When did living organisms appear on earth? The most interesting theories of the origin of life on Earth: main versions

The origin of life on Earth is one of the most difficult and at the same time relevant and interesting questions in modern natural science.

The Earth was probably formed 4.5-5 billion years ago from a giant cloud of cosmic dust. the particles of which were compressed into a hot ball. Water vapor was released from it into the atmosphere, and water fell from the atmosphere onto the slowly cooling Earth for millions of years in the form of rain. A prehistoric Ocean formed in the depressions of the earth's surface. The original life arose in it approximately 3.8 billion years ago.

The emergence of life on Earth

How did the planet itself originate and how did the seas appear on it? There is one widely accepted theory about this. According to it, the Earth was formed from clouds of cosmic dust containing all the chemical elements known in nature, which were compressed into a ball. Hot water vapor escaped from the surface of this red-hot ball, enveloping it in a continuous cloud cover. The water vapor in the clouds slowly cooled and turned into water, which fell in the form of abundant continuous rains on the still hot, burning Earth. On its surface it again turned into water vapor and returned to the atmosphere. Over millions of years, the Earth gradually lost so much heat that its liquid surface began to harden as it cooled. This is how the earth's crust was formed.

Millions of years passed, and the temperature of the Earth's surface dropped even more. Stormwater stopped evaporating and began to flow into huge puddles. Thus began the influence of water on the earth's surface. And then, due to the drop in temperature, a real flood occurred. The water, which had previously evaporated into the atmosphere and turned into its component, continuously fell to the Earth. Powerful showers fell from the clouds with thunder and lightning.

Little by little, water accumulated in the deepest depressions of the earth's surface, which no longer had time to completely evaporate. There was so much of it that gradually a prehistoric Ocean formed on the planet. Lightning streaked the sky. But no one saw this. There was no life on Earth yet. The continuous rain began to erode the mountains. Water flowed from them in noisy streams and stormy rivers. Over millions of years, water flows have deeply eroded the earth's surface and valleys have appeared in some places. The water content in the atmosphere decreased, and more and more accumulated on the surface of the planet.

The continuous cloud cover became thinner, until one fine day the first ray of the sun touched the Earth. The continuous rain has stopped. Most of the land was covered by the prehistoric Ocean. From its upper layers, the water washed away a huge amount of soluble minerals and salts, which fell into the sea. The water from it continuously evaporated, forming clouds, and the salts settled, and over time there was a gradual salinization of sea water. Apparently, under some conditions that existed in ancient times, substances were formed from which special crystalline forms arose. They grew, like all crystals, and gave rise to new crystals, which added more and more substances to themselves.

Sunlight and possibly very strong electrical discharges served as a source of energy in this process. Perhaps the first inhabitants of the Earth - prokaryotes, organisms without a formed nucleus, similar to modern bacteria - arose from such elements. They were anaerobes, that is, they did not use free oxygen for breathing, which did not yet exist in the atmosphere. The source of food for them was organic compounds that arose on the still lifeless Earth as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, lightning discharges and heat generated during volcanic eruptions.

Life then existed in a thin bacterial film at the bottom of reservoirs and in damp places. This era of the development of life is called Archean. From bacteria, and perhaps in a completely independent way, tiny single-celled organisms arose - the most ancient protozoa.

What did the primitive Earth look like?

Let's fast forward to 4 billion years ago. The atmosphere does not contain free oxygen; it is found only in oxides. Almost no sounds except the whistle of the wind, the hiss of water erupting with lava and the impacts of meteorites on the surface of the Earth. No plants, no animals, no bacteria. Maybe this is what the Earth looked like when life appeared on it? Although this problem has long been of concern to many researchers, their opinions on this matter vary greatly. Rocks could indicate conditions on Earth at that time, but they were destroyed long ago as a result of geological processes and movements of the earth's crust.

Theories of the origin of life on Earth

In this article we will briefly talk about several hypotheses for the origin of life, reflecting modern scientific ideas. According to Stanley Miller, a well-known expert in the field of the origin of life, we can talk about the origin of life and the beginning of its evolution from the moment when organic molecules self-organized into structures that were able to reproduce themselves. But this raises other questions: how did these molecules arise; why they could reproduce themselves and assemble into those structures that gave rise to living organisms; what conditions are needed for this?

There are several theories about the origin of life on Earth. For example, one of the long-standing hypotheses says that it was brought to Earth from space, but there is no conclusive evidence of this. In addition, the life that we know is surprisingly adapted to exist precisely in terrestrial conditions, so if it arose outside the Earth, it would have been on an terrestrial-type planet. Most modern scientists believe that life originated on Earth, in its seas.

