Scheme for constructing a bear using Voskobovich's flashlights. Educational game "Lanterns

Voskobovich's lanterns is an educational game for children of primary and secondary preschool age. "Lighting" flashlights, the child gets an idea of ​​the size and shape of objects, colors, and also forms the first counting skills.

This game can be used as an additional tool for carpet maker "Larchik" .

Voskobovich's lanterns, composition

  • carpeted playing field
  • 15 wooden pieces
  • rules

How to play with Voskobovich Lanterns

There are 5 shapes in the set: circle, oval, square, rectangle and triangle. Of these, your baby gets wonderful flashlights!

5 large green parts (one of each shape) contain windows into which the child inserts the corresponding small figures. They may also be green, or they may be red. Then the lanterns "light up"!

The child changes the size of the lanterns, compares their shape and colors. Such exercises contribute to the improvement of not only logical thinking, but also fine motor skills. Each figure has a plastic pin for easy attachment and removal from the field. Details are held on with Velcro.

Voskobovich's flashlights are standards of form. Let the child memorize them during various games. Use tactile memory - trace the edges of the details with your fingers, ask the child to find this or that element by touch. Figures can be traced on paper - so the child gets used to the correct silhouettes, and also develops a hand.

From geometric shapes you can add little men, animals, household items, flowers and much more! The main thing is to see them in straight and sharp corners. In the instruction book there is a whole album with examples of figures, divided into topics. Having trained on the proposed schemes, your child is happy to come up with his own.

Create your own unique character, think up a story about him - and the game will become even more fun!

What do Voskobovich's Lanterns develop

Voskobovich's games develop both logical and creative thinking. The child learns shapes and colors, learns to compare and classify objects according to various criteria. At the same time, behind a set of geometric shapes, your baby sees full-fledged images, thereby developing imagination and spatial thinking.

Placement of details on the playing field, drawing up flashlights improve fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

Product description

The manual is a set of "flashlights" of different sizes round, square, triangular, rectangular and oval. With the help of Velcro tape, the shape standards are attached to the carpet playing field.

You can play on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Your child will be able to construct figures on a plane, using an album with the proposed schemes and options, or come up with figures on their own. For convenience, all the figures in the album are divided into thematic sections: men, animals, birds and butterflies, fish, plants, buildings, equipment, miscellaneous.

Game guide “Flashlights. Standards of form" is aimed at developing the child's creative and sensory abilities, his imagination, speech, training of motor skills, tactile and tactile analyzers. Thanks to the freedom of creativity, when playing with the standards of form, attention, memory and thinking will develop.

Voskobovich’s “flashlights” will also be useful to your child when mastering mathematical skills, because with their help you can master quantitative counting, spatial relationships, the concepts of “more-less.

All "lanterns"-forms are made of painted plywood and have convenient holders. The playing field is made of carpet.

The size of the largest "flashlight": 12.5x12.5 cm
Size of the smallest "flashlight": 6x3 cm
The size of the playing field from the carpet: 36x28 cm

Tatyana Abdulganeeva

Prepared by:

teacher of the 1st qualification category

Abdulganeeva Tatyana Vladimirovna

One of the main events in the field of education was the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, which is associated with the need to standardize the content of preschool education. This standardization is designed to ensure that every child has an equal start to success in school. The new document prioritizes an individual approach to the child and the game, where the preservation of the inherent value of preschool childhood takes place and where the very nature of the preschooler is preserved.

The content of the educational program includes a set of educational areas that will ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age. Each type of children's activity corresponds to certain forms of work with children. The way children's activities are organized is changing: it is no longer adult leadership, but joint (partnership) activities of an adult and a child as the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood.

Everyone knows that for children, and especially for preschoolers, the best form of learning is learning through play. It is very important to provide the child with as many opportunities as possible for independent observations and research of the world around him, while using the most diverse types of educational games for children.

