Africa map in Russian. Satellite map of africa New map of african countries

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Satellite map of Africa

Everyone knows what Africa is, am I right? But anyway, I'll take a little digression. Africa is located near the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, a little further south, in general. Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Indian Ocean from the east. We all have seen a world map or a globe at least once and should know that Africa is a fairly large continent. And so it is, in terms of area, this is the second continent in the world, after giant Eurasia. There are as many as 55 states on the territory of Africa, of which 4 are not recognized and five are independent territories on the islands. In total, Africa is inhabited by about a billion people. Based on the generally accepted theory, Africa can be considered the progenitor of the human race, at the moment it is in Africa that the most ancient remains of the early ancestors of man have been found.

Now let's talk about tourism in Africa. We all know that there is nothing better than exotic travel and Africa is just right for this purpose. Wonderful and unusual animals for our eyes, interesting and different people, amazing and unusual climate - all this awaits you in Africa. If you have not yet decided which country you want to visit, then below I will give a list of African countries with a tourist analysis. Well, as always, according to tradition, with a bunch of maps, so that if you are already going to go, you will not get lost in any case!

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The mainland occupies 1/5 of the land of the globe and is inferior in size. The population is over 600 million people. Currently, there are more than 50 sovereign states on the continent, most of which were colonies until the middle of the 20th century.

European colonization began in this region from the 16th century. Ceuta and Melilla - rich cities in (in the territory), the end points of the trans-Saharan trade route - were the first Spanish colonies. Further colonized mainly the West coast of Africa. By the beginning of the XX century. The "dark continent" had already been divided by the imperialist powers into dozens of colonies (see the atlases of Modern and Contemporary History, grades 9,10,11 of the secondary school).

Almost all African states are typologically assigned to the group. The exception is the only economically developed state on the continent - the Republic of South Africa.

The success of the African states' struggle to strengthen their political and economic independence depends to a very large extent on which political forces are in power.

In 1963, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established. Its goals are to help strengthen the unity and cooperation of the states of the continent, to defend their sovereignty, and to fight against all forms of neo-colonialism.

Another influential organization is the League of Arab States (LAS), formed in 1945. It includes the Arab countries of North Africa and countries. The League is in favor of strengthening the economic and political cooperation of the Arab peoples.

Most African countries from the era of wars of independence fell into the era of civil wars and ethnic conflicts. In many African states during the years of independent development, the privileged position of the ethnic group whose representatives were in power became a general rule. Hence the many inter-ethnic conflicts in the countries of this region.

For about 20 years, civil wars continued in Angola and Mozambique; For many years, war, devastation and famine have reigned in Somalia. For more than 10 years, the inter-ethnic inter-confessional conflict has not stopped in Sudan (between the Muslim North and adherents of Christianity and traditional beliefs in the south of the country). In 1993, there was a military coup in Burundi, and there is a civil war in Burundi and Rwanda. The conflict spilled over to neighboring states. Civil wars are not uncommon in (the first of the countries of "black Africa", which gained independence back in 1847).

Democracy does not take root in - 23 years out of more than 30 years after gaining independence, the country lived under a military regime. In June 1993, democratic elections were held and immediately after that, another military coup, all democratic institutions of power were again dissolved, political organizations, rallies and meetings were banned.

Examples of the struggle for political power can be continued.

Nevertheless, there are practically no places left on the map of Africa where the problem of state independence has not been solved. The exception is Western, which has not yet acquired the status of an independent state, despite the 20-year struggle for liberation waged by the Polisario front. In the near future, the UN intends to hold a referendum in the country - independence or accession to Morocco?

Separately, the situation in the Republic of South Africa should be considered, where there is a transition from “democracy for a minority” to non-racial principles of local and central government: the elimination of apartheid and the creation of a unified, democratic and non-racial one. For the first time, non-racial presidential elections were held. Elected Mandela - the first black president of South Africa. The former president, Frederick de Klerk, joined the coalition cabinet. South Africa is restored (after 20 years of absence) as a member of the UN.

