Is it possible to retake the exam if the threshold has not been passed or the result is not satisfactory. Is it possible to retake the exam if the threshold is not passed or the result is not satisfactory When can I retake the exam in a year

Students who fail to pass one or another subject in the framework of the unified state exam (USE) will be entitled to repeated retakes. According to Izvestia, an order is being prepared within the walls of the Ministry of Education and Science, according to which schoolchildren will have the opportunity to take the exam three times in one subject if an unsatisfactory grade was obtained at the end of the exam or the student wants to get more points in the final exam.

Now, if a student received an unsatisfactory result on the exam, then he can retake it only after a year. The department plans to make legislative changes to the deadlines that will allow repeated retakes from 2016.

The initiative was confirmed<Известиям>and the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, noting that there is no talk of specific dates for the entry into force of the initiative.

- The planned changes will improve the objectivity of assessing students' knowledge and the effectiveness of the USE, to ensure a continuous process of delivery. We are moving away from a rigid framework - this will significantly relieve both the inspectors and the students themselves. We are also talking about psychological stress: when a graduate knows that he has only one chance to pass the exam, only one day, this is a stress factor that can prevent him from properly demonstrating his knowledge, ”Livanov explained.

Changes will be made to the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved last year, and they will affect next year's graduates. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that changes in the structure of the Unified State Examination cannot be made on the eve of the final exams.

Recall that the issue of increasing attempts to pass the Unified State Exam was discussed at the highest level. Last fall, during a meeting between Vladimir Putin and teachers, it was proposed to create an open USE database (which has already been implemented) and allow schoolchildren to take the state exam several times until the final exams are over. The idea was approved by the president, and he suggested that it be considered "as a working version and work out some details."

The changes will also affect the graduation essay. Recall that from this year, schoolchildren will have to prepare not only for the Unified State Exam, but also for the final essay. According to Dmitry Livanov, the main option is to write an essay in conditions close to passing the exam (in special paragraphs). The essay will be admission to the exam, and it will be written in December according to the "pass or fail" system.

If the student received a failure for the final essay, then he is given an additional attempt to retake it, however, if the student does not pass the essay for the second time, then he will be able to retake it only next year. This means that if the result is negative in two attempts, the student does not automatically get to pass the exam and will be able to test his knowledge only after a year.

- It will be a good system, but with one condition - we will not let you write off, but we will let you retake it. The more strictly we control the moments of attempts to dishonestly pass exams, the more such tools we can offer. The opportunity to pass the exam three times gives students a chance to get rid of their own mistakes, which, I think, will be beneficial, - says Mikhail Mokrinsky, Head of the Moscow Central District Education Department.

Irina Abankina, Director of the Institute for the Development of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, supported the idea of ​​the Ministry of Education and Science.

– I am a supporter of this trend. At one time, this was proposed by Olga Kashirina, Secretary General of the Russian Union of Rectors. Need to relieve stress<одного дня>. You must still understand that this is the final certification for 11 years and you need to create favorable conditions so that a person can reveal his knowledge and move away from conditions of severe discomfort. Only during the passing of a genuine exam, and not a training exam, in the event of a retake, the student himself will learn and see his mistakes and weaknesses, Abankina believes.

If an eleventh-grader has not scored at least one of the compulsory subjects necessary for a positive mark (Russian language or mathematics at a basic or profile level), he can take the exam again. This can be done on the reserve days provided for by the unified exam schedule. And, if successful, the graduate has every chance to enter the university in the year of graduation.

If re-obtained an unsatisfactory result- you can try to pass the exam again, in additional autumn terms. In this case, there will be no chance of entering a university - but a school leaving certificate (which is not issued in the case of a “deuce” in one of the compulsory subjects) will allow you to continue your studies at a college or technical school.

It should be noted that:

  • graduates who have not reached the threshold in two compulsory subjects at once do not have the right to retake the exam this year - they will have to continue the struggle for obtaining a certificate in a year;

  • if the graduate passed mathematics at both the basic and profile levels and overcame the threshold value for at least one of these exams, the exam is considered passed;

  • retaking the exam in mathematics is possible both at the basic and at the profile level (at the choice of the examiner);

  • graduates of previous years do not have the opportunity to retake an unsatisfactorily passed exam.

