Project activity "Amazing properties of water!". Children's project "properties of water" Project work water and its properties

Natalia Yurievna Rogozina
Project "Water and its properties"

Project"Water and its properties"

Relevance project

Children are by nature explorers. Exploratory activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned to the desire to know the world. Children's experimentation has a huge developmental potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied.

GEF DO involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about properties and relationships between objects in the environment.

Children's experimentation allows solving tasks in integration with various activities.

Experimentation is closely connected with all kinds of activity, and first of all with such as observation and labor. Observation is an indispensable part of any experiment, since it is used to perceive the progress of work and its results. Experimentation and speech development are closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during the discussion of the course of the experiment, when summing up and verbally reporting on what was seen. The connection between children's experimentation and visual activity is also two-way. The more developed the visual abilities of the child, the more accurately the result of the natural history experiment will be recorded.

As a result of the use of experimental activities in working with children, memory is enriched, thought processes are activated, including active searches for solutions to problems, that is, experimentation is a good means of intellectual development of preschoolers.

Problem: The formation of ideas about water cannot be started without examining the level of children's ideas on the topic. To this end, before implementation project"Enchantress water» 15 children were surveyed in a group to determine knowledge about water properties. As a result, it was revealed: 10 children - know that ice is frozen water, 3 - children know that snow is too water. As a result of the diagnosis, it turned out that children do not want to think, but are waiting for a ready-made solution to the problem. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves, encouraging them to be creative

activities, self-expression and improvisation in its process.

Experimentation will provide an opportunity for the children to find answers to the questions "how?" and why?".

Target project: Formation of ideas about water properties

Tasks project:

expand and deepen children's ideas about water, its properties, states;

to form in children ideas about the importance of water in human life and all life on Earth;

to activate the creative thinking of children;

to activate the dictionary of children, to learn to correctly name the observed phenomena;

develop observation, ingenuity, curiosity, perseverance;

develop the ability of children to analyze, compare and draw conclusions;

educate cognitive interest in natural phenomena.

To enrich the stock of knowledge of parents about the role of experimentation in the development of thought processes, creative abilities, and in the formation of labor skills of preschoolers.

Implementation timeline: mid-term - December

Members project: children of the middle group, educator, parents.

Necessary materials:

Literary series: small folklore, fairy tales, stories, riddles, small folklore (rhymes).

musical series: audio recordings "Sounds of water in nature",

Equipment material for conducting experiments with water (cups, paints, basin, balloons); toys, attributes, substitute items for didactic and story games, dramatization games.

Intended Product project: presentation "Enchantress water» ; systematized literary and illustrated material on the topic; developed recommendations for parents.

Implementation stages project

Preparatory: setting goals and objectives, determining the directions of objects and methods of research, preliminary work with children. selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of the developing environment in the group.

main stage: familiarization of children with fiction; conducting conversations, games-experiments; search for answers to the questions posed in different ways, the study of natural objects.

Final: generalization of the results of the work, their analysis, consolidation of the acquired knowledge; creation of a file cabinet "Experiments and experiments with water"; creating a presentation

Related publications:

Research project "Water and its properties" for children of the middle group. Educator MBDOU Berezka Shcherbak S. V. "Water is an invaluable gift of nature that must be carefully preserved." Relevance: Children by nature.

Abstract of direct educational activity "Water and its properties" Tasks: - to develop the cognitive interest of the child in the process of experimenting with liquids; - introduce children to the properties of liquids.

Summary of GCD on environmental education in the senior group "Water and its properties" Purpose: to improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life, to teach children the skills of conducting simple laboratory experiments.

Goals, tasks: identification of the properties of water; determine whether water has a shape, taste, consolidate knowledge about the fluidity of water, show the value of water in.

Synopsis "Water in our life: its properties and movement" 1. Topic: "Water in our life: its properties and movement." 2. Purpose: to introduce children to the basic properties of water, based on what has been done.

research project

"Water and its properties" for children of the middle group.

“Water is a priceless gift of nature,

which must be carefully preserved.


Children are by nature explorers. Exploratory activity, behavior - the natural state of the child, he is tuned to the desire to know the world. This is what creates the conditions for the mental development of the child to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

There is a relationship between the level of a child's cognitive interest and his assimilation of knowledge about the world around him; on the one hand, thanks to cognitive interest, the child's horizons expand significantly, on the other hand, knowledge is the most important "", which is the foundation for the development of cognitive interest.

