What will you die from? what is the probability of dying in an accident or from AIDS. How big is the risk of dying in an accident, depending on the age of the car

From plane crashes to lightning, here are 25 things statistically most likely to kill people:

25. Fireworks

In the United States of America, about 10,000 people go to emergency services for injuries associated with fireworks. Chance of being killed by fireworks: 1 in 615,448.

24. Tsunami

Naturally, the risk of dying from a tsunami strongly depends on where you live, but in terms of statistics, the chance is 1 in 500,000.

23. Collision with an asteroid

In the past, it was believed that the chance of dying from an asteroid collision was about 1 in 20,000. At the moment, thanks to the development of science, we have learned that the chance is actually 1 in 500,000. Although even this probability is quite high.

22. Dog attack

The chance of being torn apart by man's best friend is 1 in 147,717.

21. Earthquake

Again, living in an area of ​​high tectonic activity will significantly increase your risk. Overall, however, the chance of dying in an earthquake is 1 in 131,890.

20. Poisonous bite

With a chance of 1 in 100,000, the risk of dying from a bee sting is twice the chance of dying from a dog bite.

19. Lightning

Around a quarter of a million people around the world are struck by lightning every year. The odds of death from such an event are 1 in 83,930.

18. Tornado

Living in the United States or India increases the chance of death, but overall it is roughly 1 in 60,000.

17. Death penalty

Yes, if you do not kill and do not commit high treason, the chance of death under such circumstances will greatly decrease, especially if you do not live in China, North Korea, Yemen, Iran or the United States, then you will not face the death penalty. Yet the chance is 1 in 58,618.

16. Flood

Floods, one of the most common and dangerous natural disasters, claim more lives each year than any other on this list. Chance of death: 1 in 30,000.

15. Plane crash

Flying in airplanes is much (as you will notice later, hundreds of times) safer than moving in a car. The chance of death is 1 in 20,000.

14. Death by drowning

According to the World Health Organization, drowning deaths are the third most frequent accidental deaths. Thus, hundreds of thousands of people die every year. Chance: 1 in 8,942.

13. Electric shock

When deaths from lightning and capital punishment are included, electric shock causes about 1,000 deaths annually in the United States. Of these deaths, the most frequent are those related to safety at work. Chance of death: 1 in 5,000.

12. Bicycle

Usually, when someone dies while cycling, that death is caused by a motorist. The chance is 1 in 4,717.

11. Forces of nature

This item includes lightning, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and any other natural disasters. Curious to know what is the chance that you will die as a result of the wrath of Mother Nature? 1 in 3 357.

10. Fire or smoke

Approximately 50-80 percent of fire-related deaths are due to inhalation of smoke, not burns, but overall, in the United States alone, fires claim thousands of lives each year. Chance to die: 1 in 1 116.

9. Death from gunshot wounds

Living in the United States, Guatemala, Brazil, or the Republic of South Africa increases the chances of dying in these circumstances, but overall the chance is 1 in 325.

8. Fall

If this seems harmless to you, you must be young. It is the leading cause of death among the world's older population. Chance: 1 in 246.

7. Intentional self-harm

Every 40 seconds in the world, someone commits suicide and every year about 1 million people die from this. Chance: 1 in 121.

6. Car accident

This is the most dangerous act we do on a regular basis, and about 50,000 Americans die each year in car accidents. Chance to die: 1 in 100.

5. Accidental injury

This collective category is responsible for about 30 million emergency room visits each year, and about 100,000 people die each year as a result of these circumstances. Chance: 1 in 36.

4. Stroke

For people living in developed countries, one of the four remaining points is what they will eventually die from. The chance of dying from a stroke is 1 in 23.

3. Cancer

If a person lives long enough, cancer becomes almost as inevitable as death and taxes. Chance: 1 in 7.

2. Heart disease

Many experts believe that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Chance to die: 1 in 5.

1. Hayflick limit

Even if we assume that a person will not get sick and will not die a violent death, as it turns out, our cells can divide a limited number of times, after which they will disintegrate anyway. This amount is known as the Hayflick limit. Although modern research in genetics can prolong this process, some estimates indicate the current maximum human life span is 125 years.

This is a question from Ore Austin of Petersham, New South Wales.

Each of us runs the risk of dying every day. It doesn't matter how carefully we try to keep ourselves safe from danger, because much of what we come into contact with can be fatal. Based on the information provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the book by Les Kranz, What Are Our Chances: Everything You Hoped For Or Feared From A to Z, the probability of harm to our health in our daily life was calculated.

If you were born in modern-day Australia, you will probably live to be about 75.7 years old (slightly more for women, slightly less for men).

The chances that lightning will hit you today are 1: 250,000,000, and that it will happen throughout your life - 1: 9100.

