Corrective exercises for school 8 types. Extracurricular activities for correctional classes

This test is intended for 8th grade students at a correctional school for children with mild mental retardation. The test is carried out after studying all the program works of N. A. Nekrasov in the 8th grade during a general lesson. The purpose of the work is to test the knowledge of the poet’s studied works, orientation in his work, and improve attention and memory.

Target audience: for 8th grade

This work is intended for students with severe mental retardation and includes tasks to test the mastery of the letters learned and the level of development of reading skills at the end of the school year.

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The development of cognitive activity of students with disabilities in a special (correctional) school depends on many factors, including how visual and easy for them to perceive the educational material is. The use of test control in lessons and activities not only organizes the assessment of students’ knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the development of their information competence and correction of the cognitive sphere.

This test consists of two options, each with 10 questions with a choice of 1 correct answer. Conducted on natural history in the 5th grade (Textbook “Nature Studies”: 5th grade textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions of the 8th type\T.M. Lifanova.-M.: “Enlightenment” 2014) in the sections “Introduction” and “ Universe". Correct answer keys are included. The test covers questions related to living and inanimate nature, natural phenomena, celestial bodies, etc. This material can be used in lessons on the surrounding world in elementary school.

Independent work is one of the most important means of developing students’ thinking and speech, mastering educational material, consolidating and testing knowledge, and creating the basis for the development of interest. Independent work develops children's creative abilities, cultivates will, attention, accuracy, and instills a taste for independent discoveries. The purpose of this development: to test the knowledge of 7th grade students at a correctional school on the topic “Noun”.

Target audience: for 7th grade

Small rhyming riddles about needlework for students develop interest in the subject of needlework. They are introduced to the tools and materials used in knitting. They give an idea of ​​what can be crocheted and knitted. In addition, they develop speech, memory, attention, thinking, and imagination. Riddles can be used as educational and developmental material, and as material for testing students' knowledge.

Target audience: for 6th grade

Mastering program material depends on the correct choice of teaching methods. At the same time, every teacher must remember about the age characteristics of children, about those developmental deviations that are characteristic of the mentally retarded. As a rule, mentally retarded children are inert and unemotional. Therefore, such methodological techniques are needed that could attract the attention and interest of every child. Mentally retarded children are passive and do not show a desire to actively interact with objects and toys. Adults need to constantly create in children a positive emotional attitude towards the proposed activity. Didactic games serve this purpose.

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The test is designed to identify the level of knowledge of 5th grade students. Topics of assignments: parts of speech; word composition; spelling of the unstressed vowel being tested at the root of the word; spelling of the separating solid sign after prefixes; spelling prefixes and prepositions; spelling a soft sign after sibilants at the end of a word; spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants; grammatical categories of a noun; main and minor members of sentences; homogeneous members of the sentence. The test contains an answer key and a rating scale. The test can be used as a training or final type of work.

