Spring entertainment in the junior group “Sun-bucket. Spring has come to us again (entertainment in the second junior group) Leisure 2 junior group spring

Entertainment with children of the 2nd junior group:

"Visiting Spring"

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Artistic creativity”

Activities: communicative, playful, motor, productive.

Target: form the concept of spring (its signs) using speech and artistic activities.


Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring;

Learn to coordinate speech with movements.

Strengthen the ability to draw using non-traditional drawing methods (palm print, potato print, disposable fork).

Develop aesthetic perception, sense of shape, color; curiosity, creativity and thinking.

Foster a humane attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work: conversations about spring, spring flowers, observing changes in nature, looking at illustrations, reading and memorizing poems about spring, the sun, drawing using unconventional methods.

Material and equipment: pictures about spring, sheets of tinted paper, paints, potato stencils, disposable forks, an envelope with a letter.

Organizing time:

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Hold your hands tightly

And smile at each other.

Let's all smile and share good mood with each other.

Now let's say hello to the guests who came to us today: - First, our eyes say hello to you, and now our nose, arms, legs and finally, our voice. Well done!!!

Reading a poem and talking about spring:

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the wind gets warmer,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the sun shines brighter,

This means spring has come to us.

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about?(about spring) .

Educator: That's right, about spring. Are you excited for spring?

Let's tell you what happens in spring. Start your answer with the word "spring". (Show pictures)

In spring... the sun shines brightly;

Icicles appear in spring;

In spring the snow melts;

In spring puddles appear;

In spring the streams flow;

In spring the buds swell;

In spring the first green leaves appear;

Birds arrive in spring;

In the spring, insects wake up;

In the spring, animals give birth to babies;

In spring, the first flowers appear: snowdrops, coltsfoot;

In spring, green grass appears;

It rains in spring.

Well done guys, you know all the signs of spring well, and for this spring has prepared a surprise for you. She invited us on a journey to the spring forest, where all nature comes to life and miracles happen.

(spring music sounds)

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

Maybe here in the spring forest

Shall we pick flowers?

(Children hold hands and follow each other.)

On our way we met a spring stream. How can we get through it?

(Children jump over a “stream” - 20 cm wide)

Well, guys, we have reached the magic meadow.

This is not fun at all. Everything is white and white.

Oh look, there's a letter here for us.(Opens the letter)

"Hello guys! We had a problem in the spring forest. An evil Blizzard flew into a magical clearing, covered it with snow, and froze all the first spring flowers. There were deep snowdrifts that even the sun's rays couldn't get through. Only a kind heart and skillful hands can help defeat an evil blizzard.”

Guys, we are just in time, our help is needed here. Let's help the forest dwellers melt the snow in the magical clearing so that the flowers will bloom there again.

What can help us melt the snow?

Let's call the sun for help, and for this we will play a game.

Musical game "Sun".

Tender sun (children raise their hands up)

Shines on the path.

I'll show the sun (show their palms)

All your palms.

Right, left! (show right and left palm)

All your palms!

I'll show the sun (show their cheeks)

Rosy cheeks.

Round, ruddy, (show with circular movements)

Like little bells!

Right, left! (show right and left cheek)


On the nose from the sun (show your nose)

Red freckles!

Basking in the sun

Small ears. (shows their ears)

Right, left! (show first the right, then the left)

Little ears!

(Children play and the sun appears)


Sunshine, look out!

Red, light it up!

For cold water,

On the silken grass,

On a scarlet flower,

On a little little meadow!

Look, the clearing has turned from white to green. But there are still no flowers.

What can we do to make flowers appear on it?

(we can draw)

Okay, then go and sit down at the tables.(children note that there are no brushes and they will have nothing to paint with)

How else can we draw flowers?

(Children offer techniques for drawing flowers).

Practical part.

Children are asked to think about what technique they will use to draw flowers.

