What kind of Russia are we building? Vladimir Putin addressed the annual message to the Federal Assembly The main message of the President to the Federal Assembly

For the first time, Putin read out his message to the Federal Assembly not in the Kremlin, but in the Manege exhibition hall. His speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause.

About Russia's achievements

We have gone through large-scale, difficult transformations, coped with completely new and very complex economic and social challenges, maintained the unity of the country, and established ourselves as a democratic society on a free, independent path.

About the main threat

We must concentrate all our resources, gather all our strength into a fist, and show the will for daring, effective work. If we don’t do this, there will be no future for us, our children, or our country. And the question is not that someone will come, seize and destroy our land. No, that's not the point at all. It is the lag that is the main threat and our enemy.

About people's well-being

For the first time in modern history, we were able to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence level. This norm will come into effect on May 1, 2018, which will have a positive impact on the incomes of about four million people. This is an important step, but not a fundamental solution to the problem. We need to seriously update our employment structure.

On improving living conditions

Last year, dear colleagues, about a million mortgage loans were issued. In December, the average rate in rubles dropped below 10 percent for the first time. We argued for a long time about what number to name from this podium. But we should certainly strive for 7 percent, that’s for sure.

About property tax

It is necessary to clarify the mechanisms for calculating tax, as well as determining the cadastral value of real estate. In any case, it should not exceed the real market value. All decisions must be made as quickly as possible in the first half of this year.

About demographic trends

Our demographic policy has proven its effectiveness. And we continued and expanded it. We extended the maternity capital program and provided targeted payments for the birth of the first, second and third children. Over five years, over half a million families with children will be able to improve their living conditions with the help of preferential mortgages. A program to update children's clinics and children's outpatient departments in hospitals is also being launched.

In general, over the next six years we will need to allocate at least 3.4 trillion rubles for demographic development measures and for the protection of motherhood and childhood.

About supporting the older generation

We will also strive to reduce the gap between the size of the pension and the salary that a person had before retirement. And of course, we need to improve the quality of medical and social services for older people and help those who are lonely and find themselves in difficult life situations.

About GDP

Russia must not only firmly gain a foothold in the top five largest economies in the world, but also increase its per capita GDP by one and a half times by the middle of the next decade. This is a very difficult task. I am confident that we are ready to solve this problem.

About life expectancy

Life expectancy has increased by more than seven years and is 73 years. But this, of course, is not enough. Today we must set ourselves a goal of a fundamentally new level. By the end of the next decade, Russia should confidently enter the club of “80 plus” countries, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years.

About the spatial development program

I propose to launch a large-scale program for the spatial development of Russia, including the development of cities and other populated areas, and to at least double spending for these purposes in the next six years.

About roads

In total, over the next six years it is necessary to practically double the costs of construction and improvement of Russian highways, and to allocate more than 11 trillion rubles from all sources for these purposes.

About the universal accessibility of the Internet

By 2024, we will provide almost universal fast Internet access. The construction of fiber-optic communication lines will be completed to most settlements with a population of more than 250 people, and remote, small settlements of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East will receive stable access through the Russian satellite network.

About healthcare

In 2019–2024, an average of more than 4 percent of GDP will need to be spent annually on the development of the healthcare system from all sources. But we should certainly strive for 5 percent. In absolute terms, this would mean that overall health spending would have to double.

About the national program to combat cancer

Almost each of us has relatives, friends, and relatives who have suffered from this misfortune - cancer. I propose to implement a special nationwide program to combat cancer.

About environmental issues

It is difficult to talk about a long and healthy life if millions of people are still forced to drink water that does not meet standards. We have now tightened environmental requirements for enterprises, which will certainly reduce industrial emissions.

We have "stepped up to the plate" many times, and industry representatives keep citing the difficulties they face. That's it, there is nowhere to retreat further. I want everyone to know: there will be no more postponements.

About the program of cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions

I propose to launch a program to create cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions. Why keep so many works of art in storage? These should be real centers of cultural life.

About early career guidance for schoolchildren

I propose to launch a project for early career guidance for schoolchildren, “Ticket to the Future,” starting with the new school year. It will allow the children to try themselves in business, in their future profession in the leading companies of the country. Already this year we are allocating 1 billion rubles for this initiative.

About science and attracting new personnel

I propose to create the most convenient and attractive conditions for talented young people from other countries to come to study at our universities. They are coming. But we need to create conditions so that the best foreign graduates of our universities remain to work in Russia. This fully applies to foreign scientists and qualified specialists. I believe that it is necessary to seriously improve the procedure for granting citizenship of the Russian Federation.

About the development of the agro-industrial complex

I would like to once again thank the agricultural workers for the record [grain] harvest in the entire history of the country - 134 million tons. Note that this is more than the record harvest in the Soviet Union.

About government services

We need to move forward, within six years to ensure the provision of almost all government services in real time, using remote services.

About corruption

I must say and I have no right not to say this: the vast majority of people who work in the management system are honest, decent and result-oriented people.

On ensuring the security of Russia

The equipment of the Armed Forces with modern weapons has increased 3.7 times. More than 300 new types of military equipment have been put into service. A continuous radar field of a missile attack warning system has been created along the perimeter of Russia’s borders (very important!).

About the missile defense system

All these years after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the ABM Treaty, we have been working hard on advanced equipment and weapons. This allowed us to take a rapid, big step in creating new types of strategic weapons.

As you understand, no one in the world has anything like it yet. Someday it will probably appear, but during this time our guys will come up with something else.

About weapons

We have begun developing a new generation of rockets. In particular, at present, the Ministry of Defense, together with enterprises of the rocket and space industry, has begun the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it "Sarmat".

But we didn't stop there. We have begun to develop new types of strategic weapons that do not use ballistic flight trajectories at all when moving towards a target, which means that missile defense systems are useless and simply pointless in the fight against them.

I can say that Russia has developed unmanned underwater vehicles capable of moving at great depths.

About the nuclear installation

In December 2017, a multi-year test cycle of an innovative nuclear power plant to equip this autonomous uninhabited vehicle was fully completed. The nuclear installation has uniquely small dimensions and at the same time an ultra-high power supply. With a volume 100 times less than that of modern nuclear submarine installations, it has greater power and 200 times less time to reach combat mode, that is, to maximum power.

About hypersonic weapons

The most important stage of modern weapons systems was the creation of a high-precision hypersonic aircraft-missile system, which, as you probably already understood, has no analogues in the world. His tests have been successfully completed.

The unique flight characteristics of the high-speed carrier aircraft make it possible to deliver the missile to the release point in a matter of minutes. At the same time, a missile flying at hypersonic speed, 10 times the speed of sound, also maneuvers in all parts of the flight path, which allows it to also be guaranteed to overcome all existing and, I think, promising air defense and missile defense systems, delivering to the target at range of more than two thousand kilometers nuclear and conventional warheads. We called this system "Dagger".

About the new missile system

A real technological breakthrough is the creation of a promising strategic missile system with fundamentally new combat equipment - a glide wing unit, the testing of which has also been successfully completed.

About laser weapons

Significant results have been achieved in the creation of laser weapons. And this is no longer just theory or projects, and not even just the start of production. Since last year, the troops have already received combat laser systems.

About aggressors

I hope that everything that has been said today will sober up any potential aggressor. We are not threatening anyone, we are not going to attack anyone, we are not going to take anything away from anyone at gunpoint: we have everything ourselves.

