"After You" - Jojo Moyes. Jojo Moyes book "After you" After you jojo moyes content

After You book review by Jojo Moyes, written as part of the Never a Day Without Books competition. Reviewer: Alena Kramina.

Good afternoon, readers of Buckley!

It took me a long time to decide to write a review. At first I could not choose a book, then I was afraid that my work would not be appreciated. And then I thought that perhaps I would become exactly the person thanks to whom some unknown girl would decide to read the book that I would tell about.

I read quite a lot from classical literature to unknown young authors. But I chose the book After You by Jojo Moyes, because I liked it much more than the first part.

The first thing I want to say right away is that the abstract practically does not reflect what will happen on the pages of the book. There's a little piece of history that's going to happen to Lou. The plot suddenly took a turn almost at the very beginning of the story.

Lou was the most ordinary provincial girl who just lived. She had a job, a family and a boyfriend. But life is not easy and gave her a surprise - she brought her together with a man who, on the verge of death, taught her to love, appreciate life and give in to her desires.

But Lou doesn’t know how to live like that, and after losing Will, it turned out to be very difficult to recover.

"After You" is a story about internal struggle. About the misunderstanding of others. About responsibility. About nobility. About family.

All this can be found on the pages of the book, and most importantly, learn from Lou how to live on. How to deal with difficulties. Find the strength to live on, and most importantly, do not give up. Don't give up when no one understands. Don't give up when you don't want to live. Do not give up when there is no moral strength for anything. Don't give up no matter what happens.

This is a love story. Not a beautiful and beautiful story, where everyone is happy at the end and the matter ended in a wedding. No. This book describes life with its problems and dangers, misunderstanding and injustice. But, nevertheless, even in such a disgusting world, two people can meet who are completely different, but who both want to be a little happy.

This is a story about a family, or rather, about several families that turned out to be connected with one person and this is not Lou. I will not talk about this character, but it is this hero who plays the main role in the whole story. Lou gets in trouble because of him, but she can never leave this hero in trouble. And thanks to this character, you can see how people change and completely amazing qualities are revealed, and not always on the good side.

“After You” is a wonderful story about a strong human soul, about the strength of the spirit and just about the desire to live.

The review was written as part of the competition "Not a day without books",
reviewer: Alena Kramina.

What will you do when you lose a loved one? Is it worth living after this? Now Lou Clark is not just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. Six months spent with Will Traynor changed her forever. Unforeseen circumstances force Lu to return home to her family, and she reluctantly feels that she will have to start all over again. The bodily wounds are healed, but the soul suffers, seeks healing! And this healing is given to her by members of the psychological support group, offering to share with them joys, sorrows and terribly tasteless cookies. Thanks to them, she meets Sam Fielding, an emergency doctor, a strong man who knows everything about life and death. Sam is the only person who can understand Lou Clark. But will Lou be able to find the strength to love again?.. For the first time in Russian! Copyright © Jojo’s Mojo Ltd., 2015 © O. Alexandrova, translation, 2015 © Russian edition, layout. Azbuka-Atticus Publishing Group LLC, 2015 Inostranka® Publishing House

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"After You" - plot

The action of the new novel takes place 2 years after the events described in the first part. Lou is alone again. After Will's death, the girl feels lost and unhappy. Acute experiences gradually fade into the background, giving way to the daily routine. Lou found a new job. She became a waitress again. The girl never received an education, so she has no opportunity to change her field of activity.

The main character is so lost in her own experiences that she could not prevent the accident. Having received several fractures, Louise ended up in the hospital, where she underwent several operations. The girl seems to be in the place of her deceased lover for some time. Louise is afraid of being in a wheelchair. However, by the efforts of doctors, the worst was avoided.

Summary of the novel Lou realizes that she still loves Will and has never been able to completely forget him. However, endless longing will not be able to return a loved one. Clark decides to take action to save himself from another prolonged depression. The girl turns to a support group to find herself among people who, like her, have lost loved ones and cannot cope with their mental crisis on their own. At the trainings, Louise met an ambulance doctor, Sam Fielding. The main character understands that fate is probably giving her another chance at happiness. You should not make a choice in favor of the past and refuse a new opportunity to become happy.