Biogenesis theory

In the development of doctrines about the origin of life, the theory of biogenesis - the origin of living things only from living things - occupies a significant place. But many consider it untenable, since it fundamentally contrasts the living with the inanimate and affirms the idea of ​​​​the eternity of life, rejected by science. Abiogenesis - the idea of ​​the origin of living things from non-living things - is the initial hypothesis of the modern theory of the origin of life. In 1924, the famous biochemist A.I. Oparin suggested that with powerful electrical discharges in the earth’s atmosphere, which 4-4.5 billion years ago consisted of ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor, the simplest organic compounds could arise, necessary for the emergence of life. Academician Oparin's prediction came true. In 1955, American researcher S. Miller, passing electrical charges through a mixture of gases and vapors, obtained the simplest fatty acids, urea, acetic and formic acids and several amino acids. Thus, in the middle of the 20th century, the abiogenic synthesis of protein-like and other organic substances was experimentally carried out under conditions reproducing the conditions of the primitive Earth.

Panspermia theory

The theory of panspermia is the possibility of transferring organic compounds and spores of microorganisms from one cosmic body to another. But it does not answer the question at all: how did life originate in the Universe? There is a need to substantiate the emergence of life at that point in the Universe, the age of which, according to the Big Bang theory, is limited to 12-14 billion years. Before this time there were not even elementary particles. And if there are no nuclei and electrons, there are no chemical substances. Then, within a few minutes, protons, neutrons, electrons appeared, and matter entered the path of evolution.

To substantiate this theory, multiple sightings of UFOs, rock paintings of objects resembling rockets and “astronauts,” and reports of alleged encounters with aliens are used. When studying the materials of meteorites and comets, many “precursors of life” were discovered in them - substances such as cyanogens, hydrocyanic acid and organic compounds, which may have played the role of “seeds” that fell on the bare Earth.

Proponents of this hypothesis were Nobel Prize laureates F. Crick and L. Orgel. F. Crick was based on two indirect evidence: the universality of the genetic code: the need for the normal metabolism of all living beings of molybdenum, which is now extremely rare on the planet.

The origin of life on Earth is impossible without meteorites and comets

A researcher from Texas Tech University, after analyzing a huge amount of collected information, put forward a theory about how life could form on Earth. The scientist is confident that the appearance of early forms of the simplest life on our planet would have been impossible without the participation of comets and meteorites that fell on it. The researcher shared his work at the 125th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, held on October 31 in Denver, Colorado.

The author of the work, a professor of geoscience at Texas Tech University (TTU) and curator of the university's museum of paleontology, Sankar Chatterjee, said that he came to this conclusion after analyzing information about the early geological history of our planet and comparing this data with various theories of chemical evolution.

The expert believes that this approach makes it possible to explain one of the most hidden and incompletely studied periods in the history of our planet. According to many geologists, the bulk of space “bombardments”, in which comets and meteorites took part, occurred about 4 billion years ago. Chatterjee believes that the earliest life on Earth formed in craters left by falling meteorites and comets. And most likely this happened during the “Late Heavy Bombardment” period (3.8-4.1 billion years ago), when the collision of small space objects with our planet increased sharply. At that time, there were several thousand cases of comet falls. Interestingly, this theory is indirectly supported by the Nice Model. According to it, the real number of comets and meteorites that should have fallen to the Earth at that time corresponds to the real number of craters on the Moon, which in turn was a kind of shield for our planet and did not allow the endless bombardment to destroy it.

Some scientists suggest that the result of this bombardment is the colonization of life in the Earth's oceans. However, several studies on this topic indicate that our planet has more water reserves than it should. And this excess is attributed to comets that came to us from the Oort Cloud, which is supposedly located one light year away from us.

Chatterjee points out that the craters created by these collisions were filled with melted water from the comets themselves, as well as the necessary chemical building blocks needed to form simple organisms. At the same time, the scientist believes that those places where life did not appear even after such a bombardment simply turned out to be unsuitable for this.

“When the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, it was completely unsuitable for living organisms to appear on it. It was a real boiling cauldron of volcanoes, poisonous hot gas and meteorites constantly falling on it,” writes the online magazine AstroBiology, citing the scientist.

“And after one billion years, it became a quiet and peaceful planet, rich in huge reserves of water, inhabited by various representatives of microbial life - the ancestors of all living things.”

Life on Earth could have arisen thanks to clay

A group of scientists led by Dan Luo from Cornell University came up with a hypothesis that ordinary clay could serve as a concentrator for ancient biomolecules.