In conclusion, we note that for many African countries the transition to political pluralism and multi-party system has become a big test. Nevertheless, it is precisely the stability of political processes in African countries that is the main condition for their further economic development.

Satellite map of Africa. Explore satellite map of Africa online in real time. A detailed map of Africa is based on high-resolution satellite imagery. As close as possible, the satellite map of Africa allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Africa. The map of Africa from the satellite easily switches to the normal map mode (scheme).

Africa- part of the world, which includes the mainland Africa and numerous islands. In terms of area, Africa is the second continent after. Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In total, there are 55 states in Africa, 5 unrecognized countries and the same number of dependent island countries. According to scientists, Africa is the cradle of mankind, because it was on the territory of this continent that the remains of hominids, the ancient ancestors of modern man, were discovered.

The climate in Africa is varied. This is the only continent that includes climatic zones ranging from the southern subtropical to the northern subtropical. Since the equator crosses Africa, and in many areas there is practically no sufficient amount of precipitation, there is no natural regulation of the climate in Africa.

In terms of nature and wildlife, Africa is the most exotic continent with great diversity, contrasts and the most beautiful and unique landscapes and landscapes that can hardly be seen anywhere else.

Africa- a real storehouse of various attractions that belong to various civilizations and peoples. The most popular and visited African attractions are the Egyptian pyramids, Serengeti reserves, Victoria Falls. In Africa, the modernity of large states and the originality of small, few peoples and tribes are harmoniously combined.

The African world is not just beautiful, unique and inimitable. It is this exotic that attracts tourists. Africa is a fairly hospitable country, and any traveler will find entertainment to their liking. In Africa, you can go surfing, diving, ecotourism, or prefer a calm and measured holiday on the lakes or on the ocean or sea. Africa is also famous for its desert safaris and national parks.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that Africa is an outstanding continent in all respects. It is the second largest continent in the world in terms of population and area. At the same time, the political map of Africa confirms that this territory makes up about 20% of the entire earth's land.

Yes, and nature is definitely unique, because in any subregion there are unusual sights that are not like anything else.

The Black Continent is oriented vertically - from north to south, while only hot climate zones are found here. There are coasts of two oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic. African lands are washed by two well-known seas - the Red and the Mediterranean.

The mainland itself is divided by world scientists into subregions, usually there are five different geographical data:

  • Northern;
  • Central;
  • West;
  • Oriental;
  • Southern.

In this part of the world there is a significant number of states and other entities, which are displayed by the political map of Africa in Russian. There are 62 of them in total, with 8 of the total number being dependent territories.

These countries can be classified according to various parameters, depending on the surrounding water bodies, the following countries are recorded:

  • island (10);
  • inland (15);
  • with extensive sea and ocean coasts (37).

Many countries are loved by tourists, which is associated with:

  • natural conditions;
  • historical heritage;
  • unique wildlife.

Europeans are the most willing to come to North Africa, since this region is the closest, and the local tourism industry has been working for many years, expanding and adapting to such visitors.

Many travelers strive to get into the local nature, which is perfectly combined with the civilization inherent in many resorts.

Among the African countries on the political map of Africa, the following are often chosen for vacation:

  • Egypt (interested in the heritage of ancient civilization);
  • Morocco (Arab traditions and culture are interesting);
  • Republic of South Africa (an incomparable safari will be remembered forever);
  • Zambia and Zimbabwe (amazing Victoria Falls and Lake Chad);
  • Tanzania (with numerous national parks and Kilimanjaro);
  • Kenya;
  • Namibia;
  • Zanzibar.

Political map of Africa in Russian

Even in the last century, the political map of Africa had a completely different look, different from the modern one. It is connected with widespread colonization of the continent by European states, which began in the 16th century.

The middle of the 20th century became a turning point in this process, then the countries and other parts of it quickly began to gain independence, tortured for centuries.

Formed in 1963, the Organization of African Unity helped restore indigenous power and defended sovereignty.

The League of Arab States, which appeared in 1945, also played a special role in the history, especially of the North African countries cooperating with the Middle East.

