Young drug addicts serving in the army. Drug addiction in the army The army turned into a drug addict

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Drugs in the army - myth or reality?

Drug use among military personnel is not a random phenomenon. Social problems of civil society also affect the army ranks. Persons who use drugs are subject to conscription in the same way as healthy, physically strong young people. A special commission cannot always identify a drug addict among conscripts. If a young man is not registered with a narcologist, and he is not in the psychiatric database, if he is physically healthy, then the military registration and enlistment office has no reason to create obstacles to military service.

Drug addicts are repeatedly identified in the military environment. In most cases, young people use so-called “soft” drugs: smoke weed, take LSD and other hallucinogens. This happens until the addicted drug addict comes to the attention of colleagues or management. Why drugs are found so often in military possession, and what penalties may follow after a case of drug addiction is identified - more on this.

Reasons for the emergence of drug addicts among military personnel

The spread of drugs in the army occurs due to contacts between military personnel and the local population. Military personnel are often given leave; it is not at all difficult to obtain a dose of narcotic substances during this period. If a drug addict enters the army, he immediately finds points of sale, contacting dealers and couriers.

Unfortunately, cases of drug addiction among young people who have not previously been detected using drugs are not uncommon. The following factors can trigger the desire to take illicit drugs:

  • sudden changes in daily life;
  • change of social status;
  • restrictive measures and strict discipline in accordance with the army regulations;
  • hazing among military personnel: rudeness and humiliation of young personnel by senior commanders.

Often conscripts are introduced to drugs while still in military school. Once in the unit, young people continue to take drugs while serving in the army.

Drug addiction in the army - dangerous consequences

There is no place for drugs in the army; a mentally unstable person is capable of causing harm to himself and others. Even a single case of drug addiction can become a serious problem. A soldier in a state of drug intoxication poses a real danger to society, since he has access to weapons and ammunition.

In the army, cases of desertion or theft of weapons are repeatedly recorded, and even cases of suicide in the barracks previously occurred quite often. Military drug addicts rarely serve until the end of their service; when drug addiction is established in the barracks, the command takes appropriate measures.

As a result, soldiers who have used drugs end up either in prison or they are forcibly sent for treatment to a drug dispensary.

Preventive measures to identify drug addicts in the army

The fight against drugs in the army involves a number of preventive measures. Drug control commissions annually carry out drug testing of military personnel. Law enforcement and security officials are doing additional work to highlight the level of legal liability. Narcologists give lectures to military personnel about the dangers of drugs.

Medical units are equipped with special equipment designed to test military personnel for the presence of narcotic substances in their bodies. Higher command staff are instructed to identify cases of use of drugs with narcotic effects among military personnel in order to prevent the growth of drug addiction in the army. If a soldier is suspected of drug use, he is immediately sent for a medical examination.

What does a soldier face for drug use?

Measures to combat drug addiction in the army are quite strict. The army is divided into several categories of military personnel, which is why the level of legal responsibility varies.

Serve in the army:

  • conscripts;
  • personnel composition;
  • people under contract;
  • civilians (staff and civil servants).

Administrative liability is provided for civilians for the use of narcotic substances. Citizens liable for military service may be subject to disciplinary punishment. As punishment, a military man may be demoted in rank, stripped of his insignia, or subjected to disciplinary arrest. In some cases, criminal liability is provided as a punishment. *Conviction of military personnel for drugs* occurs under Article 2.5 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

I remember when I was in high school, they told me a story about one guy who, wanting to avoid the army, told the psychiatrist that he was a motorcycle with a sidecar and could not squeeze through the office doors. The second added drops of blood to his urine tests, the third asked his friends to break his arm. After being on duty at the military medical commission of the city of Asbest for two days, I realized that such stories are quite far from the truth. No one deliberately mows down or breaks their arms to look like “crazy people” - many are really sick.

I worked in the medical commission of the district military registration and enlistment office of the city of Asbest. My task is to carry the personal files of conscripts, accompanying the guys from office to office. So that they do not wander along the long and confusing corridors of the military registration and enlistment office.