Initially, the researchers were not concerned with the problem of the origin of life - they were looking for a way to increase the efficiency of cell-free protein synthesis systems. Instead of allowing the DNA and its supporting proteins to float freely in the reaction mixture, the scientists tried to force them into hydrogel particles. This hydrogel, like a sponge, absorbed the reaction mixture, sorbed the necessary molecules, and as a result, all the necessary components were locked in a small volume - similar to what happens in a cell.

The study authors then tried to use clay as an inexpensive hydrogel substitute. Clay particles turned out to be similar to hydrogel particles, becoming a kind of microreactors for interacting biomolecules.

Having received such results, scientists could not help but recall the problem of the origin of life. Clay particles, with their ability to sorb biomolecules, could actually serve as the very first bioreactors for the very first biomolecules, before they yet acquired membranes. This hypothesis is also supported by the fact that the leaching of silicates and other minerals from rocks to form clay began, according to geological estimates, just before, according to biologists, the oldest biomolecules began to unite into protocells.

In water, or more precisely in a solution, little could happen, because the processes in a solution are absolutely chaotic, and all compounds are very unstable. Modern science considers clay - more precisely, the surface of particles of clay minerals - as a matrix on which primary polymers could form. But this is also only one of many hypotheses, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. But to simulate the origin of life on a full scale, you really need to be God. Although in the West today articles with the titles “Cell Construction” or “Cell Modeling” are already appearing. For example, one of the last Nobel laureates, James Szostak, is now actively attempting to create effective cell models that multiply on their own, reproducing their own kind.

Life on Earth began three billion years ago. Since then, evolution has transformed elementary single-celled organisms into the variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and functions we see today. But how exactly did life arise in the primordial soup - water contained in shallow springs and saturated with amino acids and nucleotides?

There are many theoretical answers to the question of what exactly caused the emergence of life, from a lightning strike to a cosmic body. Here are just a few of them.

Spark of electricity

That very metaphorical spark of life could be a completely literal spark or many sparks, the source of which was lightning. Electrical sparks entering the water could cause the formation of amino acids and glucose, converting them from an atmosphere rich in methane, water, hydrogen and ammonia. This theory was even confirmed experimentally in 1953, proving that lightning could well have been the cause of the formation of the basic elements necessary for the emergence of the first forms of life.

After conducting the experiment, scientists were able to prove that the early atmosphere of our planet could not contain a sufficient amount of hydrogen, but the volcanic clouds covering the surface of the Earth could include all the necessary elements and, accordingly, enough electrons to cause lightning.

Underwater hydrothermal vents

Relatively strong deep-sea vents could have become a necessary source of hydrogen for the formation of the first living organisms on their rocky surfaces. Even today, a variety of ecosystems develop around hydrothermal vents, even at great depths.


The first organic molecules could have been found on a clay surface. Clay always contains a sufficient amount of organic components, in addition, it could become a kind of organizer of these components into more complex and effective structures, similar to DNA.

In fact, DNA is a kind of map for amino acids, indicating exactly how they should be organized in the cells of complex fats. A group of biologists from the University of Glasgow in Scotland argue that clay could be such a map for the simplest polymers and fats until they learned to “self-organize.”


This theory makes us think about the possibility of the cosmic origin of life. That is, according to its postulates, life did not originate on Earth, but was simply brought here with the help of a meteorite, for example, from Mars. Enough fragments have been found on earth that presumably came to us from the red planet. Another way of “space taxi” for unknown life forms is comets, which are capable of traveling between star systems.

Even if this is true, panspermia is still unable to answer the question of how exactly life originated where it was brought to planet Earth.

Under the ice cover

It is possible that the oceans and continents three billion years ago were covered with a thick layer of ice, because the Sun did not shine as brightly as it does today. Ice could become a protective layer for fragile organic molecules, preventing ultraviolet rays and cosmic bodies colliding with the surface from harming the first and weaker forms of life. In addition, lower temperatures could have caused the first molecules to evolve into stronger and longer lasting ones.

RNA World

The RNA world theory is based on the philosophical question of the egg and the chicken. The fact is that for the formation (doubling) of DNA, proteins are needed, and proteins cannot self-reproduce without the very map embedded in the DNA. So how did life arise if one cannot appear without the other, but both exist perfectly in the present? The answer may be RNA, a ribonucleic acid that can store information like DNA and serve as protein enzymes. Based on RNA, more perfect DNA was formed, then more efficient proteins completely replaced RNA.