About officer personnel

Russia has a modern, compact, high-tech army, taking into account the vastness of our territory, the heart of which is an officer corps devoted to its Motherland, ready to make any sacrifice for its people. Equipment and weapons, even the most modern ones, will sooner or later appear in other armies of the world. This doesn’t bother us at all, we already have it and it will be even better. The main thing is different. They will never have such people, such officers as our guard pilot, Major Roman Filipov!

About the future of Russia

We walked, we walk and we will continue to follow our confident course. Challenges and big tasks fill our lives with special meaning. We need to be bold in our plans, deeds and actions, take initiative, responsibility, become stronger, and therefore benefit our family, children, the whole country, change the world, the life of the country for the better, create the Russia we dream about together .

Today the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly with a message on the state of affairs and outline the main strategic directions for the country's development in the near future. The announcement of the message will begin at 12:00 Moscow time ( at 14:00 Ural time; local time is indicated in the text). "OG" offers its readers a text broadcast.

This message will be the 24th in the modern history of Russia and the 14th personally for Vladimir Putin. This format of communication between the head of state and parliamentarians is prescribed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. For the first time, the head of state will deliver a message not in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, but in the Manege exhibition hall. As the Presidential Press Secretary previously noted Dmitry Peskov , this venue was chosen due to the fact that the list of invitees has been expanded, and during the president’s speech, screens will be used on which infographics will be shown.

More than a thousand guests were invited to the announcement of the message - members of the State Duma and the Federation Council, regional leaders, members of the government, the Central Election Commission, the Public and Accounts Chambers; More than 700 journalists are accredited. The event will be broadcast live by several federal TV channels.

As Andrei Alshevskikh, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Sverdlovsk region, told OG, a commission has already been created in the State Duma that will decide on the plans and timing for the implementation and adoption of those draft federal laws that will be aimed at implementing the tasks set by the President.

State Duma deputies who were present at the announcement of the Address have already outlined the main directions of work for themselves, some even shared their thoughts on social networks.

Vladimir Putin finished his speech and thanked his colleagues. The Anthem of the Russian Federation is played. This time the president's speech lasted 1 hour and 57 minutes.

Putin says that over the past almost 30 years the country has achieved changes that took other countries centuries.

We have walked, we are walking and we will continue to follow our confident course,” Putin sums up. - Our cohesion is the strongest basis for further development. Challenges and big tasks fill our lives with special meaning. We need to be bold in our plans, deeds, actions, take initiative, responsibility, become stronger, and therefore benefit our family, children, and the whole country. change the world, the life of the country for the better, create the Russia we dream about together. And then the coming decade, the entire 21st century, will become a time of our bright victories, our common success. I believe it will be so. Thank you!

At Vladimir Putin's headquarters in Yekaterinburg they are watching the broadcast of the Address. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

This allows us to build strong, kind, equal relations with the absolute majority of countries in the world,” says the President. - Russia participates in many international organizations: BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, we are promoting a positive agenda at the UN, APEC. If our positions do not coincide in some way, we remain partners, because together we are responsible for the most difficult challenges.

Putin says that despite peaceful intentions, Russia will take a tough approach to any use of nuclear weapons against Russia and its allies of small, medium, or whatever power.

We will consider it a nuclear attack on our country. The answer will be immediate and with all the ensuing consequences,” the president said.

Concluding the “military block” of his speech, Putin noted that all these weapons are not the legacy of the Soviet Union, but the latest developments of recent years, the result of the efforts of dozens of scientific organizations, design bureaus, and institutes. Putin calls the specialists who work there “heroes of our time” and thanks them for their highly productive work.

Much remains to be done in the field of military development, but today we can declare: in Russia, a modern, taking into account the vastness of our territory, a compact, high-tech army has been created, the heart of which is an officer corps devoted to its homeland, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of its people, said Vladimir Putin - Technology, weapons, even the most modern ones, will sooner or later appear in other armies of the world. We don’t care about this at all, we already have it, and it will be even better. The main thing is different. They will never have such people, such officers as our guard pilot, Major Roman Filippov!

The President also expressed the hope that “everything that was said today will sober up any potential aggressor, and unfriendly steps towards Russia will simply become meaningless for those who initiate and do it.”

Along with existing strategic weapons that are already on combat duty, which we are also improving, Russia receives a defense that will ensure its security for the long term, says Putin.

Putin, commenting on such a large block of statements about the country’s military power, emphasizes that, although in the early 2000s Russia remained and remains the largest nuclear power, no one really wanted to talk to us, no one listened to us. “Listen now,” he says.

After demonstrating the video of the Avangard system, Vladimir Putin said that “for obvious reasons, he cannot show the true appearance of the product - today this is of serious importance,” but assured that “the complex looks and works well.” According to him, a number of states are working on creating advanced weapons based on new physical principles - there is every reason to believe that Russia is one step ahead. — Of course, we will still be engaged in fine-tuning, developing, and improving our newest weapons systems. And today I did not talk about all of our achievements and promising developments. But that’s enough for today,” Putin said.

Particularly loud applause rang out in the hall, and many politicians began to smile.

It would seem that this should be the end of the demonstration of developments. “But that’s not all,” the president noted. After that, he presented a strategic missile system with fundamentally new combat equipment - a glide wing unit, the tests of which were also successfully completed. American and European partners were repeatedly informed about the complex.

After this, Putin, admitting that it was “embarrassing to quote myself,” recalled his 2004 statement that, given the qualitative and quantitative growth of the military potential of other states, Russia needs a breakthrough to have weapons and equipment of a new generation.

Another development that Vladimir Putin calls is a high-precision hypersonic aircraft-missile system; it also has no analogues in the world. The system is called "Dagger". According to the president, all the leading armies in the world strive to possess such ideal weapons for today, and Russia has such weapons.

The President noted that Russia is actively developing so-called hypersonic weapons:

Supersonic speed is measured in swings in honor of the Austrian scientist Ernst Mach, who carried out research in this field. One swing - 1062 km/h at an altitude of 11 km. One speed of sound is Mach 1. From 1 to 5 - supersonic, from 5 and more - hypersonic. Possession of such weapons provides serious advantages in the field of armed struggle. Its power and strength can be enormous, and its speed makes it invulnerable to today’s missile defense and air defense systems, since anti-missiles, to put it simply, simply cannot catch up with them. Dear friends, Russia has such weapons.


Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev shares a photo from the hall on Instagram. Next to him are State Duma deputies Andrei Vetluzhskikh and Sergei Chepikov.

Publication from Evgeniy Kuyvashev(@evgenykuyvashev) Mar 1, 2018 at 1:07 PST


The President emphasized that the country’s promising weapons systems are based on the latest unique achievements of scientists, designers, and engineers. One of them is the creation of a small-sized, super-powerful nuclear power plant, which is located in the body of a cruise missile; the flight range is practically unlimited. Shows the video again.


Putin continues the topic of Russia’s military potential and talks about new types of strategic weapons. Ballistic missile systems are equipped with modern protective systems, but there are also new types that do not use ballistic flight trajectories when moving towards the target, which means that missile defense systems are useless and simply pointless in the fight against them.

The president shows those present in the hall a video with the capabilities of our weapons.

The complex with a heavy intercontinental missile was called Sarmat - a threatening name given to it abroad. This missile system will replace the Voevoda complex, created back in the Soviet Union.


