Why does a portfolio student need consultation on the topic? Tips for designing a portfolio What is a student’s portfolio

Now we have reached another experiment of the Ministry of Education. At parent-teacher meetings at school, teachers informed parents that for each student a elementary school student portfolio.

Puzzled parents began asking teachers a lot of questions. What is student portfolio how to make it? What should it be like? What should be included in a portfolio? Why is it necessary? portfolio for primary school?

After the parent meeting, I met friends whose children study at another school and found out that they were also pleased with this innovation. But their school decided to do it easier, they ordered ready-made portfolio for schoolchildren for all grades of primary school. They were given a portfolio at a parent-teacher meeting, filled out the pages at home and submitted them to the teacher.

To ease the plight of the parents of our class and mine, I made a proposal to the teacher about purchasing ready-made school portfolios at the school where my child is studying. But, as it turns out, compiling a portfolio is a creative process that helps a child discover his creative abilities, as well as conduct self-analysis of his school life over a certain period. Motivates the child to take part in educational activities and creative work. Increases self-esteem and confidence in your capabilities. Therefore, ready-made school portfolios are not welcome.
Then I started studying the information... After surfing the Internet, it became clear that there is still no single standard for designing a portfolio.

Having gone through this difficult path, I would like to help other parents who are just faced with the question of HOW TO MAKE A SCHOOL PORTFOLIO.

So, what do you need for a portfolio:

1. folder-recorder
2. files... no, that’s not right, a lot of files
3. A4 paper
4. colored pencils (for drawing by a child)
5. printer
6. and, of course, patience and time

The task of parents is to help children create a portfolio. Tell me HOW TO MAKE A SCHOOLCHILDREN'S PORTFOLIO, how to fill out the sections correctly, select the necessary photographs and drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

1. Title page student portfolio

This sheet contains the child’s data - Last name, First name, Patronymic name, photograph of the child, educational institution and city where the child is studying, start and end date of the portfolio.

2. Section - My world:

This section adds information that is important to the child. Example pages:

Personal information (About me) – date of birth, place of birth, age. You can indicate your home address and telephone number.
My name – write what the child’s name means, where it came from, you can indicate who they were named after (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.
My family – write a short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, then about each family member. Attach to this story photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family. You can attach the child’s pedigree to this section.
My city (I live) - in this section we indicate the city where the child lives, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, and what interesting places there are.
Route diagram to school– Together with your child, we draw a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - roads, railway tracks, etc.
My friends – here we list the child’s friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of the friends. We also write about a friend’s hobbies or common interests.
My hobbies (My interests) – on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do and what he is interested in. If the child wishes, you can tell about the clubs/sections where he/she also goes.

3. Section - My school:

My school – school address, administration phone number, you can paste a photo of the institution, full name of the director, start (year) of study.

My class – indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.
My teachers – fill out information about the class teacher (full name + short story about what he is like), about teachers (subject + full name).
My school subjects – we give a brief description of each subject, i.e. We help the child understand why he is needed. You can also write your attitude towards the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try, because... I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.
My social work (social activities) – it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, speaking at a festival, decorating a classroom, a wall newspaper, reading poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impressions/emotions of performing social activities.
My impressions (school events, excursion and educational events) – everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about a child’s class visit to an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. You can write a review with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

4. Section - My successes:

My studies – we make sheet headings for each school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work will be included in these sections - independent work, tests, reviews of books, various reports, etc.

My art – here we place the child’s creativity. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works – we take photographs and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work took part (if it was exhibited at a competition/exhibition).
My achievements – we make copies and boldly place them in this section – certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of gratitude, etc.
My best works (Works that I'm proud of) – work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we lay out the remaining (less valuable, in the child’s opinion) material, making room for sections for the new school year.

5. Reviews and wishes (My teachers about me) - this is a page for teachers where they can write their reviews and wishes on the work done or the results of their performance.

is a page for teachers where they can write their reviews and wishes on the work done or the results of their performance.

