Presentation on geography on the theme "East European (Russian) Plain". Lesson - business game "Natural resources of the East European Plain and the problems of their use" (8th grade) Recreational resources of the Russian plain presentation

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Grade 8 "Nature of Russia" Nesterova NI MBOU "School No. 1 Suzdal"
Educational purposes of the lesson:
Formation of students' independent activity in assessing the natural resources of the Russian Plain; Solving problematic tasks related to the rational use of resources and nature protection; Continuing the development of moral and aesthetic attitude to nature - to show the beauty and uniqueness of Russian nature, its importance in the spiritual life of the people.
Remember what natural resources do you know?
Among the natural resources of the Russian Plain, we highlight:
Fuel and energy: Coal - Pechersky and Moscow region basins; Oil and gas - Volgo-Uralsky field, European North; Peat.
metallic (iron ore) - KMA; Non-metallic - apatites on the Kola Peninsula, table salt - Lake Baskunchak;
Soil Aquatic Plants Fishing and hunting Agroclimatic.
The Russian Plain has all kinds of natural resources
Russian Plain
The heart of our state, a long-settled and developed area. The nature of the Russian Plain enchants with its beauty. It gives a person spiritual and physical strength, soothes, restores health.
Currently, the territory of the Russian Plain is densely populated, its natural resources are intensively used, while there is a shortage of water, the atmosphere is heavily polluted, especially in areas with a developed chemical industry. Fertile soils are subject to erosion, forests are mercilessly cut down.
Let's try to understand the reasons for the deterioration of the environment in the ecologically crisis areas of the Russian Plain and think about assistance measures.
Strong disturbance of lands, destruction of their fertility, pollution of water and atmosphere occurs during the extraction of minerals. We will listen to two environmental experts on two ecologically crisis areas of the Russian Plain (Kola Peninsula and KMA)
We will listen to the messages of ecologists Integrated mining with the extraction of all useful components; Transition to clean technologies for the production of non-ferrous metals; Reduction of open pit mining; Waste rock (dumps) to use as a raw material in the building materials industry; Carry out reclamation work, especially to restore the fertility of the lost chernozems.
Soil resources are of great importance, since it is here that the main areas of the most fertile black soil are concentrated. But these soils are prone to wind and water erosion. Therefore, in order to protect them, they create field-protective belts, fix ravines, observe the rules of agricultural technology and soil-protective crop rotations.
A huge area of ​​arable land is concentrated in the forest zone, dominated by podzolic soils, which are not fertile enough, so reclamation measures are required here. This territory with podzolic soils was called the Non-Black Earth Region, which also includes our Vladimir region.
Reasonable land reclamation will make it possible to grow higher yields of rye, barley, potatoes, vegetables, and sown grasses in the Non-Black Earth Region.
This requires:
Drainage of waterlogged lands; Application of fertilizers; Cleaning of stones and uprooting of bushes; Liming of soils and other activities.
The water resources of the Russian Plain are also huge. Many rivers and lakes are used for navigation, for this purpose they are connected by canals.
What is the largest river on the Russian Plain and what channels connect it with other rivers?
On the Volga, a flat river, many hydroelectric power plants with dams and reservoirs have been built. Hydroelectric power plants provide cheap energy - that's good. But the reservoirs flooded fertile lands, which led not only to a decrease in soil resources, but also to negative changes in the environment in the Volga basin.
With these examples, we were convinced that the Russian Plain has been greatly changed by human activity. In order to preserve areas of unchanged or little changed nature, natural objects, plants and animals, reserves are created. Name them using the map.
Now let's move on to the practical part of the lesson.
We will solve a number of problems with the subsequent analysis of the solution, which will help us figure out how to rationally use natural resources and what are the measures for their protection. We work in groups clearly and quickly. We carefully read the assignment, write down the answers in our notebooks.
1 task on erosion activities (2 groups work)
You are employees of the institute. You have been instructed to draw up a draft reclamation work in the Non-Black Earth Region. You have a map of the PTC Non-Black Earth Region. On this basis, select areas in need of soil erosion protection. What kind of work will you carry out? Determine their order.
2 task on the creation of dams and reservoirs on rivers (2 groups are working
Highlight the positive and negative results of the transformation of the rivers of the Russian Plain. Try to draw a conclusion: which of these results are more significant, important, as if outweighing - positive or negative. In your opinion, is the construction of large dams and reservoirs on large flat rivers justified? Is it possible to achieve positive results in other ways, without causing damage to nature caused by the creation of reservoirs?
3 task for drainage in the Non-Black Earth Region (2 groups are working)
You are employees of the institute. You have been instructed to draw up a draft reclamation work in the Non-Black Earth Region in relation to drainage work. What areas of the Non-Black Earth Region need drainage? How will the drainage of bogs affect ground and surface waters, soils, flora and fauna? How will the drainage of swamps affect the flow of rivers in this area?
We listen to the captains of each group, make additions, evaluate and draw a conclusion
For the planet to live, be prettier, each of us today must think about tomorrow, and for this we must clearly know the rules of rational use of natural resources

