Kazakh names. Beautiful and modern Kazakh names for boys Male Kazakh names on k

Kazakhs have always been sensitive to the birth of a son. The boy is the future man, the head of the family, the support in old age, the successor of the surname, clan. Therefore, the name of the boy was chosen with all responsibility and meticulousness. We have compiled the Catalog “Kazakh names for boys and their meanings”. The selection includes both modern Kazakh male names and old, rare Muslim names for boys. Choose a sonorous, strong and beautiful Kazakh name for your boy.
If you have a boy soon, or you are honored to give a name to your grandson, brother, nephew - take a look at our Catalog of names from the letter "A" to "Z". The list is long, there is plenty to choose from. There is also the name of your father, and your husband, brother, uncle. And we are sure that you will find your boy's name here.

What do parents most often call their sons now? Kazakh beautiful modern names for boys are, in most cases, names associated with Islam, the names of Kazakh batyrs, famous Kazakh and Muslim figures in the field of creativity, science, here, for example in 2020: Abylai, Abdurakhman, Alan, Alen, Aldiyar, Alibek, Altair, Amirkhan, Alikhan, Ansar, Abzal, Alimzhan, Aisultan, Aslan, Asylzhan, Arsen, Bakhtiyar, Batyr, Beibarys, Bekzat, Damir, Diasnur, Danial, Yenil, Yernazar, Zhangir, Zhahangir, Zhanali, Zagar, Ilyas, Islam, Ismail, Ibrahim, Imran, Iskander, Karim, Madi, Makhambet, Mansur, Magzhan, Miras, Nariman, Nurislam, Nurali, Niyaz, Omar, Raimbek, Ramazan, Salikh Samir, Sanzhar, Sultan, Sultanmurat, Tamerlane (Temirlan), Tair, Faiz, Hamza, Khanture, Emir (Amir), etc.

We wish your baby a happy fate, excellent health, a bright, long life journey and many kind people on the way! Bauy berik bolsyn!


  • Asmet - noble and benevolent, merciful (Arab)
  • Amanzhol - a happy road, the name was given as a wish of good luck and happiness on the path of life (kaz)
  • Abai - attentive, prudent, vigilant (kaz.)
  • Abdisalam (Absalam) - supporter of peace, tranquility, well-being (Arab)
  • Abdurahman - slave of the Merciful (Arab)
  • Abzal - respected, highly esteemed (Arab)
  • Abil (Abilgazy, Abilmanap, Abiltai) - warrior, fighter, soldier (Arab)
  • Abdrashid - reasonable, prudent, reasonable (Arab)
  • Abdirassul - Envoy, Ambassador, Envoy, Representative (Arab)
  • Abzal - respected, dear, excellent (Arab)
  • Absalam - benevolent, peaceful, calm (Arab)
  • Abyz (Hafiz) - scientist, knowledgeable (Arab)
  • Abulkhair is a kind father
  • Abunasyr - the father of victory (Arab)
  • Abyz - keeper, protector, clairvoyant
  • Abylai - grandfather, father
  • Agzam - almighty, great
  • Adai - child, child (ancient Türks)
  • Adilet (Adilet) - fair (kaz)
  • Adil - honest, fair (kaz)
  • Azamat is a real horseman (kaz)
  • Azat - free, independent, free (Arab)
  • Aziz - honorable, dear, kind, respected (Arab)
  • Azilkhan - hereditary, clan + khan (ancient Türks)
  • Azim (Azimbay, Azimzhan, Azimkhan) - great, strong, powerful
  • Aybar - authoritative, impressive (kaz)
  • Aybat - brave (kaz)
  • Aybol - be a light like the moon (kaz)
  • Aybolat - let it be a moon, a light, a leader (kaz)
  • Aydar - strong, mighty, famous
  • Aidos - friend of the moon (kaz)
  • Aygali - striving for justice (arab + kaz)
  • Aydin - stately, impressive, bright, bright (kaz)
  • Aymurat - beautiful as the moon (kaz)
  • Ainabek is a symbol of sincerity, purity, honesty (kaz)
  • Ayrat - honorable, respected (Persian)
  • Aisultan - the meaning of the name "Ay" - from the Kazakh language is translated "moon" and "sultan" from the Arabic language - "ruler". The name means "Ruler of the Moon".
  • Aytugan - born on the new moon
  • Aytan - bright, moonlit morning (kaz)
  • Akbar - great, glorious (Arab)
  • Akram - venerable, noble, merciful, most generous (Arab)
  • Aksultan - ruler, sovereign (kaz + pers)
  • Aktan - radiant (kaz)
  • Actlek - sincere desire (kaz)
  • Akylzhan - soul and mind (kaz)
  • Ali - tall, exalted, supreme, hero, hero (Arab)
  • Aliaydar - strong as a lion (Arab)
  • Alibek - the great lord (Turkic - bey, Arabic - Ali)
  • Aldiyar - Your Majesty, Honor (Arab)
  • Alisher - Almighty Lion (Arab-Persian)
  • Alinur - from Arabic "Ali" - a hero, hero, great, high "Nur" - is translated as a ray of light, brilliance. The meaning of the name is a brilliant, great hero, a hero.
  • Almaty - Praised (Muslim)
  • Alpamys - bogatyr (ancient Turk)
  • Altai - the golden mountain, the name of the Altai mountains
  • Altynbek - golden, eternal (kaz)
  • Almir - prince, ruler of the country, ruler (Arabic)
  • Altair - 1. the brightest star in the constellation Eagle, 2. translated from Arabic - flying, able to fly, soar, rise up.
  • Aman - healthy, unharmed (kaz)
  • Amangeldy - safely born (Arab + kaz)
  • Amir (Emir) - sovereign, lord (Arab)
  • Amirbek (Amirzhan) - friend, beloved, comrade (ancient Türks)
  • Anwar (Anuar) - a ray of sunshine, bright, hardworking, reliable
  • Ansar - long awaited, begged, long-awaited (kaz)
  • Ardak is translated from Kazakh as "darling, darling". By calling their son that name, the parents hoped that the son would grow up to be a respected person.
  • Arkat - the chosen one, led by the will of the gods
  • Arlan - (Kazakh) ferocious wolf; hero
  • Arman is a dream (kaz)
  • Arnur - a ray of honor, conscientious (kaz)
  • Arsen - brave, fearless (Muslim)
  • Aryngazy - fighter, brave warrior (kaz + pers)
  • Arystan - lion, symbol of courage (kaz)
  • Asan (Khasen) - beautiful, cute
  • Aser - influential, impressive (Arab)
  • Aset - lion (Arab)
  • Askar - greatness
  • Askat - the happiest of the happiest
  • Asker - soldier, warrior (kaz)
  • Asyl (Asylbek, Asylkhan) - dear, precious, noble (kaz)
  • Atamurat (Ataniyaz, Atymtai) - the goal, the cherished dream of his grandfather (kaz + pers)
  • Ahat is the only one
  • Ahan - iron (Persian)
  • Ahmet - worthy of praise (Arab)
  • Ahram is the most generous (Arab)
  • Ashimkhan - happy, noble (Arab)
  • Ayadil is clean, honest, fair (kaz + Arab).
  • Ayan - widely known