Of the 43 conscripts who passed the medical examination that day, only one was fully fit for military service.

Height is two meters, weight... 48 kilograms. Therapist's office. The skinny guy steps on the scale, trying not to slouch out of habit: 57 kilograms with a height of 174 centimeters! I look at the conscription card... My father is in prison, my mother, apparently, has been dragging him and three other younger brothers alone for several years. Maybe that’s why he’s such a goner because he’s malnourished? The guy was given category “G” on his card - temporarily unfit.

It seems like life has become better, but many are still underweight and thin,” sighs nurse Nina Ivanova, releasing the conscript from the scale.

Yes, I have one conscript who has been stuck since the last conscription,” therapist Gennady Chirkov shakes his head. - Imagine: she weighs forty-eight kilograms in total with a height of two meters! We should write him off already, in an amicable way: well, he won’t gain the required weight anyway. But it doesn’t work out, not according to the law, it seems. They again gave him category “G” - temporarily unfit. And again they sent me off to eat.

The conscripts came one after another. Of the eleven conscripts who were checked by a therapist, none were completely healthy. Fit for service, but with restrictions - this was the verdict of the therapist. Almost all of them have heart and kidney problems, and two have asthma.

As it turned out, there is, but not much, about one fifth of all conscripts. I haven't seen them.

“I passed my exam early and am ready to serve!”

I went into the psychiatrist’s office, seeing off a lean, strong guy. I hear their conversation with the psychiatrist:

Hello! I went through the entire commission a week ago, but I just didn’t make it in time for you,” the conscript handed his personal file to the doctor.

Wow, so you're studying, Ivan? - The psychiatrist looked into the boy’s cardboard folder.

“Yes,” the recruit began to tell. - Now I’m passing the exam ahead of schedule in order to have time to join the army.

The psychiatrist shuddered. He looked carefully at the boy from under his glasses:

Is this really your final decision?

“Yeah,” the guy answered cheerfully.

Well, congratulations...

You see, I just can’t get a good job without a “military man,” realizing the doctor’s confusion, he began to explain. - Otherwise, I will serve and immediately continue my studies from the very place where I left off. I study at the Academy of Civil Service. I have an agreement with one company. I suit them completely, but they have a condition - I have to serve in the army. So I decided as soon as possible...

After standard questions (“Don’t you walk in your sleep? Don’t you talk?”), the doctor marked “healthy!” and released the conscript.

“It’s strange,” the psychiatrist said thoughtfully when the door closed behind Ivan. - Usually, if someone studies, he is afraid of being expelled like hell, because God forbid, they wander into the army, but this one... This is the first time I’ve seen something like this myself. Pass the session ahead of schedule and - serve! Marvelous. In addition, from January 1, they will be called up not for a year and a half, but only for one.

Why do drug addicts rush to join the ranks?

The next one to go to the psychiatrist for examination was a thin guy. On a personal note, I see that I graduated from technical school. At the doctor’s request, he rolls up his sleeves: this is what everyone is asked to do here, to check whether he is a drug addict. We look, and along the veins on his left forearm there is a trail of black dots. Everything is clear - a drug addict.

I quit a long time ago, I’m normal, take me into the army! - the guy suddenly whined.

So I’ll give you a “healthy” sign, and in Yegorshino at the recruiting station they’ll check you again and turn you back home,” the psychiatrist began to explain to him. - And you come to us again. I need it? - the doctor answered. - Okay, let’s write down “opium addiction” in pencil and put a question mark. If you pass the examination and are found to be of limited fitness, you will go to serve.

Why is he so eager to defend his homeland? - I asked the psychiatrist when the drug addict came out.

