Understand the premium. The most famous anti-prizes in the world

A bonus is a cash payment that is assigned to an employee in excess of his salary. The purpose of the award is, as a rule, to motivate the employee to achieve better results.

Knowing the classification of various types of bonuses is important for any manager, because this is an important theoretical basis for developing your own bonus system.

Prizes are divided into types on the following grounds:

  • individual and collective
  • performance bonus or not tied to a specific result
  • cash bonus or non-negotiable
  • according to the method of calculation, there are - absolute premium or relative
  • systematic bonuses or one-time
  • Let's take a closer look at these types of awards.

Individual and collective awards

Individual Award- This is a bonus that is assigned to one specific employee. She can be appointed for the performance of indicators or for some memorable date (20 years of work in the company). The main thing is that this is a bonus for one employee, and not for all.

Collective Award On the contrary, it is assigned to a large number of people at once. A bonus can be assigned, for example, to the sales department for fulfilling the plan or to the entire accounting department for successfully submitted reports (without penalties).

Performance or non-performance bonus

Performance bonus means the following action plan:

  1. An employee (or group of people) is announced in advance that they need to achieve such and such results
  2. It is also announced that upon achieving these results, they will be paid a bonus.
  3. Further, if the results are achieved, the bonus is paid; if the results are not achieved, the bonus is not paid.

There is an alternative option when the premium is not tied to a specific result.

Such awards are, for example:

  • for long service (25 years in the profession)
  • in connection with the holidays (anniversary of the company)
  • just at the end of the year (13th salary)

Cash bonus or non-monetary

With a cash prize, everything is clear.

A non-monetary bonus is any non-material reward, such as:

  • send for training
  • gifts (but not money, but, for example, household appliances or an iPhone)
  • commemorative signs
  • and so on

Absolute premium and relative

This division is based on the principle of calculating the premium.

  • Absolute- this is when a fixed amount is determined in advance, which will be paid as a bonus. For example, there will be 10 sales - a premium of 50 thousand rubles.
  • Relative This is a bonus that depends on the result. For example, when a salesperson is assigned a bonus as a percentage of sales, i.e. it is impossible to say in advance how much the prize will be.

Depending on the situation, it makes sense to vary the methodology for calculating premiums. For some situations, an absolute bonus is more suitable (for example, a bonus for long service), and for some relative ones (sales, customer service)

Systematic awards or one-time

Systematic awards- these are bonuses that are valid for a long time and are assigned several times during this time.

As a rule, systematic awards are:

  • monthly
  • quarterly (4 times a year)
  • semi-annual (2 times a year)
  • annual (once a year). Annual bonuses are often referred to as "bonuses".

One-time bonuses- these are bonuses that are calculated and assigned once. For example, a bonus for 10 years of work in a company or a bonus for completing a project.

Stella Award(Eng. The TRUE Stella Awards) - an award awarded annually for the most ridiculous judgment in the United States. It is named after Stella Liebeck, who in 1992 spilled coffee on herself in a McDonald's restaurant, after which she sued the restaurant, in which the jury awarded her $ 2.9 million in compensation.

(Ig Nobel Prize, Ig Nobel Prize) - a parody of the Nobel Prize, where the most ridiculous and useless research is awarded. Ten Shnobel Prizes are awarded at the beginning of October, that is, at the time when the winners of the real Nobel Prize are called, and the real Nobel laureates present it to applicants, and the award ceremony takes place at Harvard and is broadcast on American television and radio in several languages. The award was established by Mark Abrahams and the humor magazine Annals of Incredible Research in 1991.

Darwin Award("Darwin Awards") is a virtual award given annually to individuals who, in the most stupid way, died or lost their reproductive function and as a result deprived themselves of the opportunity to contribute to the human gene pool, thereby improving it. A prerequisite for receiving the award is the complete absence of direct descendants.

(Eng. Golden Raspberry) - invented in 1981 by American John Wilson anti-award, celebrating the worst acting work, screenplay, directing, film song and film of the year. By tradition, the Golden Raspberry nominees are announced the day before the announcement of the Oscar nominees, the winners - the day before the Oscar winners. The prize is a $5 plastic raspberry spray-painted in gold.

« Silver galosh"- an award established by Silver Rain radio, is awarded "for the most dubious achievements in the field of show business." Established in 1996 by Pavel Vashchekin, the author of the idea of ​​the award, the ceremony takes place annually.

Antipremium " glass bolt” was established in 2011 by blogger Ilya Varlamov and is awarded for stupid or malicious decisions of Moscow officials involved in the “development” of the city. The laureates are awarded with the Glass Bolt figurine, a symbol of narrow-mindedness and crookedness. Since 2012, the award has been declared All-Russian

Chicken Little Award The "Chicken Little" Award for Exaggerated Predictions About the Impending Destruction of Our Environment - a joke award established by the Center for National Concern at the same time as the Julian Simon Prize, awarded for a sober look at the same problems.

lantern rouge(fr. Lanterne rouge; red lantern) - a cyclist who took last place in the overall standings of the Tour de France; also the name of the prize given to that athlete. The name comes from the red lantern on the last car of the train.

