Rhythmic gymnastics coaches in Malakhovka. Forum of the village of Malakhovka Gymnastics in Malakhovka for children

On July 27, a meeting was held in the administration of the urban district of Lyubertsy with the chairmen of horticultural associations, at which they discussed issues of land and property relations and the maintenance of SNT territories. In accordance with the federal law, the owners of land plots are obliged to carry out state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to this property. At the meeting, they discussed the need to register ownership of real estate objects located in horticultural and dacha associations, as well as on plots intended for individual housing construction and personal subsidiary plots. An active campaign has been launched in the Moscow region to identify unregistered real estate objects. An aerial survey of the entire territory of the Moscow Region was carried out, the data of which are verified with the information of the Rosreestr, the tax service and the BTI. According to...

On the eve of the cheese festival, which will be held at Natashinsky Ponds on August 19, MV visited the organizer of this holiday - the DolceLatte cheese factory in Oktyabrsky. Director General Kirill Sharshukov spoke in more detail about the company and the upcoming holiday. The cheese factory in Oktyabrsky has been operating for a year. The very idea of ​​​​creating a company was born when sanctions were imposed to ban the import of cheese into our country. For more than fifteen years, Kirill has been supplying food from Europe, and the introduction of the embargo gave impetus to the opening of his own production. “If you can’t bring it, you need to do it yourself!” - decided Sharshukov and opened a cheese factory. Today, DolceLatte specializes in soft cheeses and brews 14 varieties: mozzarella, ricotta, burrata, scamorza and others. All products are made according to high European standards and do not differ in quality from Italian cheeses. Production is carried out according to...

The law "On Improvement in the Moscow Region" obliges all homeowners to conclude contracts for garbage collection. However, as it turned out during a recent joint raid by employees of the administration and Gosadmtekhnadzor, many residents do not know where to turn. Also, the owners of houses were interested in how the cost of services is calculated and what documents are needed to conclude a contract. For clarification, we turned to the company "Eco Com Trans" LLC, which is engaged in garbage collection on the territory of Malakhovka. As the representative of the garbage disposal organization explained, when calculating the cost of the garbage collection service, they take as a basis the standard of the normative area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, established by the law of the Moscow Region dated October 22, 2009 No. 120 / 2009-OZ. Its size is 33 sq.m for citizens living alone, 21 sq.m - for each member of a family consisting of two people, 18 sq.m - for each member of a family consisting of ...

On July 24, the Sistema-112 application for mobile phones was launched in the Moscow Region. Yulia Kamanina, senior operator of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service of the city of Lyubertsy, spoke about the principles of its operation and functions. Users can download the new application on the Internet portals "App Store" and "Google Play" absolutely free of charge by typing "112 MO" in the search bar. One of its main functions is to call emergency services. “By clicking on the red button in the center of the screen, you can contact the operator. Within a few seconds, a 112 Service employee will call you back to your phone. Also, to call an emergency, you can write a text message, indicating the subject: "accident", "ambulance", etc. This type of communication is relevant for people who have problems with hearing and speech, or in extreme situations, when the offender is nearby and the person is unable to speak,” Yulia Kamanina explained Also via mobile...

On August 2, the next round of the Lyuberetsy Open Football Championship among amateur teams took place. In the home match, FC Malakhovka played with FC Kraskovo. Our team approached this game in a good mood: before that, they had won two matches in a row - in the cup and in the championship, which is an excellent result for this season. The situation in the goalkeeper's line also returned to normal: Anatoly Ambrose returned to the goal after recovering from his injury. And as the match showed, Ambrose did not remain without work. The game scheme chosen by Malakhovka for the first half has already become familiar: four defenders, five midfielders and a striker. Alexander Fedotov played as a striker. FC "Malakhovka" from the very first minute of the game began to take action. While the opponents were getting used to and adapting to the field, our team was able to earn a corner first, and after it was played, open an account. 2 minutes into the game...

From August 1, in the urban district of Lyubertsy, the fare on most routes with unregulated fares has increased. So a trip around the city of Lyubertsy in a fixed-route taxi will now cost 40 rubles instead of 35. “This is the first increase in fixed-route taxis in two years, it is associated with rising fuel prices,” explained the head of the district, Vladimir Ruzhitsky. The fare on the buses of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" remained unchanged and on urban routes is 46 rubles. When paying with a Strelka card, it is cheaper: 31.65 rubles or less, depending on the number of trips made. On these routes, all the benefits provided by law apply. Fabula LLC announces an increase in fares to 40 rubles on routes No. 38, 52, 53, 54 from August 10, 2017. The fare for pensioners and schoolchildren will not change and will be 15 rubles. Correspondent From the materials of the newspaper "Malakhovsky Bulletin".

