  • "The auditor is coming to visit us"

    The mayor’s phrase with which the action of the play “The Inspector General” begins (act 1, scene 1):

    “I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some very unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.”

  • "Extraordinary ease of thought"

    Boasting of his literary abilities, Khlestakov says (act 3, scene 6):

    “However, there are many of my works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”, “Norma”. I don’t even remember the titles. And it all happened: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please, brother, write something." I think to myself, perhaps, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, I wrote everything, astonished everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts."

  • "You're not taking it according to rank!"

    The words of the Mayor addressed to the quarterly (action 1, phenomenon 4):

    “What did you do with the merchant Chernyaev - huh? He gave you two arshins of cloth for your uniform, and you stole the whole thing. Look! You’re taking it inappropriately! Go.”

  • "Oh, what a passage!"

    The words of the Mayor’s daughter Marya Antonovna (act 4, phenomenon 13), which she pronounces upon seeing Khlestakov kneeling in front of her mother Anna Andreevna.

  • "Who are you laughing at? Are you laughing at yourself!"

    Words of the Mayor (action 5, phenomenon 8):

    “Look... look how the mayor is fooled... Not only will you become a laughing stock - there will be a clicker, a paper maker, who will insert you into the comedy, that’s what’s insulting! Rank and title will not be spared, and everyone will bare their teeth and clap their hands. Why are you laughing? Laughing at yourself!.. Eh, you...”

  • "For a big ship, a long voyage"

    The expression belongs to the Roman satirist Petronius (Gaius Petronius, d. 66 AD). It became popular in Russia after the production of The Inspector General. At the end of the comedy, when Gorodnichy is sure that through his daughter he will become related to an “official from St. Petersburg,” he dreams of career growth:
    City. Yes, I admit, gentlemen, I, damn it, really want to be a general.
    Luka Lukich. And God forbid you get it!
    Rastakovsky. From man it is impossible, but from God everything is possible.
    AMMOS FEDOROVICH. A big ship has a long voyage.
    Artemy Filippovich. According to merit and honor.
    AMMOS FEDOROVICH (to the side). He'll do something crazy when he actually becomes a general! That's who the generalship is like a saddle for a cow! Well, brother, no, the song is still far from that. There are better people here than you, but they are still not generals.

  • "Adopt greyhound puppies"

    Words of Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin (action 1, phenomenon 1):
    Ammos Fyodorovich. What do you think, Anton Antonovich, are sins? Sins and sins are different. I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter.
    City. Well, with puppies or something else - bribes.

  • “My mother hurt me when I was a child.”

    Words of Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, who is trying to acquit his colleague, a court assessor suspected of drunkenness (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “He says that his mother hurt him when he was a child, and since then he’s been giving him a little vodka.”

  • “Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?”

    Mayor’s words about the local teacher (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “He’s a scientist, it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he only explains with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, while I was talking about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I can’t tell you what happened to him. He ran away from the pulpit and, with all his strength, grabbed the chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs?”

  • “Even if you gallop from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.”

    Words of the Governor (action 1, phenomenon 1).

  • “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!”

    The mayor speaks about the possible actions of the auditor (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “Who, say, is the judge here? - Lyapkin-Tyapkin. “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!”

  • "Derzhimorda"

    The name of the policeman who, according to Gorodnichy, “for the sake of order, puts lights under everyone’s eyes, both the right and the wrong.”

  • "Khlestakov"

    The main character of the comedy “The Inspector General” is a braggart and a dreamer.

  • “And the Voltairians are in vain speaking against this.”

    Words of the Mayor (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    There is no person who does not have some sins behind him. This is already arranged this way by God himself, and the Voltaireans are in vain to speak against it.

  • "Name day for Anton and Onuphry"

    Merchants complain about the extortionist mayor (action 4, phenomenon 10):

    “His name day is on Anton, and it seems like you can do everything, he doesn’t need anything. No, give him some more: he says, and Onufriy’s name day. What to do? and you bear it on Onuphrius.”