Today, RNA exists and performs several functions in complex organisms, for example, it is responsible for the functioning of certain genes. This theory is quite logical, but it does not answer the question of what served as the catalyst for the formation of ribonucleic acid itself. The assumption that it could have appeared by itself is rejected by most scientists. The theoretical explanation is the formation of the simplest acids PNA and TNA, which then developed into RNA.

The simplest beginning

This theory is called holobiosis and comes from the idea that life began not from complex RNA molecules and primary genetic code, but from simple particles interacting with each other for the sake of metabolism. Perhaps these particles over time developed a protective shell, like a membrane, and then evolved into one, more complex organism. This model is called the "enzyme model of metabolism", while the RNA world theory is called the "primary genetic code model".

The Earth was probably formed 4.5-5 billion years ago from a giant cloud of cosmic dust. the particles of which were compressed into a hot ball. Water vapor was released from it into the atmosphere, and water fell from the atmosphere onto the slowly cooling Earth for millions of years in the form of rain. A prehistoric Ocean formed in the depressions of the earth's surface. In it, approximately 3.8 billion years ago, the original life arose.

There are several theories about the origin of life on Earth. For example, one of the long-standing hypotheses says that it was brought to Earth from space, but there is no conclusive evidence of this. In addition, the life that we know is surprisingly adapted to exist precisely in terrestrial conditions, so if it arose outside the Earth, it would have been on an terrestrial-type planet. Most modern scientists believe that life originated on Earth, in its seas. But how did the planet itself come about and how did the seas appear on it?

There is one widely accepted theory about this. According to it, the Earth was formed from clouds of cosmic dust containing all the chemical elements known in nature, which were compressed into a ball. Hot water vapor escaped from the surface of this red-hot ball, enveloping it in a continuous cloud cover. The water vapor in the clouds slowly cooled and turned into water, which fell in the form of abundant continuous rains on the still hot, burning Earth. On its surface it again turned into water vapor and returned to the atmosphere. Over millions of years, the Earth gradually lost so much heat that its liquid surface began to harden as it cooled. This is how the earth's crust was formed.

Millions of years passed, and the temperature of the Earth's surface dropped even more. Stormwater stopped evaporating and began to flow into huge puddles. Thus began the influence of water on the earth's surface. And then, due to the drop in temperature, a real flood occurred. The water, which had previously evaporated into the atmosphere and turned into its component, continuously fell to the Earth. Powerful showers fell from the clouds with thunder and lightning. Little by little, water accumulated in the deepest depressions of the earth's surface, which no longer had time to completely evaporate. There was so much of it that gradually a prehistoric Ocean formed on the planet. Lightning streaked the sky. But no one saw this. There was no life on Earth yet. The continuous rain began to erode the mountains. Water flowed from them in noisy streams and stormy rivers. Over millions of years, water flows have deeply eroded the earth's surface and valleys have appeared in some places. The water content in the atmosphere decreased, and more and more accumulated on the surface of the planet. The continuous cloud cover became thinner, until one fine day the first ray of the sun touched the Earth. The continuous rain has stopped. Most of the land was covered by the prehistoric Ocean. From its upper layers, the water washed away a huge amount of soluble minerals and salts, which fell into the sea. The water from it continuously evaporated, forming clouds, and the salts settled, and over time there was a gradual salinization of sea water. Apparently, under some conditions that existed in ancient times, substances were formed from which special crystalline forms arose. They grew, like all crystals, and gave rise to new crystals, which added more and more substances to themselves. Sunlight and possibly very strong electrical discharges served as a source of energy in this process. Perhaps the first inhabitants of the Earth - prokaryotes, organisms without a formed nucleus, similar to modern bacteria - arose from such elements. They were anaerobes, that is, they did not use free oxygen for breathing, which did not yet exist in the atmosphere. The source of food for them was organic compounds that arose on the still lifeless Earth as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, lightning discharges and heat generated during volcanic eruptions. Life then existed in a thin bacterial film at the bottom of reservoirs and in damp places. This era of the development of life is called Archean. From bacteria, and perhaps in a completely independent way, tiny single-celled organisms arose - the most ancient protozoa.

They still form the basis of life in the seas and freshwater bodies. They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. There are thousands and thousands of them in a drop of water from a small pond. The development of all animal life began with these simplest single-celled organisms. At the end of the Proterozoic, the next era after the Archean, 1000 - 600 million years ago, a fairly rich fauna already existed: jellyfish, polyps, flatworms, mollusks and echinoderms.