The value of developing children's games is that they quickly and effectively allow you to achieve the desired results without tiring the child.

Games are very important for the formation and development of a child's personality, since they are not only tools for his self-expression, but also a way of learning about the world around him and adapting to it. It is very important that with such a variety of tasks assigned to educational games, they remain interesting, original, provide the child with the opportunity for creativity, and do not lose their attractiveness from game to game.

And among the variety of creative approaches, games familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a very special, original, creative, very kind group of games appeared - Voskobovich's Educational Games.

Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich, engineer-physicist by profession. He was introduced to pedagogy by his own children. He seriously thought about the comprehensive development of his sons. At that time there was not a wide choice among games, and those innovative educators who proposed the method of early learning advised to make all games from improvised materials. Inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitin, Vokobovich decided to create something completely new that would be interesting not only to his children, but also to their peers.

Creating his first game, he came up with an interesting fairy tale, during which the heroes, together with the guys, must solve the riddle of the new game and make an interesting discovery. Later, in his technology, Voskobovich will say that no game can be one-shot, that it needs a good storyline. The creation of a fabulous, methodical space for each developing and teaching aid and technology of Voskobovich is of key importance. The main feature of its technology is that it is easy to implement it into a regular game process without changing or rebuilding the usual framework. And the adult in these fairy tales becomes a full partner of the child, regardless of age and experience.

The manual "Methodology for the cognitive and creative development of preschoolers "Tales of the Purple Forest" is an original author's problem-playing technique for the cognitive and creative development of preschool children (from 2 to 7 years old). The author of the methodology is Tatyana Grigoryevna Kharko, a qualified specialist in the field of developmental games, general director of the Center for Developmental Games and Methods.

The methodology fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, since it focuses on the development of universal - cognitive, speech, creative abilities of children, the integration of educational content and game forms of interaction between an adult and children.

The technique is presented in the series of books "Tales of the Purple Forest". They describe game situations united by a single entertaining plot. Game situations gradually become more complicated and modified - from tricks and transformations to imaginary walks and travels with fairy-tale characters through the Purple Forest. The situations are of a problem-playing nature, maintaining a state of active interest in children, a readiness to think and create.

The basic principles underlying the games - interest - knowledge - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with a kind, original, cheerful and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Voskobovich's first games appeared in the early 90s. "Geokont", "Game Square" (now it's "Voskobovich Square", "Folders", "Color Clock" immediately attracted attention. Every year there were more and more of them - "Transparent Square", "Transparent Figure", "Domino ”,“ Planet of Multiplication ”, a series of“ Miracle Puzzles ”,“ Mathematical Baskets ”, etc. The first methodical tales also appeared.

A distinctive feature of Voskobovich's educational games are:


With the help of games, you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color or shape; learn to count, navigate in space; trains fine motor skills of hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

2. Variability.

Within the framework of one game, it is possible to complicate the task for each child, focusing on the zone of proximal development. A large number of various game tasks and exercises have been developed for each game. Such variability is determined by the design of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.

3. The creativity of every game.

Developing games provide an opportunity to invent and translate what was conceived into reality for both children and adults.

The combination of variability and creativity keeps the games interesting for the child for a long period of time, turning the gaming experience into a "long-term delight"

4.breadth of use.

The uniqueness of Voskobovich's educational games lies in the fact that they can be used both in preschool educational institutions, and in correctional institutions, children's development centers, and the institute of parents.

5.The breadth of the age range of the participants in the game.

With the same game, children of three and seven years old, and sometimes high school students, can play.

6.Versatility of use

Universality in relation to educational programs allows the use of educational games by V.V. Voskobovich in any preschool education program: "Childhood", "Rainbow", "Development", etc.

The goals and objectives of the technology reveal each of the educational areas of the GEF DO, namely

1. The development of a child's cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things, develops creative imagination, the development of observation, an exploratory approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality, introduces children to various geometric shapes.

