The meaning of the word meridian. What is a meridian? Southern and Northern tropics


m. noon, an imaginary large circle in the sky (that is, the plane of which passes through the center of the earth) through the poles, vertically to the equinox, and the circle corresponding to it along the earth's surface.

Usually, they mean only half or even a quarter of a circle of this, namely the part passing through the crown (zenith) of the observer or terrain. The sun rolls across the midday, and coming to it, gives successively to each place noon. The first meridian, from which the longitude of the place is calculated, is taken at will: Ferosky, Greenichsky, Parisian, etc. Meridian, noon, related to the meridian. Sun height, noon, maximum. - noah line, a line drawn on a board set at the level, in the direction of noon, for example, for a sundial, for checking compasses; This line points north and south. th circle, an astronomical projectile set in the direction of the meridian.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


meridian, m. (Latin meridianus, lit. midday). In geography: an imaginary circular line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator at right angles. Earth meridian. The first meridian divides the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres.

In astronomy: an imaginary circle passing through the celestial poles.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. An imaginary line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator. Geographic m. Initial m. (the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory in the UK, from which the geographical longitude is conventionally calculated). * Celestial meridian (special) - a large circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the zenith and the poles of the world.

adj. meridian, -th, -th and meridional, -th, -th. Meridian circle (astronomical instrument). meridional time.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. An imaginary closed curved line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator at a right angle (in geography).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


MERIDIAN is a celestial great circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the poles of the world, zenith and nadir.


MERIDIAN (from lat. meridianus - noon) geographical line of the section of the surface of the globe by a plane drawn through any point on the earth's surface and the axis of rotation of the Earth. Prime meridian - the meridian from which the geographical longitude is counted; in international practice, the Greenwich Meridian is taken as the prime meridian.


Meridian- a term used in geography and astronomy, denoting a line of section of a surface by a plane passing through an axis of rotation or symmetry.

Meridian (acupuncture)

Meridian (- canal network, channel network) - according to the pre-scientific metaphysical concepts of traditional Chinese medicine - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcirculation of qi energy in a living body. Meridian is one of the basic concepts in zhen-jiu.

Meridian (song club)

Club of fans of the author's song "Meridian"- one of the oldest amateur song clubs in St. Petersburg. Today "Meridian" brings together about a hundred authors, performers, lovers of author's songs of various ages and professions.

Meridian (ID)

Meridian is a city in Ada County, Idaho.

Meridian (airline)

Meridian Airlines- one of the first Russian airlines specializing in organizing and performing VIP-class air transportation. Full name - Closed Joint Stock Company "Airline "Meridian". The airline's office is located in Moscow.

Meridian (spacecraft)

"Meridian"(index GUKOS - 14Ф112) is a series of Russian dual-purpose communication satellites developed by JSC ISS on the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The launches of the Meridian spacecraft are carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle with the Fregat upper stage.

Meridian (disambiguation)


  • Meridian - in geography, a line section of the surface of the globe by a plane drawn through any point on the earth's surface and the axis of rotation of the Earth.
  • Meridian - in astronomy, a large circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the poles of the world, zenith and nadir.
  • Meridian is an energy channel in traditional Chinese medicine.

Meridian (road)

Meridian Highway- a large street of Chelyabinsk, located in the southern and central parts of the city. It got its name from the direction. It runs along the railway of the Troitsk and Ufaley directions from the Troitsky tract to Mechanical Street. The central part of Meridian is interrupted by Rozhdestvensky Street. The length of the southern part is 9.5 km, the northern part is 5 km. Intersections with large streets (Dzerzhinsky, Trud, Lenin Ave., Pobedy Ave.) are made in the form of bridges and interchanges.