A real hot summer has finally come to the Moscow region, giving the opportunity to get out to the reservoirs, and not only to lie lazily on the beach and sunbathe, but also to actively spend time. On Saturdays on Lake Malakhovskoye, with the support of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Lyubertsy Urban District, beach volleyball matches are held, in which everyone can take part. And since recently, beach sambo competitions have also been held here. On July 29, the second sand sambo tournament was held on the beach of the lake, which was also organized by the sports committee of the city district. This is a relatively young sport, for the first time it was presented in 2014 at the 4th Asian Games held in Thailand. “We agreed with the All-Russian Sambo Federation on the possibility of holding such competitions here, and on July 15 in the city district of Lyubertsy, in Malakhovka, for the first time in Russia...

More recently, I was captivated by Eastern culture, masterfully described by modern Turkish writers. Many of their traditions seem mysterious to European people, and sometimes even blasphemous and unacceptable. But what's really impressive is how deep these traditions are embedded in the concepts of honor, devotion, forgiveness. Once imbued with the secrets of the East, you can no longer refuse them. Therefore, I continued my literary acquaintance with the Eastern world, and this time the novel by the Australian Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram" helped me in this. The main events unfold in India - a country of contrasts, where dozens of original peoples and different nationalities coexist with their own rules, laws, habits. Here the shantytowns, where people live in two-square-meter dirt-floored shacks, border on the splendor of fashionable neighborhoods. Here, every street is saturated with aromas...

And his brainchild - the well-known "Merkulov Gallery" turns 10 years old. Is it a lot or a little in our life, and what did he achieve on the way to these milestones? On this occasion, I decided to visit the "Gallery" once again, slowly wandering around the hall among the alley of paintings, slowing down in front of my favorite "Blue Lake" and "Church under the Snow", between "Van Gogh" sunflowers, chic lilacs and quite decorative Church of Peter and Paul… We have known him for more than twenty years. I remember when he, still a novice artist, organized his first painting class for children, which later became the basis of the art department of the art school. L.I. Kovler. I remember the beginning of his ascent to the zenith of fame (with all possible diplomas and certificates), and how he, already held and recognized, found, selected and promoted unknown artists in his Merkulov Gallery, and some of them after that “did not recognize” the master … O...

Malakhovka hosted the first heavy music festival in its history. On Saturday, the Iron Rock charity festival was held in the Park of Culture and Leisure. The festival is organized in support of children with cancer under the auspices of the Podari Zhizn Foundation, Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The holding of this event became possible thanks to the director of the park, Eduard Levitsky, who managed to gather musicians from various places in the Moscow region for such a good cause. This large-scale event inscribed a new line in the history of the culture of our village: heavy music festivals have never been held in Malakhovka before. Of course, rock does not belong to the category of "music for everyone", especially its heavy variations. But those who are interested in such music were able to appreciate what happened at its true worth. And there were quite a few of them, despite the time of summer holidays and the heat that suddenly swept over the Moscow region. In Malakhov ...

The active formation of the department of gymnastics went on in the 60s. At this time, on the basis of the Central School of Trainers (TSST RSFSR), the sports department of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture (SGIFK) was opened, headed by S.S. Lukyanov. The first admission to the department took place in September - October 1963/64 academic year. The Department of Gymnastics was headed by Associate Professor Lukyanov from 09/20/64 and he was assigned the duties of the Dean of the Sports Faculty of the MF SGIFC. B.A. worked with him at the department. Kuznetsov, P.S. Mordovtsev, B.V. Mikheev, R.Yu. Eglit, L.A. Novikov and I.I. Ivanov.

Later, as teachers were invited: Yu.V. Tyurenkov, and then V.A. Suloev, N.V. Konkov and N.D. Epishin (graduates of 1972), S.N. Rybakov (graduate of 1975), A.L. Anurov (graduate of 1979). Specialists from related universities were invited: V.A. Shachnev (graduate of Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute named after Krupskaya), E.G. Sokolov (associate professor of State Center for Physical and Physical Education), I.V. Korolev and I.Yu. Kazachan (SCOLIFK graduates in 1971).

