These-Children: developmental psychology, development and education of children. Are there devils in still water Art test 8 squares examples with solutions

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Associative-drawing test (ART.)

This test was developed by E. Vartegg and is used as a psychodiagnostic and aimed at identifying such personality traits as emotivity, will, thinking, fantasy, characterological features of the personality. The test has 8 squares, each of which contains the beginning of a drawing. The respondent is asked to complete a picture in each of the 8 squares that matches the given plot. The author based the interpretation on the doctrine of GNI by I.P. Pavlova. Development of the interpretation of the ART methodology, its main provisions Yu.N. Kudryakov carried out from the standpoint of the theory of psychomotor connections I.M. Sechenov. He claimed that human mental activity always expressed by outward signs, primarily muscular (literally - every thought ends in movement). Each psychological phenomenon, according to Sechenov, is not a phenomenon of consciousness, but a holistic act, a meeting of the organism with the real world. He attached great importance to the ability of a person to arbitrarily delay the external manifestation of his mental activity. This leads, in his opinion, to mental activity may remain without external manifestation, in the form of thought, intention, desire. If real behavior or real movement is not carried out for any reason, then this will cause a certain tension in the corresponding muscle groups and in the human psyche, which will be reflected in any products of his activity, in particular in drawings. At interpretation of drawings Thus, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption that with their help a person can express situations and events that are not always possible to convey orally and which, for various reasons, cannot be realized in behavior. The results obtained using the ART methodology should be assessed during psychodiagnostic conversation, where you can test the hypotheses that have arisen as a result of testing. In this case, all 8 drawings of the methodology must be analyzed as a whole, i.e. the hypothesis in one of the figures should be confirmed in other figures. When interpreting the test, it is advisable to proceed from the general patterns of pattern analysis.

Interpretation schemes for the ART drawing test:

1. In the first position of the test, the features of the orientation of the individual in the environment and the extent to which he takes into account the elements of the world around him are revealed;

2. In the second position of the test, a person has aggressive behavioral tendencies;

3. In the third position of the test, the features of a person's behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed;

4. The fourth position of the test is designed to identify the characteristics of human communication;

5. In the fifth position of the test, the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality are revealed;

6. The sixth position of the test is aimed at identifying the current personal situation of the subject in the field of relations with persons of the opposite sex.

7. The seventh position of the test reveals the features of human behavior in an unstable conflict situation;

8. In the eighth position, the subject is stimulated to the image of a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of his personality.

ART technique is most appropriate to use individually, and not in groups in order to obtain information about some characterological features, personal problems and needs of the subject. This test should be used along with the use of other diagnostic methods and is not the only method of investigation. The ART technique is easy to use, reliable and refers to express methods that allow in a short period of time (15 minutes) to get an idea of ​​the character of a person and his current life situation. The validity of this test is completely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting the drawings. Therefore, when conducting a study, it is necessary to have additional information about the individual.

Teacher - psychologist Larisa Aleksandrovna Zhabina

The art of interpreting drawing tests requires familiarity with a large number of different options for completing tasks.
In order to successfully carry out psychological diagnostics using Russian methods, it is not enough to know the value of certain test indicators. It is also necessary to master the general logic of analysis, which makes it possible to consider these indicators in their interrelations. Otherwise, instead of a complete picture, we will get an unsystematic set of psychological characteristics. For example, such evaluation criteria are given as: "The eyes are bulging - rudeness, callousness ... Eyebrows are rare, short - contempt, sophistication." However, the indicators taken into account when interpreting drawing tests are not unambiguous. So, bulging eyes can appear in the picture not only due to rudeness, callousness, but also as a symptom of the presence of fears or as a manifestation of a suspicious attitude towards others. Very often the same feature can be interpreted in two, three or four different ways, depending on what other features it is combined with.

How can you find out something about a stranger that he himself, perhaps, does not know? You can learn a lot about yourself by taking the Wartegg test. It is based on an unfinished drawing and allows you to learn interesting things about the most different sides of the personality.