In 2010, road works were carried out on Meridian. A two-level interchange was built in the central part, which made it possible to connect both parts of Meridian with Rozhdestvenskoye Street and Kopeyskoye Highway, which was supposed to provide continuous traffic with a capacity of 10 thousand vehicles per hour, but did not reach the design capacity due to the old railway bridge .
Under this bridge, there are 1.5 lanes in each direction. A bottleneck is formed in the indicated place, which prevents this node from reaching the planned throughput. In all the media, the myth is periodically exaggerated that this denouement fully provides for all needs. On October 8, 2010, the first stage of the interchange was commissioned. In the northern part of Meridian, an overpass was built through the railway tracks to Novomekhanichnaya Street.

In 2011, work began on the construction of a junction at the intersection with Truda Street. Previously, the streets were divided into different levels without crossing. Due to the expected increase in traffic intensity on the street. Labor (in the future it will be connected with the village of Churilovo), it became necessary to organize additional congresses to it from Meridian. A planned reconstruction of the road bridge was also needed, under which traffic is carried out in one lane in each direction. The expected construction completion date is 2012-2013.

Meridian (Mississippi)

Meridian is the sixth largest city in Mississippi. It is the county seat of Lauderdale County and the principal city of the Meridian-Mississippi Micropolitan Statistical Area. Along major highways, Meridian is located 150 km east of Jackson, Mississippi; 248 km west of Birmingham, Alabama; 325 km northeast of New Orleans, Louisiana; 372 miles southeast of Memphis, Tennessee.

Examples of the use of the word meridian in the literature.

A barrier of primeval rocks two thousand five hundred kilometers long from seventy-two to ninety-five meridian covers two provinces - Agra and Calcutta, two kingdoms - Bhutan and Nepal - a chain of mountains, the average height of which is one third higher than the top of Mont Blanc.

At this time - and here Mazarin made another pause, again spreading his mustache, and then mating his palms, as if to concentrate and at the same time to appeal to heaven for support - at this time we learned that the English doctor Dr. Bird tests a new and ingenious way of calculating meridian, with the use of Sympathetic Powder.

It was as if someone from Europe, daily at one o'clock in the afternoon in the Canary Islands, or at an appointed hour in some other meridian, sent a signal that Byrd received by unknown means at a secret location.

And it exists among pilots and flight attendants of jet aircraft, overcoming thousands and thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours, crossing tens meridians, and then forced to live for several days with a regime shift of several hours, and then, having overcome several time zones again, live for several days, shifting the regime in the other direction.

We set up buoy stations on the segment meridian about five hundred kilometers long.

In a hyperopic eye, hypermetropia is increased in one or all meridians.

In these parts, any distances were measured in relation to the railway, as from Greenwich meridian.

Under such circumstances, a new zero meridian, drawn from the new North Pole, will pass through Dublin in Ireland, through Paris in France, through Palermo in Sicily, along the Greater Sirte off the coast of Tripolitania, then through Obeid in Darfur, through the Kilimanjaro mountain range, through Madagascar, Kerguelen Island in the southern part the Pacific Ocean, across the new Antarctic Pole, through the antipodes of Paris, Cook Islands and Society in Oceania, the islands of Quadra and Vancouver off the coast of British Columbia, through New England in North America - and further to the Melville Peninsula in the northern polar region.

Starting from this point, the steamer was to take a course to the northwest, up to the parallel of Discovery Island, where the end of that conditional line, which was drawn along 141 meridian and which separates the provinces of Victoria and New South Wales from southern South Australia.

Perhaps their direction is related to meridians used in acupuncture, the usefulness of which no one argues.

Shiatsu works on the same points meridian, as acupuncture points intended for the treatment of eye diseases.

Muscat Imamat, located between the fifty-third and fifty-seventh meridians and between the twenty-second and twenty-seventh parallels, extends for five hundred and forty kilometers in length and two hundred and eighty in width.

The eastern border of Asia Minor as a physical-geographical zone is usually considered a line from the Mediterranean coast to the south of Iskenderun Bay, further between the 40th meridian and Lake Van, and in the north the border approximately coincides with the lower reaches of the Chorokha River.

