Cycles tou soft tissue training. Ultrasound diagnostics of joints

In practice, ultrasound of the joints began to be used not so long ago, but this made it possible to expand the possibilities of diagnosing diseases of large and small joints. The study is called that because the device works by passing ultrasonic waves at a specific frequency through the tissues. The help of ultrasound techniques is used in many branches of medicine, for example, traumatology or orthopedics, which facilitates the process of diagnosis not only in intra-articular structures, but also in tissues and nerves.

Ultrasound of the joints can be performed if there is a suspicion of destructive processes in the tissues.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ultrasound of the joints is a non-invasive imaging method with which the doctor examines the condition of the skeleton. This method is not so expensive compared to others and allows you to get results quickly. The disadvantages of this procedure include the need for special training of medical staff, and the need to purchase special high-quality equipment. Otherwise, ultrasound examination of the joints is a safe and informative way to diagnose many diseases. Ultrasound shows detailed information on a wide range of diseases.

When is it held?

The study of bones allows you to fix all the processes that occur on the surfaces of bone tissues. Ultrasound of bones and joints is prescribed when:

  • back pain;
  • suspicions of dysfunction of large joints, including knee, shoulder, elbow;
  • limb injuries;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • cyst and tumors;
  • dislocations and subluxations of the hip;
  • dysplasia.

Preparation for the event

The passage of ultrasound of the joints does not require special preparation.

The procedure itself is carried out in a separate room without prior preparation by the patient. The study is painless, it can be done in 15 minutes. Ultrasound does not affect the general condition of a person. The result can be obtained instantly, the diagnostician issues a conclusion immediately after the end.

Absolute contraindications for ultrasound of the joints are situations where waves can aggravate the prognosis of the disease. Lack of specialist education. In case of damage to the skin, it is also better to postpone the study.

General picture of ultrasound diagnostics

How is the study of the elbow and shoulder joint?

Standard ultrasound of the elbow joint is prescribed for athletes who are more prone to sports injuries or illnesses. The procedure shows the condition of the ulnar capsule, tendon of the shoulder and forearm muscles, cartilage, gives an idea of ​​the state of the radial and ulnar nerves. In turn, the shoulder joint is studied while sitting on a chair. During the procedure, the doctor will change the position of the required area for better visibility on the screen. With the help of the study of the shoulder, it is possible to examine the subscapular and infraspinatus muscles, the articular bag, tendons and intra-articular cartilage.

Ultrasound of the mandibular joint and wrist joint

When diagnosing pathologies of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), ultrasound is preferable to MRI. The study of the TMJ allows you to examine the meniscus, capsular-ligamentous and muscular apparatus. The algorithm for studying the jaw joint is based on an examination first with an open and then a closed mouth. The next type of study makes it possible to diagnose the pathology of the carpal tendon, blood vessels, muscles and nerves. In addition, they study the soft tissue of the finger or fingers. Ultrasound of the wrist joint fixes fractures of the hands, which X-rays cannot always detect, and in terms of efficiency, the study is no worse than the MRI technique.

Ultrasound of the knee joint is a type of ultrasound examination that allows you to visualize the knee joint. This study helps to make a differential diagnosis between diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic injuries and degenerative pathology.

Often, the pathological process can be detected on ultrasound at an early stage, due to which the treatment in many cases is successful. This study is safe, it can be performed even by a child.

Where to do the study - this study is carried out by all ultrasound doctors and even orthopedic traumatologists in the ultrasound diagnostic rooms.

How to prepare for the procedure

No preliminary preparation for the procedure (hunger, drinking water, etc.) is required. But you should not perform a study within four to five days after intra-articular injections.

Research methodology

Scanning of the anterior and lateral sections of the knee joint is carried out with the patient lying on his back, with knees extended. For better visualization of the intra-articular cartilage (menisci), the patient is asked to bend the legs at the knee joints.

To examine the posterior sections of the joint, the patient is turned over on his stomach. After the examination, the patient receives a study protocol with a conclusion.

Sonography is carried out in several projections, here are some of them:

1. Front longitudinal projection

The sensor is placed above the patella parallel to the axis of the thigh. In this position, the hyperechoic patella with the femur is examined, which is also visualized as a linear hyperechoic structure.

Between them, a suprapatellar bag is visible in the form of a triangle, located under the tendon of the quadriceps femoris. When the sensor is displaced below the patella, the patellar ligament, tibia, infrapatellar bursa, and fat body are visualized.

2. Anterior transverse view

The sensor is placed above the upper edge of the patella. At the same time, the femur and hyaline cartilage are visualized (a hypoechoic uniform band), the suprapatellar bursa is visible in diameter. The synovial membrane in a healthy person is not visualized. When the transducer is moved down, the anterior tibial condyles are visible.

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7 indications for ultrasound examination of the mammary glands

3. Rear transverse view

Examination takes place lying on the stomach. Thus, the posterior condyles of the femur, hyaline cartilage and up to the popliteal fossa are visualized.

4. Posterior lateral view

The condyles of the femur and tibia, the intercondylar joint space, and the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus are examined.

