The name of the planet earth in ancient times. Why does planet earth spin?

Today no one has any doubts about the fact that the Earth rotates both around its axis and around the Sun, our natural luminary. This is an absolute and proven fact, but why does the Earth spin the way it does? We will look into this issue today.

Why does the Earth spin on its axis?

We will start with the very first question, which is the nature of the independent rotation of our planet.

And the answer to this question, like many other questions about the secrets of our universe, is the Sun. It is the impact of the Sun's rays on our planet that sets it in motion. If we delve a little deeper into this issue, it is worth noting that the sun's rays warm the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the planet, which are set in motion during the heating process. This movement is what makes the Earth move.

As for the answer to the question of why the Earth rotates counterclockwise and not clockwise, there is no factual confirmation of this fact as such. However, it is worth noting that most bodies in our solar system rotate precisely in a counterclockwise direction. That is why this condition also affected our planet.

In addition, it is important to understand that the Earth rotates counterclockwise only if its movement is observed from the north pole. In the case of observations from the south pole, rotations will occur differently - clockwise.

Why does the Earth revolve around the Sun

As for the more global issue related to the rotation of our planet around its natural star, we examined it in as much detail as possible within the framework of the corresponding article on our website. However, in short, the reason for this rotation is the law of universal gravitation, which acts in Space as on Earth. And it lies in the fact that bodies with greater mass attract less “weighty” bodies. Thus, the Earth is attracted to the Sun and rotates around the star due to its mass, as well as acceleration, moving strictly along the existing orbit.

Why does the Moon revolve around the Earth

We have also already considered the nature of rotation of the natural satellite of our planet, and the reason for such movement is of a similar nature - the law of universal gravitation. The Earth, of course, has more mass than the Moon. Accordingly, the Moon is attracted to the Earth and moves along its orbit.

Recently, on a trolleybus, I had the opportunity to ride opposite a mother who was reading a colorful encyclopedia to her five or six-year-old son. The boy, looking at the cars passing by, listened rather abstractly, not either because this story was familiar to him, or because he was not very interested in the structure of the solar system...

But suddenly, turning sharply to his mother, the boy asked:

Why is everything called Earth?

Mom was taken aback and asked again:

That is, what is all this called Earth?

Well, ordinary earth is “earth,” and a planet is Earth,” the little son tried to explain to his dull mother.

It was clear that the woman was confused, but not for long:

Because our planet is covered with earth, she soon found a saving explanation.

“Ah-ah,” the young “why” drawled understandingly.

But literally a couple of seconds later, my mother, overjoyed at the easy discovery of an answer, heard:

It is not all covered with earth, but also with asphalt, and deserts with camels, and ice with penguins, and water. You said that there is more water on our planet than...

Oh, what a pity that the trolleybus pulled up to my stop, and I didn’t listen to the word the kid chose, meaning land, and I didn’t hear his mother’s answer. And yet it is interesting why such different concepts as land, soil and our planet bear the same name. Let's try to figure it out, maybe not only my fellow traveler will need the answer to this, albeit childish, but very difficult question.

In astrology, the Latin name “Terra” is usually used. Its translation is also ambiguous. Firstly, this is the “firmament” (the territory of the ancestors, created by God). The second meaning is “clay”, from which, as the Bible says, the first man was created. And, finally, “soil” capable of feeding this very person.

The English-speaking population of our planet has its own name – Earth (from the Anglo-Saxon “erda”), but together with “earth” (already a common noun), “soil” or “ground” is more often used in the meaning of “soil”, and in the meaning of “land” " - "land". Why did our ancestors, who lived several tens of thousands of years ago, call the Earth Earth?

The roots of the Russian name “Earth” go back to the Proto-Indo-European language, in which part of the word “zem” meant “bottom” or “flatness”. Of course, the same plane resting on three elephants, whales or a giant turtle.

The astronomical sign of planet Earth is a circle with a cross on top (a kind of power) or a cross in the center of the circle. In different cultures, this symbol is somewhat different, but is invariably deified and associated with the mother goddess or the goddess of fertility. That is why the name of our planet is consonant with both its fertile cover and the name of new land areas that can become cultivated arable lands in the skillful hands of man.