  • Bagdat - God's gift (Persian)
  • Baisal - reasonable (kaz)
  • Baibek - omnipotent, powerful (kaz)
  • Baimurat - a rich man who made his dream come true (kaz + arab)
  • Baymagambet - famous, widely known (kaz + arab)
  • Baisal - humility, peace, calmness, harmony (kaz)
  • Baysultan - ruler (Arab)
  • Baytas - eternal and strong as a stone (kaz)
  • Baitemir - eternal, strong as iron (kaz)
  • Bakir - researcher (Arab)
  • Baktiyar (Bakhtiar) - happy, desired (kaz)
  • Balakhmet - soul, wing, support of parents (Arab)
  • Balgabek - strong as a hammer (kaz)
  • Balmagambet - ball - honey, sweetness, Magambet - the phonetically changed name of the Prophet Muhammad, the name Muhammad means "praised"
  • Balmurat - sweet desire (target)
  • Baltabek - strong, domineering, mighty (kaz)
  • Baltemir - steadfast, invincible (Arab)
  • Baluan - hero, fighter, strongman (kaz)
  • Battal - bold, daring, hot
  • Batyr is a hero, brave, brave, brave (kaz)
  • Batyral - batyr - a hero, brave, brave, brave. Ali, the righteous caliph, did not lose either a single battle or a single duel.
  • Batyrbek is a mighty hero (kaz)
  • Batyrgali - a great, mighty hero (kaz)
  • Batyrkhan - brave, brave, brave khan (kaz)
  • Batyrzhan is a hero, brave, brave soul (kaz)
  • Batyrlan - brave lion (kaz)
  • Baubek - persistent, loyal, reliable (kaz)
  • Bauyrzhan - brotherly soul (kaz)
  • Bakhyt - happiness (kaz)
  • Bakhytzhan is a happy soul (kaz)
  • Bakytbek - very happy, successful (kaz)
  • Bayan - infinitely happy (kaz)
  • They ran - the most courageous hero, brave man (Arab)
  • Begimzhan - dear sir
  • Beybarys - the name was given to the child as a wish for the strength and power of a leopard and wealth, well-being in life (kaz + ancient Turk)
  • Beibit - peaceful, peaceful, calm (kaz)
  • Beysengali - the so-called children born on Thursday, gali - means great (kaz + arab)
  • Beimbet - prince, ruler
  • Bek - prince, rich, highest nobility (Arab)
  • Backball - become rich and respected (arab + kaz)
  • Bekbolat - let it be strong and strong (arab + kaz)
  • Bekdiyar - friendly, fair and wealthy (Arab)
  • Bekzhan - an energetic person (Arab)
  • Bekzat - the son of a bek, a descendant of an aristocrat (Persian)
  • Bekmukhambet - the lauded prince (Arab)
  • Beknazar - princely gaze (Arab)
  • Beknar - a prince who loves his people (arab + kaz)
  • Beknur - light prince (Arab + kaz)
  • Beksultan - a rich ruler (arab + kaz)
  • Bektas- strong as a stone (Arab + kaz)
  • Bektemir - strong as iron (Arab + kaz)
  • Bektursyn - long-liver (Arab + kaz)
  • Beles - a child of his time
  • Berdibek - the giver of wealth (Arab)
  • Berdiyar - the giver of friendship
  • Bereke - abundance (kaz)
  • Beren is the best steel
  • Berik - fortress, strong (kaz)
  • Bernard - power-giving (kaz)
  • Bernur - emitting light, emitting light (kaz)
  • Biali - great and fair
  • Biakhmet - worthy of praise (Arab)
  • Bibatyr - fair and brave
  • Bigali - the highest justice
  • Bigeldi - human health
  • Bijan - resolving disputes
  • Bizat - child
  • Beeman - man
  • Birzhan is lonely, the only one
  • Bogenbai - the great defender
  • Bolat - steel (kaz)
  • Bolatkhan - steel ruler (kaz)
  • Burkut - translated from Kazakh - means eagle, golden eagle. Such a name was given by parents, as a wish, as parting words to their son to be strong, courageous, rebellious, to reach any heights, like this strong bird of the steppes respected by the Kazakhs.
  • Burkhat - abundance


  • Gabbas - stern, strict (Arab)
  • Gabiden - minister of religion (Arab)
  • Gabidullah - Servant of Allah
  • Gabit - minister (Arab)
  • Gabitkhan - minister
  • Gazi - a title that in the Middle Ages received a ruler or commander for outstanding victories over the "infidels" (Arab)
  • Gaziz - venerable, respected, kind, sweet, precious (Arab)
  • Gazizbek - honorable, respected, kind, sweet, precious (Arab)
  • Galiaskar - the highest inaccessibility (Arab)
  • Galym - knowing (kaz)
  • Galymbek - respected scientist (kaz)
  • Galymzhan - sage (kaz)
  • Ghani - rich, prosperous, noble (Arab)
  • Ganibek - rich, prosperous (Arab)
  • Garif - helping, patronizing Allah (Arab)
  • Garifollah - patron saint (Arab)
  • Gizat - honor, honor, honest, honorable, respected (Arab)
  • Ginayat - mercy, generosity, gratitude, help (Arab)
  • Gumar - life, existence (Arab)


  • Dair - compound being (Arab)
  • Damir - iron, strong-willed, unshakable (ancient Turkic, Tatar)
  • Danial - a gift of God (Arab)
  • Daniyar - close acquaintance (Arab)
  • Darkhan is a good-natured, generous person (ancient Türks)
  • Daryn - talent, human ability (kaz)
  • Dastan - heroic legend, history, poem, fairy tale, legend, music (Persian)
  • Daulen, Daulet - wealth, treasure, blessing, happiness, wealth (kaz) or in translation from Arabic - state, power, country
  • Dauletali - hero of the state, state (Arab)
  • Dauletiyar - happiness of the state, power (Arab)
  • Dauletkali - the highest good (Arab)
  • Dauletkerey - black state or black wealth (Arab)
  • Daurbek - the power of the era
  • Dauren is the most interesting happy time
  • Demeu - help, support, help (kaz)
  • Jalil - great, majestic (Arab)
  • Jamal - beauty, attractiveness (Arab)
  • Jamil - handsome, kind (Arab)
  • Diaz - bright (from Arab)
  • Didar - look, face, look, handsome (Persian)
  • Dinmukhamed is a common Muslim name for a boy. Translated from Arabic, "Din" means religion, "Muhammad" - praised, glorified. Such a name is given by parents, with parting words to raise a worthy son, with high moral values.
  • Diyar - country, region, region
  • Dos is a friend (kaz)
  • Dulat - have fun
  • Duman - cheerful, happy (kaz)


  • Egizbay - twins (kaz)
  • Edil is a name in honor of the Volga River, the name is associated with nature, a harmonious, beautiful name (ancient Turkic)
  • Elbar - a native of the people (kaz)
  • Elaman - safe and sound (kaz)
  • Eldar - loving his people, patriot (kaz)
  • Eldos - friend of the people (kaz)
  • Elzhas - the youth of the homeland (kaz)
  • Elmurat- the goal of the people (kaz + arab)
  • Elnar - loving homeland (kaz)
  • Elnur - the lamp of the people (kaz)
  • Yeraly - famous, prominent hero (kaz + arab)
  • Yerasyl is the most expensive hero (kaz)
  • Erbatyr - brave, brave, hero (kaz)
  • Erbol - be brave, brave (kaz)
  • Erbolat is a real man (kaz)
  • Erdar - the brave (kaz)
  • Yerdaulet - courage of the state (kaz)
  • Erden - dear hero
  • Erdos is a responsible friend (kaz)
  • Erzheter is a hero
  • Erzhigit - hero, brave, hero, brave, courageous (kaz)
  • Erke - gentle, affectionate (kaz)
  • Erkebolat - a strong, persistent man, dzhigit (kaz)
  • Erkebulan - easy-going, free, brave in the family (kaz)
  • Yerzhan - brave, brave (kaz)
  • Yerlan is a dashing man (kaz)
  • Ermek - fun
  • Yernar - loving his people (kaz)
  • Ersayin is a remarkable hero
  • Erseit - respected batyr
  • Yessen - happy, healthy
  • Eskair - the virtuous
  • Eskali - smart, sane
  • Yeskendir - defender, winner of husbands (Persian)
  • Esman is a reasonable person
  • Esmahan - a commendable mind
  • Esnazar- mind gaze
  • Estiyar is a conscientious, sensible friend


  • Zhagypar - spring, stream (Arab)
  • Zhadiger - inheritance, relic
  • Zhaik - a name in honor of the Ural River
  • Zhaidar is a cheerful, affable, easygoing, cheerful person
  • Zhaksylyk - kindness, kindness, good deed (kaz)
  • Zhalgas - The meaning of the name: "zhalgas" means "subsequent, continuation, adjoining". The name was given to a child whose parents still wanted to have children. This was usually the name of the first child. (kaz)
  • Spared - great, famous, glorious, famous
  • Zhalyn - flame, energy, impulse, ardor (kaz)
  • Zhambyl - fortress (Mong)
  • Jamshid - radiant
  • Jean - soul (kaz)
  • Zhanazar - liked by everyone (kaz)
  • Zhanat - bliss, the most beautiful (kaz)
  • Zhanali is a great, sublime soul, the soul of a hero, the soul of a hero. Kaz "zhan" - soul, Arabic "Ali" hero, hero, tall, great "
  • Zhanbolat - steel soul (kaz)
  • Zhanbek, Zhanibek - a strong, eternal soul. Wish the child always have good health (kaz)
  • Zhanbosyn - let him live long, live well (kaz)
  • Zhangeldy - a soul, life appeared (kaz)
  • Zhangali - as brave as Ali
  • Zhangir - patron saint of the world (Iran)
  • Zhandos is a soul friend (kaz)
  • Zhanmurat is a dream of my soul, a desire, a goal. The name was given to the child by parents who did not have children before (kaz + arab)
  • Zhansultan - ruler (kaz + arab)
  • Zhantuar is a beautiful soul (kaz)
  • Zharas - fit, be fit (kaz)
  • Zhakhan - life, world, universe (Persian)
  • Zhahangir (Jahangir, Jehangir, Jokhangir) - conqueror of the world, conqueror of the universe (Persian)
  • Zharkin - light, radiant, light, shine, blooming (kaz)
  • Zharyk - light, ray (kaz)
  • Zharylgasyn - deign, deign (kaz)
  • Zhasulan is an energetic young man, a daring horseman (kaz)
  • Zhenis (Zhenisbek) - victory (kaz)
  • Zhetigen - constellation Ursa Major (kaz)
  • Zhiger - energy, strength, power; will, perseverance, aspiration, perseverance (kaz)
  • Zhomart - grateful, generous (Persian)
  • Zhuban - to be comforted. In a family where children died, they gave this name (kaz)
  • Zholdas is a reliable companion (kaz)
  • Zhuman - a gem