Project type: Informative

Implementation timeline: Short term (1 week)

Project participants:




Objective of the project: formation of ideas about the properties of water; to expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, the role of water in human life and other living organisms, to cultivate a careful attitude to the natural resources of our planet.


1. Tell children about the importance of water in human life and other living organisms.

2. Introduce children to the basic properties of water by organizing experimental activities.

3. To instill the initial skills of research activities, cognitive activity, independence.

4. Increase the level of speech activity, mastery of experimental activities.

5. To enrich the stock of knowledge of parents about the role of experimentation in the development of thought processes, creative abilities, and in the formation of labor skills of preschoolers.

Project stages:


Topic selection;

Formulation of the problem;

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the research work;

The study of methodological literature;

Surveys of the level of development of cognitive interest in children;

Working with parents.

The final stage:

Re-examination of children;

Final lesson on the topic "Witch - water";

Creation of a file cabinet "Experiments and experiments with water";

Creation of practical material for parents: memos, recommendations, booklets, consultations.

Forms of work:

Equipment in the experimentation and environmental research corner group;

Making a card index of entertaining experiments and experiments;

Conducting classes: The child and the world around him, Speech development, Modeling, Drawing, Application on the topic of the project;

Didactic games that contribute to the implementation of the project goal (“who needs water?” “Where is the water hidden?”, “Little men”, “good - bad”, “what would happen if ...”, “sinks-does not sink”);

Observations on walks of animate and inanimate nature; group observations of houseplants;

Reading fiction: "The Journey of a Droplet",

“Little Men”, “The Story of the Water Cycle for Children” by S. Dobritskaya

Conversations: “What is water?”, “Where does water “live”?”, “What can water do?”; “The water cycle in nature”, “If there were no water”, “Why should water be saved?”

Experiments and experiments with water (“Disappearance of water”, “Appearance of water from air”, “Hide a toy in water”, “Filtration of water”, “Do all substances dissolve in water?”)

Experimental activities

within the framework of the project "Water and its properties"


Target: Show that water has no form, spills, flows.

take 2 glasses filled with water, as well as 2-3 objects made of solid material (cube, ruler, wooden spoon, etc.) determine the shape of these objects. Ask the question: “Does water have a form?”. Invite the child to find the answer on their own, pouring water from one vessel into another (cup, saucer, vial, etc.). Remember where and how puddles spill.


Water has no form, it takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured, that is, it can easily change shape.


Target : Lead the children to the generalization "clean water is transparent" and "dirty water is opaque."

Move: Prepare two jars or glasses of water and a set of small sinking objects (pebbles, buttons, beads, coins). Find out how the concept of "transparent" is learned: invite the child to find transparent objects in the room (glass, glass in the window, aquarium).

Give a task: prove that the water in the jar is also transparent (let the child put small objects into the glass and they will be visible).

Ask the question: “If you lower a piece of earth into the aquarium, will the water be as clear?”

Listen to the answers, then demonstrate by experience: put a piece of earth into a glass of water and stir. The water became dirty and cloudy. Objects lowered into such water are not visible. Discuss. Is the water always clear in an aquarium for fish, why does it become cloudy. Is the water clear in a river, lake, sea, puddle.

Conclusion: Clear water is clear, objects can be seen through it; cloudy water is opaque.


Target: Reveal the properties of water.

Take two glasses of water. In the first glass, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and stir well. Salt will dissolve in water.

In another glass, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and also stir.

Sugar will also dissolve in water.

Conclusion: salt and sugar dissolve in water.

The project can be used forworking with children under the program "From birth to school, edited byN. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2014) and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.



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Slides captions:

The project "Water and its properties" Prepared by the educator: Ilyina I.V. Moscow 2016

Project The project can be used when working with children under the program "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2014) and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Project type: research and creative, medium-term. Project implementation period: January 2016 - March 2016 Project participants: children of a different age group (children from 3.5 to 5), group teacher, parents of pupils.

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, the role in human life and other living organisms, to cultivate a careful attitude to natural resources.

Educational tasks To give children an idea about water, its properties (transparency, fluidity), its three states (liquid, steam, ice). 2. Improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life. 3.To teach children the skills of conducting laboratory experiments.