There is another interpretation, which is determined by the meaning of the first letter of the name “Z”, which was a symbol of fire among our distant ancestors even in pre-Christian times, and the meaning of the part of the word “eat”, common in the adjective “capacious”, the verb “eat” and the noun “ water". That is, “Earth” means receiving (an outdated word, which in translation means “absorbing into itself”) fire. It is easy to guess that against the backdrop of lifeless cold planets, unable to absorb the life-giving forces of solar fire and light, the Earth stood out favorably and could not be called any other way. Another question is how our ancestors, who had neither powerful telescopes nor knowledge about the structure of the Universe, were able to name our planet so accurately? Or did they know all this, despite the lack of means of technical progress? As for “earth” in the meaning of “soil”, everything here can also be easily explained. Without absorbing heat, the soil will remain a lifeless desert covering of the planet, and when saturated with the heat of the sun, it can easily warm a seed or seed from which a sprout will reach towards the light...

Who? And why?
That's what the wiki writes:
The name Earth was formed from the common Slavic ancient root “zem-”, which meant bottom, floor, earth.

In English, Earth is Earth. The name comes from the 8th century Anglo-Saxon word erda, which meant earth or ground. In Old English the word became eorthe and then in Middle English it became erthe. Earth was first used as a name for the planet around 1400. In English, it is the only name for the planet that was not taken from Greco-Roman mythology.

The standard astronomical sign for the Earth is a cross outlined in a circle. This symbol has been used in different cultures for different purposes. Another version of the symbol is a cross on top of a circle (), a stylized orb; used as an early astronomical symbol for planet Earth.

In many cultures, the Earth is deified. She is associated with a goddess, a mother goddess, called Mother Earth, and is often depicted as a fertility goddess.

The Aztecs called the Earth Tonantzin - “our mother.” For the Chinese, this is the goddess Hou-Tu (), similar to the Greek goddess of the Earth - Gaia. In Norse mythology, the Earth goddess Jord was the mother of Thor and the daughter of Annar. In ancient Egyptian mythology, unlike many other cultures, the Earth is identified with a man - the god Geb, and the sky with a woman - the goddess Nut.

In many ancient cultures, the Earth was considered flat; for example, in the culture of Mesopotamia, the world was represented as a flat disk floating on the surface of the ocean. Assumptions about the spherical shape of the Earth were made by Greek philosophers; Pythagoras adhered to this point of view. In the Middle Ages, most Europeans believed that the Earth was spherical, which was attested to by thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas. Before the advent of space flight, judgments about the spherical shape of the Earth were based on the observation of secondary features and on the similar shape of other planets.

Technological progress in the second half of the 20th century changed the general perception of the Earth. Before space flight, the Earth was often depicted as a green world. Science fiction writer Frank Paul may have been the first to depict a cloudless blue planet (with land clearly visible) on the back of the July 1940 issue of Amazing Stories magazine.

In 1972, the crew of Apollo 17 took the famous photograph of the Earth, called “Blue Marble.”

A photograph of the Earth taken in 1990 by Voyager 1 from a huge distance from it (6 billion kilometers (circled in blue)) prompted Carl Sagan to compare the planet with a pale blue dot.

We managed to take a picture [from outer space], and if you look closely at it, you can see a dot. That's her. This is our house. This is us. Everyone you know, everyone you love, everyone you've ever heard of, every person ever born has lived here. Here are all our joys and misfortunes, thousands of true beliefs, ideologies and economic doctrines. Every hunter and gatherer, every hero and coward, every founder and destroyer of civilizations, every monarch and commoner, every young lover, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every spiritual guide, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every dignitary, every saint and every sinner of the human race lived here - on this speck of dust hanging in the rays of sunlight.