Graduates who do not score the minimum number of points in elective exams will be able to retake the exam only next year.

Who else has the right to retake the exam in additional terms

The right to retake on reserve days are USE participants who have started taking the exam, but could not complete the test for a valid reason, documented. The most common case is a deterioration in well-being during the exam (the fact of the disease must be recorded by the doctor).

In addition, those who, during the exam, encountered technical and organizational “overlaps” at the USE reception point (for example, the lack of additional forms, power outages, and so on) have the right to retake. In addition, if the organizers of the exam made violations in the conduct of the exam, the results of all participants can be canceled - and the tests will have to be retaken.

Note! If the USE participant was removed from the audience for using the phone or caught trying to cheat, his results are canceled, and the right to retake the exam in additional terms is not provided - and it will be possible to try your luck again only after a year.

Who can improve the result of exams this year

Only graduates of previous years have the opportunity to improve the exam result without waiting for the next year - they can retake the Russian language or profile mathematics in additional autumn terms.

Many believe that an USE participant who has passed the threshold but has not passed the exams well enough can retake one of the exams of his own choice in order to improve his scores. Unfortunately, this is a myth - the second attempt for such cases is not provided for by the rules for passing the unified state exam.

Is it possible to retake the exam in a year

The right to retake the exam for people who have already graduated from school is practically unlimited. A year later, you can retake the exam in any number of subjects - both compulsory and optional.

A former student by this time already receives the status of a “graduate of past years” and can:

  • improve your result in a single subject by retaking only it (the results of the remaining tests are valid for four years);

  • retake all items;

  • change your “profile” and pass exams in other disciplines;

  • if the admission committee of the university accrues additional points for the graduation essay, you can retake it.

Graduates of previous years can take exams either in the early or in the main period - at their own choice, but they cannot take exams twice in one year.

Is it possible to retake the exam if I have already entered the university

You can retake the exam repeatedly, regardless of how long ago the school was completed. This can be done by students, graduates of technical schools and lyceums, and people who already have higher education.

Therefore, if a graduate did not get enough points to enter the “dream university” and took the documents to a less prestigious educational institution, or was disappointed in the chosen direction of training and wants to radically change the profile of education, student status will not become an obstacle.

The only “but”: when applying for the exam, a graduate of previous years must present a school leaving certificate - and the original documents are kept at the university. In this case, you need to clarify in advance with the dean's office what you need in order to temporarily get your hands on a certificate of education. As a rule, universities without problems issue original certificates against receipt for a short period of time. When submitting documents for retaking the exam, the certificate is not handed over, but only presented - therefore, it is enough to get it in your hands for just one day.

The USE is a modern type of final exam for schoolchildren, which they have been taking for more than a year. It is worth noting that during the introduction of the USE in Russian schools, every year graduates face new changes and transformations, and the current period has not become an exception to the rule.

Retaking the exam in 2016 is a rather complicated process that can be characterized by its own rules, requirements, criteria and features that you should be aware of, especially if you failed the exam.

Transfer features.

First of all, the composition of subjects that can be retaken has changed. Everyone probably knows that back in 2015 it was allowed to retake only compulsory subjects, that is, mathematics and the Russian language, since without them it was impossible to obtain a certificate. But, in connection with the new changes, a graduate can retake absolutely any subject for which he wants to increase his grade. It is for this purpose that special independent centers have been created, in which you need to apply for a retake of the chosen discipline. It is worth noting that everyone perceived this innovation as one of the most desirable, since a graduate can always increase his passing score in the USE, if he needs it in terms of discipline and for admission to a particular university.

When can I retake the exam?