5. Posterior longitudinal medial view

The medial part of the popliteal fossa with the condyles of the femur and tibia, the joint space, cartilage, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, and the semimembranosus tendon are examined.

What is the doctor's visit in normal and pathological conditions?


Normally, with ultrasound of the knee joints, all structures are examined. In this case, the articular surfaces should be smooth, clear, without deformations, there should be no effusion in the joint cavity, the synovial membrane is not visible, and the articular bags and torsion will look like hypoechoic formations of a folded structure with multiple branches. Hyaline cartilage should be homogeneous in structure.


Often patients are interested in what ultrasound of the joints of the legs shows. After all, this is not the stomach, to which we are already accustomed to scanning. So, this type of research helps to determine the disease with 99.9% accuracy. These are torn ligaments, and arthritis, and complex intra-articular fractures, and other pathologies.

All pathological changes in the knee joint can be divided into groups:

1. Traumatic damage to the tendon-ligament apparatus of the joint (rupture of the patellar ligament or tendon of the quadriceps femoris, microtraumatization of the external lateral ligament, etc.).

Injuries to the ligamentous apparatus occur during a fall, inadequate load on the joint and awkward sudden movements. In this case, complete ruptures look like a complete violation of the integrity of the tendon, with the appearance of hypoechoic areas between the ends of the damaged ligament. Hematomas may be seen.

With a partial rupture, the contours of the tendon are preserved, but a hypoechoic area is clearly visible at the site of damage. When the patella is fractured, a hypoechoic gap is visualized between the bone fragments. With polytrauma, an examination of the ankle joint is indicated.

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We determine the condition of the leg veins using duplex scanning

2. Pathology of the meniscus, condition after surgery. The main signs of damage to the meniscus are a violation of the contour line of the damaged meniscus, the formation of hypoechoic areas and bands, effusion in the joint cavity, signs of edema, and displacement of the lateral ligaments. Degenerative changes in the meniscus look like a heterogeneity of the structure.

3. Degenerative process, for example, Pellegrini-Stied calcification, in which multiple ossifications are determined in the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint as hyperechoic formations. With deforming arthrosis, narrowing of the joint space is detected, hyaline cartilage is unevenly thinned, the contours of the articular surfaces are uneven with osteophytes.

4. Dysplastic process.

5. Cysts are visualized as delimited cavities filled with fluid.

6. Inflammation of the synovial membrane, its hyperplasia, osteochondromatosis, svilonodular synovitis, synovial sarcoma, and rheumatic synovitis. An effusion in the joint cavity testifies to the inflammatory process.

7.Tendinitis, in which the echo density of the tendons is reduced.

Features of the study, price

The main feature of the study is its accuracy and reliability, but the doctor performing the study must have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the knee joint. Often, with associated injuries, ultrasound of the ankle joint is also performed.

Scanning can be done in a city clinic equipped with special equipment, and in any specialized diagnostic center. For a child, this study can be done in a children's orthopedic dispensary. The cost of the procedure varies from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titlePosition
ZABOLOTSKAYA Natalia VladlenovnaDoctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor
LELYUK Svetlana EduardovnaDoctor of Medical SciencesProfessorProfessor
RYBAKOVA Marina KonstantinovnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor
BATAEVA Roza SaidovnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Assistant professor
BRYUKHOVETSKY Yuri AnatolievichCandidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorAssistant professor
NAUMOVICH Elena G.Candidate of Medical Sciences Assistant professor
FEDOROVA Evgeniya ViktorovnaCandidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorAssistant professor
SALTYKOVA Victoria GennadievnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was founded on February 1, 1992 and was the first profile department in the post-Soviet space. The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics was separated from the Department of Medical Radiology (Head of the Department - Professor Yu.N. Kasatkin).

And the department was born like that. In 1987, the Ministry of Health of the USSR approved the curriculum for the training of specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, developed at the Department of Medical Radiology. And then it begins cyclic training of doctors in ultrasound diagnostics with the involvement of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (S.A. Balter), the 4th State Institution of the USSR Ministry of Health (A.V. Zubarev) and the Research Institute of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (L.P. Orlova). The coordinating function is assigned to TSOLIUv.

In 1989, N.V. Zabolotskaya, and in 1991 - A.N. Khitrov. In 1990, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, since 1991 he has been participating in training. In 1992 Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky becomes an assistant to the department.
At the time of creation (01.02.92) the department included 5 full-time teaching staff (the head of the department - 1, assistants - 4) and 1 - teaching and support staff (senior laboratory assistant). By this time, both cycles of professional retraining and thematic improvement were carried out at the department. In 1992 M.V. Medvedev, A.I. Sokolov, M.N. Skvortsova and E.V. Fedorova, in 1993 - E.G. Naumovich. In different years, M.A. also worked at the department. Osipov (1994-2000), M.D. Musaeva (Mitkova) (1996–1999), G.G. Rudko (1996–1998), B.I. Zykin (1996–1998), O.V. Proskuryakova (1997–1999), I.A. Ozerskaya (2003-2009).

