Trainings and exercises for self-confidence. Training "Be confident in yourself"

Relevance of the program.Adolescence is a critical period in personality development. The acute fracture of mental development causes its exceptional complexity and inconsistency. The most important distinguishing feature of adolescence is fundamental changes in the sphere of self-awareness, which are of fundamental importance for all subsequent development and formation of the individual. Self-awareness is a complex mental formation, the most important component of which is self-relationship, which is actively formed in older adolescence: an independent system of self-assessment standards is developed, the ability to penetrate one's inner world is developing more and more. Being one of the most important constituents of personality, self-attitude is directly related to interpersonal and social position, to the scale and significance of those tasks and deeds for which the individual takes responsibility. Self-attitude directly affects the degree of activity of the individual, aimed at self-expression and self-realization.

Positive self-attitude, according to R. Burns, A.V. Vizgina, S.R. Pantileeva, V.V. Stolin, etc. manifests itself in the form of pride, self-esteem, self-respect. A person highly appreciates the qualities belonging to her, is distinguished by the consistency of ideas about herself, assumes that the attitude of others is identical to her ideas. Negative self-attitude is characterized by contempt, consciousness of one's own low value. Thus, actively developing in adolescence, self-attitude determines almost all spheres of human life, not only at this stage, but also in the future.

The distinguishing feature of this program is thatIt is based on such a theoretical construct as “self-attitude”, while most of the developed programs focus on the development of adolescent self-esteem. It is self-relationship that is the most important component of a teenager's self-awareness; it combines, as a cognitive component (a teenager's knowledge of himself), and emotional-value (attitude towards oneself, a sense of the value of one's "I"). This program can be used for developmental, preventive purposes, as well as for counseling and educating adolescents on the development of self-awareness, positive self-esteem, awareness of the value of one's own personality.

Target programs: the development of positive self-attitude in older adolescence.


  1. Expansion of knowledge, ideas of adolescents about themselves.
  2. Formation of the ability to adequately evaluate oneself on the basis of the internal system of values, views.
  3. Formation of self-confidence, a sense of value, significance of one's own personality.
  4. Formation of the desire for self-knowledge and self-development.

Principles of building a developing program:

  1. The principle of consistency of corrective, developmental and preventive tasks.

The program is aimed at developing adolescents' ideas and knowledge about themselves, stimulating cognitive activity in relation to their own "I". The preventive potential of this program lies in the prevention of possible social maladaptation, deviant behavior of adolescents due to distortion of self-perception, a decrease in self-esteem.

  1. The principle of unity of diagnostics and correction.

The developing program was developed on the basis of a study of the characteristics of self-attitude of adolescents aged 14-16. When developing the program, the results of the study were taken into account: the self-attitude of adolescents aged 14-16 is characterized by a low level of differentiation, an inability to adequately assess their capabilities. There is also an internal conflict, self-accusatory reactions in relation to one's "I", especially among girls of older adolescence.

  1. activity principle.

Based on this principle, developmental work is carried out within the framework of the leading activity of adolescence - personal communication with peers. This type of activity has a great developmental potential and allows you to simulate certain situations that require constructive resolution.

  1. The principle of taking into account the age-psychological and individual characteristics of the client.

When developing and implementing a developmental program, the age and psychological characteristics of older adolescence are taken into account:

  1. Formation of a new level of self-awareness;
  2. The need to know oneself as a person, one's capabilities and characteristics, one's similarities with other people and one's uniqueness;
  3. Moving from assessment borrowed from adults to self-assessment;
  4. The desire for self-expression and self-affirmation, self-realization and self-education, for the formation of positive qualities and overcoming negative ones.

In the course of direct work with adolescents, it is necessary to take into account their individual psychological characteristics.

  1. The principle of the complexity of methods of psychological influence.

When drawing up a program for the development of a positive self-attitude, an attempt was made to use various methods, techniques, techniques that make it possible to have a complex impact on adolescents, taking into account the complex structural structure of self-attitude.

  1. The principle of actively involving the closest social environment to participate in the correctional program.

Within the framework of the developed development program, the involvement of the closest environment is not provided, because. in adolescence, the reaction of emancipation, the restructuring of relationships with adults, is pronounced. Of course, an adult does not cease to be significant for a teenager, but the leading ones are the need to communicate with peers and belong to a reference group, as well as the need for independence, so the involvement of adults can cause negativism in a teenager at this stage and lead to isolation and unwillingness to make contact.

  1. The principle of programmed learning.

As part of the implementation of the developmental program, it is supposed to perform exercises together with a psychologist, simulate various situations, and then the acquired knowledge is independently transferred to real life.