I wasn't going to write a sequel, - admitted Jojo Moyes. - But the work on the script for the film and the endless number of letters asking how Lou's later life turned out, did not let me forget the heroes of the book. It was so nice to meet them again and go through new trials together again.


book reviews after you

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Lanelle :)

"After You" - It Wouldn't Be Better

I don’t even know what to say, maybe the fact is that after the book “Before I met you” and before “After you” I read 4 more books by Jo Jo Moyes, and somehow everything merged into one for me. I catch the monotony of some storylines, plot twists and scenes, even the same names come across. Therefore, I can’t say that I liked the book, and judging by a 10-point scale, I would put 2.5 or 3, but no more. If you read it, then you will simply have an idea of ​​​​how Louise Clarke's life turned out after the death of Will Traynor, according to the author, and if you don’t read it, then in principle you won’t lose anything and you will have full scope for fantasy to independently think and come up with an ending to this story.

The story is boring in places, drawn out and sad, stupid, in places funny and ironic, with traces of light sadness towards the end. This is to sum it up in a nutshell.

And I actually liked only one twist that led me to the conclusion that Will did give Lou what he wanted, and the old saying “If there were no happiness, but misfortune helped”, Will’s decision launched a chain of events that led to this final:

1. Will himself, without knowing or suspecting it, left a piece of himself on earth as a comfort to his family, and a consolation to Louise, because it is partly pleasant to look at someone recognizing the features of a once beloved person.

2. Lou met a decent nice guy again thanks to Will's act otherwise they might never have met.

3. Lou, got a job that she kind of wanted and I dare to hope that everything turned out well in this regard. Although I don't see how a job as a "home maid and nanny" can be a career advancement.

Of everything in the book, I was touched by one small parallel with the first book. When Sam confesses to the heroine that he heard her, as if her “pleas persuaded” him to stay in this world, and she did what she could not do with Will, saved his life. And this helped her to psychologically rehabilitate herself in her own eyes and finally become truly free and happy, while somewhere inside herself she keeps the memory and gratitude to Will for being in her life and for everything he did while being next to her. and being no longer around.

Lou's quote - "I looked at the serious faces of those whom I managed to fall in love with during this time, and remembered Will. I closed my eyes and tried to recreate his image, his smile, his laughter. I was not even thinking about what price I paid for my love but about how much he gave me in this life."

In general, in general, it is readable, but such a book can hardly fall into the number of "favorites".

In my opinion, all sorts of "continuations" as a rule are almost always inferior to the "beginning" and for me this case, unfortunately, was no exception. The first book turned out to be deeper, more poignant, more interesting.

PS I think if Will knew about the existence of Lily, then perhaps his decision would have changed ...))


My rating is 3 out of 10

Useful review?


When starting to read the novel "After You", you must first read the book "Before Meeting You", which is the first semantic part in relation to the next novel.

The first part tells about a girl named Louise (Lou) Clark, who lost her job after the closure of the cafe where she was a waitress. Depressed Lou meets a man who is much harder than herself. A young successful businessman and athlete Will Traynor was left almost completely paralyzed after the accident. Trainor was diagnosed with quadriplegia. Lou becomes Will's babysitter. The hostility that has arisen between a wheelchair user and a nurse gradually develops into love and affection.

Lou and Will were separated not only by illness, but also by death. Trainor chose to die.

At the end of 2015, the novel "After You" by Jojo Moyes was released. The book became a continuation of the story already known to the reader by Louise Clark.

The action of the new novel takes place 2 years after the events described in the first part. Lou is alone again. After Will's death, the girl feels lost and unhappy. Acute experiences gradually fade into the background, giving way to the daily routine. Lou found a new job. She became a waitress again. The girl never received an education, so she has no opportunity to change her field of activity.

The main character is so lost in her own experiences that she could not prevent the accident. Having received several fractures, Louise ended up in the hospital, where she underwent several operations. The girl seems to be in the place of her deceased lover for some time. Louise is afraid of being in a wheelchair. However, by the efforts of doctors, the worst was avoided.