In 1992-1996 104 training cycles were conducted. 2913 students were trained. In 1997-2001 124 training cycles were conducted. 3459 students were trained. In 2002-2006 97 training cycles were conducted. 4071 listeners were trained. In 2007-2011 98 training cycles were conducted. 4109 students were trained. In 2012-2013 39 training cycles were conducted. 2308 students were trained.
In total, from 1992 to 2013, the department conducted 462 training cycles and trained 16860 (14552 until 2012) students.

For the period 2009-2013. The employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics published 48 articles and 37 abstracts of reports in leading specialized refereed journals, presented 105 reports at Russian and international symposiums, conferences and congresses.

The department defended 11 dissertations for the degree of doctor and 40 - candidate of medical sciences. 6 more works are being carried out for the degree of doctor and candidate of medical sciences.

All employees of the department are editors or members of the editorial board of the journal "Ultrasonic and Functional Diagnostics", and also participate in the work of other specialized journals.

Zabolotskaya N.V. and Rybakova M.K. are members of the Executive Committee of the Russian Association of Specialists in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine. Mitkov V.V. is the President of the Association, and Saltykova V.G. - executive secretary.

The department has developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: unified and standard training programs for doctors of ultrasound diagnostics; 14 manuals for doctors; qualification tests in ultrasound diagnostics (2, 3 and 4 generations); training program in clinical residency in ultrasound diagnostics.

In 1996-1998 the five-volume "Clinical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics" (1-5 volumes) (Vidar) was completed, in the creation of which not only the staff of the department, but also many leading specialists from Russia and the CIS countries participated. Later, the first three volumes also appeared on CDs. In 2003, the “Practical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” appeared. General ultrasound diagnostics” (under the editorship of V.V. Mitkov) (M., Vidar, 2003). These books were the main teaching aids for several generations of ultrasound doctors and are still in demand today.

In 1997-2009 Department staff publishes a number of monographs:

  • "Differential ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics" (M.V. Medvedev, E.V. Yudina), M., Vidar, 1997
  • "Ultrasound mammography" (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., Storm, 1997
  • "Differential ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology" (M.V. Medvedev, B.I. Zykin, V.L. Khokholin, N.Yu. Struchkova), M., Vidar, 1997
  • "Ultrasonic angiology" (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), Moscow, Realnoe Vremya, 1999
  • "Dopplerography" ed. V.V. Mitkova (M.I. Ageeva, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.V. Mitkov, M.D. Mitkova, Yu.N. Chereshneva), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas" (V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2000
  • "Doppler study in obstetric practice" (M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2001
  • "Terminological Dictionary" (V.V. Mitkov, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, E.A. Zubareva, M.K. Rybakova), M., Medica, 2003
  • "Ultrasound angiology" (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2003
  • “Ultrasound research methods in neonatology (under the editorship of L.I. Ilyenko, E.A. Zubareva, V.V. Mitkov) M., Expressprint, 2003
  • "Neurosonography in young children" Minsk, Paradox, 2004
  • "Cerebral circulation and blood pressure" M., Realnoe Vremya, 2004
  • "New technologies of ultrasound mammology" (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., STROM, 2005
  • "Echography in gynecology" (I.A. Ozerskaya), M., Medica, 2005
  • "The reproductive system of a girl, teenager, girl" (I.A. Ozerskaya, N.V. Zabolotskaya, M., Vidar, 2007
  • “A practical guide to ultrasound diagnostics. Echocardiography "(M.K. Rybakova, M.N. Alekhin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2008
  • "Chronic pelvic pain in women of reproductive age" (I.A. Ozerskaya, M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2009
  • "New technologies of ultrasound mammography". (practical guide), N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky, Ed. "Strom" Moscow 2010.
  • Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desktop reference book.» M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov. Ed. 1st. M.: Vidar, 2010.
  • Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desktop reference book.» Rybakova M.K., Mitkov V.V. Ed. 2nd. M.: Vidar, 2011.
In addition, the staff of the department took part in writing a large number of scientific monographs:
  • "Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities" (A.R. Zubarev, V.Yu. Bogachev, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the external genital organs in men" (A.R. Zubarev, M.D. Mitkova, M.V. Koryakin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography of perinatal brain lesions" (E.A. Zubareva, I.V. Dvoryakovsky, A.R. Zubarev, A.B. Sugak), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography in gynecology" ed. B.I. Zykina, M.I. Medvedev (S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2000
  • "Guide to Diagnostic Imaging" ed. Sh.Sh. Shotemora (M.K. Rybakova), M., Soviet sport, 2001
  • "Cerebrovascular reserve in atherosclerotic lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries" (S.E. Lelyuk), Kiev, Ukrmed, 2001
  • "Children's ultrasound diagnostics", ed. M.I. Pykova, K.V. Vatolina, (N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., Vidar, 2001
  • "Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning" (Lelyuk S.E.) Neurology. National leadership. Chapter 11. "GEOTAR-Media" Moscow 2008.

