Styx man with a cat download fb2. Be a cat

Title: S-T-I-K-S. Man with a cat
Writer: Artem Kamenisty
Year: 2016
Publisher: Eksmo
Age limit: 16+
Genres: Action fantasy

About the book “S-T-I-K-S. Man with a cat" Artem Kamenisty

Artem Kamenisty is a master of creating fantastic works. He is especially good at books about the apocalypse and post-apocalypse. It is always interesting to read about what will happen to the planet and humanity after some kind of disaster strikes the Earth - a meteorite fall, an epidemic, a nuclear war. The point is not even what caused the disaster, but what happens to the survivors next. Will they be able to revive civilization? Will they be able to build new houses? What will be their priority?

The book “S-T-I-K-S. Man with a Cat" describes the events that occurred after the disaster. At the same time, all the universes were mixed up, confused. In the new world, newcomers rarely survive, not even reaching the end of the first week. But if you last a year, then you are rightfully considered an old-timer.

Books about zombies are almost all the same. These creatures are soulless creatures who can only move around and look for living human flesh or even just brains. Artem Kamenisty differs from other writers in that his zombies are not zombies at all. More precisely, these are also the walking dead, but at the same time they can evolve, develop, becoming more powerful and powerful monsters, which become even more difficult to fight.

The book “S-T-I-K-S. Man with a Cat” by Artem Kamenisty tells about what happens to the main character Karat in the world of the Hive. An unknown force collected different worlds and their inhabitants piece by piece and united them in the Hive. Only the strongest must remain here to become immune. Everyone else turned into zombies and other monsters. But becoming the chosen one does not mean that the trials will end for you. Everything is just ahead and you must be prepared for the worst.

Artem Kamenisty is one of those who choose fairly well-known themes for his works, but at the same time creates them in such a way that it is impossible to tear yourself away. You will worry about the main character from the first page, you will be surprised at how well thought out and perfectly described the parallel world is, in which all the main events take place. When you start reading, sometimes it becomes scary - who knows, maybe very soon this will happen to our planet.

If you like combat science fiction, then Artem Kamenisty’s book about the world of the Hive will definitely appeal to you. There will be adventures, dangers, bloodthirsty monsters and a lot of tense situations that will allow you to have a good time.

On our literary website you can download the book by Artem Kamenisty “S-T-I-K-S. Man with a Cat" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Books about the intersection of worlds and people traveling to parallel universes are always very popular. In his work “S-T-I-K-S. Man with a Cat” Artyom Kamenisty made it even more interesting and unusual, moving a little away from generally accepted standards.

Some incomprehensible force created real chaos. Separate fragments of various worlds were transferred to one new world called the Hive. Now all the inhabitants, torn from their usual life, experience horror, surrounded by unknown creatures. Some of them turn into mutants, terrible monsters, others are immune and remain human. But how can these people now survive among dangerous creatures?

Karat was one of those who escaped the transformation, but he remains an ordinary person without any special skills. Together with his faithful cat, he is looking for ways to survive in the wild world. The main character has to go through troubles and betrayal. He had many battles in which he showed his courage and courage. After all, he has a goal to which he strives.

The world created by the writer is attractive because it combines parts of different worlds; it is described colorfully and in detail. The characters are well written with their qualities, strengths and weaknesses. Some of them submit to circumstances, while others are ready to fight for life and freedom to the end. The same can be observed in the real world. And are those who are immune really that common? This can only be found out by reading the book.

On our website you can download the book "S-T-I-K-S. Man with a Cat" by Kamenisty Artyom for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.


Series "The Cat Who..." by Lillian Jackson Brown

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Lillian Jackson Brown
Year of issue: 1966-2009
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Eksmo, Domino
Language: Russian
Number of books: 31

