How best to learn English: in a group or individually. Individual work with a psychologist or work in a group? Features and differences Advantages of group training

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In a group or individually? What is more effective?

Advantage 1. Expanding your horizons

Group classes are a real source of information for those who want to gain new knowledge and expand their horizons. Thanks to visual material, interesting examples, questions, and discussion topics, you will learn to perceive faces in detail, and not as a general blur, as is customary in society. You will receive a lot of new information, information, and will be able to look at your body from a new point of view.

Advantage 2. Formation of a new “vision” of a person

Thanks to group training, you can learn to read faces like an open book, and first of all, your own. We will teach you to look at it without hackneyed cliches and stereotypes. This new vision will be formed by the correct practice of “seeing” a face, which the coach will teach you using the examples of your desk mates. Having mastered this universal “vision”, you will receive the key to the doors behind which your youth lies.

Benefit 3. Conscious execution of exercises

Thanks to questions, clarifications and real examples, you will be able to better grasp the subtleties of exercises that you simply would not pay attention to yourself due to the lack of minimal experience.

Classes are held in small groups (no more than 6 people) in a cozy classroom; the myologist trainer has the opportunity to pay individual attention to each student. While the coach is going through the technique with your “deskmate,” you have a great opportunity to observe the process from the side, test yourself again, “get better at it,” and practice the nuances of performing the exercise. But practice is the main component of our classes; motor memory here sometimes works better than visual or auditory memory.

Advantage 4. Communication with like-minded people

Very often, friendships and useful acquaintances are formed during classes, which then continue beyond the walls of the school. We never cease to be amazed at how interesting the groups are chosen - as if people are specially brought together who can help and develop each other in different areas of life - from health to creativity.

Many owners, getting ready to start training their dogs, ask themselves this question. Let's find out!

Group lessons are usually cheaper, and for many owners this is a deciding factor. Of course, in a group the dog learns to work in a team, not paying attention to his comrades. In addition, when training dogs collectively, a teaching method works in which dogs, imitating the actions of their teammates, learn to perform certain actions. In a group you have the opportunity to do exercises that cannot be done in individual or independent classes. During recess, classmates can run and play with each other, which is especially important for dogs that are not often walked with. The group is also communication for the owners, an opportunity to exchange experiences and impressions, which is also important.

However, despite all the advantages of studying in a group, in general, learning in the initial stages is slower than with individual lessons. It is difficult for a dog, especially a puppy, to concentrate on the demands of its owner when there are so many distractions around, especially when these factors are moving dogs. The group brings together dogs that are very different in character, temperament and ability to learn, and the owners are also all different, with different experiences in training, and they do not always learn quickly. Of course, an experienced instructor, even in such a diverse group, gives tasks to everyone according to their capabilities, but still, such training is more difficult for both dogs and owners and progresses more slowly. Also, when training in a group, the instructor does not have the opportunity to track the owner’s mistakes during everyday walks, but it is precisely on them that everyday obedience should be practiced, for which owners with dogs go to classes.

Here I would like to emphasize an important point: all dog training should be divided into two large blocks:

Block 1 - behavioral - this is how your relationship with your pet is built, how you walk with it (time, fullness of the walk), how you feed it (regime, conditions), how you generally spend time together. It is this part of education and training that allows a dog to develop the necessary everyday obedience with a minimum of commands - the dog’s ability to walk on a leash and/or without a leash, and at the same time be attentive and responsive to its owner, not pick up food from the ground, not jump on passers-by, do not run after runners and cyclists, respond to other dogs, do not pull on the leash, etc... . This is a very important part of training, without which there is practically no point in moving on to the second part.

Block 2 is the actual training - that is, the formation of specific skills tied to specific commands. This is usually what dogs are taught at training grounds. Of course, this is also a very important part of training, allowing the dog to develop mentally and physically. This is a great workout for the dog's nervous system. In addition, daily training with a dog allows the owner to develop as a trainer, gain invaluable experience in communicating with a dog, and not only...!

