Seminars on heating. Training Center

The purpose of the seminar is to complete a training course on the installation and maintenance of heating and hot water supply systems built on the basis of products of the Ariston trademark: commissioning, adjustment, maintenance and repair.

The program is designed for specialists in installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of gas boilers and water heaters.

Suppliers and engineers of construction specialties, leading or supervising the production of work at construction sites, will be interested in general technical information on the types of modern heating systems, on the features of proper installation, accompanying acts and other technical and regulatory documentation and warranty conditions.

  • Classification of heating systems, gas heating and water heating equipment.
  • A model range of floor and wall gas boilers and water heaters of the Ariston trademark.
  • Rules for the selection of equipment. Fundamental differences between single-circuit and double-circuit boilers, open and closed combustion chambers, features of wall and floor mounting.
  • Boiler cascading, main economic and technical advantages, cascade control.
  • Automation and control of modern boilers. Weather-compensated control with room temperature correction.
  • Schematic diagrams of the constructive device, nodes, components, blocks. Their location, purpose, principle of operation, maintenance, repair, prevention.
  • Dispatching systems, control accessories, smoke removal and air supply, hydraulic accessories, piping, control, automation.
  • Smoke exhaust and air supply systems in a private house. Norms, rules, manufacturer's requirements, proposed accessories and diagrams. Design features of smoke exhaust systems in low-temperature regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Features of smoke removal in apartment buildings with individual heating. Norms, rules, experience.
  • Commissioning (first start-up), routine maintenance, adjustment, maintenance and preventive maintenance.
At the end of the seminar, the seminar participants will be offered a written test, according to the positive results of which a personal certificate will be sent for the right to install, commission or service and repair.

At the end of the seminar, a personal certificate of completion of the training will be sent.

2. Seminar "Electric and gas water heaters"

The purpose of the seminar is to get general information about modern hot water supply systems, classification of water heating equipment and familiarization with the model range of electric and gas water heaters of the Ariston trademark.

The program is designed for specialists in installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of electric and gas water heaters. It will also be of interest to the sales staff of employees of retail and wholesale companies working in the field of heating technologies.

The seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Classification of hot water supply systems.
  • A model range of electric and gas water heaters of the Ariston trademark.
  • Schematic diagrams of the constructive device, nodes and components. Their location, purpose, principle of operation, maintenance and prevention.
  • Rules for the selection of equipment. Volume, performance, types and materials of tanks, power and time of water heating, degrees of protection against corrosion and pressure drops, comfort and safety functions.
  • Own production. Quality control. Product benefits.
  • Commissioning, routine maintenance, adjustment, maintenance and preventive maintenance.
  • Signs and causes of malfunctions, error codes, diagnostics.
  • Technical support. Explosive drawings, tutorials, technical reports, regulations and ordinances.
  • Service policy and warranty.

Participation in the VALTEC training program is available to everyone. Training activities are designed and conducted taking into account the needs of all categories of our customers - from designers to equipment users who want to equip their house or apartment with it.

During the classes, highly qualified VALTEC technical specialists talk about the latest solutions in the field of heating and water supply of buildings, installation technologies, and rules for the operation of engineering systems. The training material is constantly updated and improved.

Attendants of full-time seminars and advanced training courses receive personalized certificates of completion of training under the VALTEC program.

The VALTEC training center conducts free face-to-face and distance learning events of the following types:

Regular seminars in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They are held monthly in the classrooms of the central offices of VALTEC. Open to everyone who is interested in modern technologies of heat and water supply. Schedule, registration.

Open field seminars. They are held according to the plan of VALTEC regional branches or on the initiative of partner companies in the cities of Russia and other CIS countries. Available to everyone. Schedule, registration.

Open webinars(distance learning). Participation in webinars allows you to gain knowledge wherever you are - it is enough to have access to the Internet. Webinars are held regularly, according to the plan of the VALTEC training center, for everyone. .

Seminars and webinars for clients. Upon prior request, it is possible to conduct free seminars, advanced training courses and webinars specifically for your company's employees - designers, installers, sales managers, sales consultants, and maintenance of engineering equipment. The topics of the classes and the level of immersion in the material are agreed with the client. In-person events are held in VALTEC classrooms or at partner premises. Postal address for applications:

Possible themes

    Systems of water floor heating VALTEC. Specifications. Calculation and installation

    • Scope of systems of water floor heating

      Composition and technical characteristics of elements of water floor heating systems

      Design features and installation of water floor heating systems

      The program for calculating the elements of engineering systems

    Polypropylene systems VALTEC

    • Scopes of polypropylene pipelines

      The range and purpose of polypropylene pipes and fittings

      Distinctive features and advantages of VALTEC polypropylene systems

      Assembly technology of polypropylene pipelines

      Practical lesson on welding elements of polypropylene pipelines

    Metal-polymer systems VALTEC

    • Metal-polymer pipes VALTEC - design features and advantages

      Fittings for mounting metal-polymer systems

      Tool for the installation of metal-polymer systems, ensuring the quality and reliability of connections

    Water stop valves VALTEC

    • The range of VALTEC products on the Russian market

      VALTEC ball valves - design features and benefits

      Valves and gate valves VALTEC

      Gas valves VALGAS

      New in the VALTEC product range

    Radiator fittings

The VALTEC training center is open for cooperation with colleges and universities involved in the training of specialists in the field of construction and housing and communal services. Our theoretical and practical classes will help future graduates learn more about modern plumbing and installation technologies, and then apply them in their work.