Lou realizes that she still loves Will and has never been able to completely forget him. However, endless longing will not be able to return a loved one. Clark decides to take action to save himself from another prolonged depression. The girl turns to a support group to find herself among people who, like her, have lost loved ones and cannot cope with their mental crisis on their own. At the trainings, Louise met an ambulance doctor, Sam Fielding. The main character understands that fate is probably giving her another chance at happiness. You should not make a choice in favor of the past and refuse a new opportunity to become happy.

Character characteristics

Louise Clark

The loss of his job was Lu's first major life test. The familiar world suddenly ceased to exist. The meeting with Will made the girl realize that her problem is not so terrible. There are people in the world who are in a much worse situation. The death of a beloved man seems to emphasize the insignificance of the problem that the main character faced before meeting him.

Will changed Louise a lot. Thanks to a short communication with him, the girl was able to understand a lot. However, Will failed to teach Lou to take life's obstacles lighter. After Traynor's death, Lou relapses into depression.

Losing a job no longer seems like something fatal. The main character comes to the false conclusion that the departure of a loved one is that very terrible, real grief worthy of prolonged depression.

To convince Louise, fate presents her with another test: the main character ends up in the hospital with fractures and the threat of forever remaining in a wheelchair. Only after that, Lou realizes that even the loss of a loved one cannot be considered the biggest tragedy of life, for which it would be worth withdrawing into oneself. An even more terrible problem can be the loss of one's own health and helplessness. It was these factors that deprived Will of the main value of life - life itself.

Sam Fielding

Fielding is building a house and raising a nephew. Sam's character was certainly influenced by his work. On the one hand, the profession of a doctor teaches a humane attitude towards another person, as evidenced by one of the most important commandments of medicine - “Do no harm!”. The profession of a doctor makes a person more tolerant of human weaknesses and teaches mercy. On the other hand, the position that Sam holds has its own specifics. An ambulance doctor must not only know medicine, but also be able to make quick decisions. The life of the patient depends on the speed and correctness of decision making.

Healing the body is sometimes much easier than healing the soul. Sam has learned to overcome grief. Now he has to teach this to Lou. The main character will have to fight not with the disease, but with a dead opponent. He is well aware that, despite the fact that Will has been dead for 2 years, for Louise he is still alive. Unaware that the girl is secretly talking to her dead lover, Sam realizes that Will has left his life, but not Lou's.

Deep down, Louise feels the need for female happiness. The main obstacle for her is not the loss of her beloved man. A feeling of guilt interferes with becoming a happy girl. She believes that she has no right to enjoy love while someone else has already died.

Sam's task is to make the main character understand: you should not deprive yourself of joy and pleasure because of the departure of one person. Will fulfilled his mission in Lou's life and left her. This means that he was never the one with whom she had to build her happiness.

The main idea of ​​the novel "After you"

You should not make other people the center of your universe. Nobody will stay with us forever. Sooner or later the time comes for parting. The main person with whom Lu will have to establish harmonious relations is herself.

Analysis of the work

Louise Clark expects stability and serenity from life. She either wants great happiness, or dreams that everything remains the same. The closing of the cafe, to which the girl has become accustomed, becomes the first serious drama of her life. Lou refuses to accept the fact that real life is a series of black and white stripes, each of which must be treated philosophically.

The black bar may appear black only at first glance. If Lou had not lost her job at the cafe, she would never have met Will. A dark period in a person's life gives him the opportunity to gain new knowledge and see the familiar in a new light. Adversity makes you stronger and more resilient. Unfamiliar situations provide opportunities for self-development.