According to Vladimir Putin, all 15 years after the US withdrawal from the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Systems, Russia tried to return the Americans to discussing and reaching agreements in the field of strategic stability.

An important agreement was signed, however, during the implementation of plans for the construction of a global missile defense system, which continues today, all agreements within the framework of the agreement are gradually devalued, because with the reduction of warhead carriers, the number of interceptor missiles is simultaneously and uncontrollably increased by the United States, their quality characteristics are improved, and new positional positions are created areas, which, ultimately, if we do nothing, will lead to the complete depreciation of Russian nuclear potential,” said Vladimir Putin.

Despite our numerous protests and appeals, the American machine started working, the assembly line started moving. A missile defense system is already in operation in Alaska and California. As a result of NATO's expansion to the East, two missile defense areas appeared in Europe. It has already been created in Romania, and deployment is being completed in Poland.


Commenting on his position on the development of the armed forces, Vladimir Putin recalled the situation the country was in after the collapse of the USSR:

If we talk about national borders, we have lost 23.8 percent of territories, 48.5 percent of the population, 41 percent of the gross product, 39.4 percent of industrial potential. We lost almost half of our military potential due to the division of the USSR Armed Forces between the former union republics. The equipment was outdated, there was a civil war in the Caucasus, and American inspectors were at our leading uranium enrichment enterprises...


Another topic of the speech was Russian strategic weapons being created in response to the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the practical deployment of this system on the territory of the United States and beyond its national borders.

Even after the exit, we tried for a long time to establish a constructive dialogue with them, and proposed to establish joint work in this area to alleviate concerns and maintain an atmosphere of trust. At some point it seemed to me that a compromise could be found. But no. All our proposals - that is, all our proposals - were rejected. We stated then that we would be forced to improve modern strike systems to ensure our own security. In response, we were told that the United States is creating a global missile defense system not against Russia,” the president noted.


The number of contract servicemen has increased by 2.4 times, and the strength of the military forces has been increased to 100 percent, Putin says. Meanwhile, the waiting period for military housing has been reduced by 6 times.


12 missile regiments have been re-equipped with the new Yars missile system. The number of carriers of long-range precision weapons has increased by more than 12 times, and high-precision cruise missiles by more than 30 times.

All these are the latest high-tech weapons of recent times. “It is very important that a dense radar field of a missile attack warning system has been created along the perimeter of Russia’s borders,” Putin said.


The equipment of the Armed Forces with modern weapons has increased, according to Vladimir Putin, increased by 3.7 times. More than 300 new types of military equipment have been put into service. The strategic nuclear forces received 80 new intercontinental ballistic missiles, 102 ballistic missile submarines, and three strategic missile submarines.


A separate line of the report is about improving interaction between the state and society:

We have deployed a network of MFCs: a person anywhere in the country can receive services in a one-stop shop format. Within six years, it is necessary to ensure the development of services to such a level that they can be received in real time. In addition, it is necessary to transfer the document flow of government agencies into digital form - this will increase efficiency and combat corruption.


Putin draws attention to the need to ensure the advancement of personnel in all areas. The first “Leader of Russia” competition was held and a number of other projects are being implemented to support young workers, entrepreneurs, innovators, volunteers, schoolchildren, and students.

The President says that these projects must be continued:

I want to emphasize: for everyone who wants to work, prove themselves, is ready to honestly serve the fatherland and people, and achieve success, Russia will always be a country of opportunity,” he sums up.

The hall explodes with applause.


We moved on to supporting entrepreneurship.

Formally, the number of inspections is decreasing, but during meetings with businesses it turns out that there are no fundamental changes, says Putin.

According to the president, it is necessary to ensure that the appearance of controllers in enterprises becomes an exception. It is necessary to transfer the entire control and supervision system to a risk-based approach. Beginning entrepreneurs should be able to literally receive services and loans via the Internet, remotely, with just one click. Individual entrepreneurs and citizens who use such digital services should be exempted from reporting, and tax payment should be made an automatic transaction.


The President noted the need to support small farms and family farms and develop agricultural cooperation.

But both here and there problems arise due to the fact that people's interests are affected. You need to be careful about this. But I want to thank the agricultural workers for the record harvest in the entire history of the country - 134 million tons,” the head of state emphasized.


Putin said that the state's share in the economy should gradually decline.

Anything that allows unscrupulous, corrupt government officials and law enforcement officials to put pressure on business should be removed. The Criminal Code must cease to be a tool for resolving economic conflicts between legal entities. Such disputes need to be transferred to the administrative and arbitration plane,” he says.

The President instructed the working group on monitoring and analysis of law enforcement practice in the field of entrepreneurship with the participation of the Supreme Court, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, and representatives of the business community to prepare specific proposals.


Vladimir Putin outlined four sources of economic growth. The first is an increase in labor productivity on a new technological and managerial basis. He noted that labor productivity should grow at a rate of no less than 5 percent per year.

It is necessary to reach the level of the world's leading economies and develop the production of technically complex products. The second source of growth is increased investment. The task of bringing investments to 25-27 percent has not yet been solved, but it must be done.

The President is waiting for proposals from the new government and the Bank of Russia. Investments should go towards modernizing production. The third reserve is the development of small businesses. Its contribution to the country's GDP should approach 40 percent. Nowadays it is difficult for entrepreneurs to gain access to financial resources. The fourth source is the development of non-resource exports. It is necessary to remove all administrative barriers and create a most favored nation regime for those companies that operate and enter foreign markets.


According to Putin, if in the 2000s we were seriously dependent on imported food supplies, now the situation has changed dramatically. In just 4 years, Russia will supply more food to world markets than it imports into the country. Development is associated with large-scale commodity production, but this should not come to the detriment of small farms and the people who work in them. The authorities should support family businesses and farmers, develop agricultural cooperation, and create conditions for the development of rural industries.


President on inflation:

In 2015, inflation was almost 13%. Today, inflation has dropped to a record low - just over 2%. In Russia today, in fact, a new macroeconomic reality has been formed with low inflation and overall economic stability. For citizens, this is a condition for growing real incomes, reducing the cost of mortgages, for businesses, predictability in work and cheaper loans.

The head of state instructed the Antimonopoly Service to monitor the rise in prices for essential goods - so far, prices for a number of goods have exceeded prices.


The performance lasts exactly one hour. This is not a record yet.


The President noted that in order to find funds for the development of education, healthcare and other areas, it is necessary to clearly set priorities and increase the efficiency of public spending, and more energetically attract private resources to finance large projects. The government will also have to create new tax conditions as quickly as possible.

We need an economy with growth rates above the world's. Not an easy task, but this is not a wish, but a basic condition,” said Vladimir Putin.


The President praised Russian youth. Last year, schoolchildren won 38 medals at international competitions.

We are already proving our leadership,” he said.

Putin noted that we are ready for our youth not to go abroad, but, on the contrary, for talented youth from other countries to come to study at our universities.

They come, but we need to create conditions so that the best graduates stay to work with us. This also applies to the best foreign specialists and scientists. It is necessary to simplify the procedure for granting citizenship of the Russian Federation. The focus should be on those who the country needs - young, healthy, well-educated people. For them, it is necessary to create a simplified system for obtaining Russian citizenship,” the head of state explained.