In 2000, the publishing house "Medicina" published a "Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics" edited by P.E.S. Palmer (translated by A.N. Khitrova, scientific edition by V.V. Mitkov).

In the publishing house "Vidar":

  • “Echocardiography” by H. Feigenbaum (translated by M.K. Rybakova, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Korneev, M.Yu. , O.R. Derevyanko, I.A. Aseeva, scientific editor - V.V. Mitkova)
  • Echography in obstetrics and gynecology. Theory and practice” transl. from English. Edited by E.V. Fedorova and A.D. Lipman) M., Vidar, 2004
  • "Ultrasound examination of blood vessels", V.J. Zvibel, D.S. Pelerito (translated under the scientific editorship of V.V. Mitkov, Yu.M. Nikitin, L.V. Osipova), M., Vidar, 2008
  • "Mammography" (translated from English under the general editorship of N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., MEDpress-inform, 2009.

In addition, two training videos have been released:

  • "Rare and interesting cases from echocardiographic practice"
  • “Normal anatomy of the heart. Standard echocardiographic positions and measurements” - M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov.
Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titlePosition
ZABOLOTSKAYA Natalia VladlenovnaDoctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor
LELYUK Svetlana EduardovnaDoctor of Medical SciencesProfessorProfessor
RYBAKOVA Marina KonstantinovnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor
BATAEVA Roza SaidovnaCandidate of Medical Sciences Assistant professor
BRYUKHOVETSKY Yuri AnatolievichCandidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorAssistant professor
NAUMOVICH Elena G.Candidate of Medical Sciences Assistant professor
FEDOROVA Evgeniya ViktorovnaCandidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorAssistant professor
SALTYKOVA Victoria GennadievnaDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was founded on February 1, 1992 and was the first profile department in the post-Soviet space. The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics was separated from the Department of Medical Radiology (Head of the Department - Professor Yu.N. Kasatkin).

And the department was born like that. In 1987, the Ministry of Health of the USSR approved the curriculum for the training of specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, developed at the Department of Medical Radiology. And then it begins cyclic training of doctors in ultrasound diagnostics with the involvement of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (S.A. Balter), the 4th State Institution of the USSR Ministry of Health (A.V. Zubarev) and the Research Institute of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (L.P. Orlova). The coordinating function is assigned to TSOLIUv.

In 1989, N.V. Zabolotskaya, and in 1991 - A.N. Khitrov. In 1990, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, since 1991 he has been participating in training. In 1992 Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky becomes an assistant to the department.
At the time of creation (01.02.92) the department included 5 full-time teaching staff (the head of the department - 1, assistants - 4) and 1 - teaching and support staff (senior laboratory assistant). By this time, both cycles of professional retraining and thematic improvement were carried out at the department. In 1992 M.V. Medvedev, A.I. Sokolov, M.N. Skvortsova and E.V. Fedorova, in 1993 - E.G. Naumovich. In different years, M.A. also worked at the department. Osipov (1994-2000), M.D. Musaeva (Mitkova) (1996–1999), G.G. Rudko (1996–1998), B.I. Zykin (1996–1998), O.V. Proskuryakova (1997–1999), I.A. Ozerskaya (2003-2009).

In 1992-1996 104 training cycles were conducted. 2913 students were trained. In 1997-2001 124 training cycles were conducted. 3459 students were trained. In 2002-2006 97 training cycles were conducted. 4071 listeners were trained. In 2007-2011 98 training cycles were conducted. 4109 students were trained. In 2012-2013 39 training cycles were conducted. 2308 students were trained.
In total, from 1992 to 2013, the department conducted 462 training cycles and trained 16860 (14552 until 2012) students.

For the period 2009-2013. The employees of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics published 48 articles and 37 abstracts of reports in leading specialized refereed journals, presented 105 reports at Russian and international symposiums, conferences and congresses.

The department defended 11 dissertations for the degree of doctor and 40 - candidate of medical sciences. 6 more works are being carried out for the degree of doctor and candidate of medical sciences.

All employees of the department are editors or members of the editorial board of the journal "Ultrasonic and Functional Diagnostics", and also participate in the work of other specialized journals.

Zabolotskaya N.V. and Rybakova M.K. are members of the Executive Committee of the Russian Association of Specialists in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine. Mitkov V.V. is the President of the Association, and Saltykova V.G. - executive secretary.

The department has developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: unified and standard training programs for doctors of ultrasound diagnostics; 14 manuals for doctors; qualification tests in ultrasound diagnostics (2, 3 and 4 generations); training program in clinical residency in ultrasound diagnostics.

In 1996-1998 the five-volume "Clinical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics" (1-5 volumes) (Vidar) was completed, in the creation of which not only the staff of the department, but also many leading specialists from Russia and the CIS countries participated. Later, the first three volumes also appeared on CDs. In 2003, the “Practical Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics” appeared. General ultrasound diagnostics” (under the editorship of V.V. Mitkov) (M., Vidar, 2003). These books were the main teaching aids for several generations of ultrasound doctors and are still in demand today.