Description: Lilian Jackson Braun
June 20, 1913 - June 4, 2011
American journalist and writer working in the “cozy” detective genre.
Born in 1913. Lillian Brown considered the beginning of her literary career to be writing poetry in honor of her mother at the age of two. According to her mother’s original method, Lillian developed her writing skills - her daughter had to describe every day everything that happened to her at school.
Lillian Brown is a baseball fan who began writing for various sports magazines at age 16. Subsequently, she worked in many areas of journalism - advertising, art, wrote weekly columns on poetry and cooking, and was editor of the Detroit Free Press for more than 30 years.
The impetus for writing the first book was a tragic incident: her cat fell from the 12th floor of Lillian Brown's apartment, and Lillian suspects her neighbor of contributing to this flight. This is how the plot of the story “Madame Floy’s Revenge” is born. Initially, Lillian makes her main character a journalist, but her friends point out to her some autobiography as an undesirable element for a detective story.
The main character of her books is crime reporter Jim Quiller, whose appearance embodies the features of the writer’s friends and acquaintances. Jim Quiller is a middle-aged man with conservative views, plump, with a small paunch and a mustache that he pulls on every possible occasion, a bachelor and a big cat lover. His Siamese cats - Coco, named after the famous Chinese artist Gao Kegong, and Yum-Yum - intervene in the investigation of crimes. Most of the books take place in a small provincial town in Michigan, similar to the one in which the writer herself, her husband Earl Bettinger and their two Siamese cats lived until the mid-80s.

Series "The Cat Who..."
1. The cat who read from right to left
2. The cat who played with words
3. The cat that walked through walls
4. The cat who went wild with red
5. The Cat Who Loved Brahms
6. The cat who was the postmaster
7. The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
8. The cat who sniffed glue
9. The cat who walked underground
10. The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts
11. The cat who lived luxuriously
12. The cat who was friends with the cardinal
13. The cat who moved the mountain
14. The cat who wasn't there
15. The cat who walked through the closets
16. The cat who knew 14 stories
17. The cat who honked
18. The cat who smiled
19. The cat who tracked down the thief
20. The cat who sang for the birds
21. The cat who looked at the stars
22. The cat who robbed the bank
23. The cat who smelled the rat
24. The cat that swam up the stream
25. The cat who won applause
26. The cat who chatted with turkeys
27. The cat who went crazy on bananas
28. The cat who threw the bomb
29. The cat who had 60 antennae
30. The cat that swam up the stream
31. The cat who came to breakfast


The Cat Who... 14. The Cat Who Wasn't There (Brown Lillian Jackson)

Author: Brown Lillian Jackson
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: ironic detective
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Natalia Frolova
Duration: 7:03:20
Description: The excursion to Scotland did not go well either: all the way Qwilleran was thinking about a mysterious murder.

Translation: from English V. Budnevich
Cleared by: knigofil
Processed by: knigofil
Cover: Vasya from Mars

but I

The Cat Who... 21. The Cat Who Looked at the Stars (Lillian Jackson Brown)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Lillian Jackson Brown
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Sergey Kirsanov
Duration: 06:35:18
Description: Lillian Jackson Brown (1913 - 2011) - Famous American writer, best known for her series of books “The Cat Who...”. In 1966-68, she published the first 3 stories about crime reporter Jim Qwilleran and his Siamese cats - Coco the cat and Yum-Yum the cat. In 1966, The New York Times named Lillian Brown "new detective of the year." However, due to differences with publishers who demanded more...


The Cat Who... 13. The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (Brown Lillian Jackson)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Brown Lillian Jackson
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: ironic detective
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Natalia Frolova
Duration: 06:47:33
Description: Qwilleran decides to take a break and rents a house in the Potato Mountains. However, he will not be able to enjoy peace: like a decent person. Qwilleran must find the killer of the owner of this house.
Add. information: Read from the publication: St. Petersburg, Amphora, 2006
Translation: from English V. Budnevich
Cleared by: knigofil
Processed by: knigofil
Cover: Vasya from Mars


Dewey. The Library Cat Who Shook the World (Vicki Myron)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz
Author: Vicki Myron
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Foreign prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Tatyana Telegina
Duration: 09:34:25 What experiences can an animal endure? How many lives does a cat have? How did it happen that an unfortunate foundling kitten made a small library a meeting place for surrounding residents and a center of attraction for tourists, and a provincial American town became famous all over the world? Do we really save homeless animals by taking them into our home, or, on the contrary, do these dumb creatures become a support for us...


Jackson Brody Series by Kate Atkinson

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Kate Atkinson
Year of manufacture: 2010-2012
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Azbuka
Russian language
Number of books: 4
Description: Kate Atkinson is an English writer, playwright, and historian. Born December 20, 1951 in York. She studied English literature at the University of Dundee and received a Master's degree there in 1974. She subsequently studied American literature to obtain her doctorate. List of books Series "Jackson Brody" 1. Crimes of the past 2. A turn for the better 3. Should we expect good news? 4. A little holy...