With the help of graphic projections (associative drawings) of Wartegg squares, you can learn about such aspects of the personality, manifested in graphic symbols, such as:


    social skills

    ambitions, activity and ways to achieve the goal

    internal stability

    features of personal relationships

    attitude towards fear

    sense of security

At first glance, it may seem that every person already knows everything about himself. In fact, this is not entirely true. We are often in captivity of subjective delusions, we do not always understand ourselves and others, we ignore our unconscious and believe that everything depends only on our conscious efforts. A huge layer of information about ourselves and others is simply inaccessible to our consciousness.

About the Wartegg Method

The Wartegg test belongs to the category of expressive-projective methods of personality research, it is a method of unfinished drawing.

For a graphologist, this is a private, additional research method. It helps to understand the visual, symbolic meanings that a person has regarding one or another side of life (regarding himself, the people around him, his plans and aspirations, the way he acts, anxieties and fears, etc.).

The test allows you to measure the visual-spiritual, semantic relationships of a person, which are based on both vital (psychophysiological, subconscious features) and motor-volitional (conscious) functions.

The test was proposed for use by Eric Wartegg (a German psychologist) in the 30s of the last century. The test is most common in Europe. In our country, it is little known, but recently, with the advent of the Russian-language monograph of this test, edited by V. Kalinenko, they began to talk and use it more.

Graphic test "Wartegg"

The stimulus material (the test itself) is a standard form with 8 squares, each with a simple figure or lines.

Instructions for the test

Before you are eight squares, each of which has something depicted. Continue what you see and draw any picture in each of the squares, in any order, sign in what order you filled out the test and indicate what is drawn in the pictures.

The test stimuli and their sequence are selected in such a way that each of them provokes the projection of a certain mental area. That is, each stimulus drawing is "addressed" to a certain area of ​​the individual, to a certain aspect of the personality.

Wartegg squares

1 square

Archetypally (symbolically) a dot means the beginning, a moment, the middle of something. In a psychological sense, it reflects the Ego concept, I, worldview, the search for oneself, the self of a person.

2 square

The archetypal wavy line signifies the fetus (an unprotected human being). How a person treats him in a drawing will mean how he adapts to the world around him. The surrounding world is an aggressive environment for this embryo, or vice versa, an environment conducive to its development.

In a psychological sense, it reflects emotional dependence, emotiveness, empathy, involvement with other people, contact with society, social adaptation (to people) in the world of people. This square reflects the social aspect of the personality.

3 square

Three ascending lines mean rise, strengthening, ascent, development. In psychological terms, they correspond to such categories as ambition, motivation, aspiration, perseverance, initiative, plans for the future, career growth.

4 square

Archetypally, the black square denotes danger, fear, guilt. Psychologically, this square reflects: the unconscious, aspects of fear, guilt, shame.

5 square

Archetypally, two perpendicular, non-intersecting lines represent opposition, resistance, the impulse to act, and an obstacle in the way. Psychologically, this square reflects volitional regulation, dynamism, active principle, achievement motivation, or motivation to avoid difficulties. Moving forward and a way to overcome obstacles.

6 square

Two lines archetypally mean opposite beginnings, going in different directions, and requiring intersection. Psychologically, it gives an idea of ​​the desire (not desire) of a person for integration, connection.

7 square

Points mean receptivity, refinement, intuition, sensual (feminine) beginning, response to stimuli (excitability threshold). How receptive a person is to external stimuli, to internal sensations.

Psychologically, it reflects a person's ability to emotional sensuality, sensitivity, tact, thin-skinnedness or the absence of these qualities.

8 square

The arc means a protective principle, harmony, unconditional acceptance, a sense of protection. Psychologically reflects the spiritual basis, balance of a person, a sense of satisfaction, an inner sense of security.

Speaking about this test, one cannot ignore graphic signs: features of pressure, stroke thickness, speed of movement, dynamism, static, emphasis on the shape of a drawing or movement, lightness or heaviness of lines. All these features will be repeated in handwriting. It is they who will tell about the internal structure of the personality, about innate and acquired qualities.

Considering just the content of the picture, you can have an approximate idea of ​​the normativity or problematic aspect of the studied aspect, the perception and attitude of a person to this psychological area.

Considering the same graphic signs, and especially handwriting, you can get much more informative information regarding the complex structure of the personality. Handwriting gives an understanding of what is happening to a person, why it is happening, how long it has been happening, what is inherent in nature and is unchanged, and what has been formed under the influence of environmental conditions, upbringing, and temporary stresses.

