The tallest and smallest man in the world. The smallest people in the world 10 shortest people in the world

13.02.2016 at 15:09 · pavlofox · 16 930

The shortest people in the world

Nature never ceases to amaze us. Along with people of average height, there are both the tallest and shortest people in the world. The latter will be discussed in our article. The reasons that a person is born very small or stops growing after a while can be both genetic changes in the body and the consequences of serious diseases, such as pituitary dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta.

10. Hee Ping-Ping | height 74 cm

(He Pingping ) originally from China lived only 21 years. He died in March 2010. The height of one of the smallest people in the world was 74 cm. He suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease in which the bones have increased fragility. Such people are called "fragile" or "crystal". Usually the disease is inherited, but sometimes an individual mutation of the body can also become its cause. Hee Ping-Ping's health problems were further complicated by the fact that he smoked a lot. He died of heart complications. When Chi Ping-Ping arrived in Italy to shoot the show Lo show dei record, he felt ill, but the doctors could not help him.

9. Hatice Kocaman | height 71 cm

The 21-year-old (Hatice Kocaman) from Turkey belongs to the lowest people on the planet. Her height is 71 centimeters, and her weight is 6.8 kilograms. At birth, doctors diagnosed her with nanism (dwarfism). Hatice was born with a weight of 1.64 kilograms. The closest relatives of the girl are of average height. Doctors do not know what caused Hatice's disease, due to which she stopped growing at 4 years old. As for mental abilities, they correspond to her biological age. Like most of the smallest people in the world, she suffers from many diseases. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. In addition, the girl suffers from severe back pain. Local doctors cannot help her in any way, because they lack the experience to operate on a tiny patient.

Hatice graduated from a specialized school, but did not find a job in her specialty. She continues to live with her parents.

8. Edward Nino Hernandez | height 70 cm

Originally from Colombia, he held the title of the shortest man in the world for three years. He is 70 cm tall and weighs 10 kilograms. He lives in Bogotá and is very popular in Colombia. Edward dances Latin American dances and acts in films. He is proud of his uniqueness and feels quite happy. It is noteworthy that Edward's younger brother "outgrew" him by only 23 centimeters.

7. Bridget Jordan | height 69 cm

(Bridgette Jordan) is one of the smallest women in the world. Her height is 69 cm. And the height of her brother Brad is 96 cm. Together they are known as the world's shortest relatives. The reason for their short stature is an incurable disease called pituitary dwarfism, or dwarfism. Tiny size did not break Bridget - she leads an active lifestyle and goes to college with her brother. The girl loves dancing and music and is part of the support team of the local basketball club.

6. Khagendra Tapa Magar | height 67 cm

With a height of 67 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg, the Nepalese is one of the shortest people in the world. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in one palm. The doctors could not determine the reason for such a small growth. At the same time, the parents and sibling Khagendra are of normal height. One of the smallest people on the planet is not very worried about his unusual appearance and is optimistic about the future. He is becoming more and more popular: now the young man plays the role of a goodwill ambassador for the government of Nepal. In addition, Khagendra Tapa Magar is part of a dance group and occasionally tours with it. In his free time, he helps his father, the owner of a fruit shop. Unfortunately, an unknown disease has negatively affected the mental abilities of the smallest person in the world, the adult Khagendra Tapa Magar says and argues like a child.

5. Stacy Herald | height 66 cm

The American is known not only as one of the lowest women in the world, but also for the fact that she became the mother of three kids. Her height stopped at around 66 cm due to imperfect osteogenesis. Despite her diminutive size and illness, she married a man of average height, Will Herald. The couple dreamed of a large family, although doctors strongly urged Stacey to give up the desire to have children, since pregnancy and childbirth could cause irreparable harm to her. Stacy did not listen to anyone and now she and Will are raising two girls and a boy. Unfortunately, the eldest of the daughters inherited the mother's disease.

4. Madge Bester | height 65 cm

A native of Africa, she is 65 cm tall. She, like Hi Ping-Ping, suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. Due to illness, one of the smallest women in the world is forced to move in a wheelchair. Madge's mother, whose height was 70 cm, also suffered from the same disease.