It often happens that a dog seems to know the skills that it learned with difficulty on the playground in a group, but as soon as you unhook the leash, all the knowledge disappears somewhere! This happens precisely because the first and most important behavioral part has not been formed. And it is very difficult, almost impossible, to regulate these moments in a group. The instructor, of course, will tell you what exercises you should do, but your specific reactions should depend on specific situations, and it is possible to work this out properly only with individual lessons. Often, when training itself has become the first and only form of training a dog, the owners resort to so-called “behavior correction,” although in fact, they simply started from the wrong place.

Individual lessons are more expensive. But in many, many ways they are more effective, especially in the early stages of shaping the dog’s daily behavior and teaching specific skills with minimal owner mistakes! An experienced instructor always knows at what stage it is time to put you and your pet in a group, or in some other way take the dog “out into the world.” It depends on the individual characteristics of the dog, and on your abilities as a trainer, and on what goals you ultimately pursue. In most cases, the group turns out to be useful only at the last stages of training, when all the skills are well formed and practiced, and then it would be good to polish them in a group.

The optimal regime for the average dog, without obvious behavior problems, is several individual lessons , and then you can do it in a group. During individual lessons, the owner learns, and the dog will develop basic skills, and with this baggage you can already move on to group classes 1-2 times a week, without leaving independent daily classes without a group!

Ultimately, the decision - how, where and how much to exercise - remains with the owner and his understanding of “good” dog behavior.

Good luck to all!!!

Natalya Korenkova.

Good day to all!

Organizers of student project activities sometimes face a dilemma: “Which type of project is more effective to use: individual or group?”

But in reality, which one is more effective?

Let's look at the advantages of each type of project.

Advantages of individual projects:

1) the project work plan can be built and tracked with maximum clarity;

2) the student fully develops a sense of responsibility, since the implementation of the project and its quality depend only on him;

3) the student gains experience at all stages of the project - from the birth of the idea to commercial reflection;

4) the student fully develops general educational skills (research, information, presentation, evaluation) and their formation turns out to be a completely manageable process.

Benefits of group projects:

1) participants in project activities develop cooperation skills, which is very important for life in modern society;

2) the project can be carried out in the most profound and versatile way;

3) each student, depending on his strengths, is most actively involved in a certain stage of work, at which he can fully reveal himself as an individual;

4) within the project group, subgroups can be formed that propose different ways to solve the problem, ideas, hypotheses, points of view; this competitive element increases the motivation of participants and has a positive effect on the quality of the project.

As you can see, each type of project has its positive and negative sides. Each teacher, depending on the characteristics of his class or his goals, can choose one or another project, or combine two types of projects during the school year.

There is no clear answer to the question posed above.


Natalia Sarazhinska comments...

Irina Valentinovna!
I follow your numerous publications with deep respect and gratitude! Thank you very much!!!
BUT today I don’t agree with you.
It seems to me that project activity, in its design, involves group ways of interaction between students. There are no individual educational PROJECTS. In groups, students agree on who will have what role, who will do what. And they often do it, of course, individually. One draws, the second writes a poem, the third learns unfamiliar words in the dictionary. The material is collected together, the appropriateness of each piece is discussed in the group, the unimportant is discarded, preparations for defense are underway....
If all this is reduced to individual work (only one person does everything), then this is simply an in-depth study by the student or independent work on a topic... and that’s all. My opinion is this - there are no individual EDUCATIONAL projects at school, and also a lesson project is “unprecedented”

Irina Valentinovna Zhakulina comments...

Dear Natalia! In project activities there can be individual and group projects. This is indicated in the concept of this technology. The child himself chooses which project he will complete: individual or group. And each type has its own “pros” and “cons”. Sincerely, Irina.

“What is the best way to learn English in a group or individually?” - this is a question asked by many people who decide to take English courses for adults. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally, since many factors must be taken into account. In this article you will learn about the features of each of these ways of learning English.

Individual English learning

So, let's start with individual lessons. This form of training is very suitable for busy people and has a more flexible class schedule. This form of training has its positive and negative sides.

Benefits of individual training

1. Individual training program

When drawing up a training program, the teacher will definitely take into account all your wishes and features. As a result, the training course will include the topics that interest you and the problems that you want to examine.

