How to make a wish for the universe to come true. How to make a wish to come true

Every month we all have a great opportunity to make wishes. As a rule, we do this on the new moon and full moon.

And since we have a magical, mystical and karmic full moon on our nose, it will be unforgivable not to make a wish on such a day.

The full moon on April 30 starts at 3:59 p.m. (Moscow time) and throughout the day you can do rituals for making wishes and rituals of cleansing from the negative programs of your life.

I am not suggesting that you engage in magical rituals that require special training, because without understanding their essence, you can not ritualize what you need, but I will tell you how to make wishes correctly so as not to harm anyone, but to do for your own good.


1. The desire must certainly be sincere and made up for a good purpose for yourself and others.

2. The fewer wishes you make, the faster they will come true. Try not to get distracted and make 10 wishes at once. Focus on at least three. It is not for nothing that all fairy tales and songs speak of exactly three desires.

3. In order for your desire to come true, it must be correctly formulated. And since the Universe has more important things to do than solving our puzzles, then formulate your desires in the present tense, without the particle "not" and "without" and only in relation to yourself. For instance:

I get a wonderful job of my dreams

I'm going to rest in a wonderful city ...

I meet my loved one

My well-being is improving

I am releasing my new book

I learn a foreign language easily and quickly

I attract many successful and interesting people to me

I am in excellent health, etc.

If you want to make a wish concerning another person, then this should be done as follows. For example, your child does not listen to you at all, constantly argues and constantly pisses you off. You don't like this and want to make a difference.

In this case, there is no need to make a wish, such as: "I want my child to become obedient and exemplary." This will be a violation of his rights and a manifestation of your egoism, the expression “I want” speaks about it. Instead, you need to formulate it like this: "I am a happy mother of a beautiful well-bred child!"

In this case, the Universe will fulfill your desire, making you a really happy mom, and your child will behave much better.

4. When formulating a desire, do not use any names, the words “buy” and “earn”, since you should not limit the Universe in a variety of options for realizing your desire. By declaring your desire "I'm buying", you really have to buy what you want for your money, although, perhaps, you can just get it as a gift.

5. All desires must be written down on a piece of paper. You can create a nice notebook for your wishes so that you can track them and mark the ones that have already come true.

6. In order for your desires to come true, you need to say them out loud with great enthusiasm and emotion. The more you become imbued with your desire, the more impulse it will receive to fulfill it - therefore, in a bad mood, it is better not to make any plans at all.

7. After you have spoken out emotionally your desires, try to let go of them and not create unnecessary potential and tension, which will slow down the process of embodiment. If you have the opportunity to launch a balloon or a Chinese lantern while making a wish, then that will be even better.

8. After each desire it is necessary to say the following words: "May my desire be fulfilled for the benefit of me and the whole Universe."

9. The ritual for fulfilling desires is good to do before a lit candle, which should be small and burn out shortly after the ritual is completed. Better if the candle is new. We do not burn the wish list or throw it away, but save it.

10. Do not forget to thank the Universe for each of your fulfilled wishes, so that your stream of fulfillments does not end, but, on the contrary, grows with each new moon and full moon.

I share with you the rituals that I use myself and I can say that they definitely work. Many of my desires are fulfilled very quickly, and in the most incredible way. What I wish for you too!

All the wonderful full moon, magic rituals and the fulfillment of your desires!

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Incredible facts

What is desire? These are thoughts that arise in your head, which can become reality thanks to you and your inner strength.

Scientists have been studying the human subconscious for a long time and made the following discovery: any thought, like a magnet, attracts and changes the outside world.

This is a wonderful discovery, as it endows a person with colossal strength and creative energy, thanks to which the fulfillment of every desire is possible.

To strengthen the power of thought, you need to train your mind and increase this energy every day, since desires are fulfilled much faster when they are supported by a large inner strength and positive attitude.

The power of thought: what prevents the fulfillment of desire?

Any kind of negative energy- fears, doubts, disturbing thoughts take energy, so it is important to free your mind from this energy. Try to think positively and switch to positive thoughts.

Anger Is a powerful destructive force of energy. Learn to forgive and release negative emotions, and your thoughts will attract the desired event much faster.

Pessimism and persistent dissatisfaction also harm our energy. Learn to enjoy life, to feel grateful for every moment of your life.

