Animal school. Promising methodology "school of animals" Animal school

Learning my Baby to hold a piece of chalk cost nothing to me, but to make me drive this chalk on a black chalkboard standing in the arena was a little more difficult. Baby would often play naughty and scratch a smooth black board, chalk in different directions and drawing fantastic patterns on the board, while I wanted him to put the units evenly, one next to the other.

In the arena, I set up an animal school, in which my four-legged and feathered friends sat like real schoolchildren on their desks. There were sea lions, a pig, an elephant, a calf, a donkey, a pelican bird, and dogs: a small fox terrier - Peak and a large Saint Bernard - Lord, and more than once this school amazed the public.

The elephant had to study well, and it was understandable, because I could not allow the clever Baby to be worse than others. And in my school everyone was diligent; even the donkey, sitting on the very back of the bench, splendidly turned over its muzzle the wooden sheets of a huge book and roared good obscenities when I asked him a given lesson. How can Baby not be the first student in school? And I achieved that I could give him, according to the rules that existed then in schools, a mark, or a point, and this point was five, and even with a cross, which meant excellent knowledge and excellent diligence.

I asked the elephant:

Baby, what is three and four?

Baby took with his trunk a huge piece of chalk, the size of a twenty-pound weight, and put 7 thick sticks on the board, one next to the other. Seeing these sticks, even the pelican sitting on the second bench raised its head in surprise and hissed.

At school I had special wooden books laid out for animals, and the students leafed through them as best they could: a pig with a snout, a donkey's muzzle, a pelican stuck its long, scissor-like beak between the pages, sea lions deftly, like people, opened the books with their flexible fins.

I put on a serious face and scolded the pelican:

Ay, ay, ay ... it is not good to prompt ... After all, I have not an ordinary gymnasium, but an exemplary school.

With each lesson, Baby solved problems faster and more correctly. Sometimes, in the heat of zeal, and probably considering the audience short-sighted, he printed such long units on the blackboard that even our huge blackboard was not enough. Then the dog Lord came to his aid, which, when I asked how many units were missing on the board, barked the required number of times.

It happened that my Baby was absent-minded and wrote more sticks on the board than was needed, then Leo, my sea lion, ran up to the board, stood on his back flippers, resting his front left on the board, erased extra units with his right.

The audience applauded me and my students and laughed loudly, and it seemed to them everything they saw as something fabulous, incredible.

And the chest just opened, although only for me. It was very easy to learn a sea lion to turn over a book during a lesson or to open a box where a fish lay at the bottom; In the first days of training, I put a small fish on the bottom of a box or on the sheets of a book, and the animal, wanting to get it, lifted the lid or turned the pages.

It was much more difficult to get the dog to bark just as many times as I ordered. This I achieved by mental suggestion.

I will give an example that every student has seen more than once. Often, during a lesson, a mischievous boy, who has moved to another desk, under the silent, stern gaze of the teacher, shivers, immediately backs away and sits down in the same place. This is a mental suggestion.

How I achieved mental suggestions in the animal kingdom will be described in detail in my soon-to-be-published book.

During the lesson, my old dog Lord yawned, opening his huge mouth. I immediately reprimanded him and advised him to take an example from aquatic predators - sea lions.

A school was opened in the forest. And all the animals hastened to take their children there. And they are attached, and looked after, and they will also learn various useful things, while their parents rush about in the forest, looking for food.

So the hare gave her little hare to school. At first it was a little scary, because there are cubs, and foxes, and cubs studying. Who knows, will the baby be offended?

I looked closely at the animals, seemingly friendly. I looked at the badger teacher, who also seemed to be a worthy woman.

With these thoughts, the hare went to someone else's garden. She had noticed him for a long time, but she was afraid to leave the hare alone - the garden was too far away. And already there! Carrot! Cabbage! Salad! Enough of everything.

And the hare didn't really like the school. He much more liked to sit in a cozy hole and gnaw carrots with mom and dad. But on the other hand, the badger was telling something interesting. For example, how to pull out a carrot without even leaving a trace. Or how to gnaw funny figures out of carrots. Only she immediately warned that if parents are against pampering with food, it is better not to do this.

Our bunny was very good at gnawing interesting figures, but he knew that his mother would not approve of this.

Over time, the hare even made friends with a little raccoon and another hare, who were sitting with him on the same log.