3. Jyoti Amji | height 62.8 cm

Originally from India, it is the lowest female representative. Her height is 62.8 cm. The reason for the small stature of the girl is achondroplasia, an incurable disease in which there is a violation of the growth of bone tissue. Once in the Guinness Book of Records, she got the opportunity to travel and visited Japan and Italy. Today, Jyoti Amji actively acts in films and participates in television shows. She gained fame as an actress after participating in the 4th season of the popular TV series American Horror Story, in which she played a member of a traveling circus. The girl plans to continue her career in Bollywood, where her exotic appearance will be in demand and receive higher education.

2. Junri Baluing | height 55.8 cm

The second lowest person on Earth is a native of the Philippines. His height is 55.8 cm. He was born in a poor large family. At the age of two, his parents noticed that he had stopped growing. Doctors for a long time thought that this was a consequence of the child's frequent illnesses, until they came to the conclusion that Junri Baluing would no longer grow. Now the little record holder is fully taken care of by his parents - he himself can only move with the help of a support.

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi | height 54.6 cm

The Nepalese was recognized as the shortest person on Earth. His height was 54.6 cm, and his weight was 12 kg. He became the absolute record holder, since such a small growth was recorded for the first time. The Nepalese was 73 years old when they accidentally learned about its existence. Chandra comes from a remote village and has never sought medical help in his entire life. Despite his height, he was a cheerful and active person and dreamed of traveling. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a weaver by profession. Having gained fame as the shortest man in the world, he was able to visit, as he dreamed of, other countries. In September 2015, a Nepalese man was hospitalized on one of the islands of Samoa with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died in the hospital.

What else to see:

The average human height is 165 cm, but few meet this standard. Thanks to the developed communication around the world, it became possible to search for unique people whose height differs significantly from generally accepted indicators.

adult baby

To date, the smallest person in the world is a native of Nepal, Chandra Bahadur Dangi. He received his title in 2012 and impressed many: after all, his height was only 54.6 cm, and his weight was 12 kg. This is an absolute record for 57 years of existence of the Guinness Book of Records. Despite such an award, 72-year-old Chandr Bahadur has a hard time, because throughout his life he was not taken seriously. The weight of a Nepalese at birth was only 0.6 kg. When he grew up a little, his father could even carry him in his pocket. Unfortunately, the Nepalese doctors could not determine the cause of this deviation, but it can be said with full confidence that Chandra Bahadur is the smallest person in the world in history.

The smallest people before and now

From 2007 to 2010, the title of "the smallest man in the world" was held by the Chinese He Pingping, who grew only to 74.5 cm. But, at the age of 21, he died of heart complications. In 2010, this title was given to Edward Nino Hernandez (Colombia), who was officially entered into the Guinness Book of Records. His height was no more than 70 cm, and his weight was about 10 kg. Another record holder and holder of the title "the smallest man in the world" is Junri Balauing, who is 21 years old. His height is a little less than 60 cm. But here the story is a little different, since the development of Junri stopped not only physically, but also psychologically. To date, he communicates only in simple phrases and cannot do without outside help.

The biggest man in the world

We learned who in this world is endowed with the most modest growth, and now it’s worth talking about the opposite records. Today, this title is held by the Turk Kosen Sultan, whose height is 246.5 cm. This is a lot, but it is known that there is another person who is much taller than the Sultan. We are talking about the Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyuk. In 2009, his height was 254 cm, which is 7.5 cm more than the record holder. At the same time, it continues to grow, but, unfortunately, Leonid refused to take measurements regularly, as he was tired of the constant attention of the press to his person.

Tallest man in the past

But even the above two record holders are far from Robert Persha Wadlow, whose height is 272 cm. These data have been officially registered, and photographs are evidence of abnormal growth.

The other side of fame

Of course, the titles of "the largest and smallest man in the world" are honorable and even profitable, but the holders of the title have to pay for this with their health. As you know, gigantism is incurable, and its consequences are rather grim. So, too much growth negatively affects the joints, bones, and cardiovascular system. Due to the complications of gigantism, large people move only with the help of a support, and also gradually lose sensation in their legs and arms and have a rather poor state of health.

They say about a small dog that she is "a puppy until old age." However, hardly any dog ​​has complexes because of its height. But little people can. Especially guys. They say that Tom Cruise himself is worried about his height and even orders shoes with special insoles to appear taller.