Passive lifestyle and bad habits also have a negative impact. Get involved in physical activity, yoga, spending more time outdoors and your thoughts and energy will become stronger. Instead of watching TV or aggressive movies, read a book or spend time with positive people.

Once you get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and feelings, your energy will increase, and you can make your desires come true.

How to make a wish to make it come true?

There are several methods for fulfilling desires. One of the most powerful of these is visualization.

1. The first thing to do is articulate your wish... It should evoke pleasant feelings in you, such as joy, happiness, and pleasure. Positive emotions make desires stronger and bring closer the moment of the dream come true.

2. You need be relaxed... Take a time when no one is bothering you, get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Allow your body to feel light and weightless while trying to maintain a calm state of mind.

3. Once you have achieved relaxation, think about the most happy moments of your life... Tune in to positivity and joy. This will fill your thoughts with the necessary energy.

4. Now imagine that your wish came true... You got what you wanted, feel joy and gratitude, and the whole range of positive emotions. Stay in this wonderful state for a while, enjoy it and open your eyes.

Your dream is already on the way. Now release her easily and freely.

Important rules for fulfilling desires

    Your desire should not harm people and the world if the power of thought is used for destructive plans, nothing good will come of it.

    After making a wish, you shouldn't just sit and wait.... Take action and be active in the real world.

    If you have a big dream, you need to do this exercise several times.... The more creative energy you direct your desire, the faster it will become reality.

    If the desire is about the other person, make sure is it consistent with the free choice of the other person... You should never say what you want if it goes against the will of the other person or could harm him. Desires should not concern the conquest of people or things, but are associated with successful fulfillment.

Each person has a cherished dream, to the fulfillment of which he strives. Someone does not believe in miracles, so they prefer to fulfill such goals through hard work. However, there are people who are tormented by the question of how to make a wish so that it comes true. There are a lot of nuances here, implying correct framing, the presence of faith and the absence of prejudice.

So how to correctly formulate desires so that they are fulfilled in the shortest possible time?

How to make wishes correctly

People who believe in a variety of supernatural things are well aware of how important any nuance is when making a wish. Which of these secrets of correct behavior must be taken into account?

It is very important to make wishes on the day and hour when a person was born. People who are fond of esotericism believe that this minute has incredible power, and it is during this period that a person can achieve whatever he wants. You just need to think about what you want.

Psychologists advise you to correctly analyze your own dreams and goals. Often a person is embarrassed to admit to himself what he really wants. As a result, he hides true dreams deep in himself and makes plans for what he does not really want so much. Usually such tricks do not work, and the dream ends up unfulfilled.

That is why it is necessary to understand yourself in advance, write down everything that a person wants on paper, and only after that proceed to guessing.

In order to better understand how wishes are made correctly, we will dwell on some points separately.

Clarity and specificity

This is perhaps the most important nuance that often gets in the way of getting what you want. In most cases, a person has a poor idea of ​​what he really wants. The sphere of his desires and interests is so wide that his eyes literally run up and, faced with the need to make a wish, such a person is simply lost.

So, how to make your wish come true, and how to form your needs?

It is possible to guess what a person wants to achieve both at various happy places and on important dates for a person. For example, during a birthday or on New Year's Eve, dreams tend to come true.

Some esotericists are sure that a wish made by several people at the same time comes true faster. That is why the couple should think together to have children as soon as possible, and colleagues are encouraged to jointly dream of a big salary. So the chances of encountering the fulfillment of our plans will be higher.

How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true

The most magical time of the year is surrounded by numerous myths and legends. It is believed that it is on this night that wishes must be made so that they will certainly come true. There are several options for action:

Psychologists note that any person has a decent power of self-belief. By constantly thinking about a dream, he can inspire himself with confidence that he will soon achieve the goal. Such reflections also have another benefit: with their help, you can find ways to achieve what you want, without resorting to magic or the consumption of ash.

No denial

Why does one person make a wish, and they come true, and another time after time is disappointed in such an approach to changing his own life? Everything is very simple: the fulfillment of a plan often depends not only on the presence of a sincere desire, but also on faith.