  • Zabir - strong, strong, persistent (Arabic)
  • Zayyr - obvious, undoubted (Arab)
  • Zakaria - Reminiscent (Arab)
  • Zakir - memory, consciousness, mind, remembering (Arab)
  • Zaman - time, era, era, times (kaz)
  • Zamanbek - lord of time (kaz + arab)
  • Zamir is a secret dream
  • Zangar is a whopper, a giant; majestic, highest (kaz)
  • Zaur - to appear, to be famous, to appear (Arab)
  • Zane - beauty, decoration (Arab)
  • Zeinur - beauty, radiance, beautiful view (Arab)
  • Zerek - gifted, intelligent, understanding (Persian)


  • Ibrahim - from Hebrew - Abraham. The name means - the father of nations. Options - Ibraim, Ibrai, Ibis, Ibiken, Ibrash
  • Ibray - translated from Hebrew Abraham - the father of nations
  • Iglik - good deed, mercy, kindness, virtue (kaz)
  • Idris - diligent (Arab)
  • Izbasar - heir, successor, successor, follower (kaz)
  • Ikram - honor, reverence, respect
  • Ilyas - strong, powerful
  • Iman - faith, belief (Arab). Composite names - Imanali, Imanbai, Imanbek, Imangazy, Imangali, Imanzhan, Imangeldy, Imankul, etc.
  • Imran - correct, as it should be, the name is mentioned in the Quran, that was the name of the prophet's grandfather Isa
  • Inkarbek - the long-awaited (Arab)
  • Isa - God is with us
  • Ismail - God will listen
  • Ismet - protection, care, support
  • Ikhlas - a sincere feeling


  • Kabir - great, mighty, huge (Arab)
  • Cablet - ability, inclination, desire (Arab)
  • Kabyl - future, advancing (Arab)
  • Kajimurat - the one who achieves the goal (Arab)
  • Kadyr - powerful, venerable (kaz)
  • Kadirbek is a very authoritative, powerful person (kaz + arab)
  • Kadirzhan is a very authoritative person (kaz)
  • Kazbek - great judge, great justice (kaz)
  • Cairo - kind, merciful, excellent, best (kaz)
  • Kairat - strength, energy (kaz)
  • Kaisar - persistent, strong-willed (kaz)
  • Kairbek (Kairgali, Kairzhan, Kairkhan) - sympathetic, sympathetic, understanding, kind (kaz + Arab)
  • Kambar - great power (Arab)
  • Rope - wing (wings of happiness, good luck) (kaz)
  • Kamil (Kamil, Kamal, Kemal) - full, whole, perfect (Arab)
  • Karasai is a giant of very great strength
  • Karim - generous, magnanimous
  • Kakimbek (Kakimzhan) - knowing, wise, sage (Arab)
  • Kasiet - a positive quality, dignity (kaz)
  • Kasym - beautiful, beautiful
  • Kasymkhan is a historical figure
  • Kaharman - a powerful hero, a giant (kaz)
  • Kemran - Happy, Successful, Prosperous (Persian)
  • Kenes - advice, consultation, conversation, meeting (kaz)
  • Kentai is a fossil, a mine, a place teeming with anything, wealth, a particle of Thai in the Kazakh language is used to give the word an affectionate form
  • Kerim - wonderful, amazing, beautiful (kaz)
  • Kobylandy - a hero like a leopard
  • Kuan - "rejoice", this is the name of the long-awaited child (kaz)
  • Kuanysh (Kuandyk) - great joy (kaz)
  • Kuat - mighty, strong, influential, powerful, lord, as well as significant, invincible, stable, reliable (kaz)
  • Kudaibergen - God-given (kaz)
  • Kumar - strong desire, passion (arab / kaz)
  • Kurban - a sacrifice of animals brought as a gift to the deity in order to cleanse sins, according to the rites of the Muslim religion (Arab)
  • Kurmet - respect, dignity, honor (kaz)
  • Kusain (Husayn) - the best, most beautiful; good deed, good (Arab)


  • Latif - kind, beloved, amiable, sweet, affable, pleasant (Arab)
  • Lukpan is a symbol of wisdom. Name of an ancient sage, fabulist (Arab)


  • Magawiya - free from troubles (Arab)
  • Magzum - kept by God (Arab)
  • Madi - material, material (Arab)
  • Mazhit - glorious, commendable (Arab)
  • Maksat - goal, aspiration, intention, plan (kaz)
  • Malik - king, lord (Arab)
  • Manar, Manarbek - signal, lighthouse (Arab)
  • Manas is a fearless hero
  • Mansour - conquering (Arab)
  • Marat is the name of one of the leaders of the French bourgeois revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793). This name has been widely found in Kazakh families since the early 30s. Composite name - Maratbek.
  • Maulen - beneficent ruler (Arab)
  • Mausimzhan - breath (soul) of june (kaz)
  • Makhambet - praised, worthy (Arab)
  • Mahmet - worthy of praise (Arab)
  • Mahmut - praised, praised, glorified, praiseworthy (Arab)
  • Medet, Medetbek, Medetbay - support, help
  • Medeu - hope, desire
  • Mergen is a well-aimed shooter, the meaning of the name lies in the desire to endow the child with such traits as vigilance, the ability to achieve goals and follow the right path (kaz)
  • Meiram - festive, happy (kaz)
  • Meir (Meirbek) - kind, supportive, sweet (kaz)
  • Mergen - sniper, shooter (kaz)
  • Merey - success, happiness, joy (kaz)
  • Mereke - holiday, celebration (kaz)
  • Mizam is the name of the month corresponding to about September. The name was given to a child born this month (Arab)
  • Miras - legacy, legacy, descendant (Arab)
  • Mirbolat - let there be peace (russ + kaz)
  • Mirgali - chief, ruler, lord (Iran)
  • Mubarak - sacred (Arab)
  • Mukagali - the mighty hero Ali (Arab)
  • Murat - goal, desire, ideal (Arab)
  • Musirep - prodigal (Arab)
  • Musa - the name of the prophet, literally - pulled out of the water (Arab)
  • Mustafa - the chosen one, the chosen one (Arab)
  • Mukhambetzhan - the soul of Mohammad (Arab)
  • Mukhit - ocean, environment (kaz)
  • Mukhtar - especially chosen (Arab)
  • Myrzakhmet (Myrzakhan, Myrzageldy) - prince, prince (Persian)


  • Nabi - Messenger of the Almighty (Arab)
  • Nadir - rare, chosen (Arab)
  • Nazar - look, look, attention, reasoning, consideration, mercy (kaz)
  • Nazarbay - parents who wished their children more attention of people gave such names (kaz)
  • Nazir (Nazirbek) - a man true to his promise, oath (kaz + Arab)
  • Nariman - fire warrior (Arab)
  • Nigmet - good, wealth; happy, happy life (Arab)
  • Nigmetzhan - a rich, happy man (Arab)
  • Nigmetkali - very rich, wealthy (Arab)
  • Niyaz (Niyazbek, Niyazgali) - request, diligence, supplication; hope; gift, gift (taj)
  • Nurali - from Arabic - light, ray of sun, bright, clear, good
  • Nurbek - nur means - light, radiance. Beck - mighty, strong, unapproachable, strong
  • Nugman - mercy, blessing (Arab)
  • Nurbergen - the giver of light
  • Nuraly (Nurali, Nurgali) - brave, brave, light (kaz)
  • Nurbol (Nurbolat, Nurbolsyn) - be beautiful, happy (kaz)
  • Nurbolat - This name was given to the child wishing to endow him with such qualities as physical strength and fortitude, courage, masculinity (kaz)
  • Nurdaulet - "nur" means - radiance, ray of light, wealth, happiness. "Daulet" - wealth, treasure, property, good, good, happiness (kaz)
  • Nurzhan - breath of light, light soul, light, beautiful life (kaz)
  • Nurlan - a beautiful lion (kaz + arab)
  • Nurlybek - shining, emitting light, warmth (kaz + arab)
  • Nursultan is a handsome, pretty sultan (kaz + arab)
  • Nygmet - prosperity, happiness