Everything is clear here! - the doctor waved his hand and explained: - After all, if we affirmatively write down “drug addict”, then he will definitely be stamped on his military ID. This means they won’t hire you for a normal job. He's unlikely to even get a license! So he tries to get a “military” with the required mark. Sometimes some people manage to hide their addiction from doctors. And I can’t imagine how they serve there. Previously, I remember, there was a fashion to look like fools. Once one of them poked his veins with a needle. He looked like he was injecting drugs, and said that he was sick, a drug addict. And then he cursed his “cunning” when the time came to get a job. Or another case. One guy comes to me and says: I’m talking in my sleep. Well, they put him in for examination - he didn’t trample on his army boots. What next? Where is he going with article “7 B”?*

* 7b - complete unfitness for military service.

Born in 1952 in the Irkutsk region. Graduated from medical school in Taishet. Served in the army. After graduating from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, he worked as a local doctor.
In 1983 he was drafted into the internal troops. He served as a general practitioner in the medical hospital in Angarsk. Then he became the head of the therapeutic department at a divisional hospital. Lieutenant colonel. After leaving the reserve in April 2007, he headed the medical commission of the Angarsk City Military Commissariat.
Married. My son has his own business. The daughter is an investigator at the Internal Affairs Directorate for AMO. There is no time for hobbies. Rarely, rarely breaks out to go fishing. I used to love watching detective stories. But lately it has been limited only to news. Or non-problematic films. For relaxation.

- The call ends. When is the last shipment? And will Angarsk recruits serve at home?
- Last shipment December 21st. At the moment there are 6 shipments left. In total, about three hundred people will be sent to the troops during the autumn 2008 conscription. There are no orders in part of the Angara garrison. But there is a category of conscripts who, by law, must serve no further than 200 kilometers from home. These are those who have had their disability deferment canceled or who have one child. True, this closeness is rather conditional. Ulan-Ude, Bratsk. They used to send me to Zalari, but now they don’t.
- You personally accompany the teams to the assembly point in Shelekhov. There, conscripts are examined by their own medical board. Do you have disagreements with her?
- They simply cannot but exist. For example, when our conscript was silent, but in Shelekhov he declared: I have a concussion. He must be sent for examination at his place of residence, because if a concussion actually occurs, the young man can have serious health consequences. There are already queues in hospitals for these examinations. Why were you silent before? You know, there's bravado here. In front of his friends, in front of his girlfriend, the guy is brave that he is not afraid of service. But then they brought him to Shelekhov. Friends are far away, but they begin to lead the formation and command. The bravado on the parade ground quickly fades, and conscripts are looking for loopholes - if not exemption from conscription altogether, then at least a deferment.
- Are there any cases of deliberate self-harm?
- I have been working as the chairman of the medical commission since April 2007, but I have not heard of such cases. Recently, an Angarsk conscript was brought from Shelekhov with an injury to his elbow joint. They began to investigate and determined that he simply slipped on the ice. We'll cure him and he'll go serve. But if there are such people who want it, we must remember that the articles in the Criminal Code for evading military service through self-mutilation have not been repealed. In general, I think that only those who are not on friendly terms will deliberately ruin their health in order to avoid joining the army. It is unknown how he will get out of this in 5-10 years.
- Speaking of those who are not on friendly terms with their heads. Are there many conscripts with mental disabilities and what diseases are experiencing an increase?
- As of November 11, 41 people were declared unfit for this reason. Mental disorders rank first among other diseases for which service is contraindicated. Schizophrenics, mentally retarded people, drug addicts... There is an increase in diseases of internal organs, hypertension, bronchial asthma. I will be able to give the exact numbers based on the results of the call.
- Are drug addicts, alcoholics, and gay people taken into the army?
- I haven’t seen any alcoholics. Four drug addicts were examined, but they were not hired. Even if they ask. They think that they will break out of their previous environment and break. But there are no former drug addicts, they have long-term remission, and 12 months of service is too short a period for reforging. What if he starts to break it and ends up with a weapon in his hands?! I encountered some unconventional ones this year. They have nothing to do in the army! They will only create problems. Anyone who declares himself to be such an “informal” is sent for an inpatient examination to a psychiatric hospital. There, most likely, a diagnosis will be made: personality disorder. That is, he is mentally unfit.
- Are there many people who want to enroll in military schools?
- There are enough people willing, but there is a large dropout. Medical selection has become stricter. Let's say a person can serve in the army with some restrictions, but he will not become an officer.
- Didn’t the parents of the conscripts offer you a bribe?
- It is very difficult for me to offer a bribe. He grew up with the wrong values ​​and was brought up in the wrong way. Ever since I served in the hospital, I have always said: neither the intervention of parents nor their money will lead to anything. If a person is not fit, he will not serve. And now there are several complaints and appeals to the court about our work. But I never hide the mechanism by which our decision should be challenged.
We are medical experts. When we make a determination that a person is unfit or of limited fitness, we send that person to their community hospital for evaluation. He comes to us with an examination report, and based on the diagnosis in the report, we make a decision, without underestimating or overestimating anything.
If there are validity restrictions, the decision is sent to the region for approval. If the decision is approved in the region, it is no longer within our competence to cancel it. This can only be done by the doctor who approved it at the regional commission. But even here, those who disagree have three ways to achieve the truth. Go to court, to the regional military commissariat and make an independent examination based on the Irkutsk diagnostic center and the Irkutsk regional hospital. And there is no need to try to act through private medical companies and spend money on it. Everything is much simpler. Just yesterday we took a conscript to Irkutsk for a control medical examination. We thought he was fit with limitations. The regional expert reviewed the package of documents and declared him unfit for service.