Remember the rules of drawing (lower your palm, use a disposable fork, stamp a potato into the paint carefully, press firmly onto a sheet of paper, trying not to move it from its place).

The children sit at the tables. Choose a material for drawing.

The work is performed to musical accompaniment. (After work, wipe your hands with a damp cloth.)


(We lay out the finished works on the carpet.)

Well done boys! You did a great job and flowers are blooming in the magical meadow again. Look what a beautiful clearing we have made. This is an unusual clearing, magical. Therefore, any miracle can happen. Do you want to turn into flowers?

(Children put hats with flowers on their heads.)

Exercise "Flower"

He says to the flower, flower: pick up your leaf.

Go out onto the path and stamp your foot.

Shake your head and greet the sun in the morning.

Tilt the stem slightly, here is a charge for the flower.

Now wash yourself with dew, rest and calm down.

Guys, it's time to say goodbye to the magical clearing. It's time to go back.

Did you enjoy the trip? What's your mood? After all, you and I did a good deed, we helped the beautiful Vesna!

Scenario of spring fun for children of the 2nd junior group

Target: Creating a positive emotional environment with the help of musical and physical activity of children.

Tasks: Develop the child’s creative abilities, improve motor abilities, dancing and singing skills, develop emotional responsiveness, and a sense of teamwork.

Attributes: Spring costume. bird costume, bean basket, flowers, ribbons, cubes, bells, Spring house

Decor: The hall is decorated with balloons, spring flowers, and birds.

Progress of entertainment:
Children enter the hall in a stream to the music "Spring"

Come on in, kids.
have fun from the heart.

We sat by the window
Spring has come knocking on us,
The sun bunny flashed
The sun splashed into the puddles.

Where are you, sunshine, wake up,
Where are you, little bird, come back,
Winter is tired of pouring snow,
Drip, drip, drip, spring has come!

On the road, on the road the music calls us
Our group goes to the spring meadow.
We will all walk together.
Let's find out where Spring lives.
(to the music “Spring has come” they walk through the hall and stop at the hut)
Guys, we didn’t even notice how we arrived in the forest. Listen to the birds singing and enjoying the sun
(An audio recording of birds singing sounds.)
Leading: Guys, what kind of hut is this, who lives in it? Let's knock!
Knock-Knock! Maybe spring lives here? She doesn't hear us knocking. Let's
let's sing our song so she can hear and wake up

Song "And in the spring"

(Spring comes out of the hut)

Vesna: Hello guys!
I know they are waiting for me everywhere.
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring.
And with me
Came to visit you
Round and clear
With red rays.
What is this?

Children. Sun!
The sun rose in the morning,
So it's time for us to get up.
The bright sun looks out the window,
It gives sunny bunnies.

Dance with ribbons “Rays”

Presenter: Friendly little people
Get ready for a round dance!
Who is spinning in a round dance?
He will make friends with spring!

“Spring lambada” with cubes

We have been waiting for you, Spring. And our guys have prepared poems for you

1 child:
Spring has come to us again,
Brought light and joy.
The sun has warmed up,
It immediately became warmer.

2nd child:
The streams rang,
The moths have flown
The buds have blossomed
The leaves have appeared.

3rd child:
The sun is shining brightly!
Birds preen their feathers.
The bugs are waking up
butterflies and spiders

4th child:
Spring sunshine,
shine kindly.
Spring song
sound more fun!

Song “Sparrows Tweet” verses 1 and 2

Well done guys. They made me happy. What do I hear? Tweet!(recording)

The sun has warmed up in the spring.
The bird has arrived to visit!
(a bird flies in)

Birdie: Hello guys!
I'm a little bird
I'm a small bird.
I love spring, I love warmth
When it's nice and light.

Leading: Let’s all tell you together and even show you a poem about birds, “I Want to Be a Bird.”