In his novel

made Jojo Moyes a very popular author, and the book a real bestseller. Then other works followed, but that First Book is truly a masterpiece. I sobbed and couldn't stop after reading it. And here comes the continuation of thissensational story"See you." I even lost the power of speech. I could not wait to plunge into the experiences of the main character again, I wanted to read about the fate of the heroes again. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. No, you can read it, of course ... But the second part will be a bestseller only because everyone who read the first book, of course, wants to know - what's next ... Personally, I'm not thrilled. While reading the first book, I sobbed, While reading the sequel, I did not feel anything. II read and waited all the time - come on, something so emotional must already happen. No. Somehow overly sentimental and with a touch of American Happy End...
Jojo Moyes is always easy and enjoyable to read. And that's a plus. But this book is very boring to read. And this is a minus.I can't say that the book is all that bad. No. But Moyes has things that are both stronger and brighter. and that, it seems to me, is better than the continuation of this story.
I noticed that Moyes' books are now coming out one by one - only this year there are already 3 of them. Maybe it's worth stopping in pursuit of circulation and paying attention to quality? And then so soon Moyes will turn into Dontsova ...
All in all, I don't regret spending the minutes reading this novel. I just wish it was more emotionally intense.
Honestly, I did not want to add this book to the list of the worst, but it really is a complete disappointment.
And was it even necessary to write this sequel? It seems to me that no.
Anya Sklyar


What will you do when you lose a loved one? Is it worth living after this?

Now Lou Clark is not just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. Six months spent with Will Traynor changed her forever. Unforeseen circumstances force Lu to return home to her family, and she reluctantly feels that she will have to start all over again.

The bodily wounds are healed, but the soul suffers, seeks healing! And this healing is given to her by members of the psychological support group, offering to share with them joys, sorrows and terribly tasteless cookies. Thanks to them, she meets Sam Fielding, an emergency doctor, a strong man who knows everything about life and death. Sam is the only person who can understand Lou Clark. But will Lou be able to find the strength to love again? ..

For the first time in Russian!

"I wasn't going to write a sequel to Me Before You, but working on the script for the film and the endless number of tweets and letters asking how Lou's later life turned out, did not let me forget the characters of the book." Jojo Moyes

How much time, understanding and help do those who have lost loved ones need to recover? How much casual sex, wine, pointless travel and night roofs does it take to thaw and come alive? What to do if loved ones are not sensitive, and the pain has not gone away for several years, does group psychotherapy help and will the heart decide on a new love?Jojo Moyes has written a continuation of the sensational story of Louise Clarke, a young nurse who accepts the tragic choice of her lover ("Me Before You", ABC, 2013). The new book is touching, funny, romantic. It is worth reading in order to live sorrows with the heroine and let go of the past.

📖 Part 1 Lou Clark knows how many steps from the bus stop to her house. She knows that she really likes working in a cafe and that she most likely does not like her boyfriend Patrick. But Lou does not know that she is about to lose her job and that in the near future she will need all the strength to overcome the problems that have fallen on her.Will Traynor knows that the motorcyclist who hit him took away his will to live. And he knows exactly what needs to be done to put an end to all this. But he does not know that Lou will soon burst into his world with a riot of colors. And they both do not know that they will forever change each other's life. A sad story about a small life and big dreams that will make you cry.

📖 Part 3 Louise Clark is ready to start a new life. She comes to New York and finds herself in another world, in a strange house full of secrets. Rainbow dreams are shattered by cruel reality, but the girl with her characteristic sense of humor does not lose heart. She knows how many miles from her home in New York to London, where her new boyfriend Sam lives. She knows that her boss is a good person and that his wife has her own secrets. What Lou doesn't know is that she is about to meet Josh, who will turn her life upside down. Just because Josh looks so much like the one who hurt her once. And whatever decision Lou makes will change everything. Lu firmly knows that sooner or later he will find a way to find himself. And she will definitely get an answer to the question: who does she really love? .. This novel teaches that you should always remain yourself, the way you are, be brave and move forward, despite various difficulties. This is a book about finding yourself and your place in this world.