But the hare saw mom and dad less and less. Mom, in her search for distant gardens, went further and further, and dad agreed to help the beavers build dams and also disappeared somewhere all the time.

In the evening, when my mother returned from the gardens, she asked the hare what they had been taught at school and asked to be shown. And the hare didn't really want to show what they were taught. In class, he missed his dad and mom and wondered why they no longer loved him. At home, he really wanted to jump with his mother, gnaw something interesting from the carrots and leave with cabbage leaves. But he was not allowed to do any of this, and his mother began to get upset and even scold the hare for not being as diligent as all the other animals.

There, they say, your friend the little hare has already learned to dodge and lead the pursuers by the nose, and the little raccoon has washed his burrow so that mom almost blinded from the shine when she entered.

And most importantly, the badger complains that the hare does not want to do anything ...

Because of all this, the bunny was very unhappy. He hated the forest school, his friends, and even a little bit of his parents.

Why does no one want to do with him what he likes, but only want what they need?

The bunny was sad and refused to do anything. Even the carrot didn't appeal to him. But my mother dragged such large carrots from the gardens that it was possible to gnaw a whole forest out of them!

Then the mother-hare, after consulting with the wet father-hare, who had returned from the dam, decided to turn to the badger.

- Your bunny is very smart and dexterous! - assured the worried mother badger. - Only he doesn't want to do anything at all.

- Why? - the hare was surprised.

“This age,” the badger shook her tail. - He now needs affection and understanding. I cannot give this to him, I have other animals, including more neglected than yours. But here you can. Have you seen what he gnaws out of carrots?

- No ... - the hare was confused.

- Ask to show. He's just a talent!

- Okay, I'll try, - agreed the hare, not quite understanding how this will affect the performance of the hare at school.

- Oh yes! The most important thing! - the badger bent down to the long ear of the mother rabbit. - Don't try to rate it. This is my job. And you just love him.

It just turned out to be more difficult to love than the mother-hare assumed. When the hare once again refused to do something, the hare flared up and spanked him below the tail.

“You know, dear,” said the rabbit dad, wet and happy again. - Working with beavers, I learned such a simple, but completely unpracticed action with us, hares - meditation. This work is so relaxing that sometimes I forget who I am and why I am here. It seems to me that the next time the bunny argues with you, you need to imagine the beavers regularly gnawing a huge trunk, and everything will be all right.

“It's easy for you to say,” the hare sobbed and wiped a tear that had rolled over with the edge of her husband’s wet ear. And yet she tried.

It turned out that when there are several beavers working in your imagination, it is much easier to communicate with your own bunny.

Soon, my mother completely ceased to be upset because of the bad marks on a birch bark leaf that the hare brought home.

When she realized that this did not really bother her, she tried to talk to the bunny and find out why he did not want to do anything.

- And nobody needs it! - said the hare.

- How does it not need anyone? - the mother-hare was surprised. - I really need you to learn how to dodge the trail and run away from the very cubs with whom you are still studying in the same class.

- Why? - the bunny didn't even look at mom.

- What do you mean why? - Mom never imagined that the bunny could ask her such a question. - I love you very much, and dad loves. We really want you to stay safe and sound!

- Is it true? - now it's Zaykina's turn to be surprised.

- Of course! - exclaimed mom and hugged her child. “Show me that carrot bear you gnawed out last week?”

- You're interested? - the hare was finally amazed.

- Yes! - the hare smiled. - You know, when I was little, I was also fond of this.

- Can not be! - the bunny skipping rushed after the bear.

- You know, - said the hare affectionately, when the hare returned, - somehow I'll take you with me to distant gardens. You will have more plots for art nibbling! You are just a talent for me!


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  • 1
  • Sorry. There were 2 famous pearls that had very similar names. The pearl described in this text did not belong to the Yusupov Family. This is the famous Peregrina. which surpasses the Yusupov PELEGRINA twice. They have completely different fates, although both pearls really belonged to c. Please. check your time for the Spanish royal family. Because of the very similar names-PEREGRINA and PELERGINA, there is a lot of confusion in the sources. Please. check again what you are writing about ... The peregrine which Elizabeth Taylor owned was never owned by the Yusupovs ...
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Each cub is unique. And this fairy tale is dedicated to each of them ... Or almost a fairy tale ...