I was walking along the street. (forward movements of the index and middle fingers of both hands, indicating walking).
Jackdaw and raven counted. (Cross your hands in front of you, make smooth movements with your hands indicating the flight of a bird)
One two three four five. (bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
I will count again - (bend the fingers from the little finger)
My mouth is open, I’m looking at the sky (open my mouth, raise my head up)
Right left. I was not there. (head turns)
I wanted to become a bird. (swing your arms up and down, frequently, with your hands tense)
And he began to wave his arms.
Wings up and wings down (smoothly wave your arms high up and down)
You can only hear the wind whistling. (rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands raised up)
I jumped up to take off (raise your arms up, jump, sit down)
But I had to sit down on the ground. (sit down)

Birdie: Guys, I really love bugs and flies. Do you love it?

Ved.: No, we don’t like them. We always chase them away.

Dance "Shoot, Fly"

Look how many puddles there are. Let's jump over them.

Game "Jump over the puddles"

Birdie: Guys, do you know a song or dance about rain?

Host: Of course it’s a bird!

Dance with bells “Colorful game”

Leading: Guys, our bird is sad. She's hungry! Let's collect grains for her!

Game “Collect grains for a small bird”

Birdie: Thanks, guys!

Spring: And now
Dance your heart out
Happy dance kids!

Dance "Dance with me, my friend"

We welcomed Spring,
They had fun playing with her.
And now we need to say goodbye
Let's say goodbye together!

Children: Goodbye!

Birdie: Goodbye, guys!
I was glad to be with you!

Well, it's time for me to hurry,
Forest, hillocks to dress up.
(the bird and spring are leaving)

Leading: Well, guys, Spring and the bird have gone home and our walk along the spring lawn is over. We are returning to our group.

Spring has come to visit us! Entertainment scenario 2 junior preschool group

Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, physical education instructor. MDOBU "Novoarbansk kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy village.
Purpose: Scenario for children of the 2nd junior group of preschool age. May be of interest to music directors and teachers.
- to evoke joyful feelings in children and a desire to participate in play activities;
- consolidate the ability to move to music in a round dance;
- perform dance movements with flowers and handkerchiefs;
- strengthen the skill of expressive singing;
Children enter the hall to the music "The sun is shining for everyone."
Presenter: Wonderful holiday
Came to visit us
Our garden will bloom
Smells like spring, forest scent
The whole garden is very, very happy
Faces burst into funny smiles
Hey, don't be boring, people. have some fun.
Dance with flowers.
The stream gurgled in the ravine,
Birds have flown from the south,
The sun is warming in the morning -
She came to visit us.
Spring comes to the music

I know they are waiting for me everywhere.
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
And my name is Spring.
Hello guys! How elegant and beautiful you are!
Get up in a circle quickly and start dancing.
Song: “Spring Round Dance”

Spring. Can you solve riddles? (Children's answers.)
Then listen:
The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...
Children. Rain
Spring. Well done! And now you and I will all turn into droplets.
Song of the game: “Droplets, Jump and Jump.”
Spring. Look, who's hiding on the birch tree? (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the birch tree on which the sparrow is sitting)
Children. Sparrow.
Presenter: And we know about the little sparrow.
Spring. I will be happy to listen to your song.
Song: “Winter has passed”
Spring. Can you fly like sparrows? Show.
Game "Sparrows and the car"
Presenter: Spring, listen to our guys read poetry to you.
Spring. Well done! I liked your poems. And I have handkerchiefs for you.
Dance with handkerchiefs“We danced in a circle near the birch tree”

The sun has just warmed up,
Everything around turned green.
The chicken went out for a walk to pluck some fresh grass.
The chicken comes out to the music.
Hen: Ko-ko-ko, where are my boys, the yellow chickens.
Presenter: Guys, let's turn into chickens. Let's go for a walk with the chicken.
Song: "Chickens"

Game with chicken.(The hen calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko”, the children run to her and squat, “pecking the grains” - tapping their knees with their fingers). The chicken moves aside and once again calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko” - the children run up to the chicken and squat down next to her. The hen runs away in the other direction and the chickens call again. Ira is repeated 2 – 3 times.
Hen: Have you eaten any grains? And I pecked at you and laid an egg for you. (Takes out a large egg.) And not just an egg, but a golden egg.

