Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich. Sergey Yesenin Life and work of Yesenin summary

Was born Sergey Yesenin October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, in the Ryazan region, in a family of wealthy peasants. While his father and mother were at work, Seryozha grew up in the house of his grandparents. It was the grandmother, according to the poet, who predetermined his future literary path. She knew a lot of fairy tales, songs, ditties - simple, even common Russian speech had a significant impact on Yesenin’s work.

The early years of the future poet

In 1904, Seryozha entered the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School to study, and then continued his studies at the church teacher’s school. In 1912, Yesenin went to Moscow to earn money. In Sytin’s printing house, Sergei works as an assistant proofreader: this occupation allows Yesenin to read a lot of books, during these years the future poet was literally absorbed in reading.

In 1913, Yesenin became a volunteer student at the Moscow People's University. Shanyavsky. A year later, having given up his studies and work, Sergei literally devoted himself entirely to poetry. In 1914, the Mirok magazine published the poet Yesenin for the first time.

The making of a poet

In 1915, young Sergei Yesenin arrives in Petrograd, he manages to get to Alexander Blok himself, who introduces him to fellow poets. So the peasant talent finds himself “at home” in the literary environment of Petrograd and soon publishes a collection of poems “Radunitsa”. In 1916, Yesenin was called up for military service, but Sergei Alexandrovich, one might say, did not get to the front. The poet was saved from possible death by the patronage of the Empress, who was a fan of Yesenin’s talent.

In 1918, Yesenin’s second book, “Dove,” was published. In the same year, the already widely known poet moved to Moscow, which became the new literary center of Russia.

20s, Moscow period of Yesenin’s creativity

In Moscow, Yesenin's fame reaches its apogee. The poet joins the Moscow group of imagists, publishes the collections “Treryadnitsa”, “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Poems of a Brawler”, “Moscow Kabatskaya”, and the poem “Pugachev”.

Yesenin travels a lot around the country: visits the Urals, Orenburg region, Central Asia, the Caucasus. A hasty marriage with the American dancer Isadora Duncan allowed the poet to visit Europe and the States.

In the book “Land of Scoundrels,” the poet speaks quite critically about Soviet leaders, which provokes a response from security forces. Accusatory articles about the rowdy and drunkard Yesenin are increasingly appearing in newspapers. This depresses the poet, but he finds the strength to continue creating. In 1925, the writer experienced a great creative upsurge, wrote a lot and tirelessly.

However, the song of the Russian nightingale ends abruptly and unexpectedly: on December 28, 1925, Sergei Alexandrovich is found dead in the Leningrad Angleterre Hotel. Until now, the circumstances of the poet’s death have not been clarified.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

The poems of this great poet are especially melodious. They flow like a song, and in every line you can feel a great love for your native places. What a pity that he left us so young! After all, how many soulful and sincere works he could still create!

Yesenin's biography is short, but very rich. He seemed to be in a hurry to live, anticipating that he didn’t have much time. The future poet with a subtle and very vulnerable soul was born in the Ryazan province on September 21, 1895. The peasants were his parents, but from early childhood he was raised by his grandfather, his mother's father. He was wealthy, enterprising and very smart, he loved church books. He instilled in the boy a love of his native nature and art.

Sergei Yesenin: brief biography

The poet's education consisted of four classes at a rural school and a church and teachers' school in Spas-Klepiki. In 1912 he moved to Moscow, where he got a job. Yesenin's biography is a short story about an active life, about following a dream. Along with working in a bookstore and printing house, he is involved in a literary and musical circle and attends lectures.

The young poet's publications appeared in Moscow publications in 1914. A year later, already in Petrograd, he met the best poets of that time: A. Blok. He was enthusiastically accepted into the literary environment of the then capital. And in 1916, “Radunitsa”, Sergei’s first collection, was published. Yesenin, whose brief biography is discussed in this article, served in the tsarist army. But even then he continued to publish his poems and poems.

Biography of Yesenin: a brief history of personal life

It is worth noting that women always paid attention to a handsome guy who knew how to speak lyrical and beautiful words. He had a common-law wife, Anna Izryadnova, who bore him a son, Yuri. From 1917 to 1921, Yesenin was married to actress Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich, with whom he had a son and daughter, as well as to the famous dancer. There were women with whom he had close friendships, short-term relationships. But none of them could save the poet from depression and loneliness.

Working hard on his poems, Yesenin traveled a lot around Russia and the world. His last family with Sofia Tolstoy, the granddaughter of the great writer, fell apart very quickly, as Sergei was constantly leaving, running away from himself and from the authorities. But the woman devoted her entire future life to the memory of the poet, collecting information about him, his works, and writing her memoirs.