The head of the department at that time was a well-known specialist B.A. Kuznetsov. He headed the department since 1966. At various times, the following people worked at the department: P.Ya. Stepanyan (1966-76), E.P. Averkovich (1966 - 68), N.T. Belyakova (1970 - 77), M.V. Paukova (1976 - 84), A.L. Anurov (1979 - 84), Yu.A. Chernov (1981 - 84), O.A. Maykova (1989-1993), Yu.V. Menkhin (1985 - 1996), V.B. Korenberg (1980 - 1984), Z.A. Bukova (1998 - 2000), V.I. Makarova from 1974 to 1984, who became the third head of the department of gymnastics and replaced B.A. Kuznetsova, Ph.D. Yu.A. Sabirov, S.V. Filippovich (graduate of the MF SGIPC in 1977), L.E. Ushakova (graduate of MOGIFC in 1980).

For a long time at the department worked "Honored Worker of Physical Culture", senior researcher, Ph.D., Professor V.N. Tikhonov. Andrey Fedorovich Radionenko worked at the department in the 70s. Later, in 1975, he led the youth national team of the USSR among young men. He also created a scientifically based reserve training system for the main composition of the USSR national gymnastics team.

One of the most famous specialists in acrobatics today, Boris Vladimirovich Mikheev, also stood at the origins of the formation of the educational and pedagogical potential of the gymnastics department from 1965 to 1977. At first he worked as a teacher, then as a senior lecturer and actively participated in the formation of the department. Here he began his scientific work. In 1977 B.V. Mikheev was invited to work in the USSR Sports Committee, the Gymnastics Federation, where he headed from 1977 to 1982. national youth team of the Olympic reserve in artistic gymnastics. And from 1972 to 1987 B.V. Mikheev leads the national team in sports acrobatics.

Since 1984, the department was headed by a graduate of the Volgograd GIFKA E.E. Bindusov. He went from teacher to head of the department. In addition, E.E. Bindusov is the academic secretary of the dissertation council for the defense of candidate dissertations. In 2000, he was awarded the title of "Professor".

At different times, the quantitative composition of the department ranged from seven to fifteen people. It is impossible not to note the great contribution of N.D. Bogdanova and M.V. Nikishova; accompanists: V.V. Coralli, B.S. Tredler, V.Yu. Lavrentiev, M.M. Gavrilitsy, O.N. Klochkova.

With the advent of complex org. technology - computers, audio and video equipment, a specialist in this field, our graduate (1997) E.Yu., was invited to work. Melnikov.

It can be argued that the course taken by the Department of Gymnastics in the 60s to train highly qualified specialists continues to this day. All the equipment of the gym, all the simulators were made independently by Associate Professor N.D. Epishin, winner and prize-winner of many scientific and practical conferences and competitions.

Of course, time has left its mark on the system of training specialists, on the number of specialties in the department. Since 1994 we have been training specialists in recreational gymnastics, and since 1998 in rhythmic gymnastics. Scientific work at the department is carried out in several directions, namely: NIRS and UIRS with students in the form of lectures, methodical classes, "business games", participation in competitions and conferences. At the department at different times there were students awarded a grant from the Governor of the Moscow Region. These are Naukhatsky A., Smirnova S., Kotova E., Fahrieva I.

The results of the UIRS are being introduced into the practice of gymnastics classes and specialization in the form of posters, videos, and other visual aids.

With the opening of postgraduate studies at MOGIFC, postgraduate students appeared at the department of gymnastics. Their total number exceeded 20 people. Successfully defended their Ph.D. time as a head coach of the national team in gymnastics for people with mental disabilities. His students are multiple winners and champions of the Special Olympics and World Championships. Our teachers Shachnev V.A. and Patrikeeva I.Yu. also became candidates of sciences, having defended themselves at the academy.
The faculty of the department has been doing a lot of work all the years to train specialists, at first only in the specialization "artistic gymnastics", and now training is also being carried out in the specialties "rhythmic types of gymnastics and aerobics", "rhythmic gymnastics". In order to improve the quality of educational and methodological work at the department, regular measures are taken to improve and intensify the educational process. Lecture material is reviewed and revised annually (10 lectures on average).