The earth is only a tiny part of the vast outer space. Remember the rivers of blood shed by countless generals and emperors in order to conquer a small part of this point with triumph for some moments. Remember the cruelties committed by the inhabitants of one part of the point on the inhabitants of its other part. How difficult it is for them to achieve understanding, how easily they kill each other, how their hatred boils. Our principles, our conviction of our own importance, the belief that we play some exceptional role in the universe - all this is overshadowed by a pale dot in the photograph.

Our planet is a lonely grain of sand, shrouded in the endless darkness of space. From this darkness - from this infinity - we have nowhere to wait for help, no one to save us from ourselves. We must do this ourselves. Someone said that astronomy teaches humility - and I will add that it builds character. I believe that this image of our tiny world only truly shows how dangerous human vanity is. This photo emphasizes how important it is to learn to treat each other with kindness and compassion, how necessary it is to protect and care for this pale blue dot - the only home we have.

The Earth was also compared to a large spaceship with a life support system that needed to be maintained, or the Earth's biosphere was described as one large organism.

But, you understand, I’m also interested in something else. Since when did the word “Earth” become the official name of our planet? Who suggested it? Who approved? Who wrote and prescribed to everyone that this is now the case?

We live in a world in which everything seems so familiar and established that we never think about why the things around us are named that way. How did the objects around us get their names? And why was our planet called “Earth” and not otherwise?

First, let’s find out how names are given now. After all, astronomers discover new things, biologists find new plant species, and entomologists find insects. They also need to be given a name. Who is dealing with this issue now? You need to know this to find out why the planet was called “Earth”.

Toponymy will help

Since our planet is a geographical object, let’s turn to the science of toponymy. She studies place names. More precisely, she studies the origin, meaning, and development of the toponym. Therefore, this amazing science is in close interaction with history, geography and linguistics. Of course, there are situations when the name, for example, of a street, is given just like that, by accident. But in most cases, toponyms have their own history, sometimes going back centuries.

The planets will give the answer

When answering the question of why the Earth was called Earth, we must not forget that our home is He is part of the planets of the solar system, which also have names. Perhaps, by studying their origins, it will be possible to find out why the Earth was called Earth?

Regarding the most ancient names, scientists and researchers do not have an exact answer to the question of how exactly they arose. Today there are only numerous hypotheses. Which of them is correct - we will never know. As for the names of the planets, the most common version of their origin is this: they are named after the ancient Roman gods. Mars - the Red Planet - received the name of the god of war, who cannot be imagined without blood. Mercury, the fastest planet, revolving faster than others around the Sun, owes its name to the lightning-fast messenger of Jupiter.

It's all about the gods

To what deity does the Earth owe its name? Almost every nation had such a goddess. The ancient Scandinavians - Jord, the Celts - Echte. The Romans called her Tellus, and the Greeks called her Gaia. None of these names are similar to the current name of our planet. But, answering the question of why the Earth was called Earth, let us remember two names: Yord and Tellus. They will still be useful to us.

Voice of Science

In fact, the question of the origin of the name of our planet, with which children so love to torment their parents, has interested scientists for a long time. Many versions were put forward and smashed to smithereens by opponents, until a few remained that were considered the most probable.

In astrology, it is customary to use the name of planets. And in this language, the name of our planet is pronounced as Terra(“earth, soil”). In turn, this word goes back to the Proto-Indo-European ters meaning “dry; dry". Along with Terra the name is often used to refer to the Earth Tellus. And we have already encountered it above - this is what the Romans called our planet. Man, as an exclusively land-based creature, could name the place where he lives only by analogy with the earth, the soil under his feet. It is also possible to draw analogies with the biblical tales about God’s creation of the earth’s firmament and the first man, Adam, from clay. Why was the Earth called Earth? Because for humans it was the only habitat.

Apparently, it was on this principle that the current name of our planet appeared. If we take the Russian name, then it comes from the Proto-Slavic root land-, which means “low”, “bottom”. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in ancient times people considered the Earth to be flat.

In English the name of the Earth sounds like Earth. It comes from two words - erthe And eorthe. And those, in turn, descended from the even more ancient Anglo-Saxon erda(remember how the Scandinavians called the goddess of the Earth?) - “ground” or “soil”.