But it's worth taking a look at our rating smallest people in the world to understand where are the real and where are the imaginary problems with growth. And be aware that short people often live longer than tall people. According to the BBC, a study of 1.3 million people in Spain found that each additional centimeter shortens life expectancy by 0.7 years.

10. Bridget Jordan - 69 cm

The former record holder from the Guinness Book of Records is still the smallest woman in the United States. She suffers from congenital dwarfism, and her full diagnosis sounds very long - microcephalic osteodysplastic type II dwarfism.

Despite this, Bridget leads a full-fledged lifestyle, her hobbies are dancing and cheerleading.

9. Khagendra Tapa Magar - 67 cm

In Nepal, this person is known as "Little Buddha". Born in 1992, Khagendra Tapa Magar originally weighed 600 grams. In adulthood, his weight barely exceeded 5 kg. This is due to dwarfism, a condition associated with a lack of growth hormone.

On his 18th birthday in 2010, he received the title "The smallest man in the world" from the experts of the Guinness Book of Records, and wore it until 2011. Then an even smaller candidate appeared.

8. Istvan Toth - 65 cm

There is not much information on the Internet regarding the Hungarian István Toth, who once claimed that at 65 centimeters he is the shortest man in the world. For comparison: the height of the living is 251 cm. Calculate yourself how much it will be in Istvany.

This claim has not been verified by Guinness World Records, and now we may never know how true Thoth's claim is. The fact is that the man died in 2011 at the age of forty-eight.

7. Madge Bester - 65 cm

In 2018, one of the shortest women in the world died. At the age of fifty-five, she was shorter than the average one-year-old girl (74 cm according to WHO).

Bester suffered from "crystal man" disease (brittle bones) and was confined to a wheelchair. However, until her last day, she did not give up and was a well-known propagandist for the rights of people with disabilities.

6. Jyoti Amji - 62.8 cm

Currently, this miniature Indian woman is officially the smallest woman on Earth (from living people).

Born in 1993, Amji's short stature is the result of a condition called achondroplasia, which is a common cause of dwarfism.

A young Indian woman dreams of winning an Oscar, and she is already on her way to it. In 2014, she starred in one of the seasons of American Horror Story. So it can rightfully be called the smallest actress on the planet.

5. Lucia Zarate - 61 cm

This woman, born in Mexico in 1864, was entered in the Guinness Book of Records at the age of seventeen as who ever lived on Earth. She weighed only 2.1 kilograms.

She was the first person ever to be diagnosed with a rare diagnosis of microcephalic osteodysplastic dwarfism type II.

During her lifetime, Lucia managed to achieve some semblance of fame, she was something of a living curiosity in the USA. And the Washington Post even dubbed Zarate the “Amazing Mexican Midget.” But her short-lived success came to an end in 1890. The train that Lucia and her family were traveling on got stuck in the Sierra Nevada mountains due to snowfall, causing the tiny girl to die of hypothermia.

4. Paulina Musters - 61 cm

The shortest woman in the history of mankind was twice the size of an ordinary Barbie doll (29 cm). She was born in the Netherlands in 1876 and began her career as a "living attraction" as an infant. At that time, the public simply admired her tiny proportions (height 30.5 centimeters, weight just over 1 kg). But getting older, Paulina began to surprise the audience with her talents. She was known as a skilled dancer and acrobat.

As her performances progressed in quality, Paulina took on many unique names for herself. In particular, she was known as "Princess Pauline" and "Lady Point".

During her career, "Princess Pauline" toured various European countries, and in 1894 she came to the United States. She was a tiny fairy on a huge stage, expressing in dance what she felt in her heart - and it was beautiful. Charming, graceful and polite baby quickly became the darling of New York. However, at the age of 19, she died from a fatal combination of pneumonia and meningitis. Thus the world lost its smallest but greatest miracle.

3. Junri Baluing - 59.9 cm

This young Filipino, one of the three shortest men on the planet, stopped growing a few months after his birth, in 1993.

At just over 59 centimeters tall, Junri suffers from a number of health issues, including weak knees and back pain, but an official diagnosis of his condition has never been made public. In the Baluing family, in addition to Junri, there are three more children of normal height.

2. Gul Mohammed - 57 cm

The second shortest man in the world was from New Delhi, India. He was born in 1957 and died at the age of forty from respiratory complications after numerous health problems. All were associated with prolonged periods of heavy smoking. Which once again confirms the simple truth: smoking is harmful!