photo by Nikolai Sternin

Prepared material for publication

The question of the components of the list of diseases for which they are not taken concerns mainly young men for whom conscription age is not far off, as well as their parents. Sometimes getting acquainted with this list is the only way to “slope”, while, knowing the current state of the internal troops, such a decision is not easy to call.

A medical examination is a mandatory procedure before conscription. It is on this occasion that doctors decide whether a young man should serve or not.

However, it would be reasonable for the conscripts themselves to keep in mind whether conscription will be mandatory or whether they have every right, in accordance with their state of health, not to end up in the ranks of valiant warriors.

To know in case of what diseases a guy will not be accepted into the army, it is enough to refer to the legislation of the Russian Federation, and more precisely, to government Decree No. 123, since it sets out the issues that interest conscripts.

The concept of "suitability"

For reference, it should be noted that the concept of “suitability” is defined in accordance with five categories:
1 – the conscript is healthy, he can be drafted into any army;
2 – the conscript has some restrictions that exclude service in the airborne troops, border troops and special forces;
3 – fitness restrictions – in peacetime, in accordance with them, the conscript is released;
4 – the conscript is given time (usually up to a year) for additional examination or treatment;
5 – the conscript may be released from service.

So, the most common deviations and diseases, due to which a guy may not be accepted into the army: scoliosis, underweight, drug addiction, visual impairment, flat feet, alcoholism, tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, enuresis, bronchial asthma, discrepancy between weight and height.

Medical examination

As a rule, conscripts know in advance what diseases they will not be accepted into the army if they discover any diseases; for this reason, they thriftyly bring the entire pile of accumulated extracts and certificates for the first examination.

Sometimes there is “heavy artillery” - a large-scale one in which all diagnoses are indicated.

The head of the medical commission, based on the examination data and these certificates, makes a conclusion about suitability for service. If the certificates contain ailments that are not included in the list of diseases for which they are not accepted into the army, the guy will still have to serve.

In fact, the conclusions of the medical commission can be appealed in court; for this reason, the conscript, in case of any disagreement, can ask the military registration and enlistment office for a document about the decision of the medical commission. Next, a control commission will be appointed to impartially review cases.

Military service is the civic duty of every man over 18 years of age. However, not all conscripts can join the ranks of the Russian troops. There are several reasons why people simply don’t join the army.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a deferment from military service is received by a citizen who is studying full-time at a university, college or vocational school. Full-time graduate students also receive a deferment under the same conditions as undergraduates. Civil servants can also count on temporary exemption from the army. This category includes employees of internal affairs bodies, firefighters, employees of the penal system and customs officers. It should be remembered that such a deferment is provided only upon graduation from a specialized educational institution, as well as in the presence of special titles.

