Quotes from the book “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. "scarlet sails" - quotes from the book Longren's quotes from scarlet sails

Quotes from Assol, Longren, Gray from the text of Alexander Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”

Happiness sat fluffy inside her.

I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love...

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

We love, but we don't believe in them.

There are many words in the world in different languages ​​and different dialects, but with all of them, even remotely, you cannot convey what they said to each other that day.

I know everyone has dreams... There is no other way.

“Eh, Assol,” Longren said, “do they know how to love? You have to be able to, but they can’t do that.” - “What is it like to be able to?” - "And like this!" He took the girl in his arms and deeply kissed her sad eyes, which were squinting with tender pleasure.

Loneliness together sometimes weighed heavily on her, but that fold of inner timidity had already formed in her, that suffering wrinkle with which it was impossible to bring or receive revival. They laughed at her, saying: “She’s touched,” “out of her mind”; she got used to this pain; the girl even had to endure insults, after which her chest ached as if from a blow.

I don’t want to know who you are, who your parents are and how you live. Why break the spell?

And about the scarlet sails, think like me: you will have scarlet sails.

After all, you will have to see a lot in the future not of scarlet, but of dirty and predatory sails; From afar they are smart and white, but up close they are torn and brazen.

In this respect, Assol was still that little girl who prayed in her own way, babbling in a friendly manner in the morning: “Hello, God!”, and in the evening: “Farewell, God!”
In her opinion, such a short acquaintance with God was completely enough for him to remove misfortune. She was also in his position: God was always busy with the affairs of millions of people, so the everyday shadows of life should, in her opinion, be treated with the delicate patience of a guest who, finding a house full of people, waits for the busy owner, huddling and eating according to the circumstances.

Let the clowns of art act - I know that fairies always rest in the violin and cello.

Full of anxious attention to the melancholy of the day, he lived it irritably and sadly: it was as if someone had called him, but he had forgotten who and where.

I come to the one who is waiting and can only wait for me, but I don’t want anyone else but her, maybe precisely because thanks to her I understood one simple truth. It is about doing so-called miracles with your own hands. When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one. When the head of the prison himself releases the prisoner, when the billionaire gives the scribe a villa, an operetta singer and a safe, and the jockey at least once holds his horse for another horse who is unlucky, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.

There are two girls in it, two Assols, mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who made toys, the other was a living poem, with all the wonders of its consonances and images, with the mystery of the proximity of words, in all the reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another.

A huge sea gradually settled inside the little boy.

She became for him that necessary word in the conversation between the soul and life, without which it is difficult to understand oneself.

During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.

Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and never begin to live. All this is so, but it’s a pity, really, a pity.

The face of the day takes on a certain expression, but Gray peered into this face in vain today. In his vague features shone one of those feelings, of which there are many, but to which no name is given. Whatever you call them, they will remain forever beyond words and even concepts, similar to the suggestion of aroma.

- Tom, how did you get married?
“I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out of the window from me.”

Any happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

Mysterious shades of light create dazzling harmony among squalor

Silence, only silence and solitude - that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of his inner world to sound clear.

She, muttering something to herself, smoothed out his tangled gray hair, kissed his mustache and, plugging his father’s furry ears with her small thin fingers, said: Well, now you don’t hear that I love you.

I don’t know how many years will pass, but one day the day will come when one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time. One morning, in the distance of the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you. This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without shouts or shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping: and you will stand there. The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him.

He will put you on a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.

Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you to my kingdom forever. You will live there with me in the deep pink valley. You will have everything you want; We will live with you so friendly and cheerfully that your soul will never know tears and sadness.

Miracles are made with your own hands

On August 23, 1880, the famous Russian writer Alexander Stepanovich Green was born. Many of us are familiar with him from such works as “Scarlet Sails”, “Running on the Waves”, “The Green Lamp” and many, many others. Today marks the 134th anniversary of his birth.

Soviet writer Vera Ketlinskaya said about Alexander Green that he is “a sunny writer and, despite a difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of dreams." I can't help but agree with her words.

In this post I have collected the best quotes from his works:

"Scarlet Sails"

1. All people dream because they are people...

2. You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you.

3. Who are we not to forgive each other’s offenses, even if God forgives us our sins...

4. Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and will never begin to live.