Over the past 5 years, the department has developed more than 35 various methodological manuals. All of them are actively used by students for self-preparation for classes.
For instance:

  • The technology of a gymnastics lesson at school (Tikhonov V.N., Lepeshkina S.V., Orlova L.M.).
  • Fitball: 250 exercises and games for preschoolers (Kuzmenko M.V., Kasap L.V.).
  • Hit-hop dances in the choreographic training of athletes involved in aesthetic gymnastics (Fahrieva I.A., Kuzmenko M.V.).
  • Methods of teaching general developmental exercises (Kudlin V.Ya., Zakharova N.V.).
  • The main means of gymnastics (Kaidash S.I.).
  • Parameters of sports form in gymnasts at the university (Bindusov E.E.).
  • Methodology for the formation of gymnasts' movement control skills (Epishin N.D.).
  • Training gymnasts to jump on a trampoline (Epishin N.D.).

The most outstanding successes of athletes - gymnasts began in the late 60s, when some students performed at the championship of youth teams for the prizes of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Moscow News", "Amber Log" (Riga), "All Stars of the World" and others. These are A. Morozov MSMK, T. Godenko MSMK, S. Gusev MSMK, S. Bezruchko MSMK, S. Kibanova MSMK, O. Averkova MSMK, E. Zakharova MSMK, E. Sapsaeva MSMK - they became winners of competitions for prizes newspapers "Moscow news"; M. Khryashcheva was the world champion in freestyle (acrobatics). In 1999 Andrey Bardanov, Honored Master of Sports in acrobatic rock and roll, who is the first world champion in Russia, graduated from the academy.

In 1993, two-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Sergey Kharkov (1992 - 1996) graduated from the academy, a year later Valentin Mogilny. Our student was also the World Champion, ZMS A. Pogorelov.

Full-time student V.S. Selifanov was the Champion of the USSR in vaulting. He currently works as a gymnastics coach with girls. Has students who are members of the Russian national team. He bears the title of "Honored Coach of Russia".

The department is proud that Leonid Yakovlevich Arkaev studied with us - the head coach of the Russian national team, Honored Coach of the USSR, President of the Russian Gymnastics Federation (until 2000), who was repeatedly recognized as the "Best Coach of the Year".

Students undergo year-round practice in the form of work as an assistant coach in the "Training and Sports Center". Classes are held with schoolchildren of the village. Malakhovka for children are organized holidays, competitions in various age groups.

Teachers of the department and students take an active part in the Festivals of sports universities and colleges in Russia, held annually since 1996 in the village. Malakhovka.

Kuznetsov Boris Alexandrovich was born in February 1908 in Vladivostok. He studied at the GTSOLIFK for 3 years, but after getting injured, he left the institute. Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya. He was an Honored Coach of the RSFSR, an "Honorary Judge in Gymnastics", as well as an "Honored Worker / Figure / of Physical Education of the National Republic of Belarus. He has worked in the Malakhov branch of the State Institute of Physical Culture since its inception - 1964. During his work, he proved to be a highly qualified specialist teacher in gymnastics. He was engaged in social activities "More than 50 years of his life devoted to the development of national gymnastics. From 1937 to 1952 (except for the war years) - was the coach of the national team of gymnasts of the USSR. From 1937 to 1963 - was a member of the Presidium of the All-Union section of gymnastics. For 10 years (from 1953 to 1963) was the Chairman of the Gymnastics Federation of the RSFSR.For 17 years, Boris Alexandrovich was a member of the Presidium and deputy chairman of the judging panel of judges of the Moscow Gymnastics Federation.

From 1965 to 1972 Kuznetsov headed the department of gymnastics, and from 1972 to 1974 he worked as deputy dean of the Sports Faculty. Before retiring B.A. Kuznetsov worked as an assistant professor in the department of gymnastics. For many years of pedagogical activity, he brought up dozens of masters of sports, champions of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and Moscow in artistic gymnastics, he trained several hundred athletes - dischargers. B.A. Kuznetsov also conducted a large scientific and methodological work and was the author of more than 65 publications on the methodology, theory and history of gymnastics. For merits in scientific and methodological activities, he was awarded the title of "Associate Professor" in gymnastics as an exception. He had government awards of the Soviet Union and a number of foreign countries: Bulgaria (1961), Sweden, Poland (1955), Germany (1963). As part of the sports delegations of the Soviet Union, he repeatedly traveled outside the country and worked as an adviser on "Physical Culture and Sports" at the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. From 1938 to 1951 was the coach of the national team of gymnasts in Moscow, and from 1944 to 1951 - the coach of the national team of the Soviet Union. At the All-Union parades, the FK worked as the artistic director of the columns in Moscow, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and individual DSOs. From 1932 to 1967, he regularly led mass gymnastic performances on Red Square, at the Dynamo and Luzhniki stadiums, as well as columns of schoolchildren in Moscow at the All-Union physical culture parades and demonstrations.