The President called for modernizing the vocational education system as soon as possible and achieving qualitative changes in the training of students. First of all, this concerns advanced areas of technological development. It is also necessary to create an applied bachelor's degree level in those blue-collar professions that actually require engineering education, as well as to organize centers for advanced professional retraining.


During his address, Vladimir Putin mentioned Yekaterinburg as one of the cities where scientific and educational centers are being formed that will integrate the capabilities of universities, academic institutes, and high-tech companies.

It is necessary to quickly formulate a legal basis for the work of international research teams in Russia, and powerful scientific and educational centers should become fully operational,” he said.

By the way, in Yekaterinburg, volunteers of the election headquarters and everyone could watch his message in the company of the President’s authorized representatives - Anastasia Nemets and Yuri Sudakov, as well as the vice-speaker of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly Viktor Sheptiya.

Victor Sheptiy and Anastasia Nemets. Photo: Alexey Kunilov


Vladimir Putin emphasizes that the country has every opportunity to quickly implement fifth-generation data networks and Internet of Things communication technologies. Now we need to create our own digital platforms compatible with the global information space.

It is very important, according to Putin, to support high-tech companies, build a favorable environment for start-ups, and quickly introduce new developments into production. We are talking about convenient infrastructure, comfortable tax regimes, intellectual property protection, technical regulation and venture financing.


The school must respond to the challenges of the time, then the country will be ready to respond to them. Putin said that our primary school is already one of the strongest in the world. Putin promised to support teachers focused on professional growth. And he added that it is necessary to build an open, modern system for the selection and training of management personnel and school principals.

Vladimir Putin noted that an important task today is the development of mentoring. - Only in this way, by combining advanced knowledge and moral foundations, ensuring genuine partners and mutual understanding of the generation, we can be strong.


Now about culture. The President proposed creating a program for the development of culture, creating theater and choreographic schools, and opening exhibition spaces where the country's leading museums could present their collections.

Well, why keep so many works of art in storage? - said the head of state. He also noted that the first such project will be implemented in Vladivostok.


Putin reminded officials that 2018 has been declared the year of the volunteer in Russia, and that authorities at all levels should provide assistance to volunteers.


According to Putin, nature reserves and national parks should be made available for economic tourism - this is important for instilling a careful, responsible attitude towards nature.

The President emphasized that about 22 thousand landfills have now been identified in Russia. First of all, he said, it is necessary to eliminate landfills in cities.


From medicine we smoothly moved to ecology:

It is difficult to talk about a long healthy life if millions of people are still forced to drink water that does not meet standards, or black snow falls. From 2019, 300 industrial enterprises that have a significant negative impact on the environment must switch to environmentally friendly technologies, and from 2021, all enterprises with a high category of environmental risk must do this, the president said.


Vladimir Putin proposed creating a nationwide program to combat cancer.

Colleagues, almost all of us have friends and relatives who have faced cancer. It is necessary to modernize oncology centers and build a diagnostic system. All key indicators need to be achieved at the highest level.


According to the head of state, medicine should focus on the most modern standards and annually contribute more than 4 percent of GDP. “The total amount of expenses needs to be doubled, and additional opportunities for financing must be found,” Putin said. - I would like to thank the doctors, paramedics, nurses, they, like teachers, educators, cultural workers, rely on a lot.

Vladimir Putin also emphasized that public sector employees must receive decent wages - this work must be continued.


The President instructed to ensure, and where necessary, restore step-by-step accessibility in primary healthcare. According to him, this should have been done from the very beginning, when the transformation was carried out.

In settlements with a population of 100 to 2,000 people, medical and obstetric centers and medical laboratories must be created within three years, and for settlements where less than 100 people live, mobile medical complexes and off-road vehicles with all the necessary diagnostic equipment must be organized. .


Let's move on to medicine. Vladimir Putin pointed out problems in optimizing medical institutions. According to him, this was done in order to build an effective healthcare system, but in a number of cases they were clearly carried away with administrative changes.

They began to close medical institutions in small towns and villages. They did not offer any alternative; they left people practically without medical care, offering nothing in return. This is absolutely unacceptable. They forgot about people, their interests and needs, equal opportunities and justice, says Putin.


The President said that Russia should become not only a key logistics and transport center of the world, but also a center for processing data sets. To do this, it is necessary to develop modern technologies: unmanned transport, digital maritime and air navigation, organizing logistics using artificial intelligence. It is also necessary to introduce new technologies for generating, storing and transmitting energy, which will solve the issue of energy supply to remote regions.

By 2024, the president promised to provide almost universal fast Internet access. Remote settlements of the Far North will receive stable access through a network of Russian satellites. Online education and telemedicine will develop.


Putin ordered the reconstruction and expansion of the network of regional airports.

The situation when you need to fly to a neighboring region via Moscow will remain a thing of the past. We are already doing this.


The President is confident that Russia will become the world leader in the transit of containers between Europe and Asia. According to him, in the early 2000s, the capacity of Russian ports was 300 million tons; in 17 years it has tripled. At the beginning of last year, for the first time in history, the total capacity of Russian ports exceeded the 1 billion ton mark.


The President noted that in the next six years it is necessary to allocate up to 11 trillion rubles for road construction. He also drew the attention of the heads of cities and regions that if federal highways have been updated, then everything is bad with local roads.

I appeal to the heads of regions and cities: we need to increase the quality and volume of road construction. Use an infrastructure mortgage. It is necessary to reduce mortality to a minimum.

The deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction commented on Vladimir Putin’s theses.


The President talks about the availability of mortgage lending. If previously only a few could take out a mortgage, since the rate reached 30 percent, then in December last year the average rate in rubles dropped below 10% for the first time. According to Putin, this is not the limit: the average rate will be reduced to 7-8 percent.

Over the next 6 years, mortgages should become affordable for the majority of Russian families, for the majority of working citizens, for young professionals, he noted.


Vladimir Putin emphasized: in order to provide housing for 5 million families, it is necessary to increase the pace of construction from 80 to 120 sq.m. per year. He also recalled the need to switch to project financing (when risks are assumed by developers and banks, and not citizens) from “sharing”. But he stressed that this needs to be done in stages.


Vladimir Putin outlined three key factors in the affordability of housing for Russians: an increase in citizens’ incomes and a reduction in mortgage lending rates.

Own housing is a problem for our country. How many times have they sincerely tried to solve it? And we can and must do this. In 2017, 3 million families improved their living conditions. Now we need to reach a level where at least 5 million families will improve their living conditions every year. This is a solvable problem,” he said.


Putin emphasized that it is the developed communications that allow residents of small towns and villages to conveniently use all the opportunities and modern services that exist in large cities, and the small settlements themselves will be closely integrated into the general social and economic space of Russia. At the same time, the president promised to support initiatives that would allow small settlements to preserve their identity and reveal their unique potential in a new way, and instructed to pay special attention to the social and infrastructural development of rural areas.


The President proposed expanding a program for Russia's spatial development and doubling spending in this area over the next six years.

It is clear that the development of human settlements is connected with the solution of other problems - this will also require significant funding. Renewal of the urban environment should be based on modern technologies, Putin said. Much will depend on the openness of city and local authorities. People's opinions on what their city and town will be like must be decided. Today everything is not done for show. It is important that urban development becomes a driving force for the entire country.