Target audience: for 5th grade

▫ Lyudmila Nikolaevna, if you can, pass it on to me too. Thank you in advance. Svetlana Nikolaevna, come see Natalya Terentyevna Morozova. She has ten options.
▫ Why is it “The tops have lost their shores, but the bottoms still hope to get out on their own”? What is the reason? ... I'm racking my brains in ignorance...
▫ Inna Viktorovna, but for a reasonable bribe (a donation, one must assume... It’s not taxable?) - you can even hang out on a yacht (we’re talking about the well-known “Pallada”). Even with the kids (parishioners, one should assume). And the proceeds will certainly go towards bread. To a distant and poor diocese. It should be assumed... `... hand-to-hand combat section...` - and then in the park: - I am for the faith, ....! ...
▫ Belgorod region, today plus 7...
▫ This option is good if you have accumulated money. Which is not enough - I went and bought it. What’s difficult is that I didn’t do it, but just went and bought it. If he did, then it will be as a voluntary addition. Under such conditions, of course, you can live in the village. A hectare of land can be empty and overgrown with weeds, and the place can be used simply for “picking dandelions.” Patching the roof of a house is not a problem. He paid the repairman and will patch it up. Prepare some firewood - I asked the local residents and they will prepare it. Etc. They will agree for money. And at this time the owner himself can simply watch TV and buy ready-made items in the store. Money is not a problem to live in the village. With the exception of remote villages, where the neighboring peasant has no use for money and the shops are empty. But if you take a hectare without savings or with insufficient savings, then there is a good chance that the owner of this hectare will get tired of it and run back to the city. Because you have to do everything yourself and cultivate a whole hectare. And also pay taxes. And if you hire assistants, then the money will quickly disappear. And if part of the land is left empty, then you will have to make ends meet without watching TV, but working hard by hand. In addition, the grown crop does not guarantee that it will be bought. Therefore, you will have to use it yourself: make various preparations in large quantities. And this is a troublesome task: it takes more than three jars of cucumbers to roll up. And the situation will turn out that the owner of the hectare is all in work, without money, without normal things and feeds only on the harvest he himself has grown. And he doesn’t have to dream about rivers of milk under such conditions. Yes, he will most likely abandon this hectare or sell it to rich entrepreneurs who will use this plot as an area for their own enrichment at the expense of cheap labor. And at the same time, there is no guarantee that there will be no hostile competition and displacement of normal neighboring owners from their hectare due to the fact that cunning entrepreneurs liked the site. Therefore, this version of the family nest looks like a utopia. Another thing is a dacha of 6 acres for city residents. Although there is almost no income, it is easier to process. It's like your own mini-square for nature lovers.


Target. Determining the child’s ability to act in accordance with instructions; consolidation of the concept of “size of objects” (large - small, larger - smaller).

Name the geometric shapes drawn in the squares on the left. “Move” them to the squares on the right as indicated by the arrow. Reduce larger figures and increase smaller ones.

Draw exactly the same shapes in the empty cells. What shapes do they consist of?


Target. Identification of the level of formation of shape perception, its ability to analyze the arrangement of figures in space. Development of stability of attention, purposefulness of activity. Activation of the dictionary.

    Look at and name the geometric shapes on the left side of the page. First name the smaller figure, then the larger one. For example, a circle in a square, a circle in an oval, an oval in a circle.

    You need to move each smaller figure to a new place - to the corresponding larger figures.


Target. Identifying children's ability to establish identity, similarity and difference in drawings. Development of visual analysis and observation.

Consider rugs. How are they similar? What is the difference? Draw the same rugs in the frames on the right.


Target. Identification of the level of formation of thought processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of visual and figurative representations, the ability to recreate the whole based on visual correlation.

“Repair” your pillowcase. From different pieces of fabric, choose one that suits the size, color and pattern.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns, the ability to retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Development of attention and visual memory.

Find a pattern in the image of objects. What should be shown in the empty cell?

Name the mushrooms. Which one is poisonous? Which mushroom should be drawn in the empty cell? Remember the sequence of drawings in each row. Cover the table with a sheet of paper. Fill out the table on the right from memory.


Target. Identifying the ability to visually perceive and differentiate colors, correctly name colors and shades, recognize and name geometric shapes, indicate their color and size; count geometric shapes, indicate their number; write a descriptive story.

    Consider the clown. What shape is the patch on his suit?

    Compare patches of the same color. What is the difference?

    Compare patches of the same shape. What is the difference?

Write a story about a clown.

Target. Determination of the purposefulness of perception, the nature of emotional reactions. Formation of the ability to establish the identity of objects based on visual correlation. Development of attention, self-control, speech.

“Look at the picture. Find in it the objects drawn in the cells, create a story based on the plot picture.


Target. Revealing the ability to search for patterns in the arrangement of well-known letters and numbers. Development of stability and concentration.

Identify the pattern in the same way as you did in the first task with letters. Draw the desired number in the empty cell.


Target. Identification of the maturity of the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of the ability to reconstruct the whole based on visual correlation.

