What is a resource? Types of resources Exercise "What to add?"

    resources- The totality of labor, material, technical and financial resources necessary to perform work in the construction industry [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] resources Used and... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Funds, stock; repertoire, reserve, potential, reserves, charge Dictionary of Russian synonyms. resources see stock Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    - (from the French ressource auxiliary means) funds, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income (for example, natural resources, economic resources). Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp. Prof. Paul Sciences... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (resources) This concept includes everything that contributes to economic activity: natural resources (terrestrial, fossil, underwater); human resources, including capabilities and qualifications; industrial goods, or... Economic dictionary

    - (foreign language) means of strength (in the moral sense), reserve, resourcefulness. Wed. Are you sure that I can throw away three hundred thousand without later feeling the depletion of resources? A. A. Sokolov. Secret. 22. Wed. There was too little in common between them and he began... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A set of means and sources of obtaining them, possible and available for use in solving certain and unforeseen problems under normal, optimal and extreme conditions, regardless of the time of use. Resources include... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Resources- . The general property of R. is the potential for their participation in production (industrial R.) and in consumption (consumer R.). At any given moment, R. are limited and therefore the main task of economic management is their... ... Economic and mathematical dictionary

    resources- A source of values, reserves, opportunities, funds and income for the life and activities of people, among which natural resources occupy the most important place... Dictionary of Geography

    Funds and capabilities spent on the production of goods and services. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from French ressource auxiliary means) English. resources; German Ressourcen. Cash, valuables, inventories, opportunities, sources of income. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Windows Server 2008 Resources: Securing (+CD) by Johansson Jesper M. This official Microsoft guide provides a complete, in-depth description of planning, deploying, and managing Windows Server 2008 security features. In the book…
  • Body resources. Immunity, health, longevity, A. E. Vasiliev. A completely new unique book is offered to the attention of readers, in which a unified concept of the functioning of the human body is built. Here for the first time we are concretizing and interconnecting...

A resource is something with which various human needs can be satisfied. This article will discuss the origin of the term, as well as the main types of resources.

A resource is... Etymology of the term

This term is of French origin. It is based on a modified form of the verb surgere ( get up) and the prefix re-. What is the essence of this concept?

A resource is a supply of something that can be used to meet the specific needs of an individual or society. Ressource - this is exactly what this word looks like in the original (in French).

The most successful synonym for the word “resource” is “stock”. Also, the following words can be synonyms for this term in a certain context: “source”, “income”, “means”, “reserve” and some others.

Main types of resources

Among the main types (classes) of resources are the following:

  • natural;
  • economic;
  • labor (human);
  • financial (or banking, budget);
  • administrative;
  • informational;
  • energy, etc.

In addition, any of the resources, depending on the conditions of its use, can be primary or secondary.

Natural resources are all objects, substances and phenomena that the population of a certain territory (country, region, region) uses to produce various goods, products and services. These include water, atmospheric air, solar energy, minerals (oil, gas, coal, iron ore, etc.), soil, biota (flora and fauna).

Natural resources can be exhaustible (eg oil) or inexhaustible (air), renewable (fresh water) or non-renewable (eg granite).

One important law should be mentioned. He says that all resources are limited, but human needs are essentially limitless. It is precisely this acute contradiction that economics is designed to solve.

One of the tools for solving such an important problem is the rational use of resources (or environmental management). Its essence is to use any resource with maximum benefit for people and with minimal harm to the environment. For example, you can organize a sawmill in a forest area and harvest logs. And you can also build a small plant nearby that would produce chipboards (chipboards) from sawdust. Thus, a specific resource (forest) will be used more rationally.

Human resources are an important factor in economic development

Many economists argue that human resources are the most valuable asset of any production. So, according to Valery Gabrielyan, this is capital, investments in which will pay off handsomely. Proving this statement is not difficult at all. Just look at countries like Japan, Singapore or South Korea. Without possessing significant natural resources, they were able to achieve success precisely through the effective use of human resources.