Quotes from Jojo Moyes - After You

“I return home at a quarter to one. Trying not to look at my reflection in the elevator mirror, I enter the hushed apartment. I change into pajama bottoms and a hoodie, open the fridge, take out a bottle of white wine, and pour it into a glass. The wine is so sour that it hurts the lips. After examining the label, I realize that I forgot to cork the bottle, but then I decide not to bother too much about this and, with a glass in hand, I flop into a chair.
There are two postcards on the mantelpiece. One is a birthday greeting from parents. “Best wishes” from my mother are like a sharp knife for me. Second postcard from my sister. The sister informs that she is going to come with Thomas for the weekend. Postcard six months ago. There are two messages on the answering machine. One is from the dentist, the other is not.
Hello Louise. This is Jared. We met at the Dirty Duck. Well, you and I were still hooking up then. (Stifled awkward chuckle.) It was… well, you know… Well, I liked it. How about repeating? You have my coordinates.
When there is nothing left in the bottle, I consider whether to run for a new one, but I really do not want to leave the house. I don't want to hear another joke from Sameer from the convenience store about my addiction to Pinot Grigio. And in general, I do not want to talk to anyone. Suddenly, deadly fatigue rolls over me, but at the same time I am so overexcited that even if I go to bed, I still won’t fall asleep. ”

“And here I am standing on the roof and looking at the London darkness winking at me. Millions of people around me live their lives: eating, quarreling, and so on. Millions of lives flowing apart from mine. Strange fragile world.
Night city sounds fill the air, sodium lights flicker, engines roar, doors slam. A few miles to the south, the distant roar of a police helicopter is heard, sweeping a local park with a beam of searchlights in search of another villain. And somewhere in the distance a siren howls. Eternal siren.

“And I kissed him to the point of insanity, turning into one beating pulse, and thinking solely about what I want to do with him. ... I jumped up, he also stood up and pulled me to him. We, sweeping away everything in our path, merged in a hot embrace. And the world around ceased to exist. There were only hands, and lips, and - my God! - smell, and taste, and sensations at the fingertips. Tiny fireworks exploded within me as if one after another, like colorful fires, and the hidden corners of my body, which I considered long dead, were gradually awakening to life. He lifted me into his arms and I wrapped myself around him, so big and strong and muscular. I kissed his face, his ear, running my hands through his soft dark hair. ... “For a second he glared at my face, then closed his eyes and kissed me, slowly and very gently. Then he began to slowly descend on me; this sweet sensation of the heaviness of a man's body awakened in me hitherto dormant lust. We kissed, his lips tickled my neck, heat emanated from his skin, and I, drunk with excitement, instinctively arched and wrapped my legs around him.

“And now she is ready to sacrifice her own life because she could not save him?”

“Ear-shaped pasta, slightly undercooked, pine nuts, tomatoes from my garden, olives, tuna and parmesan. I was about to make a salad with pasta according to a recipe dictated over the phone by Lily, who in turn was instructed by her grandmother.

“We do not know what awaits us around the next corner. That's why we shouldn't miss our chance."

"You never know what can happen after a fall from a great height."

“When people say that autumn is their favorite time of the year, they probably mean days like today: morning mist, followed by piercing bright light; in the corners of a pile of wind-blown leaves; the soothing scent of rotten grass."


Original Title: After You. Jojo Moyes.

Publisher:Azbuka, Inostranka
Series: Jojo Moyes

Russian language

Publication year:2015

Translator:Olga Alexandrova

Number of pages: 544

Illustrations: No illustrations

Format: 84x100/32 (~125x185 mm)

Binding: Hard


Circulation: 100 000


Weight: 436 gr.

Literature of the countries of the world: Literature of England, Australia and New Zealand

Literature by Period:Modern Literature

Jojo Moyes - After You. Reviews.

For some reason, I took that the disappointment from the work of Moyes was left behind for me. I was wrong. "After You" is a novel about how the heroine of "Me Before You" lives after the death of Will. I gave the book "neutral" - both as a continuation of "See you ...", and as simply a new novel by Moyes.

The main thing that caused discomfort while reading was the feeling that everything was invented. Not in the sense of the unreality of the plot, but in the sense that everything changes as if by magic.

It is clear that Lou, who lost her beloved after only six months of their acquaintance, will idealize him, remember only the good - there was nothing bad. And now she suffers throughout the book according to her Will, goes to a psychological support group - it was so boring! But what else could you expect? In the middle, I thought about whether I should stop reading, but nothing, I survived.