It is worth noting that retaking the exam is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

  • First, in the same year. To date, a list of a special category of persons who can be allowed to retake the exam in the same year has been developed and compiled.
      1. Graduates who received an unsatisfactory result in the exam, that is, in mathematics and the Russian language.
      2. Graduates who did not appear for test work for a valid and weighty reason, documented.
      3. Schoolchildren who, for some reason, could not finish the exam paper.
      4. Schoolchildren whose results were annulled by the decision of the attestation commission and there were good reasons for this. It is worth noting that graduates can appeal this decision to an independent commission, according to the results of which they will retake the exam in the future.
  • Second, next year. In the event that, after passing the exam in the subject, the graduate was dissatisfied with his results, as he is sure that he deserves a higher mark, then he, of course, has the right to retake the exam, but only the next year, this is strictly forbidden to him. It is worth remembering that for this you should write a special application for retake and submit it to the commission, but no later than March 1. In the event that an unsatisfactory mark was received for the test work, which does not allow passing even the minimum threshold, then a second exam is held in the autumn of the same year. If the results of the second exam have not changed somewhat, then the retake is postponed to the next year.

What is needed for a transfer?

If for some reason you want to retake the exam, then the most important thing is to have time to apply and submit an application to a specially created examination commission that registers for retesting. To do this, you need to contact the secretariat, where you will be given a special application form. It is this document that serves as a kind of pass to the exam, and after registration it is sent to the authorized organizers of the examination tests.

When filling out the application, it should be remembered that here it is also necessary to indicate a number of information, without which the form will be considered invalid. This is to indicate the reason why the graduate could not pass the exam along with everyone else within the specified time frame, and also try to attach and submit a document confirming this fact. After all, the graduate is assigned and informed about the timing of the examination work.

As for the timing, for the exam, the student is assigned special reserve days, on which he is obliged to appear with all the necessary package of documents.

The USE is a type of examination testing, which has its own specific features and specifics both in a single discipline and in general requirements, groups and points.

Passing the exam three times in one subject, both in case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, and if the graduate wants to improve his result.

Students who fail to pass one or another subject in the framework of the unified state exam (USE) will be entitled to repeated retakes. According to Izvestia, an order is being prepared within the walls of the Ministry of Education and Science, according to which schoolchildren will have the opportunity to take the exam three times in one subject if an unsatisfactory grade was obtained at the end of the exam or the student wants to get more points in the final exam.

Now, if a student received an unsatisfactory result on the exam, then he can retake it only after a year. The department plans to make legislative changes to the deadlines that will allow repeated retakes from 2016.

The initiative was also confirmed to Izvestia by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Dmitry Livanov, noting that there is no talk of specific dates for the initiative to come into force.

- The planned changes will improve the objectivity of assessing students' knowledge and the effectiveness of the USE, to ensure a continuous process of delivery. We are moving away from a rigid framework - this will significantly relieve both the inspectors and the students themselves. We are also talking about psychological stress: when a graduate knows that he has only one chance to pass the exam, only one day, this is a stress factor that can prevent him from properly demonstrating his knowledge, ”Livanov explained.

Changes will be made to the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved last year, and they will affect next year's graduates. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that changes in the structure of the Unified State Examination cannot be made on the eve of the final exams.

Recall that the issue of increasing attempts to pass the Unified State Exam was discussed at the highest level. Last fall, during a meeting between Vladimir Putin and teachers, it was proposed to create an open USE database (which has already been implemented) and allow schoolchildren to take the state exam several times until the final exams are over. The idea was approved by the president, and he suggested that it be considered "as a working version and work out some details."

The changes will also affect the graduation essay. Recall that from this year, schoolchildren will have to prepare not only for the Unified State Exam, but also for the final essay. According to Dmitry Livanov, the main option is to write an essay in conditions close to passing the exam (in special paragraphs). The essay will be admission to the exam, and it will be written in December according to the "pass or fail" system.

If the student received a failure for the final essay, then he is given an additional attempt to retake it, however, if the student does not pass the essay for the second time, then he will be able to retake it only next year. This means that if the result is negative in two attempts, the student does not automatically get to pass the exam and will be able to test his knowledge only after a year.

- It will be a good system, but with one condition - we will not let you write off, but we will let you retake it. The more strictly we control the moments of attempts to dishonestly pass exams, the more such tools we can offer. The opportunity to pass the exam three times gives students a chance to get rid of their own mistakes, which, I think, will be beneficial, - says Mikhail Mokrinsky, Head of the Moscow Central District Education Department.

