Larisa Renard 4 states of a woman to read. Four facets of perfection

May 24, 2017

Four facets of perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program Larisa Renard

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Title: Four Facets of Perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program

About the book “Four Facets of Perfection. Annual program for the return of femininity" Larisa Renard

Every woman from birth owns four energy states, four elements: Girl, Mistress, Mistress and Queen. And our success, luck, our self-realization in various spheres of life depend on how skillfully we use the energy given to us by nature. Following the author through the pages of the book, you will live a happy year, master each of the states to perfection in order to do the right thing at the right time at the right time, not missing the gifts of fate.

This book is a magical instruction for three bestsellers by Larisa Renard: "The Circle of Female Power", "Discovering a New Self" and "The Elixir of Love".

The unique program for the return of femininity contains energy practices, exercises, meditations, tips, tests.

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Larisa Renard
Four facets of perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program

© Renard L., text, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

The four states of a woman

Have you noticed that every season you feel in a different way?

In winter, you feel how the cold forces you to be rational and prudent. Indeed, in bad weather, you don’t want to leave the house once again, and you think through every step you take. The view of the snowy plain awakens thoughts of freedom. The icy wind makes you shackle yourself in the armor of coldness.

And yet, at home, in a friendly circle, you melt from the warmth and sensitively capture the moods of those around you. Feelings awaken in you.

They will flood like a river when March comes. Your mood will quickly change, it will be impossible to keep up with it. All the plans built in the winter will collapse - in the spring their logic is no longer in demand. Sometimes you start behaving like in childhood - you are capricious, picky, you are hard to please. Yes, you yourself do not know what you want in the spring. Or do you know? For someone to take your whims seriously, to take care of that little girl who woke up in you with the March sun?

The summer sun will awaken strong passions in you. They are difficult to control, impossible to manage. It is worth the fire to flare up, and its flame already lives its own life - obeys its own laws. You become bold and even daring and dive headlong into the pool of passion. And if in the summer you completely surrender to your inner fire, then by the fall you emerge from this pool as a luxurious beauty.

Your September state is like the rich colors of an autumn landscape. There are many shades of complex feelings in your soul that you catch in yourself and those around you. And people are drawn to you to hear a kind word or wise advice. You radiate the fullness of life, calmness and self-confidence.

Each season is associated with one of the four major women's fortunes. In winter, this is the state of the Queen - self-sufficient, independent, rational. In spring - the state of the Girl, trusting, loving, open. In summer - the state of the Mistress, passionate, bright and exciting the male imagination. And in autumn - the state of the Mistress, confident, calm and wise.

Each of these states is not just a set of qualities, but a manifestation of four forms of female energy.

Maybe you haven't heard about it. But this does not mean that these states are unfamiliar to you. The one born of a woman is already born with intuitive knowledge of all four states. Just the degree of manifestation of these conditions for different women is different. In someone, the Lover is more manifested, in someone the Queen is more, in someone the Mistress is more, and in someone - the Girl.

The states of female energy are associated with the natural elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element gives you a certain energy at the time of your birth. The element of Earth, strong and essential, endows a woman with calmness, practicality, solidity and reliability (the state of the Mistress), the element of Fire, hot and pulsating, makes a woman sensual and impulsive, passionate and sexual (the state of the Mistress). The element of Water gives us emotionality and spontaneity, playfulness and softness (the condition of a Girl). Air helps us to become self-reliant and purposeful, independent and logical (the state of the Queen).

All these states are depicted in the legends and tales of different peoples. Of course, you learned about the Queen's condition in childhood from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Not surprisingly, the Danish writer turned to this topic. After all, Denmark is a country with ancient royal traditions. Therefore, here the story of the Snow Queen could happen, dazzling, powerful and so attractive that she even managed to win Kai's kind children's heart, enchanting him with her magnificence. Andersen guessed and embodied in this image those qualities of the Queen that still excite the imagination of many men. The white snowy kingdom, the vast expanse - all these are the possessions of the Queen, a proud and shining woman, the conqueror of men's hearts.

In Russian fairy tales, we can also meet the image of the queen - this is the Swan Princess, sung by Pushkin, Vrubel and other geniuses. The swan was once the king of all birds. Since then, legends about swan maidens have appeared in the mythology of the northern peoples as a symbol of royal power, unfading beauty and communion with sacred knowledge.

In Scandinavian mythology, swan maidens turned into Valkyries, warrior maidens on winged horses. But, like swan maidens, they fly to a river or lake and, throwing off their clothes, turn into fabulous beauties. It is believed that only the one who hides their clothes can gain power over them.

The Queen symbolizes the element of Air. And most of the practices associated with the element of Air originated from the northern tradition, from the Arctic ancestral home of our civilization - Hyperborea, the disappeared mainland in the Far North. The Hellenes came up with this word, calling the country behind the north wind Boreas, stretching for many hundreds of kilometers. As legends tell, the climate there was mild and warm, and this region prospered, striking with its wealth. It was there that the main pyramid of the Earth towered - Mount Meru, the ancient mythical sacred center of the world. But the fall of the asteroid changed the axis of rotation of the Earth, and the ancient northern continent went under water. Only a part of the great continent remained, Greenland, bound by ice, which keeps its secrets.

You may have read the book or watched the movie Smilla's Snow Feeling. About a girl who had an amazing intuitive understanding of snow, about a girl who loved endless expanses and mathematics, the abstract science of numbers and formulas. This is the story of a stubborn and courageous heroine who firmly decided to unravel the mystery of the death of her little friend, a native of Greenland.

Smilla is another northern heroine-Queen, embodying all the qualities of this state - independence, logic, authority and independence. Such a woman is brave and cold-blooded, confident and free. She sees everything, understands everything and controls everything. She guides and inspires a man, always remaining herself.

A girl is a different state of a woman. Gentle and kind, loving and meek. A girl is like water, washing away all sorrows, taking away sorrows and giving boundless love, peace and tranquility. In Greek art, this state was embodied in the goddess Aphrodite, who married the Olympian gods and ordinary people.

Afros is Greek for sea foam. Aphrodite was born from the blood of Uranus castrated by Cronus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Once, as the legend says, Aphrodite emerged from the foam on the coast of the Greek island of Cyprus.

Until now, in Cyprus, this place is popular with tourists who specially come here to plunge into the waters that washed the body of the beautiful goddess, and transform externally and internally. Because of the stones, as if specially scattered near the shore, the sea is always restless here - the waves merrily run on the warm sand, swirl in whirlpools, rage and seem to compose a song in honor of the revered Aphrodite.

This place is also known by the initiates - people who have knowledge and perform energy practices. The place got its name - Petratu Romiou - not by chance. It is associated with one of the exploits of the Byzantine hero Digenis Akritas. It is thanks to him that this little bay is so restless. After all, it was Digenis, according to legend, who threw giant blocks into the water, because of which the water is now foaming near the shore. The hero defended the country from the Saracen invaders who tried to take over the city. One of these boulders was named Petratu Romiou, which translates as "Greek's Stone".

Lovers come here especially. It is believed that bathing in these waters guarantees them a long life together. And if at midnight you muster up the courage and swim past the biggest stone, then you will always be young and beautiful, like a Greek goddess.