The picture shows primitive creatures that lived approximately 600 - 570 million years ago in the Cambrian geological period, the first period of the Paleozoic era. We first learned about them through fossils discovered by geologists studying the Cambrian Mountains in Great Britain. This is where the name of the geological period of history comes from.

There are no traces of the simpler animals and plants that inhabited the sea at the end of the Proterozoic. One can only assume that these were organisms consisting only of soft tissues, which quickly completely decomposed after death. There were no real fish in the Cambrian yet, but coelenterates, sponges, now extinct archaeocyaths, flat and polychaete worms, snails, cuttlefish, crayfish and trilobites already lived. The latter looked like crayfish up to 10 cm long. For that time they were real giants, larger than all other creatures. (There was no life on land at that time.) At the end of the Cambrian, the first chordates, similar to modern lancelets, apparently already appeared. Over the next millions of years, animals gradually changed, and in the next geological period - the Silurian, which began 500 - 400 million years ago, in addition to numerous trilobites, new inhabitants appeared on the seabed - sea scorpions.

In the water column of the Silurian Sea, single-celled organisms and jellyfish drifted passively. And crustaceans and trilobites, worms and animals protected by shells, such as bivalves and snails, crawled along the seabed. Only a very few of them could swim. Even the first vertebrates, which already resembled fish in appearance, lived on the seabed. In the Silurian, strange “fish” appeared in the seas and fresh waters - without jaws and paired fins. Their relatives, hagfishes and lampreys, have survived to this day. During the Silurian period, the first true fish already appeared. These shark-like swimmers had a streamlined, shell-covered body, fins, and a mouth with a movable beak-like jaw lined with sharp teeth. Approximately 450 million years ago, in the Silurian, the first vertebrates appeared - fish. The body of one of the oldest - cephalaspis - was covered with armored scales, and the head with a bone shell. Apparently, Cephalaspis was a poor swimmer. Over millions of years in the same geological period, two large classes of fish developed - cartilaginous and bony (lungfish, lobe-finned and ray-finned). And cartilaginous, that is, having a cartilaginous skeleton, include sharks and rays. In contrast, the skeleton of bony fish consists partly or entirely of bone tissue. Bony fish include almost all the commercial fish we are familiar with: herring, flounder, cod and mackerel, carp, pike and many others. In total, there are 20 thousand species of fish on Earth today, and they inhabit not only the seas, but also other bodies of water.

400 million years ago, the Silurian gave way to the Devonian geological period, which lasted about 60 million years. Then the first plants appeared on land - lichens, which overgrown the moistened banks of reservoirs. During the Devonian, other forms evolved from them, including the first higher plants - ferns and horsetails. In addition, if previously all animals breathed only oxygen dissolved in water, now some of them have learned to extract it from the air. These first land animals - millipedes, scorpions and wingless primitive insects - probably lived near water. The ancestor of all land vertebrates was a lobe-finned fish with paw-like pectoral and ventral fins. Gradually, lobe-finned fish developed true upper and lower limbs, and over time, amphibians (amphibians) and reptiles (reptiles) appeared.

How do we know what ancient animals looked like?

All the changes that the Earth has undergone since the formation of its crust are studied by historical geology. Scientists determine the age of geological layers by fossils - the remains of ancient animals and plants, since each era had its own characteristic representatives of flora and fauna. Paleontology is the study of fossils. Paleontologists study the fossil remains of ancient organisms and restore the appearance of extinct animals. When living organisms died in the prehistoric Ocean, they sank to the bottom, where they were covered with silt or sand brought by rivers. Over millions of years, the silty soils, along with the remains buried under them, compacted, turning into stone. The soft tissues of the animals were completely decomposed, but the imprint remained. Hard mollusk shells or crustacean shells were often preserved intact. During the historical development of the Earth, the seabed was repeatedly pushed out to great heights under the influence of powerful forces and the molten interior of the planet and became part of the land. Researchers find remains and imprints of ancient animals embedded in rock and use them to study geological processes. For scientists, rock layers are like the pages of a book with many drawings, and you just need to correctly decipher the “text” to understand how life developed on the planet. Layers of sand and silt containing fossils were deposited on top of each other over millions of years. This is how they were compressed: the more ancient layers are lower, the later layers are higher. By accumulating information about which layers are dominated by certain types of fossils, scientists have learned to determine what geological time they belong to. After this, it is quite easy to determine the age of the geological rock in which they were found from the found fossils.