The new at that time political map of Africa in Russian reflected the difficult situation on the continent, because the suddenly established borders in the process of decolonization turned into numerous civil wars between peoples living nearby.

And yet, at the moment, many African countries breathe not only freely, but also peacefully, although to this day the process of forming the map has not been completed, as new states periodically appear that are not yet recognized by the world.

The North African region is the closest to Europe and the Middle East, so their influence is maximum here. The local countries have significant sizes within the mainland.

On the political map of Africa in Russian there are such countries of North Africa:

  • Egypt;
  • Morocco;
  • Sudan;
  • Libya;
  • Algeria;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mauritania;
  • West Sahara.

Moreover, in Morocco there are two enclaves belonging to Spain:

  • Melilla;
  • Ceuta.

South of the Sahara is separated from the Eastern sub-region by the Cameroon mountains. Here are the states:

  • Senegal;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Sierra Leone;
  • Burkina Faso;
  • Niger, Nigeria;
  • Ivory Coast;
  • Mali;
  • Liberia;
  • Ghana;
  • Togo;
  • Guinea, Guinea-Bissau;
  • Gambia;
  • Benin.

The central part of the Black Continent is surprisingly rich in wildlife resources, it is located in the equator region, so there is a significant amount of rainforests and water. Here are the countries:

  • Central African Republic;
  • Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo;
  • Cameroon;
  • Angola;
  • Equatorial Guinea;
  • Gabon.

On the offshore islands are Principe and Sao Tome.

The history of the Eastern sub-region is complex, which is associated with the incorrect creation of interstate borders by the colonizers. However, modern development processes are still inexorably moving forward in states:

South Africa includes:

  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Botswana;
  • Swaziland;
  • Namibia;
  • Lesotho;
  • Mozambique.

There are also island states:

  • Madagascar;
  • Reunion;
  • Mauritius;
  • Comoros;
  • Seychelles.

The African continent occupies 20% of the land surface of planet Earth. Its map of area and population is in second place after Eurasia. The countries of the continent are developing countries, many of them are backward. Most people live in capitals and large cities.

Africa is located simultaneously in all four hemispheres. The shores of the mainland in the west are washed by the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and in the southeast by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. The northern part of the coast borders the Mediterranean Sea. The northeastern coastline faces the Red Sea.

origin of name

There are several assumptions about the origin of the name of the mainland, one of which was voiced by the Arab traveler Leo Africanus (XVI century). He claimed that the name has Arabic roots, from the word "faraka" - "to divide." The interpretation implies the separation of Africa and Eurasia (particularly Asia) by the Red Sea.

Another hypothesis is connected with the Roman conquests of the lands of modern Tunisia in the 2nd century BC. BC. A colony called Africa was founded in the occupied territories, after the Afarik tribes living there.

Continent area

The total area of ​​Africa is 30,221,53 km2. From north to south, the mainland stretches for 7623 km, from west to east 7260 km.

Extreme points on the mainland

The names and locations of the points are summarized in the table:

Cape Agulhas in Africa
extreme point Name Location Peculiarities
south point Cape Agulhas Territory of South Africa The place where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans cross
north point Ben Secca Tunisia Has sandy white sand beaches
western point Cape Almadi Cap Vert Peninsula, Senegal Situated between the mouths of the Gambia and Senegal rivers
Eastern point Cape Ras Hafun Somalia It is an island 40 km long, connected to the mainland by a strip of land


Africa is located on an ancient platform, due to which it has a surface consisting mainly of plains and plateaus in the center of the mainland and hills along the periphery. Height - 750 m above sea level.

The relief is different in the northwestern and southeastern parts:

The map has a conditional border between the African countries of Angola and Ethiopia. The extinct volcano Kilimanjaro, located 339 km from the capital of Tanzania, Dodoma, is the highest point on the mainland, which is at a level of 5895 m. Lake Assal is located in the Afar depression, which is the lowest point in Africa. The bottom of the lake is 157 cm below sea level.


