Our reviews of the series “Once upon a time there were rabbits”, “Tales of the Fox Forest” and “Blackberry Glade”. Once upon a time there were rabbits Genevieve Yurie once upon a time there were rabbits cartoon

Tanya and I are fans of “philistine” drawings in the style of Beatrix Potter. And so we buy or borrow from the library all the stories that have similar illustrations. We look, we look... We come up with our own stories based on the pictures we’ve already looked at. The most popular books for us, as for most children today, are the series “Once upon a time there were Rabbits”, “Tales of the Fox Forest” and “Blackberry Glade”. And for those who are not yet familiar (there are probably such readers) with these fairy tales, we will now arrange a detailed analysis of each series. We will show pictures, our opinions about books, and even show cartoons.

All three episodes are quite good and kind. No slang expressions, no poisonous colors in illustrations and no childish tricks. The quality of the books is also excellent. The paper is thick, not translucent, the covers are hard.But, having become acquainted with each episode, I want to express my opinion about each one. Still, they are different, these stories.

So, here are our book reviews.

Book series “Once upon a time there were rabbits”

These are the shortest stories. The simplest style of presentation. Therefore, you can read them from an earlier age. If you remove the illustrations, the books will lose 90% of their charm. Tanya fell in love with rabbits from about the age of two (these books were the first ones taken from the library, and only then I began buying them for personal use).

When I began to dream about rabbits at night from endless reading, we began to come up with stories based on the pictures, fortunately they are stuffed with the smallest details, tiny houses at the roots of trees, millimeter-long mice and hedgehogs acting as a support group for the main characters - five little rabbits and their dad and aunt.
The adventures of five rabbits (four brothers and one sister) are quite instructive in nature - the little rabbits will start a fire because they want to fry donuts, they will start renovations in a new house and dirty all the walls, or they will ruin a skiing competition by sledding. This is what they do together. They love to cause excitement for adults even alone - going into the desert to look for baobab trees or escaping from a new house and pitching a tent in the yard of the old one. Or even make contact with a stranger (in the story “The First Ball” a magpie plays the role of a scoundrel). There are notes of edification about consequences in every story. And, if you read carefully and just as carefully look at the pictures, you can easily understand why there is no need to create independence in the kitchen and what the house looks like after a fire.

My rating is 5. We are still reading it.

The “mute” heroes of rabbit stories are little mice. They are present in almost every illustration. Absolutely tiny, they are also drawn very, very skillfully. Mice also have their own families, houses and gardens.

The titles of the stories differ in different editions - it is not clear why. For example, “Drawing Lesson” may be called “Tricky Tortilla,” and “Great Bike Race” may be called “Aunt Zinnia’s Prize.”There are many editions of these stories, but they duplicate each other without differing in price. I selected those that we have. Each book contains three stories:

"Merry Carnival" - "Moving", "Burnt Donuts", "Carnival"
“Meeting with Pirates” - “Bravo, Little Rabbits”, “A Trip to the Sea”, “Road Adventures”,
"The Sly Fox - "Rosmarinchik's Finest Hour", "The Sly Fox", "Aunt Zinnia and the Bogeyman",
"The Great Bike Race" - "Merry Christmas", "The Great Bike Race", "The Invention of Papa Onestus",
"Full Moon Festival" - "Russula's First Ball," "Dandelion Rabbit's Vegetable Garden," "Adonis and Baobab,"
“Drawing Lesson” - “Drawing Lesson”, “Ahead down the street, with an orchestra!”, “Haunted House” (duplicates “Aunt Zinnia and the Bogeyman”)
“Aerial adventures (our publication is called “Hurray, we’re flying!” - “Hurray, we’re flying,” “Hurray, vacation!”, “Hurray, we found it!”

There are cartoons based on stories there too, but for some reason the characters are named differently - Rosemarin, for example, turns into Basil. One of the cartoons:

Some stories are published in one book and cost literally pennies. The same question - why not publish the entire series as separate books?... It would be convenient to take with you to clinics. Books with three stories are quite large and will not fit into a bag.

Series “Tales of the Fox Forest”. I talked about one of the books

These stories are longer than the rabbit ones. And, accordingly, admirers of the rabbit Ru, the hedgehog and the mouse should also be older than those who adore the family of Papa Onestus. This does not mean that rabbits will cease to be interesting with the arrival of Fairy Tales on bookshelves. No. Fairy tales will be added to the company and will be loved no less.

In the “Fairy Tales” series, the drawings are slightly different. They are not so rich in small details, there are no tiny hedgehogs and mice, there is no “world around”. But the characters themselves - Roo, Harvey, Willie and their companions look like doubles of Beatrix Potter's drawings. Unless the text is more complex.

Tanya didn’t notice, but what caught my eye was that in “Once Upon a Time” every little hero has parents - and little Fiona’s mother runs to her daughter as soon as she starts crying, Gamba has a somewhat antisocial grandfather, and in “ Tales of the Forest,” the fighting trio goes about their business without asking permission from their parents for their heroic adventures. The animals have parents, but they are assigned not even second, but third roles. This is a big minus of the series.

fairy tales of the fox forest Online store Labyrinth.

My rating is 4.5

Series “Blackberry Glade”

The same abundance of small details in each illustration - pots, flowers, sofas, chairs, armchairs - as in “Rabbits”. But the drawings are more blurry, although no less interesting to look at. The text is a little pretentious and, to be honest, a little boring. There is a drive, but it’s kind of slow and unhurried. Although I liked the cartoons based on the Blackberry Glade series. And one more thing - the books make literal translations of names, which I don’t really like. Agree, “Mr. Apple” sounds better than “Mr. Apple.” It’s kind of stupid to translate names in general.