A very serious legal basis for obtaining a deferment from military service is family circumstances. In this case, the potential defender of the Motherland must be simply an irreplaceable person for the family. A young person is exempt from military service if he provides constant care or supervision to an infirm relative (mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather or wife), provided that the helpless citizens are not fully supported by the state. A deferment is also granted to a conscript if he has one child and a wife who is 26 weeks or more pregnant. Persons who managed to have two children before being drafted into the army are completely exempt from military service.

Those citizens against whom an inquiry, judicial investigation or preliminary investigation is currently underway are not subject to conscription into the army. Also, a person cannot serve in the army if he has an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record. And, of course, citizens serving sentences in prison, as well as those sentenced to any type of correctional labor, are subject to exemption from military service.

Citizens recognized as unfit or partially fit due to poor health are considered exempt from conscription service. There are many diseases, the presence of which is a reason for declaring a young man unfit for military service. These include significant weight loss; flat feet, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system; experienced serious trauma. Sufficient grounds for refusal to serve in the armed forces are mental disorders characterized by uncontrolled behavior, unjustified aggression and unpredictability.

The most common deferments from military service are deferments due to illness. Simply put, if a young man has health problems that are included in the schedule of diseases of the Regulations of the Military Medical Examination, then he will be given a deferment.

In the Regulations of the Military Medical Examination there are two categories of suitability, according to which a person liable for military service can be exempted from:

Fitness category B – limited suitability for military service (that is, the conscript does not go in peacetime);
- fitness category D - not suitable for military service (in any case, the conscript does not serve).

Diseases that give the right to a deferment from service

Many of the diseases on the Regulations disease schedule are very rare. But if a conscript does not know whether his illness exempts him from military duties, he needs to familiarize himself with the full list from the list.

Well, the most common diseases that give a conscript the right to receive a deferment for health reasons are as follows:

Bad ;
- enuresis;
- hypertension;
- personality disorders and schizophrenia.

Poor eyesight

To be exempt from service due to poor eyesight, a conscript must have farsightedness of more than 8 diopters or nearsightedness of more than 6 diopters. If your vision is better than these indicators, it is impossible to get a deferment.


To obtain exemption from military service, first degree hypertension is sufficient. This means that with high blood pressure, at rest, the lower level is from 95 to 99 and the upper level is from 150 to 159 mmHg, they are no longer accepted into the army. If the blood pressure readings are even higher, this may indicate hypertension of a higher degree, which is also exempt from the army.


The word enuresis refers to an unpleasant disease - urinary incontinence. Simply put, if a conscript pees at night without controlling this process, then he has enuresis. In the circles of conscripts shirking from service, this diagnosis is in great demand, since there are no accurate ways to diagnose enuresis, and it can be feigned. This disease is psychological or neurological in nature.

Personality disorders or schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is characterized as a split personality. It is manifested by many mental disorders and the presence of several internal dialogues that are capable of having completely opposite opinions. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient will need to stay in a psychiatric ward. Schizophrenia falls under eligibility category D.

Only conscripts who are medically fit can fulfill their civic duty in the ranks of the armed forces. One of the evaluation criteria is the young man’s complete absence of contraindications to military service.

Only young people with good physical and mental health can claim the proud title of Defender of the Fatherland. It is no coincidence that each conscript undergoes a thorough medical examination, the purpose of which is to identify the absence of diseases that could prevent the young man from fulfilling his civic duty.