5. The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

6. But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.

"Running on the waves"

1. Be kind to each other. From evil comes evil.

2. There are things whose strength lies in their content. A whisper in the ear can sometimes shock you like thunder, and thunder can cause an outburst of laughter.

3. I love books, I love holding them in my hands, skimming through titles that sound like a voice behind a mysterious entrance or naively reveal the content of the text.

4. I always want to be just myself. What could be more modest?

"The Road to Nowhere"

1. The more you do for a person, the closer he becomes to you.

2. An insult to love is an insult to me.

3. Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. It is within us and awaits only an external reason for expression of action.

4. Never be afraid to make mistakes - you don’t have to be afraid of hobbies or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, sometimes it may be disproportionate, but be generous. Just be careful not to generalize your disappointment and don’t color everything else with it. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life and correctly appreciate its good sides.

5. If you show a beautiful thing to people who do not understand beauty, it will certainly be haunted by flies of thoughts and crows of schadenfreude.

"Gold chain"

1. A person often does not notice how by his actions he makes an unfavorable impression for himself, while at the same time not wanting to do anything bad.

2. If love is great, everything must be silent, all other considerations. Let others judge our actions as they wish, if there is this eternal justification. Neither the difference in position nor the condition should stand in the way and interfere. You have to believe the one you love - there is no higher proof of love.

"Shining World"

1. Where the weak hate, the strong destroy.

"Green Lamp"

1. If the desire is strong, the fulfillment will not slow down.

"Jesse and Morgiana"

1. Hatred is the highest degree of inhumanity, transformed into passion.

It is difficult today to meet a person who has not read A. Green’s book “Scarlet Sails”. Many girls memorize quotes from this work. But what’s interesting is that often, when reading a book, we write out phrases we like from it in order to show off our knowledge in the future. But rarely does anyone manage to implement this plan. At the right time and in the right place, phrases always fly out of your head. Today we will refresh your memory and partially quote “Scarlet Sails”.

“Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and will never begin to live.”

This phrase is very relevant today. Today, children study too much, and as we understand, this trend dates back to the last century, when the book “Scarlet Sails” was written. The quote tells us that due to eternal busyness, a child first loses his childhood, and then may lose his life. Not in the literal sense, of course. It’s just that if the eternal race for knowledge becomes a habit from childhood, over time it develops into the pursuit of money. And in this eternal rush, few can stop to see how beautiful our life is. The main character of the work “Scarlet Sails” Assol quotes the words of the elder and sincerely believes that the prince will come for her.

She doesn’t care about the opinions of her neighbors; the girl knows how to truly live. And at the end of the book her hopes are justified. All people need to remember this instructive story and at least sometimes take a break from study and work and start living for real.

"Miracles are made with your own hands"

If you think about the meaning of the phrase, it becomes clear that you should not put off your life until tomorrow. A. Green wanted to say that a person creates fate not only with his thoughts, but also with his own hands, this idea can be clearly seen throughout the entire story “Scarlet Sails”. The quote may seem strange to some. After all, the main character of the book, in fact, does nothing, she sits and waits, and even dreams. But in fact, there is a deeper meaning in the quote. The author meant that we should look for happiness in life first of all in ourselves. And it is when we learn to be satisfied with ourselves that we will help others. And it is at this moment that it will become clear that working miracles can sometimes be very simple.

“Silence, only silence and solitude—that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of his inner world to sound clear.”

Considering this quote from the book, it becomes clear that for 100 years people have not known the best way to solve their problems, how to be alone with themselves. After all, it is peace that gives that incredible feeling when thoughts become clearer. This is exactly what the author of the book “Scarlet Sails” thinks. The quote is more relevant today than ever. After all, people used to feel lonely when they were among people. And today a person, even when alone with himself, feels the need to go on social networks. Therefore, many find it easier to ask friends for advice than to sit alone and make a decision on their own.

"We love fairy tales, but we don't believe in them"

Sometimes it seems that the author of the book “Scarlet Sails” A. Green, whose quotes we are analyzing today, was an incredibly insightful person. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why many of the writer’s thoughts not only have not lost relevance, but are becoming more and more popular every year. Reading the quote above, it seems that everyone has become a realist. But this is very bad. Only a person who knows how to fantasize can reach heights in this life. But many cannot believe in fairy tales and believe that their life will never be bright and colorful. Now let’s imagine for a moment that the main character of the work “Scarlet Sails” Assol, whose quote we quote here, would not believe the old man and would not wait for Scarlet Sails. Then you and I wouldn’t be reading this sweet story. That is why it is sometimes worth believing in a fairy tale and letting it into your life.