Developmental tasks 1. To develop phonemic hearing in children. 2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson. 3. Learn to guess riddles. 4. Develop creative imagination, logical thinking.

Educational tasks To develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a careful attitude to water.

Relevance The formation of knowledge in children about various phenomena of the natural environment should be combined with an understanding of the value of nature for society and man, with mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment. This is achieved by solving the problems of educating the ecological culture of preschoolers. The implementation of the project is carried out in a block of specially organized training and in the process of organizing joint activities of an adult and children in the afternoon.

Project results Considered illustrations, cartoons, slide shows on the topic "Water and its properties" Listened to audio recordings from the cycle "Sounds of Nature", "Sound of the Sea", "Rain Music". Observed phenomena associated with water. Experiments with water. Conducted a consultation for parents on the topic: "How to organize experiments with water at home." A memo for parents "How to organize experiments at home" has been prepared.

EDUCATIONAL AREA Cognitive development of FEMP Acquaintance with the subject environment Development of cognitive and research activities Acquaintance with the social world Ecology Acquaintance with the natural world

Exploring and experimenting "Water is liquid, it can flow"

"Water has no color, but it can be dyed"

"Water has no taste"

"Water has no taste"

Water is warm, cold, hot. Hot Cold

"The water is transparent"

"Water solvent" Experiments

"Sinking does not sink"

"Plants need water too"

Listening to phonograms: "Sounds of water in nature"

Speech development Rain, rain, more fun! Drip, drip don't be sorry! Just don't get us wet! Don't knock on the window. Spray in the field more densely: The grass will become thicker! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! We splash through the puddles. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! We don't need an umbrella. We are not afraid of heavy rain! Well, we got wet! So what? Let's wash with soap!

Cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities

GCD Drawing "Lilac branch"


GCD for drawing "Fountain"

Artistic creativity - application "Aquarium"

Outdoor games

Collaboration between parent and child

In playing with water, a child, with the help of an adult, not only learns its properties, but water has a relaxing effect on the body. It is very interesting to see how the simplest actions with water bring joy to children and leave wonderful memories in the future.

Thank you for your attention

Municipal state educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age elementary school - kindergarten Insk rural settlement Okhotsk municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory

Research project:

Prepared by:

Bryazkukha Yulia Leonidovna

2nd grade and 4th grade students

MKOU NSh DS with. Inya


  • To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water and the different states of water in nature.
  • To form the first elementary knowledge about the water cycle in nature.
  • Develop observation

Questions that arose during the study

  • Where is water found on Earth? Should we conserve water?
  • What properties does water have?
  • Water conditions.

Water reserves on Earth.

  • Look at the globe. This is how astronauts see Earth from space. If you quickly rotate the globe, it will seem that it is one-color - blue. And all because there is more of this paint on it than white, green, brown. The seas and oceans of our planet are depicted in blue.
  • Water covers 3/4 of the earth's surface. Water is everywhere. A thick layer of air envelops the entire globe in a continuous shell. And there is a lot of water, steam, clouds, clouds, etc. in the air.
  • There is also water underground (springs, etc.). Huge accumulations of ice are located at the North and South Poles. There is ice on land and in the ocean.

Water reserves on Earth.

Land ¼ of the surface. Water ¾ surface

Water is part of every living organism. It is enough to crush the leaf of the plant in your hands, and we will find moisture in it. Water is found in all parts of plants. Remember how much juice is in fruits - watermelon, orange, lemon. This juice is water with various substances dissolved in it. But even in dry plant seeds there is water, although not in such a large amount.

Water properties

  • liquid
  • transparent

Water properties

  • Dissolves
  • Freezes
  • Evaporates




(Ice, snow)

The groundwater,

rain, dew)

patterns on glass

Water comes in three states: 1. Solid (ice, snow).

Where do the puddles go? Why is it raining?

Let's conduct an experiment: On a sunny day, we prepared 2 glasses and a plate. Both glasses were turned upside down and placed side by side: one on a plate, the other on the ground. Left for 2 hours.

  • Observed: The glass, standing on the ground, fogged up inside, and drops of water flowed down its walls. The glass on the plate remained dry.

Conclusion: Water evaporates when heated. Invisible steam rises. In contact with a cold object, it turns back into water. Water droplets expand, break off and fall. There is a water cycle.