Once upon a time, the animals decided to open a school. They needed to come up with a class schedule that would suit everyone, so they chose 4 subjects: running, climbing, flying and swimming.

All animals, of course, studied all subjects. The duck swam beautifully, even better than her teacher. She got passing marks in running and flew well, but was hopeless in climbing. Therefore, she was forced to give up swimming so that she could spend more time practicing climbing. She soon became only average in swimming, but mediocrity is acceptable, at least in school, so no one worried too much about it, except ... the duck.

The eagle was considered a problem student. In climbing to the top of the tree, he had no equal, but he had his own way of reaching the top, and he was bypassing the rules. He always had to stay after school, spending an immeasurable amount of time writing the phrase "cheating is not good." This prevented him from soaring in the sky, which he loved very much. But study is above all.

The bear was taking time off, and everyone said that he was lazy, especially in winter. His favorite season was summer, but the school was closed during the summer.

Zebra walked a lot, mainly because of the ponies who laughed at her stripes. This made the zebra very sad.

The kangaroo initially came first in the running competition, but very soon became disheartened when he was told that he needed to run softly and on all four legs, just like the others did.

The fish dropped out because she was bored. It seemed to her that all four objects were the same. But no one understood the fish, because no one had met people like her before.

Squirrel got excellent mark in climbing, but the flight teacher made her fly up from the ground, and not soar down from the tops of trees. Her legs burned so badly after jumping from the ground that she slipped into climbing triplets and running deuces.

The bee caused the most problems, so the teacher sent her for examination to Dr. Sowa. The doctor said that the bee's wings are too small to fly, and they are located in the wrong place. But the bee did not even begin to read the conclusions of Dr. Sowa, but went ahead and still began to fly. I think I know a couple of bees, do you?

A duck is a child who is good at math and bad at English and given private lessons native language while his classmates are studying mathematics. Who loses the opportunity to be a brilliant mathematician just to get a passing grade in English.

The eagle is a child who turned into an outcast only because he had his own approach to the tasks set. Although he does nothing wrong, his inability is perceived as a conflict, which is severely punished.

Who doesn't recognize a bear? The guy who is great at summer camp does well in minor subjects, but is absolutely dumb academically.

Zebra is a thin or overweight, shy, or maybe too short child, whose school failures few recognize as stemming from a sense of social inadequacy.

A kangaroo is one who lacks steadfastness, who gives up, becomes a frustrated child, whose future disappears because he has not been appreciated.

A fish is a child who really lacks a special approach to teaching and who cannot shine in a regular school environment.

A squirrel, unlike a duck, which "copes", becomes a failure.

A bee, yes, a bee, a child with whom the school simply refuses to work, yet, despite all the obstacles and thanks to the support of parents, has enough inner will and motivation to be successful, while everyone else put an end to her. I have had the pleasure of being familiar with many bees.

Your child is a unique combination of talents and individual components, it is a personality, and there is no other such in the world. Some children are intellectually strong, others are emotionally gifted, and many are given exceptional creativity. Each child is blessed with their own exclusive set of opportunities.

Your child did not come with a dry instruction manual. Effective parents always learn, learn and adjust their system of individual approaches to their child. Each child is unique, like a set of fingerprints, like a sparkling emerald of incomparable beauty.

For many children, adapting to school is challenging. The child is faced with a number of problems that he cannot solve on his own. As a result, he may develop school neuroses. Early diagnosis, correction and prevention of school neuroses remain an urgent and extremely important problem.
When diagnosing this phenomenon, the psychologist first of all encounters various forms of inadequate psychological defense. Since psychological defense is formed at an unconscious level, the study of its mechanisms can be carried out using projective techniques. One of them is the "School of Animals". It makes it possible to identify school neuroses at the initial stage of development, to find out the causes and methods of correction. Uncertainty of the stimulus material, the atmosphere of benevolence and the absence of value judgments allow the child to reveal himself most deeply. In addition, drawing for younger students is familiar and interesting. The analysis of the depicted makes it possible to make some assumptions about the difficulties that the children have encountered in the process of educational activity.
However, this technique can be applied not only at the stage of adaptation to school, but also at an older age - when working with identifying the difficulties of students in various lessons, in educational activities and in communicating with classmates and teachers.
It can be carried out both in a group and in an individual form.

Equipment... Colored pencils on paper.