Eh, it's hard for me to write a review about what caused dissatisfaction, and not spoil it) probably, it's better to summarize - I didn’t believe anyone in the book, the characters are about nothing, and the plot didn’t hook at all. Like this. @keep_calm

photo: @oiptica

Disappointment instead of charm

I am very, very, very disappointed. In general, I don’t know how many times it is necessary to write the word “very” to convey the full extent of my disappointment.

As much as I was impressed by the book Before I Met You, I was just as much upset by the book After You. To be honest, I even regret that I read it, because now I can’t look at the first book by Jojo Moyes about Lou Clark and Will Traynor as before.

I was delighted with the novel Before I Met You, because it seemed to me that it speaks very clearly and shows that life is one and therefore you need to enjoy every day of it, you need not just to exist, but to live. And it seemed to me that Will was able to show and prove it to Lou. And when Me Before You ended, I cried for Will, but I was happy for Lou's new life.

But as the novel “After You” showed, I rejoiced early. I think Lou didn't understand a damn thing. She just keeps going with the flow, grieving for Will, reveling in guilt and self-pity and looking for excuses for sticking around.

She did not even come to this seemingly happy ending of this book on her own, she was led there by favorable circumstances.

And after this book, I'm not sure that Lou will be all right, although I really hope so. But I won't be surprised if a third book comes out, where we read again about Lou's second wave of grief.

What was it?

I thought for a long time whether to write a review at all or just leave the book alone, but still could not stand it.

When in May there was a rumor that a sequel to “Me Before You” would be released, I was jubilant. I was so hooked by this story that wanted to know what would happen next and then there was this…

As expected, Lou went headlong into grief, and not for six months, not for a year, but for almost two, which is basically exaggerated. Two years? Really? Yes, some people after twenty years of marriage are already getting married in a year. And then some six months (and not really a relationship), and she fell into mourning.

And you know, I didn’t really believe in her grief. It was more like cowardice and stupidity. This alone made me want to quit the book, but ours do not give up so easily.

Further it was even worse. A family drama unfolded: mom didn’t shave her legs, dad was infuriated, sister supported mom and scolded dad, grandfather giggled on the sidelines, and Lou was simply indignant at what was happening. At these moments, my brain melted and flowed into my socks.

The story with the support group was generally hysterical. Why it was included in the plot is not at all clear. Some inadequate people carried inadequate nonsense, and so in each chapter for a good four or five pages.

Lily saved the whole book. More precisely, not Lily herself, but that part of her story that shed light on why the book was created at all. Lily herself as a character was implausible and ill-conceived.

Throughout the book, I waited for something to happen and become interesting, but nothing happened.

The book is bland and superficial. I would call it "light reading", but it has such a volume that you obviously cannot call it light. It's true, it feels like the author just sketched an idea, gave it to "special people" and they (excuse me for the expression) shit this. “After You” is, well, just a no-good book at all. I regret the time spent on it. @NicoLinka

Unfortunately, I missed the first half of the book, because all her actions, thoughts were expected. Although natural. Alas, the magic did not happen and I will not buy this story in paper, because Until I met you, it will remain for me a book without continuation. @ Cenicienta

At first, I was interested in reading about her life, because the story seemed very realistic and emotional to me. The writer allowed us to experience together with Lou the sadness and longing that she feels now, being alone. She also lost faith in herself when she couldn't convince Will to stay alive. And everyone who knew about her history tried once again to remind her of this, to prick her - that she was not capable of anything. But then there was a fateful meeting with Lily, and the whole book went downhill ... Lily's character is written in an implausible and stereotyped way. Problem teenagers, are they the ones who drink and smoke? Really? As if superficially walked through the description, without digging deeper. I didn’t see anything good in her, besides the interest in my biological father. The girl is an uncontrollable disaster that ruined the life of not only those around her, but also herself. And what is this stupid trick with "truth and risk", and with the subsequent photograph? I don’t know if I’m just indifferent, or is it really a global problem that can ruin girls for the rest of their lives? Anyway, it was boring to read about it. VERY BORING.I expected Lou to build her own happiness, in the end she just went with the flow, and eventually swam to the end of the book. And the successes that have happened are just well-established circumstances and the help of others. Nathan helped with the work. Sam - who I didn't like at all - helped with the trauma. Camille Trainor helped Lily get on the right track. And what did the main character do in the whole book, besides working in a cafe and psychoanalysis in a support group? Nothing. There was nothing left of the old Lou, not even bright outfits. I did not expect any sensation from this book, or that it would even be on a level below the previous part. No, I just read it, and the next day I forgot about the plot. It's like a failed fanfic. I laboriously finished reading the last chapters for show,the ending was obvious to me halfway through.Jojo, is that you? I did not see the depth and sincerity with which the previous book was written.@Crawfield