  • "Who said 'uh' first"

    Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky talk about the impression made on them by the innkeeper’s story about the new guest (act 1, phenomenon 3.), who, according to the innkeeper,

    “He’s describing himself in a very strange way: he’s been living for another week, he’s not leaving the tavern, he’s taking everything into his account and doesn’t want to pay a penny. As he told me this, and so it was brought to my senses from above. Eh! I say to Pyotr Petrovich...
    Dobchinsky. No, Pyotr Ivanovich, I said: eh.
    B o b c h i n s k i y. First you said it, and then I said it too. Eh! Pyotr Ivanovich and I said, why on earth should he sit here when his road lies to the Saratov province?..”

  • "We will retire under the shadow of the streams"

    Khlestakov's words (act 4, phenomenon 13):

    “For love there is no difference, and Karamzin said: laws condemn. We will retire under the shadow of the streams. Your hand, I ask for your hand.”

  • "Plucking Flowers of Pleasure"

    Khlestakov's words (act 3, phenomenon 5):

    "I like to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.”

  • "Non-Commissioned Officer's Widow"

    The mayor says to Khlestakov (act 4, phenomenon 15):

    “The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had flogged her; She's lying, by God she's lying. She flogged herself."

    Although in this case it is the shameless lie of the Governor, the victim of whose arbitrariness the non-commissioned officer's widow became, that is noteworthy, nevertheless this phrase - due to its obvious paradoxicality - has become widely used, and precisely in the sense that the Governor puts into it.

  • “I went for the sake of order, but returned drunk”

    The words of a private bailiff about the policeman Prokhorov, whom the Mayor is looking for in order to send for urgent work on the improvement of the city in view of the arrival of the “auditor” (act 1, scene 5):
    City. Is Prokhorov drunk?
    Frequent p r i s t a v. Drunk.
    City. How did you let this happen?
    Frequent p r i s t a v. Yes, God knows. Yesterday there was a fight outside the city - I went there for the sake of order, but returned drunk.

  • "They came, they smelled and they left"

    The mayor tells the assembled officials his dream, which foreshadowed the arrival of the “auditor” (act 1, scene 1):

    “I seemed to have a premonition of trouble: today I dreamed all night about two unusual rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, they smelled it, and they left.”

  • "Thirty-five thousand couriers"
    Sometimes there are versions derived from the original: “forty thousand couriers”, “thirty thousand couriers”, etc.

    Khlestakov's words (act 3, phenomenon 6):

    “One time I even managed a department. And it’s strange: the director left, where he went is unknown. Well, naturally, rumors began: how, what, who should take the place? Many of the generals were hunters and took it, but it happened that they would approach - no, it was tricky. It seems easy to look at, but when you look at it, it’s just damn! After they see, there is nothing to do - come to me. And at that very moment there were couriers, couriers, couriers on the streets... can you imagine, thirty-five thousand couriers alone! What is the situation, I ask?”

  • "Respect and Devotion - Devotion and Respect"

    This is how Khlestakov describes the demands that he places on his mythical subordinates in St. Petersburg.

  • “A simple man: if he dies, he will die; if he recovers, he will recover anyway.”

    Words of the trustee of charitable institutions Strawberry (action 1, phenomenon 1).

  • “Where did you throw it!”

    Words of the Governor (act 2, phenomenon 8). When, at the first meeting with the Mayor, Khlestakov remembers his debt for a hotel room and promises to pay it, the mayor, mistaking Khlestakov for an important incognito official, sees in this some subtle move designed to lull his vigilance. And he says to himself:

    “Oh, thin thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! figure out who wants it."