2. Teaches to play by communicating with each other (socio-communicative development).

3. Develops the ability to compose outlandish paintings and patterns from geometric shapes (artistic and aesthetic development).

4. Traveling through the labyrinths of this game together with fairy-tale characters, the child verbally describes the journey of the heroes (speech development).

5. Develops fine motor skills of the hand and visual memory (physical development).

Of the many games offered by V.V. Voskobovich, I use the following games in my work with young children.

Petals (color standards) of Voskobovich

Often, children have difficulty learning concepts. With the fun and entertaining games you can play with Petals, you'll help your child learn basic color patterns with ease.

This game or manual for better assimilation by children from 2 years and older of such a concept as color. After all, often children do not immediately learn all the colors and confuse them with shades of colors. For example, they often confuse blue and purple, yellow and orange. Color - a concept for a small child is too abstract property of an object - it cannot be felt or felt, like, for example, shape or size. Therefore, it is so important to make color materially tangible and transfer its study to the child's play environment.

The game "Petals" is a set of 8 multi-colored "petals": 7 rainbow colors + 1 white. With the help of a special contact tape, the petals, like a "burdock", are attached to the carpet playing field. The play mat can be placed on the floor if your little one likes to play on the floor, or it can be attached to any other vertical surface thanks to the two holes on the edges of the play mat.

The game "Petals" by Voskobovich develops the child's color and spatial perception, and also forms the skill of meaningful expression in speech of spatial concepts: "above", "under", "between", "next", "left", "right". And not only. "Petals" can also be used to develop counting skills (count the right amount, determine the serial number, etc.).

Benefit Flashlights Casket. Form standards

Playing with the manual, the child will not only get to know and learn the concepts of shape and size, but also learn to design various figures on the plane: houses, flowers, cars, little men and much more.

The manual is a set of "flashlights" of different sizes round, square, triangular, rectangular and oval. With the help of a tape, the shape standards are attached to the carpet playing field.

You can play on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

The child will be able to design figures on the plane, using the album with the proposed schemes and options, or invent them on their own. For convenience, all the figures are divided into thematic sections in the album: men, animals, birds and butterflies, fish, plants, buildings, equipment, miscellaneous.

Game guide “Flashlights. Standards of form" is aimed at developing the child's creative and sensory abilities, his imagination, speech, training of motor skills, tactile and tactile analyzers. Due to the variability and freedom of creativity, when playing with the standards of form, attention, memory and thinking will develop.

Voskobovich's "flashlights" will also be useful to the child when mastering mathematical skills, because with their help you can master quantitative counting, spatial relationships, the concepts of "more-less".

Turtles" by Voskobovich- a unique author's manual, which is based on three basic principles that will help the child acquire and consolidate new knowledge, skills and abilities - interest, knowledge and creativity.

The game "Turtles" consists of plates - turtles of various colors and sizes, interconnected. The color of the turtles corresponds to the colors of the rainbow, the child easily remembers them during the game, lays them out in the correct order. Turtles turn into various animals, sometimes fantastic, into fabulous and very ordinary objects. More-less, higher-lower, wider-narrower, the same - all these concepts are learned by children without much effort. This game develops fine motor skills very well, due to its playing field, you have to make some efforts so that all the turtles return to their place.

Variants of games with the manual: "Color of turtles", "Size of turtles", "Color and size of turtles", "Rainbow turtles", "Turtles made friends", "How many turtles?". In the process of working with the manual, you can come up with your own versions of the game.

Didactic material for children from 2 to 4 years.

Voskobovich square.

This game has many "folk" names - "Maple Leaf", "Kerchief", "Eternal Origami". All of this is essentially true.

"Game square" is 32 rigid triangles pasted on a flexible base on both sides at some distance from each other. Thanks to this design, the square is easily transformed.

The square can be two-color and four-color. At an early and younger age, I use two-tone.