  1. Accounting for the emotional complexity of the material.

The tasks and exercises used in the program are aimed at creating motivation for joint activities, interest, and a positive emotional background.

Contingent: teenagers aged 14-16.

Work form: group. The choice of a group form of work is due to the age-psychological characteristics of adolescence and the specifics of the structure of self-relationship: being the core of a particular personality and an aspect of a person’s inner world, self-relationship is formed in the course of communication with other people and determines the success and effectiveness of a person’s social interaction. The ability to compare yourself with others, get feedback from peers will stimulate self-knowledge, the desire for self-development, self-improvement. The group form of work is implemented in the form of a lesson with elements of training.

The training form of work with adolescents is built on the following principles:

  1. The principle of activity.

The activity of the participants of the training group is expected. In the training, adolescents are involved in specially designed actions, playing a particular situation, doing exercises, observing the behavior of others according to a special scheme.

  1. The principle of research creative position

During the training, group members realize, discover their personal resources, possible features. To do this, the training uses situations that allow group members to recognize, test and train new ways of behavior, experiment with them.

  1. The principle of objectification (comprehension) of behavior.

In the process of training, the behavior of the participants is transferred from an impulsive to an objectified level, which allows making changes. Feedback is a universal means of objectifying behavior.

  1. The principle of partnership (subject-subject) communication.

The implementation of this principle creates in the group an atmosphere of security, trust, openness, which allows group members to experiment with their behavior without being embarrassed by mistakes.

Program implementation period: 3 months.

Frequency of meetings: 1 time per week.

Meeting duration: 40-45 minutes.

Number of participants in group work: 12-14 people.

Expected results:

  • expanded knowledge and ideas of adolescents about themselves;
  • the ability to adequately evaluate oneself on the basis of the internal system of values ​​has been formed;
  • developed self-confidence, a sense of self-worth;
  • formed the desire for self-knowledge and self-development.

For evaluation resultsdevelopmental work, you can use the following psychodiagnostic methods:

  1. Test questionnaire "Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale".
  2. The study of self-esteem according to the Dembo-Rubinshtein method in the modification of A. M. Prikhozhan.
  3. "Methodology for the study of self-attitude (MIS)" S.R. Pantileev.
  4. Method "Who am I?" (M. Kuhn and T. McPartland).


  1. Ann L.F Psychological training with teenagers, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.
  2. Gonokhova T. It's hard to be yourself // El. resource. Access mode:
  3. Grigorenko T.A. A program for the development of a positive self-concept in older adolescents using art therapy methods "All Facets of My Self". Email resource. Access mode:
  4. Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers: prevention of antisocial behavior. St. Petersburg, 2007.
  5. Martynenko Yu. Know yourself and take the first step // El. resource. Access mode:
  6. Parishioners A.M. The Psychology of a Loser: Self-Confidence Training. M., 2000.
  7. Email resource. Access mode: .
  8. Email resource. Access mode: .

Thematic plan of the program for the development of positive self-attitude in older adolescents

"Be yourself! Be the best!"

The purpose of the lesson: updating the knowledge and ideas of adolescents about themselves.


Exercise 1. "Circles".

Exercise 6

The purpose of the lesson: to expand the system of adolescents' ideas about themselves.


Lesson number 3. "Who am I?".

The purpose of the lesson: expanding the system of adolescents' ideas about themselves


Exercise 1. "Echo".

Exercise 2. "Who am I?".

Exercise 5. "Walk".

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the ability to adequately evaluate oneself.


  • formation of an idea of ​​the multidimensionality of self-relationship

Exercise 1. "Greeting".

Exercise 2. "Pie".

Exercise 4. "Opinions".

Exercise 5. "Island".

Lesson number 5. "Masks".

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the desire to adequately assess themselves, their capabilities.


Exercise 1. "Greeting"

Exercise 3. "Masks".

Exercise 4. "Without a mask."

Exercise 5. "Kaleidoscope"

Exercise 6

Lesson number 6. "Me and my world"

Purpose of the lesson:


Exercise 1. "Greeting".

Exercise 2. "Aphorisms".

Exercise 3. "But I am."

Exercise 5. "Palm"

Exercise 6

Purpose of the lesson:


Exercise 1. "Artists".

Exercise 5. "Confusion".

Exercise 7. "I manage myself."

Exercise 8


  • formation of the ability to unconditionally accept oneself;
  • awareness of personal resources, opportunities;
  • formation of skills of self-disclosure and self-presentation.

Exercise 1. "Signal".

Exercise 5. "If I were."

Exercise 6. "Sculpture".

Lesson number 9. "Ideal Me"

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the desire for self-development.