The population of the mainland is 1.3 billion people. The average density is 25-30 people per km2.

Accommodation of people (number of people per km 2):

  • Valley of the Nile - 1700.
  • Islands: Mauritius - 667, Comoros - 433, Seychelles - 197.
  • East Africa, the republics of Rwanda, Burundi - 421.
  • Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia - 60-70.
  • Botswana, Libya, Namibia, Mauritania - 2-4.
  • Sahara desert - 0.4.

Racial settlement:

  • Representatives of the Caucasian race are dispersed in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia. Settlers from Holland and England live in the southern part of the mainland.
  • Representatives of the Negroid race occupy central and southern Africa.


The formation of the African climate is influenced by the position of the mainland in the tropics, the flat terrain and the proximity of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Climatic conditions in the equatorial zone are represented by high temperatures (on average 26-28C 0) and frequent precipitation up to 5000 mm per year. Due to this, there is a high level of humidity and the growth of abundant vegetation in the form of impenetrable jungles and tropical forests (Gilea).

In the subequatorial climatic zone, there is a clear separation of the rainy and dry seasons. During the dry period, the average temperature reaches +30С 0 . Duration from 3 to 10 months. During the rainy season, the annual amount of precipitation does not exceed 1000 mm, the average temperature is + 20С 0.

The territory of the tropical zone is subject to high temperatures, the average is + 35-40С 0. In the deserts of the Sahara, Kalahari, during the day the temperature can reach + 58С 0, and at night it can fall below 0С 0. Precipitation is scarce, from 0 to 100 mm per year. The tropics are characterized by dry trade winds and sandstorms.

In the subtropical zone on the northern and western side, dry summers and wet winters are observed with more than 500 mm of precipitation per season. The average temperature is +20С 0 . In the southeast, precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year.

African countries

Africa, the map (with countries and capitals) of which includes 62 states, is divided into 5 regions:

Of these, 54 states are recognized as independent, the rest belong to the territories of France, SADR, Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain.

North Africa

The map of northern Africa occupies a vast territory of 10 million km2. This part of the mainland includes the Sahara desert and the largest African countries with an area of ​​more than 1.5 million km 2: Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Libya. Due to the large influx of tourists to the capital of Egypt (Cairo), Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, the economy is developing.

Access to the Mediterranean provides favorable trade relations with Europe and Asia. The extraction of minerals has been established - phosphorites, oil, natural gas. Developed industry. Agricultural land is occupied by the cultivation of cereals, cotton, citrus fruits, and olives.

South Africa

It occupies an area of ​​3.1 million km 2. The population is 48.9 million, of which 79% is the Negroid race. The main religion is Protestantism and Catholicism.

Largest cities: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth. The southern part of the mainland is rich in gold, diamonds and iron ore. Of agricultural crops, residents prefer corn, wheat, sorghum, yams.

In South Africa, the number of people infected with HIV is more than 6 million (18%), which corresponds to the scale of the epidemic.

Central Africa

It is located in the center of the mainland in the equatorial and subequatorial belts. Territory - 7.3 million km 2. Due to the humid climate, it has large forest areas, which are used by local residents for timber harvesting. Grow cocoa beans, yams, rice, fruits, sugar cane. Cattle breeding is developed in the desert regions. Mainly cattle and sheep are bred.

Central Africa is rich in copper, diamonds, as well as cobalt and lead ores. Industry, in accordance with the rich diversity of natural resources, is developed in several directions: woodworking, oil refining, metalworking and textiles.

East Africa

It stretches along the coast of the Indian Ocean, the area is 7.7 million km 2. The population is 94 million people, of which 99% are Africans, and 1% are Europeans, Indians and Arabs. The region is distinguished by a rich variety of soils, flora and fauna.

Animal husbandry and agriculture flourish (coffee, spices, tea, tobacco, grapes). The presence of islands comfortable for recreation (Seychelles, Madagascar) attracts a large flow of tourists. The slowdown in the development of the region is caused by long-term conflicts between ethnic groups and civil wars.