Vladimir Putin talks about supporting older people:

Our moral duty is to fully support the older generation, who have made a huge contribution to the development of the country. Older people should have decent conditions for an active, healthy longevity.

According to the president, it is necessary to increase the size of pensions and ensure their regular indexation, and above the rate of inflation. In addition, we must strive to reduce the gap between the size of the pension and the salary that a person had before retirement. It is also necessary to improve the quality of medical and social services for older people, and provide more attention to those who are lonely and find themselves in difficult life situations.

The President explained that resolving all these issues requires an integrated approach, adding that the future new government will have to prepare a special program for systemic support and improving the quality of life of older people.

Vladimir Putin believes that by the end of the next decade Russia will be able to confidently enter the club of “80+” countries, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years, catching up with Japan, France and Germany.

At the same time, the duration of a healthy, active, full life, when a person is not limited or constrained by illness, should increase at a faster pace,” he added.


Over three years, at least 3.4 trillion rubles must be allocated to demographic development measures. This is a large, but not prohibitive figure, Putin said.

The president also instructed to increase per capita GDP by one and a half times.

This is a difficult task, but we are ready to solve it,” he noted.


The employment structure needs to be seriously updated. Giving people good jobs that motivate and create wealth. On this basis, we must solve one of the key tasks for the decade - to ensure real growth in citizens’ incomes,” the president noted.

According to Putin, today the demographic losses of the 1990s are making themselves felt: this is a decline in the birth rate. In the near future, the trend towards a reduction in the birth rate will continue. It is necessary to ensure sustainable growth of the Russian population in the next decade. We extended the maternity capital program, provided targeted payments for the birth of the first child, and introduced preferential mortgages.


Vladimir Putin called people's well-being and prosperity his priority. In 2000, 42 million people, or 29 percent of the country's population, were below the poverty line; in 2012, this figure was reduced. Today, according to him, 20 million citizens face poverty, “this is also unacceptably high, even working people live modestly,” he said, saying that this figure must be reduced.”


According to Putin, our future depends on how effectively we can use the colossal opportunities of the technological revolution and how we respond to its challenge. According to him, the lag inevitably leads to a weakening and erosion of human potential, because new jobs, modern companies, and attractive life prospects will be created in other successful countries, where talented young people will go.


Began! Vladimir Putin took a seat behind the podium. “The message is of a special, milestone nature, when the significance of the choice and every step and deed are important. They determine the fate of the country for decades to come,” Putin begins his speech. “It was at such turning points that Russia more than once proved its ability to develop, to renew itself. It developed lands, built cities, conquered space, and made grandiose discoveries.”


Sverdlovsk State Duma deputies are also in the hall.


Regional and federal politicians appear one after another in the Manege exhibition hall. Even they have to stand in line before entering the building, Kremlin pool journalists report on their joint Twitter account.


The day before, the Parliamentary Newspaper analyzed the implementation of the main instructions of the President, voiced in the previous message on December 1, 2016. Over the course of the year, many of them were accomplished. Here are some examples:

  • Vladimir Putin proposed connecting all hospitals and clinics in the country to high-speed Internet within the next two years - on January 1, 2018, a federal law came into force establishing the possibility of using “telemedicine technologies” for medical consultations.
  • The President asked the Public Chamber and ASI to substantively engage in support of volunteer and charitable movements, non-profit organizations - on February 5, 2018, the President signed a federal law (amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation). The document establishes the legal status of volunteer activities, and also provides for the adoption of state and municipal programs for the development of volunteerism.
  • The President instructed the Government, together with the deputies, to complete the formation of a clear legal framework for the activities of “non-profit organizations that perform socially useful services.” — In January 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for recognizing a socially oriented non-profit organization as a provider of socially useful services. In the same year, the procedure for recognizing socially oriented non-profit organizations as performers of socially useful services was simplified.


As “OG” has already reported, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region has been invited to the announcement of the President’s message Evgeniy Kuyvashev and Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly Lyudmila Babushkina . Last year, the head of the region listened to the message in the company of the ex-mayor of Yekaterinburg and senator Arkady Chernetsky - he shared the photo on social networks:


According to information published on the Kremlin website, 705 journalists received accreditation to cover the event. A year earlier, only 616 people were accredited. At the moment, most media representatives are already in the Manege exhibition hall - access is organized from 8:00 Moscow time (10:00 Ural time).

In the hall where the message will be read out, there are three giant screens on which information graphics will be displayed. Earlier, the Kremlin explained that such equipment would be difficult to place in the historical St. George Hall.


Traditionally, the topic of the message is not disclosed. State Duma deputies surveyed by federal media have already expressed that they expect the President’s message to include a plan for economic reforms, measures to combat poverty and resolve social issues, as well as an assessment of the international situation. However, today Vladimir Vladimirovich will announce the directions of future policy not only as head of state.

Since he is also a candidate in the election campaign, then, of course, his vision will coincide with candidate Putin’s program,” Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov explained to reporters.

He also emphasized that the tasks that will be outlined by Vladimir Putin during the announcement of the message will be “bureaucratically” recorded - in the form of decrees or other regulatory documents. The choice of form for presenting tasks remains with the President.


In previous years, Vladimir Putin announced a message at the end of the year, but in December 2017 the tradition was broken. First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko emphasized that an appeal to parliament is the right of the head of state, and he can exercise it “when he deems it necessary.”

It was originally planned that the message would be announced between February 6 and February 10, before the start of the official presidential election campaign in the media. Then the date of February 27 appeared in the press. The final date for the announcement of the message in the Kremlin was announced at the end of last month.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, March 1, delivered a message to the Federal Assembly. This year the event was held in an expanded format - for the first time it was moved from the St. George's Hall of the Kremlin to the premises of the Moscow Manege due to the number of guests - and it turned out to be a record-breaking duration. In his annual report to parliament, the leader of the state touched upon a wide range of issues on the economy, social aspects, as well as domestic and foreign policy. In addition, during his speech, the president presented several of the latest models of domestic weapons.

The portal site has collected key quotes from the leader of the state.

About the meaning of the message

“Today’s message is of a special, milestone nature, just like the time in which we live, when the significance of our choice, the significance of every step and deed is exceptionally high.”

About the main challenges

“Changes in the world are of a civilizational nature, and the scale of the challenge requires us to respond equally strongly. And we are ready to give this answer. We are ready for a major breakthrough. We can do this using the cohesion of Russian society and the colossal potential of our talented, creative people.”

“The lag is our main enemy. It's like a tireless disease that undermines the body from the inside. We need to ensure such creative power that no obstacles will prevent us from moving forward. We ourselves must and will determine our future.”

“In order to move forward and develop dynamically, we must expand the space of freedom, in all areas: strengthen the institutions of democracy, local self-government, civil society structures, courts, and be a country open to the world, new ideas and initiatives.”

“Sustainability is the basis, but not a guarantee of further development. We have no right to allow the achieved stability to lead to complacency.”

“Whoever harnesses the technological wave will be able to get ahead. Anyone who cannot use it will simply be overwhelmed and drowned.”

On increasing the minimum wage, pensions and salaries

“For the first time in modern history, we were able to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence level. This norm will come into effect on May 1, 2018, which will have a positive impact on the incomes of about 4 million people.”

“We need to seriously update the employment structure, which today is largely ineffective and archaic, to give people good jobs that motivate, bring prosperity, allow them to realize themselves, and create modern, decently paid jobs. On this basis, we must solve one of the key tasks for the coming decade - to ensure confident, long-term growth in real incomes of citizens, and to at least halve the poverty level in six years.”