The end of the novel did not please me, I wanted something sweeter. It was hard for me to read, although there were moments that were both funny and even interesting. But still, the book is a big surprise and I won’t risk rating it - I can’t. I'm still confused and can't get over and understand what I think about this book. Is it a worthy sequel? Was it necessary?I didn’t see a certain mixture of nedoroma, tearfulness there (I didn’t want to cry), I didn’t manage to feel the characters. I guess I still don't think that a continuation of such a wonderful story as "Me Before You" was necessary. But it is and is - I think there will be those who will see something real in the sequel ...

Photo: @splean9

“After You” by Jojo Moyes will tell you how the life of the main character Louise Clarke developed further.

"After You" book summary

Will's parents divorced after his death. Mr. Traynor married Bella and they were expecting replenishment in the family. And Camilla left the city, where everything reminded her of her son, she also had to quit her job.

Louise Clark tries to move on with her life after Will's death. After traveling briefly in Europe, Louise moved to London and got a job at an airport bar. She bought a small apartment in London, from which there was access to the roof, where the previous owners set up a summer garden. But Louise did not take care of the plants and they died.

One night she decided to go up to the roof. She often stood on the edge thinking of Will. She drank a little after work, and when standing on the edge of the roof, she heard someone's voice, she lost her balance and fell from the fifth floor. She managed to survive. At first she was treated in a hospital, and then she lived with her parents.

After she recovers, she returns to London and begins to join a counseling group. But she hesitates to reveal the real name of the man she lost, and tells everyone that his name was Bill.

One day, a girl, Lily, knocks on her door, revealing that she is Will's daughter. Louise can't believe it, as she thought Will would share such important information with her. But after talking with her mother, she realizes that she did not inform Will. Lily's mother is not interested in Lily, as she is a difficult teenager who often runs away from home. Lily hates living with her mother, stepfather and her brothers. Lily lives with Louise for a while, as she has nowhere else to go and wants to know more about her father.

Lily wants to meet her grandparents. Louise works in an Irish pub at the airport, although she doesn't like the job, she has to wear a scary uniform with a wig. But Louise does not dare to look for a new job.

Meanwhile, Louise meets Sam, the father of one of the boys in the counseling group. Sam turns out to be the same paramedic who saved her after falling off the roof. They feel sympathy for each other. But Jake's stories about his father bringing home new girls every night make Louise leave him.

Nathan contacts Louise and offers her a job as a housekeeper in New York. She passes the interview and is accepted. Lily brings her unfamiliar friends to Louise's apartment, after which her jewelry disappears. Louise kicks Lily out. But he soon regrets his actions. She tries to find Lily, but she has disappeared. For more than 10 days she did not appear at her mother's. Louise starts looking for her, even though she had to go to work in New York. Lily is forced to hide as she is being blackmailed with an indecent photo. Sam tries to talk to Louise, and when he understands why they broke up, he realizes that she mistook him for Jake's father. Sam is Jake's uncle. Jake and Sam soon find Lily and take the phone from the blackmailer. Lily moves to live with Camille Traynor, returns to school.

But Louise is afraid of a serious relationship with Sam and pushes him away. But when he is wounded at the ambulance, he realizes that he loves him. Sam is getting better, while Louise is still being offered a high-paying job in New York. Sam doesn't mind if she agrees. They hope their relationship will stand the test of distance. This is a very difficult decision for Lou as she is happy with Sam.

Trina and Thomas move into her flat in London, while Louise flies to New York.

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