Lukyanov Serafim Semyonovich was born on April 10, 1912 in the city of Ryazhsk, Ryazan region. In September 1933 he entered the GTSOLIFK, from which he graduated with honors. In February 1938 S.S. Lukyanov goes to work Art. teacher in gymnastics at the "Moscow Pedagogical School of Physical Education" and worked there until October 1941. In October 1941, Serafim Semyonovich became an instructor at the VSEVOBUCH of the Krasnogvardeisky District Military Commissariat and worked until April 1942. In April 1942, he was called up to serve in the Soviet Army as a senior lecturer in the Department of Combat and Physical Training at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. Serves until November 1946. Then Lukyanov S.S. enters the service as a senior gymnastics teacher at the Moscow Pedagogical School of Physical Education and works there until September 1947. In September 1947, he becomes the head. Department of Gymnastics, Faculty of "Physical Education" MOPI them. Krupskaya, where he worked until May 1962. Interestingly, from February 1951 to January 1952 Lukyanov S.S. Acting Dean of the Faculty "Physical education MOPI" them. Krupskaya.
Serafim Semyonovich traveled abroad a lot. So in July 1951, as a judge, he traveled to the GDR for the II World Festival of Youth and Students. In July 1953 to Romania, as Ch. referee of the gymnastics competitions of the III World Youth Festival. In December 1958, he was a gymnastics referee at a match meeting with the Czechoslovak team. In February 1958 S.S. Lukyanov traveled to Mongolia as the head of the sports delegation of the RSFSR. From 1956 to 1959 - Lukyanov S.S. was appointed Chairman of the All-Russian Section / now Federation / Gymnastics under the Committee on FKiS under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and since 1959 he has been elected Chairman of the All-Russian Federation of Artistic Gymnastics. He had government awards: Medal "For the defense of Moscow; for participation in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945"; "800 years of Moscow", "For labor distinction", "For longevity and excellent work in universities".

Makarova Valentina Ivanovna was born on January 9, 1931 in a family of workers. In 1954 she graduated from the sports department of the State Center for Physical and Physical Education. After graduating from the Institute of Physical Education in Moscow, in the same year, 1954, a promising athlete, Valentina Makarova, was enrolled in the national team of gymnasts of the Central Sports Club of the Army (CSKA). She herself trained and helped the coaches of the national team in working with young gymnasts, and 5 of her students became "Masters of Sports". A team of young girls led by Valentina Ivanovna wins the title of Champions of the city of Moscow. In addition to sports and pedagogical activities, Valentina Ivanovna begins to master scientific research work. She explores the problem of educating courage and determination, and is also looking for ways to solve this difficult task. After defending the dissertation V.I. Makarova is invited to work at VNIIFK. However, the craving for lively professional work with people overpowers and she begins to conduct active social work, first in the Gymnastics Federation of the USSR and Moscow, and then in other trade union organizations. Valentina Ivanovna becomes a judge and judges both All-Union and international competitions. V.I. Makarova is a good sports family, her husband is an honored master of sports in equestrian sports - Rostislav Pavlovich. They live happily ever after and raised two daughters. The eldest daughter, Marina Rostislavovna, is a candidate of sciences, and the youngest Tatyana Rostislavovna has repeatedly become the winner of major All-Russian and international equestrian competitions, a member of the Russian equestrian team. From October 1972 V.I. Makarova works in the Malakhov branch of SIPC as a "senior teacher" of the gymnastics department, and since December 1972 she has been the head of the gymnastics department for 10 years to 1982. V.I. Makarova successfully led the gymnastics department, solving creatively current and future tasks. After 2 terms of leadership of the department, she handed it over to the candidate of pedagogical sciences - Evgeny Evgenievich Bindusov. Currently, Valentina Ivanovna continues to conduct active and creative work related to the promotion of patriotic education of young people through sports, knowledge of its history of formation and development (including gymnastics), working as a secretary of the Council of Veterans at the Central Army Sports Club.