West Africa

The western part of the African continent has an area of ​​5.1 million km 2 and includes 16 states. In the southwest it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east - the Cameroon Mountains, in the north - the Sahara, with which the Sahel serves as a border. Here the first independent state of Ghana was formed, throwing off the shackles of colonialism.

West Africa is considered a poor and underdeveloped region, despite the rich deposits of minerals (oil, uranium, ore, tin, diamonds, gold). The population is engaged in the cultivation of monocultures (cocoa, peanuts, palm oil).

The political situation is unstable: terrorist acts, coup d'état, protests are recorded.

The main attractions of Africa

Africa (map with countries and capitals) is famous for its sights. Man-made monuments and amazing nature with its variety of rare species of plants and animals amaze the imagination.

The majestic pyramids of Egypt or the Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza consist of a diagonal complex of the pyramids of Cheops, Herf, Menkaur and small satellite pyramids that serve as tombs for the wives of the pharaohs. The majestic buildings are located on the Giza plateau in the Libyan Desert, not far from the ancient city of the same name. They date back to the first half of the third millennium BC, during the time of the rulers of Egypt of the IV dynasty.

Pyramids served as tombs for pharaohs. The initial height was: Cheops - 146.7 m, Herf - 136.4 m, Menkaure - 66 m. Outside, the Cheops and Herf pyramids were lined with limestone, and Menkaure with pink granite. Inside the pyramids there are tunnels, a gallery, underground and ground chambers with air ducts.

Great Sphinx

The sculpture of the Sphinx is facing east, behind it are the pyramids of Giza. Made in the form of a mythical creature with a human head and a lion's body. The face of the Sphinx is damaged: the nose and ceremonial beard are missing. Between the paws of the sculpture is a granite slab, installed by order of Thutmose IV. Under the left paw is hidden a secret room with an underground passage leading to Herf's pyramid.

The monument is made of limestone blocks, its length is 72 m, width 20 m. The author and purpose of the sculpture are still unknown.

Valley of the Kings

It is a mountain gorge with the tombs of the pharaohs and their wives of the 16th-11th centuries. BC, located on the west bank of the Nile, near Thebes. The internal structure of the tombs is represented by a long tunnel and a burial chamber. The walls are painted with paintings depicting the deeds and great deeds of the deceased. Jewelry, precious stones, expensive utensils were buried together with the deceased.

During the entire period of research, 63 tombs were found. Mummies of rulers with sarcophagi were transported to the Cairo Museum.

Cairo Museum

Located in the capital of Egypt on Tahrir Square, 650 km from the Valley of the Kings. The credit for founding the museum in 1858 belongs to the French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette.

The Cairo Museum is a treasure trove of more than 160 thousand exhibits of a bygone civilization. The first floor is occupied by voluminous and heavy sarcophagi, statues made of stone and granite, a collection of papyri, as well as fragments of walls with paintings from tombs. Mummies of pharaohs and their wives, jewelry, figurines of gods, and ritual accessories were placed on the second floor.

Ancient city of Carthage

Africa (map with countries and capitals) contains the history of states and cities that were destroyed during the conquests and the struggle for power. One of these places is ancient Carthage, the ruins of which are preserved on the hill of Byrsa in the territory of modern Tunisia.

The city was founded by the Phoenicians in 814 BC. Subsequently destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC, cleared of rubble and rebuilt to form an administrative center. Today, on the site of old Carthage, foundations with walls of houses and Roman baths, columns, steles, tophet (the burial place of sacrificed children and animals) have been preserved. The Museum of Carthage was erected on the top of the hill.


In Mali, in western Africa, there is a unique natural complex with the Dogon tribe inhabiting it. This is the Bandiagara Highlands. The object is an elevated precipitous plain, with sandstone cliffs located on it, which reach 500 m in height and extend for 150 km.

In the rocks and on the plains, clay villages of the Dogon were built - the keepers of ancient traditions and rituals. Granaries, chapels, altars, places of public meetings, burials of tellems (precursors of the Dogon) were arranged in the caves. Rock paintings (XIV-XV centuries) are a shrine in which every 3 years a circumcision of ten-year-old boys is carried out.