If “Once Upon a Time” is understandable even to two-year-olds, then “Polyana”, I think, will be interesting to those who are already four years old. Due to the blurriness of the illustrations, it is interesting for older children to look at the pictures. But this series has the largest font - that is, the stories were originally intended for independent reading.

Geneviève Hurieux is a French writer, widely known as the author of tales about a family of rabbits.

Once upon a time, Madame Hurie lived in Paris with her husband and four children, worked as a librarian, periodically traveling around the world. When the children grew up and Genevieve became a grandmother, she began to tell them her own fairy tales when communicating with her grandchildren. The famous stories of the rabbit family subsequently grew out of them.

Genevieve Yurie's books were published in Russia in the series “Once upon a time there were rabbits” by the publishing house Makhaon.


1987 - The first ball of the little rabbit Syroezhik

1988 - Garden little rabbit Dandelion

1989 - Little rabbit Goritsvetik And baobab

1989 - Star hour rosemary

1990 - Auntie Zinnia And monster

1991 - Pirouette And cunning fox

1992 - Moving

1995 - Burnt Donuts

1995 - Fun Carnival

1998 - Hooray, holidays!

1999 - Aunt Zinnia Prize(as I understood it, Hurray, we found it!)

1999 - Air adventures(Hurray, we're flying!)

2000 - Insidious Tortilla(Drawing lesson)

2001 - Down the street, with an orchestra!

2002 - House With haunted

2002 - Merry Christmas!

2003 - Great bicycle race

2003 - The invention of Pope Onestus

2004 - Bravo, little rabbits!

2005 - Sailing trip(A trip to the sea)

2005 - Road Adventures

What we have is highlighted.

Are all your stories about rabbits?

Having bought one book to try, I couldn’t stop until I bought everything that was available. The books shocked me with their drawings.

I purposefully bought only thick-bound books, because somewhere I saw comparative photographs of large and small books (I don’t remember, maybe here).

As they say - feel the difference.

The books are large format, square, white paper, very good quality.

Each fairy tale is an independent story, they are not connected to each other.

Drawing lesson

Drawing lesson.

The evil turtle Tortilla Hitrolis decided to harm the rabbits, inciting them to “correct” the artist’s paintings.

Down the street with the orchestra

The rabbits decided to play musical instruments, but each wanted to outplay the others. That's why the rabbits almost got into a fight. The situation was saved by the rabbit orchestra. It was he who taught them to play in the orchestra.

House with the ghosts.

The rabbits decided to fly a kite, but the thread broke and it flew away. The rabbits went in search of him and found themselves near an abandoned house. This is a classic horror story. Abandoned house, ghosts, thieves, robbers.

Meeting with pirates

Bravo, little bunnies!

Rabbits offended a magician at the circus. In retaliation for this, he locked them up. But Pirouette and her friends will release the trapped rabbits. And they will still have time to visit the circus arena.

A trip to the sea

A family of rabbits goes to sea. There Dandelion and his doll end up with wild pirate cats, but the brother rabbits and albatross cormorants rescue the baby, punish the wicked one and learn to sail.

Road adventures

Russula and Pirouetta mistakenly board a train going in the wrong direction, and therefore may be late for their cousin's wedding. But with the help of a handcar, and also thanks to their work as stokers on a steam locomotive, the rabbits got to the wedding.

Full Moon Festival

Little rabbit Syroezhik's first ball

Magpie sends the shy little rabbit Russula to learn dancing to the Dove and the Frog in order to laugh at him. But the rabbit Russula, with the help of Owl, passes this test with honor.

Baby rabbit Adonis and baobab

The Heron sends Adonis, who dreams of exploring the desert to look for a baobab tree. And only thanks to his father, Goretsvetik returns home safely.

Dandelion rabbit's garden.

The turtle ate and trampled the gardener's crop, Dandelion. For this, she promised to restore it with a magic spell. But…

Cunning fox

Rosemarin's finest hour

In winter, all the cabbage in the rabbits' cellar froze. After arguing with his sister, the rabbit Rosmarinchik goes in search of cabbage.

Pirouette and the Sly Fox

Two little rabbits met foxes in the forest and, having deceived them, ran home safely.

Aunt Zinnia and the Bogeyman

A scary story from Aunt Zinnia's childhood. Little Zinnia went apple picking with her friend's family. On the way back, Zinnia fell behind her companions. Zinnia went out onto the forbidden High Road (paved highway) where she met a terrible monster with glowing bright eyes.

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Audio format

Books Once Upon a Time There Were Rabbits

Books Once Upon a Time There Were Rabbits French writer Geneviève Hurieux are very popular among preschool children. The series itself has more than twenty books, each telling one story from the life of a rabbit family.

In the family of rabbits, whose stories Yurie describes in his books, there are five little rabbits: four brothers and one sister. And as you understand, with such a number of children, there may be enough stories for more books.

All fairy tales are very funny. There are stories in which the main characters are all the little rabbits or their relatives, and there are fairy tales that are dedicated exclusively to one character. But we have no doubt that all the stories will be loved by children, especially those who like listen or read about rabbits.

The editors of our site are constantly processing new books from the series Once upon a time there were rabbits(creating an audio version of a fairy tale). Therefore, new stories about a rabbit family regularly replenish the collection of audio fairy tales collected on our website.

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