Exercise 2. "Mirror".

Exercise 3. "Years of youth."

Exercise 6. "My life goals."

Exercise 7. Reflection.

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of motivation for self-development and self-improvement.


  • awareness of personal resources, opportunities;
  • building self-confidence.

Exercise 3. "Like the way you are."

Exercise 4. "Suitcase".

Exercise 5. "Reflection".

The content of the program "Be yourself! Be the best!"

Lesson number 1. "Do you know yourself?"

Purpose of the lesson : actualization of knowledge and ideas of adolescents about themselves.


  • acquaintance, creation of a positive emotional background;
  • formation of motivation for joint activities;
  • formation of ideas about the system of knowledge of a person about himself;
  • stimulating the awareness of one's "I".

Equipment: a poster with the principles of working in a group, sheets of A4, A5 format, tablets with questions, felt-tip pens, forms for reflection.

Introductory part.

Target: acquaintance, creation of a positive emotional background. Hello, my name is Anastasia Andreevna, I am a teacher-psychologist. I will conduct with you a course of classes aimed at self-knowledge, improving your ideas about yourself. Classes will be held in a group, so to begin with, I propose to define the rules that will guide us in working together. I suggest the following regulations (they are reflected in the poster):

1. Rule of activity. Everyone participates in group work.

2. The rule of sincerity. Each participant is sincere, which contributes to the establishment of trusting relationships in the group.

3. The rule of equivalence. Everyone in the group is equal.

4. The rule "here and now." Only what happens directly during the training is subject to discussion in the group.

5. The rule of confidentiality. The information discussed in the group and related to the personal life stories of each, is not taken out of it.

6. The rule of constructive feedback. Participants agree not to give a general assessment of the personality, but to talk about behavior, describe what is happening

7. The rule of "raised hand".

Does anyone have any additions? Does everyone agree with the proposed rules? Now let's get to know each other.

Exercise 1. "Circles".

Target: getting to know the participants.

Participants are invited to draw three circles on sheets of A5 format, in which they indicate the name, positive quality in the first letter of the name, hobby (hobby). At the end of the task, everyone introduces themselves.

Exercise 2. "Me and my inner world."

Target: the formation of an idea of ​​the inner world, the creation of motivation for joint activities. As I said, our classes will be devoted to self-knowledge. Let's try to define what self-knowledge is? How do you imagine? Why should a person know himself?Student responses are written on the board..

In psychology, self-knowledge is defined as a complex long-term process of obtaining knowledge about oneself by a person. What do you think about the ways in which self-knowledge can be carried out? What is needed for this? (student answers). Indeed, self-knowledge is carried out through self-observation, as well as communication with other people, since by comparing ourselves with them, we get more information about our characteristics, our individuality. The process of self-knowledge is very closely connected with self-education and self-improvement. Only by knowing ourselves, we can begin work on self-improvement, achieving our ideal. As a result of self-knowledge, we form a system of ideas about ourselves that regulate our entire life: communication with other people, success in various activities, goals that we set for ourselves. Unfortunately, often people cannot adequately assess themselves, their capabilities, their self-attitude is distorted. This leads to various difficulties.

Main part.

Exercise 3. "10 positive and 10 negative "I" in me."

Target: self-knowledge, actualization of their pluses and minuses.

The first exercise we are going to do now is called “10 positive and 10 negative selves in me”. Now I want to ask you to write on a piece of paper 10 of your positive qualities and 10 negative ones that you don’t like, interfere with.

Discussion: What were the difficulties? Did you notice anything new about yourself while doing this task? Or maybe you have something to think about? Are all the qualities that are initially perceived as negative as such and what can be their benefit to a person.

Exercise 4

Target: removal of emotional stress.

Exercise 5. "Interesting questions."

Target: actualization of knowledge about oneself, awareness of one's "I".

In the center are tablets with questions written on them. Now, in turn, everyone will take one tablet at a time and answer the question that is written there. It is only necessary to remember that the questions there are unusual, before answering, think, you may have to use fantasy and imagination.

1. What flower can you compare yourself to?

2. What subject can you imagine yourself to be?

3. What fairy-tale hero?

4. What kind of animals?

5. What time of year?

6. What musical instrument?

7. What literary genre would you be?

8. What natural phenomenon?

9. What literary character would you compare yourself to?

10. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would it be?

11. What quality do you like most about yourself?

12. What quality would you like to develop in yourself?

13. What quality do you like most in people?

14. What are your hobbies?

15. What else would you like to do and why?

Final part.