Consider a sample doll blanket. Ira collects the same blanket from scraps. What pieces of fabric should she sew onto it?

Choose markers of the desired color and fill the empty cells with drawings from the sample.


Target. Identification of features of visual perception, stability, concentration, attention span.

Friends went for a walk with their dogs, but the leashes got tangled. Determine whose dog is whose. Tell me the name of each boy's dog.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of drawings, retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Observing the child’s activity (its pace, as well as dexterity and coordination of hand movements).

They lay out cards in front of the child, draw his attention to the alternation of drawings, and offer to continue the series.

Find a pattern in the arrangement of figures and objects and continue the series.


Target. Identification of the maturity of three-dimensional thinking, observation skills, and features of speech development.

The castle doors are locked with three locks. Help Puss in Boots find the keys for them. Remember the fairy tale. Tell us how the story ended for the Cat and his owner.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of figures, determining the ability to retain instructions, and the characteristics of self-control. (The task is completed at a certain pace, the presence of errors is noted.)

Find a pattern in the arrangement of the figures and continue the series.


Target. Determining the level of development of imaginative thinking, understanding the absurdity of the situation.

Look carefully at the picture. She is funny? Does this happen or not? Did the artist draw everything correctly?


Target. Formation of techniques of correlative and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial arrangement), the ability to work in accordance with a model.

Draw a fox on the right, as shown in the example, and color the heroes of the fairy tale. What fairy tale are these characters from? Remember and tell the fragment of the fairy tale that is shown in the picture.


Target. Formation of the technique of combining two or more signs, development of visual-motor skills.

Find a butterfly that matches the color, shape and design in the empty square at the bottom of the page and draw it.


Target. Formation of techniques for analyzing observation and spatial analysis, development of the subtlety of analysis.

The student, while putting together a geometric pattern from individual squares according to the pattern, made mistakes. Review the student's work. Which squares are laid out incorrectly?

Choose from the proposed squares those that will allow you to correct the student’s mistakes.

Help: 1st type of help - divide the sample and the student’s work into four squares. To do this, connect the dots from top to bottom and from left to right.

2nd type of help - cut out the required squares and put them on the drawing in the place where the mistake was made.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating the characteristics of an object and determining changing characteristics, developing the ability to arrange objects (objects) in a row according to any characteristic.

Look at the pictures. Name what changes from one drawing to another. Without violating this condition, complete the row.

* Those signs that do not alternate, but change, children changearbitrarily, at your own discretion.


Target. Formation of the technique of correlative analysis, the ability to be guided in work by a model.

Find errors in the student's work. Trace them with a red pencil.

Look at the pictures. Complete the missing parts in each drawing so that they become the same. What did you get?*


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, the ability to work according to multi-link instructions.

Color the flowers in the vase with different pencils so that in the middle of the bouquet there is a yellow flower, and the red one is between yellow and blue.

Draw the same figures below so that the square is between the rhombus and the triangle, and the circle is to the right of the rhombus.


Target. Formation of techniques for identifying and combining features.

Look at the rows of figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name and write above the arrow the sign or signs that change.

Signs should be designated as follows: COLOR - C; SHAPE - F; SIZE - R; THICKNESS - T.


Target. Formation of the technique of perceiving an object as a whole, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, and understand the emotional states of people.

Determine the emotional state of the people in each picture. Choose the appropriate word and complete the sentence.

Change each sentence as follows:

“Because Misha...., he...”.

Words for reference: 1) happy, upset, angry, angry;

    happy, upset, angry, angry;

    joyful, angry, angry, upset.


Target. Formation of synthesis techniquesobject (filling in missing linkswhole), perception of the object as a whole.

Look carefully at the picture. Guess what is covered in the picture with a sheet of paper. Explain your answer.

Make up a story based on the picture.


Target. Formation of a generalization technique based on identifying the features of a presented object (concrete or abstract), distinguishing between essential and non-essential features, and combining concepts according to an essential feature.