6. Contents - on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include in the child’s portfolio.

– on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include in the child’s portfolio.

Additional pages that can be attached to your portfolio:

- I can - we describe the child’s skills at this stage (for example, he solves problems well, recites poetry beautifully, etc.)
- My plans – the child sets certain goals for himself, what he would like to learn or improve any skills in the near future (for example, learn to write beautifully, learn the English alphabet, etc.)
- My daily routine (My daily routine) – create a daily routine with your child and try to stick to it
- Reading technique – all test results are recorded here
- Academic year report card
- My holidays (Summer holidays, Vacations) - a short story from a child about how I spent the summer. Don’t forget about a photo or drawing about your vacation
- My dreams

You can look at portfolio templates.

A folder that contains an extract of a student’s life, starting from zero grade or even kindergarten, everything that school grades and brief characteristics did not say - this is the student’s portfolio. “Today we have the Unified State Exam, there are current assessments that give an idea of ​​academic performance, and there is a portfolio that is needed to reveal the child as a multifaceted personality,” explains Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education Viktor Bolotov.

Despite the fact that the topic of school portfolios was first raised in the Russian educational community in 2003, this document still raises many questions, and schools treat it differently: in some places, parents and students are literally forced to have a portfolio, and somewhere they leave freedom of choice.

In most cases, everything comes down to banalities: a short biography (or autobiography) of the child and his certificates of commendation are put into an elegant folder.

More advanced parents and teachers download ready-made forms from the Internet. And not so long ago, portfolios for school appeared in bookstores selling teaching aids. For about 100 rubles you can buy a ready-made template, and some schools have taken exactly this route: parents are told the name of the publishing house, the name of the author, and all students create a portfolio of the same sample.

However, there is a version of the portfolio approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, which was developed by a special group of experts in the field of education - “Recommendations for the construction of various models and the use of “portfolios” of students in primary and secondary schools” (the document can be easily found on the Internet for review purposes upon request) .

“We compiled the Russian standard on the basis of existing foreign samples: in Europe and America this practice has been used successfully for a long time. For example, take the portfolio of a primary school student in England. There may be his successful papers in mathematics, and next to it it may be written that he is best at high jumps and a video recording of how he has fun and jumps. There is also his research project on how he grew an onion on a windowsill and an audio recording of his speech in defense of this project. He decides for himself what he needs to tell about himself. First of all, a portfolio is a product of some kind of activity: educational, social, individual, creative,” explains Marina Pinskaya, leading researcher at the Institute for Educational Development at the Higher School of Economics, who participated in the development of the standard.

Many parents are confident that a portfolio will help their child when applying to a university, and sometimes teachers convince them of this in order to create at least some motivation.

In fact, when you leave school, the opportunity to use a portfolio ends (unlike Western countries, where even the international option is accepted, in which each confirmed document and certificate can be worth a certain number of points). In Russia today there is no applicant portfolio offered, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future.

“The very idea of ​​additional information is absolutely correct; how objective this information will be is another matter. For example, a child’s portfolio says that he took first place in a school mathematics competition, but which school is this – good or bad? Or they suggest writing an active life position, which is also very subjective,” says Viktor Bolotov. “As soon as we start writing all sorts of correct, unverifiable words, we will quickly formalize everything and lose it.”

The question arises: why is this document needed at all, if schools often do not know what to do with it, and universities do not take it into account when applying for admission?

Experts say that, first of all, a portfolio can be useful when a child moves from kindergarten to school and especially from one school to another. “For example, from the “preschooler’s portfolio” it is clear what the child is doing better, what is worse, what the teacher needs to concentrate more attention on, what requires correction. The same applies if a child moves from one school to another. His portfolio will give teachers information about what type of education and what level of subject study is suitable for him,” explains Marina Pinskaya.

Theoretically, this document can be useful if a child is preparing to enter a foreign university: a “transitional” version of a portfolio from school to university is practiced in some universities in the USA and Great Britain, and in France, a “competence diary” is established at the national level, which is identical to the portfolio format and serves as a addition to national examination tests (analogous to our Unified State Examination).