Water in nature exists in three states: liquid solid and gaseous . Water constantly commits cycle, evaporates from the surface of the earth, forms clouds and in the form rain and snow returns to the ground.

Publication date: 06/02/17

research project

"Water and its properties" for children of the middle group.

“Water is a priceless gift of nature,

which must be carefully preserved.


Children are by nature explorers. Exploratory activity, behavior - the natural state of the child, he is tuned to the desire to know the world. This is what creates the conditions for the mental development of the child to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

There is a relationship between the level of cognitive interest of the child and the assimilation of knowledge about the world around him; on the one hand, thanks to the cognitive interest, the child's horizons expand significantly, on the other hand, knowledge is the most important "building material", which is the foundation for the development of cognitive interest.

Project type: Informative

Implementation timeline: Short term (1 week)

Project participants:




Objective of the project: formation of ideas about the properties of water; to expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, the role of water in human life and other living organisms, to cultivate a careful attitude to the natural resources of our planet.


1. Tell children about the importance of water in human life and other living organisms.

2. Introduce children to the basic properties of water by organizing experimental activities.

3. To instill the initial skills of research, cognitive activity, independence.

4. Increase the level of speech activity, mastery of experimental activities.

5. To enrich the stock of knowledge of parents about the role of experimentation in the development of thought processes, creative abilities, and in the formation of labor skills of preschoolers.

Project stages:


Topic selection;

Formulation of the problem;

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the research work;

The study of methodological literature;

Surveys of the level of development of cognitive interest in children;

Development of a project action plan.



Observations on walks;

Experimental games;

Reading fiction;

Working with parents.

The final stage:

Re-examination of children;

Final lesson on the topic "Witch - water";

Creation of a file cabinet "Experiments and experiments with water";

Creation of practical material for parents: memos, recommendations, booklets, consultations.

Forms of work:

Equipment in the experimentation and environmental research corner group;

Making a card index of entertaining experiments and experiments;

Conducting classes: The child and the world around him, Speech development, Modeling, Drawing, Application on the topic of the project;

Didactic games that contribute to the implementation of the project goal (“who needs water?” “Where is the water hidden?”, “Little men”, “good - bad”, “what would happen if ...”, “sinks-does not sink”);

Observations on walks of animate and inanimate nature; observations in a group of indoor plants;

Reading fiction: "The Journey of a Droplet",

“Little Men”, “The Story of the Water Cycle for Children” by S. Dobritskaya

Conversations: “What is water?”, “Where does water “live”?”, “What can water do?”; “The water cycle in nature”, “If there were no water”, “Why should water be saved?”

Experiments and experiments with water (“Disappearance of water”, “Appearance of water from air”, “Hide a toy in water”, “Filtration of water”, “Do all substances dissolve in water?”)

Experimental activities

within the framework of the project "Water and its properties"


Target: Show that water has no form, spills, flows.

take 2 glasses filled with water, as well as 2-3 objects made of solid material (cube, ruler, wooden spoon, etc.) determine the shape of these objects. Ask the question: “Does water have a form?”. Invite the child to find the answer on their own, pouring water from one vessel into another (cup, saucer, vial, etc.). Remember where and how puddles spill.


Water has no form, it takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured, that is, it can easily change shape.


Target : Lead the children to the generalization "clean water is transparent" and "dirty water is opaque."

Move: Prepare two jars or glasses of water and a set of small sinking objects (pebbles, buttons, beads, coins). Find out how the concept of "transparent" is learned: invite the child to find transparent objects in the room (glass, glass in the window, aquarium).

Give a task: prove that the water in the jar is also transparent (let the child put small objects into the glass and they will be visible).

Ask the question: “If you lower a piece of earth into the aquarium, will the water be as clear?”

Listen to the answers, then demonstrate by experience: put a piece of earth into a glass of water and stir. The water became dirty and cloudy. Objects lowered into such water are not visible. Discuss. Is the water always clear in an aquarium for fish, why does it become cloudy. Is the water clear in a river, lake, sea, puddle.

Conclusion: Clear water is clear, objects can be seen through it; cloudy water is opaque.


Target: Reveal the properties of water.

Take two glasses of water. In the first glass, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and stir well. Salt will dissolve in water.

In another glass, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and also stir.

Sugar will also dissolve in water.

Conclusion: salt and sugar dissolve in water.

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