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi - 54.6 cm

This is not only the smallest man in the world, but also the thinnest man. With his super small stature, he weighed only 12 kilograms, suffering from congenital dwarfism.

Before getting into the Guinness Book of Records, Chandra never left his native village in Nepal. He used his newfound status as the world's shortest man to travel the world and draw attention to his home country. Chandra passed away in 2015.

Human height is the distance from the very top of the head to the plane of the feet, and this indicator depends on many factors: gender, age, heredity, ecology of the region, congenital disease. Height can also be determined by belonging to any nation or race.

For example, the average height of Chinese men is 165 cm, and the Dutch - 184 cm. In this case, the concepts of "tallest" and "smallest" can be considered relative.

However, there are two people in the world who can be called the “most-most” in terms of growth. Meet Chandra Dangi and Sultan Kozen.

Chandra Dangi

Nepalese Chandra Dangi is the smallest person in the world. His height is only 54.6 cm and weighs 14.5 kg. Dangi's name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and this happened when he was already 72 years old.

History of popularity

Everything was decided by chance. One day a Nepalese woodcutter saw the little man, who advised him to apply for the Book, about which he had not even heard anything until then. Everyone is already accustomed to the longest hair or the largest stadiums in the world, and such a record must be recorded.

No sooner said than done! Soon, "record" representatives came to visit Chandra, who, as expected in such cases, took all the necessary measurements three times, which took no less than 24 hours.

Chandra Dangi lived in a remote village located 400 kilometers from Kathmandu. The little man was engaged in weaving and helped his family take care of cows and buffaloes. Despite the fact that he lived for many years, Dangi never visited doctors and did not take medication.

Until the moment he got into the Guinness Book of Records, Chandra was not considered special in his village. He was very optimistic and never complained about the hardships of life. He was not ashamed to ask for help, which was never refused. Chandra Dangi passed away in 2015 at the age of 76.

Sultan Kozen

Sultan Kozen is the tallest man in the world, and his height is 247 cm, thanks to which the Turkish citizen was included in the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, with his height it is very difficult for him to get into the car. Although a long car could fit this giant inside.

History of the record holder

Until the age of 10, Sultan was an ordinary boy, who did not particularly stand out among his peers. Some time later, doctors discovered he had a pituitary tumor, which led to the rare disease acromegaly. Since then, the Sultan began to grow rapidly, overtaking not only his classmates, but also older children.

For a while, Kozen did not experience any difficulties and even successfully played for the basketball team. But later it became clear that the growth process did not stop, and it became increasingly difficult for the young man to move around. Doctors tried to help, and the disease even receded for a while, but it was only a temporary "respite".

American doctors from the Medical University of Virginia managed to stop the growth of the Sultan, and from 2011 to the present, the growth of the tallest man in the world has remained unchanged.

Growth problems did not allow the Sultan to finish school and get a profession. Due to the enormous load on the spine, he cannot move normally and does this only with the help of crutches. Of course, many difficulties arise with finding suitable clothes and shoes, transport, but, on the other hand, the Sultan is a completely ordinary person who loves music, movies and computer games. Plus, he is happy in family life, having married his girlfriend.


The smallest and tallest man in the world once managed to meet. This event took place in London at a ceremony dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Guinness Book of Records in November 2014. According to the record holders, getting the title of “The Most” changed their whole life: Sultan stopped sitting at home, complexing because of his height, began to communicate more with people and made many friends from different parts of the world, and Chandra was very glad to have the opportunity to travel.

We are all very different. What distinguishes us from each other is skin color, facial features (eye shape, nose shape, head structure), hair color and height. All these external signs depend on the region of residence, climatic conditions and historically developed features of the nationality.

Recall how at school in a physical education lesson the teacher lined up the students in a line. The highest became at the beginning of the formation, and the lowest - at the end. Why are some tall and others short and who is the smallest person in the world?

What determines the growth of a person and what factors influence it?

If we talk about a healthy person, then all children are born with approximately the same average height. During the first year of life, due to intensive cell division, there is a multiple increase in body weight and height. And if nature had not bothered to control this process, then people would have turned into giants. How then do we begin to differ from each other, if at birth we were practically the same?