Class: 8

Lesson objectives:

by geography:

- to consolidate knowledge of the natural resources of the Russian Plain;
- to instill practical skills in finding a mutually acceptable compromise between nature and society as a whole;

in informatics:

- develop the ability to work with information and communication technologies;

Lesson Objectives:

  • develop the ability to work independently, compose material, analyze it and protect it;
  • see the practical implementation of the studied material;
  • develop communication skills, the ability to conduct a discussion, give arguments in favor of different versions, prove your point of view, concisely and clearly express your thoughts;

Type: interactive integrated lesson in geography and computer science.

Form: business game "Process".

Method: study project and study research

Hardware and software:

- maps: physical, soil, natural zones of Russia, the ecological situation in Russia;
- interactive whiteboard,
- multimedia presentations.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Game "Process".

The class is divided into three groups:

1. “For” - stands for an increase in the use of natural resources;

2. “Against” - opposes the increase in the use of natural resources;

3. “Experts” who must make a conclusion.

Previously, each group was given an assignment on one of the topics:

  • biological resources;
  • soil resources;
  • recreational resources;
  • water resources.

Experts fill in the table:

The East European Plain is a flat relief, favorable climatic conditions, fertile steppes and vast forests. All this contributed to the settlement and development of the plain from ancient times. Now about 60% of the population of Russia lives here, most of the cities and workers' settlements are located. Here is the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, the northern capital - St. Petersburg.

We also live here.

We know that the East European Plain is rich in a variety of natural resources: mineral, water, agro-climatic, biological and recreational. But, despite all these riches, given the high density of the population of this region, there is a constant shortage of consumer goods and agricultural products. products. There are many options to solve this problem. One of them: To increase the extraction and use of natural resources of the East European Plain.

“For” Leading. The East European Plain is rich in mineral resources. And therefore, the more we use them, the better the economy of our country will develop.

Opponent “For”. The East European Plain is rich in mineral resources. The crystalline basement and sedimentary cover of the platform contain such reserves of minerals that are important for our country, but also of global importance. First of all, these are the rich iron ore deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), the Pechora coal basin, the Moscow region brown coal basin, apatite-nepheline ores of the Kola Peninsula, oil shale is mined in the Leningrad region and in the area of ​​the city of Samara on the Volga, oil - the Volgo-Ural field , the north-east of the country and a new field was discovered in the Yaroslavl region; there is gas. Ore minerals are also known in sedimentary rocks: brown iron ore near the city of Lipetsk, aluminum ores near the city of Tikhvin.

On the plain, table salt is mined in the lakes Baskunchak and Elton, potassium salt - in the Kama Cis-Urals. Building materials: sand, gravel, clay, limestone are found almost everywhere.

All these deposits are located in well-developed areas. Which allows an increase in the extraction of raw materials ( Presentation number 1 ).

"Against". Leading. We oppose the increase in mining in the plains and present our arguments.

"Against". Opponent. During the extraction of minerals, land is disturbed, tk. their fertile layer is destroyed, new forms of relief are created. With the mine method of mining, large areas are occupied by waste rock dumps, landslides are formed (an example is the area around the city of Nelidovo).