The mysterious death of a poet

Yesenin's biography is short: it ended in the thirtieth year of his life. On that cold December morning (and the poet died on December 28, 1925), he was found hanged in a hotel room in the Leningrad establishment Angleterre. The fatal noose was attached to the pipe. The investigation came to a consensus: suicide, especially since a week earlier Yesenin had been treated in a mental hospital. However, much later, assumptions were made about the deliberate murder of the poet. But how it actually happened is not known for certain. And establishing the historical truth will not bring back a very talented person, albeit one with a very unsweetened character. Yesenin’s last refuge was a piece of land in Moscow.

Born September 21 (October 3), 1895 in the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, in a peasant family.

Education in Yesenin’s biography was received at the local zemstvo school (1904-1909), then until 1912 - in the class of a parochial school. In 1913 he entered the Shanyavsky City People's University in Moscow.

The beginning of a literary journey

In Petrograd, Yesenin reads his poems to Alexander Blok and other poets. He becomes close to the group of “new peasant poets”, and he himself becomes interested in this direction. After the publication of his first collections (“Radunitsa”, 1916), the poet became widely known.

In his lyrics, Yesenin could approach the description of landscapes psychologically. Another theme of Yesenin’s poetry is peasant Rus', the love for which is felt in many of his works.

Since 1914, Sergei Alexandrovich has been published in children's publications, writing poems for children (the poems "The Orphan", 1914, "The Beggar", 1915, the story "Yar", 1916, "The Tale of the Shepherd Petya...", 1925 .).

At this time, Yesenin gained real popularity; he was invited to various poetic meetings. Maxim Gorky wrote: “The city greeted him with the same admiration as a glutton greets strawberries in January. His poems began to be praised, excessively and insincerely, as hypocrites and envious people can praise.”

In 1918-1920, Yesenin became interested in imagism and published collections of poems: “Confession of a Hooligan” (1921), “Treryadnitsa” (1921), “Poems of a Brawler” (1923), “Moscow Tavern” (1924).

Personal life

After meeting dancer Isadora Duncan in 1921, Yesenin soon married her. Before that, he lived with A.R. Izryadnova (with her son Yuri), Z.N. Reich (son Konstantin, daughter Tatyana), N. Volpina (son Alexander). After his wedding with Duncan, he traveled around Europe and the USA. Their marriage turned out to be short - in 1923 the couple broke up, and Yesenin returned to Moscow.

Last years of life and death

In Yesenin’s subsequent work, Russian leaders were described very critically (1925, “Land of Scoundrels”). In the same year, the publication “Soviet Rus'” was published in Yesenin’s life.

In the fall of 1925, the poet married L. Tolstoy’s granddaughter, Sofya Andreevna. Depression, alcohol addiction, and pressure from the authorities were the reasons why his new wife placed Sergei in a psychoneurological hospital.

Then, in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, there was an escape to Leningrad. And on December 28, 1925, Yesenin’s death occurred, his body was found hanged in the Angleterre Hotel.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Option 2 is more condensed for a report or message in class.
  • Yesenin was well educated, read a lot, but did not know any languages. He could not speak English with his wife Isadora, and she could barely speak Russian. Living abroad, he communicated with foreigners with the help of an interpreter.
  • Yesenin became a father quite early - at the age of 18. The first child from a civil marriage with Anna Izryadnova was son Yuri, who was shot on false charges of attempting to kill Stalin in 1937.
  • Yesenin's ideological literary opponent was, of course, Mayakovsky, who belonged to the futurists. Poets could publicly disparage each other's work, but each had a high opinion of the other's talent.
  • The mystery of the poet’s death still remains unsolved. In addition to the suicide version, there is also an assumption of a politically motivated murder, which was staged as a suicide.
  • see all

Brief biography of Sergei Yesenin for children

The great poet of all times and peoples, Sergei Yesenin, remains in the memory not only of the Russian people, but also of the whole world, not only as a legendary creative personality, but also as a person of unprecedented beauty who knows how to break people’s hearts with lyrical and beautiful words. What especially attracts fans of his work is his unsurpassed gift of poetry. His masterpieces are like a musical stream that flows from the very heart and soul, in which one can trace a great love for the Motherland and its vast expanses. And how much regret and despair is caused by the fact that such a magnificent nature was able to devote herself to people for such a short time, because the heart contracts with pain, thinking about how many more creative treasures the poet could have given us if he had not left this world in the very the dawn of strength and talent.

Sergei Yesenin was born on September 21, 1895 in an ordinary peasant family and from a very early age had a subtle and vulnerable soul and temperament. His mother and father lived in the village of Konstantinova, but his maternal grandfather was in charge of raising him. It was he, being a wealthy and intelligent man who loved books, who taught the still very young Yesenin to love nature and art, which later became one of the main themes of his creative activity.