A person must believe that the dream will definitely come true. He must go to this, strive, believe day after day. That is why it is important to give up denial during the period of guesswork. “I make a wish, but it won't come true anyway”; “I'll try, but it won't help” - phrases of this type should be immediately thrown out of my head.

It is also very important to correctly formulate your thought. For example, the elementary desire “I don’t want to get divorced” should be transformed into “I want to keep my marriage and love”. The presence of a particle of "not" immediately introduces a certain negative to the sincerity of a person's intentions.

Psychologists also advise to repeat to yourself more often that the desire will certainly come true. A person must convince himself of this, and then the dream can be easily reached.

Present time

Another important nuance concerns the deadline for the fulfillment of the desired. To make dreams come true, you need to make them, mentioning the present. That is, you cannot say "I want to meet my love someday." It is better to transform this phrase into “May I meet my love”. Having present tense will help you get things done faster.

Psychologists also advise you to work yourself, not relying only on illusory luck. If a person makes efforts every day to fulfill his goal, then it will be much easier to reach it. Moreover, it will be possible to do this in the present, and not in the distant future.

Specific deadlines for the implementation of the plan

Desire is an ephemeral substance. It may be fulfilled, or it may remain a formality. If a person wants to achieve the fulfillment of a goal within a certain time frame, esotericism alone is not enough. What else needs to be done to make the dream come true within a certain time frame?

Desires tend to come true, and a real dreamer will never give up a goal, even if it seems that it cannot be achieved in any way. Psychologists note that what they want is achieved by people who are not deprived of talent, strength and faith in themselves. Only after making sure of the infinity of his own possibilities, a person will realize his plan.

Tatiana, Orenburg

New Year's time is magical and magical. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, garlands, sparklers, champagne, tangerines and chimes. Time for miracles and the beginning of a new life! Surely everyone will be interested in information on how to make a wish for the new 2018. Today we will give you practical advice on how, not just to think what you want, but to make it come true one hundred percent. Otherwise, why waste time?

Correct wording is the key to success

"Be careful with your wishes - they tend to come true." M. Bulgakov.

Ways to make wishes are one thing, it is not difficult to fulfill them, we will talk about them below. But correctly formulating them for the New Year is a completely different matter, much more important than the method used itself.

By following these tips, you can be sure that the information you put into your dream will be correctly "interpreted" by the Universe. Believe it or not, the wishes made for the New Year are not just words, they come true.

And in order for exactly what you really want to come true, and not what you asked incorrectly, we will follow these rules:

  1. Always formulate a request in the present tense, many are used to guessing using the past or future tense: “I want me to be healthy,” feel? There was ... the Universe replies: "you were healthy", all no fulfillment takes place. It is quite another matter when the phrase sounds like this: "I am grateful for my health, which is improving every day." You get the meaning;
  2. Never make any negative or too critical statements in your requests, because Providence takes everything literally. You know how it happens, they say: "nosebleed, but I want to go to the sea." One person constantly repeating the phrase about nosebleeds, quite unexpectedly fell ill with a severe sinusitis, instead of getting what he wanted. Like this. Another option is "I want a car at any cost." Think, is it really at ANY cost? Even at the cost of the lives of your loved ones and your own health? So, be careful;
  3. Ideally, after each desire, make a positive written or oral message: "this is done easily and joyfully" or "while I, all my family and friends are healthy and happy" or "this is only beneficial";
    Do not use the words: "must" - this is already an order; "I will" is a promise; do not use the particle "not"; do not think negative about other people, because, according to the laws of the universe, the negative message will return to you, only tenfold;
  4. Invest the energy of love and gratitude, give thanks for what you already have, do not be afraid to ask for more. Do not use words: "at least", "at least" and similar. You know how they sometimes think: “even a little room, even a small one, even in a common kitchen, if only a corner”, and then they complain and are surprised that they have been living in a communal apartment all their lives. Isn't that what you yourself wished for?
  5. Be clear about what you want, do not make abstract or ambiguous desires that can be misinterpreted or ambiguous. Express it very clearly and simply, and most importantly, feel it, imbue with the energy of your desire, know that in the subtle world it has already been fulfilled, you just have to correctly materialize the request into your reality.

The ability to dream seems simple and natural, but many people do not know it. This will happen for various reasons, including low self-esteem, lack of imagination, depression. How to make a wish to come true? You need to turn on emotions, believe in the likelihood of any dream coming true and react in time when the time comes.