However, in Russia this document does not play an important role in the educational process, and even school representatives themselves agree with this.

“This, by and large, is some reflection of the child about his school and extracurricular activities; no one asks for this portfolio anywhere outside of school, and no one has the right to force him to do it,” says Alexander Pimenov, director of Central Educational Center No. 975 in Moscow. . In the event that the class teacher or school administration insists on creating a portfolio, and the child and parents do not want to spend time and effort on this, Alexander Pimenov advises first to figure out what this requirement is based on. “According to the existing law, the school itself has the right to choose the assessment system, and if the school’s charter specifies the portfolio mechanism as an additional assessment system, then the administration’s demand is completely justified,” he explains. Also, the provision of the charter must be supported by a decision of the school’s governing council and the school’s internal portfolio regulations. In this case, parents must either comply with the school's legal requirements or look for another school.

“But there are only a few schools where the portfolio is specified in the charter throughout the country; basically, this is a voluntary thing,” assures Pimenov.

If the school charter does not contain such obligations, and the administration nevertheless insists on drawing up a portfolio, its demands are illegal. “First you need to contact the school director, and if he does not cooperate, you need to complain to the education department “, advises Alexander Pimenov.

Now we have reached another experiment of the Ministry of Education. At parent-teacher meetings at school, teachers informed parents that for each student a elementary school student portfolio.

Puzzled parents began asking teachers a lot of questions. What is student portfolio how to make it? What should it be like? What should be included in a portfolio? Why is it necessary? portfolio for primary school?

After the parent meeting, I met friends whose children study at another school and found out that they were also pleased with this innovation. But their school decided to do it easier, they ordered ready-made portfolio for schoolchildren for all grades of primary school. They were given a portfolio at a parent-teacher meeting, filled out the pages at home and submitted them to the teacher.

To ease the plight of the parents of our class and mine, I made a proposal to the teacher about purchasing ready-made school portfolios at the school where my child is studying. But, as it turns out, compiling a portfolio is a creative process that helps a child discover his creative abilities, as well as conduct self-analysis of his school life over a certain period. Motivates the child to take part in educational activities and creative work. Increases self-esteem and confidence in your capabilities. Therefore, ready-made school portfolios are not welcome.
Then I started studying the information... After surfing the Internet, it became clear that there is still no single standard for designing a portfolio.

Having gone through this difficult path, I would like to help other parents who are just faced with compiling portfolio for schoolchildren.

So, what do you need for a portfolio:
1. folder-recorder
2. files... no, that’s not right, a lot of files
3. A4 paper
4. colored pencils (for drawing by a child)
5. printer
6. and, of course, patience and time

The task of parents is to help children create a portfolio. Suggest how to fill out the sections correctly, select the necessary photographs and drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

1.Title page student portfolio
This sheet contains the child’s data - Last name, First name, Patronymic name, photograph of the child, educational institution and city where the child is studying, start and end date of the portfolio.

2. Section - My world:
This section adds information that is important to the child. Example pages:

Personal information (About me)– date of birth, place of birth, age. You can indicate your home address and telephone number.
My name– write what the child’s name means, where it came from, you can indicate who they were named after (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.
My family– write a short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, then about each family member. Attach to this story photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family. You can attach the child’s pedigree to this section.
My city (I live)— in this section we indicate the city where the child lives, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, and what interesting places there are.
Route diagram to school– Together with your child, we draw a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - roads, railway tracks, etc.
My friends– here we list the child’s friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of the friends. We also write about a friend’s hobbies or common interests.
My hobbies (My interests)– on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do and what he is interested in. If the child wishes, you can tell about the clubs/sections where he/she also goes.