Exercise 6

Target: reflection of the exercises, receiving feedback from the participants. In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion about our first lesson. Now I will give you sheets of paper on which circles are depicted. You need to draw a "face" that reflects your state at the end of the lesson. Then everyone in a circle will say what he drew and why, what he liked or did not like in our lesson.The results of the lesson are summed up.

Lesson number 2. "Journey to Self".

Purpose of the lesson: expanding the system of adolescents' ideas about themselves.


  • formation of an idea of ​​one's own uniqueness;
  • development of the ability to realize one's "I";
  • actualization of the idea of ​​attitude towards oneself;
  • formation of an idea of ​​the value of one's own personality.

Equipment: balls of different colors, tables with personality traits, colored pencils.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Greeting rituals."


Hello guys, today our lesson will be called "Journey to your "I". Last time we talked about how important it is to know yourself, your characteristics, discussed that it is quite difficult and many people cannot adequately assess their personality. We have completed several exercises aimed at self-knowledge and today we will continue to learn something new about ourselves and others. But first, let's say hello to each other. You probably know that different countries use different greeting rituals. For example, in Japan, this option is common: a slight bow, arms and palms extended to the sides, and the inhabitants of India, as a sign of greeting, make a slight bow, folding their palms in front of their foreheads. Now I suggest that you try to come up with some unusual version of the greeting yourself (options are discussed, the most interesting one is selected). And then the participants stand in a circle and greet each other.

Main part.

Exercise 2. "I am unique."

Target: the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone's own uniqueness. So we greeted each other, and now I propose to perform the following exercise, which is called "I am unique." As we all know, there is not a single person on the planet like us. Each person is unique. But sometimes we forget about it. Now I will give you two balls of different colors. I'll pass one to the left, the other to the right. The student on the left, having received the ball, continues the statement "I, like everyone else ...". The students who received the second ball continue the statement "I, not like everyone else ...". When two balls meet in the hands of one of the participants, he is given the right to choose which statement to continue.

At the end of the exercise, discussion , as a result of which the psychologist leads students to the conclusion that we all have some common qualities, but there are also unique, inimitable, inherent in only one person.

Exercise 3

Target: the formation of an idea of ​​​​the self-attitude of a teenager. Now I will give you tables that list statements that reflect different personalities. Read the list of statements, underline those characteristics that you can attribute to yourself and color the place next to it with the color that most fully expresses your attitude to this statement. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, right or wrong colors. Try to make a choice without thinking for a long time (the table is presented in the appendix).

Discussion: Now take a close look at this table. What colors dominate in your tables? Why do you think? How does this relate to your relationship with yourself? Now let's take a break and relax.

Exercise 4. "Dream Island".


Close your eyes. Imagine that you are on a wonderful tropical island, where there is everything you could wish for: palm trees and sand, fruits and the sea, mountains and streams, grass and sun. Find a place for yourself on this island, take it and enjoy life. Think about those who are there, next to you - your closest people, your favorite objects. Pause. Look around you. Everyone is good here. Sound of waves, warm sun, white sand. You are lying in the shade of palm trees, every cell of the body is relaxed, you are enjoying life. Remember this feeling. Feel free. Now slowly open your eyes.

Exercise 5. "My self-perception."

Target: development of the ability to realize one's "I".

Now look at the diagram (the table is presented in the appendix). Underline those characteristics that you can attribute to yourself. Please note which one you think is the most stable. Distribute the selected characteristics into three columns, reflecting the attitude towards your own qualities. Are there many characteristics that suit you? What qualities would you like to develop? How can I do that? Why do you think these qualities are important?

Discussion: now let's try to compare two exercises where you worked with the same tables, but in the first case, you expressed your attitude to one or another of your qualities using color, and in the second case, already at a verbal, conscious level, you tried to evaluate them. Which exercise was the most difficult and why? Did your descriptions of qualities in the first and second cases match? If not, why not? Is our attitude towards ourselves always conscious? Why?

Final part.

Exercise 6


Please stand in a circle. Now we will try to express gratitude to each other. I will ask one of you to stand in the center, the second person comes up to him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a pleasant activity!”. Both participants remain in the center, holding hands. Then a third participant comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant lesson!” Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last member joins your group, close the circle.

And now let everyone in a circle speak out what they liked about today's lesson? What did he learn? What difficulties did you encounter while doing the exercises?

Lesson number 3. "Who am I?".

Purpose of the lesson: expanding the system of adolescents' ideas about themselves


  • the formation of a more complete picture of oneself, one's characteristics;
  • disclosure of the multidimensionality of one's "I", the formation of the desire for self-improvement;
  • the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis ideal "I".