In 1997-2009 Department staff publishes a number of monographs:

  • "Differential ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics" (M.V. Medvedev, E.V. Yudina), M., Vidar, 1997
  • "Ultrasound mammography" (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., Storm, 1997
  • "Differential ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology" (M.V. Medvedev, B.I. Zykin, V.L. Khokholin, N.Yu. Struchkova), M., Vidar, 1997
  • "Ultrasonic angiology" (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), Moscow, Realnoe Vremya, 1999
  • "Dopplerography" ed. V.V. Mitkova (M.I. Ageeva, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.V. Mitkov, M.D. Mitkova, Yu.N. Chereshneva), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas" (V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2000
  • "Doppler study in obstetric practice" (M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2001
  • "Terminological Dictionary" (V.V. Mitkov, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Zabolotskaya, E.A. Zubareva, M.K. Rybakova), M., Medica, 2003
  • "Ultrasound angiology" (V.G. Lelyuk, S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2003
  • “Ultrasound research methods in neonatology (under the editorship of L.I. Ilyenko, E.A. Zubareva, V.V. Mitkov) M., Expressprint, 2003
  • "Neurosonography in young children" Minsk, Paradox, 2004
  • "Cerebral circulation and blood pressure" M., Realnoe Vremya, 2004
  • "New technologies of ultrasound mammology" (N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky), M., STROM, 2005
  • "Echography in gynecology" (I.A. Ozerskaya), M., Medica, 2005
  • "The reproductive system of a girl, teenager, girl" (I.A. Ozerskaya, N.V. Zabolotskaya, M., Vidar, 2007
  • “A practical guide to ultrasound diagnostics. Echocardiography "(M.K. Rybakova, M.N. Alekhin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 2008
  • "Chronic pelvic pain in women of reproductive age" (I.A. Ozerskaya, M.I. Ageeva), M., Vidar, 2009
  • "New technologies of ultrasound mammography". (practical guide), N.V. Zabolotskaya, V.S. Zabolotsky, Ed. "Strom" Moscow 2010.
  • Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desktop reference book.» M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov. Ed. 1st. M.: Vidar, 2010.
  • Echocardiography in tables and diagrams. Desktop reference book.» Rybakova M.K., Mitkov V.V. Ed. 2nd. M.: Vidar, 2011.
In addition, the staff of the department took part in writing a large number of scientific monographs:
  • "Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities" (A.R. Zubarev, V.Yu. Bogachev, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the external genital organs in men" (A.R. Zubarev, M.D. Mitkova, M.V. Koryakin, V.V. Mitkov), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography of perinatal brain lesions" (E.A. Zubareva, I.V. Dvoryakovsky, A.R. Zubarev, A.B. Sugak), M., Vidar, 1999
  • "Dopplerography in gynecology" ed. B.I. Zykina, M.I. Medvedev (S.E. Lelyuk), M., Realnoe Vremya, 2000
  • "Guide to Diagnostic Imaging" ed. Sh.Sh. Shotemora (M.K. Rybakova), M., Soviet sport, 2001
  • "Cerebrovascular reserve in atherosclerotic lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries" (S.E. Lelyuk), Kiev, Ukrmed, 2001
  • "Children's ultrasound diagnostics", ed. M.I. Pykova, K.V. Vatolina, (N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., Vidar, 2001
  • "Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning" (Lelyuk S.E.) Neurology. National leadership. Chapter 11. "GEOTAR-Media" Moscow 2008.

In 2000, the publishing house "Medicina" published a "Guide to Ultrasound Diagnostics" edited by P.E.S. Palmer (translated by A.N. Khitrova, scientific edition by V.V. Mitkov).

In the publishing house "Vidar":

  • “Echocardiography” by H. Feigenbaum (translated by M.K. Rybakova, Yu.A. Bryukhovetsky, N.V. Korneev, M.Yu. , O.R. Derevyanko, I.A. Aseeva, scientific editor - V.V. Mitkova)
  • Echography in obstetrics and gynecology. Theory and practice” transl. from English. Edited by E.V. Fedorova and A.D. Lipman) M., Vidar, 2004
  • "Ultrasound examination of blood vessels", V.J. Zvibel, D.S. Pelerito (translated under the scientific editorship of V.V. Mitkov, Yu.M. Nikitin, L.V. Osipova), M., Vidar, 2008
  • "Mammography" (translated from English under the general editorship of N.V. Zabolotskaya), M., MEDpress-inform, 2009.

In addition, two training videos have been released:

  • "Rare and interesting cases from echocardiographic practice"
  • “Normal anatomy of the heart. Standard echocardiographic positions and measurements” - M.K. Rybakova, V.V. Mitkov.