Esther Brown Collection of Works

Author: Esther Brown
Year of manufacture: 2009-2011
Genre: CPR
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 4 books
Description: Esther Brown is a modern English writer and journalist. Born in the Lake District in England, she studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. She worked as a fiction editor before diving into writing full time. Now Esther lives alternately between London and Herfordshire. He writes his own books and submits articles for Cosmopolitan magazine. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, collecting...


Collection of works by Virginia Brown (Virginia Brown)

Format: RTF, OCR without errors
Author: Virginia Brown
Year of manufacture: 1984-1995
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Various
Russian language
Number of books: 12
Description: A challenge to passion The Norman knight Robert Devlin got a lot of treasures - gold, a castle, rich Saxon lands... But the most precious trophy was the beautiful mistress of the castle - Lady Catherine. The love of this proud and independent woman is more valuable than all conquered treasures. And for her Devlin will have to pay a high price - the price of his own heart, blazing in the fire of irresistible passion... Wild flower
Rumor kept saying: not a single man has ever...


Carter Brown - Collected Works

Carter Brown - Collected Works.
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Carter Brown
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Hard-boiled detective
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 115 books
Description: Carter Brown is one of the pseudonyms of the Anglo-Australian writer Allan Geoffrey Yates (1923 - 1985). Carter Brown's writing credo is detective, humor and sex... He is one of the most famous and prolific authors of the detective genre. The main characters of his detective series are widely known: Al Wheeler, Rick Holman, Danny Boyd, Mavis Seidlitz. He was born in England, in London, on the 1st...


Teri J. Brown - Collected Works

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Posted by Teri J. Brown
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Historical romance
Publisher: Azbuka-Atticus
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: Summerset Abbey cycle 1. “Family Secret” - 1913. England. Edwardian era. The highest aristocratic society, in which they live according to unwritten but unshakable laws. Three young women, forced after the death of their father to move to their uncle's huge estate near London, do not want to obey traditions. Rowena Buxton believes that the most important thing in a person is not wealth or...


Dan Brown - Digital Fortress CD2

Type: audiobook
Genre: Detective
Author: Dan Brown
Publisher: Audiobook LLC
Year of manufacture: 2006
Reader: A. Andrienko
Audio: MP3
Description: The author of the superbestseller of the decade invites you to crack another code - a super complex one, fraught with danger and a threat to the whole world! But... who came up with this code?! What is he trying to achieve?! Why did you enter into a ruthless game with the US National Security Agency?! The weapon of the mysterious enemy is just a set of symbols and letters. The best cryptographer in America, Susan Fletcher, takes on the decryption. And what she discovers threatens not only the most important...

Genre: Detective
Author: Dan Brown
Year of manufacture: 2006
Description: Illuminati. An ancient mysterious order, famous in the Middle Ages for its fierce struggle with the official church. A legend from the distant past? Perhaps... But why then is their symbol carved on the chest of the scientist killed under mysterious circumstances? The artistic and documentary research of the now famous Dan Brown began in 1996, when an unknown English teacher wrote the novel “Digital Fortress” about the activities of the US National Security Agency. Now on the list...


Type: audiobook
Genre: Detective
Author: Dan Brown
Publisher: Audiobook
Year of manufacture: 2006
Performer: Alexander Andrienko
Playing time: 23 hours 30 minutes.
Audio: MP3, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Description: Illuminati. An ancient mysterious order, famous in the Middle Ages for its fierce struggle with the official church. A legend from the distant past? Perhaps... But why then is their symbol carved on the chest of the scientist killed under mysterious circumstances? The artistic and documentary research of the now famous Dan Brown began in 1996, when an unknown teacher...


Mineko Iwasaki, Gend Brown - True Memoirs of a Geisha

Genre: autobiographical novel
Author: Mineko Iwasaki, Gend Brown
Performer: Tatyana Mikhalevkina
Publisher: amphora@media
Year of manufacture: 2006
Add. information: playing time 10 hours 32 minutes
Type: audiobook
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 128 Kbps
Description: Geisha are the guardians of high art and ancient traditions, whose femininity is embodied in the poetic perfection of the body. Mineko Iwasaki, Japan's most famous geisha, sincerely tells the reader about all the vicissitudes of her life from the moment when, at the age of six, she was sent to...

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