From six pictures, choose two that can be combined into a group and give it one common name. Explain your answer.

From six words, choose two that can be combined into one group based on an essential feature.

    frost snow ice autumn rain skates

    root word subject ending adjective rule

    stop bus wheel tram ticket driver

    sweet cunning bright red beautiful kind


Target. Formation of the technique of synthesis, perception of an object as a whole.

Look at the pictures. They depict the beginning and end of the story that happened to the boys. Think about what happened to the boys on the river. Draw the two missing pictures.

Read the beginning and end of the story. Complete its content very briefly so that it turns out to be a story. Write the story in your notebook.

Sasha and Kolya agreed to go to the cinema this weekend.

Therefore, Kolya stayed with Sasha and helped his friend.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating and combining features, development of the ability to arrange objects in a row according to any characteristic.

Consider the rows of volumetric figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name which feature changes from figure to figure, and what remains unchanged in each of the rows.

To depict the thickness of the figure, the child can be asked to useits schematic designation;* JKs * - fat figure; A> - slim figure,

For example:


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, formation of the ability to establish cause-and-effect dependencies.

Read the problem. Underline only those with a red pencil
data in the condition that will be required to answer the question
task question. Cross out the extra data with a blue pencil
from the condition.

Andrey, Igor, Seryozha and Vova participate in a running competition; Andrey runs after Igor. Igor runs slower than Vova. Seryozha runs quickly. Which boy is running ahead of everyone?

Using the drawing, solve the problem. Draw segments on the file,
showing how each of the boys ran. Remove from
file, a sheet of paper that covered the correct
answers and check your work.

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Target. Formation of the technique of considering an object from different points of view, the ability to highlight the hidden meaning of an expression, and understand the figurative meaning of proverbs.

    Read the proverbs. In every three proverbs, two are connected by a common meaning, and the third does not fit them. Find the extra proverb.

    Look at the pictures. Connect with arrows the picture and the proverbs that suit its meaning.

    The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.

    The eyes are eagle, and the wings are mosquito.

    And the sparrow does not live without people.

    A bee stings with a sting, but a man stings with a word

    One bee doesn't make much honey.

    You can't cover the whole field with one horse.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

    A wolf is a stump for a cowardly bunny.

    Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.


Target. Formation of methods of analyzing observation and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial location), development of the subtlety of analysis.

Which parts in the picture on the right are located differently than in the picture on the left?

What squares should be used to replace the details in the pattern on the right so that the patterns become the same?

Help: divide the patterns into squares measuring 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm. Compare each element of the patterns separately and find the mismatched parts.


Target. Forming the ability to correctly use (use) prepositions denoting spatial relationships.

Show the kitten inside the closet, the dog behind the box and in front of the box, the lampshade above the table, the kitten under the chair, behind the closet, in the closet, on the chair, in the desk drawer.


    Where did the kitten hide? (In the closet, behind the closet, under the chair.)

    Where is the kitten sitting? (On a chair, in a drawer.)

    Where is the dog? (Behind the box, in front of the box.)

Make up phrases answering the question “Where is...?” For example: Kitty V closet.


Target. Formation of skills for isolating prepositions as independent separate words using a scheme.

I will read the prepositions, and you show me where the preposition man is (in box, under box, on box, behind box, comes out of the box).

Remember the preposition words “on”, “for”, “under”, etc. Make up a sentence with any preposition.

Target. Development of reading interest in six- to seven-year-old children in the process of global word reading, formation of interest in letters, development of memory, attention, preparation for analytical-synthetic reading. Consolidating the use of prepositions.

Help the bunnies hide from the fox. Draw a line from each bunny to the place where he wants to hide, according to the note he left.

PreliminaryJob. An adult reads the words on separate cards, having previously made photocopies of them from this picture. After reading the card out loud, the adult places it on the drawing, inviting the child to remember what is written on it. This is how each card is processed.