Aphrodite had the power of powerful love penetrating the whole world. She is the goddess of eternal spring and life. She is also associated with fertility, so she was always depicted surrounded by flowers - roses, anemones, daffodils, lilies, violets.

This goddess was worshiped in antiquity and is still worshiped. Lovers believe in her power and patronage. And they bring gifts to Aphrodite - chic works of art and cute trinkets, dedicate dances and poems.

For example, these:

I invoke Urania, the Virgin with an immortal smile.
O Aphrodite, sung in hymns, Bringing good!
Sea-born Mother Goddess, Mistress of the Night,
You cover passionate lovers with a misty veil.
You skillfully weave the secret threads of deceit
Into the golden net, O Mother of Ananki, pleasing to the eye.
For You are the source of everything that the bottomless Cosmos reveals to us.
The Trinity Moir obeyed You, O Lady of the world,
The heights of the mountains, the hills and valleys of the fertile land,
The deep seas and the creatures of the sea that dwell in it.

Apec, the god of war and battle, was the husband of Aphrodite. Love keeps the warrior in battle, and the stronger the woman's love, the more protected the man. Therefore, warriors also honor the goddess of love and ask her for protection.

The element of Fire, which controls the state of the Mistress, also has its own goddess - the Indian one. Her name is Shakti, which translates as "strength". It is the creative energy of the universe, embodying the feminine energy.

According to Indian mythology, Shakti was the wife of Shiva, who embodies the divine aspect of every man. She is a fire that burns inside every woman, illuminating everything around and giving creative energy.

In different incarnations, Shakti had many names - for example, Sati. Sati symbolizes marital fidelity, sexual and fruitful passion. This force can be both creative and destructive. Therefore, some men are afraid of such feminine qualities.

A beautiful legend tells about the love of Sati and Shiva. Sati's father, Daksha, decided to marry her off and arranged a kind of bride-to-be. However, he decided not to call Shiva, because he did not recognize him as a god and believed that he would find a better match for his daughter. However, Sati dreamed only of Shiva. And when she threw into the air the garland intended for the groom, she, according to her desire, fell on the neck of Shiva who suddenly appeared.

However, the father of the bride was not at all happy about this. He set out to confront the lovers. So, he even removed Shiva from the sacrifice, which was attended by the rest of the gods.

Sati was offended by this position of her father. She called on Shiva to destroy the sacrifice, and herself, unable to bear the humiliation, threw herself into the sacred fire and burned. (By the way, the term "sati" is still used in India in relation to widows who burn themselves on the funeral pyre of their husband.)

The unfortunate Shiva with the charred body of Sati wandered around the world for a long time, trying to find a way to revive his beloved to life. Finally, the god Vishnu took pity on him. He cut Sati's body into many pieces and scattered the remains, making the places where they fell into centers of pilgrimage. And Sati after some time was reborn as Parvati, the new wife of Shiva.

And although this is just a legend, there are still places in India where people who want to join the ancient cults, find themselves, undergo special practices. One of these places is Khajuraho.

Legends say that the creators of Khajuraho descended from the moon. Hemavati, the beautiful daughter of a Brahmin, was seduced by the moon god while bathing in a river at night. From this union of a mortal and a god, a son, Chandravarman, was born. In those days, an unmarried woman with a child was persecuted and condemned, so Hemavati went to the forests of Central India. There she raised and raised her son, who became the founder of the great Chandela dynasty. When he was recognized as the ruler, he saw in a dream his mother, who begged him to build a temple that sang of human passions. Now, people from different parts of the world come to this temple to feel the great power of passion, the power of fire. After all, this is creative energy, with the help of which a person is capable of creation.

The fourth element, the element of the Earth, gives the woman the state of the Mistress. She communicates solidity, poise, faith in one's own strength, communicates order to everything. Catherine the Great, the Russian Empress, is that woman-Mistress who left a mark on history, which is admired to this day.

Another Indian heroine, Princess Mandarava, embodies the qualities of this state of a woman.

According to legend, Mandarava was the wife of the great guru Padmasambhava, who was called to Tibet to restore order and help Buddhism replace the Bon religion. No matter how many Buddhists built temples, they immediately collapsed - either an earthquake occurred, or a fire, or a strong hurricane swooped in. The priests of the Bon religion did not want to give up their power just like that. Moreover, they ruled the state.

But back to Mandarava.

Long ago, at the end of the 8th century, in one of the regions of India, the beautiful princess Mandarava was born. Since childhood, she has been passionate about the search for sacred knowledge. Mandarava's father invited Guru Padmasambhava to be his daughter's teacher. But one day he caught them doing not sciences, but love. Enraged, he threw his daughter into a pit of thorns and ordered Padmasambhava to be burned. But Padmasambhava turned the fire into a lake of sesame oil. In the middle of the lake, surrounded by flames, a beautiful lotus grew, on which Padmasambhava sat in the body of an eight-year-old child. The amazed king fell on his face and recognized the divinity of Padmasabhava. He offered him his kingdom and his daughter in marriage. So Mandarava became the beloved wife of Guru Padmasambhava, and together they went to the sacred place of power - the cave of Maratika, where they spent three hundred years.

And it was there, in the darkness of the cave, symbolizing wisdom and mastery, that they found the sacred bliss of merging.

Maybe you remembered other stories about the four female states? There are a great many of them. They capture the ancient experience, which was originally preserved in the oral tradition - through fairy tales, legends, myths. By reading them, you, feeling the vibrations and imagining the image, can tune in to a certain state. The heroines changed, but the essence remained the same - every woman has four states of energy that she can and must reveal in herself.

However, is it necessary to look for all these states in oneself? Maybe it's enough to find one thing - something that is closest to you?

No, being in one state is not enough. For example, if the state of the Girl dominates, then everyone around is surprised why such a sweet, kind and obedient girl is still alone, forgetting that it is not the Girl that attracts men, but the passionate Lover. Or, on the contrary, someone likes to be independent and free, to make decisions herself, that is, to be the Queen. This is a wonderful state to deprive a man of his mind, but having achieved his goal, the man expects the tigress to turn into an affectionate kitten, and if this does not happen, then the man, unable to withstand the stress, disappears.

A woman is a unique creature, she can strengthen those energies that are weakly manifested in her. Through the connection with the elements, a woman acquires a new state, integrity and power.

Having experienced all four states, finding yourself in each, you will be able to feel the fullness of life. Perhaps then the person you have always dreamed of will come into your life. However, finding your half is a whole science.

Find out the secret about yourself

I suggest that you “show the cards”, that is, find out what your nature is most inclined to, what energy prevails in you. This is very important so that you can take the shortest path to your wholeness. I want to invite you to find out some details about yourself. What are you - rational or spontaneous? What state prevails in you? What do you strive for as an ideal? And what do you refuse as unnecessary?

I see you are already interested. Let's try.

For those who like tests, I offer a test.

You have to choose description 1 or 2 and 3 or 4 from the first part of the table. Read, try on the descriptions for yourself, and then after the table, see the conclusions.