At the indicated time, Cyres carefully noted this point and, having mentally drawn a curve between the sun and the two trees that were supposed to serve as strong points, received a constant meridian for further calculations The two days remaining before the start of the firing of bricks were spent collecting fuel. The colonists cut fresh branches and picked up all the brushwood that lay under the trees.

The village of Iquitos is located on the left bank of the Amazon, approximately on the seventy-fourth meridian, in that part of the great river, where it is also called the Marañon, and where its channel separates Peru from the Republic of Ecuador, fifty-five leagues west of the Brazilian frontier.

If our planet is “cut” through the axis of rotation and perpendicular to it by many planes, then vertical and horizontal circles will appear on the surface - meridians and parallels.

The meridians will converge at their ends at two points - at the North and South Poles. Parallels, as the name implies, are parallel to each other. Meridians are used to measure longitude, parallels - latitude.

Such a simple action at a superficial glance - the "line" of the Earth - was the greatest discovery in the study of the planet. It made it possible to use coordinates and accurately describe the location of any object. Without parallels and meridians, it is impossible to imagine any map, not a single globe. And they came up with ... in the III century BC, the Alexandrian scientist Eratosthenes.

Reference. Eratosthenes possessed encyclopedic knowledge for those times in all areas. He was in charge of the legendary Library of Alexandria, wrote the work "Geography" and became the founder of geography as a science, compiled the first map of the world and covered it with a degree grid of verticals and horizontals - he invented a coordinate system. He also introduced the names for the lines - parallel and meridian.


A meridian in geography is called a half line of a section of the earth's surface, drawn through and any point on the surface. All imaginary meridians, of which there can be an infinite number, are connected at the poles - North and South. The length of each of them is 20,004,276 meters.

Although you can mentally draw as many meridians as you like, for the convenience of movement, mapping their number, their location was streamlined by international treaties. In 1884, at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, it was decided that the initial meridian (zero) would be the one that passes through Greenwich, a district in southeast London.

However, not everyone immediately agreed with this decision. For example, in Russia, even after 1884 until the beginning of the 20th century, the zero meridian was considered to be its own - Pulkovo: it "passes" through the Round Hall of the Pulkovo Observatory.

Prime Meridian

The zero meridian is the reference point of geographic longitude. He, respectively, has a zero longitude. This was before the creation of the world's first satellite navigation system Transit.

With its appearance, the zero meridian had to be moved a little - 5.3 ″ relative to Greenwich. This is how the International Reference Meridian appeared, which is used as a reference point for longitude by the International Earth Rotation Service.


Parallels in geography are called lines of an imaginary section of the surface of the planet by planes that are parallel. The parallels depicted on the globe are circles parallel to the equator. They are used to measure latitude.

By analogy with the Greenwich zero meridian, there is also a zero parallel - this is the equator, one of the 5 main parallels that divides the Earth into hemispheres - southern and northern. Other main parallels are the tropics North and South, the polar circles - North and South.


The longest parallel is the equator - 40,075,696 m. The rotation speed of our planet at the equator is 465 m / s - this is much more than the speed of sound in the air - 331 m / s.

Southern and Northern tropics

The Tropic of South, also called the Tropic of Capricorn, lies south of the equator and represents the latitude above which noon is at its zenith on the winter solstice.

The northern tropic, also known as the tropic of Cancer, is located north of the equator and, like the southern tropic, represents the latitude over which the midday sun is at its zenith on the summer solstice.

Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle

The Arctic Circle is the boundary of the polar day area. To the north of it, in any place at least once a year, the sun is visible above the horizon 24 hours a day, or the same amount is not visible.

The southern polar circle is similar in everything to the northern one, only it is located in the southern hemisphere.


The intersections of meridians and parallels form a degree grid. Meridians and parallels are spaced at intervals of 10° - 20°, smaller divisions, as in the corners, are called minutes and seconds.

With the help of a degree grid, we determine the exact location of geographical objects - their geographical coordinates, calculating longitude by meridians, and latitude by parallels.