In open pit areas, open pits are formed on the surface of the earth. Sometimes these are vast basins with a depth of 100-200 meters or more. There are many disturbed lands in the areas of development of construction raw materials and peat. And although now these lands are reclaimed: that is, reservoirs are created at the place of quarries, dumps are leveled and these lands are returned to agricultural and forestry use. This does not justify an increase in their production ( Presentation number 2 ).

"Per". Leading. The East European Plain is rich in water resources. And we propose to increase their use.

"Per". Opponent. On the Russian Plain such large rivers as the Volga, Don, Pechora, Northern Dvina, Western Dvina, and the Dnieper begin at the Valdai Upland.

There are many lakes: Ladoga, Seliger, Chudskoe, Ilmen and many small ones.

The rivers are rich in water resources. These are cascades of hydroelectric power plants on the Volga and Kama rivers.

The reservoirs that were created at the hydroelectric power station are used for many purposes.

The waters of the Don and Volga rivers are used for irrigation.

Thanks to the system of modern canals: Volga-Baltic, Belomoro-Baltic, Volgo-Don, as well as the Moscow-Volga canal, the city of Moscow, located on the small Moscow river and, relatively far from the seas, has become a port of five seas ( Presentation number 3 ).

"Per". Leading. Considering all this, there will be tremendous benefits from greater use of the plain's water and hydropower resources.

"Against". Leading. All this is correct. But you have forgotten that as a result of economic use, the waters of rivers and lakes are already heavily polluted.

"Against". Opponent. As a result of economic use, the waters of rivers and lakes are very heavily polluted.

It should also be remembered that during the construction of the cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Volga, vast areas of fertile lands, floodplain meadows were flooded, tens of hectares of forest were flooded. At the same time, dozens of settlements and cities (Mologa) remained under water. In addition, the newly formed artificial lakes - reservoirs did not have the best effect on the microclimate of the territory ( Presentation No. 4 ).

"Against". Leading. Having weighed these data and remembering our lake "Veseloe", we are against increasing the use of water resources.

"Per". Leading. The East European Plain is rich in soil resources and agro-climatic resources are of great value.

"Per". Opponent. Most of the Russian Plain receives enough heat and moisture to grow many crops. In the north of the forest zone, fiber flax is grown on podzolic soils, a crop that requires a cool, cloudy and humid summer, and oats. The entire middle zone and the south have fertile soils: sod-podzolic, chernozems, gray forest and chestnut soils. In the middle lane, mainly cereals and fodder crops are cultivated, in the south - cereals and industrial crops (sugar beets and sunflowers), horticulture and melon growing are developed. The famous Astrakhan watermelons are known and loved by the inhabitants of the entire Russian Plain. Significant areas of land are also occupied by pastures ( Presentation # 5 ).

"Per". Leading. Considering all this, we propose the following measures for the further rise of agriculture:

a) the use of chemical fertilizers and soil liming;
b) further drainage of the northwest and irrigation of the south;
c) combating soil erosion by planting forests;
d) cleaning of stones and uprooting of trees and shrubs;
e) snow retention and regulation of snow melting;

"Against". Leading. To prove that our soils are already depleted and heavily polluted, we present data for the Tver region.

"Against". Opponent. Many lands of the Tver region are prone to erosion, while in most areas the rate of washout is 3-6 tons per hectare per year. The area of ​​erosional lands reaches 70 thousand hectares (1.6 million hectares are plowed).

Numerous factors prove that fertilizers and pesticides are not used competently in the region, the technology of their storage and use is violated. This leads to the accumulation of resistant pesticides over vast areas of soils.

Land acquisition and pollution with household and industrial waste is a major environmental problem. So only in Tver, the total volume of waste per year reaches 1 million cubic meters. ( Appendix # 6)

"Against". Leading. Having listened to all this, everyone should understand that there can be no talk about the chemicalization of soils to increase yields.

Drainage of the northwestern part of the country. In our Belsk region in the 70-80s, significant areas of bogs were drained. Now, in 2009, we see that it does more harm than good.

"Per". Leading. The East European Plain is rich in biological resources.

"Per". Opponent. The most complete set of natural zones can be traced on the plain, in comparison with other large natural areas of our country.