How to make a wish to come true?

1. Yours or someone else's?

2. Acquisition or disposal?

The dream should be enjoyable. There is no need to make a wish that presupposes deliverance, removal, deprivation. For example, I really want to move to another city, and the person curses his small homeland, formulating the dream “I want to leave Mukhozavodsk”. The desire may come true, but the new place of residence will turn out to be even worse, in fact, the dream came true, but did not bring satisfaction.

Here are examples of how to make wishes right and wrong.

The brighter the thoughts and the more, the sooner the dream will come true.

3. You can only influence yourself.

An important question is what wishes can be made. There is a concept of environmental friendliness of a dream. It means how safe it is for a stranger. You can't think that a particular person will love you or begin to treat you better. First, it is not always useful for ourselves. It is worth remembering past connections, for sure about some of them I want to say "and how I just got in touch with this person." Secondly, people have the right to decide for themselves whether to love you or not.

But it's all about the wording. If you say "people love me", it will be an attempt to influence someone else's. But if you formulate “I attract the love of the people around me”, this is an influence on myself.

How to make a wish correctly?

Before you start dreaming, you need to understand what you really want. There are a few simple techniques to find out.

1. Automatic writing.

You need to take a sheet of paper and a pen, relax, you can turn on the music or sit in silence, light candles or just dim the lights. It is important to simply create an atmosphere in which nothing will distract from the dreaming process. Next, you need to turn off and concentrate on the subconscious. Let desire come from within, bypassing censorship. Desires can seem reckless, unrealizable, stupid, wildly simple.

When the list is ready, you can analyze the written. This contributes to a better understanding of yourself.

2. Perfect day.

This exercise can be done in writing, orally, or mentally. Everyone does what is convenient for him. In this technique, details are important. You need to think over to the smallest detail how the day would go. What time a person wakes up, where, with whom. What does after that, where does it go. If to work, then what kind, what exactly is he doing there, what will he do after work. Little things are important, such as food, the number of rooms in the house, even the cup in which you will have your morning coffee.

To make it easier, you can compose a questionnaire for yourself, which will take into account all the nuances. And then arrange yourself an interview.

To bring even more benefits, the exercise must be done in writing, at the end of it, you need to analyze what needs to be done to make each point from the ideal day come true, and then try to translate at least some of them into. For this, details are important. A person may not be able to change jobs on the same day, but starting to drink tea in the morning instead of coffee or arrange evening jogging is quite.

3. Meditation.

This technique has two flavors:

  • Listen to yourself. This technique is more complicated, since you don't have to visualize anything, you need to completely ask your subconscious mind to show your true desires. This technique can be time-consuming, as not everyone will be able to quickly catch the desired wave.
  • Talk to yourself. You need to ask yourself leading questions, as in the "Ideal Day" method, only here everything is concentrated on the images. You need to mentally create a space that is comfortable and be in it. Try to smell, texture, hear sounds.

4. Recharging.

Before making a wish, you need to think about whether there is energy for its fulfillment. For example, I really want to become a marketing director and head a department of 10 people. It will be difficult to do this when your head is full of thoughts about children, an unsuccessful personal life,. If energy is wasted on solving problems, turmoil, or other desires, it must be replenished. This can be done in several ways:

  • Connect to egregor... It is necessary to divide desires into those that can be fulfilled independently and those in which the help of the Higher Powers is needed. Who it will be depends on faith (God, the Universe, the spirit of the deceased grandmother). What the person believes in will work. This is a very useful technique as it helps to let go of desire. For example, you want to get married and build a career. You can give your marriage to the will of providence, but in the meantime, take up training. How to make a wish so that it will definitely come true? Clearly formulate that you are not giving up on it, but giving it into the hands of the Universe.
  • Arrange yourself a weekend... For a busy person, this is a luxury, but worth a try. It is better to leave the city, having previously warned your relatives that you will not answer phone calls. Complete isolation and relaxation. It is important at this time not to think about work or personal life, you need to completely reset to zero.

When thinking about how to make a wish to make it come true, you first need to make sure that the dreams are sustainable and yours. Next, you need to choose the way of dreaming that is most suitable, and.

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