1. Queen.

2. Girl.

3. Mistress.

4. Mistress.

As a rule, a person has two leading states. And the test shows those states that are given to us from birth. But to find out which states are most manifested at the moment, you can use the Tarolino deck.

"States" layout

Take the Tarolino deck, select four queens from it: the Queen of Water, the Queen of Fire, the Queen of Earth and the Queen of Air. Now lay out the cards face down and face down in one row.

From left to right, start opening the cards. Only queens will have values. So:

the first queen you discover is who you want to be;

the second queen you discover is who you are;

the third queen you discover is what you develop;

the fourth queen you will open is the one you do not accept.

Now you see how the forces of the four states are distributed in you. Working on the book further, you will be able to balance them in order to create wholeness from harmony and show your feminine strength and essence to the end.

The alignment will help you understand why relationships develop in a certain way and what you need to pay attention to. It is in those states that we do not accept that we experience the greatest difficulties in relationships.

At all times, men sought to find the one in whom all states are manifested. They intuitively felt that only such a woman could be their worthy companion, help them gain strength and integrity. Only when a woman connects with a man on all four levels (physical, sexual, emotional and mental), only then the man is filled with energy and ready to perform feats. Only such a woman helps him conquer the world, which he is ready to throw at her feet. Only such a woman can help a man reach those heights that are destined for him by fate.

If a woman is familiar with these states, then she closes the circle of her feminine power and, as a sign of this, receives an engagement ring as a gift.

In his wife, a man wants to see a passionate Mistress, and an inspiring muse or an impregnable Queen, and an enthusiastic Girl, and a zealous Mistress. A man waits, even sometimes unconsciously, for the satisfaction of all his needs - both mental, and emotional, and physical, and sexual. On a physical level, he expects a woman to take care of him, feed him delicious breakfasts or dinners, keep the house in order, support and calm him in difficult moments. We call this state of a woman the Mistress. And at the same time, on an emotional level, he wants to see in his beloved woman a helpless Girl who needs his protection and patronage, a Girl who admires him and enthusiastically listens to his every word. A girl who recklessly believes in his ability to change the world and rejoices in his successes, appreciates his efforts and gifts, even the simplest ones. At the mental level, a man expects from a woman intelligence and education, the ability to conduct an intellectual conversation, to be aware of his affairs and problems, to be able to guide and inspire him, to be able to be interesting and independent, creative and unpredictable. He wants to see in her the Queen, or the muse. But everything pales before what a man is waiting for at night. No wonder they say - "the night cuckoo will cuckle the day." Passionate and skillful Mistress, who knows all the secrets of bed art, secret points on the body of a man, who is not afraid of oral sex, gets unlimited power. A man cannot get enough of such a woman, and he is drawn to her again and again, he longs for her and seeks to spend every night only with her.

But first, each of us is waiting for a period of courtship. How to do everything right at this time?

It is during the courtship period that a woman lives through all four states that we talked about - Girls, Mistresses, Queens and Mistresses. A man seems to be checking how familiar these states are to a woman, whether she can satisfy all his needs. Can he find what he's looking for in one woman?

Why can't a woman be in one state? Why might this backfire on her?

Sometimes it happens that you give not only sexual energy, but also feed a man, take care of him, make decisions for him, without demanding anything in return. But such altruism turns against you. Because the only man to whom you can devote yourself and give everything is your son. If you behave the same way with a man, then he will also feel your mother in you, and this is very dangerous for your relationship. He will respect you, but he will stop wanting you, since there is a ban on incest with “mom”, and therefore he will subconsciously avoid sex with you. Maybe you met such women: you bought a house for him, and fed him, and put him to bed with you. And it is not surprising that he will immediately be carried away by the one he can take care of himself. Men love to take care of little girls, buy them gifts, carry them in their arms, pamper and protect them. That is why the condition of the Girl is so important. However, constant infantilism eventually irritates. We must not forget about the state of the Queen when you are independent and free. When a man feels that you are one step away from leaving. We inspire a man, but at the same time we are interesting in ourselves. Men shower the Queen with gifts, flowers, trying to earn her attention.

So, in the state of the Mistress you give energy, in the state of the Girl you receive, in the state of the Mistress you give, in the state of the Queen you receive.

Usually two conditions are manifested in a woman. Let's say Mistress and Girl. Or Mistress and Queen. Depending on this, a woman attracts a man into her life who could complement her, strengthen those states in which she is not manifested. And vice versa, a man is looking for that woman in whom there is something that he himself lacks. For example, a man in whom practicality and logic are shown will look for a woman in whom emotionality and sexuality are bright - Girl and Lover. And a creative man, in whom sexuality and emotionality are strong, on the contrary, will look for a woman who is dominated by practicality - Earth and logic - Air.

Men, too, experience the power of the elements. The dominance and combination of certain elements turns some into generals, others into artists and lyricists, others into scientists poring over scientific works and trying to comprehend the secrets of the universe, and the fourth into merchants and teachers. These are the four main male clans.

And representatives of each clan have their own dominant needs: intellectual, energetic, emotional, sensory. Depending on them, a man needs and looks for a woman, depending on them, a woman chooses a man.

Ruler clan

Air and Earth are men in whom logic and practicality are clearly manifested. These are born leaders, they know how to manage and carry along. They have a strong will, they are purposeful and persistent. They always achieve the goals that they set for themselves, sweeping away all obstacles in the way. In their understanding, the world is ruled by force, and they know how to manifest it. They rarely fail and do not forgive insults and humiliations, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. From those around them, they demand order and discipline. They are restrained in the manifestation of their emotions, secretive and jealous. They tend to control every step of a woman and are ready to hide her from everyone.

They are cool about their own appearance, paying more attention to the status of those things that belong to them.

merchant clan

Earth and Water - practicality and emotionality prevail in such men. Emotionality is manifested in the fact that they are perfectly able to capture the mood of others and, just playing along, achieve their goals. They know how to bargain perfectly, always defending their interests. At the same time, they are not prone to sentimentality and romanticism. Their main qualities are freedom of action and thinking, the desire to follow their own impulses. They are unpredictable, risk-averse, optimistic, decisive and not disposed to abstract reasoning. They have a desire for power and glory. They are always confident in themselves and their rightness. They always and in everything try to show their superiority to others, but for all that they are sociable and know how to create a holiday for themselves and others. They have excellent taste and know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them. They are very sensitive to their own appearance, they dress beautifully. They can show either generosity, showering them with gifts, or stinginess, even in small things. They know how to beautifully look after, delivering both sensual and aesthetic pleasure. Great lovers of women.