  • Ozhet - stubborn, persistent (kaz)
  • Ozat - frontline, always ahead (kaz)
  • Oirat - forest people (Mong)
  • Olzhas - 1. Ol - he, zhas - young 2. Olzha - the most courageous hero, brave, strong, powerful, profit, gift (kaz)
  • Omar - living, vital (Arab)
  • Omarbek (Omargali, Omarkhan) - long-lived, strong, strong man (Arab)
  • Omir (Umir) - life, existence (kaz)
  • Omirbay - long-lived, long-liver (kaz)
  • Ondasyn (Undasyn) - may happiness accompany him, glory (kaz)
  • Oraz - wealth, luck, happiness
  • Orazgali, Orazali - very happy (Arab)
  • Orak - from the ancient Turkic language - sickle, scythe. In a figurative sense - sharp, dissecting. The name of the epic hero.
  • Oral is a Turkic name for a boy, rare and beautiful. Translated from the Kazakh language, it has two meanings or translations: 1. "oral" - it reads "to return", "deceived fate and survived, returned". 2. The meaning of the name is the Turkic name of the Ural River - Oral. Derivative names are Oralbek, Oralkhan.


  • Rabat - greatness, height, high rank, dignity (Arab)
  • Raibek - a person who has a strong opinion, conviction (Arab)
  • Rainur - bright, happy life (Arab)
  • Raimbek is a person who does not deviate from his views, opinions, direct, courageous, firm (Arab)
  • Rice - Chairman, Head, Chief (Arab)
  • Rail - founder (Arab)
  • Rahat - pleasure, bliss, peace, tranquility (kaz)
  • Rakhim (Rakhimbai, Rakhimbek, Rakhimzhan, Rakhimberdy) - merciful, merciful (Arab / kaz)
  • Ramadan is the burning one, the 9th month of the year. The month was named "burning" due to the fact that it once fell on the hottest time of the year. This name was given to boys born this month (Arab)
  • Ramiz - sign, symbol (Arab)
  • Ramin is a rare Muslim name for a boy, translated into two meanings: 1. archer shooting from a bow. 2. cheerful, joyful.
  • Rasul - Messenger, Ambassador, Representative, Envoy (Arab)
  • Rauan - soul, life (Arab)
  • Rahman - the merciful (Arab)
  • Raphael - translated from Hebrew means - God healed
  • Rafik is kind, generous; companion, comrade, companion, friend (Arab)
  • Rakhmet - gratitude, thank you (kaz)
  • Rashit - prudent, brave (Arab)
  • Ruslan - brave as a lion (ancient Türks)
  • Rustam - strong, brave, brave Zhigit (Persian)
  • Rustem - brave, strong, mighty (Persian)
  • Rysbek - very happy, lucky (kaz)
  • Ryskeldy - appeared, came to a happy life (kaz)
  • Rysaldy - The name means - the firstborn, the beginning of happiness (kaz)


  • Sabaz is a brave man, well done, daring; falcon (Iran)
  • Sabit - persistent, faithful to the chosen path, unwavering (kaz)
  • Sabyr (Sabyrzhan, Sabirzhan) - patient, restrained, unshakable (kaz)
  • Sagit - lucky, prosperous, lucky
  • Sagadat - happiness, prosperity (Arab)
  • Saduakas is a real happy man (Arab)
  • Said - happy, successful, leader by nature, leader
  • Saiyn is the best
  • Sairan - a walk, a walk. The name means - free, independent (kaz)
  • Salamat - peace, tranquility, well-being (Arab)
  • Salawat - firmness, strength, constancy, perseverance, courage, energy (Arab)
  • Salik - good, kind, kind; righteous, pious, honest (Arab)
  • Samat - faithful, faithful, constant
  • Salim (Salimbek, Salimgerei) - whole, healthy, unharmed, real, true, sincere, honest (Arab)
  • Salmen - grown up, matured, adult (Iran)
  • Samen - wealth, abundance; strength, energy, calm, peace (Iran)
  • Samet - eternity, eternal, strong; head, sovereign, master (Arab).
  • Sanat - art, grace; greatness, appearance (Arab)
  • Sanzhar - piercing
  • Sayazhan - saya - shadow, that is, patronage, protection. Jean - breath, soul, life
  • Saparbek - honest (arab / kaz)
  • Sapar - travel, long road (arab / kaz)
  • Sarman - The name means - the moon has risen (Mong)
  • Satzhan is a happy, successful person (kaz)
  • Sattar - forgiving, covering, hiding; protector, patron (Arab)
  • Sayan - formed from the name of the mountain
  • Senim - faith (kaz)
  • Serali - fearless, brave as a lion (Persian)
  • Serzhan is a leader in spirit
  • Serik is a friend, comrade who brings consolation, reassurance
  • Suyinbai - rich in joys
  • Seidakhmet - head of Akhmet, head of Akhmet (Arab)
  • Seidali is the biggest boss (Arab)
  • Seyduali - Deputy, Chief, Acting Master (Arab)
  • Seit - lord, head, boss; honorable, respected (Arab). Composite names - Seitkali, Seitbattal, Seitzhan, Seitmurat, Seitkozha, Seitkerey, Seitmukhambet, Seitbek.
  • Senim - faith, trust, confidence (kaz)
  • Sergazy (Sergali) - The name means - the head, the foreman of the soldier (Arab).
  • Suleimen - peaceful, protected (Arab)
  • Sultan - the supreme ruler (Arab)
  • Sultangeldy - a ruler was born (kaz + arab)
  • Sultanmurat - to be a sultan (Arab)
  • Sunkar is a falcon. The name means - strong as a falcon (kaz)
  • Raw - patient, hardy (kaz)


  • Tabys - great achievement, success (kaz)
  • Taimas - stubborn, stubborn, achieving his goal (kaz)
  • Tayyr (Tair) - a high-flying man (Arab)
  • Tahir - pure, immaculate, unspoiled (Arab)
  • Talap - aspiration, initiative, request, desire (Arab)
  • Talgat - image, appearance, appearance, beauty, grace (Arab)
  • Talmas - tireless, tireless (kaz)
  • Tamerlane - iron lion (ancient Türks)
  • Thanat - morning, dawn, dawn + at - dawn. The name is given to a child born at dawn (kaz)
  • Tasbolat - The name means - may it be healthy, strong and eternal, like a stone (kaz)
  • Taskyn - flood, tide. The name means - stormy, impetuous (kaz)
  • Tastemir - The name means - iron health (kaz)
  • Talip - seeker of knowledge (Arab)
  • Tauekel - risk, courage, courage (kaz)
  • Taur - good, very decent (kaz)
  • Taufik - grateful
  • Temirtas (Temir) - strong as iron and stone
  • Temirbolat (Temirbek, Temirgali, Temirali) - The name means - the child will be strong as iron (kaz)
  • Temirkhan - iron ruler (kaz)
  • Timur - persistent, invincible, iron (from kaz word - temir.)
  • Tlektes - sympathetic, well-wisher (kaz)
  • Tlegen - begged (kaz)
  • Tlek - goal, dream, desire, intention. This name is given to children whose parents dream of having a son. Composite names - Tilebaldy, Tilepbergen, Tilepberdy, Tilepbai, Tileubay, Tilekmet (kaz)
  • Tleu - to wish, to ask (kaz)
  • Tokhtar - stop. Usually such a name was given to a child in a family where children and boys were constantly dying. Composite names - Tokhtargali, Tokhtarkhan (kaz)
  • Toktamys (Toқtamys) is an old male Kazakh name. The meaning of the name: 1. "toқtamys" - translated from the Kazakh language means "egoza", "active, fidget", so they called a child very active, full of movement, desire to know the world. 2. values ​​- "toқta" - from Kaz. lang. "stop" - at the birth of a child, a mother who often lost babies called her son that way. Like a plea, the hope for the child to survive, stayed with her.
  • Tuganbai - translated from the Kazakh language tugan - born + bai - rich. The name means - born rich.
  • Tulegen (Tulegen, Tolegen) is a Kazakh name for a boy. Meaning: "tөlegen" - paid, paid. Usually, this name was given to the boy by his parents when, after the death of one child, God gave them a son. Or, at the birth of a child, a mother who often lost babies called her son so.
  • Toreәli (Toreғali) - the name means - almighty, great. Translated from kaz. yaz "tөre" - a noble person, a man of khan origin, a descendant of the Chingizids. "Ali" in translation from Arabic - high-ranking, omnipotent, arrogant, sublime.
  • Turganbek - living long (kaz)
  • Tursyn (Tursun) - translated from the Kazakh language means - let him live.