Preliminary preparation

Leading.Now we will make an amazing journey into a magical forest. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Imagine that we are in a sunny forest clearing. Hear the leaves rustling overhead, the soft grass touching your feet. In the clearing you see the "Animal School". Look around. What animals study in this school? And what kind of beast is the teacher in her? What are the students doing? What kind of animal do you see yourself as? How do you feel about it? Live these feelings in yourself. You can stay in this "School of Animals" for a while while I count to 10, and then open your eyes.


Leading. You have visited the "School of Animals". Now take pencils and paper and try to draw what you saw.
Children are doing the task.
Look closely at your drawing and find the animal that you could be. Next to it, put an "x" or the letter "I".


1. The position of the drawing on the sheet.

The position of the picture closer to the top edge of the sheet is interpreted as high self-esteem, as dissatisfaction with one's position in the team, lack of recognition from others.
The position of the picture in the lower part is self-doubt, low self-esteem.
If the drawing is located on the midline, then the child is normal.

2. The contours of the figures.

The contours of the figures are analyzed by the presence or absence of protrusions (such as shields, shells, needles), drawing and darkening of lines - all this is protection from others. Aggressive - if done in sharp corners; with fear or anxiety - if there is a darkening of the contour line; with apprehension, suspicion - if shields, barriers are set up.

When evaluating lines, you need to pay attention to the pressure. Stability of pressure indicates stability, weak pressure - about the manifestation of anxiety, very strong - about tension. Anxiety can be indicated by broken lines, the presence of contours, traces of erasure.

4. The presence of details corresponding to the senses - eyes, ears, mouth.

The absence of eyes indicates a rejection of information, the image of ears (especially large and detailed ones) indicates an interest in information, especially regarding the opinion of others about oneself. Open, shaded mouth - about the ease with which fears arise. Teeth are a sign of verbal aggression.

5. Analysis of the quality and interaction of characters shows the features of communicative relationships.

A large number of entering into various relationships with each other (playing, depicted in learning activities etc.) and the absence of dividing lines between them indicates a favorable relationship with classmates. Otherwise, we can talk about the difficulties in building contacts with other students.

6. The nature of the relationship between the animal teacher and the animal representing the child.

It is necessary to see if there is any opposition between them? How are the figures of the teacher and the student located in relation to each other?

7. Image of learning activities.

In the absence of an image of educational activity, it can be assumed that the school attracts the child with extracurricular parties. If there are no students, teachers, educational or play activities, the drawing does not depict a school of animals or people, then it can be assumed that the child has not formed the position of a student, he is not aware of his tasks as a student.

8. Colors.

Bright, cheerful tones speak of prosperity emotional state child at school. Gloomy tones can indicate trouble and depression.

The most typical drawings

In the first picture there are no negative associations associated with the school, its placement and use of colors also speaks of the child's acceptance of the school.

In the second picture There are no negative associations, the color scheme is bright. However, the separation of students by lines from each other may indicate difficulties in relationships with peers. The teacher's assessment is very high. The child is interested in communication, but one hare does not have a mouth, which can indirectly confirm the difficulties in establishing contacts.

Third drawing not finished. The animals are not decorated. There is no clear distinction between teacher and students. It is possible that there is no teacher at all. Almost all the animals were erased and painted again. Strong enough pencil pressure. The sheet is dented. It can be assumed that the child has anxiety, possibly related to school. In this case, additional work with the child is required to clarify the situation.

Fourth drawing shows the presence of internal aggression, since the ears and mane of animals have sharp corners. In addition, you can talk about anxiety (erasure). Probably, the school attracts the child with extracurricular activities. The child may have headaches.

Fifth figure indicates the presence of negative associations (the teacher is a crocodile, the child is a hare). Feeling of aggression in the classroom (teeth, claws of the teacher, needles and teeth of the students). A clear separation of oneself from the teacher and other students. The saying of the drawing showed that the child feels uncomfortable in the classroom. Perhaps there are difficulties in communicating with classmates.

Subsequently, observations, conversations, questionnaires on the degree of adaptation to the school fully confirmed the data of the "Animal School" methodology. On their basis, training sessions and an adaptation course for first graders were developed and conducted. As a result of the work done, many of the children's problems were eliminated.
Thus, the projective methodology "School of Animals" helps to identify the difficulties that have arisen in children at early stage training, and eliminate them in time.

educational psychologist high school № 2,
Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar Territory

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