Healthy body

The main criterion for selecting future soldiers is the conscript’s excellent physical health. Thus, the following diseases and pathological conditions are contraindications for service:
- Infectious diseases. These include HIV and active tuberculosis - with such diseases, a conscript will not be able to join the ranks of conscript soldiers. It is possible that the young man will be diagnosed with some infectious or viral diseases (for example, syphilis or gonorrhea), but they respond well to treatment and therefore are only a temporary contraindication for service in.
- Congenital abnormalities (chromosomal abnormalities, for example, Down syndrome, cleft lip).
- Deviations in the development of the nervous system and brain (for example, epilepsy) also put an end to the ability to serve.
- Endocrine diseases. If a young man has diabetes or is obese, the military registration and enlistment office will recognize him as unfit for military service.
- heart and blood vessels. Heart defects, heart failure, hypertension, ischemia - a man with such diagnoses also cannot serve.
- Bronchopulmonary diseases. A conscript with bronchial asthma or other pathologies of the respiratory system is considered unfit for military service.
- Diseases of the digestive tract. A healthy stomach is the basis for a soldier’s well-being, so young people with gastritis or ulcers have every chance of remaining in civilian life.
- The consequences of injuries (especially if as a result of them the functioning of any organ is disrupted) is also a serious contraindication for military service.
- Neoplasms (both malignant and benign) are another reason not to be drafted into the military.
- Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - these include flat feet, scoliosis and other forms of spinal curvature.
- Decreased hearing or vision.

In a healthy body healthy mind!

Good physical health is not the only indicator of a conscript’s “fitness.” Mental health is no less important for the future defender of the Motherland. If a young person suffers from psychosis, schizophrenia or another personality disorder, then his chances of becoming a soldier are zero. By the way, conscripts often learn about such diagnoses only at a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, since these pathologies are not only congenital, but also acquired.

The list of contraindications for military service is quite extensive. They can only be identified by a thorough medical commission, which every conscript must undergo.

The army does not give any concessions to guys from eighteen to twenty-seven years old who are not full-time students at the university and have no criminal record - all able-bodied men are required to serve. However, there are objective indicators of health status, under which it will be quite difficult to become a valiant defender of the fatherland. If you have doubts about your suitability for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, contact Janis Consulting and our lawyers will help you.

Physical illnesses for which you are not conscripted into the army:

So, it is prohibited to enlist in the army young men whose height is less than 150 centimeters and whose weight is less than 45 kilograms. If a young man has any physical injury - a missing eye, a thumb on his right hand (or left for left-handed people), part of his teeth (eight or more) or severe flat feet, the conscript will be released from duty to his homeland. If you have eyesight of plus or minus six, you will no longer be accepted into the army, while color blindness is not considered an obstacle to military service.

The system also prohibited the admission into the ranks of Russian soldiers of guys with tattoos or body piercings.

As for health, today medicine describes about a hundred diseases, the presence of which makes conscripts unfit for everyday life in the army. These diseases include gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, fungus, periarthritis, cardiac abnormalities, as well as a number of endocrine neurological, mental and infectious diseases. Alcoholics, drug addicts, substance abusers, guys with sexually transmitted diseases, suspected AIDS and cancer, problems with the genitourinary system, obesity, schizophrenia or panic attacks accompanied by increased heart rate and attacks of sudden fear will not be accepted into the army. These diagnoses can prevent a conscript from adapting to a military unit, his successful service in the army, and also disrupt possible military operations.

Other conditions for recall from military service

In addition to health conditions, the army does not accept conscripts without secondary education, guys who are registered with the police for antisocial behavior and the only breadwinners of the family. Also, according to the law, conscripts raising a child under three years old or several minor children are exempt from military service.

If a guy has elderly parents or relatives who need constant care, it is enough to provide the district draft commission with documents confirming this.

Before joining the army, find out your degree of limitation, which today ranges from 1 to 5, varying depending on the type and severity of the disease. If the doctor of the medical commission puts a degree of restriction of 4 on your card, you will no longer be accepted into the army.

Also, a conscript is exempt from the army if his older brother is already in the service. In this case, the potential defender of the fatherland remains at home, even if he has reached conscription age and does not have the right to a deferment.

To escape the warm army atmosphere on your own, you can enroll in a higher education institution with a military department and receive the military rank of reserve officer while studying in the appropriate stream.

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