3. Section - My school:

My school– school address, administration phone number, you can paste a photo of the institution, full name of the director, start (year) of study.
My class– indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.
My teachers– fill out information about the class teacher (full name + short story about what he is like), about teachers (subject + full name).
My school subjects– we give a brief description of each subject, i.e. We help the child understand why he is needed. You can also write your attitude towards the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try, because... I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.
My social work (social activities)– it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, speaking at a festival, decorating a classroom, a wall newspaper, reading poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impressions/emotions of performing social activities.
My impressions (school events, excursion and educational events)– everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about a child’s class visit to an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. You can write a review with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

4. Section - My successes:

My studies– we make sheet headings for each school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work - independent work, tests, reviews of books, various reports, etc. - will be put into files in these sections.
My art– here we place the child’s creativity. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works – we take photographs and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work took part (if it was exhibited at a competition/exhibition).
My achievements– we make copies and boldly place them in this section – certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of gratitude, etc.
My best works (Works that I'm proud of)– work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we lay out the remaining (less valuable, in the child’s opinion) material, making room for sections for the new school year.

Drawing up a personal portfolio is, first of all, a creative process that helps the student to maximize their creative potential. And also analyze your school life over a certain period of time. Creating a student’s portfolio is an additional incentive to reveal his abilities; it gives him confidence in his abilities for new achievements.

Why does the student need this?

A school student's portfolio is a kind of piggy bank of his educational achievements, the results of his studies at school and participation in olympiads and competitions, his creative works and best projects. Such a collection will help in the future to determine in which specialized class the child will be better off studying, what he is interested in, and in what area of ​​knowledge he has achieved maximum results.

The purpose of a student’s portfolio is cumulative self-esteem when taking into account school performance results. It may well become a supplement to the Unified State Examination results, and also have a beneficial effect on admission to a university, since it describes the applicant’s capabilities and preferences more broadly than exam grades. The educational rating of a high school graduate will now consist of both a certificate and a personal portfolio.

What does the philosophy of a learning portfolio imply?

This method of recording and assessing a student’s personal achievements helps to take into account the student’s results in various areas of knowledge and activities. Therefore, a student’s portfolio is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.

In pedagogy, it is characterized as a bank-collection of the child’s most striking works, demonstrating from different sides not only personal educational results, but also the efforts made for this. This collection requires:

Assessment both qualitative and quantitative;

- “darkening” of what the student does not know and emphasizing what he knows in any subject;

Replacing teacher assessments with self-assessment;

Demonstration of one's own strengths and capabilities.

What does a collection of personal achievements of a schoolchild look like?

To create a portfolio for a primary school student, it is best to take a ring binder containing files of various formats for storing different types of work and projects. To make the folder more structured, you can fill it with separators.

There is currently no strict standard to follow. But, as a rule, there are three types:

Portfolio of documents;


Collection of documents

It consists of certified personal educational achievements. Characteristics of the contents of a folder can be both quantitative and qualitative. The grade insert can serve as a summary document because it contains the final grade. The advantage of such a portfolio is the ability to analyze the student’s general educational abilities. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to trace the creative activity and process of personal development of the student, his interests and hobbies.

Collection of works

This is a representative portfolio, which is a collection of a variety of student works in which it was necessary to show a creative approach. These could be projects presented at conferences and competitions, or in the school educational gallery. It can also be the results of internship, artistic and sports achievements. A collection of works is a kind of creative book of a student, which presents his most striking projects; they can include text files, drawings, videos, electronic photographs, etc.

Collection of reviews

This folder includes the characteristics of the student, his attitude to different types of activities. Reviews are written by teachers, school principals, and parents. The student must also conduct a written analysis of his school activities and describe its results. Reviews can take various forms: conclusions, reviews, letters of recommendation, essays. The advantages of this method: launching the process of self-assessment of the student, awareness of the main components of education, assistance with the choice of specialized education. The disadvantage can be considered the difficulty in systematizing and summarizing the collected information.

General structure of a comprehensive graduate portfolio

A student’s comprehensive portfolio should include several main sections:

1. Title page - last name, first name and patronymic of the child, place of study and time frame in which all materials are presented. Contact information is also provided, and a photo of the student is attached.