  • Uali - ruler, master; relatives, relative (Arab). Composite names - Ualiakhmet, Valiakhmet, Ualiolla, Valiolla, Ualikhan, Valikhan.
  • Uzak is a long-liver (kaz). Composite names - Zhasuzak, Umirzak, Bayuzak, Mynzhasar, Kopzhasar, etc.
  • Ulan - a young warrior, warrior or guardsman at the palace; guy, well done (ancient Türks)
  • Ulas - continue, follow each other (kaz)
  • Ulukbek - great (kaz + arab)
  • Umbet is the people. Composite names Umbetbay, Umbetali and others (Arabic)
  • Umit is hope; expectation, desire. The compound name is Umitbek. (kaz)


  • Fazil - generosity, generous waste, gift (Arab)
  • Faiz - the winner (Arab)
  • Farid - the only one, unparalleled, valuable, incomparable, rarest (Arab)
  • Farhad - teachable, intelligent (Persian)
  • Fakhir is pretty, handsome; dear, praiseworthy (Arab)


  • Khabib - beloved friend, dear comrade, life partner (Arab)
  • Khadim - servant, slave (Arab)
  • Haydar - strong as a lion
  • Hakim - master, master, wise, genius, clever
  • Haknazar - help, favor, patronage, support (Arab)
  • Khalel (Khalil) - beloved, dear friend, good comrade (Arab)
  • Hamza - a medicinal plant
  • Hamit - harmless
  • Khanture - a descendant of the khan surname, a descendant of a clan of khans, rulers (kaz)
  • Hasan - beautiful, beautiful, good
  • Hangeldy - a strong, glorious man was born (kaz)
  • Khantemir - strong, strong khan (kaz)
  • Hasan (Khasen) - beautiful, beautiful, good (Arab)
  • Hafiz - keeper, overseer
  • Hikmet - philosophy, meaning, mystery
  • Khusain - small, beautiful, kind, good


  • Shavkat (Shafkat) - mercy, beneficence, mercy, power (Arab)
  • Shagir - poet (Arab)
  • Shadi - joyful, cheerful (Arab)
  • Shaidar - royal, regal (Arab)
  • Shakarim - the minister
  • Shakhan - translated from the Iranian language, shah + from the Kazakh language, khan. The name means - khan khans.
  • Shahar (Shaharbai) - city (Arab)
  • Shaken (Arabic) - royal wealth
  • Shakir - noble, precious, kind, grateful, respectful
  • Shamel - be light, the beacon of the people, the country (kaz)
  • Shamshi - sun (Arab)
  • Sharip - respected, glorious, holy (Arab)
  • Shyngys - sea, ocean, abundance; indicates qualities such as mercy, kindness and generosity (kaz)
  • Shyryn - sweet fruit juice (kaz)
  • Sherkhan - brave as a lion (Persian)
  • Shukhrat - famous, authoritative, authoritative, respected (Arab)

You might be interested in:

AKAY - translated from Kazakh, the name means - like a month, light, clean, white, clear.

AKBAY - translated from Kazakh ak - white. The name means honest, pure, sincere.

AKBERDS - translated from Kazakh as ak-white, pure, true, from Arabic and Iranian hak - gift, reward + from Kazakh berdi - dal. The name means - the gift of truth.

AKBOLAT - translated from Kazakh ak - white + from Iranian damask - steel. The name means - strong as steel.

AKEDIL - translated from Kazakh ak - white + Edil - Volga. Usually such names were given to children born on the Volga beret.

AKZHAN - translated from Kazakh, the name means - an honest, sincere, sincere, blameless, innocent person.

AKZHARKIN - translated from the Kazakh language, the name means - cheerful, cheerful, sincere.

AKZHOL - translated from Kazakh ak - white + zhol road, path. The name means - the bright path.

AKZHIGIT - translated from Kazakh ak - white + gigit. The name means brave, brave, well done.

AKIM - translated from Arabic hakim - wise, genius, clever. Composite names - Akimbay, Akimbek, Akimkhodzha, Akimzhan, Akimnur, Akimtai, Akimkhan.

ACCOZES - translated from Kazakh ak - white + goats - lamb. The name means - quiet, affectionate.

AKNAZAR - translated from Arabic hak - ruler, lord, boss + nazar - look, point of view, look; look, attention. The name means - help, favor, patronage, support.

AKPANBET - translated from Kazakh Akpan - January + beta - a component added to compound male names. The name means - born in January.

AKPAR - translated from Arabic akbar - great, greatest, greatest, respected.

AKRAM - translated from Arabic - akrem - venerable, noblest, most merciful, most generous. Composite names - Akrambay, Akrambek.

AKSULTAN - translated from Kazakh ak - white, from Arabic and Iranian hak - ruler, chief, sultan. The name means - ruler, sovereign.

AKTAN - translated from Kazakh ak - white, pure + tan - morning, dawn. The name means - radiant.

AKTLEK - translated from Kazakh ak - white, sincere, honest + tlek - desire. The name means one who desires the truth.

AKKOZHA - translated from Kazakh ak - white, pure, from Arabic and Iranian hak - chief, ruler + skin (khoja) - lord, mentor, master. The name means - an honest mentor.

AKSHORA - in translation from Kazakh ak - white, clean, honest + in translation from the ancient Turkic language - lord, boss, landowner. The name means - white, lord, nobleman.

AKYLBAY - translated from Arabic and Iranian ahl - mind, reason, common sense + buy. The name means - rich in mind, intelligent.

AKYLBEK - translated from Arabic as gakhl + bey. The name means - reasonable, strong-willed.

AKYN - translated from Iranian Akun - singer, improviser. Composite names: Alakun, Orazakyn, Nurakyn, Bayakyn, Turdakyn, etc.

AKYNZHAN - translated from the Arabic language - akun + singer, poet, translated from the Iranian language John - soul. This name was given to a child with the desire to become a poet.

Akyrap - translated from Arabic and Iranian - ahrab - the constellation of Scorpio, the sign of the Zodiac corresponding to October.

ALAY - from the ancient Turkic language means - detachment, unit, company, battalion, regiment.

ALAU - translated from Kazakh means - bright red color.

ALBAT - translated from Arabic albat - color, type, multi-colored, varied.

ALGA - translated from Kazakh means - forward, always be ahead. The name means lucky.

ALGYR - translated from Kazakh means - grasping, resourceful, courageous.

ALDAN - translated from Kazakh has two meanings - joy, consolation to parents; firstborn, first child.

ALDAR - from the ancient Turkic language - cunning, clever. That was the name of the cunning hero of Kazakh folklore Aldar Kose.

ALI - translated from Arabic - gali - high, sublime, supreme. Composite names - Aliaydar, Aliaskar, Aliakhmet, Alikhan.

ALIAIDAR - gali + haidar - lion. The name means - Ali is strong as a lion.

ALIASKAR - the name means - mighty Ali.

ALMABAY - translated from Kazakh alma - apple + buy. The name means - beautiful, like an apple. Composite names - Almabek, Almatay.

ALMAS - translated from Iranian almas - diamond. Composite names - Almasbai, Almasbek, Almaskhan.

ALMURT - translated from Iranian means - pear.

ALPAMIS - translated from the ancient Turkic Alps - a hero, a strong man, a giant + mamysh - a hero.

ALPAR - translated from the ancient Türkic Alps - bogatyr, hero, knight + ar (er) - hero, brave. The name means - a brave knight.

ALPYSBAY - translated from Kazakh Alpys - sixty + buy. This was the usual name for a son who was born when his father or mother was 60 years old.

ALTAI - translated from the Mongolian language altan (altyn) - gold + tai, tag - mountain. The name means - the golden mountain, the name of the Altai mountains. Composite names - Altaybai, Altaybek.