Modern production processes are highly technological and complex. Therefore, they require significant investments in the training of professional personnel. Experience shows that the most successful companies (enterprises) are those that have a stable and experienced workforce that knows its tasks and carries them out effectively.


Translated from French, “resource” is a “source” (or “stock”) of something. In economic theory, this term usually means everything that can be used to produce specific goods. And among all types of economic resources, a special place belongs to human (or labor). Without them, none of the modern states can be successful.

  • Resource- means that allow, through certain transformations, to obtain the desired result.
    • Resource (equipment) - the amount of work for which a machine, building, etc. is designed. After the resource is exhausted, safe operation is not guaranteed; the device requires major repairs or replacement.
      • Motor resource - engine resource. It is measured in engine hours or kilometers driven.
    • Administrative resource - in politics, the ability to use one or another political force of power structures for its own purposes.


  • Natural resources
    • Inexhaustible
    • Exhaustible
  • Economic resources
    • Organizational resources
    • Financial resources
    • Material resources
  • Informational resources
    • Network resources
    • Internet resources
    • CD editions
  • In information technology
    • Resources (Windows), Resources (MacOS), Resources (Java), Resources (Jabber)
  • In tourism
    • Natural healing resources

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See what “Resources” are in other dictionaries:

    resources- The totality of labor, material, technical and financial resources necessary to perform work in the construction industry [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] resources Used and... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (from the French ressource auxiliary means) funds, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income (for example, natural resources, economic resources) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Funds, stock; repertoire, reserve, potential, reserves, charge Dictionary of Russian synonyms. resources see stock Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    - (from the French ressource auxiliary means) funds, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income (for example, natural resources, economic resources). Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp. Prof. Paul Sciences... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (resources) This concept includes everything that contributes to economic activity: natural resources (terrestrial, fossil, underwater); human resources, including capabilities and qualifications; industrial goods, or... Economic dictionary

    - (foreign language) means of strength (in the moral sense), reserve, resourcefulness. Wed. Are you sure that I can throw away three hundred thousand without later feeling the depletion of resources? A. A. Sokolov. Secret. 22. Wed. There was too little in common between them and he began... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A set of means and sources of obtaining them, possible and available for use in solving certain and unforeseen problems under normal, optimal and extreme conditions, regardless of the time of use. Resources include... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Resources- . The general property of R. is the potential for their participation in production (industrial R.) and in consumption (consumer R.). At any given moment, R. are limited and therefore the main task of economic management is their... ... Economic and mathematical dictionary

    resources- A source of values, reserves, opportunities, funds and income for the life and activities of people, among which natural resources occupy the most important place... Dictionary of Geography

    Funds and capabilities spent on the production of goods and services. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from French ressource auxiliary means) English. resources; German Ressourcen. Cash, valuables, inventories, opportunities, sources of income. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Windows Server 2008 Resources: Securing (+CD) by Johansson Jesper M. This official Microsoft guide provides a complete, in-depth description of planning, deploying, and managing Windows Server 2008 security features. In the book…


The word appeared in Russian as an economic concept. Its broad meaning is reserves, opportunities, cash, sources of income. In a narrow sense, resources are everything that is used to produce goods and services.

Traditionally, the concept of “resource” is associated with the concept of natural resources. There are reasons to question the fruitfulness of following this tradition. The arguments are as follows.

Firstly, the etymology of the concept resource. The word is borrowed from the French "ressource", Old French "resourdre" - to rise again, to rise again. Its root meaning (re - again, sourdre - arise, grow, ascend) - renewal. At the same time, many natural resources are non-renewable, the problem of their depletion has become an acute global problem, and after Hotelling’s work it became possible question the correctness of the combination “natural resources”. Therefore, while continuing to use it, we must nevertheless be aware that such use of the term does not allow us to highlight its essential characteristics.