World Award for Stupidity- an award founded in 2003 to reward the most outstanding achievements in the field of stupidity and ignorance. The award was sponsored by the Just for Laughs comedy festival. The 2005 ceremony was held on July 22 in Montreal.

Literary anti-award "Paragraph" has been awarded since the fall of 2001 in four categories: Worst Proofreading, Worst Translation, Worst Editing and Complete Paragraph (for complete violation of all book publishing standards). For "particularly cynical crimes against Russian literature" an "Honorary Illiteracy" is awarded. The "winners" are determined by a special expert council based on the reader's opinions sent to the editorial office of the newspaper "Book Review".


a cash payment to an employee (as a rule, within the framework of a bonus wage system), stimulating interest in the results of labor. The basis for the legal regulation of this wage system is Art. 83 and 84 of the Labor Code, which refer the establishment of specific indicators and bonus conditions to the area of ​​local regulation. Regulations on bonuses are adopted by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee. The only exceptions are individual cases of centralized decision on bonuses for employees of state enterprises. The usual criteria for bonuses in the production sector are as follows: performance of production tasks:

saving raw materials, materials, energy;

growth in labor productivity; improving product quality; development of new equipment and technologies. Employees of the technical control service are rewarded depending on the indicators of product quality, and managers and specialists - according to the final results of the enterprise. In most cases, P. is calculated on the basis of wages, which include not only the tariff rate, salary, but also allowances. A special type of bonus is remuneration based on the results of annual work (Article 84 of the Labor Code). The amount of such remuneration is determined taking into account the results of the employee's work and the duration of continuous work at the enterprise. Specific provisions may provide for the inclusion in this continuous length of service, in addition to work at this enterprise, other periods (service in the army, work in elected positions, leave to care for a child, etc.). As a rule, full remuneration is paid to employees who have worked for a calendar year (from January 1 to December 31), regardless of the existence of an employment relationship at the time of payment. The provisions provide for cases. when the right to full remuneration is reserved for employees who quit during the calendar year for a good reason (conscription to the army, admission to study, retirement, childbirth, etc.). The rest of the remuneration is paid in proportion to the hours worked. The provisions also establish the conditions for depriving (reducing) or increasing the amount of remuneration depending on disciplinary offenses or merits of the employee in the calendar year. Outside labor law is the question of state insurance, regulated by special acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation (in the field of science and technology, education, literature and art) (on the concept of insurance insurance, see. Insurance).

Baratashvili V.V.

Law Encyclopedia. 2005 .


See what "PRIZE" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Latin praemium). 1) an award given as an encouragement or approval of any enterprise in science, art, industry, etc. 2) an amount paid annually to an insurance company. 3) a free supplement to any magazine, book; ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Prizes, women [Latin. paemium reward]. 1. Award for distinction, merit in some. area of ​​activity. Award to a worker for a successful invention. Nobel Prize. 2. Special remuneration for workers and employees for exceeding production standards. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (on the exchange) the amount by which one price is higher than another. an amount paid in excess of something (price, etc.). additional payment to the value of the exchange contract for granting the right to buy or sell goods (securities) at fixed prices. Dictionary… … Financial vocabulary

    - (Jap. H氏賞 Eichi shi sho:?) Japanese Literary Prize, awarded to novice gendaishi poets for an outstanding collection of poems. Curated by the Japanese Gendaishi Society. The main purpose is to attract public attention to talented ... Wikipedia

    - (premium) 1. Premium paid in accordance with the insurance contract. It can be one time, monthly or yearly. 2. The exchange price of the share is higher than the price of the new issue of the share. The premium received when selling a share at a price higher than ... ... Economic dictionary

    - "PRIMIA", USSR, Lenfilm, 1974, color, 83 min. publicity drama. Based on the play by A. Gelman "Minutes of one meeting." A production film is a purely domestic phenomenon, or rather, a phenomenon that was born in the former socialist camp and its borders ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    The City of Frankfurt (German: Goethepreis der Stadt Frankfurt) is a German and, in recent years, international literary prize. Not to be confused with the Goethe Prize of the Hanseatic League. It has been awarded since 1927 on Goethe's birthday on 28 August. Until 1949 ... ... Wikipedia

    The Kenzaburo Oe Prize (大江健三郎賞 O:e Kenzaburo: sho:?) is a Japanese literary prize awarded to the author of an outstanding work of fiction or literary research. The award was established in October 2005 by the Kodansha publishing house. ... ... Wikipedia

    - (premium) 1. Contribution paid in accordance with an insurance contract (including life insurance). See also: notice of renewal of an insurance contract (renewal notice). 2. The difference between the nominal and market value of a share, or ... Glossary of business terms

    PRIZE, and, for women. An official monetary or other material incentive as a reward for something n. Get an award in a competition. Laureate of the A. S. Pushkin Prize. Insurance premium (special) The insured's contribution to an insurance institution. | adj. premium ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Award, prize, reward; allowance; encouragement, dispatch, premium, state premium, bonus Dictionary of Russian synonyms. premium n., number of synonyms: 18 bonus (4) ... Synonym dictionary


  • Andrei Bely Prize. 1978-2004, . The Andrei Bely Prize, established in 1978 by the editors of the Leningrad samizdat magazine Clock, is Russia's first independent literary prize. It is currently awarded for…

Today in the world there are a huge number of different awards. The high merits of the participants are noted in the field of theater and cinema, music, and, of course, science. We present to your attention the ranking of the 10 most famous scientific awards in the world.