The heating design engineer is responsible for the design and commissioning of the heating systems in a building. Such specialization requires attentiveness, composure, responsibility, excellent knowledge of mathematics and physics. Moreover, due to the rapid development of modern technologies, it is necessary to conduct not only training, but also advanced training in heating and design engineers at the enterprise.

Our company provides training and refresher courses in the specialty Heating system designer. Education pursues several goals and objectives: to implement the process of training first-class specialists, ensure the successful improvement of their qualifications and create a powerful theoretical and practical knowledge base for trainees, and, as a result, facilitate the process of obtaining the necessary certificates and certificates confirming the professional skills of specialists who have successfully completed heating design courses.

According to the course program "Heating Design" training is provided for young professionals (basic knowledge in theory and practice of their application), experienced designers (maintaining and improving the level of existing qualifications) and active applicants (increasing competitiveness and the opportunity to get a higher starting salary).

The training of employees at the advanced training course for energy auditors will allow designers of heating systems to also comply with all modern requirements for energy efficiency of buildings and structures in the future.

Organizations whose activities are related to construction and repair work and employers who care about maintaining and improving the skills of their employees may also be interested in training their employees. Training your employees will help improve the quality of services provided by your company, win the trust of customers and, consequently, increase your position in the construction services market.

Benefits of studying at the NSC

The training center of LLC "National Quality Systems" has a rich base in the field of training and advanced training of personnel of construction organizations.

Our advantages:

  • learning effectiveness;
  • short training periods;
  • study of relevant materials of GOSTs, SNIPs and computer programs;
  • use of modern teaching methods;
  • numerous staff of highly professional teachers;
  • official certification of specialists;
  • flexible, individually selected training schedule.

Our company has been providing services for obtaining permits for construction and certification of a wide range of specialties according to international ISO standards (ISO) for several years, which is confirmed by certificates and positive feedback from our many customers. The company "NSK" also has rich experience in certification of self-regulation of construction activities.

The tasks of tomorrow require the study of relevant techniques and technologies already today.

Do you want to learn how to install heating from Rehau, design radiator and floor heating systems, hot and cold water supply, sewerage and master the technique of connecting pipelines using a compression sleeve, be able to use an installation tool? Would you like to try to assemble fragments of radiator and underfloor heating, water supply and drainage systems from REHAU materials yourself? Then our courses on the design and installation of internal engineering communications are just what you need!

By attending a seminar "Design of internal engineering networks for radiator and underfloor heating, water supply and sanitation from REHAU materials", you will learn how to design and design radiator and underfloor heating, hot and cold water supply and sanitation, using modern REHAU materials. You will be able to easily read tables and nomograms from our technical information to perform the necessary calculations.

At the seminar "Design and installation of underfloor heating / cooling and heating of open areas" under the guidance of leading technical specialists, you will design and calculate the fragments of the underfloor heating/cooling and outdoor heating system.

We also invite you to courses on the design and installation of centralized dust extraction systems. During the seminar, you will learn how to design and calculate centralized dust extraction networks with REHAU materials.

If you design using computer programs and would like to learn our RAUCAD/RAUWIN software, attend the basic seminar "Computer program RAUCAD / RAUWIN for the calculation and design of internal engineering communications." You will learn how to perform all the necessary thermal and hydraulic calculations, you will be able to draw graphic images for the project and receive an order specification.

If you want to expand the capabilities of the RAUCAD/RAUWIN software package, adapting it to your needs, we invite you to attend the seminar " Computer program RAUCAD/RAUWIN for calculation and design of internal engineering systems for advanced users".

Do you want to learn how to interest the client and most effectively advertise the internal engineering communications you offer? REHAU? Then we are waiting for you at our seminar “Successful market introduction of modern REHAU materials for internal engineering networks!

In addition to the above, you can attend the following seminars:

  • "Design and installation of heating systems for football fields";
  • « Design of water supply and heating based on panel radiant heating/cooling”;
  • "Design and installation of communications for the transportation of technical liquids and gases in industry."

If you would like to participate in the training, please contact your tutor or contact

Even in hot countries, everyone needs to cook food, wash at night or at other cool times with pleasantly warm water, refrigerators and air conditioners and just industrial equipment need to work. All the huge variety of technology is unthinkable without a variety of options for a wide variety of boilers - like a house without a foundation corresponding to its architecture.