Equipment : A4 sheets, pens, felt-tip pens.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Echo".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Hello, I'm glad to see you at our lesson. And to begin with, I propose to greet each other. The group members take turns pronouncing their names, accompanying them with a certain gesture. The group then calls out his name in unison and repeats the gesture.

Main part: Exercise 2. "Who am I?".

Target: the formation of a more complete picture of yourself, your features.

Please take a sheet of paper and write 20 answers to the question "Who am I?". Try to answer without thinking and write the first thing that comes to mind. And now you can see everything you wrote.

Discussion: Was it difficult to write about yourself? What features did you prioritize? From what position do you consider yourself in this self-description and why? (student, son, athlete, etc.). What difficulties did you encounter while completing this task?

Exercise 3

Target: disclosure of one's "I", the formation of the desire for self-improvement.

On sheets of paper with felt-tip pens, you will need to draw your personal coat of arms. You already have material for your coat of arms. Ideally, a person who sees your coat of arms would be able to understand who he is dealing with. Draw the outline of the coat of arms, in any shape, but at the same time follow one rule: the outline must be divided into several areas.

Discussion: great, and now let's try to analyze what you got. Was it easy or difficult to draw your coat of arms? How fully, in your opinion, did you manage to reflect your features? Do you think your relatives and friends could understand that this is your coat of arms? What difficulties arose in creating the coat of arms? What was the first thing you tried to reflect? Are there flaws in the coat of arms? Why?

Exercise 4. "Imagine yourself as an animal."

Target: actualization of ideas about oneself and one's ideal "I".

Now try to picture yourself as the animal you would most like to be. Please explain the reasons why you chose this particular animal, what features of it attract you? Do you have traits? Which are and which are not? How can they be developed? Do you think people around you see these qualities in you?

Exercise 5. "Walk".

Target: motor and emotional warm-up.

Imagine that we are in a forest. We have no tents, of course, no umbrellas, and a thunderstorm is coming. We see that there is a cave not far from us. We all run there together, we ran in time, a thunderstorm began. The storm passed very quickly, it stopped raining. We all went out and saw just a miracle, a huge artificial lake appeared in front of us, because we did not notice that there was a “trough for water” among the stones. Let's splash! The game uses folk music in pop processing, pop music. Hits are desirable (take into account the interest of teenagers).

Final part.

Exercise 6

Target: reflection exercises, receiving feedback from the participants.

In a circle, each of the participants is invited to complete the sentence. “Today in class, I had…….(express feeling).”

Lesson number 4. "Assessment of one's self".

Purpose of the lesson: developing the ability to adequately evaluate oneself.


  • formation of an idea of ​​the multidimensionality of self-relationship;
  • formation of ideas about the factors influencing self-attitude;
  • stimulating awareness of the influence of others on the adolescent's ideas and attitude towards himself;
  • creation of motivation for the formation of self-attitude based on the internal system of values, views, beliefs.

Equipment: forms for the exercise "Pie",

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Greeting".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Hello, today our lesson is called "Assessment of one's "I". In psychology, the term self-esteem is used to define this phenomenon, but in everyday life we ​​constantly evaluate ourselves without thinking about the psychological aspects. As a result, we form a self-attitude as a combination of all knowledge about ourselves and the emotions that this knowledge causes. But before we start our lesson today, I propose to tune in to joint activities as follows: now in a circle we will greet each other. Our greeting should begin with the words: “I am glad to see you, and I want to tell you that you .... (you look great, as always very cheerful and energetic, etc.).

Main part:

Exercise 2. "Pie".

Target: formation of an idea of ​​the multidimensionality of self-relationship. Our self-attitude is very multifaceted, affecting all spheres of our personality. Each person behaves differently in different situations. For example, your behavior at home, at school, in communication with close friends varies greatly. We all have different interests, inclinations, hobbies, etc.

Now we will do an exercise called "Pie". I will distribute sheets of paper to each of you, on which a circle resembling a donut is depicted. It is divided into 4 segments and there is a circle in the center. Draw a picture in each segment that reflects different aspects of your personality.

As the participants draw, attention is drawn to the need to explain what is in the center at the end of the work. This gives the work intrigue and additional motivation to complete the task. Once the drawing is complete, it is asked if anyone else forgot to draw something else or what else needs to be drawn to complete the work. Teenagers will say that it remains to draw something in the center. Answer: in the center is the eye of the pie you are drawing. It is explained that each of us has an inner eye that allows us to be aware of all aspects of our personality, to understand what we are experiencing and what we are doing at one time or another in life, helping us decide how to act in a certain situation.

Exercise 3. "Self-examination."