ALTYBAY - translated from Kazakh alty - six + buy. The name means six-fingered.

ALTYNBEK - translated from Kazakh altyn - gold + bek. The name means - golden, eternal.

ALTYNSARY - translated from Kazakh altyn - gold + sary - yellow. The name means - golden, always revered person.

ALGAZES - translated from Arabic - algazun - warrior, fighter, soldier.

ALNUR - translated from the Arabic language - gali - high, higher + nur - light, ray. The name means - high beam.

ALIBI - translated from the Arabic language is gali + from the Kazakh language bi - the judge. The name means - the supreme judge.

ALIM - translated from the Arabic language - galim - knowing, enlightened; scientist, wise. Composite names: - Alimbay, Alimbek, Alimzhan, Alimkul, Alimkhan.

ALISHER - translated from the Arabic language - gali - exalted, the highest + from the Iranian sher - lion.

The modern multicultural world is characterized, among other things, by the unprecedented proliferation of various exotic and rare names. Therefore, there is a need to compile lists of names of various traditional cultures. In this article, we have selected the most, in our opinion, beautiful Kazakh names. Of course, the complete list of the names of this people is much more extensive, but our goals are not included in their complete enumeration.

About Kazakh names

First of all, it must be said that for quite a long time the inhabitants of Kazakhstan have been experiencing the strongest influence of Islamic, and therefore, Arab culture. Since in Islam they are very strict about the choice of a name, then most of the traditional, original names, alas, are almost forgotten. Rare Kazakh names, originating from the pre-Islamic period, are not so common. They were replaced by Arab-Persian onomastics. Therefore, the most popular Kazakh names today are mostly Arabic and Persian, with some local influence in pronunciation.

List of Kazakh names

This list will be categorized by topic rather than alphabetically. This was done by us for the convenience of choosing a name based on semantic considerations. So let's get started.


Agzam. Translated as "omnipotent".

Erden. Kazakh name meaning "dear hero".

Aydar. Strength is a quality that names are often associated with; modern traditions have kept it, which literally means "a bun of hair" - a special male hairstyle that symbolizes courage, strength and power of its owner.

Aryngazy. Kazakh name, which translates as "strong warrior" or "brave fighter".

Achan. Literally translated as "iron". But it does not mean metal, but the indestructible power, which is symbolized by iron. The name is of Iranian origin.

Barlas. "Hero", "brave" - ​​the literal meaning of this word, which has a Mongolian origin.

Battal. He speaks not about strength, but rather about aggression, ardent disposition and the fighting spirit of a person. Its roots are Iranian.

Beren. The same symbolism as in the name with the meaning "iron". However, the literal translation of this variant is "the best steel".

Berik. Translated as "strong".

Bokey. This is a Turkic dialect that means both a strong man and a hero.

Yerasyl. Like the name "Erden", it means a dear hero. But, unlike him, not just an expensive, but "the most expensive hero."


Amir. The name Amir is a vivid example of the powerful. In itself, this word means a ruler in Arabia. Therefore, the name Amir is translated as “sovereign” or “lord”.

Wali. Like the previous one, it literally means "ruler".

Akshora. This name means "master", "owner" - a person who not only owns, but also actively disposes.

Atabay. It does not quite relate to power, denoting, rather, the nobility of origin, glory, prosperity. In short, it can be compared to an aristocrat.

Ayan. Like the previous one, this name has little to do directly with power, but symbolizes one of its attributes, in honor of which the names of boys are also given. Kazakh modern traditions command to translate this name as "widely known", "glorified".


Danial. Means "gift of God". Has Hebrew roots.

Kasiman. Like many other beautiful Kazakh names, this name is associated with religion. It translates as "having pure faith" and comes from the Arabic language.

Arkat. This word is the name, designation of the person chosen by the Almighty.

Zharylkasyn. Literally this adverb is translated as follows: "God deigned."


Arystan. "Lion" - this is how this Kazakh name is translated. Since this animal is a symbol of courage, it can also be considered as belonging to the category of names associated with strength.

Shona. This word means "wolf". origin.


Azamat. The name Azamat is one of the traditional ones in the Caucasus. This is where it is most common. The name Azamat is translated as "real horseman".

Asmet. Means noble or humane.

Abai. This name should be translated as "observant", "prudent", "vigilant".

Abzal. It translates as "respected", "highly respected".

Adil. The variant that can be headed by the names of boys in popularity. Kazakh modern names are often associated with the best qualities of a person. For example, this word means an honest and just man.

Akylbai. It is given to a child as a wish of a great mind. Literally translated as "mind-rich", that is, a very intelligent person.

Aldiyar. A very noble name, the meaning of which is "majesty", "nobility".

Anuar. Variants related to reliability and hard work are perhaps the most beloved names of boys in Kazakhstan. Kazakh modern names include this form in their list, the root of which translates as "hardworking" and "reliable".

Arnur. A very beautiful, figurative name, the meaning of which is "a ray of honor". It can also be translated as "conscientious".

Asan. The Khasen form is also known. Means beautiful.

Askat. If you try to translate this name into Russian, you get something like the following: "the happiest of the happiest" or "the happiest."

Atymtai. It is an Arabic word for generosity.

Ahat. Means "unique". Perhaps it was due to the number of children in the family.

Ahram. There was already a name above, which we translated as "generous." The same name means "the most generous."

Baisal. This name speaks of calmness, sanity and prudence of its owner.

Bakir. In Arabic, this word means "researcher".

Baktiar. In Iranian they say this about long-awaited children, the birth of which is a great and joyful event. Literally translated as "happy", "desired".

Bakhyt. This name can be translated by the words "blessed" or "happy".

Bayazit. A very pretentious name by our standards, which means "superior to all."

Accordion. Unlike simply “happy” and “blissful,” this name contains a superlative degree. Accordingly, its meaning is "infinitely happy."

Bayat. One of the names associated with color is a rather rare topic in onomastics for the East. This variant means "white" and comes from the Arabic language.

Birzhan. This name correlates with concepts such as "loneliness" and "uniqueness".

Of God. The name given to denote a sage.

Boshai. This word hides such a concept as "independent", "free". The name is of ancient Turkic origin.

Gabit. Arabic name meaning "minister".

Gafu. The correlates of the name are the concepts of mercy and forgiveness. It can literally be translated by the word "forgiving".

Dandai. A name whose meaning is associated with greatness and enormous size.

Demeu. This is the name of a child in whom they hope first of all to see support in old age. It literally means "support", "help". This refers primarily to material,

Duman. This name is given to a cheerful and happy child.

Edige. Translated as "good", "noble".

Erbolat. An attempt at literal translation gives the following expression: "a real man."

Erdos. A noble name meaning "responsible friend".

Yerzhan. Translated as "brave", "brave".

Ermek. This word means what is called fun in Russian.

Ersayin. An interesting name that can be translated as "notable hero."

They drove. It is associated with an intelligent and sane person.

Sorry. An aristocratic name translated as "glorious", "famous".

Zhanazar. A peculiar name that means that its bearer has pleased everyone.

Zhanbolat. Means "soul of steel".

Zhangali. Literally translated as “brave like Ali”.

Zhandos. This name is used to call a person whom they wish to see as a universal friend and stronghold of the world, because its meaning is “a friend of all people”.

Gentoir. Literally “beautiful soul”.

Zhetes. Means a smart and reasonable person.

Zholan. It translates as "lucky".

Zholgay. Close in meaning to the previous one. However, he should be understood as "one who brings good luck."

All over the world, and in Kazakhstan in particular, his name has always been of great importance for a person. Before naming a child, parents carefully think over and select a name for him that will accompany him throughout his life. After all, this is the personification of a person's character, and sometimes the name, in one way or another, affects human destiny.

General information

Kazakh names are endowed with their own classification, dividing them by structure:

  • simple;
  • complex;
  • complex.

Simple names are the names of animals, birds, food, household items. In general, everything that is part of the culture and everyday life of Kazakhs. For instance, Alma- Apple, Balta- ax, etc.

Compound names are formed as follows: they connect either two nouns, or a part of a noun with a verb. For clarity, here's an example:

  • Bytas: "buy" is a rich man, "tas" is a stone;
  • Zhylkybay:"zhylky" - horse, "bai" - rich man.

It also happens that boys are given a name that reflects the phenomena and events that occur at the time of his birth. For instance, Aytugan- born on a full moon, or Zhanbyrbay- born in the rain.