2. The “Official Documents” section informs about the student’s personal achievements in various activities, confirmed by certified documents. It is possible to use copies of official papers. You can also include a curriculum vitae and resume.

3. The section “Creativity and Practice” contains the results of research work, the results of internships, participation in competitions and conferences.

4. The reviews section assumes the presence of letters of recommendation, characteristics of the student and his activities. Reviews can be written by the class teacher and other teachers, parents, or school psychologist. Based on the characteristics and recommendations received, it will be much easier for the child to find himself and choose a future profession.

What is a primary school student's portfolio?

The process of creating a portfolio in the lower grades falls almost entirely on the shoulders of the student’s parents. However, the older the child gets, the less parental involvement becomes. It is very important to immediately accustom your child to working on a school portfolio. Let these be simple tasks at first: decorate, glue something.

The structure of the collection of personal achievements in junior grades is simpler than in graduation. There must be a title page indicating all the basic information about the student. You can also paste his photo.

Next, you can create a “Personal Data” section, in which short autobiographical essays should be placed. Topics can be very diverse: “My family”, “My pets”, “My room”, “My school”, “My class and my friends”, “My favorite toy”, “My hometown”.

There must be a section containing information about the child’s personal achievements. Goals and assignments for a specific period of study need to be written on a separate page. This will make it easier to keep track of what has already been achieved and what still needs to be worked on.

Which design to choose

It is very important to properly design your portfolio. There are many options on how you can independently create a bright and colorful student portfolio. For a boy, it is better to use images of his favorite cartoon characters, robots, cars, dinosaurs. It is important to find out what arouses genuine interest in the child. And based on this, draw up the student’s portfolio. For girls, images of dolls, princesses from Disney cartoons, flowers, and butterflies are perfect.

It is very important in the first stages to interest the child in keeping such a diary of personal achievements. And at first, this responsibility falls on the student’s parents.

A student’s portfolio is a modern option for assessing a child’s personal qualities according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Completing sections helps form the habit of recording personal successes and achievements. Assessing a student’s capabilities provides guidance on self-discipline and self-improvement in the future. Creating a portfolio is a joint effort between parents and students.

What is a student portfolio

A school portfolio is a folder that contains information about the personality, interests, activities, achievements and successes of a child in an educational institution and outside it. This document reflects the students' skills and abilities. The folder additionally includes information about relatives and family foundations.

What is it for?

Already in kindergarten, children attend development centers, clubs, sports sections, etc. The main goal of such additional classes is to teach the child the basics of literacy, reading and counting.

By the first grade, children have a characteristic level of knowledge and skills and already in elementary school they achieve the first successes that should be noted.

The portfolio acts as a kind of archive, reflecting the formation and development of the child’s personality.

Often children like to review the document and observe their own achievements. This creates an incentive for self-development and a desire to move forward.

Ready-made portfolios act as documents for the teacher, which notify the teacher about the student’s personality and abilities. Portfolio data is used for the student’s final certification and is taken into account when applying to other educational institutions.

How to compose: sections with examples

The key to proper design is maintaining the developed structure. During your studies, your portfolio is constantly updated with new information. Correct construction of the document allows you to get an idea of ​​the students’ skills, see patterns and features of personality development.

There are no set rules for what a portfolio should look like. However, there are some recommendations for the structure of the document. In this case, it is advisable to cover only those sections that are suitable for a particular student. You can combine several chapters and add to them.

Title page

The title page contains basic information about the student: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, contact numbers. A personal photo of the student should be placed on the main page. An important point is the student’s independent choice of photo.


An autobiography describes a person’s life path before entering an educational institution. A short biography is written on an A4 paper sheet in free form in the first person. All information is presented in strictly chronological order.