Target: formation of ideas about the factors influencing the formation of self-attitude. We discussed with you that our self-relationship is very multifaceted, but at the same time there is a so-called “inner eye”, which only we know about. It is somewhere deep and the surrounding people cannot see it, learn something about us if we ourselves do not want it. However, in our daily life we ​​communicate with different people: parents, teachers, friends, classmates, etc. Do you think that people around influence the self-attitude of a person? What impact? Why?

Now draw two circles, one nested inside the other. The inner circle describes the border around your "I". What does it contain? Draw, write or symbolize what constitutes the content of your "I". The outer, large circle is the outer world in which your "I" develops. Reflect in this circle that which has the greatest influence on your "I".

Discussion: tell me what you drew. Does everyone have the same ratio of inner and outer circles? Why? What do you think, what or who influences a person's self-attitude to a greater extent? What role does a person himself play in shaping his self-attitude?

Exercise 4. "Opinions".

Target: stimulating awareness of the influence of other people on self-attitude.

We discussed who and what influences the formation of self-attitude. Now we will try to see how this happens in real life. To do this, now in turn we will name one best quality of each of the participants. The sum should be an attractive feature. Moreover, the opinion should be expressed metaphorically (“prickly hedgehog”, “perpetual motion machine”, “puzzles”).

Discussion: Is it nice to talk to a person about his positive qualities? Is it difficult to distinguish these qualities in a person? How did your mood change depending on how you heard good things about yourself? Do you think the positive evaluation of others affects self-relationship? Why?

Exercise 5. "Island".

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress, motor warm-up. Now let's rest a little. A small island is laid out on the floor from old newspapers. It is announced that the group that got to this island must wait for the rescuers. All participants stand on the "island", move around it. The “tide” begins (part of the newspapers are removed), the island decreases, the teenagers can no longer move, but only stand on the island. Then another part of the newspapers is removed, the "island" becomes very small. The "island" is reduced as much as possible. Finally, rescuers arrive and the survivors and the drowned are transported to the mainland, seated on chairs.

Exercise 6

Target: creation of motivation for the formation of self-attitude based on the internal system of values, views, beliefs.

And now, please listen to the parable of the crow and the peacock. In the park of the palace, a black crow landed on a branch of an orange tree. A peacock walked across the manicured lawn. The crow croaked, “How can you even allow such a strange bird to enter this park?

He performs so importantly that one might think that this is the Sultan himself, and at the same time he has incredibly ugly legs. And feathers, what an eerie blue color! I would never wear this color. He drags his tail behind him like he's a fox."

The crow ceased to make remarks and was silent expectantly.

Peacock didn't say anything for a while, and then he began, smiling sadly, “I think your words are not true. What you see in me as bad is based on a misunderstanding. You say I'm putting on airs because I hold my head upright so that the feathers on my shoulders bristle and a double chin appears on my neck.

Actually, I don't care at all. I know my faults, and I know that my legs are covered in wrinkled skin. This makes me very sad, which is why I keep my head high so as not to see my terrible legs. You see only my shortcomings, and you close your eyes to my virtues and my beauty. Have you thought about it? What you call terrible, people really like about me.

Discussion: What do you think is the meaning of this parable? Who is right: the crow or the peacock? Why?

Final part.

Exercise 7

Target : Get feedback from members. In a circle, each of the participants is invited to complete the sentence. “Today in class, I had…….(express feeling).”

Discussion: Which exercise did you like the most and why? Which exercise was the most effective for self-discovery and why?

Lesson number 5. "Masks".

Purpose of the lesson: the formation of the desire to adequately assess themselves, their capabilities.


  • formation of ideas about the factors influencing the formation of self-attitude;
  • awareness of self-image in the eyes of others.
  • awareness of the essence of his "I".

Equipment: A4 sheets, cardboard, felt-tip pens, cards with unfinished sentences, forms for reflection.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Greeting".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Hello, today our lesson is called "Masks". At the last lesson, we started talking about the influence of the people around us on our self-relationship, and today we will continue our conversation. But first, let's greet each other. This time we are holding a greeting in the form of a secular reception. All members of the group, moving freely around the room, should approach each other and exchange compliments, i.e. emphasize the best qualities of a partner that you see in him and appreciate the most.

Main part:

Exercise 2. "Magic Mirror".

Target: awareness of self-image in the eyes of others. Now I invite you to imagine yourself in three mirrors

in green - as parents, teachers see them;

in red - as their friends see them;

in blue - as they appear to themselves. Write it down, preferably in the form of a metaphor.

Discussion: how do metaphors, listed features differ in different mirrors? Why? Is it good or bad? Why?

Exercise 3. "Masks".