Secondly, the concept of resource is associated and corresponds with the concept of economic factors, which include labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial abilities. In the English-language economic literature, the resource and factor concepts are synonymous in their content. This is confirmed by reference to generally accepted dictionaries in the world.

Another equally convincing evidence of this is the generally accepted definition of the subject of economic science. Its constitutive link is “limited resources (at any given moment) and unlimited needs.” Of course, resources in this definition are not limited to natural resources, but include all four economic factors in the modern heterogeneous understanding of each of them. Note that this understanding became operational after well-known attempts to explain the Leontief paradox. These attempts led to a multifactorial vision of economic life and inevitably led to an expanded understanding of the term. Currently, it covers both factors and results of production, since products for one branch of production are resources for another.

Let's summarize the above. There is no generally accepted definition and classification of resources. Resources can be understood more broadly than the four known factors of production: capital, natural resources, entrepreneurial ability, and labor. But all possible types of resources share, in our opinion, common characteristics. The main ones among them are the possibility of use in production, limitations in the short term and, finally, interdependence as interdependence.

Chinese interpretation of the word "Resources"

Resources in Chinese 资源 (ziyuan). This word, as in other languages, is most often associated with natural resources. But it also contains the meaning of “resources” in a broad sense.

The first character 资 (zi) means “capital, funds, money.” The essence of the hieroglyph is revealed in the corresponding word capital. In short, at the top there is a “bill”, at the bottom there is a “shell”, that is, “money”.

The second character 源 (yuan) originally means "source, spring, spring." Etymologically it means water gushing from a steep mountain. Its figurative meaning is “beginning, origin, source.” Similarly, in Russian, “source” means both a source of water and, in a figurative sense, a source of anything.

By combining these two hieroglyphs we get the “source of funds”. More than an obvious definition. That is, for the Chinese, any resources are the “beginning of wealth.” A very utilitarian, but cost-effective attitude towards resources, which is manifested through language.

Related concepts:
asset, land, means, labor, service
asset, labor, land, reserve, service,
富源, 资金, 原料

A series of Soviet (Russian) remote sensing (photo surveillance) spacecraft. Used for national economic purposes. Provide synchronous large-scale and spectrozonal photography of the Earth's surface in the visible range of the spectrum... ... Wikipedia

resource- a, m. RESOURCE a, m. ressource f. 1. A means, an opportunity that can be resorted to under what circumstances. necessary. BAS 1. Our behavior with ambassadors, where every step is according to etiquette, from morning to evening we hear no other conversation than asking if everything is in... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Cm … Synonym dictionary

- “Resource DK 1” ... Wikipedia

- (from the French ressource auxiliary means) 1) R. of an aircraft structure, the duration of operation (operating time) of the aircraft structure, expressed in flight hours or the number of flights before the onset of the limit state ... Encyclopedia of technology

resource- The total operating time of the reinforcement from the start of operation or its resumption after repair until the onset of the limit state. [GOST R 52720 2007] resource The total operating time of an object from the start of its operation or its resumption after repair to... ... Technical Translator's Guide

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- (French, source source). 1) means of living, source of income, benefits, assistance, as well as moral means that a person has. 2) place of recreation, club, public house. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (from the French ressource auxiliary means) technical, the operating time of a product from the beginning of its operation (or after repair) until it reaches a state in which further operation is impossible or undesirable, for example due to low ... ... Modern encyclopedia

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

RESOURCE, RESOURCE, resource, husband. (French ressource). 1. A remedy that is used when necessary. Lying was the last resource of the accused. “He... was not a teacher, and his overwhelming massiveness was his only resource in the struggle for order... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


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  • Resource of materials for low-temperature structures, Yu. P. Solntsev, B. S. Ermakov. Recent decades have been characterized by a sharp increase in the cost of fixed assets of production and an increase in the cost of installation and repair work. This required a change in approach to the development of new types...
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