About this square, it is rightly said "The great square has no limit." In the hands of a child, there is a wonderful material that can be folded into various planar geometric shapes, toys according to the "origami" principle, and transformed into three-dimensional shapes. This square allows not only to play, develop spatial imagination, fine motor skills, but also to be a material that introduces the basics of geometry, spatial coordination, volume, to be a counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions.

The game is accompanied by a methodical tale "The Secret of the Raven Meter or the tale of the amazing transformations of the Square." In the fairy tale "The Secret of the Raven Meter" "Square" comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a slipper, an airplane, a kitten. Kids, with the help of an adult, fold a house with a red or green roof, candy. Older children - master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the "house", come up with their own object silhouettes.

A square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross section gives unusual three-dimensional figures. Games with parts of the Square are possible (for example, lift the left or right corner) - a kind of finger theater.

Games with the "Voskobovich Square" develop fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, the ability to design, and creativity.

If you are interested in this technology, then you can familiarize yourself with it in more detail on the official sites using the Voskobovich method (;

Larisa Gatsko

"Flashlights" by Voskobovich is an educational game for children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

The Purple Forest has its own Digital Circus with the director Magnolik, who will offer the children his favorite game "Lanterns".

Let's not forget to go to Digital Circus

And find Magnolika in the circus

We will take lanterns in our hands

And we will collect figurines from them.

We will knead our fingers

To light the lanterns for us!

The benefit is:

Board-frame and a set of molds with inserts of 10 pieces of different sizes round, square, triangular, rectangular and oval green and red. All "flashlights"-forms have convenient holders. The game comes with an album with examples of figures, divided into topics. This game can be used as an additional aid for the carpet maker "Larchik".

Voskobovich's "Lanterns" are standards of form. The game is aimed at developing the child's creative and sensory abilities (perception of color, shape, size, his imagination, speech, training of motor skills, tactile and tactile analyzers. Due to the variability and freedom of creativity, attention, memory and thinking develop when playing with form standards. Game guide " Flashlights also contributes to the development of mathematical skills, with their help you can master quantitative counting, spatial relationships, the concepts of "more-less").

How to play.

"Form of Lanterns".

Magnolik was presented with lanterns - round, square, triangular, rectangular and oval. First, Magnolik lit round lanterns, then square and triangular ones. How many of them, count! Rectangular and oval lanterns Magnolik lit the latest.

Consider the figures and suggest thinking about what they look like: circles in the sun, a plate. wheel, etc.

"Size and color of lanterns".

Flashlights are large and small. First, Magnolik lit small lanterns. Children fill the playing field with red liners, then green of the same size. What shape are the lanterns, what color, how many are there?

Sort flashlights by color. For example: invite the child to take a red circle and suggest making a vertical row under it of details of exactly the same color.

Magnolik's attention was attracted by large flashlights. They became either two-color, or one-color. Once - they became one-color. The child makes parts from two parts. In the "donut" puts the corresponding geometric figure of the same color.

Two - they became two-color. In the "donut" we put the corresponding geometric figure of a different color.

And you can also recognize the figures by description (an adult names the signs, and the child must show the figure in question).

"Funny figurines".

Sometimes funny figures appear in the light of flashlights. The guys make figures from the album, using diagrams on topics: little men, fish, animals, birds and butterflies, plants, buildings, equipment, miscellaneous. Having trained on the proposed schemes, the kids are happy to come up with their own.

little people


Mom and Dad

Animals and insects






Creativity of my children

In addition, invite the child to circle the edges of the details with his fingers and find one or another element by touch. The game "Wonderful bag".

Figures can be traced on paper, creating a variety of sequences and patterns, then color them.

Thank you for attention!

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To sew a “real” felt garden for your daughter or son with your own hands, you will have to be patient and have everything you need.

Dear Colleagues! I present to you one of the many games of Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich "Transparent figure". The world of Voskobovich's games is diverse.

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