Interpretations of the Wartegg test

The test was performed by Oksana Fedorova, TV presenter, Miss Universe

1st square "Flower of love"

The image is a typically feminine solution. It is worth paying attention to the nature of the image of this flower: the point (Ego, I) is the center of a small circle, to which many petals adjoin. Both the circle and the petals cover the central point from external influences, they act as a kind of shields, protective mechanisms. A closed, selective person hides true feelings and emotions.

2nd square "Jug - grace"

The jug resembles a human silhouette. The emphasis is shifted to the contour, and it is conveyed by strong pressure and blackening. Now a person is experiencing some difficulties in social adaptation: his role in society has not yet been fully defined, much is given to the image, the external component, while the depth, essence remain hidden, implicit. Strong tension in psychomotor manifestations indicates dissatisfaction with this state of affairs.

3rd square "On top of the world"

the movement on the rise is continued to the limits of the square, which reflects the ambition and high claims of the drawing. And the very name of the picture indicates that we have a person who is striving to realize himself in full.

4th square "Point of attraction"

The black square is the point of attraction for square elements of various sizes and sizes. Graphically, the lines and strokes in this square are made schematically, with a slight pressure. The continuation and growth of the black square motif indicates a growing underlying inner anxiety and fear. The location of the square indicates the partial displacement of these states from consciousness. A person sets himself up in a more positive and optimistic way. However, he himself is not entirely sure of this positive attitude.

5th square "Sword"

The sword has a somewhat fake appearance and does not carry the motive of aggression (which is often the case in drawings depicting weapons). The sword is used rather as some attribute of self-defense. The intersection of two perpendicular lines indicates activity, a developed motivation to overcome difficulties.

6th square "House"

Typically female decision. The nature of the image of the house is interesting: it is closed from strangers, there is a fence.

There is a desire for integration, connection, building personal relationships. However, these relationships are not widely publicized, they are carefully hidden even from close people.

7th square "Duet"

The picture reflects the desire to hide one's inner vulnerability, sensitivity, not to show vulnerability outwardly (points are circled). The plot of the picture indicates an inner desire for connection, the need to be in a pair, an unconscious need for unconditional acceptance, support from the outside.

8th square "Escape from the rain"

The figure shows a person’s desire to find shelter, a place where you can hide from external influences, the negative influence of the environment. We need rest, the opportunity to feel safe. The location of the square reflects the super-relevance of this intention for today.

Summary: Sensual and sensitive nature, femininity, softness, flexibility. At the same time, she is closed, selective, not showing her true feelings and emotions outside, “on her mind”. High ambitions are combined with the motive for achieving goals, which indicates active self-realization. However, a person has not yet found his place in life, there is no satisfaction in his social status either. Unconscious need for unconditional acceptance, a sense of support and inner security.

The test was performed by a woman, 26 years old

The stinginess of filling in the fields, the conciseness of the drawings, the emphasis on geometric shapes are striking. Such decisions are not typical for a young woman.

1st square: target. The target motif in the first square is a typical male version. Point in the center (EGO): emphasis on individualization, one's self. However, the point itself is not enlarged, not drawn, not outlined, no manipulations are carried out with it at all. She was "left alone", surrounded by a circle. The space of the circle around is a zone of a person's personal space, and in this space there are no more objects, connections, etc. The point in the center is lonely - and this is not just introversion, but outsiderness, a tendency to autism.

2nd square: little filled. Eye - fears, fears of contacts, isolation in communication. The 2nd square is forced out to the 7th place, which is an indicator of the displacement of the social area due to its frustration. The person rationalizes their fears about the relationship. She is closed, "looks" at the world around her, tries to avoid active contacts, all the time "on the watch".

3rd square: there is no continuation of the ascending lines, but also no continuation of the pattern to the right at all. There was a stop in self-development, there are no ambitions aspiring to the future, a person is content with what he has (based on the interpretation of squares 1 and 2, this stop is dictated by fears and insecurity both in relation to oneself and relationships with people).

4th square: continuation of the motif of the original black square. The motive of fear and anxiety is generalized. At the same time, a person keeps all his fears to himself (inside the house), opens up to few people, does not show his feelings. The motif of loneliness, self-absorption is repeated.