Purpose: formation of ideas about the factors influencing the formation of self-attitude.

Now I propose to summarize all the differences that have been identified in the perception of others around you and those features, properties that you actually possess. And I suggest you make a mask. Like the ones you wear at carnivals. Only these will be the masks that you wear in life. Masks should contain the information that others know about you and how they perceive you, regardless of whether this is true or not. In the mask, you need to reflect the features, for example: love for drawing - on the mask, the eyebrows are depicted in the form of a pencil and a brush; punctuality - a clock is depicted on the cheek; love of travel - a compass is drawn on the other cheek of the mask; musical abilities - hair is depicted in the form of treble clefs, etc.

Discussion: participants are invited to put on masks and discuss who tried to convey information about themselves in what way. Participants try to guess what features were reflected in the mask of other participants, it is necessary to identify them and write on a separate piece of paper. When all the masks have been discussed, move on to the next exercise.

Exercise 4. "Without a mask."

Target: awareness of the essence of his "I".

Now each of us will need to take off the mask that we put on for others. To do this, I will give a card with a written phrase that does not have an ending. Try without preparation to continue and complete the phrase, based on those differences in qualities, personality traits that others see in you, but in fact you don’t have them. Try to be sincere.

"People around me are mistaken that I..."

“No one knows that I……”

“People think that I am, but in reality……”

“Sometimes I feel like people think of me, when in fact….”

“I hope that others will finally understand that I am not ... but I am ....”

"I really want people around me to finally understand that I..."

"Sometimes people don't understand that I..."

"I believe that friends, parents will finally understand that I really am ...".

Discussion: Did you find it difficult to complete sentences? Did you feel like taking off the mask, or did you feel more comfortable wearing the mask? Were there guys whose opinions of others and their real self-relationship coincided? Is it possible? In which cases? What is it connected with? What new did you learn about your comrades? Was it difficult for you to sincerely express your thoughts?

Exercise 5. "Kaleidoscope".

Target: removal of emotional stress. Imagine yourself as some part of the body. I will name various emotions, and you try to express it with the part of the body that you have chosen.

Discussion : what emotions are more difficult to convey? Is it important to express emotions correctly so that others understand you? Do emotions help in communication?

Final part.

Exercise 6


Lesson number 6. "Me and my world"

Purpose of the lesson: development of the ability to realize one's "I".


  • development of reflexivity and self-criticism;
  • awareness of the resources of one's own personality;
  • stimulation of the development of self-knowledge mechanisms;
  • the formation of positive self-esteem.

Equipment : A4 sheets, ball, list of aphorisms, forms for reflection.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Greeting".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Hello, today we will begin our lesson by saying wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wishes for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Main part:

Exercise 2. "Aphorisms".

Target: development of reflexivity and self-criticism. Before you lies a sheet on which aphorisms, sayings of great people are written. They reflect the understanding of the enormous possibilities that a person has for directing his thoughts, feelings, favorable for personal growth. They are aware of the need to try to turn circumstances in their favor, and not to obey them. It is in our power to gain greater self-confidence by changing our way of thinking and tuning our thoughts in a positive way. We often do not realize the fullness of our possibilities to make ourselves happier, relying on the mechanisms of psychological self-support. There is no greater value for a person, there is no more decisive factor in his psychological development and motivation than the assessment that he gives to himself. Read the aphorisms to yourself. Which of them attract you more? Why? What do they mean? Choose the aphorism that could be your motto and why? What do I need to do? What are you doing now? How can you characterize your aphorism now?

Exercise 3. "But I am."

Purpose: awareness of the resources of one's personality, opportunities for self-development. There are no ideal people, we all have our shortcomings or some qualities that we perceive as such. Now take a piece of paper and write down what you think you have flaws or what you don't like about yourself, starting with the word "I". Write them down. Why do you think these are shortcomings? Why do these qualities hinder you? Now continue each sentence, starting with the words: “but I ....”.

Discussion : how can you compensate for your shortcomings? Is everything we don't like about ourselves a flaw? Why?

Exercise 4. "Lame Monkey".

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Now imagine a lame monkey, his antics, his gait. And now I forbid you to think about this monkey for two minutes (time is measured). Laughing go to the middle of the circle. It is not necessary to portray a lame monkey, it is important just not to think about it.

Exercise 5. "Palm".

Target: stimulation of the development of self-knowledge mechanisms, the formation of positive self-esteem.