The northernmost regions are occupied by tundra and forest-tundra, where low-growing shrubs are replaced to the south by birch forest-tundra. These territories are rich in furs.

More than half of the territory is covered by forests. In the west they reach 50N, and in the east up to 55N. Spruce and pine forests are widespread in the taiga. These are the most valuable types of wood in the industry.

The zone of mixed and deciduous forests gradually wedges out to the east, where the continentality of the climate increases.

Oak forest-steppe stretches along the outskirts of the forests from the south-west to the north-east, replacing the steppe.

In the extreme southeast, in the Caspian lowland, there are zones of deserts and semi-deserts. In all these natural zones, a wide variety of biological resources ( Presentation number 7 ).

"Per". Leading. From all that has been said, we can conclude that the more we use these resources, the better we will live.

"Against". Leading. We will prove to you that the nature of the East European Plain must be left alone, otherwise a catastrophe will occur.

"Against". Opponent. In the forests of the Russian Plain, timber is being harvested. Due to the fact that forests have been cut down for more than one century, in many central and western regions, the composition of the stand has been greatly changed. Many secondary, small-leaved forests appeared. The area of ​​forests in the southern taiga, in the zone of mixed and deciduous forests, has significantly decreased.

The reduction of forests is associated with air pollution, soil erosion, and a decrease in the level of groundwater.

The virgin steppes are almost completely plowed up. All this negatively affects the animal kingdom.

Despite the fact that a lot of work has been done to protect nature: the population of the pine marten has been restored, the beaver has settled, reserves are being created (there are more than 20 of them on the plain). All of this will not restore endangered species. And since everything in nature is closely interconnected, the disappearance of some species will entail a change in nature as a whole.

(Presentation # 8).

"Per". Leading. The East European Plain is rich in recreational resources. And we must use them more.

Opponent. We use the recreational resources of the plain very poorly. After all, it is these resources that have a beneficial effect on human health. Its picturesque landscapes are wonderful vacation spots. Rivers and lakes of Karelia, its white nights, the museum of wooden architecture, Kizhi, the Solovetsky monastery. Ladoga and Onega lakes, Valdai and Seliger, the legendary Ilmen, the Volga river with Zhiguli and the Astrakhan Delta, ancient Russian cities that are part of the “golden ring” of Russia - this is not a complete list of the regions of the Russian Plain that have been developed for tourism and recreation. (Presentation # 9).

"Against". Leading. We will prove to you that the recreational resources that we have not yet begun to use properly are already lost. Opponent... We can prove this using the map "Environmental situation in Russia" (map analysis). Considering all this, it is unlikely that you will want to rest where it is difficult to breathe, even if these are the most beautiful cities in Russia, few people will go to Karelia, where it rains acid.

(Appendix # 10 )

"Per". Leading. And so, we gave all the arguments proving that the Russian Plain is rich in natural resources: mineral, water, soil, agro-climatic, biological and recreational. And the more we use them, the better the economy of our country will develop and, therefore, we will live better with you.

"Against". Leading. Yes. The East European Plain is still rich in natural resources. But many of them are exhausted and irreplaceable.

Yes. Not a single state in the world has yet been able to live without using natural resources. But we are not advocating an increase in their use so that we can live better. A. On the contrary! Better less - but use them rationally, that is, completely recycle what is mined and use new resource-saving technologies. And always remember the motto put forward by the UN back in the 70s - "There is only one earth."

Teacher. The process has ended. We listened to the opinion of two parties, filled out the table. Weighed everything. Make your choice (color sign “For”, “No”).

- Survey of expert opinion.

The lesson is over. In an unusual way, we repeated the natural resources of the East European Plain, identified problems, learned how to use them rationally. They learned to lead a discussion, give arguments in favor of various versions, prove their point of view, express their thoughts succinctly and clearly, listen and understand a comrade.

Preparing for the lesson, you looked for information in various sources and, first of all, on the Internet, independently selected what you needed, analyzed, prepared presentations.

/Analysis of performances and grading /

I would like to complete our game with the words of A. Suvorov, which you will try to remember

"Native Earth can do anything, feed, water, but it cannot save itself."