Key points on how to write an autobiography:

  • In the middle of the sheet, the title of the document “AUTOBIOGRAPHY” is indicated in block letters, then the main text follows below.
  • The text begins with a personal introduction: “I, full name, date and place of birth.” For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Ivanov, was born on December 12, 2011 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
  • Then the exact address of residence according to registration and the actual one is indicated.
  • Then family members are listed, indicating date of birth, address of residence, place of study/work. Additionally, contact home/work telephone numbers are indicated.
  • The name of the kindergarten and its end date are noted.
  • The student’s main interests and skills are listed: hobbies, level of personal computer proficiency, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

At the end of the autobiography, the date of completion and a personal signature must be placed.

For a child going to 1st grade, it is not necessary to write an autobiography. Starting from the 2nd grade, the student can write about himself independently.

My portrait

The “My Portrait” section consists of any information about the student that you want to directly reflect in the document.

For example, you can write about yourself by deciphering the meaning of the child’s name. Additionally, data is entered on the student’s character traits, temperament, best qualities and shortcomings. A short story will help the teacher choose the right techniques to adapt to the educational process.

This section describes the daily routine, you can talk about family traditions and foundations. The portrait looks impressive if you create a family tree of family members.


My name is Sergei, which means “clear” in Greek. My dad gave me my name in honor of my grandfather. I am calm by nature, but sometimes I get angry for no reason. I don't like being shouted at loudly. I have a large family, many siblings and cousins.

My achievements

The materials in this block allow the teacher to build a rating of achievements, individual results, and also track the dynamics of changes in educational results.


In November 2017, I won a prize at the city Olympiad in the Russian language/participated in a regional biology seminar/in a thematic quiz dedicated to International Children’s Day.

My impressions

The section contains the student’s personal impressions after visiting exhibitions, museums, school events, hikes, excursions, and theatrical performances. Additionally, photographs taken at the places visited are attached.


In October I attended a theatrical performance of The Ugly Duckling based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. I liked the performance, it was interesting... I was especially impressed by the episode... It teaches...

My interests and hobbies

This section tells you what your child likes to do in his free time from school. This lists the clubs, sports sections and development centers that the student attends.


Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays I attend a dance club at the development center... My teacher (list the advantages). He teaches children... He is an example of grace and skill to me. I love to dance and enjoy attending classes.

My family

In this block, the student writes independently about his family. If you wish, you can talk about each of its representatives. It is recommended to include a pedigree and photographs in this section.


My family consists of: mother Victoria, father Oleg, grandmother Zinaida, grandfather Alexander, brother Kirill and sister Elizaveta... My mother works as a hairdresser, she is kind and attentive, she studies and plays with me. Dad works at a factory, he loves his job, and it takes up a lot of his time. In my free time I like to wrestle with him and play football. My brother Kirill is very smart, he helps me in all matters, we attend the karate section together...

Social activity

The section includes a description of the activities in which the child participated:

  • performance at the festival;
  • classroom design, wall newspapers;
  • participation in the exhibition;
  • reading poems at a matinee.

Additionally, the event is analyzed by the student, and personal emotions and impressions are assessed.


I am an athlete and actively participate in activities that are held at school. I recently played in the school football team and I liked it. The guys strived for victory and were very worried about the result. When the jury summed up the results and the team won, everyone rejoiced and hugged each other...

My friends

In this section, the child independently describes his friends, provides information about their hobbies and interests. Additionally, photographs of peers are posted and memorable moments are noted.


I'm friends with Olya and Sasha. Olya and I have been communicating since kindergarten, and we met Sasha at preparatory courses for school. The guys come to my house and invite me to visit. We love to have fun, play hide and seek, bloopers, computer.

My school

In the “My School” block, the student indicates the address of the educational institution, contact numbers of the administration; last name, first name, patronymic of the director, year of commencement of studies. Additionally, a photo of the high school is pasted on.

It is useful to draw a diagram of the route from home to school with the obligatory indication of dangerous places: road intersections, placement of traffic lights, artificial humps (“speed bumps”). Working together with parents on the picture will help children remember the safe route from home to school.