Another version of why the Earth was called Earth says that man was able to survive only thanks to agriculture. It was after the advent of this activity that the human race began to develop successfully.

Why is the Earth called the nurse?

The Earth is a huge biosphere inhabited by diverse life. And all living things that exist on it feed on the Earth. Plants take the necessary microelements from the soil, insects and small rodents feed on them, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. People are engaged in agriculture and grow wheat, rye, rice and other types of plants necessary for life. They raise livestock that eat plant foods.

Life on our planet is a chain of interconnected living organisms that do not die only thanks to the Earth-nurse. If a new ice age begins on the planet, the likelihood of which scientists have again begun to talk about after unprecedented cold this winter in many warm countries, then the survival of humanity will be in doubt. The ice-bound land will not be able to produce a harvest. This is a disappointing forecast.

Not a single person on our planet has probably thought about why it was called “Earth” and when this happened. Everyone repeats - “earth”, “earthlings”, “mother earth”, “cheese-earth”...

But other languages ​​of the world also have this name, and few people thought about what it means. For example, in Romance languages ​​the name sounds like "Terra". What does it mean? Territory? Terrain? Nobody knows anymore why the entire globe became this “Terra”, “Earth”...

All planets in the solar system have different names. They are named after the ancient Greek and Roman gods, who, in fact, were not gods at all, but only impostors who escaped from the dying Atlantis. But they called themselves gods and began to rule the Earth. And the post-flood people, trying to please them and not anger them, named the heavenly bodies by their names. And only the Earth was not named after those who called themselves gods.

When was the planet called “Earth”? People think it's always been called that way. But it turns out that this is not at all the case. And behind all this lies a very important thing hidden from people. In ancient times, before the Great Biblical Flood, before the existence of Atlantis, at the very beginning of the Lemurian civilization, our planet was called completely differently. And not only because that language was completely different. The meaning of the name of our planet was different.

What do we mean by the word "earth" now? Our planetary ball and soil, soil - and nothing more. At first glance, its name does not convey any qualities of our planet. But maybe this quality has simply been forgotten? Maybe someone erased him from our memory?

But let’s return to what the name of our planet meant in the era of Lemuria. If translated literally, it means “Divine gift.” In Ancient Hyperborea, which became the successor of Lemuria, this name sounded like “Radaga”. "Ra" - deity, "da" - gift or giver, giver, "ga" - existence, being. Since those time immemorial, this word has come down to us, and in our Slavic Russian language it sounds like “rainbow”. True, it began to denote the phenomenon of multi-color refraction of sunlight. The fact is that in ancient times our planet from space seemed multi-colored and rainbow-colored. This quality of color gets its name from the name of the planet.

As we now say “lilac”, meaning lilac flowers, although in fact even this word has much more distant roots and does not mean the well-known flowers, but the star Sirius, or rather, the planet revolving around it, which has an atmosphere of the corresponding color. It was the aliens from this planet, called the Sirians, who founded Ancient Hyperborea. Lilac became their color. And the root “sir” later remained in the languages ​​of the earth as a designation of something royal. After all, even in France they called the king that way. That is, it was an epithet denoting equality with the gods who came from Sirius. Similar ancient stories accompany many words in our languages.

But why is the word “rainbow” preserved only as the name of an atmospheric phenomenon? Why did our planet suddenly begin to be called differently? And the whole point is that in those distant times, the greatest catastrophe happened to our planet. This was before the biblical flood. It was at that time that the continent of Lemuria perished. Our planet survived a monstrous collision with a small but very heavy space object. It was a wandering planet, born in the black galaxy of the antiworld. It was inhabited by dense and ethereal serpents - and dragon-like entities of darkness.

Literally translated, it was called the “Great Serpent.” The collision was accompanied by a catastrophe on a cosmic scale, when this planet, like a cannonball, burst into the boundaries of our galaxy, and the Solar system met on its way. The monstrous planet smashed the ancient Phaeton to pieces. At the same time, it split into two parts. Shifted Mars from its orbit and stripped its atmosphere. And then one of its fragments rammed our planet and went deep into its bowels. And the other one did the same with Venus. The remaining fragments of the devilish planet for a long time became the antiplanets of our solar system, which were later called Marduk and Nemesis...