Left a reply Guest

I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you the most unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.
It was as if I had a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about two extraordinary rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, smelled it, and left.
Of course, Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?
Also, your assessor... he, of course, is a knowledgeable person, but he smells as if he had just come out of a distillery - that’s also not good.
And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!
A smart person is either a drunkard or he will make such a face that you can even take away the saints.
God, please just let it get away with it as soon as possible, and then I’ll put up a candle that no one has ever put up before: I’ll charge three pounds of wax for each of the merchant’s beasts.
Let everyone pick up a broom down the street... damn it, down the street - a broom! And they would sweep the entire street that goes to the tavern, and sweep it clean!
The more it breaks, the more it means the activity of the city ruler.
Yes, if they ask why a church was not built at a charitable institution, for which a sum was allocated a year ago, then do not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned down. I submitted a report about this. Otherwise, perhaps someone, having forgotten himself, will foolishly say that it never began.
Yes, if a passing official asks the service if they are satisfied, they will answer “Everyone is satisfied, Your Honor!” And whoever is dissatisfied, then I will give him such displeasure!..
Yes, tell Derzhimorda not to give too much free rein to his fists; For the sake of order, he puts lights under everyone's eyes - both those who are right and those who are guilty.
Don't let the soldiers go out into the street without everything: this crappy guard will only wear a uniform over their shirt, and nothing underneath.
To the Saratov province! A? and won't blush! Oh, yes, you need to keep your eyes open with him.
Oh, subtle thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! find out who wants it! You don't know which side to take. Well, there’s no point in trying! What will happen will happen, try it at random.
You need to be bolder. He wants to be considered incognito. Okay, let’s let the Turus in too: let’s pretend as if we don’t even know what kind of person he is.
Nicely tied the knot! He lies, he lies, and he never stops! But such a nondescript, short one, it seems that he would crush him with a fingernail. Well, just wait, you’ll let me slip. I'll make you tell me more!
But let's see how things go after a freeshtik and a bottle of fat belly! Yes, we have a provincial Madeira: unsightly in appearance, but it would knock an elephant down. If only I could find out what he is and to what extent I should be afraid of him.
You too! We couldn't find another place to fall! And he stretched out like the devil knows what.
Oh, how the crow croaked! (Teases him.) “It was on orders!..” It growls like it’s coming from a barrel.
The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had flogged her; She's lying, by God, she's lying. She whipped herself!
What, samovar makers, arshinniks, should complain? Archpluts, proto-beasts, worldly swindlers, complain?
“We, he says, will not yield to the nobles.” Yes, a nobleman... oh, you mug! - A nobleman studies science: even though he gets whipped at school, he gets to work so that he knows something useful.
Even as a boy, you don’t know the Our Father, let alone measure it; and as soon as he opens your belly and fills your pocket, you become so self-important! Wow, what an incredible thing! Because you blow sixteen samovars a day, that’s why you’re putting on airs? Yes, I don’t care about your head and your importance!
Now you are lying at my feet. From what? - because it was mine; but if I were even a little on your side, you, the rascal, would trample me to the very dirt, and even pile me up with a log on top.
(hits himself on the forehead) Like me, no, like me, old fool! The stupid ram is out of his mind!
There he is now singing bells all over the road! Will spread the story around the world. Not only will you become a laughing stock - there will be a clicker, a paper maker, who will insert you into the comedy. That's what's offensive! Rank and title will not be spared, and everyone will bare their teeth and clap their hands. Why are you laughing? - You're laughing at yourself!
I would scribble all these papers! Ooh, clickers, damned liberals! Damn seed! I would tie you all up in a knot, I would grind you all into flour and the hell out of my lining! Put a hat on him!..

It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs?

The government salary is not enough even for tea and sugar.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

On friendly terms with Pushkin. I used to often say to him: “Well, brother Pushkin?” - “Yes, brother,” he answered, it happened, “that’s how everything is…” Great original.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, could you, for our common benefit, print out every letter that arrives at your post office, incoming and outgoing, you know, a little bit and read it: does it contain some kind of report or just correspondence? If not, then you can seal it again; however, you can even give the letter printed out.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

Now every little bitch already thinks that he is an aristocrat.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

I know that there are some of us who are ready to laugh with all our hearts at a person’s crooked nose and do not have the courage to laugh at a person’s crooked soul.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some very unpleasant news. An auditor is coming to see us.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

Once I even managed a department. And it’s strange: the director left, it’s unknown where he went. Well, naturally, rumors began: how, what, who should take the place? Many of the generals were hunters and took on, but it happened that they would approach - no, it was tricky. It seems easy to look at, but when you look at it, it’s just damn! After they see, there is nothing to do - come to me. And at that very moment there were couriers, couriers, couriers on the streets... can you imagine, thirty-five thousand couriers alone! What is the situation? - I'm asking. “Ivan Alexandrovich, go manage the department!” I admit, I was a little embarrassed, I came out in a dressing gown: I wanted to refuse, but I think: it will reach the sovereign, well, and my service record too...

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Auditor

Since I took over, it may even seem incredible to you that everyone has been recovering like flies. The patient will not have time to enter the infirmary before he is already healthy; and not so much with medications, but with honesty and order.

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