Victoria Falls

It is located on the Zambezi River, between the two South African states of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The width of the Victoria Falls is 1800 m, the height is 120 m. The visibility of the fog formed when the water falls extends for 50 km. In the language of the locals, the name of the waterfall sounds like “Buzzing Smoke”.

At the edge of the waterfall, a depression is formed, filled with water and called the "Devil's Pool". During the drought period, the water level drops, which allows tourists to swim safely in this backwater.

Dallol volcano in Ethiopia

The volcano is located in the Afar basin of the Danakil desert, 48 m below sea level. This is a dormant volcano, the last activity was recorded in 1926. Then an acid lake formed in its place.

The color of the surface of the crater shimmers from yellow to brown. This is due to the leaching of potassium salts, manganese, and iron ions from the depths of the volcano. Salt crystals and fumaroles create an amazing landscape, which is why Dallol is compared to the moon of Jupiter.

Ethiopian Danakil Desert

The Danakil Desert occupies 100,000 km 2 of the area of ​​two states - Ethiopia in its northern part and Eritrea in the southeast.

It is considered one of the most dangerous places on the planet due to high volcanic activity. On the territory of Danakil there are 6 volcanoes, 3 of which are dormant, 1 dormant and 2 active. The air in the desert is saturated with poisonous sulfur vapors, and the temperature is kept within + 50C 0. Acid and oil lakes are found along its entire length.

Sahara Desert

Sahara is located in the northern part of the African continent and covers an area of ​​6-8 million km 2. The sands of the desert extend over the territory of 10 states. Sahara is unsuitable for life due to high humidity and temperature (+50С 0 during the day, below 0 at night). The exception is oases, where inland waters come to the surface and contribute to the growth of vegetation needed to feed livestock.

The fauna is represented by 4,000 species, many of which come to the surface only at night. The bowels of the Sahara are rich in minerals: oil, gas, gold, copper, uranium.

Namib Desert

The Namib is called the place that God created in anger. The southwestern location of the desert on the mainland played a role in its formation due to the Benguela Current off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The Namib goes deep into the mainland and joins the Kalahari, covering an area of ​​100,000 km2.

This is the oldest desert, its age is more than 80 million years. On the territory you can find rare shrubs, herbs and the amazing Velvichia plant.

In the middle of the desert dried and charred tree trunks, which are more than 1000 years old, have been preserved. The sand along the periphery of the Namib is yellow, and in the center it has a red-brown hue. The dunes and dunes stretch up to 20 km in length, and the highest of them reaches 383 m.

Giraffe Center in Kenya

The center, founded in 1970 in the suburbs of Nairobi, serves as a habitat for the rare species of Rothschild giraffes (no more than 700 worldwide). A program is being implemented here to prevent the extinction of the subspecies. Individuals breed in the conditions of the reserve and are subsequently released into the wild.

A hotel for tourists has been built on the territory of the center, which makes it possible to take a closer look at giraffes and feed them by hand right from the windows of the rooms.

Valley of the Whales Wadi al-Khitan

Wadi al-Hitan is located in the north of Egypt in Faiyum. It is a protected area where the remains and waste products of ancient whales (archaeocetes), sharks, crocodiles, turtles are collected.

Fossils have allowed paleontologists to reproduce the appearance of whales. Studies have shown that in the process of evolution, land archaeocetes lost their hind limbs, the shape of the body became streamlined, and the habitat changed to aquatic.

Baobab Sunland

Baobab Sunland is located on a farm of the same name in the Limpopo province in southern Africa. He gained fame due to his age (more than 6000 years) and size: height 22 m, trunk circumference 46 m.

Having freed the baobab from the internal decayed part, the owners of the farm in 1933 set up a beer bar with a cellar there. The capacity was 15 people. The inner part consisted of two cavities with partitions connected by a narrow passage. In 2016 and 2017 most of the baobab split and was destroyed.