Yesenin’s biography is the life of an active and purposeful person. Despite his enormous talent and mental abilities, Yesenin had only four years of education at a rural school. In 1912, in search of work, he moved to the capital of our homeland, Moscow. The bookstore and printing house became his first place of work. At the same time, the poet actively attends musical literary societies and lectures.

In 1914, the first works of the young but talented poet saw the light when they began to be published in the capital's editorial offices. Just a year later, in the Northern capital of our country, he meets with S. Gorodetsky, A. Blok and Klyuev, who had a huge influence on Yesenin’s work. The literary life of the capital received him with love. Two years later, Sergei Yesenin releases his first collection of works entitled “Radunitsa”. He served in the tsarist army, but still devoted a lot of time to his creativity.

It is impossible to miss the fact that this man was a constant object of attention for women and enjoyed enormous popularity among them due to his beauty, both external and verbal. For some time, Sergei Yesenin lived in a civil marriage with Anna Izryadnova and they had a son, Yuri. In the period from 1917 to 1921 he led a family life with his wife Zinaida Reich. In this marriage he had a daughter and a son. Isadora Duncan, a well-known dancer, was his next wife. The poet's life was filled with loneliness and depression, despite the fact that he was constantly surrounded by female attention.

Sergei Yesenin visited many corners of not only his homeland, but also the world. During his travels he created numerous works. Dynamic life, travel, hiding from himself and from the authorities, destroyed his last marriage with Sofia Tolstoy, who was the granddaughter of the well-known writer. Although their family broke up, this woman continued to devote her life in the name of the poet’s memory and wrote a huge number of memoirs about him, which is definitely worth noting in Yesenin’s short biography.

Yesenin's biography is amazing, but rather short, because it ended in 1925, when he was only thirty years old. The last point of his wanderings and creative activity was the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

2Brief biography of S. Yesenin

Sergei Yesenin can rightfully be considered one of the most interesting and original poets of the Silver Age in Russian literature. His life and work are a series of bright, non-standard, and sometimes tragic events. Let's take a closer look at this extraordinary representative of the so-called “peasant poetry,” a new trend in Russian and Soviet literature of the 20th century.
born September 21 (October 3), 1895 in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan region, in the family of a simple peasant. Since 1904 to 1909 studied at the local zemstvo school. Then his parents sent him to a church teacher’s school, located thirty kilometers from Konstantinov, in the village of Spas-Klepiki. Some of the graduates of this school successfully passed the exam and became teachers of the parish school, some managed to enter secondary educational institutions, while the majority went to the city and became workers.
After finishing school in 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow to live with his father A.N. Yesenin, who worked as a clerk in the store of merchant Krylov. But soon the aspiring wayward poet quit his job. Having quarreled with his father over this and being left without work and without means of living, he was forced to temporarily return to his village. But already in March 1913. the young man returns to Moscow and goes to work at the printing house of I.D. Sytin as an assistant proofreader, as they called it a “reader.” At the same time, S. Yesenin studies at the Shanyavsky People's University, at the Faculty of History and Philosophy. By that time, it was the only free university of culture in Russia, where progressive-minded professors gave lectures.

And already in 1914, for the first time, the young poet published his poems in the children's magazine Mirok. But those magazines in which Yesenin’s poems were published did not satisfy him and did not allow him to enter the first ranks of writers. Therefore, he moved to Petrograd, where in a fairly short time he was able to gain great fame and became a fashionable poet. Here he meets A. Blok, who had a noticeable influence on the young Yesenin. And in 1916 The collection of poems “Radunitsa” was published, which brought fame to the poet. At this time, the formation and improvement of the poet takes place.
In 1918 S. Yesenin returns to Moscow again. In 1919 becomes a member of a small literary association of imagist poets. It was a group of decadent character. Imagists organized poetry performances and published their books. They opened a literary cafe (“Pegasus Stall” on Tverskaya Street), which helped them earn a living. During this period, Yesenin published the following collections: “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Poems of a Brawler”, etc.
In 1921 Yesenin meets the famous dancer Isadora Duncan, marries her and leaves in 1922. abroad. They traveled through Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, and visited the USA. But the poet, having gone abroad and not knowing foreign languages, felt lonely. Therefore, in August 1923. he returned to Moscow again. Later he made a trip to the Caucasus, which was reflected in the collection of poems “Persian Motives,” one of the poet’s best works.
At this time, decadent motives were also observed in the poet’s work. He writes the collection “Moscow Tavern” in 1924. Yesenin is accused of hooliganism, indecent behavior and courage, drunkenness, and scandals. Summer 1925 Yesenin is trying to somehow improve his life, start a family. But his marriage to Leo Tolstoy’s granddaughter, Sophia, turns out to be short-lived. And December 28, 1925 in the Leningrad Hotel Angleterre, in a state of depression, Sergei Yesenin committed suicide.

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