“We must achieve an increase in pensions and ensure their regular indexation above the rate of inflation.”

“The size of salaries in the public sector should continue to grow, as well as the quality of work and the level of training of specialists in healthcare, education, and other areas that determine people’s well-being.”

About the people of Russia

“From the point of view of the most important task of ensuring the quality of life and well-being of people, we, of course, have not yet reached the level we need. But we must do it and we will do it. The role and position of the state in the modern world is determined not only and not so much by natural resources, production capacities, but, above all, by people, the conditions for the development, self-realization, and creativity of each person. Therefore, at the heart of everything is the conservation of the people of Russia and the well-being of our citizens. This is where we need to make a decisive breakthrough.”

On increasing GDP

“By the middle of the next decade, GDP per capita should increase 1.5 times. This is a very difficult task. I'm sure we can solve it."

About demographics

“In 2017, the working-age population decreased by almost 1 million. In the coming years, this downward trend will continue, which could become a serious limitation for economic growth; there are simply no labor resources. In the coming decade, it is necessary to ensure sustainable natural growth of Russia’s population.”

“Over the next six years, we will need to allocate at least 3.4 trillion rubles for demographic development measures and for the protection of motherhood and childhood.”

“By the end of the next decade, Russia should confidently become one of the 80+ countries. These are countries such as Germany and France, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years. I’m sure this goal is achievable.”

About urban development

“I propose to start a large-scale program for the spatial development of Russia, including the development of small towns. And at least double spending on this in the next six years. It is clear that this implies an increase in health care and transport costs.”

“I propose to launch a program for creating cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions. They will include concert halls, theater, music, choreography and other creative schools, as well as exhibition spaces where the country’s leading museums will be able to display their exhibitions.”

About mortgages and housing

“Over the next six years, mortgages should become affordable for the majority of Russian families, for the majority of working citizens, for the majority of young professionals.”

“Last year, dear colleagues, about a million mortgage loans were issued. In December, the average rate in rubles dropped below 10% for the first time. Of course, we know this too well; in each specific case, the cost and other terms of the loan are individual. But in general, we need to further reduce the average rate - to 7–8%"

“In 2017, 3 million families in Russia improved their living conditions. Now we need to steadily, I draw your attention, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, reach a level where annually at least 5 million families improve their living conditions.”

“I also propose returning to the property tax on individuals. It must be fair and feasible for citizens.<…>It is necessary to clarify the mechanisms for calculating tax, as well as determining the cadastral value of real estate. In any case, it should not exceed the real market value.”

About employment

“We need to seriously update the employment structure, which today is largely ineffective and archaic. Give people good work that motivates, brings prosperity, and allows them to realize themselves. Create decently paid jobs.”

About transport

“The Arctic fleet was and remains, will be the most powerful in the world.”

“In six years, half of interregional flights will be direct.”

“In total, in the next 6 years it is necessary to almost double the costs of construction and improvement of Russian highways. Direct more than 11 trillion rubles from all sources for these purposes.”

About digital technologies

“By 2024, we will provide almost universal fast Internet access. The construction of fiber-optic communication lines to most settlements with a population of more than 250 people will be completed. And remote small settlements of the Far North, Siberia, and the Far East will receive stable access through the network of Russian satellites.”

“Today, the most important competitive advantage is knowledge, technology, and competencies. This is the key to a real breakthrough, to improving the quality of life. “As soon as possible, we need to develop an advanced legislative framework, remove all barriers to the development and widespread use of robotics, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, e-commerce, and big data processing technologies.”

About healthcare

“In 2019–2024, an average of more than 4% of GDP will need to be spent annually on the development of healthcare from all sources, but we must certainly strive for 5%. In absolute terms, this would mean that total health care spending would have to double, while additional funding opportunities would need to be found that would not constrain economic growth.”

“Russia needs a special nationwide program to combat cancer diseases.”

“In recent years, the network of medical institutions has been optimized. This was done in order to build an effective healthcare system, but in a number of cases they clearly got carried away with administrative changes.<…>They left people practically without medical care, offering nothing in return. There is only one piece of advice: go to the city and get treatment there. This is absolutely unacceptable."

About ecology

“Today in Russia, government authorities and social activists have identified about 22 thousand landfills. We need to solve this problem and, first of all, reclaim landfills within cities.”

“It’s difficult to talk about a long and healthy life if millions of people are still forced to drink water that does not meet standards, if black snow falls, as in Krasnoyarsk, and residents of large industrial centers do not see the sun for weeks due to smog, as in Chelyabinsk , Cherepovets, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk and other cities. We have tightened environmental requirements for enterprises, which will certainly reduce industrial emissions.”

About education

“We need to build modern career guidance. Here universities and successful companies should become partners of schools. I propose starting next year to launch an early career guidance project for schoolchildren “Ticket to the Future” - an opportunity to try themselves in business with leading companies. We are allocating 1 billion rubles for this initiative.”

“We will continue to strengthen the holistic system of our children’s creative abilities and talents. Such a system should cover the entire territory of our country, integrate the capabilities of such platforms as Sirius, Quantorium, additional education and children's creativity in all regions of Russia.”

On economic development

“The share of small businesses in the Russian economy should be 40% by 2025.”

“The volume of non-resource, non-energy exports to the Russian Federation should reach $250 billion by 2024.”

“We need to clearly set priorities and increase the efficiency of public spending, and more energetically attract private resources to finance large projects. The new government will have to create new tax conditions - they must be stable and fixed for the coming years. Let me emphasize that we need fiscal decisions that will ensure the replenishment of budgets at all levels, as well as the fulfillment of all social obligations, and at the same time will not restrain, but stimulate economic growth.”

About business

“It is important to support beginning entrepreneurs, to help people take the first step so that they can open their own business with literally one click, make mandatory payments, and receive services remotely via the Internet.”

“The number of various types of inspections formally seems to be decreasing, but during meetings with businesses we hear that fundamental changes have not yet occurred. It is necessary to make sure that the appearance of controllers at enterprises becomes an exception,” the president said, noting that, in turn, he expects that business will “increase its contribution to the breakthrough development of the country.”

On reforming the civil service system

“Officials at all levels should be interested in increasing their efficiency and strictly aimed at obtaining a specific result.<…>We need to rebuild the entire civil service system.”

“We need not only to build modern services for business, but also in general to make the system of interaction between the state and society, between the state and the citizen clear, convenient, and comfortable.”

About the May decrees

“A lot has been done during the implementation of the May 2012 decrees. I can say that there are some shortcomings, but in general, no matter how high the standards of these decrees were, if they had not been there, then there would not have been the results that we have achieved today. Ambitious goals should always be set.”

On the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty

“We spent a long time trying to persuade the Americans not to violate the ABM Treaty and not to upset the strategic balance. Everything is in vain. The United States unilaterally withdrew from this treaty, but even after that we tried for a long time to establish a constructive dialogue with them and proposed to establish joint work in this area to relieve concerns and maintain an atmosphere of trust. At some point it seemed to me that a compromise could be found, but no - all our proposals were rejected.”