5th square: correlates with the 3rd and shows that the fear of moving forward, a stop in motivation is also present here. Overcoming obstacles is difficult (the line is not overcome, does not intersect). Frustration.

6th square: area of ​​personal relationships. The square is located in the 2nd place, which shows the relevance of this area. Strives for integration, connection, but, paying attention to the problematic nature of the remaining squares, and given the dryness, lifelessness of the motive of the square itself (a dry rectangle, lifeless, without details, a geometric figure), it is simply a desire to gain confidence and stability in personal relationships without skill and understanding how to do it. Her restraint, closeness, suppressed emotionality dictate a too straightforward and formal style of behavior in personal relationships. The square also shows the style of thinking. There is coherence, consistency, rationality.

7th square: muzzle. A single living being appears. Sensuality, sensitivity, emotiveness. But, since the 7th square reflects the unconscious, the inner, this emotiveness and sensuality is suppressed, it exists deeply and is not externally broadcast in any way, it is clamped down by prohibitions and taboos.

8th square: circle, without additional details. Rationalization, the inner world is hermetic, obsessed. The motive of the 8th square echoes the 1st square.

Graphic features: dominated by lines, angles, arcades, narrow, concise forms, a lot of empty space, a thin line, with little pressure.

Summary: difficulties in relationships, self-manifestation, adaptation. A high degree of rationalization, blocking the output of immediate reactions, even in the form of ordinary emotions (joy, sadness, interest). Strong taboos, prohibitions. Motives of loneliness and outsidership. Not femininity, dryness, criticality, straightforwardness. Increased control and oppressive super-ego.

The test was performed by a woman, 31 years old

The order of filling in the squares is normative. But, in this case, such filling is a tribute to formalism, standard thinking. This is indicated by graphic signs: careful drawing of details, strong pressure, clear lines, without schematizations and simplifications. The drawings are in perfect style.

In the 1st square(square Ego) - a flower. For a woman, this is a normative decision. But the narrowed petals, their closeness, tightness, isolation indicate an increased reaction of protecting one's Self. This is also indicated by a leaflet made with angular movements.

It is interesting how the petals are similar to the formation of letters in handwriting. The same deep and narrow garlands and arcades.

In the 2nd square(square of sociality) a seagull soaring in the sky, in a flock of the same seagulls over the sea and a sailboat.

In this motif there is a detachment from reality (the earth, active standing on one's feet). Such a projection indicates a loss of connection with one's true desires and needs. The emphasis on the rational zone (top of the figure) indicates increased processes of rationalization, suppression of feelings, direct response, nature.

3rd square(square of ambitions and plans). Problematic solution. There is no upward movement. Draws a lot of limiters and obstacles on the way. Shading in the figure indicates psychomotor tension caused by the proposed stimuli.

There are a lot of such blackenings in the test as a whole. Psychological trouble, frustration already affects various planes of a person's mental activity.

4th square(square of unconscious anxieties, fears). A very unusual solution for this square. Photo of a family, with complementary black squares at the corners of the frame. There are blackouts. There is chronic anxiety, possibly guilt, dissatisfaction.

5th square(implementation of ambitions and plans). An arrow pointing at itself (in the lower left corner). The motif of the drawing speaks of excessive reflection, fear of moving forward, and a stupor in activity.

6th square(square of personal relationships, integration). The lines are connected to each other not by themselves, but through an additional line. Everything is blacked out, shaded. The zone of personal relationships is clearly forustriated, there is no trust in others. Relationships develop according to the type: you - to me, I - to you, through the fulfillment of some conditions, special rules and norms. There is no direct acceptance of others, openness.

7th square(square of sensitivity). The cat arched its back. We can say that inwardly she listens very sensitively, looks closely and feels the world around her. He is in a defensive position. The very pose of the cat resembles an arcade.

8th square(square of unconditional acceptance, harmony). In this square, a dynamic solution is encountered for the first time. Internally, a person feels the need to move forward, to solve their problems. But, at the same time, protection is needed, a guarantee of the safety of such movement (car).