They love variety in everything and are constantly in search of new sensations.

creator clan

Water and Fire are those men in whom emotionality and sexuality are more pronounced. High sexuality is manifested in high creative potential. These are men with a rich imagination, able to be fascinated by new opportunities and rush after the “blue bird”. They know how to create something new - they are artists, poets, architects, actors, musicians. They know how to express and evoke the emotions they need. They are dreamy, romantic and capable of beautiful gestures. They are absolutely indifferent to everyday trifles, it does not matter to them where to sleep, what to eat, what and how they are dressed. They need someone to take care of. They are generous and mean at the same time. Creative chaos always reigns in their lives, but it is only in the midst of this chaos that beautiful works of art are born. They sing of the woman, but it is difficult for them to provide for her. They are ready to devote their whole lives to her, but they are unlikely to be able to build a house for her. They live in an imaginary world cut off from reality, and this allows them to create new worlds. But for these worlds to turn into reality, they need someone who will open them and be able to make all their fantasies come true. They are very sexy and inventive.

clan of discoverers

Fire and Air - these men show logic and intuition, as well as sexuality. This is a clan of male discoverers, scientists, researchers. They are always ready to plunge into the unknown to discover the laws that govern the world. They know how to create structures. They easily destroy the old to create something new. They care little about the shape of their house, order or disorder there. They do not pay attention to their health, they can, carried away by work, forget about food. They are indifferent to money and are able to earn easily and spend just as easily. They are poorly versed in emotions and therefore prefer not to show their feelings and not let anyone particularly close to their inner world. They seem cold and reserved, but by nature they are very passionate men. They are excellent at arguing their point of view and often, in search of truth, do not notice how the feelings of other people hurt.

Knowing to which clan a man belongs by birthright allows you to better understand him and accept him for who he is, with all the advantages and limitations. And not to demand from the artist golden palaces, and from the ruler - the expression of strong emotions.

Men are more determined in their manifestations and more lazy. More precisely, more rational. They will not waste time developing what they have poorly manifested. Unlike women, who are more plastic and can develop those energies that, due to upbringing or birth, were poorly manifested in them.

Therefore, a woman, when she knows the four basic states - Mistresses, Queens, Girls and Mistresses - can tune in to any man, understanding what manifestations he expects from her.

On the pages of this book, you will learn how to discover and develop all these states in yourself. Simple exercises and meditations will help you feel them well, get used to them. You will fulfill them without difficulty - after all, you were born a woman, which means that all these states are your inner world. This is a very interesting adventure - knowing yourself.

Are you ready to go on a trip?

Larisa Renard

Four facets of perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program


The four states of a woman

Have you noticed that every season you feel in a different way?

In winter, you feel how the cold forces you to be rational and prudent. Indeed, in bad weather, you don’t want to leave the house once again, and you think through every step you take. The view of the snowy plain awakens thoughts of freedom. The icy wind makes you shackle yourself in the armor of coldness.

And yet, at home, in a friendly circle, you melt from the warmth and sensitively capture the moods of those around you. Feelings awaken in you.

They will flood like a river when March comes. Your mood will quickly change, it will be impossible to keep up with it. All the plans built in the winter will collapse - in the spring their logic is no longer in demand. Sometimes you start behaving like in childhood - you are capricious, picky, you are hard to please. Yes, you yourself do not know what you want in the spring. Or do you know? For someone to take your whims seriously, to take care of that little girl who woke up in you with the March sun?

The summer sun will awaken strong passions in you. They are difficult to control, impossible to manage. It is worth the fire to flare up, and its flame already lives its own life - obeys its own laws. You become bold and even daring and dive headlong into the pool of passion. And if in the summer you completely surrender to your inner fire, then by the fall you emerge from this pool as a luxurious beauty.

Your September state is like the rich colors of an autumn landscape. There are many shades of complex feelings in your soul that you catch in yourself and those around you. And people are drawn to you to hear a kind word or wise advice. You radiate the fullness of life, calmness and self-confidence.

Each season is associated with one of the four major women's fortunes. In winter, this is the state of the Queen - self-sufficient, independent, rational. In spring - the state of the Girl, trusting, loving, open. In summer - the state of the Mistress, passionate, bright and exciting the male imagination. And in autumn - the state of the Mistress, confident, calm and wise.

Each of these states is not just a set of qualities, but a manifestation of four forms of female energy.

Maybe you haven't heard about it. But this does not mean that these states are unfamiliar to you. The one born of a woman is already born with intuitive knowledge of all four states. Just the degree of manifestation of these conditions for different women is different. In someone, the Lover is more manifested, in someone the Queen is more, in someone the Mistress is more, and in someone - the Girl.

The states of female energy are associated with the natural elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element gives you a certain energy at the time of your birth. The element of Earth, strong and essential, endows a woman with calmness, practicality, solidity and reliability (the state of the Mistress), the element of Fire, hot and pulsating, makes a woman sensual and impulsive, passionate and sexual (the state of the Mistress). The element of Water gives us emotionality and spontaneity, playfulness and softness (the condition of a Girl). Air helps us to become self-reliant and purposeful, independent and logical (the state of the Queen).

All these states are depicted in the legends and tales of different peoples. Of course, you learned about the Queen's condition in childhood from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Not surprisingly, the Danish writer turned to this topic. After all, Denmark is a country with ancient royal traditions. Therefore, here the story of the Snow Queen could happen, dazzling, powerful and so attractive that she even managed to win Kai's kind children's heart, enchanting him with her magnificence. Andersen guessed and embodied in this image those qualities of the Queen that still excite the imagination of many men. The white snowy kingdom, the vast expanse - all these are the possessions of the Queen, a proud and shining woman, the conqueror of men's hearts.

In Russian fairy tales, we can also meet the image of the queen - this is the Swan Princess, sung by Pushkin, Vrubel and other geniuses. The swan was once the king of all birds. Since then, legends about swan maidens have appeared in the mythology of the northern peoples as a symbol of royal power, unfading beauty and communion with sacred knowledge.

In Scandinavian mythology, swan maidens turned into Valkyries, warrior maidens on winged horses. But, like swan maidens, they fly to a river or lake and, throwing off their clothes, turn into fabulous beauties. It is believed that only the one who hides their clothes can gain power over them.

The Queen symbolizes the element of Air. And most of the practices associated with the element of Air originated from the northern tradition, from the Arctic ancestral home of our civilization - Hyperborea, the disappeared mainland in the Far North. The Hellenes came up with this word, calling the country behind the north wind Boreas, stretching for many hundreds of kilometers. As legends tell, the climate there was mild and warm, and this region prospered, striking with its wealth. It was there that the main pyramid of the Earth towered - Mount Meru, the ancient mythical sacred center of the world. But the fall of the asteroid changed the axis of rotation of the Earth, and the ancient northern continent went under water. Only a part of the great continent remained, Greenland, bound by ice, which keeps its secrets.

You may have read the book or watched the movie Smilla's Snow Feeling. About a girl who had an amazing intuitive understanding of snow, about a girl who loved endless expanses and mathematics, the abstract science of numbers and formulas. This is the story of a stubborn and courageous heroine who firmly decided to unravel the mystery of the death of her little friend, a native of Greenland.

Smilla is another northern heroine-Queen, embodying all the qualities of this state - independence, logic, authority and independence. Such a woman is brave and cold-blooded, confident and free. She sees everything, understands everything and controls everything. She guides and inspires a man, always remaining herself.

A girl is a different state of a woman. Gentle and kind, loving and meek. A girl is like water, washing away all sorrows, taking away sorrows and giving boundless love, peace and tranquility. In Greek art, this state was embodied in the goddess Aphrodite, who married the Olympian gods and ordinary people.