The chances of a shark attacking you today are astronomically small. The probability that she will attack you throughout your life is 1: 1,000,000. However, if this happens, you will be able to escape only 30% of the time.

The probability that you will die this year is 1 in 119. Cause of death can be heart disease (1: 3), cancer (1: 5), stroke (1:14), lung disease (1:29), pneumonia (1:32), diabetes (1:58), and liver disease (1:83).

The probability of dying in a car accident is 1: 125. The probability of being killed in a car accident on your next possible trip is approximately 1 in 4,000,000. The probability of being killed by a car is highest at 6 years. At the age of six, about 1 in 12,500 boys and 1 in 25,000 girls are killed by the wheels of cars.

The probability of a crash on the next flight in an airplane is less than 1: 4,600,000.

The probability of dying in<этом году при пожаре в собственном доме равна 1:100 000. того, что вы будете искалечены, - 1:1400. Вероятность пожара в вашем доме в этом году равна 1:200, и если такое произойдет - 3:10, что причиной пожара послужило курение. Если пожар все-таки случился, в 1 из 77 случаев вы получите травму или ожог.

The probability of dying when falling is 1: 200,000. If you are over 80 years old, the probability increases to 1: 2,000, and if over 90, it is 1: 570.

The probability that you will have a brain tumor this year is 1:25 000. But if that happens, the probability that it will be cancerous is 4: 1. If, for any reason, you are faced with one brain revolution, your chances of survival are 33: 1.

If you have experienced a heart attack or stroke, the probability of complete recovery is 1: 3, the probability of receiving irreparable damage to health is 1: 3, and the same is the probability that you will die.

The probability that you will commit suicide this year is 1 in 580. If you try to do this, the probability of success is 1:14. Throughout your life, the chance of a successful suicide is 1:73. - The probability that you will need a heart transplant in your lifetime is 1 in 3000. If you need a heart donor, the probability of finding it is 1: 1, and the probability of a successful operation is 7:10. If it went well, then the chances that you will live another 5 years with a new heart is 1: 1.

The probability that a liver transplant will become necessary during a lifetime is 1 in 2000; the probability of a kidney transplant is 1: 365; the probability of corneal transplantation is 1:95.

The probability that you will go blind or your vision will deteriorate dramatically is 7: 1000.

You can start smoking 4 out of 10. If you become addicted, then 7 out of 10 times you will try to quit smoking and 3 out of 10 you will succeed.

Australia's skin cancer rate is the highest in the world. The odds of being diagnosed this year are 1 in 460. The likelihood that you will be diagnosed this year with a fatal form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma. - equal to 1: 6805, and the fact that this year you will die from it - 1: 22407. If you have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the chance of dying from it is 1: 3.

The likelihood that you will have mental health problems at some point in your life is 3:10.

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The auditor first of all finds out how in the accounting policy for the taxation of an enterprise it is provided to take into account the financial result from the sale of products (works, services) - on an accrual basis or ...

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Enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, are given the right to independently resolve issues related to the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor. Due to the results of their labor, enterprises must ...

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According to Rosstat, 1,826,125 people died in Russia in 2017 (8% less than in 2016). Of these, 1,673,384 died due to various diseases, and 152,741 due to external factors.

The world is killing dementia ...

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, more than half of the deaths in the world (54%) are caused by 10 main causes. Let's list them in descending order.

In the first place by a wide margin - heart disease, in second - strokes. Together, they account for up to 25% of deaths, and for the last 15 years these diseases have been the leaders of a terrible list. In third, fourth and fifth places are respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and cancer of the trachea and bronchi).

In sixth place is diabetes, and the number of deaths from it from year to year is growing (1.6 million in 2015 versus less than 1 million in 2000). So far in seventh place is dementia (senile weak-mindedness), but in just 5 years the number of deaths from it has doubled! Here it is, the consequence of the growth in the duration of a person's life. Further there are infections of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, etc.). In ninth place are diarrheal diseases, although this figure has halved in 5 years. And in last place in the top 10 causes of death is tuberculosis, the number of deaths from which is also decreasing.

... And Russia is drunkenness

In Russia, as in the world as a whole, life expectancy is growing steadily. For 15 years, the average citizen of our country began to live 8 years longer. As the head suggests Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation V-eronika Skvortsova, by 2024 we will live on average 76 years, and by 2030 - 80 or more.

Another thing is that the structure of the causes of mortality in our country is somewhat different from the global one. Of course, in the Russian Federation, as in the rest of the world, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the brain, and oncological diseases are in the lead. Other reasons are respiratory diseases, as well as senile manifestations. However, the top ten most common causes include all alcohol-related diseases, from poisoning with a low-quality surrogate to drunk killings.