The staff of the department:

BINDUSOV Evgeniy Evgenievich- head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Born in Volgograd. Graduated from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture in 1971. In 1973 he entered the graduate school of the State Center for Physical and Physical Culture - scientific adviser, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Shlemin A.M., which he successfully completed in 1976. He defended his Ph.D. department of gymnastics. In 1983 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. Since 1984 he has been the head of the department. In 2000 he was awarded the title of professor.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in the chosen sport (sports and rhythmic gymnastics).

Conducts classes at the Faculty of full-time and part-time education. Author of more than 90 scientific and scientific-methodical works, chapters in textbooks, programs. For success in scientific and pedagogical activities, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture", "Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports". Since 1981 he has been acting scientific secretary of the dissertation council.
Under his leadership, 15 candidate dissertations were defended.
Passed advanced training courses under the program "Application of the "Antiplagiarism - University" system in the educational process" in 2015, "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" in 2017.

Currently, the leading teacher of the profile "Sports training in gymnastics." Teacher of the profile "sports training in rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics".

KAIDASH Svetlana Ivanovna(born 1958) - Associate Professor of the Department.

She graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture in 1980. She has been working at the department since 1982. For more than 25 years, she has served as deputy head of the department for academic work.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Technologies of health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics.

He is a methodologist of a professionally oriented practice.
He has awards: the medal "80 years of the State Committee for Sports of Russia", the badge "Excellent worker in physical culture and sports." He is the author of scientific articles, teaching aids, work programs. She completed advanced training courses under the program "Application of the "Antiplagiarism - University" system in the educational process" in 2015, "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" in 2017 and "First Aid" in 2018.

KUZMENKO Marianna Viktorovna- candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department.

She graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Tambov Order of the Badge of Honor of the State Pedagogical Institute. Studied at the full-time postgraduate course of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, in 2002 she defended her PhD thesis. She has been working at the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics since 1997. Performs the duties of the Deputy Head of the Department for Research.

Subjects taught :

  • Sports and pedagogical improvement.
  • Technologies of health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics
  • Applied physical education

He is a methodologist for professionally oriented practice and teaching practice at school. Conducts advanced training at the FPC MGAFK. Organizes seminars and trains specialists in certain areas of fitness at the "Fitness Center" of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Author of scientific and methodological publications, teaching aids. Passed advanced training courses under the program "Application of the "Antiplagiarism - University" system in the educational process" in 2015, "Psychological - pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" in 2017 and "First Aid" in 2018.

EPISHIN Nikolay Dmitrievich- Associate Professor of the Department.

Graduated from the Malakhov branch of the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture (MFSSIFK) in 1972. Postgraduate studies at MOGIFC in 1984. He has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture since 1973, first as a teacher, senior lecturer and associate professor (1995). From 1978 to 1988 combined the work of a teacher with the activities of a coach of the youth women's national gymnastics team of the USSR. Honored teacher of MGAFK.

Subjects taught :

  • Sports training at various stages of sports training in artistic gymnastics.

He is the author of more than 60 publications. Topics of scientific research Epishina N.D. connected with the issues of theory, technique and methods of teaching the movements of a gymnast on the apparatus, as well as with the activities of a coach in artistic gymnastics. At the same time, he is engaged in the design and manufacture of technical means for teaching and training gymnasts. A number of devices and simulators made by him are used at the department. Passed advanced training courses in 2015, as well as additional education courses: "Information and Bibliographic Culture" in 2017 and "First Aid" in 2018.

KUDLIN Vladimir Yakovlevich- Associate Professor of the Department.

Graduated from Lisichansk Mining College. Graduated from the MF SGIFC in 1969. Master of Sports of the USSR. Since 1976 he has been working at the department. In the 1970s and 1980s, he led a specialization group and worked on a general course. Since the late 80s, the main teacher of the discipline "Gymnastics".

Subjects taught :

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in the chosen sport (artistic gymnastics).
  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics (correspondence form of education).
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics (correspondence course).

Author of more than 20 publications in scientific and methodological collections, teaching aids, participant of scientific conferences and symposiums of various levels. Passed advanced training courses under the program "Application of the "Antiplagiarism - University" system in the educational process" in 2015, in 2017 "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" and "First Aid" in 2018.

YANKINA Ekaterina Alexandrovna- Ph.D., teacher.

In 2010 she graduated with honors from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and entered the graduate school. In 2013 she defended her PhD thesis. MS in rhythmic gymnastics.

Subjects taught :

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in the chosen sport (rhythmic gymnastics).