Afros is Greek for sea foam. Aphrodite was born from the blood of Uranus castrated by Cronus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Once, as the legend says, Aphrodite emerged from the foam on the coast of the Greek island of Cyprus.

Until now, in Cyprus, this place is popular with tourists who specially come here to plunge into the waters that washed the body of the beautiful goddess, and transform externally and internally. Because of the stones, as if specially scattered near the shore, the sea is always restless here - the waves merrily run on the warm sand, swirl in whirlpools, rage and seem to compose a song in honor of the revered Aphrodite.

This place is also known by the initiates - people who have knowledge and perform energy practices. The place got its name - Petratu Romiou - not by chance. It is associated with one of the exploits of the Byzantine hero Digenis Akritas. It is thanks to him that this little bay is so restless. After all, it was Digenis, according to legend, who threw giant blocks into the water, because of which the water is now foaming near the shore. The hero defended the country from the Saracen invaders who tried to take over the city. One of these boulders was named Petratu Romiou, which translates as "Greek's Stone".

Lovers come here especially. It is believed that bathing in these waters guarantees them a long life together. And if at midnight you muster up the courage and swim past the biggest stone, then you will always be young and beautiful, like a Greek goddess.

Aphrodite had the power of powerful love penetrating the whole world. She is the goddess of eternal spring and life. She is also associated with fertility, so she was always depicted surrounded by flowers - roses, anemones, daffodils, lilies, violets.

For example, these:

I invoke Urania, the Virgin with an immortal smile.

O Aphrodite, sung in hymns, Bringing good!

Sea-born Mother Goddess, Mistress of the Night,

You cover passionate lovers with a misty veil.

You skillfully weave the secret threads of deceit

Into the golden net, O Mother of Ananki, pleasing to the eye.

For You are the source of everything that the bottomless Cosmos reveals to us.

The Trinity Moir obeyed You, O Lady of the world,

The heights of the mountains, the hills and valleys of the fertile land,

The deep seas and the creatures of the sea that dwell in it.

Apec, the god of war and battle, was the husband of Aphrodite. Love keeps the warrior in battle, and the stronger the woman's love, the more protected the man. Therefore, warriors also honor the goddess of love and ask her for protection.

The element of Fire, which controls the state of the Mistress, also has its own goddess - the Indian one. Her name is Shakti, which translates as "strength". It is the creative energy of the universe, embodying the feminine energy.

According to Indian mythology, Shakti was the wife of Shiva, who embodies the divine aspect of every man. She is a fire that burns inside every woman, illuminating everything around and giving creative energy.

In different incarnations, Shakti had many names - for example, Sati. Sati symbolizes marital fidelity, sexual and fruitful passion. This force can be both creative and destructive. Therefore, some men are afraid of such feminine qualities.

A beautiful legend tells about the love of Sati and Shiva. Sati's father, Daksha, decided to marry her off and arranged a kind of bride-to-be. However, he decided not to call Shiva, because he did not recognize him as a god and believed that he would find a better match for his daughter. However, Sati dreamed only of Shiva. And when she threw into the air the garland intended for the groom, she, according to her desire, fell on the neck of Shiva who suddenly appeared.

However, the father of the bride was not at all happy about this. He set out to confront the lovers. So, he even removed Shiva from the sacrifice, which was attended by the rest of the gods.

Sati was offended by this position of her father. She called on Shiva to destroy the sacrifice, and herself, unable to bear the humiliation, threw herself into the sacred fire and burned. (By the way, the term "sati" is still used in India in relation to widows who burn themselves on the funeral pyre of their husband.)

The unfortunate Shiva with the charred body of Sati wandered around the world for a long time, trying to find a way to revive his beloved to life. Finally, the god Vishnu took pity on him. He cut Sati's body into many pieces and scattered the remains, making the places where they fell into centers of pilgrimage. And Sati after some time was reborn as Parvati, the new wife of Shiva.

And although this is just a legend, there are still places in India where people who want to join the ancient cults, find themselves, undergo special practices. One of these places is Khajuraho.

Legends say that the creators of Khajuraho descended from the moon. Hemavati, the beautiful daughter of a Brahmin, was seduced by the moon god while bathing in a river at night. From this union of a mortal and a god, a son, Chandravarman, was born. In those days, an unmarried woman with a child was persecuted and condemned, so Hemavati went to the forests of Central India. There she raised and raised her son, who became the founder of the great Chandela dynasty. When he was recognized as the ruler, he saw in a dream his mother, who begged him to build a temple that sang of human passions. Now, people from different parts of the world come to this temple to feel the great power of passion, the power of fire. After all, this is creative energy, with the help of which a person is capable of creation.

The fourth element, the element of the Earth, gives the woman the state of the Mistress. She communicates solidity, poise, faith in one's own strength, communicates order to everything. Catherine the Great, the Russian Empress, is that woman-Mistress who left a mark on history, which is admired to this day.

Another Indian heroine, Princess Mandarava, embodies the qualities of this state of a woman.

According to legend, Mandarava was the wife of the great guru Padmasambhava, who was called to Tibet to restore order and help Buddhism replace the Bon religion. No matter how many Buddhists built temples, they immediately collapsed - either an earthquake occurred, or a fire, or a strong hurricane swooped in. The priests of the Bon religion did not want to give up their power just like that. Moreover, they ruled the state.

But back to Mandarava.

Long ago, at the end of the 8th century, in one of the regions of India, the beautiful princess Mandarava was born. Since childhood, she has been passionate about the search for sacred knowledge. Mandarava's father invited Guru Padmasambhava to be his daughter's teacher. But one day he caught them doing not sciences, but love. Enraged, he threw his daughter into a pit of thorns and ordered Padmasambhava to be burned. But Padmasambhava turned the fire into a lake of sesame oil. In the middle of the lake, surrounded by flames, a beautiful lotus grew, on which Padmasambhava sat in the body of an eight-year-old child. The amazed king fell on his face and recognized the divinity of Padmasabhava. He offered him his kingdom and his daughter in marriage. So Mandarava became the beloved wife of Guru Padmasambhava, and together they went to the sacred place of power - the cave of Maratika, where they spent three hundred years.

And it was there, in the darkness of the cave, symbolizing wisdom and mastery, that they found the sacred bliss of merging.

Maybe you remembered other stories about the four female states? There are a great many of them. They capture the ancient experience, which was originally preserved in the oral tradition - through fairy tales, legends, myths. By reading them, you, feeling the vibrations and imagining the image, can tune in to a certain state. The heroines changed, but the essence remained the same - every woman has four states of energy that she can and must reveal in herself.

However, is it necessary to look for all these states in oneself? Maybe it's enough to find one thing - something that is closest to you?

No, being in one state is not enough. For example, if the state of the Girl dominates, then everyone around is surprised why such a sweet, kind and obedient girl is still alone, forgetting that it is not the Girl that attracts men, but the passionate Lover. Or, on the contrary, someone likes to be independent and free, to make decisions herself, that is, to be the Queen. This is a wonderful state to deprive a man of his mind, but having achieved his goal, the man expects the tigress to turn into an affectionate kitten, and if this does not happen, then the man, unable to withstand the stress, disappears.