The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in the US state of Arizona is one of the few places where a huge, easy-to-read stone record of life on the planet has been preserved. Here the river cut through a layer of sedimentary rocks - limestone, sandstone and shale - to a depth of 1800 m. The river formed a canyon, that is, a deep valley with very steep slopes and a narrow bottom, eroding the bottom of the ancient sea. It rose very slowly and evenly. Mountain building, which is always accompanied by giant shifts and faults of rocks, did not occur here. Therefore, the sequence of occurrence of geological rocks has hardly changed. By studying the fossils of the layers of a steep slope, you can trace all the changes that occurred in the animal world of the ancient sea over hundreds of millions of years.

The material was prepared using the book "Pisces" publishing house Slovo

There is a hypothesis about the possible introduction of bacteria, microbes and other small organisms through celestial bodies. Organisms developed and, as a result of long-term transformations, life gradually appeared on Earth. The hypothesis considers organisms that can function even in oxygen-free environments and in abnormally high or low temperatures.

This is due to the presence of migrating bacteria on asteroids and meteorites, which are fragments from collisions of planets or other bodies. Due to the presence of a wear-resistant outer shell, as well as the ability to slow down all life processes (sometimes turning into a spore), this kind of life is capable of moving for a very long time and over very long distances.

When they find themselves in more hospitable conditions, “intergalactic travelers” activate basic life-support functions. And without realizing it, over time they form life on Earth.

Living from non-living

The fact of the existence of synthetic and organic substances today is undeniable. Moreover, back in the nineteenth century, the German scientist Friedrich Wöhler synthesized an organic substance (urea) from an inorganic substance (ammonium cyanate). Hydrocarbons were then synthesized. Thus, life on planet Earth very likely arose through synthesis from inorganic material. Through abiogenesis, theories of the origin of life are put forward.

Since the main role in the structure of any organic organism is played by amino acids. It would be logical to assume their involvement in the settlement of life on the Earth. Based on the data obtained from the experiment of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey (the formation of amino acids by passing an electric charge through gases), we can talk about the possibility of the formation of amino acids. After all, amino acids are the building blocks with the help of which complex systems of the body and any life are built, respectively.

Cosmogonic hypothesis

Probably the most popular interpretation of all, which every schoolchild knows. The Big Bang Theory has been and remains a very hot topic for heated discussions. The Big Bang occurred from a singular point of accumulation of energy, as a result of the release of which the Universe expanded significantly. Cosmic bodies were formed. Despite all its consistency, the Big Bang Theory does not explain the formation of the Universe itself. As, in fact, no existing hypothesis can explain.

Symbiosis of organelles of nuclear organisms

This version of the origin of life on Earth is also called endosymbiosis. The clear provisions of the system were drawn up by the Russian botanist and zoologist K. S. Merezhkovsky. The essence of this concept is the mutually beneficial coexistence of an organelle with a cell. Which in turn suggests endosymbiosis as a symbiosis beneficial for both parties with the formation of eukaryotic cells (cells in which a nucleus is present). Then, using the transfer of genetic information between bacteria, their development and population increase were carried out. According to this version, all further development of life and life forms is due to the previous ancestor of modern species.

Spontaneous generation

This kind of statement in the nineteenth century could not but be perceived without a grain of skepticism. The sudden appearance of species, namely the formation of life from non-living things, seemed fantastic to the people of that time. Moreover, heterogenesis (a method of reproduction, as a result of which individuals are born that are very different from their parents) was recognized as a reasonable explanation of life. A simple example would be the formation of a complex viable system from decomposing substances.

For example, in the same Egypt, Egyptian hieroglyphs report the emergence of diverse life from water, sand, decomposing and rotting plant remains. This news would not have surprised the ancient Greek philosophers at all. There, the belief about the origin of life from non-living things was perceived as a fact that did not require justification. The great Greek philosopher Aristotle spoke about visible truth: “Aphids are formed from rotten food, Crocodile is the result of processes in rotting logs under water.” It’s mysterious, but despite all sorts of persecution from the church, the conviction, hidden in the bosom of secrecy, lived for a whole century.

The debate about life on Earth cannot continue forever. That is why, at the end of the nineteenth century, the French microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur carried out his analyzes. His research was strictly scientific in nature. The experiment was carried out in 1860-1862. Thanks to the removal of spores from a sleepy state, Pasteur was able to solve the question of the spontaneous generation of life. (For which he was awarded a prize by the French Academy of Sciences)

Creation of things from ordinary clay

It sounds crazy, but in reality this topic has the right to life. It’s not for nothing that the Scottish research scientist A.J. Cairns-Smith put forward the protein theory of life. Firmly building on the basis of similar studies, he spoke of the interaction at the molecular level between organic components and simple clay... Under its influence, the components formed stable systems in which changes occurred in the structure of both components, and then the formation of wealthy life. This is how Kerns-Smith explained his position in such a unique and original way. Clay crystals, with biological inclusions in it, gave rise to life together, after which their “cooperation” ended.