Studying proccess

The excellent material base of the department - the diagnostic departments of the FSCC FMBA - is dozens of complex modern expert-class diagnostic devices: modern ultrasound scanners, high-field magnetic resonance tomographs from leading world manufacturers (Siemens, General Electric, Philips), multislice computed tomography, stationary and mobile digital X-ray equipment . Technical equipment makes it possible to train physicians at the modern level in various areas of radiation diagnostics on improvement cycles on topics: CT and MRI diagnostics of various organs and systems (diagnosis in rheumatology, diagnosis of diseases of large and small joints, differential diagnosis of diseases of the lungs, liver and biliary tract ), ultrasound examinations of the heart, including modern diagnostic methods (doppler echocardiography, stress echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography), ultrasound of vessels, ultrasound diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system.

Particular attention is paid to the cycle of professional retraining in ultrasound diagnostics. Training is provided on methods for examining organs and systems of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, retroperitoneal space, blood vessels, heart, joints, thyroid gland and superficially located organs in accordance with the approved program. The form of presentation of the material - lectures, practical classes, seminars, master classes with the participation of experienced teachers and practitioners.

The advanced training cycle for radiologists (certification) includes topical issues of classical X-ray diagnostics, at the same time, the emphasis is on highlighting the possibilities of modern methods of radiation diagnostics: multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, digital mammography, X-ray osteodensitometry. The cadets are introduced to the latest areas of radiation diagnostics: MRI of the joints, MRI of the heart, MSCT of large vessels, complex radiation diagnostics of diseases of the central nervous system.

The department conducts training of radiologists in the cycle of special training "Laboratory work in radiology", releasing practitioners trained in practical skills of working on the most modern technology (CT, MRI, mammography, densitometry, orthopantomography).

A separate area of ​​educational activity of the department is the training of high-level specialists through clinical residency in radiology and ultrasound diagnostics. Experienced teachers work in this direction - recognized practitioners known in the country and abroad. The high level of training of clinical residents is the key to the demand for young professionals in the labor market. Every year, the number of those wishing to study in residency at the Department of Radiology and Radiation Diagnostics exceeds the capacity of the clinical base.

The department conducts a lot of scientific work in various areas of radiation diagnostics. The annual scientific production of the department is dozens of publications in the leading scientific journals of the country, in foreign publications. During the work of the department, more than 2000 cadets from many cities of Russia and the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, etc.) were trained.

Retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound Diagnostics" (PP UZD), general improvement in ultrasound diagnostics (certification cycle).

In recent years, there has been an extraordinary progress in computer technology and their accelerated implementation in everyday medical practice. Ultrasound diagnostics of diseases of various organs and systems of the human body is at the forefront of the medical imaging section. Ultrasound, due to its high information content, non-invasiveness, speed of execution, the possibility of repeated repetition without harm to the health of the patient, is recognized not only as a search method, but also as a method of choice in the diagnosis of many diseases. Technological innovations of recent years have allowed ultrasound diagnostics to reach a completely new qualitative level, which in modern conditions has required new approaches and knowledge from medical specialists.

At the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, doctors are trained in the cycle of professional retraining in ultrasound diagnostics in accordance with the program and educational standards. The form of presentation of the material - lectures, practical classes, seminars, master classes with the participation of experienced teachers and practitioners. The presentation of the topics studied and the conduct of practical classes take into account the different levels of initial knowledge of doctors. Cadets are taught the clinical basis of diseases of internal organs, the theory and methodology of ultrasound examinations, and study methods for examining organs and systems of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, retroperitoneal space, blood vessels, heart, joints, thyroid gland and superficially located organs. Along with theoretical knowledge, an important aspect is obtaining practical skills in conducting ultrasound techniques in practical classes in the offices of the Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the FSCC FMBA of Russia under the guidance of experienced teachers. The topics of the cycle introduce cadets both to the classical ultrasound semiotics of the main nosological forms, and to the new possibilities of ultrasound in the study of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, lymph nodes, the latest technological methods are presented - ultrasound angiography and power doppler. The duration of the cycle of primary training (PT) "Ultrasound diagnostics" for doctors of medical specialties who graduated from the university before 2000 is 4 months (the total number of training hours is 576). The duration of the cycle of general improvement (OC) "Ultrasound diagnostics" for doctors of ultrasound diagnostics is 4 weeks (the total number of training hours is 144). Lectures and practical classes at the courses are conducted by professors, doctors of medical sciences Marina Albertovna Chekalova, Ekaterina Mikhailovna Nosenko, candidates of medical sciences Olga Vladimirovna Pushkova, Natalya Sergeevna Nosenko, Tatyana Vladimirovna Dedy. At the end of the cycle, control tests are offered and an exam is conducted in the form of an interview, based on the results of which the cadets of the PP ultrasound cycle receive a diploma and a certificate of an ultrasound diagnostics specialist, the cadets of the OU ultrasound receive a certificate of completion of the cycle and a certificate of an ultrasound diagnostics specialist.

General improvement in the specialty "Radiology" (certification cycle).