A woman is a unique creature, she can strengthen those energies that are weakly manifested in her. Through the connection with the elements, a woman acquires a new state, integrity and power.

Having experienced all four states, finding yourself in each, you will be able to feel the fullness of life. Perhaps then the person you have always dreamed of will come into your life. However, finding your half is a whole science.

Find out the secret about yourself

I suggest that you “show the cards”, that is, find out what your nature is most inclined to, what energy prevails in you. This is very important so that you can take the shortest path to your wholeness. I want to invite you to find out some details about yourself. What are you - rational or spontaneous? What state prevails in you? What do you strive for as an ideal? And what do you refuse as unnecessary?

I see you are already interested. Let's try.

For those who like tests, I offer a test.

You have to choose description 1 or 2 and 3 or 4 from the first part of the table. Read, try on the descriptions for yourself, and then after the table, see the conclusions.

1. Queen.

2. Girl.

3. Mistress.

4. Mistress.

As a rule, a person has two leading states. And the test shows those states that are given to us from birth. But to find out which states are most manifested at the moment, you can use the Tarolino deck.

"States" layout

Take the Tarolino deck, select four queens from it: the Queen of Water, the Queen of Fire, the Queen of Earth and the Queen of Air. Now lay out the cards face down and face down in one row.

From left to right, start opening the cards. Only queens will have values. So:

the first queen you discover is who you want to be;

the second queen you discover is who you are;

the third queen you discover is what you develop;

the fourth queen you will open is the one you do not accept.

Now you see how the forces of the four states are distributed in you. Working on the book further, you will be able to balance them in order to create wholeness from harmony and show your feminine strength and essence to the end.

The alignment will help you understand why relationships develop in a certain way and what you need to pay attention to. It is in those states that we do not accept that we experience the greatest difficulties in relationships.

At all times, men sought to find the one in whom all states are manifested. They intuitively felt that only such a woman could be their worthy companion, help them gain strength and integrity. Only when a woman connects with a man on all four levels (physical, sexual, emotional and mental), only then the man is filled with energy and ready to perform feats. Only such a woman helps him conquer the world, which he is ready to throw at her feet. Only such a woman can help a man reach those heights that are destined for him by fate.

If a woman is familiar with these states, then she closes the circle of her feminine power and, as a sign of this, receives an engagement ring as a gift.

In his wife, a man wants to see a passionate Mistress, and an inspiring muse or an impregnable Queen, and an enthusiastic Girl, and a zealous Mistress. A man waits, even sometimes unconsciously, for the satisfaction of all his needs - both mental, and emotional, and physical, and sexual. On a physical level, he expects a woman to take care of him, feed him delicious breakfasts or dinners, keep the house in order, support and calm him in difficult moments. We call this state of a woman the Mistress. And at the same time, on an emotional level, he wants to see in his beloved woman a helpless Girl who needs his protection and patronage, a Girl who admires him and enthusiastically listens to his every word. A girl who recklessly believes in his ability to change the world and rejoices in his successes, appreciates his efforts and gifts, even the simplest ones. At the mental level, a man expects from a woman intelligence and education, the ability to conduct an intellectual conversation, to be aware of his affairs and problems, to be able to guide and inspire him, to be able to be interesting and independent, creative and unpredictable. He wants to see in her the Queen, or the muse. But everything pales before what a man is waiting for at night. No wonder they say - "the night cuckoo will cuckle the day." Passionate and skillful Mistress, who knows all the secrets of bed art, secret points on the body of a man, who is not afraid of oral sex, gets unlimited power. A man cannot get enough of such a woman, and he is drawn to her again and again, he longs for her and seeks to spend every night only with her.

But first, each of us is waiting for a period of courtship. How to do everything right at this time?

It is during the courtship period that a woman lives through all four states that we talked about - Girls, Mistresses, Queens and Mistresses. A man seems to be checking how familiar these states are to a woman, whether she can satisfy all his needs. Can he find what he's looking for in one woman?

Why can't a woman be in one state? Why might this backfire on her?

Sometimes it happens that you give not only sexual energy, but also feed a man, take care of him, make decisions for him, without demanding anything in return. But such altruism turns against you. Because the only man to whom you can devote yourself and give everything is your son. If you behave the same way with a man, then he will also feel your mother in you, and this is very dangerous for your relationship. He will respect you, but he will stop wanting you, since there is a ban on incest with “mom”, and therefore he will subconsciously avoid sex with you. Maybe you met such women: you bought a house for him, and fed him, and put him to bed with you. And it is not surprising that he will immediately be carried away by the one he can take care of himself. Men love to take care of little girls, buy them gifts, carry them in their arms, pamper and protect them. That is why the condition of the Girl is so important. However, constant infantilism eventually irritates. We must not forget about the state of the Queen when you are independent and free. When a man feels that you are one step away from leaving. We inspire a man, but at the same time we are interesting in ourselves. Men shower the Queen with gifts, flowers, trying to earn her attention.

So, in the state of the Mistress you give energy, in the state of the Girl you receive, in the state of the Mistress you give, in the state of the Queen you receive.

Usually two conditions are manifested in a woman. Let's say Mistress and Girl. Or Mistress and Queen. Depending on this, a woman attracts a man into her life who could complement her, strengthen those states in which she is not manifested. And vice versa, a man is looking for that woman in whom there is something that he himself lacks. For example, a man in whom practicality and logic are shown will look for a woman in whom emotionality and sexuality are bright - Girl and Lover. And a creative man, in whom sexuality and emotionality are strong, on the contrary, will look for a woman who is dominated by practicality - Earth and logic - Air.

Men, too, experience the power of the elements. The dominance and combination of certain elements turns some into generals, others into artists and lyricists, others into scientists poring over scientific works and trying to comprehend the secrets of the universe, and the fourth into merchants and teachers. These are the four main male clans.

And representatives of each clan have their own dominant needs: intellectual, energetic, emotional, sensory. Depending on them, a man needs and looks for a woman, depending on them, a woman chooses a man.

Ruler clan

Air and Earth are men in whom logic and practicality are clearly manifested. These are born leaders, they know how to manage and carry along. They have a strong will, they are purposeful and persistent. They always achieve the goals that they set for themselves, sweeping away all obstacles in the way. In their understanding, the world is ruled by force, and they know how to manifest it. They rarely fail and do not forgive insults and humiliations, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. From those around them, they demand order and discipline. They are restrained in the manifestation of their emotions, secretive and jealous. They tend to control every step of a woman and are ready to hide her from everyone.

They are cool about their own appearance, paying more attention to the status of those things that belong to them.

merchant clan

Earth and Water - practicality and emotionality prevail in such men. Emotionality is manifested in the fact that they are perfectly able to capture the mood of others and, just playing along, achieve their goals. They know how to bargain perfectly, always defending their interests. At the same time, they are not prone to sentimentality and romanticism. Their main qualities are freedom of action and thinking, the desire to follow their own impulses. They are unpredictable, risk-averse, optimistic, decisive and not disposed to abstract reasoning. They have a desire for power and glory. They are always confident in themselves and their rightness. They always and in everything try to show their superiority to others, but for all that they are sociable and know how to create a holiday for themselves and others. They have excellent taste and know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them. They are very sensitive to their own appearance, they dress beautifully. They can show either generosity, showering them with gifts, or stinginess, even in small things. They know how to beautifully look after, delivering both sensual and aesthetic pleasure. Great lovers of women.