33 Target. Prevention of biography and dyslexia. youdrilling the correct image of the printed letter sredi pairs or rows of letters printed in mirror images.Activation of the lexicon.

Show the correctly typed letters by covering the mirror images with your finger in each pair or row. Come up with 2-3 words with each of these letters at the beginning of the word.


Target. Teaching children global reading of syllables and words. Development of memory, attention, interest in letters and syllables. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Development of logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, spatial perception. Working with isographs. Reading words written in different fonts. Recognition of objects represented by letters. Look at the pictures in order. Read the highlighted words. Match each picture with a corresponding sentence.


Target. Learning to compose a story based on a series of sequential pictures.

Look at the pictures. You can make a story out of them. The pictures are mixed up. Think and determine the sequence of events. Place the required numbers in the small squares. Read the sentence cards and think about which pictures they relate to. For which picture is the card missing? Make a sentence based on this picture.

Target. Exercises in highlighting and clearly pronouncing the first sound of words of different syllable structures. Expanding the stock of species concepts on the topic “Birds and Insects”, differentiating these generic concepts. Exercises in eliminating the 4th extra object, independent grouping of images according to the categorical principle (birds - insects).

Look at the pictures in the top row. Three of them are possible

combine into one group and call it a generalizing (general) word, and

the fourth is superfluous. Give a general word. Which subject

extra? Why?

Name each picture. Try to pronounce the word so that

the first sound in it was clearly audible. How are these words similar? Write

in a small square the letter C.

Look at the pictures in the second row. Divide all the pictures into two

groups: insects and birds.


Target. Learning to construct statements. Consolidating knowledge of the names of job duties corresponding to various construction specialties.

Read each card and match it with the corresponding picture. Tell us about the work of the plasterer, tiler, fitter, glazier, painter, whom you see in the pictures. How can we call all these professions in a general word?

Make sentences by combining cards with the names of construction specialties and cards with descriptions of labor actions. Who should do what work?


Target. Learning to construct statements about the purpose of individual objects (from 2-3 sentences). Formation of the general concept of “medical supplies”, introduction of the exact names of objects into the active dictionary.

Look at the pictures. Tell us what medical supplies the doctor needs and what supplies the nurse needs.


The doctor listened to the patient's heart and lungs. I measured the pressure with a tonometer. Then he measured the patient’s body temperature. (What happened next?)

The nurse took cotton wool, a pipette and eye drops. (What happened next?)

The doctor looked at the patient’s throat, found out what his temperature was, and ordered the nurse to urgently bring a syringe. (What happened next?)

Target. Study of impressive speech (understanding the meanings of words denoting objects and actions). Exercises in recognizing the position of sounds in a word.

Find pictures for the following words (objects and actions).

Ice drift, den, leaf fall, autumn, starlings, winter, wind, winter crops, field, haystacks, seedlings, ice floes, mushrooms, birdhouse, spring, rowan bunches, new settlers.

Blowing, rising, arriving, sleeping, floating, plucking, hanging, melting, turning green,

chirping, circling, hibernating, crumbling.

Name words with the sound [l] ([l"]). Determine its place in the word.

Description of work: The summary of the correctional and developmental lesson “Synchrony of work of both hands” is intended for the work of a teacher-psychologist with children (grades 1-2) with disabilities under the program “Development of psychomotor and sensory processes.” The material will be of interest to defectologists, educational psychologists in correctional educational institutions of the VIII type.
Target: Development and correction of gross motor skills in students.
1. Teach the coordination of actions and movements of different parts of the body.
2. Develop self-regulation in students.
3. Develop visual attention associated with the coordination of the auditory and motor analyzers.
Materials and equipment:
Sensory foot path, tactile floor paths, mats; tape recorder, magnetic board “Mood Flower”, ball, stringing kits.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Bringing children to the teacher-psychologist’s office, seating the children in their places. Mutual greeting.

2. Ex. "Flower of Mood"
Diagnosis of the emotional state of children at the beginning of the lesson.
Instructions: Guys, choose a petal of the color that matches your mood and attach it with a magnet.
Analysis of the mood of a group of children.