In the Kazakh language, there are also Arabic names that are firmly rooted in the life of the people at certain stages of the formation of its culture. These include Zhusil, Kalima, Zhangali other.

Kazakh names are constantly undergoing changes: some words forever disappear into oblivion, but new ones come in their place, which take root and become beautiful and modern names for Kazakh boys and girls.

We can say with confidence that Kazakh parents have the widest choice of names. More than 10,000 words can be used in the selection.

But what modern names for Kazakh boys are popular now?

Classification by value

Many online resources offer alphabetical classification of names. It's really easy to find.

But we will distribute modern Kazakh names for boys with meaning in different categories.

Names for boys that represent character traits

Asmet- distinguished by nobility and humanity.

Abai - observant.

Agzam - great.

Adil - equitable.

Aydar- endowed with physical strength and fortitude.

Akylbay- smart, knowledgeable.

Aldiyar - noble.

Aman - healthy.

Anuar - hardworking, reliable.

Asan- beautiful.

Ayan- popular.

Baisal- reasonable, calm.

Baktiyar- happy.

Battal- fearless.

Bokey- heroic.

Boshai- independent.

Duman- funny, amusing.

Edige- good, kind.

Eleu- respected, respected.

Erbolat- a true man.

Ermek- funny.

Yessen- healthy.

Zhangali- fearless, courageous.

Zhandos- benevolent, friendly, affable.

Gentoir- bright, pure soul.

Zholgay- lucky, lucky.

Zaki- far-sighted.

Iliyas- powerful.

Kadyr- omnipotent.

Kaisar- persistent, achieving his goal.

Kayyrgali - good-natured.

Karim- generous.

Mazhit- doing everything right, coping.

Mamazhan- a worthy son.

Mansour- a born winner.

Mardan- brave.

Makhambet- worthy.

Muzaffar- bringing victory.

Mukhtar- the chosen one, the privileged one.

Mustafa- the chosen one.

Nazarbay- bright, remarkable, drawing attention to itself.

Lobster- full of life.

Raiymbek - merciful, compassionate.

Rakym, Rahman- merciful.

Rashit- bold.

Rustem- strong and brave.

Sabit- strong-willed and loyal.

Sagit- lucky, "favorite of fortune".

Saiyn- the best.

Sahi- generous.

Suleimen- protected, protected.

Taimas- unshakable, reaching the goal.

Talip- inquisitive.

Talmas- active, never tired.

Targyn- harsh, ferocious.

Wyys- strong, hardy, full of energy.

Huacap- generous.

Hamit- harmless, peaceful.

Shadi- merry fellow.

Shashubai- generous.

Sherkhan- the bravest, like a tiger.

Ydyras- diligent.

Yskak- cheerful, laughing.

Male names denoting power and patronage

Popular in 2017 modern Kazakh names for boys are names meaning power. These include:

Amir- a lord, a good lord.

Arcat- the chosen one of the gods.

Askar- greatness.

Beimbet- ruler.

Bekzat- the heir to the ruler.

Ilyas, Qadir- powerful.

Kaztugan- a descendant of a judge.

Malik- king, lord.

Manap- ruler.

Maulen- a just, beneficent ruler.

Nakyp- supervisor.

Nursultan- solar sultan.

Rais- chairman.

The sultan- Supreme ruler.

Wali- ruler.

Strength, might and courage

For a man, being strong and courageous is one of the main factors. In Kazakh life, the courage of a man plays an important role, so many future parents try to give courage to their future son through the name.

Modern Kazakh names for boys in 2017, denoting courage and strength, sound as follows:

Abyz- keeper, patron.

Agzam- omnipotent.

Azamat- a true horseman.

Aydar- strong, courageous.

Arystan- brave like a lion.

Barlas- brave, hero.

Bokey- a strongman accomplished feats.

Yerasyl- the most expensive hero.

Yerzhan- daredevil, brave.

Ersayin - famous hero.

Zhangali - brave.

Iliyas- very brave, not afraid of anything.

Kairat- strength, energy.

Kambar- tremendous power.

Karasai- a mighty giant.

Kaharman- a brave man, ready for exploits.

Mardan- always victorious.

Nariman- a warrior born of fire.

Rashit- a brave man.

Rustem- a mighty and brave husband.

Sabaz- daring, strong horseman.

Serali- mighty lion.

Wyys- strong, full of energy.

Ulan- a daring man.

Sherkhan- as brave as a lion.

Rare names for boys

There are also rare modern Kazakh names for boys in the republic. They are rare, since it is rare to meet a guy with that name in Kazakhstan.

Such names appeared several centuries ago, when infant mortality was high, especially among boys. At this time, parents, who had many children dying, began to call their sons very strange names:

Ultarak- insole.

Eleusiz- inconspicuous.

Elemes- inconspicuous.

Such names can be heard in the modern world among the Kazakh people. They are called children to protect them from possible evil eye or damage. Kazakhs believe that an inconspicuous, unprepossessing name will help ward off all troubles from their sons.

In addition, there are some more names for modern Kazakh boys, and their meaning is as follows:

Itkul- canine servant.

Karakul- black slave.

Satylgan- sold to strangers.

Satybaldy- bought from outsiders.

Tulegen- paid.

Tlegen- a long-awaited and very welcome son.

Sagyndyk- missed.

Tezekbai- as much as dung in the Kazakh steppes.

Bitbay- the owner of a huge number of lice.

Kuandyk- rejoiced.

Suyundik- admired.

At a time when the death rate of newborns was simply colossal, a strange ritual arose: a just-born baby was carried under their hem by several old women-long-lived in order to transfer this "gift" to the newborn. After this ceremony, the baby was given a name:

Ushkempir - three old women.

Tortkempir - four old women.

Beskempir - five old women.

The high mortality rate of Kazakh boys also gave rise to such strange and now rare names:

Tursyn- let him stay alive.

Balta- axe. This name was given to a newborn boy who was born after several dead babies. Thus, the parents wanted the "ax" to cut off all subsequent deaths in the family.

Ulmes- will not die.

Osken- will survive and grow up.

Zhanuzak- a soul that will exist for a long time.

Kunuzak- a long, endless day.

Such strange names are considered rare in the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are usually called newborns after their ancestors.


Many modern Muslim Kazakh names for boys denote objects and natural phenomena. These include:

Amanzhol- smooth, good road.

Aydos- having the moon as a friend.

Aytugan- the one whose birth fell on the new moon.

Anwar- Sunray.

Ahan- iron.

Zhagypar- clean spring, stream.

Zhuman- an expensive, valuable stone.

Zhunis- pigeon.

Moncke- silver.

Muhit- the great ocean.

Oral, Oralbek- a name derived from the name of the Ural River.

Sauryk- a young trotter.

Safuan- granite stone.

Hamza- a plant with healing properties.

What other male names are popular

Altynbek- a rich man who owns gold.

Arcat- chosen by the gods.

Arman- dream.

Asan or Hasan- endowed with a beautiful appearance.

Askar- greatness.

Atabek- mentor, teacher.

Ahat is the only one.

Bakir- seeker, investigator.

Bakhyt- happiness.

Bayat- White color.

Burkan- evidence.

Gabit- a servant.

Danial- God's gift.

Diyar- area, edge.

Zhadiger- inheritance.

Jacquia- long living.

Zhambyl- a reliable fortress.

Zhanabil- a father's soul.

Karmys- born among the common population.

Kasiman- a sincere believer.


Kazakh parents, like parents of other nationalities, care about the name with which their born son "will go through life." Therefore, even before the birth of a child, a name suitable for the boy is selected. And we introduced you to Kazakh modern names that are relevant today.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive influence on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the baby from forming. Astrology and numerology of choosing a name squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmas calendars, holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, sagacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodic male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents into fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Kazakh names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive traits of a name, negative traits of a name, choosing a profession by name, influence of a name on business, influence of a name on health, psychology of a name can be considered only in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, tasks for life and the kind of a particular child.

The topic of the compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its bearer from the inside out on the interactions of different people. And it annuls the entire psyche, unconsciousness, energy and behavior of people. Reduces to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of human interaction.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Vazha (courageous, knight) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the carriers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, he will help another boy to solve problems of love or power, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not have any effect at all, which is a name, which is not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Kazakh names for boys are also misleading. 95% of boys call names that do not facilitate fate. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, the spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed with a special bouquet, first of all in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then it would be some kind of beautiful, melodious with a middle name, astrological accurate, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and burden of fate.