Here an important role is played by the heredity or genotype of a person. And physiologically, the growth rate is influenced by the endocrine glands (pituitary and thyroid glands), hereditary factors, dietary habits and gender (men are on average higher than women). Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. With excessive secretion of this hormone, such as acromegaly develops, and with a deficiency, growth retardation occurs and people look like dwarfs. Both in the first and in the second case, the life of such people goes beyond the normal. And if you look behind the scenes, you can find out how the smallest person in the world lives.

Of the women, the palm belongs to Indian Jyoti Amga

She was born in the city of Nagpur. At birth, the pathology of the development of articular and cartilaginous tissue was revealed, and at the age of two years, growth stopped completely. Today, Jyoti weighs about five kilograms with a height of 68.2 cm.

But such a start at birth did not prevent this cheerful girl from getting an education and living an active life. Given her unique nature, she is very interested in the world of fashion, dreaming of becoming a model and acting in films. At 22, in addition to his acting career, Jyoti Amge plans to get a higher education, which he considers an integral part of modern life.

Among men, Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi

He is a double record holder as he is the smallest person in the world and the oldest of all dwarfs. At 72, he is proud of his excellent health, which he maintains by eating turmeric dissolved in hot.

His small stature - 54.6 cm - did not prevent him from getting a profession that is very revered in Nepal - he sews hats. Unfortunately, Dangi failed to create his own family and have children. When he was orphaned at the age of 16, his large family - six brothers and two sisters - took care of him. Now, when they have also grown old, the nephews have taken care of the unusual uncle. Chandra Bahadur Dangi tries to be useful to them and, despite helping to graze cattle and sew bedding for carrying heavy loads on his back.

On the day of his majority, he received official confirmation of the record holder, because his height is only 59.93 cm.

His disease was revealed in the first year of life, but, since his parents were poor, they could not pay for expensive treatment. Over time, everyone got used to and adapted to the peculiarities of the new life. Two more absolutely normal children were born in the family. Now Junri's parents are even happy with such an unusual son. He constantly participates in filming and photo shoots, journalists from many countries come to him. Despite the fact that almost all the time he is in the arms of his father or mother (due to leg disease), Junri is full. He loves to eat chocolate and at the age of 18 he tasted beer for the first time. In the future, he plans to have his own family with a beautiful wife and children.

Almost the same height, 23-year-old resident of Nepal, Kagendr (Khagendra) Tapa Magar

His height is 7 mm higher than that of Junri Baluing and is exactly 60 cm. The boy was born so small that many doubted his viability. Having gone through all the difficulties, he got stronger and today weighs about 6 kg.

Despite her small stature, Kagendra helps her parents in Baglung Province work in the market and sell fruit. He leads a fairly active life: he reads, watches TV, attends dance classes and prepares for university entrance exams. She dreams of traveling not only around her province, but all over the world.

The next unusual child was Colombian Edward Nino Hernandez

Born with a minimum height of 38 cm, he weighed one and a half kilograms.

At first, neither the doctors nor the parents noticed the strange features of the child. Due to dysfunction of the pituitary gland, by about two years of age, the boy's growth stopped altogether. Today, his height is 70 cm. The boy's family has many children. And it is also extraordinary that another child with the same disease was born in her 13 years later. The growth of the younger brother Edward exceeds his own by 23 cm. The brothers are completely satisfied with their lives, do not lose heart and help the family by dancing.

The next record holder is Ajay Kumar

Known as an actor in Indian cinema. His path to glory was difficult and thorny.

And the main problem was that the boy could not walk on his own. Only parental love and faith in God worked a miracle, and at the age of four the baby began to move independently. Ajay received an acting education after graduating from school and has starred in more than two dozen films to date. He is a fairly wealthy man. An active life position prompted him to create the "Association of Little People". He is its leader and a fighter for the rights of people like him. Today, his height is 76 cm.

With a height of 112 cm, he became famous not only as the smallest man in the world, but also as a man who married a small woman.

With his wife Chen Gilyan (height 80 cm) eight years ago they got into the Guinness Book of Records. Their wedding took place in their native Chinese city of Shunde and became not only for the local population, but for the whole country.

Unusual natural data, difficulty in movement and sometimes inadequate reaction of people around do not prevent all these people from being cheerful and cheerful, to achieve success in creativity and not be embarrassed by their growth, to bring benefit and joy to society and themselves.

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