The proposed course of 48 academic hours will introduce the history of the emergence and development of boilers as a thermal technology, the range of possible options for boilers and their applications, and teach general approaches to choosing a boiler for a given object. It will help to understand the way of how to find harmony between these needs and the capabilities of users in case of a need for boilers - on a scale from a small residential building to a large industrial enterprise, which is useful both for independent search for running-in and for facilitating the design and engineering part of the work of already practicing specialists. The course is also useful for just working operators, repairmen and other specialists servicing boilers - to deepen the understanding of the essence of a number of difficulties and ways to prevent problems. For beginners and just getting acquainted with boilers as a technology, the proposed course can also be useful. A convenient presentation of the knowledge system accumulated by Mankind, indicating the most common ways to achieve any technical results, a presentation of how typical mistakes appear and how to avoid them, where to start, self-study and which way of self-study is most effective. All trainees will benefit from a detailed description of the dangers of boilers and their associated systems and how to work comfortably and safely. Knowledge about such auxiliary systems as automatic control, blasting, systems for preparing fuel and water and other materials, economizers, filter and smoke exhaust devices, chimneys is useful for everyone - life is diverse and changeable, those with knowledge live longer and better. Taking into account the peculiarities of the "Russian" style of management, a number of students will benefit from knowledge about the Federal Legislation and other regulatory legal acts, about their correlation and use - as it should be according to the Law. The course does not claim to be complete due to the huge amount of knowledge, but like a map-scheme, it will allow you to more meaningfully navigate the sea of ​​boiler and related equipment and services offered on the market. In many other areas of life and activity, all students will benefit from in-depth knowledge of the chemistry and physics of the combustion process, the operation of elements of automation systems, heat and mass transfer, materials science, and other branches of knowledge necessary for the creation and operation and repair of boilers. It is not planned to include any practical exercises in the course due to the huge variety of boilers and their operating modes - what is useful for units will become a burden for the rest. Therefore, the "skeleton" of the tree of necessary knowledge is given, and each student in the process of subsequent self-education will decide for himself how much it is necessary to "build up muscles on the skeleton" - according to how much strength and in what direction a given person needs in relation to the topic "Boilers and gas burner equipment".

Training program Gas burner equipment and boilers


  • Organizational matters.
  • Story.
  • Sources of energy and fuel, approach to their use.

Criteria for choosing a fuel source as the main one, as well as transition criteria. Including for multi-fuel boilers and for shared use cases. Examples from life.

Boiler types.


  • Fuel and energy source.
  • By appointment.
  • By power.
  • For other features.

Chemistry and physics of combustion of gases, solid, liquid, nuclear fuel.

Features of non-standard boilers:

  • solar,
  • Electro.
  • Atomic.
  • Hydrodynamic.
  • Secondary on some engine.

Features of the most popular chemical fuel boilers

  • Solid.
  • liquid.
  • gaseous.

Gas boilers:

  • General ecology of the regime.
  • Connection to power supply, use of additional equipment.

Liquid fuel boilers.

  • Automatic safety and mode control.
  • Sensors and operation logic, emergency and normal criteria and other similar issues.
  • General ecology of the regime.
  • Economics of the boiler regime and the choice of the optimum.
  • Purification from flue gases and sewage.
  • Water treatment, desalination plants and other auxiliary devices.

solid fuel boilers.

  • Automatic safety and mode control.
  • Sensors and operation logic, emergency and normal criteria and other similar issues.
  • General ecology of the regime.
  • Economics of the boiler regime and the choice of the optimum.
  • Purification from flue gases and sewage.
  • Water treatment, desalination plants and other auxiliary devices.

Steam boilers.

  • Automatic safety and mode control.
  • Sensors and operation logic, emergency and normal criteria and other similar issues.
  • General ecology of the regime.
  • Economics of the boiler regime and the choice of the optimum.
  • Purification from flue gases and sewage.
  • Water treatment, desalination plants and other auxiliary devices.

Boilers with an intermediate heat carrier.

  • Automatic safety and mode control.
  • Sensors and operation logic, emergency and normal criteria and other similar issues.
  • General ecology of the regime.
  • Economics of the boiler regime and the choice of the optimum.
  • Purification from flue gases and sewage.
  • Water treatment, desalination plants and other auxiliary devices.

Additional devices for increasing the efficiency of the boiler and / or its individual components:

  • Economizer.
  • Boiler chiller.
  • Communication with the main systems of the boiler.

Fuel quality and related issues.

  • The heating transition of the object chiller - electric boiler - fuel boiler - another source for small objects with many energy sources and the possibility of distributing source-consumer loads.
  • Connection of the boiler and its automation with "smart home" systems.
  • Safety of small boiler houses.

Safety engineering. Actions in emergencies and emergency situations. Safety of the operator and locksmiths - repairmen.


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