ZHELANDINOVA Dina Yurievna- Senior Lecturer.

In 1999 she graduated with honors from the Moscow Regional College of Arts with honors, qualified as a teacher - organizer of a choreographic group. In 2004 she graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities. She has been working at the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture since 2010.

Subjects taught :

Full-time and part-time education:

  • Organization of sports and entertainment performances and holidays.
  • Organization and management of cheerleading in the field of professional sports.

Daytime education:

  • Applied physical culture.
  • Sports and pedagogical improvement.

Organizer of cultural and leisure events of the academy, director-producer within the framework of festivals of sports universities in Russia and Gatherings of students of universities of physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation, trainer of the dance team "Foxy girls". Judge of the All-Russian stages of the competition in the dance simulator "Just Dance".
At the moment, she is studying at the magistracy of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in the direction of "Natural-scientific problems of physical culture." Passed advanced training courses under the program "Application of the "Antiplagiarism - University" system in the educational process" in 2015, "Psychological - pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" in 2017 and "First Aid" in 2018.
Participant of the All-Russian round table "Esports dance simulator Just Dance - a tool for innovative pedagogy".

KUKSINOVA Victoria Vyacheslavovna- Senior Lecturer.

She graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in 2001, specializing in Health Gymnastics. She has been working at the department since 2006.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Technologies of health-improving physical culture.
  • Applied physical education
  • Sports and pedagogical improvement
  • Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports: gymnastics
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics

He is a methodologist of a professionally oriented practice of the training profile "Improving types of aerobics and gymnastics". Passed advanced training courses, courses under the program of additional education "Psychological - pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities" in 2017.

KLOCHKOVA Olga Nikolaevna- teacher.

In 2003 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, a specialist in physical culture and sports. She has been working at the department since 1979.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics.
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics.
  • Applied physical culture (OVAiG)

Pedagogical work is carried out at the faculties of full-time and part-time education. Passed advanced training courses in 2013, as well as courses in the program of additional education "Information and Bibliographic Culture", 2018 - "First Aid".

STOLYAROVA Elena Vadimovna- Senior Lecturer.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy in 2005. In 2012, she graduated from the magistracy of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in the direction of training "Physical Education". She has been working at the department since 2012.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports: gymnastics.
  • Basic types of motor activity: gymnastics.
  • Applied physical culture (OVAiG).

PERETOKINA Valeria Sergeevna- teacher.

In 2013 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Graduated from postgraduate study of correspondence form of education. She has been working at the department since 2013.

Subjects taught :

  • Theory and methodology of sports training in the chosen sport (rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics).
  • Applied physical culture.

MARYANKOVA Daria Alexandrovna- Specialist in educational and methodical work.

Graduated with honors from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (bachelor's degree) in 2017 in the direction: 49.03.02 "Physical culture for people with disabilities (adaptive physical culture)", training profile "Therapeutic physical culture". At the moment, she is studying at the magistracy of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture in the direction of "Natural-scientific problems of physical culture."
Candidate for master of sports in sports ballroom dancing, winner of the championships in Bulgaria, Belarus, Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga region. Multiple champion of the Central Federal District.
Author and co-author of printed works presented in scientific and methodological collections, collections of peer-reviewed VAK and Web of Science, participant in scientific conferences, symposiums and congresses of various levels.

Pros: I want to express my sincere gratitude to the site team for choosing a coach for our kids. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a specialist of the highest class. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was faced with the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. Two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to pick up a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with an emotional upsurge. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls aspired to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful person. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop at what has been achieved in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to reach even greater heights in her profession. We very much look forward to continued cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. Children got used to it, they want to continue classes. I would like the classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical strengthening and improvement of the kids. I am happy to recommend Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna as a coach in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company is results driven. Sincerely. Tsyganova Oksana Anatolyevna. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a specialist of the highest class. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with girls in a group and individually. She was faced with the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for kids with elements of baby yoga. Two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to pick up a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with an emotional upsurge. But as you know, desire and aspiration are more than half the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relationships. And our girls aspired to communicate with the coach, because they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a wonderful person. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop at what has been achieved in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify the methods and forms of work, support the desire of children, and promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to reach even greater heights in her profession. We very much look forward to continued cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. Children got used to it, they want to continue classes. I would like the classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the general physical strengthening and improvement of the kids. I am happy to recommend Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna as a coach in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest rating - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company is results driven.

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