1. Fundamental Physics Prize

Annual scientific prize awarded for significant achievements in the field of fundamental physics. The prize is awarded in three categories: "Fundamental Physics", "Forefront of Physics" and "New Horizons of Physics". Established in 2012 by Russian entrepreneur, co-owner of Mail.ru Group Yuri Milner. The amount of the prize in the category "Fundamental Physics" is $3,000,000, the size of the prize in the category "Forefront of Physics" - and "New Horizons of Physics" - $100,000. Laureates of the "Forefront of Physics" award become applicants for the main prize (if they do not it in the current year, then remain applicants for the next 5 years).

2. Nobel Prize

One of the most prestigious international awards, awarded annually for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or a major contribution to culture or society. The main document regulating the rules for awarding the prize is the statute of the Nobel Foundation. The Prize can only be awarded to individuals and not to institutions (other than Peace Prizes). The Peace Prize can be awarded both to individuals and to official and public organizations.

3. Show Award

The award was established in 2002 by Chinese media mogul and philanthropist Run Run Shaw. The prize is awarded in three areas - astronomy, medicine and mathematics. The laureates are "people, regardless of their race, nationality or religion, who have made a significant scientific and technological discovery and have had a positive impact on the life of mankind." The amount of the prize is 1 million dollars, which is divided among the winners, if there are several of them.

4. Kavli Award

Science award established by Norwegian philanthropist Fred Kavli in 2007. The award has been given every two years since 2008 for outstanding achievements in astrophysics, nanotechnology and neuroscience. The award consists of $1 million per area from the Kavli Foundation. Also, each laureate is awarded a gold medal and a diploma. Prize co-founders: The Kavli Foundation, the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

5. Abel Prize

Prize in Mathematics, named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel. Founded by the Norwegian government in 2002, and since 2003 it has been awarded annually to outstanding mathematicians of our time. The monetary amount of the award is comparable to the size of the Nobel Prize and amounts to 6 million Norwegian kroner (€750,000 or $1.06 million). The winner of the Abel Prize is determined once a year by an international committee of five mathematicians appointed by the International Mathematical Union and the European Mathematical Society. The committee is headed by the Norwegian mathematician Ragni Piene. The new winner of the award is announced and presented by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences. The award ceremony takes place in the Atrium of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo, in the same place where the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded from 1947 to 1989.

6. Draper Award

One of the prizes awarded by the US National Academy of Engineering (English National Academy of Engineering). Awarded for significant engineering achievements that have had a profound impact on society, as well as improved quality of life and/or facilitated access to information. The award is named after the American scientist and engineer Charles Stark Draper, sometimes called the "father of inertial navigation". The award is $500,000.

7. Lasker Prize

The American Prize in Medical Sciences, which has been awarded since 1946 and is considered as "the second Nobel for the United States." The award was first presented in 1946. The award is named after the American businessman and philanthropist Albert Lasker (1880-1952). It is managed by the Lasker Foundation, founded by Albert Lasker himself and his wife Mary Lasker. The award is sometimes referred to as "America's Nobels". More than eighty Lasker Prize winners are Nobel laureates, more than 30 of them in the last two decades. The President of the Foundation is Claire Pomeroy.

8. State Prize of the Russian Federation

Prize awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding production results. In addition to the badge of honor of the laureate, the tailcoat badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation is issued. State prizes are awarded by the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere. According to the established tradition, the ceremony takes place on June 12 - the Day of Russia.

9. Fields Medal

An international prize and a medal, which are awarded once every 4 years at each international mathematical congress to two, three or four young mathematicians not older than 40 years old (or who have reached their 40th birthday in the year the prize was awarded). The Fields Medal is made of 14 carat gold (583 samples). On the front side there is an inscription in Latin: "Transire suum pectus mundoque potiri" ("To overcome your human limitations and conquer the Universe") and the image of Archimedes. And on the back: “Congregati ex toto orbe mathematici ob scripta insignia tribuere” (“Mathematicians, gathered from all over the world, presented [this award] for outstanding work”).

The Demidov Prize for scientists was established in 1831 by the Ural industrialist, chamberlain of the court of His Imperial Majesty Pavel Nikolaevich Demidov, "wishing to promote the success of the sciences of literature and industry in his own country." Scientific works nominated for the prize were considered by academicians, and their reports were published in the books of the publishing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the awarding of awards established by P. N. Demidov.

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