In the opinion Chief Geriatrician of the Ministry of Health of Russia Olga Tkacheva, the increase in life expectancy in our country was influenced by the increase in the well-being of the population and improvements in the field of health care and social assistance, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that the Ministry of Health proposes to send 2.8 billion rubles. from the federal budget in order to stimulate citizens to join a healthy lifestyle. And if the efforts of the state bring the expected results, you look, someday we will really begin to die mainly from old age - that is, in 100-120 years ...

Order number Cause Number of deaths per year The likelihood of such a death
1 Heart disease, including myocardial infarction
Neoplasms, including cancer

Cerebrovascular diseases associated with disorders of the brain, including cerebral infarction

External factor

Diseases of the nervous system

Old age

Diseases of the digestive system, including liver disease, ulcers

Respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, acute bronchitis, influenza

Diseases caused by alcohol, including poisoning



Death for unknown reasons

Head injury


Transport accident

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Mental disorders


Food poisoning


Fall, including out of the blue

Accidental suffocation

Entry of a foreign body through natural openings

Any other accident

Accidental drowning

Drug-related death

Drug poisoning

Thermal and chemical burns

Sudden death

Death under the train

Complications during treatment and after surgery

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Intestinal infections

Down syndrome (and other chromosomal abnormalities)

Viral encephalitis

Plane crash or space disaster

Military actions

According to Rosstat

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What kills people around the world more often - accidents or diseases?Why do some people win in the fight against fatal diseases, while others die?

What do I risk dying from every day?

This is a question from Ore Austin of Petersham, New South Wales.

Each of us runs the risk of dying every day. It doesn't matter how carefully we try to keep ourselves safe from danger, because much of what we come into contact with can be fatal. Based on information provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and a book by Les Kranz What Are Our Chances: Everything You Hoped For or What You Dreaded, from A to I have calculated the likelihood of harm to our health in everyday life.

If you were born in modern-day Australia, you will probably live to be about 75.7 years old (slightly more for women, slightly less for men).

The chances that lightning will hit you today are 1: 250,000,000, and that it will happen throughout your life - 1: 9100.

The chances of a shark attacking you today are astronomically small. The probability that she will attack you throughout your life is 1: 1,000,000. However, if this happens, you will be able to escape only 30% of the time.

The probability that you will die this year is 1 in 119. Cause of death can be heart disease (1: 3), cancer (1: 5), stroke (1:14), lung disease (1:29), pneumonia (1:32), diabetes (1:58), and liver disease (1:83).

The probability of dying in a car accident is 1: 125. The probability of being killed in a car accident on your next possible trip is approximately 1 in 4,000,000. The probability of being killed by a car is highest at 6 years. At the age of six, about 1 in 12,500 boys and 1 in 25,000 girls are killed by the wheels of cars.

The probability of a crash on the next flight in an airplane is less than 1: 4,600,000.

The probability of dying in<этом году при пожаре в собственном доме равна 1:100 000. того, что вы будете искалечены, - 1:1400. Вероятность пожара в вашем доме в этом году равна 1:200, и если такое произойдет - 3:10, что причиной пожара послужило курение. Если пожар все‑таки случился, в 1 из 77 случаев вы получите травму или ожог.

The probability of dying when falling is 1: 200,000. If you are over 80 years old, the probability increases to 1: 2,000, and if over 90, it is 1: 570.

The probability that you will have a brain tumor this year is 1:25 000. But if that happens, the probability that it will be cancerous is 4: 1. If, for whatever reason, you have one brain revolution, your chances of survival are 33: 1.

If you have experienced a heart attack or stroke, the probability of complete recovery is 1: 3, the probability of receiving irreparable damage to health is 1: 3, and the same is the probability that you will die.

The probability that you will commit suicide this year is 1 in 580. If you try to do this, the probability of success is 1:14. Throughout your life, the chance of a successful suicide is 1:73. - The probability that you will need a heart transplant in your lifetime is 1 in 3000. If you need a heart donor, the probability of finding it is 1: 1, and the probability of a successful operation is 7:10. If it went well, then the chances that you will live another 5 years with a new heart is 1: 1.

The probability that a liver transplant will become necessary during a lifetime is 1 in 2000; the probability of a kidney transplant is 1: 365; the probability of corneal transplantation is 1:95.

The probability that you will go blind or your vision will deteriorate dramatically is 7: 1000.

You can start smoking 4 out of 10. If you become addicted, then 7 out of 10 times you will try to quit smoking and 3 out of 10 you will succeed.

Australia's skin cancer rate is the highest in the world. The odds of being diagnosed this year are 1 in 460. The likelihood that you will be diagnosed this year with a fatal form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma. - equal to 1: 6805, and the fact that this year you will die from it - 1: 22407. If you have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the chance of dying from it is 1: 3.