I study at a secondary school in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region, which is located at (specify). Contact numbers of the educational institution (specify). I have been studying since 2015...

My class

In this section, the class number and letter are indicated, a photograph is attached, and a description of the mini-format about the life of the class is given.


I study in 3B grade. There are 25 people in the class, 15 girls and 10 boys. My teacher is Maria Vasilievna Ivanova. She tells the material in an interesting way, plays with us, comes up with joint activities, and doesn’t swear or scream. Our class is friendly. And when someone quarrels or fights, Maria Vasilievna helps to sort it out and make peace.

My world

The section contains information about the student’s personal hobbies, favorite works of art, favorite friends, pets, and toys. In this block it is appropriate to talk about the child’s leisure time with a description of the places he visits. Mark what you liked or didn't like.


In the summer I read a collection of works by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. I liked the humorous stories and made a project based on them for school. In August I visited a water park and learned to swim. My beloved cat Fred is always waiting for me at home. He is a prankster and a bully, but he loves me very much and I love him too.

My city

In the block they talk about their small homeland, hometown. It is advisable to describe attractions, museums, favorite places. This section tells about the area of ​​residence, its features, and what the child likes.


I live in the city of Yekaterinburg. It is beautiful, modern, there are many shopping centers and entertainment places. The city's attractions and museums include local history, wildlife, fine arts (to list). I especially like the Black Tulip monument, dedicated to soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

My studies

The section reflects the dynamics of educational achievement, from first grade to 4th grade in primary school. By 1st grade, children know letters and numbers and read syllables.

Information about studying helps the teacher to correctly distribute the load in order to avoid excessive stress on the student. The child can indicate his favorite subjects, describe which ones he understands easily and which ones he finds difficult.

Analysis of academic performance after graduating from primary school shows the student’s abilities and the degree of his preparation for further studies.


Writing sample for a 5th grade student: I like the subjects: literature, Russian language, physical education. Mathematics is difficult because I consider myself a humanitarian. But I learned the curriculum. Last year I received a grade of “4” in mathematics.

My art

The block includes information about which sections, clubs and developmental classes the child attends. They celebrate the child’s achievements, participation in exhibitions, events, and competitions. It is advisable to attach samples of work.


I attend a vocal club at the Early Development Center. We learn songs of various musical genres and take part in performances. I recently performed at a concert for kids in a kindergarten.

My life plans

The block “is filled out by a student in grades 5-7. The section includes a description of future aspirations and plans and is compiled in free form.


When I finish school, I will enter the Pedagogical University. I dream of becoming an English teacher because I love this subject. I also want to train as a translator of foreign texts, films, and music.

My first teacher

In the “My first teacher” section, indicate information about the teacher: last name, first name, patronymic. A brief description of the teacher's professional qualities is made. You can write down memorable moments associated with it and stick a photo.


My first teacher was Ivanova Larisa Petrovna. I will not forget the moment when I came to first grade. Larisa Petrovna helped me cope with my studies, taught me to write and read. I will always remember and visit her in high school...

How to register correctly

There are no established standards or templates for how to design a school portfolio. However, there are recommendations on how to do the school format:

  • A personal diary is printed in Word as an electronic document, which is subsequently printed.
  • A neat design in the same style is required (size, font, indentation, line spacing).
  • Portfolio sections are not numbered.
  • Certificates, diplomas and other certificates confirming the student’s achievements are attached to the document.

A portfolio for a boy can be beautifully designed based on his favorite cartoon or movie (“Paw Patrol”, “Prostokvashino”, “Spider-Man”), and for girls - use blank pages with princesses.

However, it is important to take into account that as a child ages, his hobbies change, and he will lose interest in the original version. Therefore, it is advisable to draw up the document in a neutral style.

Filling out a portfolio means collecting information about the student that will be useful in the educational process. Subsequently it will become a family heirloom. The completed questionnaire will help the child in choosing a future profession, teach him to evaluate his own knowledge, strive and achieve his goals.

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