"The sea and love do not like pedants"

And finally, let’s look at one more quote from the book “Scarlet Sails”. To understand the meaning of this statement, you need to know what a pedant is. Referring to the dictionary, you can find out that this is a person who is obsessed with little things. He wants everything to go exactly according to plan and be completed on time. But, as A. Green correctly put it, a pedant has nothing to do at sea. This element is too capricious, and it is simply impossible to plan a sea voyage from start to finish. To go to sea, you need to be able to quickly change plans and adapt to the elements.

It's the same in love. You can't plan anything in advance. Love is too unpredictable. You need to appreciate every moment, because tomorrow is a new day, and you don’t know what it will bring.

When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one.

Children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.

During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.

... it’s hard for us to escape into a fairy tale like that; it would be no less difficult for her to get out of its power and charm.

-... how did you get married?
- I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out the window.

No profession other than this could so successfully fuse into one whole all the treasures of life, preserving intact the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness. Danger, risk, the power of nature, the light of a distant country, the wonderful unknown, flickering love, blooming with rendezvous and separation; a fascinating flurry of meetings, people, events; the immeasurable variety of life, while how high in the sky the Southern Cross, the Ursa Bear, and all the continents are in the watchful eyes, although your cabin is full of the never-leaving homeland with its books, paintings, letters and dried flowers, entwined with a silky curl in a suede amulet on a hard breasts

Silence, only silence and solitude - that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of his inner world to sound clear.

After all, you will have to see a lot in the future not of scarlet, but of dirty and predatory sails; From afar they are smart and white, but up close they are torn and brazen.

Let's say that "heaven" means happiness. But since the question is posed this way, all happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

Little by little he lost everything except the main thing - his strange flying soul.

She became for him that necessary word in the conversation between the soul and life, without which it is difficult to understand oneself.

...mysterious shades of light create dazzling harmony among the squalor.

Happiness sat inside her like a fluffy kitten.

I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love...

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants.

We love fairy tales, but we don't believe in them.

... A huge sea gradually settled inside the little boy.

She, muttering something to herself, smoothed out his tangled gray hair, kissed his mustache and, plugging his father’s furry ears with her small thin fingers, said: Well, now you don’t hear that I love you.

Happiness sat inside her like a fluffy kitten.

I was in the same country. Love reigns there. At least they don’t build temples for her. Children are not forced to sing praises. They just love it there. Slowly and modestly. Naive and a little funny. It’s ordinary - after all, they don’t imagine how you can live without knowing love...

Tell me why they don't like us?
- Eh, Assol, do they really know how to love? You have to be able to love, but they can’t do that.
- How does it mean to be able to?

No profession other than this could so successfully fuse into one whole all the treasures of life, preserving intact the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness.

Now children do not play, but study. They study and study and never begin to live. All this is so, but it’s a pity, really, a pity.

When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one.

I don’t know how many years will pass, but in Kaperna one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time.

What are you doing?
- I made a black toy, Assol, sleep!

Any happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky one sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?

And about the scarlet sails, think like me: you will have scarlet sails.

She, muttering something to herself, smoothed out his tangled gray hair, kissed his mustache and, plugging his father’s furry ears with her small thin fingers, said: Well, now you don’t hear that I love you.

You have to be able to love, but they can’t do that.

During the day, a person listens to so many thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would fill more than one thick book.

But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.

We love fairy tales, but we don't believe in them.

Never before had a large ship approached this shore; the ship had those same sails whose name sounded like a mockery; now they glowed clearly and irrefutably with the innocence of a fact that refutes all the laws of existence and common sense.

Come on, Assol, listen to me carefully. I was in that village - where you must be coming from, in a word, in Kaperna. I love fairy tales and songs, and I sat in that village all day, trying to hear something no one had heard. But you don't tell fairy tales. You don't sing songs. And if they tell and sing, then, you know, these stories about cunning men and soldiers, with the eternal praise of cheating, these dirty, like unwashed feet, rough, like a rumbling stomach, short quatrains with a terrible tune...

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