The likelihood that you will have mental health problems at some point in your life is 3:10.

In 1 in 8 you could become an alcoholic, in 7 in 9 you will suffer from a severe phobia, in 1 in 16 you will have major depression, and in 1 in 50 you will be diagnosed with a panic disorder associated with a worsening mental state.

The chance that you will develop schizophrenia is 1 in 167.

The lifetime chance of contracting tuberculosis is 1 in 11,000.

Your chances of contracting malaria are very small, but if you do, the chances of dying from it is 1:40, especially if treatment is delayed.

The odds of contracting leprosy this year are 1 in 548,000.

The probability of perishing as a result of the fact that the Earth will be destroyed by a colliding meteorite is 1: 9000.

Most of us live with these risks, but every morning we get out of bed and go to the shower, no matter what. And finally - the probability of dying in the soul this year is 1: 685,000 25, 26.

Fatal diseases are much more common among men. Chronic diseases are much more common among women.

Life is unpredictable. At every step we can be watched by mortal dangers, from plane crashes to lightning strikes. What are the chances of dying from this or that disaster?

Life is unpredictable. At every step we can be watched by mortal dangers, from plane crashes to lightning strikes. What are the chances of dying from this or that disaster?

We bring to your attention the top 25 reasons that, according to statistics, can lead to death:

25. Fireworks

For example, in the United States, about 10,000 people are admitted to the hospital every year with injuries and burns from the inaccurate use of fireworks. The chance of dying for this very reason is 1 in 615,488.

24. Tsunami

The probability of being killed by a tsunami depends on where you live, but statistically the odds are 1 in 500,000.

23. The fall of the asteroid

In the past, the chance of death from an asteroid was equal to 1 in 20,000. Now, thanks to the development of science, the probability of death from an asteroid is 1 in 500,000. Scientists believe that even this probability is 4 times higher than the probability of death from a lightning strike.

22. Dog attack

The chance of being bitten to death by a person's best friend is 1 in 147,717.

21. Earthquake

Again, it all depends on the location of the person. In an area with high tectonic activity, the chance of death from an earthquake is 1 in 131,890.

20. Bite of a poisonous animal / insect

According to statistics, the risk of dying from a bee sting is 2 times higher than the chance of dying from a dog bite and is 1 in 100,000.

19. Lightning strike

Around a quarter of a million people around the world are struck by lightning every year. Death chance: 1 in 83,930.

18. Tornado

Living in the United States or India, of course, increases the risk of dying from this natural disaster and is roughly 1 in 60,000.

17. Death penalty

The risk of being punished by the death penalty depends on the nature of the crime committed and where you live. But overall the chance is 1 in 58,618.

16. Flood

One of the most common and dangerous natural disasters claims more lives each year than any other natural disaster on this list. Chance of death: 1 in 30,000.

15. Plane crash

Flying by plane is considered safer than traveling by car. Chance of death: 1 in 20,000.

14. Drowning

According to the World Health Organization, drowning deaths are the third leading cause of unintentional death, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives each year. Death chance: 1 in 8,942.

13. Electric shock

Including deaths from lightning and capital punishment, electric shock in the United States occurs approximately 1,000 times a year, and most accidents occur in the workplace. Death chance: 1 in 5,000.

12. Bicycle accident

Most often, death in such an accident occurs as a result of a collision with a car. Chance of death: 1 in 4,717.

11. Natural disasters

This includes lightning, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. The chance of being killed by Mother Nature's wrath is 1 in 3,357.

10. Fire

About 50-80% of fire deaths are most often due to smoke poisoning, and not due to burns, but in general in the United States, this factor claims thousands of human lives annually. Death chance: 1 in 1 116.

9. Gunshot wound

Of course, the risk of being shot can arise in any country, but the risk increases in the United States, Guatemala, Brazil and South Africa. Death chance: 1 in 325.

8. Fall

Most often, it is the cause of death among children and the elderly. Chance: 1 in 246.

7. Suicide

There is one suicide every 40 seconds in the world, and every year about 1 million people intentionally take their own lives. Death chance: 1 in 121.

6. Car accident

Car accidents are the most common cause of death. They kill about 50,000 Americans every year. Death chance: 1 in 100.

5. Accidental injury

For this reason, there are about 30 million emergency calls, and about 100,000 people die as a result of these circumstances a year. Death chance: 1 in 36.

4. Stroke

For residents of developed countries, this is one of the most pressing problems. The chance of death is 1 in 23.

Even if a person does not die from illness, accident or violent death, then his cells at some point stop dividing, will be destroyed and, in the end, will die. This phenomenon is known as the Hayflick Limit (after Leonard Hayflick, who discovered this phenomenon). While modern advances in genetics may prolong this process, research has shown that the current maximum life span for humans is around 125 years.

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