At the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, radiologists are trained in the general improvement cycle “Radiology” for radiologists with primary education in their specialty and a specialist certificate. Training lasts 6 weeks (total number of training hours - 216). Classes are held on the basis of the X-ray department with magnetic resonance imaging rooms of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. Training is conducted at the level of advanced world and domestic requirements. The presentation of the topics studied and the conduct of practical classes take into account the different levels of initial knowledge of cadets. The advanced training cycle includes topical issues of classical X-ray diagnostics, at the same time, the emphasis is on highlighting the possibilities of modern methods of radiation diagnostics: multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, digital mammography, X-ray osteodensitometry. Cadets are introduced to the latest areas of radiation diagnostics: MRI of the joints, MRI of the heart, MSCT of large vessels, MSCT of the heart and coronary arteries, issues of complex radiation diagnostics of diseases of the central nervous system are studied. The educational process uses expert-class equipment - multifunctional digital x-ray complexes, superconducting magnetic resonance tomographs, multislice computed tomographs, dual-energy osteodensitometer and much more. Lectures and practical classes on cycles are conducted by: head. Department of Radiology and Ultrasound V.N. Lesnyak, professors, doctors of medical sciences A.V. Smirnov, E.B. Guzeeva, candidates of medical sciences E.O. Kontarova, E. A. Zvezdkina. An important direction is to acquire the skills of conducting the studied methods in practical classes with doctors of the radiology department with rooms for computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Upon completion of training, cadets receive a certificate of the established form and a certificate of a specialist.

Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cardiac Diseases (Standard Basic Echocardiography) - Thematic Improvement (TC)

At the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, doctors of functional diagnostics, doctors of medical specialties are trained in the technique of transthoracic echocardiography. The training lasts 3 weeks (108 hours) and includes a theoretical part - lectures, which provide information about the structure and functioning of the heart in normal conditions and in various pathologies. Particular attention is paid to modern world and domestic requirements for assessing the work of the heart, taking into account the development of cardiology and cardiac surgery. The practical part includes master classes, where cadets get acquainted with the methodology of echocardiography, as well as practical exercises. Practical classes provide an opportunity for all students to master the technique of transthoracic echocardiography under the guidance of an experienced specialist, to evaluate the features of the study on devices of different levels. Classes are conducted on the basis of the Center for Ultrasound and Functional Research Methods of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia by experienced teachers and highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience: associate professors Krutova T.V., Safronov S.N. At the end of the cycle, a state certificate is issued.

Cyclothematic improvement (CME) "Transesophageal echocardiography in a hospital and in cardiac surgery practice", "Stress echocardiography".

The cycles introduce students to the most modern methods of ultrasound diagnostics of heart diseases, allowing them to acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in these areas. Classes are conducted on the basis of the Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences by experienced teachers: associate professors Safronov S.N., Krutova T.V. The programs of the cycles include lectures on the main topics of ultrasound examination of the heart in normal conditions and in various cardiovascular pathologies. Forms of education include a variety of illustrative material (computer display, visual teaching aids, videos, etc.). Lectures and seminars cover the issues of ultrasound diagnosis of heart diseases in comparison with the clinic and the results of other instrumental methods of research, as well as discuss the indications for surgical and endovascular treatment, ultrasound control of these methods of exposure. Training is conducted on modern ultrasonic equipment of an expert class of leading foreign companies. At the end of the cycle, control tests are offered and an exam is conducted in the form of an interview. The duration of the internship "Ultrasound diagnosis of heart diseases (transthoracic, standard basic echocardiography)" is 3 weeks (total number of training hours - 108). The duration of the cycle of thematic improvement "Transesophageal echocardiography in a hospital and in cardiac surgery practice" is 36 hours, the cycle "Stress echocardiography" - 18 hours. At the end of the cycles, documents of the established form are issued.

Ultrasound examination of vessels (color duplex scanning of the arterial and venous systems) - thematic improvement (TU).

At the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, the author's course of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ekaterina Mikhailovna Nosenko is conducted. Training is conducted on the basis of the Center for Ultrasound and Functional Research Methods of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia for 3 weeks (108 hours). The cycle is intended for doctors of ultrasound and functional diagnostics, medical specialties and includes lectures, master classes and practical exercises with the development of practical skills, illustrative materials are provided. The course includes information on the entire spectrum of vascular pathology of the head (including transcranial examination and examination of the vessels of the eyes), limbs, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space and small pelvis. Aspects of therapeutic and surgical pathology, features of studies of the vascular bed, taking into account modern requirements, are highlighted. The cycle provides an opportunity for all students to master the methodology for studying the vascular system used in real practice. The presentation of the topics studied and the conduct of practical classes take into account the different levels of initial knowledge of medical cadets. The most important thing is to gain practical skills in conducting color duplex scanning techniques with color flow mapping at the master classes of the professor and practical exercises for doctors of the highest category of the department. At the end of the cycle, a state certificate is issued.

Ultrasound diagnostics of diseases of the joints - NMO cycles "Ultrasound diagnostics of the joints of the upper extremities", "Ultrasound diagnostics of the joints of the lower extremities".