They love variety in everything and are constantly in search of new sensations.

creator clan

Water and Fire are those men in whom emotionality and sexuality are more pronounced. High sexuality is manifested in high creative potential. These are men with a rich imagination, able to be fascinated by new opportunities and rush after the “blue bird”. They know how to create something new - they are artists, poets, architects, actors, musicians. They know how to express and evoke the emotions they need. They are dreamy, romantic and capable of beautiful gestures. They are absolutely indifferent to everyday trifles, it does not matter to them where to sleep, what to eat, what and how they are dressed. They need someone to take care of. They are generous and mean at the same time. Creative chaos always reigns in their lives, but it is only in the midst of this chaos that beautiful works of art are born. They sing of the woman, but it is difficult for them to provide for her. They are ready to devote their whole lives to her, but they are unlikely to be able to build a house for her. They live in an imaginary world cut off from reality, and this allows them to create new worlds. But for these worlds to turn into reality, they need someone who will open them and be able to make all their fantasies come true. They are very sexy and inventive.

clan of discoverers

Fire and Air - these men show logic and intuition, as well as sexuality. This is a clan of male discoverers, scientists, researchers. They are always ready to plunge into the unknown to discover the laws that govern the world. They know how to create structures. They easily destroy the old to create something new. They care little about the shape of their house, order or disorder there. They do not pay attention to their health, they can, carried away by work, forget about food. They are indifferent to money and are able to earn easily and spend just as easily. They are poorly versed in emotions and therefore prefer not to show their feelings and not let anyone particularly close to their inner world. They seem cold and reserved, but by nature they are very passionate men. They are excellent at arguing their point of view and often, in search of truth, do not notice how the feelings of other people hurt.

Knowing to which clan a man belongs by birthright allows you to better understand him and accept him for who he is, with all the advantages and limitations. And not to demand from the artist golden palaces, and from the ruler - the expression of strong emotions.

Men are more determined in their manifestations and more lazy. More precisely, more rational. They will not waste time developing what they have poorly manifested. Unlike women, who are more plastic and can develop those energies that, due to upbringing or birth, were poorly manifested in them.

Larisa Renard

Four facets of perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program

© Renard L., text, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017


The four states of a woman

Have you noticed that every season you feel in a different way?

In winter, you feel how the cold forces you to be rational and prudent. Indeed, in bad weather, you don’t want to leave the house once again, and you think through every step you take. The view of the snowy plain awakens thoughts of freedom. The icy wind makes you shackle yourself in the armor of coldness.

And yet, at home, in a friendly circle, you melt from the warmth and sensitively capture the moods of those around you. Feelings awaken in you.

They will flood like a river when March comes. Your mood will quickly change, it will be impossible to keep up with it. All the plans built in the winter will collapse - in the spring their logic is no longer in demand. Sometimes you start behaving like in childhood - you are capricious, picky, you are hard to please. Yes, you yourself do not know what you want in the spring. Or do you know? For someone to take your whims seriously, to take care of that little girl who woke up in you with the March sun?

The summer sun will awaken strong passions in you. They are difficult to control, impossible to manage. It is worth the fire to flare up, and its flame already lives its own life - obeys its own laws. You become bold and even daring and dive headlong into the pool of passion. And if in the summer you completely surrender to your inner fire, then by the fall you emerge from this pool as a luxurious beauty.

Your September state is like the rich colors of an autumn landscape. There are many shades of complex feelings in your soul that you catch in yourself and those around you. And people are drawn to you to hear a kind word or wise advice. You radiate the fullness of life, calmness and self-confidence.

Each season is associated with one of the four major women's fortunes. In winter, this is the state of the Queen - self-sufficient, independent, rational. In spring - the state of the Girl, trusting, loving, open. In summer - the state of the Mistress, passionate, bright and exciting the male imagination. And in autumn - the state of the Mistress, confident, calm and wise.

Each of these states is not just a set of qualities, but a manifestation of four forms of female energy.

Maybe you haven't heard about it. But this does not mean that these states are unfamiliar to you. The one born of a woman is already born with intuitive knowledge of all four states. Just the degree of manifestation of these conditions for different women is different. In someone, the Lover is more manifested, in someone the Queen is more, in someone the Mistress is more, and in someone - the Girl.

The states of female energy are associated with the natural elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element gives you a certain energy at the time of your birth. The element of Earth, strong and essential, endows a woman with calmness, practicality, solidity and reliability (the state of the Mistress), the element of Fire, hot and pulsating, makes a woman sensual and impulsive, passionate and sexual (the state of the Mistress). The element of Water gives us emotionality and spontaneity, playfulness and softness (the condition of a Girl). Air helps us to become self-reliant and purposeful, independent and logical (the state of the Queen).

All these states are depicted in the legends and tales of different peoples. Of course, you learned about the Queen's condition in childhood from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Not surprisingly, the Danish writer turned to this topic. After all, Denmark is a country with ancient royal traditions. Therefore, here the story of the Snow Queen could happen, dazzling, powerful and so attractive that she even managed to win Kai's kind children's heart, enchanting him with her magnificence. Andersen guessed and embodied in this image those qualities of the Queen that still excite the imagination of many men. The white snowy kingdom, the vast expanse - all these are the possessions of the Queen, a proud and shining woman, the conqueror of men's hearts.

In Russian fairy tales, we can also meet the image of the queen - this is the Swan Princess, sung by Pushkin, Vrubel and other geniuses. The swan was once the king of all birds. Since then, legends about swan maidens have appeared in the mythology of the northern peoples as a symbol of royal power, unfading beauty and communion with sacred knowledge.

In Scandinavian mythology, swan maidens turned into Valkyries, warrior maidens on winged horses. But, like swan maidens, they fly to a river or lake and, throwing off their clothes, turn into fabulous beauties. It is believed that only the one who hides their clothes can gain power over them.

The Queen symbolizes the element of Air. And most of the practices associated with the element of Air originated from the northern tradition, from the Arctic ancestral home of our civilization - Hyperborea, the disappeared mainland in the Far North. The Hellenes came up with this word, calling the country behind the north wind Boreas, stretching for many hundreds of kilometers. As legends tell, the climate there was mild and warm, and this region prospered, striking with its wealth. It was there that the main pyramid of the Earth towered - Mount Meru, the ancient mythical sacred center of the world. But the fall of the asteroid changed the axis of rotation of the Earth, and the ancient northern continent went under water. Only a part of the great continent remained, Greenland, bound by ice, which keeps its secrets.

You may have read the book or watched the movie Smilla's Snow Feeling. About a girl who had an amazing intuitive understanding of snow, about a girl who loved endless expanses and mathematics, the abstract science of numbers and formulas. This is the story of a stubborn and courageous heroine who firmly decided to unravel the mystery of the death of her little friend, a native of Greenland.