Presenter: Thank you chicken.
Hen: Please. Happy spring holiday to you!
Spring. We sang, danced, and played a lot of fun! But it’s time for us to say goodbye. I'll go and take the chicken where I'll show you a lot of grass.
Chicken, Spring: Goodbye!

Presenter: Oh guys, the egg is not simple, look (takes out candy and treats the children)
Congratulations to all the guys once again on the holidays. It's time for us to return to the group.
The children leave the hall to the music.

Entertainment scenario “Journey to the spring forest”

in the second junior group.


Creating a festive and friendly atmosphere, positive emotions in children.


Consolidating children's knowledge about spring during an entertaining event.

Develop attention, memory, speech, movement coordination.

To instill in children a love of nature.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations about spring. Learning poetry, songs, dances, games.

Venue of the holiday: music hall.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.

Leading. What a wonderful time of year - spring! Nature awakens, the air is filled with the aroma of melted snow, warm sun rays, the first flowers and the days become longer.


Spring has come to visit us,

It brought people joy.

The sun shone brightly,

The cold snow melted.


It's getting warmer outside,

And freedom for the children.

Everyone is squinting from the sun -

After all, spring is outside.

Song "Drip-drip"(music by Filnenstein).

Leading. Guys, shouldn't we go for a walk? Hold hands. Let's see where the path takes us. (Children walk along the path to the music and stand in a circle)

Leading. Oh, guys, we've come to the lawn. Let's call the Sun to our lawn.

Zaklik(with children):

Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us.

Sit on a tree stump

Shine all day!

Sunny enters - an adult.


I am the radiant sun

I bring warmth and light

I return your smiles

And I give joy to everyone!


The sun doesn't frown

He doesn't take his eyes off us.

Because to the sun,

We like it.


The sun is burning -

The dance begins!

Round dance song “Like in our meadow.”

Children sit on chairs.

Leading. Guys, let's read some poetry to Sunny.

I really like to walk

Sometimes in the spring.

By the sunlit

Meadow path.


I love it and it’s fun

Look around

Both white and blue

I enjoy flowers.

The sun thanks the children and leaves to warm the earth with his warmth.

Leading. The first flowers have bloomed in the forest clearing, and beautiful ones are fluttering above them... (Butterflies).

A butterfly flew in the forest,

I saw a flower

She sat on him quietly

And drinks fragrant juice.

Dance "Butterfly Dance""(music and lyrics by M. Kartushina).

Leading. The butterflies sat down to rest on the branches of a tree that grows on the edge of the clearing.

Leading. The trunk is white with black markings, and the flexible branches have young light green leaves. And gold earrings. What kind of tree is this? (Birch)


Beauty has birch trees

The dress is silver.

Beauty has birch trees

Green braids.


We are around birch trees

Let's get into a round dance,

Joyfully and loudly

Everyone will sing.

Round dance with handkerchiefs “Birch”(music by R. Rustamova).

Leading. Look, birds are sitting on the branches of a birch tree. They returned from the hot days

countries Listen to how loudly they sing, rejoicing in the spring warmth.

An audio recording of birds singing is heard.

In the earliest spring

The forest singer will sing.

This is the chaffinch singing

About your beloved native land!

The finch will be the first to know

What a red spring is coming!

Leading. Let's sing a funny song for the birds.

Song "The Sun Has Friends"(music by Tilicheeva).


Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Sparrow is a mischief maker!

He is happy with the warm sun

And greets the guys.

What is he singing about?

He invites us to play!

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car” .

Leading. Look who's jumping between the trees? Gray, fluffy, with long ears and short tails (Hares).