Kirstenbosch garden

The Botanical Garden was founded in 1913 at the foot of the Stem Mountain, 13 km from Cape Town. The total area of ​​green spaces is 528 hectares and contains more than 7,000 rare plant species.

On the territory of Kirstenbosch, greenhouses are equipped, in which plants of endangered species from the savannas, karru, are bred. Near each type of flowers, bushes information plates are placed. Particular attention is paid to the national symbol of South Africa - evergreen proteas. In areas not subject to cultivation, thickets of bushes, flowers and forests of stunted trees grow.

Congo river

The Congo is a full-flowing river 4370 m long, located in the central part of the African continent. It originates in the southeast of the DRC and flows into the Atlantic Ocean, crossing the equator twice. The food of the Congo comes from rainwater.

The main attractions of the Congo:

  • Semiporozhny Stanley Falls, with a fall height of 60 m. Included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Livingston Falls - sections of the river with rapids, with a total length of 350 km and a fall of 270 m.

Cape of Good Hope

Located in South Africa, 70 km from Cape Town. It is the southern tip of the Cape Peninsula, which, making a bend to the north, ends at the extreme southwestern point, called Cape Point. It is in this place that a lighthouse with a sign "Cape of Good Hope" and an observation deck are installed.

The cape has beaches with white and yellow sand and unique fauna (penguins, cheetahs, rhinos). It is famous for the fact that in this place the confluence of the Indian and Atlantic oceans occurs, which is clearly seen in the color and temperature difference of the waters.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is located in East Africa in the Republic of Tanzania. It is a dormant cone-shaped stratovolcano with three peaks: Shira, Kibo, Mawenzi. The highest of them - 5895 m (Uhuru peak of the Kibo volcano) is covered with a glacier. The peaks are extinct volcanoes.

There are 5 climate zones on Kilimanjaro. Up to a level of 3000 m, fruits, forests grow, meadows bloom. At 4000-5000 m the vegetation gives way to wasteland. Above 5000 m, the Arctic zone begins, where there is no flora and fauna.

dragon mountains

They are located in the southeast of the African continent, south of Kilimanjaro. The ridge of the basalt Dragon Mountains stretches for 300 km in length, and the highest point reaches 3482 m (Thabana-Ntlenyana). In their length they pass through the territories of South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho. They are part of the Drakensberg National Park.

The age of the mountains is 400 million years, which is confirmed by the presence of the remains of dinosaurs and their embryos in the rock layers. Nature and fauna are represented by rare endemics.


The national park is located in Tanzania, while its northern part smoothly passes into the Masai Mara reserve (Kenya), and the southeastern part into the Ngorongoro crater. The foundation of the park is attributed to 1951. The area of ​​​​the territory is 14763 km 2.

The landscape of the park is flat, with alternating safaris, forests and meadows. The unique flora and fauna contains 500 species of birds, 3 million large animals and over 1000 rare plants.

Limpopo River

The river crosses the southern part of the continent in South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe and flows into the Indian Ocean. It originates in the Witwatersrand mountains, taking many tributaries along its way. The total length is 1750 km.

The river is famous for the abundance of crocodiles and hippos in its waters.

Mining industry (gold, diamonds, uranium) and partly shipping are developed in its basin. Part of the river is part of the Kruger National Park.

table mountain

Located in the Western Cape province, 7.5 km southwest of Cape Town. The highest point is 1085 m. The mountain is made of sandstone, has steep slopes and a flat top with an area of ​​3 km, formed due to erosion and weathering.

At the top there is a park with orchids, silver trees and fynbos. For the convenience of tourists, a funicular was built. Through a worldwide vote, Table Mountain has been recognized as one of the 7 wonders of nature.

Africa (map with countries and capitals) is replete with interesting places worth visiting.

Of these, the most popular are:

Tourists from all over the world flock to Africa, the hallmark of which is the heritage of ancient civilizations, preserved traditions, culture of countries and capitals, as well as unique flora and fauna.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

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