Natural Resources of the Russian Plain Presentation by the teacher of geography at the Knevitskaya Primary School Balalaikina Natalya Alexandrovna The Russian Plain is rich in various natural resources. The flat relief, favorable climatic conditions, fertile steppes and vast forests have contributed to its settlement and development since ancient times. Now about 60% of the population of Russia lives here, most of the cities and workers' settlements, a dense network of highways are located. Here is the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. Map Minerals In the bowels of the plain there are deposits of Iron (KMA), coal (Pechersk basin) and brown (Moscow region basin) coals, apatites of the Kola Peninsula, table salts of Lake Baskunchak. Oil is extracted between the Volga and the Ural Mountains, as well as in the north-east of the plains. Most of the deposits are located in well-developed areas. This increases their value. The task. Find the listed mineral deposits on the map. The consequences of mining. When minerals are mined, lands are disturbed, their fertile layer is destroyed, and new forms of relief are created. With the mine method of mining, large areas are occupied by waste rock dumps. In open pit areas, quarries are formed on the surface of the earth. Sometimes these are extensive pits with a depth of 100-200 m and more. There are many disturbed lands in the Moscow region basin, in the areas of development of construction materials and peat. Much attention is now being paid to the restoration of the value of these disturbed lands (their reclamation). In their place, reservoirs are created. They return to agricultural and forestry use. This is especially important for the densely populated areas of the Russian Plain. The water resources of the Rivers of the Russian Plain are rich in electricity. Cascades of hydroelectric power stations were created on them. The Volga and Don waters are used for irrigation of fields in the steppe zone. Many rivers are connected by canals for navigation. Thus, Moscow, located on a relatively small river, has become a port of five seas. Assignment: find channels to them on the map of the European part of the country. Moscow, Volga-Don, Volga-Baltic and White Sea-Baltic. Forest resources Timber is harvested in the forests of the Russian Plain. Due to the fact that forests have been cut down for more than one century, in many central and western regions, the composition of the stand has been greatly changed. Many secondary small-leaved forests have appeared. The area of ​​forests in the southern taiga, in the zone of mixed and deciduous forests, has significantly decreased. Soil resources The Russian Plain contains the main areas of the most fertile soils in our country - black earth. They are almost completely plowed up. In the steppe and forest-steppe zones, wheat and corn, sugar beets and sunflowers, millet and other crops are grown on these soils. Areas of arable land are also large in forest zones. Rye and barley, potatoes and wheat, flax and oats are grown here. For the further development of agriculture in these zones, where agro-climatic resources are favorable for agricultural production, and the soils are not fertile enough, it is necessary to carry out a complex of land reclamation. Problems of using natural resources. The problem of the Non-Black Earth Region is associated with the use of the natural resources of this region, primarily with the development of agriculture in it. The soils here are not as fertile as chernozems, but soil and agro-climatic resources allow growing rye and barley, flax and potatoes, vegetables and oats, and forage grasses. Forested and floodplain meadows are good hayfields and pastures for livestock. However, agricultural products are now insufficiently produced here. Ways to solve problems. Further development of agriculture in the Non-Black Earth Region requires rational use and improvement (reclamation) of lands, construction of roads and improvement of people's living conditions. The main type of land reclamation is drainage of excessively humid lands. Along with drainage, fertilization and liming of soils are required, in some places irrigation and control of soil erosion, removal of stones and uprooting of trees and shrubs, snow retention and regulation of snow melting, enlargement of fields and improvement of their shape. Problems of using natural resources. In a significant part of the territory, the nature of the Russian Plain has been greatly changed by human activity. Especially great changes have occurred in the forest-steppe, steppe zones, in mixed and broad-leaved forests and in the southern part of the taiga. Man not only reduced primary forests and plowed virgin steppes, but also planted forest belts in the steppe, created ponds and reservoirs in the upper reaches of gullies, reservoirs on large rivers, built cities and transport highways, restored the number of pine martens and resettled the beaver. In order to preserve areas of unchanged or slightly altered nature, typical and rare natural objects (plants, animals, geological objects, NTC), reserves are created.

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