But let's return to our planet. The fragment of the Great Serpent brought with it the greatest destruction, the flooding of Lemuria and the settlement of our planet with entities of darkness. Time passed, and these entities took root among us. In addition to etheric bodies, they began to create physical bodies for themselves, and the era of dinosaurs began. Our planet has become a snake planet, a reptoid planet. Only a small colony of Lemurians managed to survive in these conditions and preserve knowledge, until bright teachers arrived from Sirius and founded Hyperborea. At that time, as we have already said, snakes ruled. And they called their new homeland the place of Snakes. Literally - “the planet lying under the snakes,” that is, conquered by them.

Listen to the word "Earth". It has ancient, Hyperborean roots. "La" means "lying", "lying". And in the word “zem” you just have to swap two letters and you get “snake”. Here is the decoding of the modern Russian name for our planet. If you dig deeper, the syllable “ze” can be found in the word “zev”. In ancient languages ​​it meant “absorption”, “mouth”. And absorption is a sign of minus energies. Thus, in the name of the planet, the dark forces immediately put the code that it would be negative, that is, it would belong to the forces of darkness.

Now let's turn to other languages. The origins of the Romance word “terra” go to the language of the Atlanteans, who arrived (a little later than the teachers from Sirius) from the neighboring planet from which the ancestors of the Hyperboreans arrived. Thus, their homeland is also the Sirius system. But the sound range of their language was different. Arriving on our planet, they heard about its name, the one given by the snakes, and literally translated it into their language. The result was “Terra,” which later migrated to the Romance languages. So that's why a place for snakes is called a "terrarium". People remember the meaning of this word, but they have forgotten the meaning of “terra”.

And all this happened due to the fact that the dark entities and their hierarchs were very strong and managed to erase the true meaning of words from people’s memory. They did it so cunningly that even after the era of the Teachers, which ended with the biblical flood, our planet again began to be called “Earth”, “Terra” and other meanings of this word translated into different languages. That is why in the minds of people the Earth has become something base. The earth is dirt, it is black. And the ground, the soil, had a black color. So it began to be called earth.

We say “like heaven and earth,” meaning by earth everything is the same - the most low-lying and dirty. And the underworld began to be compared with death, which means that the dead needed to go there, and not burn, as before, on funeral pyres, i.e. to go not into fire and light for a new rebirth, but into the dark underworld, into the grave. This is what the dominance of dark forces on our planet has led to. But let's listen to our words again. Now we know what "terra" is. We can grasp the dark meaning of this word, unfortunately, in the now familiar words “terrorism”, “terror”, “tyrant”, “tyranny”... This also includes the ancient lizard flying pterodactyl.

As you can see, the meaning, barely perceptible to our consciousness, is visible in all these words. And now the German word "erde". Listen to how consonant it is with our word “deathbed”. We say - "lying on his deathbed." Those. very soon it will go into the ground. And to this day we continue to call our planet the planet of snakes and death. This is all due to the fact that dark entities continued to live both in the underground kingdom, called “hell,” and in the bodies of people who did evil. The code for the name "Earth" worked for them. He made them masters of life, because the planet “lay under them,” which means that all light people were automatically considered conquered, slaves and servants of dark people and the hierarchs embodied in them. That is why evil could not be defeated. It took its roots too deeply, so deeply that it gave people the idea of ​​its necessity and usefulness - the idea of ​​​​the balance of good and evil.

And now, in the era of Transition, the Higher Powers are doing a colossal job of removing the laws of the dark world. They removed an energy record from the information field about the meaning of the word "earth". But still, people need to return to the original name of their planet. Our planet is called "Rainbow" or Divine Gift. It is under this name that other civilizations of the Cosmos will know it when our Transition is completely completed...

KOLOSYUK Lyubov Leontievna


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