Summary: perfectionism, criticality, normativity, standard perception and thinking that interfere with self-realization, individualization of the individual. Closeness, detachment from society, position of protection from the world, distrust. Suppression of true feelings, impulses by excessive rationalization, prohibitions and taboos. Against this background, the development of anxiety, frustration, internal conflicts. The need for caring social conditions, unconditional acceptance.

Handwriting analysis shows: the predominance of psychomotor control over freedom, perfectionism, standardity, normativity of form, the presence of a mask, regularity of movement, slow speed, strong pressure, dominance of the 7th potency according to Odem, psychotype according to Jung - an introverted ethicist with sensory.

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself a kind person if what you have drawn is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Instruction: Look carefully at the form. You need to draw or draw a picture in each square. Some squares indicate what should be drawn (crocodile, elephant, signature), in the rest - draw what you want, what you think the image looks like.


1st square;

If a point is a semantic center, then such a person strives for a maximum, full-fledged orientation, passing the world around through his ideas and concepts.

If the point is not noticed, then a person in life does not notice what surrounds him, does not take into account many elements of the environment, his behavior proceeds outside the situation.

If the point is part of something, such people strive to take into account every element of the environment, but are extremely indecisive, they do not believe in their own strength, which leads to an active, but passive orientation.

If the point is masked, a person strives for maximum information in the environment, exaggerating its value.

2nd square; Reveals aggressiveness. Direct symbols of aggression are an open mouth, teeth, claws, large sizes of the picture. If the crocodile eats something, the presence of spikes is a protection from others if it is attacked.

Brightly traced eyes - increased susceptibility and suspicion. Tail - symbolizes vindictiveness.

Hidden aggression: if the psychological characteristic does not match the picture, if he is disguised, he is in the thickets or swims in the water.

If the picture looks to the right - a look into the future, if to the left - into the past.

3rd square; Behavior in a social group. If the drawing goes beyond the square, this indicates a violation of the norms of behavior. Tusks - aggressive behavior in a group.

Ears - a direct interest in information, the significance of the opinions of others about oneself. Raised trunk - the desire to attract attention. Eyelashes - the presence of demonstrative traits in character. A raised tail is a positive assessment of oneself, one's actions in a group. Lowered tail - dissatisfaction with oneself.

Big elephant - the desire for dominance in the group, the presence of leadership qualities.

If the drawing is located on the face - the egocentrism of social interaction, behind - a dismissive attitude towards society.

If the square is somehow decorated, such people perceive the social environment as something frozen, their usual behavior is stereotypical.

4th square: Reveals features of communication. If the painting is not in the center of the square, these people adhere to formalized and regulated communication.

In the upper part - the desire to emphasize their social status.

In the lower part - people adhere to strict social-role communication.

Sociable people put their painting in the middle of the square.

The presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic - the desire for self-affirmation. If it goes up - high self-esteem.

5th square: Subjective perception of actions, attitude to reality.

If the drawing is divided in half or the contradictions are trying to be combined - such people do not seek to unambiguously define the situation, they are not embarrassed by the existing contradictions, they perceive life as it is.

If contradictions are not noticed, this is an unformed approach to reality.

Subjective association of contradictions - a person is drawn who sunbathes and sleeps - egocentrism in assessing reality.

6th square: Reveals relevant vital information with the opposite sex.

If the image of water is mistaken for soil, this is due to an emotionally sensitive experience of relationships, or to the problem of dissatisfaction.

The presence of birds - hopes and dreams.

Ship - the presence of an actual problem (no ship, no actual problem).

Additional details are of great importance to the everyday design of personal relationships.

7th square: behavior in a conflict situation.

If an inclined figure is mistaken for a Christmas tree and a person cuts or saws it - resolution of the conflict situation with the help of aggression.

A lot of inclined figures are drawn - the resolution of the conflict situation by aggravating it.

If an upright figure is drawn with an inclined row or it stabilizes, this is a rational resolution of the situation.

If a rocket or a flock of cranes is being made, people try to neutralize the conflict by pushing it out of their consciousness.

Hemp, animals running away from the Christmas tree - passive resolution of the conflict situation.

If fireworks are made from a Christmas tree, it often explodes in a conflict situation.

8th square: Self-portrait.

Inanimate - a person does not know what he is.

Closed lines - a closed person. Strong pressure - high anxiety, weak lines - low energy level.

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