Bunnies jump hop-hop

To the green meadow,

Nibble the grass

Play with us.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves".

Words of the game: Bunnies gallop, hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow,

They pinch the grass and listen

Is there a wolf coming?

Leading. We've been walking through the forest for a long time, aren't you tired? Let `s have some rest.

Children stand near the chairs and perform movements in accordance with the text


On a flat path

Our feet walked.

(They march in place).

Walking along the path

We're a little tired

(Sit on chairs).

Let's stroke our feet

And let's rest a little.

(Stroke their legs).

And we'll walk again

We are on a forest path.

(marching in place).

The bells rang.

Leading. Guys, it’s raining in the forest. And it's time for us to return.

Did you enjoy our walk?

Cheerful music plays and the children leave the hall.

Spirina Elena Gennadievna

Ved. – Spring has come to us again,

We will welcome spring

In the morning the sun rises

Calls the kids for a walk.

(Ved. points to the screen, the sun rises)

Ved. - Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out quickly!

Sunshine, sunshine,

Keep the children warm!

Song: “Sun” - music. Popatenko (Teach children to sing)

Ved. - Go out into the clearing

And collect flowers

Smile, spin around,

And make friends with spring.

“Dance with Flowers” ​​- r.n.m. “I walk with the loach” (2 ml. gr.)

Ved. – What beautiful flowers. And I wove wreaths for you from flowers. Do you want to dance with them?

“Dance with Wreaths” - r.n.m. "I will scatter my field"

Ved. - You take off all the wreaths

And bring it to my table

And sit down quickly

We are expecting guests for the holiday.

- Let's ring the bell

Let's see who's coming to us.

(Ved. calls, music sounds, Cockerel comes in)

Cockerel - I rise with the sun

And I shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

So that everyone wakes up quickly

To make the sun smile

Ved. – Petya, Petya is a cockerel

Golden comb!

Look at the kids

They're looking at you

They want to sing you a song.

Song: “Katenka has a friend” (No. 54, p. 24)

Ved. – The kids sang a song

And now you dance.

Cockerel - I love music very much

I'll give you a dance

Only you can help me

Play a dance song

- Look under the chairs

Find the tools there.

(children take tools)

Ved. - It will be fun to play

Petenka will dance.

Noise orchestra. (The cockerel dances)

Ved. – Stay with us, Petya,

Children love you very much.

Ved. - Let's ring the bell

We'll see who else comes to us.

(Music sounds, a dog comes in and barks)

Ved. - You're a dog, don't bark

Don't scare our children

You came to visit the guys

Better play with us.

Game: “The children have gathered to visit”, music. T.V. Bokach (No. 54, p. 33)

Ved. - Sit next to Petya

Have fun with us.

Ved. - Let's ring the bell

Let's see who's coming to us.

(Music sounds, Cat comes in)

Ved. - Oh, Kitty came to us

And she brought handkerchiefs

Let's sing a song to pussy

Let's go dance later

Song: “Kisonka” - music. L. Emelyanova (fun, p. 175)

Ved. – Bright festive scarf

We'll take the corner

You will dance with a handkerchief

Show your pussy a dance.

“Dance with handkerchiefs” - music. Tolmacheva (No. 54 p. 29)

Ved. - Sit with us pussy

Look at the guys.

Ved. – Spring rays

The sun reached out

And it’s joyful for the holiday

Visited the children

Tender sun

It's shining through our window

Solar carousel

Invites children.


Ved. - It’s good that you came to us

Our Freckle - spring

Streams run down the hill

Flowers grow in the meadow

Stand up in a big circle, children.

We will welcome Spring with a song.

Round dance: “Spring has come to us again” - music. I.V. Sidorova (No. 25 page 9)

Ved. - We sang and danced

Together we welcomed Spring

Now accept your gifts

Flowers of the first spring

I want these bouquets

You found a treat.

(Gift distribution).

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