- (lat., from meridies noon). An imaginary circle in the sky, passing through both poles and dividing the visible firmament into two parts: eastern and western, as well as the circle corresponding to it, on the earth's surface. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Meridian- (Saransk, Russia) Hotel category: Address: B. Khmelnitsky Street 34A, Saransk, Russia ... Hotel catalog

- (from lat. meridianus midday) a geographical line of a section of the surface of the globe by a plane drawn through any point on the earth's surface and the axis of rotation of the Earth. Meridian is the initial meridian from which longitude is calculated ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

1) a geographic line of intersection of the surface of the earth's ellipsoid with a plane passing through the North and South geographic poles. Each meridian has the same longitude. The geographic meridian passing through the observation point ... ... Marine Dictionary

Meridian- (Nalchik, Russia) Hotel category: 2 star hotel Address: Tlostanova Street 49, Nalchik, Russia … Hotel catalog

Meridian South- (Krasnyy Kolos, Russia) Hotel category: Address: Aksky District, Krasny Kolos, M Street … Hotel catalog

Meridian- (Terskol, Russia) Hotel category: Address: Azau, Terskol, Russia, Description … Hotel catalog

- (from the Latin meridianus midday) geographical, a line of section of the surface of the globe by a plane drawn through any point on the earth's surface and the axis of rotation of the Earth. For the initial meridian, from which the geographical ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

MERIDIAN, meridian, husband. (lat. meridianus, lit. midday). In geography: an imaginary circular line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator at right angles. Earth meridian. The first meridian divides the earth into east and... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

MERIDIAN, a, husband. An imaginary line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator. Geographic m. Initial m. (the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory in the UK, from which the calculation of geographic longitude is conventionally calculated). … … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

A line, or giant circle, crossing latitude (parallels) at right angles and passing through the North and South Poles. Meridians make up half of the Earth's coordinate grid (parallels form the other half) and are used to determine ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia


  • The Silver Meridian, Flora Olomouc. The novel by the young prose writer and translator Flora Olomouc "Silver Meridian" is original in composition, historical coverage and, most importantly, will arouse undoubted interest due to its involvement in one ...
  • Meridian of engineer Irasov, Boris Tartakovsky. Most of the works of Boris Tartakovsky were written about children and for children, and were widely popular in the USSR, the story "The Meridian of Engineer Irasov" is one of ...
meaning, word definition

MERIDIAN, -a, m. An imaginary line passing through the poles of the globe and crossing the equator. Geographic m. Initial m. (the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory in the UK, from which the geographical longitude is conventionally calculated). * Celestial meridian (special) - a large circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the zenith and the poles of the world. II adj. meridian, -th, -th and meridional, -th, -th. Meridian circle (astronomical instrument). meridional time.


  • Noun, inanimate, masculine


...alists, as well as persons who own his technique. In this book, you can get acquainted with the main classical meridians, as well as learn in detail other life meridians using the technique of Chinese t…

“... - Father,” answered Willy, “I’m still very lucky ... But the French have become so insolent that tomorrow they can be expected even in our quiet Altona ... I must run! - Where? “Only to Russia, because only this country is able to give me peace, only it can frighten Napoleon ... So Wilhelm Struve, the son of an Alton teacher, ended up in Russia, where he began to be called Vasily Yakovlevich. Nothing has been decided in his fate yet…”

In our time, the hectic pace of life increases the load on the nervous system. Muscular inactivity and nervous overload adversely affect human health. Physical activity, sports, and massage help to increase physical activity, relieve nervous tension. This book is devoted to several types of life meridians, ways of influencing them.

… data on biologically active points and meridians. Meridians are divided into yang and yin. The doctrine of the two opposite principles of yin and yang is the worldview basis of ancient Chinese medicine ...

…new and at the same time entertaining information about our planet. Where is the equator line? What is a meridian? How are coral reefs formed, and how are caves formed? What is the difference between a globe and a map?...

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