Smilla is another northern heroine-Queen, embodying all the qualities of this state - independence, logic, authority and independence. Such a woman is brave and cold-blooded, confident and free. She sees everything, understands everything and controls everything. She guides and inspires a man, always remaining herself.

A girl is a different state of a woman. Gentle and kind, loving and meek. A girl is like water, washing away all sorrows, taking away sorrows and giving boundless love, peace and tranquility. In Greek art, this state was embodied in the goddess Aphrodite, who married the Olympian gods and ordinary people.

Afros is Greek for sea foam. Aphrodite was born from the blood of Uranus castrated by Cronus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Once, as the legend says, Aphrodite emerged from the foam on the coast of the Greek island of Cyprus.

Until now, in Cyprus, this place is popular with tourists who specially come here to plunge into the waters that washed the body of the beautiful goddess, and transform externally and internally. Because of the stones, as if specially scattered near the shore, the sea is always restless here - the waves merrily run on the warm sand, swirl in whirlpools, rage and seem to compose a song in honor of the revered Aphrodite.

This place is also known by the initiates - people who have knowledge and perform energy practices. The place got its name - Petratu Romiou - not by chance. It is associated with one of the exploits of the Byzantine hero Digenis Akritas. It is thanks to him that this little bay is so restless. After all, it was Digenis, according to legend, who threw giant blocks into the water, because of which the water is now foaming near the shore. The hero defended the country from the Saracen invaders who tried to take over the city. One of these boulders was named Petratu Romiou, which translates as "Greek's Stone".

Lovers come here especially. It is believed that bathing in these waters guarantees them a long life together. And if at midnight you muster up the courage and swim past the biggest stone, then you will always be young and beautiful, like a Greek goddess.

Larisa Renard

Four facets of perfection. Annual Femininity Return Program

© Renard L., text, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017


The four states of a woman

Have you noticed that every season you feel in a different way?

In winter, you feel how the cold forces you to be rational and prudent. Indeed, in bad weather, you don’t want to leave the house once again, and you think through every step you take. The view of the snowy plain awakens thoughts of freedom. The icy wind makes you shackle yourself in the armor of coldness.

And yet, at home, in a friendly circle, you melt from the warmth and sensitively capture the moods of those around you. Feelings awaken in you.

They will flood like a river when March comes. Your mood will quickly change, it will be impossible to keep up with it. All the plans built in the winter will collapse - in the spring their logic is no longer in demand. Sometimes you start behaving like in childhood - you are capricious, picky, you are hard to please. Yes, you yourself do not know what you want in the spring. Or do you know? For someone to take your whims seriously, to take care of that little girl who woke up in you with the March sun?

The summer sun will awaken strong passions in you. They are difficult to control, impossible to manage. It is worth the fire to flare up, and its flame already lives its own life - obeys its own laws. You become bold and even daring and dive headlong into the pool of passion. And if in the summer you completely surrender to your inner fire, then by the fall you emerge from this pool as a luxurious beauty.

Your September state is like the rich colors of an autumn landscape. There are many shades of complex feelings in your soul that you catch in yourself and those around you. And people are drawn to you to hear a kind word or wise advice. You radiate the fullness of life, calmness and self-confidence.

Each season is associated with one of the four major women's fortunes. In winter, this is the state of the Queen - self-sufficient, independent, rational. In spring - the state of the Girl, trusting, loving, open. In summer - the state of the Mistress, passionate, bright and exciting the male imagination. And in autumn - the state of the Mistress, confident, calm and wise.

Each of these states is not just a set of qualities, but a manifestation of four forms of female energy.

Maybe you haven't heard about it. But this does not mean that these states are unfamiliar to you. The one born of a woman is already born with intuitive knowledge of all four states. Just the degree of manifestation of these conditions for different women is different. In someone, the Lover is more manifested, in someone the Queen is more, in someone the Mistress is more, and in someone - the Girl.

The states of female energy are associated with the natural elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Each element gives you a certain energy at the time of your birth. The element of Earth, strong and essential, endows a woman with calmness, practicality, solidity and reliability (the state of the Mistress), the element of Fire, hot and pulsating, makes a woman sensual and impulsive, passionate and sexual (the state of the Mistress). The element of Water gives us emotionality and spontaneity, playfulness and softness (the condition of a Girl). Air helps us to become self-reliant and purposeful, independent and logical (the state of the Queen).

All these states are depicted in the legends and tales of different peoples. Of course, you learned about the Queen's condition in childhood from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Not surprisingly, the Danish writer turned to this topic. After all, Denmark is a country with ancient royal traditions. Therefore, here the story of the Snow Queen could happen, dazzling, powerful and so attractive that she even managed to win Kai's kind children's heart, enchanting him with her magnificence. Andersen guessed and embodied in this image those qualities of the Queen that still excite the imagination of many men. The white snowy kingdom, the vast expanse - all these are the possessions of the Queen, a proud and shining woman, the conqueror of men's hearts.

In Russian fairy tales, we can also meet the image of the queen - this is the Swan Princess, sung by Pushkin, Vrubel and other geniuses. The swan was once the king of all birds. Since then, legends about swan maidens have appeared in the mythology of the northern peoples as a symbol of royal power, unfading beauty and communion with sacred knowledge.

In Scandinavian mythology, swan maidens turned into Valkyries, warrior maidens on winged horses. But, like swan maidens, they fly to a river or lake and, throwing off their clothes, turn into fabulous beauties. It is believed that only the one who hides their clothes can gain power over them.

The Queen symbolizes the element of Air. And most of the practices associated with the element of Air originated from the northern tradition, from the Arctic ancestral home of our civilization - Hyperborea, the disappeared mainland in the Far North. The Hellenes came up with this word, calling the country behind the north wind Boreas, stretching for many hundreds of kilometers. As legends tell, the climate there was mild and warm, and this region prospered, striking with its wealth. It was there that the main pyramid of the Earth towered - Mount Meru, the ancient mythical sacred center of the world. But the fall of the asteroid changed the axis of rotation of the Earth, and the ancient northern continent went under water. Only a part of the great continent remained, Greenland, bound by ice, which keeps its secrets.

You may have read the book or watched the movie Smilla's Snow Feeling. About a girl who had an amazing intuitive understanding of snow, about a girl who loved endless expanses and mathematics, the abstract science of numbers and formulas. This is the story of a stubborn and courageous heroine who firmly decided to unravel the mystery of the death of her little friend, a native of Greenland.

Smilla is another northern heroine-Queen, embodying all the qualities of this state - independence, logic, authority and independence. Such a woman is brave and cold-blooded, confident and free. She sees everything, understands everything and controls everything. She guides and inspires a man, always remaining herself.

A girl is a different state of a woman. Gentle and kind, loving and meek. A girl is like water, washing away all sorrows, taking away sorrows and giving boundless love, peace and tranquility. In Greek art, this state was embodied in the goddess Aphrodite, who married the Olympian gods and ordinary people.

Afros is Greek for sea foam. Aphrodite was born from the blood of Uranus castrated by Cronus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Once, as the legend says, Aphrodite emerged from the foam on the coast of the Greek island of Cyprus.

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