“Despite our numerous protests and calls, the American machine started working, the conveyor belt started moving,” the president continued. - The missile defense system is already in operation in Alaska and California. As a result of NATO’s expansion to the east, two missile defense areas appeared in Eastern Europe - it has already been created in Romania, and its deployment is being completed in Poland.”

About the army and defense

“All these years after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the ABM Treaty, we have been working hard on promising equipment and weapons. This allowed us to take a rapid, big step in creating new types of strategic weapons.”

“Across the perimeter of Russia’s borders, and this is very important, a continuous radar field of a missile attack warning system has been created. After the collapse of the USSR, huge holes appeared in it, but now everything has been restored.”

“The new Sarmat complex has no range restrictions and can attack the enemy both through the South and North Pole.”

“Russia has begun developing strategic weapons that are invulnerable to all existing missile defense and air defense systems.”

“At the end of 2017, the latest Russian cruise missile with a nuclear power plant was successfully launched at the central test site of the Russian Federation. The completed launch and a set of ground tests allow us to move on to the creation of a fundamentally new type of weapon - a strategic nuclear weapons complex with a missile equipped with a nuclear power plant.”

“No one in the world has anything like the new Russian missile weapons. Perhaps someday it will appear, but during this time our guys will come up with something else.”

About Russia as a guarantor of security in the world

“I would like to especially emphasize: Russia’s growing military power does not threaten anyone, we did not have and do not have plans to use this potential for offensive, much less aggressive purposes. We are not threatening anyone, we are not going to attack anyone, we are not going to take anything away from anyone at gunpoint.<...>The growing military power of Russia is a reliable guarantee of peace on our planet, since this power maintains and will maintain the strategic balance and balance of power in the world, which, as we know, remains the most important factor in international security after the Second World War and to this day.”

On relations with Western partners

“We are interested in normal constructive interaction with the United States and the European Union. We hope that common sense will prevail and our partners will make a choice in favor of fair, equal cooperation.”

About future

“We walked, we walk and we will follow our confident course. We have been and will be together. Challenges and big tasks fill our lives with special meaning. We need to be bold, take the initiative in decisions and actions. Change the life of the country for the better. To create the Russia we dreamed of.”

The Kremlin has decided on the date of the president’s next address to the Federal Assembly: it will be announced on January 15, immediately after the end of the recess in both houses of parliament. A Kommersant source in the presidential administration explains this rush by the need to “start work as quickly as possible.” Other Kommersant interlocutors connect the earlier message with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in 2020 - “this event is not just a holiday with a parade.” The State Duma believes that the Kremlin wants to restore the practice of addressing parliamentarians closer to the New Year, which was violated before the last presidential elections. According to Kommersant, Vladimir Putin will again deliver a message at the Moscow Manege.

Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly with his next message on January 15. Russian presidents have never delivered a message so early at the beginning of the year. The constitution provides for the president's obligation to address parliament with annual messages, but does not set specific deadlines. In 2019, the president addressed parliamentarians with his annual message on February 20, in 2018 - on March 1, before the presidential elections.

Kommersant’s interlocutor, close to the presidential administration, believes that the postponement of the message to an earlier date is connected with the upcoming celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory:

“This event is not just a holiday with a parade, but also a complex of foreign policy and propaganda events (requiring preparation.- “Kommersant”)».

A Kommersant source notes that the president “not in vain spoke” about the reasons for the outbreak of World War II at the informal CIS summit on December 20.

Another source close to the presidential administration believes that it is logical to “set the tone for the coming year” at the beginning, since, as Vladimir Putin himself has repeatedly noted, “there is no time to build up.” In the internal political bloc of the presidential administration, the message was previously considered as a document and procedure that set the “agenda” for the year ahead. So, last year, Kommersant’s sources said that the message should reverse the situation with the fall in the government’s ratings against the backdrop of unpopular reforms and demonstrate to the recipients and, in general, all Russians that positive changes await them in the coming year.

Duma old-timer, first deputy leader of the “A Just Russia” faction in the State Duma, Mikhail Yemelyanov, notes that the Kremlin is seeking to restore presidential messages closer to the New Year. According to him, “January 15 is rather late.” Mr. Emelyanov recalls that in March 2018, the president actually addressed parliamentarians with a message for 2017, the postponement was associated with the presidential elections on March 18. Before this transfer, the head of state delivered a message in December; the document was more of a final one. After the transfer, the messages became more programmatic. “This year the message was in February, it turns out that in January 2020 the message will be for 2019,” notes Mr. Emelyanov.

Let us remind you that since 2018, the message has been held in a new format - with multimedia presentations and a large number of invited public figures. Traditionally, it was held in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, but in the year of the presidential elections it was decided to move it to the Moscow Manege. In February 2019, the president addressed the Federal Assembly in Gostiny Dvor. Next year, according to an informed source of Kommersant, it will again be held in Manege. This year it also became known how much the new message format costs. Earlier, Kommersant reported that the budget for 2020 included 72.5 million rubles for this event; expenses include, but are not limited to, rental and furnishing of space, multimedia equipment and videos. After the president’s messages, the State Duma draws up a plan of bills for its implementation. This year, as State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin reported, the chamber fulfilled the message by 81%.

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov believes that the upcoming message from the president is “very responsible”; he is waiting for “an accurate assessment of what is happening, a real assessment of the results, a new course, a strong composition; first of all, a radical update of the financial and economic bloc is required.”

Political scientist Konstantin Kalachev believes that perhaps there are topics on the international agenda that require speeding up the message: the threat of a new arms race, sanctions against Nord Stream 2 and responses to them, issues of creating a Union State of Russia and Belarus. In his opinion, there should be no sensations in domestic politics.

Political scientist Alexander Pozhalov notes that by the end of the year, stagnation in government ratings began again, which could worsen in the winter.

“The message may give grounds to say that the government, after a difficult period of declining trust in it, is ready to formulate a new “social contract,” the political scientist believes.

Among the possible initiatives, Mr. Pozhalov names the abolition of personal income tax for the poor, which can be presented to society as a variation of “progressive taxation.” The expert also believes that Mr. Putin could sum up the results of the first year of the actual implementation of national projects, including identifying those responsible for the failures. In this regard, the topic of developing municipal reform may also come up, says Alexander Pozhalov. In addition, “the regional elections of 2020, in terms of their geography, promise to be larger and more complex than this year’s campaigns, and the mobilization of supporters is really important,” the expert concludes.

Maria Makutina, Andrey Vinokurov

According to tradition, deputies of both chambers of the Federal Assembly and invited guests are present at the announcement of the message. Members of the government, chairmen of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, the Prosecutor General, the chairman of the Central Election Commission, the head of the Accounts Chamber, members of the State Council, heads of major faiths and representatives of the Public Chamber of Russia are invited to the Kremlin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly for the first time July 8, 2000. He declared the need to transform Russia into a strong, effective state, clearly identified the main threats to Russian society: its physical aging, extinction and the associated irreparable impoverishment of the nation; economic problems, its ever-increasing lag behind advanced Western countries; threats to the Russian federal structure, the main of which are provincial separatism, poor local governance, the lack of a single, effective vertical of power in the state, and the interaction of its various levels. Putin also touched on a number of topics related to social problems, power, party building, and foreign policy.

April 3, 2001 Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his second message to the Federal Assembly, in which he summed up the work done since the previous message, outlined a wide range of problems in all areas of Russian society, ways to solve them, and determined the priorities of the state's development for the coming year. The core of the message was socio-economic themes.