Irina Abankina, Director of the Institute for the Development of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, supported the idea of ​​the Ministry of Education and Science.

– I am a supporter of this trend. At one time, this was proposed by Olga Kashirina, Secretary General of the Russian Union of Rectors. Need to relieve stress<одного дня>. You must still understand that this is the final certification for 11 years and you need to create favorable conditions so that a person can reveal his knowledge and move away from conditions of severe discomfort. Only during the passing of a genuine exam, and not a training exam, in the event of a retake, the student himself will learn and see his mistakes and weaknesses, Abankina believes.

What are the deadlines for taking the exam and the OGE (GIA) in 2016 for graduates and ninth-graders of a secondary educational school? The full schedule (calendar) for the unified state exam has already been submitted.

Rosobrnadzor has developed a draft schedule for the unified state exam (USE), the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE) in 2016. The document was published on the official website of the department. In which terms will take USE and OGE (GIA) in 2016 graduates and ninth-graders of a secondary educational school? Complete timetable(calendar) for the unified state exam has already been submitted.

Examinations are planned to be held in two stages: early and main. In addition, this academic year provides for the retake of state exams, it will be held in the fall. As in previous years, there are reserve days for passing state exams, both for graduates of the 11th grade and for the ninth graders.

On reserve days, participants take the Unified State Examination or the OGE in the event of:

  • Coincidence of exams in different subjects on the same day (for example, a graduate chose exams in physics and a foreign language for the exam, which are scheduled for one day. In this case, he will take the exam in physics on June 11, and the exam in a foreign language on June 25- June 26 or vice versa in accordance with the decision of the state examination committee);
  • Failure to complete one of the exams for a good reason;
  • Absence from one of the exams for a good reason;
  • The presence of an unsatisfactory result in the subject of the exam (one at a time);
  • Removal of a graduate from the exam, if, at the same time, the state examination commission has decided to allow the graduate to retake the exam on a reserve day.

One of the valid reasons for non-attendance at the unified state exam is a pass due to illness. A graduate who missed the exam due to illness must provide a medical certificate to the school where he registered for the exam. After that, the school will transfer the information to the state examination commission, which will assign the graduate a reserve day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

On reserve days, the unified state exam is passed in the same way as in the main period.

State exams for 11th graders in 2016

On the first Wednesday of December December 2, 2015, as in previous years, there will be an exam for graduates - write final essay(exposition). It will only be possible to transfer February 3rd and May 4, 2016. To successfully pass the exam, a graduate must write an essay of at least 350 words, using references and examples from literary works to support his arguments, follow the logic of presentation and avoid grammatical errors. Students were given 3 hours and 55 minutes to prepare the text.

USE Calendar 2016

This year, students of the eleventh grade and all those who wish to pass the unified state exam will begin on March 21. This will be the start of the early period.

Early delivery period

March 21 from mathematics (basic level)

Reserve days for writing examination papers in the Russian language and mathematics - 15 and 16 April respectively.

The following persons have the right to pass the exam ahead of schedule:

  • graduates of evening (shift) schools called up for military service;
  • traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, reviews, olympiads and training camps;
  • traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
  • sent for medical reasons to medical and preventive and other institutions for medical and recreational and rehabilitation activities during the state (final) certification;
  • graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

The main period for passing the exam 2016

Students of the Crimea and Sevastopol will be able not to take the Unified State Examination and the OGE in 2016

According to the project, timetable for the main delivery period USE 2016 will start with subjects such as Geography and Literature on May 27th.

2 June- mathematics, basic level (compulsory subject)

In the main stage, six days are additionally reserved for passing exams in certain subjects (of which June 30 is a reserve for all subjects). It is emphasized that, as in 2015, it is not planned to hold the "July wave".

At the same time, for the first time for Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2016 has a separate day. It is expected that this will allow a significant number of students to complete the examination period on time.

Deadlines for retaking the exam in 2016

Students who did not pass the exams or received unsatisfactory results on them in March-June will be able to retake mathematics and (or) the Russian languagein September 2016.

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