2. Flexible schedule

You choose the time and duration of classes. Schedule flexibility gives you the opportunity to manage your own time, which is an important factor for busy people.

3. Study at home or in the office

You can study wherever it is convenient for you. It is enough to agree with the teacher so that he comes to you.

In addition to the benefits, individual training includes: minuses.

Disadvantages of individual training

1. Difficulty in overcoming the language barrier

Having gotten used to communicating in English only with the teacher, in the future when communicating with strangers you may have difficulties due to the fear of communication. The language barrier can only be broken by communicating with more people.

2. Difficulty understanding English speech

Listening to one person, you get used to his pronunciation. Since the classes are held with a teacher, most likely his pronunciation is good, and he tries to speak words to you clearly. In real life, everyone's pronunciation is different. And no one will specifically pronounce words for you.

3. High cost of training

Individual lessons are not cheap. Your wishes, such as schedule flexibility and home-based classes, will undoubtedly be reflected in the cost of lessons.

Learning English in a group

Group classes, unlike individual ones, include much more conversational practice, which has a very positive effect on the development of skills: speech understanding, speaking skills, fluency.

Benefits of group classes

1. Low cost of classes

Group lessons are much cheaper than one-on-one lessons with a teacher. 1 hour of individual lessons is approximately 4-5 times more expensive than group lessons. Naturally, we are talking about professional teachers with work experience.

2. Easily overcome the language barrier

In a group you have the opportunity to communicate. After all, we need language precisely for this. And we want to communicate with the whole world, and not just with one person. Classes in a group are often much more dynamic and varied. On them you get a lot of speaking practice, as you communicate with different people. Therefore, in real life, when communicating with strangers, you will not have difficulties or fear of communication.

3. Improving the skill of understanding foreign speech

In a group you communicate with different people. During communication, you not only improve your speaking skills, but also learn to understand the pronunciation of different people. Thanks to this, when abroad you adapt much faster to the pronunciation of the people who live there. And the more you communicate and listen, the easier it will be for you to understand speech.

3. Competition within the group

This is an additional motivation to study and keep up with others. The tutor can make concessions and forgive the lack of time and unfinished homework (after all, you are the one paying him the money). But when studying in a group, you simply don’t want to feel inferior to others. You will complete all tasks, even if you are lazy or lack time. After all, the realization that you are behind other people will be unpleasant primarily for you.

4. Regularity of classes

You can call the tutor and cancel the lesson - very convenient. You can do this one, two, three times in a row, and then completely forget about what English is. This won’t happen in a group; a regular schedule will be an excellent incentive not to miss out.

5. Have a good time

Finally, a group is simply an opportunity to socialize, meet interesting people, and make friends.

Disadvantages of learning English in a group

1. Character traits

Some people are too shy, find it difficult to communicate with large numbers of strangers, and feel uncomfortable in group classes. But it is precisely these people who, by studying in a group, can catch two birds with one stone: learn English and overcome the fear of communication. After all, in any case, we learn a language precisely in order to communicate in it.

2. Lack of an individual program

When studying in a group, you will only go through what is provided in the program. On the one hand, this is good, since basically the most popular topics that are needed for life are covered. On the other hand, you will not have the opportunity to choose a topic that interests you.

3. Misunderstanding of the material

All people have different learning abilities. Some people only need to hear something once and they pick it up on the fly. Others need to understand and comprehend the information a little longer. When studying in a group, some people are afraid to ask the teachers something again if they did not understand or missed some point. Because of this, the material may be poorly absorbed.

Which option is better to choose?

If you are a very busy person and cannot go to a group on a specific schedule, then only individual training is suitable for you. But it will cost several times more.

In other cases, it is better to go to a group, since this is where English skills are best developed. Not only will you improve your speech understanding and speaking skills, but you will also be able to break down barriers quickly and easily. This method is especially suitable for those who have already learned English before (at school, for example), but do not remember anything or have forgotten.

Friends, which option do you prefer? How do you study: in a group or individually?

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