In the arsenal of modern doctors there is a whole range of instrumental radiation methods for studying the musculoskeletal system. Together with the traditional x-ray examination of bones and joints, highly informative diagnostic methods such as ultrasound (ultrasound), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are widely used. At the same time, modern ultrasound is becoming the most suitable method for the fastest and most affordable radiodiagnosis of changes in both soft tissues and joints. Thanks to new ultrasonic devices that use all the achievements of modern computer technologies, it has become possible to conduct a highly informative study of the musculoskeletal system in various injuries and diseases of muscles, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Doppler techniques (color and energy mapping) provide an assessment of the vascular response in the area of ​​the detected changes and are used for ultrasound monitoring of treatment results. All this explains the increased interest of specialists in ultrasound examination of the musculoskeletal system. Cadets are taught the clinical basis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the theory and methodology of ultrasound examinations. Forms of education include a variety of illustrative material (computer display, visual teaching aids, videos, etc.).

The main lecturer of the course "Ultrasound diagnosis of joint diseases" is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Vladimirovna Pushkova. The duration of each of the cycles is 36 study hours. After the end of the cycle, cadets are issued a certificate of completion of the thematic improvement of the state standard.

"Laboratory work in radiology" - special training, "Laboratory work in radiology" - general improvement.

At the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, radiologists, graduates of medical schools and nurses are trained in laboratory science in radiology, in the specialization cycle - "Laboratory work in radiology" lasting 3 months (432 hours). The cycle of general improvement (OC) "Laboratory work in radiology" for radiologists has a duration of 6 weeks (the total number of training hours is 216).

During the training, the cadets of the retraining cycle get acquainted with the physical foundations of the main methods of radiation diagnostics, the problems of radiation safety of patients and personnel, and receive the necessary knowledge in the field of X-ray technology. Particular attention is paid to medical professional aspects of education: normal X-ray anatomy, the basics of anatomy in CT and MR images, the concepts of X-ray semiotics of diseases of various organs and systems. Cadets receive practical skills in stacking during X-ray examinations, learn how to work when conducting contrast X-ray procedures, and special studies. Separate areas of educational activity - training in the offices of mammography, x-ray osteodensitometry, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. A special section of the cycle is obtaining hard copies of medical diagnostic images (classical photoprocess, working with modern medical printers). Classes are conducted by leading teachers of the department - Head. department V.N. Lesnyak, Associate Professor E.O. Kontarova, assistant M.N. Kochanova, practical skills are comprehended with the participation and under the supervision of the most experienced doctors and radiologists of the X-ray department of the FGBU FSCC FMBA. The cycle ends with the internal final exams. A diploma and a certificate of a specialist are issued.

The cadets of the OU cycle, along with the issues provided for by the training program, receive additional knowledge in the field of the latest digital technologies in radiation diagnostics, the basics of storing, processing and transmitting medical images. After the end of the cycle, cadets receive a certificate and a certificate of a specialist.

Cycles on the subject of radiation diagnostics of respiratory diseases: “CT of the lungs: rare and difficult diagnostic diseases”, “CT in the diagnosis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia” (IMO). "CT in the diagnosis of lung lesions in systemic connective tissue diseases" (NMO).

Diagnosis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases is one of the most difficult sections of radiodiagnosis. Cycles devoted to MSCT diagnostics of lung diseases introduce students in detail to the etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical picture of many diseases accompanied by diffuse interstitial lung lesions. Among them are idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, lung lesions in rheumatic diseases, histiocytosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, bronchial alveolar cancer, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, exogenous allergic alveolitis, alveolar hemorrhagic syndrome, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary amyloidosis and others. on the symptoms of computed tomography, the subtleties of differential diagnosis. The contingent of students is radiologists, as well as doctors of other specialties (pulmonologists, therapists, thoracic surgeons). The cycles are the author's courses of the head of the department Lesnyak V.N. Duration of training on the cycle: "CT scan of the lungs: rare and diagnostically difficult diseases" - 72 hours; At the end of training, cadets are issued a certificate of completion of the thematic improvement of the state standard.

CT and MRI diagnostics of large joints: cycles "CT and MRI diagnostics of diseases of the joints of the upper extremities" (NMO), "CT and MRI diagnostics of diseases of the joints of the lower extremities" (NMO)

The method of computed X-ray tomography has long and reliably established itself as the most accurate technology for assessing the state of bone tissue. In recent years, magnetic resonance imaging has come to the fore in the study of the structures of large and small joints, due to the possibility of detailed imaging of muscles, tendons, ligaments, the state of the synovial membrane and bone structures. The obtained CT and MRI data underlie the diagnostic conclusion, which allows clinicians to determine the tactics of patient management, including the planning of surgical treatment. The topics of the cycles include topical issues of traumatic injuries of large joints, the diagnosis of degenerative, inflammatory diseases, tumor lesions, stress reactions. Practical classes are held in 3 MRI rooms equipped with high-field MRI scanners with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 T and 3T. The material is presented in the form of lectures, analysis of clinical cases at workstations, direct work of cadets in MRI rooms under the guidance of a teacher. The contingent of students is radiologists, as well as doctors of other specialties (traumatologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists). Each of the training cycles has a duration of 36 hours, students are issued certificates of thematic improvement of the state standard.

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