Photo “Flower of Mood”.

3. Game "Beads".
Game procedure. First, buttons of the same color are threaded onto a wire with the right hand, while the left hand holds the thread. Then string buttons of a different color onto the wire with your left hand. The winner is the one who collects the longest beads with both his right and left hands.

4. Ex. "Walking"
Children walk in a circle, one after another, according to the instructions of the teacher-psychologist:
▬ on toes;
▬ on the heels;
▬ with eyes closed.

5. Ex. “Walking the Sensory Foot Trail.”

Photo "Walking the sensory trail."
Procedure for performing the exercise. Each child, one at a time, goes through a route along tactile floor paths and a sensory path according to the instructions of a teacher-psychologist.
6. Relaxation “Magic sleep”.
Children take a comfortable position lying on the mats. Quiet music is playing. The teacher-psychologist gives the instruction: “Now, when I read poetry, you will close your eyes. You won’t really fall asleep, you’ll hear everything, but you won’t move or open your eyes.
Eyelashes droop...
Eyes are closing...
We rest peacefully (2 times)
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Our hands are resting...
Our legs are resting
Relax, fall asleep (2 times)
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...
Lips part slightly
Everything is wonderfully relaxing (2 times)
Breathe easily...Evenly...Deeply...
Long pause.
We rested peacefully
We fell asleep in a magical sleep.
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
We clench our fists tighter,
We raise them higher.
Pull yourself up! Smile!
Everyone open their eyes and stand up.”

6. Ball game.
Game procedure. Each child is given a ball.
- throw the ball from one hand to another.
- throwing the ball to different heights and catching the ball with both hands
- throwing the ball to different heights and catching the ball with one hand.

7. Ex. “Repeat the movement.”
Procedure. The teacher-psychologist shows a picture depicting movement and the children must depict this movement.
Photo “Repeat the movement.”

This development of an extracurricular activity “Travel with the Snowman” was carried out within the framework of the thematic week “Winter-Winter” and is intended for primary school students of the first type correctional school.

Goal and tasks:

  • consolidate students' knowledge about winter;
  • to clarify and consolidate students’ knowledge and ideas about nature and weather in winter, about the life of animals in the winter season, their tracks in the snow, about wintering birds, about winter fun for children;
  • to form an active cognitive interest in the world around us;
  • develop horizons, curiosity, attention;
  • activate and expand students' vocabulary.

The archive contains a detailed script, presentation and two video clips. Target audience: 1st grade students. During the lesson, children analyze well-known fairy tales and try to understand what lesson they teach. The presentation contains a slide on which a surprise video fragment is installed (Baba Yaga suddenly appears and gives the children tasks). The script has detailed navigation through the slides.

Target audience: for 1st grade

Introduce students to poetry dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
Foster patriotic feelings.
Develop students' creative abilities.
Show the significance of the poetic word.

Target audience: for 6th grade

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the concept of “passbook”.
Objectives: To develop children’s independence in overcoming life’s problems, a culture of communication, speech development, and the ability to handle money.

Target audience: for 7th grade

This material was prepared for presentation at the teachers' meeting. I think it will be useful to teachers who work with deaf students. Since the formation of educational motivation at primary school age among deaf students, without exaggeration, can be called one of the central problems of a modern school, a matter of public importance. Motivation is directly related to both the educational process and personal development in general. The appendix contains "Diagnostics of the level of school motivation in primary school students (author N.G. Luskanova)"

Target audience: for teachers

The presentation is intended for holding a club hour in an extended day group at a special correctional school. The lesson is organized in such a way that all students are involved in the work process; they will have the opportunity to tell themselves what they know about fairy tales.

Target audience: for 3rd grade

This event is aimed at developing vocabulary among students in the “Special Child” class and expanding knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The tasks offered to children can evoke positive emotions from joint activities and contribute to the cohesion of the children's team.

Target audience: for the class teacher

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