April 18, 2002 Russian President Vladimir Putin presented an annual message to the Federal Assembly, the main theme of which was increasing Russia's competitiveness in the world. The president devoted the main part of his message to economic and social problems of the state. Putin once again sharply criticized the government for its low economic growth forecast. The message also spoke about the continuation of military reform and the transition to a professional army, the completion of the military stage of the operation in Chechnya, the continuation of administrative and state reform in Russia, the fight against poverty in the country and ways to overcome it.

May 16, 2003 Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his next annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The head of state called a qualitatively new task that in the foreseeable future Russia should firmly take its place among the truly strong, economically advanced and influential states of the world. Pointing to the imperfection of the country's economic and political systems, Vladimir Putin announced the need for a radical reduction in the functions of government agencies. Putin also set the goal of doubling gross domestic product in 10 years and achieving full convertibility of the ruble. The head of state promised to complete the process of political settlement in Chechnya. Putin also stated that in 2007 the transition to the formation of permanently ready units on a professional basis should be completed, and from 2008, conscription service in the army should be reduced to one year.

May 26, 2004 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the fifth time. The President of the Russian Federation set goals for the development of the country not only for a year or the next four years, but also for a longer term. In the text of the message, the president placed housing affordability in first place, both in importance and weight. The next task outlined in the message is the modernization of healthcare. The third key section of the document is the development of education.

April 25, 2005, Speaking with his annual message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin assessed recent Russian history, and then expressed his position on many important issues - from corruption of officials to the powers of fiscal authorities, from increasing salaries of public sector employees to attracting investment in the Russian economy. The president outlined the construction of an effective state within existing borders and the strengthening of the Russian Federation as the main task.

May 10, 2006 For the first time, the leadership of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was invited to the announcement of the message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The president called the demographic problem the most pressing problem in Russia. He outlined ways to solve this problem: reducing mortality, effective migration policy and increasing the birth rate. Among the main topics related to state security, which are reflected in the annual message, are Russia’s readiness to confront external threats and terrorism, strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime and the problems of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization. Speaking about the state of Russian society, the president noted the low level of people's trust in the government and big business.

Message from Russian President Vladimir Putin April 26, 2007 was dedicated to the plan for the comprehensive modernization of Russia in the 21st century. It clearly outlined national priorities - the growth of national well-being and pension reform, built on the principles of co-financing, and determined the mechanisms for their implementation and sources of financing. The topic of spiritual and cultural unity of the people, the topic of patriotism, love for a united Fatherland was raised. The President especially noted the need to tighten responsibility for extremist actions.

November 5, 2008 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev addressed his first message to the Federal Assembly. The head of state paid attention to issues of defense and security, taking anti-crisis measures, and fighting corruption. Medvedev spoke in favor of turning Russia into one of the world's leading financial centers and reforming Russia's political system. The President spoke in favor of increasing the term of office of the President and Parliament from four to six and five years, respectively, also concerning, among other things, the procedure for appointing governors, the formation of the Federation Council, which includes representatives from the regions, as well as the powers of the Federal Assembly and the party system countries.

November 12, 2009 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev addressed his second annual message to the Federal Assembly, most of which. The main idea is that structural reforms cannot be postponed any longer. Medvedev, who directly concerned the country’s judicial system, paid special attention to the problem of combating corruption and the adequate application of criminal punishment. The President will introduce regular reports from governors to local parliaments, determine criteria for the number of deputies in regional assemblies, and bring order to early voting in local elections. The head of state announced the possibility of reducing the number of time zones in the Russian Federation and reconsidering the feasibility of Russia switching to summer time. For scientists Medvedev. Medvedev's second message differed from all previous presidential messages in the method of its preparation. First time head of state.

November 30, 2010 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in his message to the Federal Assembly, responded to the most pressing and painful issues for Russian society, to which he included bribery and fraud in public procurement, and red tape of officials in the provision of public services. One of the most important statements for business was the decision announced by Medvedev to reduce the rate of insurance premiums for small businesses operating in the industrial and social spheres to 26% instead of the established 34% for two years. The document also reflected such topics as the conflict between environmentalists and builders over the Khimki forest, the inaction of officials and harsh reprisals in the village of Kushchevskaya, the lack of rights of orphans and the increased number of crimes against children, the catastrophic shortage of kindergartens and assistance to large families. In particular, the head of state came up with an idea.

The President of the Russian political system, proposing to return to direct elections of governors and change the system of parliamentary elections. He will also consider the issue of creating public television in Russia.

December 12, 2012 Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. For Putin, this message was the ninth - in 2012 he was for the third time, but for the first time for a six-year term. In his speech, the President formulated the fundamental issues of moving forward in the long term, for the present and for the future of the country. The President said that within four to five years Russia must fully ensure its independence in the main types of food, and then become the world's largest food supplier. The head of state also called for at least doubling the volume of road construction in the coming decade and ensuring transport connectivity and unity of the entire Russian territory. Putin's parliament supports restrictions for officials and politicians on property, accounts and securities abroad. In his message, the president paid special attention to the problems of education, wages of public sector employees and demography. The tasks of expanding the middle class through qualified public sector employees, creating an investment map of Russia, and limiting mass unskilled migration were also voiced.

In 2013 The President's annual message to the Federal Assembly was announced 12 December, on the twentieth anniversary of the Constitution (adopted on December 12, 1993 by popular vote). In his message, Vladimir Putin confirmed the main directions of the country’s domestic and foreign policy to combat the offshorization of the domestic economy and, which will help move from words to action. The President of Russia also touched upon issues of local government reform, public control, banking supervision, education, interethnic peace and labor migrants, and others.

December 4, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his annual message to the Federal Assembly, in which he assessed the international and domestic political situation, social and economic sphere. The president’s main topics were capital amnesty and facilitating the working conditions of business; the president also dwelt in some detail on the issues of spending public funds, on the tasks of education, healthcare and personnel training, paid great attention to the agricultural sector, in particular, he proposed to make sure that in five years the country could provide yourself with food without imports.

December 1, 2016 Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with his annual message, in which he touched on current social and political issues, specifically expressing gratitude for the unity and cohesion of Russians in difficult conditions. The President also paid special attention to such topics as economic growth, the fight against corruption, international relations, education and health policies. The first part of the President's message is in the social sphere. The second part of his speech was devoted to solving serious economic challenges, and the final part was devoted to the country’s foreign policy. The main leitmotif of the foreign policy part of the message of the President of the Russian Federation was with everyone who is interested in this. Putin expressed concern about the emergence of new fault lines and conflicts in the world that arise on political and religious grounds, even in relatively prosperous countries, where the way opens to adventurers, coups and anarchy.

In 2017, Vladimir Putin did not address the Federal Assembly; it was postponed to March 1, 2018. The announcement ceremony took place in Moscow at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. Vladimir Putin called the backlog the main threat to the country that needs to be overcome, like a serious illness, and the government’s priority is the well-being of citizens. The President outlined the tasks in the field of economic development of the country, declaring the need to ensure growth rates above world ones and noting that low inflation provides additional opportunities. Among possible problems in economic growth, Putin named a “failure” in the field of demography, calling for a response to this challenge.

The head of state paid significant attention to the latest developments in the field of weapons, while emphasizing that Russia’s military power does not threaten anyone, but allows it to maintain a strategic balance.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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