Below is a list of Kazakh names. Try to pick a few that work best for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

Alphabetical list of male Kazakh names:

Asmet - noble, humane
Amanzhol is a good road
Abai - observant, prudent, vigilant
Abzal - respected, highly esteemed
Abyz - keeper, protector, clairvoyant
Abylai - grandfather, father
Agzam - almighty, great
Adil - honest, fair
Azamat is a real horseman
Azat - free, independent, free
Aybar - authoritative, impressive
Aydar - strong, mighty, famous
Aydos - ay - moon, dos - friend
Aytugan - the name was given to a boy born on the new moon
Akshora - lord, master, tycoon
Akylbai - rich in mind
Akylzhan - akyl - mind, zhan - soul
Aldiyar - your majesty, honor
Aliya - precious, beloved
Altai - the golden mountain, the name of the Altai mountains
Altynbek - the golden rich man
Aldair - derived from Altair - the name of the star
Aman - (buy, bey) healthy, unharmed
Amir - master, master
Anwar - a ray of sunshine
Anuar is bright, hardworking and reliable
Arkat - the chosen one, led by the will of the gods
Arman is a dream
Arnur - the ray of honor
Arnur - conscientious and radiant
Aryngazy is a strong, brave fighter
Arystan - lion, a symbol of courage
Asan (Khasen) - beautiful, cute
Askar - greatness
Askat - the happiest of the happiest
Atabay - popular, noble, prosperous
Atabek - teacher, educator
Ataniyaz - the cherished desire of the grandfather (father)
Atymtai - generous
Achan - iron
Ahat is the only one
Akhmet - worthy of praise
Ahram is the most generous
Ayan - widely known

Baybarys - a child born in the year barys
Baisal - calm, firm, reasonable
Bakir - researcher
Baktiar - happy, desired
Barlas - a hero, brave, noble
Battal - bold, daring, hot
Bauyrzhan - brotherly soul
Bakhyt - happiness
Bayazit - superior to all
Bayan - infinitely happy
Bayat - white, white
Beimbet - prince, ruler
Bekzat - a descendant of an aristocrat
Beren is the best steel
Berik - fortress, strong
Birzhan is lonely, the only one
God's - wise, genius
Bokey is a hero, a strong man
Boshai - independent, free
Burkan - proof, reason

Gabit is a minister
Ghani - rich, prosperous, noble
Garifolla - patron saint
Gafu - Forgiving

Dandai - great, huge
Danial is a gift of god
Daniyar is a close acquaintance
Darmen - energy, strength, power
Demeu - sponsor, support, help
Diyar - country, region, region
Duman - cheerful, happy

Edige - good, noble
Eleu - prominent, famous, respected
Yerasyl is the most expensive hero
Erbolat is a real man
Erden - dear hero
Yerdos is a responsible friend
Yerzhan - brave, brave
Ermek - fun
Ersayin is a remarkable hero
Yes - to grow
Yessen - happy, healthy
Eskali - smart, sane

Zhagypar - spring, stream
Zhadiger - inheritance, relic
Jacquia is a long-liver
Spared - glorious, famous
Zhambyl - fortress
Jamshid - radiant
Jean is the soul
Zhanabil - father's soul
Zhanazar - liked by everyone
Zhanbolat - steel soul
Zhangali - brave like Ali
Zhangir is the patron saint of the world
Zhandos is a friend of all people
Gentoir is a beautiful soul
Zhansha - Shah of All Souls
Zharas - fit, be fit
Zharylkasyn - God deigned
Zhetes - smart, reasonable
Zhirenshe is a long-liver
Zholan - lucky
Zholgai - bringing happiness, good luck
Zholdas is a reliable companion
Zhuman - a gem
Zhunis - pigeon
Zhusip is the name of the prophet, beautiful, beautiful

Zayyr - obvious, undoubted
Zakaria - Reminiscent
Zaki - shrewd, subtle
Ziyatbek - numerous bey
Zulkarnay - two-horned Alexander

Ilyas - strong, powerful

Kadyr - powerful, venerable
Kazhym - respected, respectable
Kaztugan - born a judge
Kairat - strength, energy
Kaisar - persistent, strong-willed
Kayym - existing forever
Kayyrgali - compassionate, kind
Kalka - support, defender of the homeland
Kambar - great power
Rope - wing (meaning wings of help, happiness, good luck)
Karasai is a giant of very great strength
Karim - generous, magnanimous
Karmys - common people
Kasiman - having pure faith
Kasymkhan is a historical figure
Kaharman is a powerful hero, a giant
Camel - mature, perfect
Kobei - growing
Kobzhan - large, huge
Kobylandy - a hero like a leopard

Magauiya - unharmed, delivered from troubles
Magzum - kept by God
Madi - material, material
Mazhit - glorious, commendable
Malik - king, lord
Mamazhan is the support of parents
Manap - ruler, white bone
Manar (bek) - signal, beacon
Manas is a fearless hero
Mansour - conquering
Mardan - courageous, brave
Markhabat - merciful, kind
Matabi - authoritative, supreme judge
Maulen is a beneficent ruler
Makhambet - praised, worthy
Mashrap - character, disposition, desire
Medet (bey, buy) - help, support
Medeu - hope, desire
Miras - legacy, heir
Monke - silver, money
Mubarak is sacred
Muzaffar - victorious
Mukagali - the mighty hero Ali
Murat - goal, desire, ideal
Musarali - rich, noble
Musirep - the wasteful
Musa - the name of the prophet, literally - pulled out of the water
Mustafa - the chosen one, the chosen one
Mutalip - demanding, exacting
Muhit - ocean, environment
Mukhtar - especially chosen

Nabi - the messenger of the almighty
Nadir - rare, chosen
Nazarbay - parents who wished their children more attention of people gave such names
Nakyp - foreman, leader
Nariman is a fiery warrior
Noyan - head of tumen, tsarevich
Nurlybek - shining, emitting light, warmth
Nurpeis - the radiance of paradise
Nursultan - the light shining sultan
Nygmet - prosperity, happiness

Omar - living, living
Ongar - adjusting, correcting
Oraz - wealth, luck, happiness
Oraz-Muhammad - happy, lucky, rich Muhammad
Oral (buy, bek) - a name derived from the name of the Oral river

Ordabay is a name derived from the name of the capital (Oral)
Raiymbek - merciful, kind bey
Rais - chairman
Rakym - merciful
Rauan - soul, life
Rahman - the merciful
Rashit - prudent, brave
Rustem - brave, strong, mighty
Rustem - mighty in stature, hero

Sabaz - brave, well done, daring horseman
Sabit - steadfast, unshakable, faithful
Sagit - lucky, prosperous
Saimasai - very similar to his parents, worthy of them
Saiyn is the best
Samat - eternal, permanent
Sanzhar - piercing
Sauryk - a young stallion
Safuan - granite stone
Sakhi - generous, good-natured
Seyit - lord, dear
Seyfolla - Sharper than a Sword
Serali - bold as a lion
Serke - a baked goat, in a figurative sense - a leader, a leader
Sugir - to lead
Suyinbai - rich in joys
Suyeu - support, support
Suleimen - Peaceful, Protected
Sultan - the supreme ruler
Syrbai - born on the banks of the Syr River
Raw - patient, hardy

Tagay - maternal relative
Taimas - stubborn, stubborn, not deviating from his goal
Tayyr - flying high
Takaui - offspring, generation
Talip - knowledge seeker, student
Talmas - not tired, not tired
Targyn - angry, formidable
Tauman - immense, like grief
Taufik - grateful
Teljan - feeding from two mothers
Temirtas - strong as iron and stone
Temirkhan - iron man

Wyys - strong, energetic
Huacap - generous, noble
Wali - ruler
Ulan is a dandy, well done
Umbet - society

Hamza - a medicinal plant
Hamit - harmless
Hafiz - keeper, overseer

Shadi - joyful, cheerful
Shakarim - the minister
Sharip - respected, glorious, holy
Shashubai - generous, good-natured
Sherkhan - brave as a lion
Shona is a wolf
Shora - lord, ruler

Ybyray is the father of peoples
Ydyras - diligent
Yksan - graceful, bright
Yskak - laughing

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. The name can both greatly facilitate a person's life and harm.

What is the name of the child?

In doubts, meditations, searching? Find out the right name for your baby now! The name is synchronous to the child, family, destiny.

1. Can't pick up a name, although already at 3-4 months or even recently gave birth?
2. Want name and character and sounding good?
3. Think how help with the name in life?
4. Look for a name that help in communication and learning?
5. Everyone is in doubt and searching name you like to you and your family?

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