The theory of constant catastrophes

According to the concept developed by Georges Cuvier, the world that can be seen right now is not at all primary. What it is is just another link in a successively breaking chain. This means we live in a world that will eventually undergo a mass extinction of life. At the same time, not everything on Earth was subjected to global destruction (for example, a flood occurred). Some species, in the course of their adaptability, survived, thereby populating the Earth. The structure of species and life, according to Georges Cuvier, remained unchanged.

Matter as an objective reality

The main theme of the teaching is various areas and areas that bring closer to the understanding of evolution from the point of view of the exact sciences. (materialism is a worldview in philosophy that reveals all cause-and-effect circumstances, phenomena and factors of reality. The laws apply to man, society, and the Earth). The theory was put forward by well-known adherents of materialism, who believe that life on Earth originated from transformations at the level of chemistry. Moreover, they took place almost 4 billion years ago. The explanation of life has a direct connection with DNA, (deoxyribonucleic acid) RNA (ribonucleic acid), as well as some HMCs (high molecular weight compounds, in this case proteins.)

The concept was formed through scientific research that reveals the essence of molecular and genetic biology and genetics. The sources are reputable, especially considering their youth. After all, research into the hypothesis about the RNA world began to be carried out at the end of the twentieth century. Carl Richard Woese made a huge contribution to the theory.

Charles Darwin's teachings

Speaking about the origin of species, it is impossible not to mention such a truly brilliant person as Charles Darwin. His life's work, natural selection, marked the beginning of mass atheist movements. On the other hand, it gave an unprecedented impetus to science, inexhaustible soil for research and experimentation. The essence of the teaching was the survival of species throughout history, through the adaptation of organisms to local conditions, the formation of new characteristics that help in competitive conditions.

Evolution refers to certain processes aimed at changing the life of an organism and the organism itself over time. By hereditary traits, they mean the transfer of behavioral, genetic, or other types of information (transfer from mother to daughter.)

The main forces of evolution, according to Darwin, is the struggle for the right to exist through selection and variability of species. Under the influence of Darwinian ideas, at the beginning of the twentieth century, research was actively carried out in ecology, as well as genetics. The teaching of zoology changed radically.

God's creation

Many people from all over the globe still profess faith in God. Creationism is an interpretation of the formation of life on Earth. The interpretation consists of a system of statements based on the Bible and views life as a creature created by a creator god. Data is taken from the “Old Testament”, “Gospel” and other sacred scriptures.

Interpretations of the creation of life in different religions are somewhat similar. According to the Bible, the Earth was created in seven days. The sky, heavenly lights, water and the like took five days to be created. On the sixth, God created Adam from clay. Seeing a bored, lonely man, God decided to create another miracle. Taking Adam's rib, he created Eve. The seventh day was recognized as a day off.

Adam and Eve lived without troubles, until the malicious devil in the form of a snake decided to tempt Eve. After all, in the middle of paradise stood the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The first mother invited Adam to share the meal, thereby breaking the word given to God (he forbade touching the forbidden fruits.)

The first people are expelled into our world, thereby beginning the history of all humanity and life on Earth.

The origin of life on Earth is a complex phenomenon that interests scientists and seekers of truth. This article reveals the esoteric point of view about the emergence of the first form of life.

Our planet is almost 5 billion years old, but the first form of life on Earth appeared no more than 1 billion years ago. This is explained by the instability of the soil and oceans, changes in temperature, pressure, and other processes that influenced the formation of acceptable habitat conditions for nascent life.

Origin of the Earth - Founding Fathers

The earth was created by the grace of the Mother of God, whose divine aspects were divided into a group of "Eternal Ones", the creators (Great Souls). Some of them created the Sun, some - the planets. After the completion of creation, the Great Soul that created the Earth fragmented into Small Souls (Founders), which reside in 12th dimension, have personal individuality and are not included in the spiritual hierarchy of the cosmos.

The Founding Fathers are able to freely wander through the vastness of the Universe through thought. At their own request, they acquire any material forms, travel through time and parallel dimensions. The Founders raised a planet for themselves where they could explore the diversity of material forms, called Lyra, considered the cradle of the human species with heavenly conditions of existence (later revived on Earth).

Therefore, the constellation Pleiades, the planet Lyra, is considered the ancestral home of humanity. Hundreds of millions of years after the existence of the indigenous Lyrian race using genetic engineering, the Pleiadians recreated in earthly conditions a new generation of an ancient species of people, which differed from their ancestors in the level of spiritual development, since the new man appeared in the 3rd dimension, and his ancestors lived in the 12th dimensionality located in the sphere of the Divine Plan.

The creation of humanity was a forced step due to the transformation of Lyra about 1 billion years ago into a super nova, when the migration of the Lyrans became the only way to save their species from destruction. They deliberately took this way out of divine favor, lowering the frequency of vibrations of their souls by 5 points at once - to 7th density, settling in the 7th dimension. Recently (10 million years ago), continuing to experiment, the Pleiadians gradually settled on the Earth.

The origin of life on Earth. First carbon and silicon based form

100 million years ago, the first simplest living creations on a carbon and silicon basis appeared. The sample was taken as a coded pattern - an ethereal template (cast) created by the Absolute, which, lowering vibrations, dissolves in the environment of RNA/DNA molecules, presented as a natural, natural biocomputer, where the ethereal sample is its software, developing living consciousness to atomic and lower levels .

The Absolute generates all the “software” that supports life. In the field of his mind are located the “Akashic Chronicles” - energy memory cells that serve as storage devices for world development. These “flash drives” remain stable due to the action of the time continuum, which leaves an electrical charge on the time period of the ether - a hologram (image) of the event, which can subsequently be used in the form of “virtual reality”.

The human memory is structured in the same way, located in the energy cocoon (aura), and not in the brain, which serves as a usual receiver of electromagnetic vibrations of the etheric body. The chronicle of the current life is recorded at the cellular level of the body, and the chronicles of other lives become available only when studying some karmic event from there.

The Earth gave the Pleiadians the ability to reprogram or replace events without restrictions, opening up a broad perspective for evolution. Failed experiments are stored in an isolated memory cell in the chronicle timeline while the template is remade, after which the experiment is repeated. Since then, many amazing and exotic forms have been bred on the planet, most of which have already disappeared.

Unexpected difficulties

Having at their disposal an ideal programmable form of a humanoid, the inhabitants of the Pleiades have never been in a material body. Living in the 7th dimension, in the 3rd they manifested only in the form of a luminous blue-white ball of enormous size, reminiscent of a star. Repeated attempts to overcome the Earth's electromagnetic field were unsuccessful until the human form merged with the subtle aspects of its species (about 1%) through the process of incarnation.

The inhabitants of the Pleiades left the remaining 99% of their essence in the higher spheres, which did not prevent them from growing the Garden of Eden on Earth and raising the frequency of vibrations. However, upon completion of the process of merging forms, the awareness projected into micro fragments of the human soul began to be lost. This led to loss of memory, extrasensory perception, and intuition.

Their own enormous souls, left at home, were forgotten. Having mixed with humanity and the energy of the Earth, the Pleiadians became dependent on the humanoid form, seduced by mating, which made it possible to use their offspring as portals for the emergence of highly developed souls.

How does birth happen on Earth?

Manifestation occurs here:

1. Consciously - when the incoming soul negotiates birth with the souls of its parents;

2. Unconsciously - the Earth’s magnetic field attracts souls that do not have sanity, awareness, balance, which help the individual grow and develop.

The inhabitants of the Pleiades are deeply attached to nature and were usually incarnated on Earth by women. However, the drop in vibrations began to attract the attention of representatives of other space systems, often very aggressive ones, to the blooming garden. This led to the fact that the planet turned from paradise into a melting pot, where souls from all planes of Divine Creation from the lowest to the highly developed are tested.

Internal conflicts and struggles led the young civilization to destruction, after which its representatives settled across the entire surface of the planet, giving impetus to the development of new social formations. Until today, 16 civilizations have been wiped off the face of the Earth, leaving behind a variety of mixed species of humanoid creatures.

The Aborigines or "Adamic Race" descended from the Pleiadians who chose Earth as their home, whose genes originate from the first settlers who took on a bodily shell. The biblical Adam and Eve are symbols of events that are repeatedly played out:

  • 10 million years ago - Earth;
  • 100 million years ago - Pleiades;
  • 1 billion years ago - supernova Lyra.

In this story:

  • Adam – Heavenly Father;
  • Eve – Mother of God;
  • Garden of Eden - undivided (primary) consciousness;
  • the tree of the knowledge of evil and good - the duality of the physical world.

At that moment, when the single male and female principles of the Supreme Creator recognized duality, their divine origin was forgotten. They were relegated to the worlds of low vibrations.

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