Take a sheet of paper and circle each palm and inside the outline write the quality that you like in yourself. Pass the sheets in a circle, and the rest of the participants add those qualities that you like in the owner of the palm. It is necessary to write only positive qualities. Every person has them, so even if you cannot immediately write this quality, take a closer look at the person, be more observant. Try not to repeat the qualities in one palm. The qualities should really correspond to the owner of the palm. Sign the sheets. When the palms return to their owner, thank each other.

Discussion: Is it easy to analyze the personality of another person? Is it nice to receive positive feedback about yourself?

Comment: it is important to make sure that positive traits are really written in the palm. If the group is not yet ready to perform such an exercise, it is better not to conduct it.

Final part.

Exercise 6

Target: reflection, receiving feedback from the participants.

In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion about our lesson. Now I will give you sheets of paper on which circles are depicted. You need to draw a "face" that reflects your state at the end of the lesson. Then everyone in a circle will say what he drew, why, what he liked or did not like in our lesson.

Lesson number 7. "Self-confidence".

Purpose of the lesson: building self-confidence.


  • formation of the ability to unconditionally accept oneself;
  • awareness of personal resources, opportunities;
  • mastering the skills of self-regulation;
  • formation of skills of self-disclosure and self-presentation.

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, felt-tip pens, pencils, test form, reflection forms.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Artists".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Hello, today we will start our lesson with an unusual greeting. Now I will give one of you a sheet of paper and pencils. The first person will draw some detail, pass it on to the next person, who must try to guess what his predecessor wanted to draw and continue the drawing. And so on, until we get a picture. And its topic will be “What do I expect from today's lesson”.

Exercise 2. “Are you confident in yourself?”


In previous classes, we talked a lot about self-attitude, self-knowledge, how important it is to know your characteristics, resources, treat yourself well, value your “I”. Now we will try to see how a positive self-attitude directly affects our real life, behavior, communication with others. Now I propose to conduct a small test to see how confident you are (see appendix).

Main part:

Exercise 3. "My portrait in the sun."

Target: developing the capacity for unconditional self-acceptance.

Draw the sun, in the center of the solar circle write your name or draw your portrait. Then, along the rays, write all your virtues, all the good things that you know about yourself. Try to have as many rays as possible.

This will be the answer to the question: “Why do I deserve respect?”. Save this drawing, and when you feel sad, look at it and remember that you have something to respect and love for.

Exercise 4. "Rose Bush".

Target: awareness of the resources of his personality, opportunities.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths in and out, and imagine yourself becoming a rose bush. You can become any flowering bush, like a rose bush. What kind of bush have you become? Is this bush small or large? Strong or weak?

Does this bush have flowers? If yes, what are they? What color are they?

Are they many or few? Are they fully bloomed or are there only buds? Are there any leaves? How do they look? What do branch shoots look like? What roots does this bush have or does it have no roots at all? If so, are they long and straight or curved? How deep do they penetrate the ground? Are there thorns on the bush? Where does this bush grow: in the yard, in the park, in the desert, in the field, under the moon, or somewhere else? Does it stand in a pot, or does it grow straight out of the ground, or maybe it breaks through concrete or asphalt? What is around the bush? Are there other rose bushes nearby, or does he stand alone? Are there trees, animals, birds or people around? What makes this bush live? Who is looking after him? Is the weather good? Is there a fence around the bush, or maybe stones or rocks?

Open your eyes and draw a rose bush in the background of the surrounding landscape. Don't worry about your drawing - it doesn't have to be the best work; If something doesn't work out, you can explain. Then everyone talks about his bush, which he painted.

Exercise 5. "Confusion".

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

One person goes out of their room, all the rest "get mixed up" without opening their hands. The task of the driver is to unravel the confusion.

Discussion: was it easy to complete the task? Why? What is needed to successfully complete this exercise?

Exercise 6

Target: developing positive self-acceptance.

Now close your eyes and imagine some object, a tree or an animal, that you would like to make a symbol of your confidence. It can be anything: a huge, powerful pine tree, a ferocious bear, a tank covered with armor, a harsh rock against which sea waves are breaking. Try to see this symbol in all its details with your mind's eye. And then - merge with it! Become as strong, flexible, powerful, enjoy this feeling. Tell what you saw. Why youchoose this character. How is this character similar to you?

Exercise 7. "I manage myself."

Target: mastering the skills of self-regulation, awareness of their capabilities.

Sit comfortably and relax; take a few deep breaths in and out. Then slowly and deliberately say the following to yourself.

1. I have a body. But I am not my body. My body can be healthy or sick, tired or rested. My body is only an instrument of knowledge and activity in the world around me. I protect it, but I am not my body. I own my body, I can control my body, I am the master of my body.

2. I have feelings, but I am not my feelings. My feelings are varied and changeable. I can experience love and hate, joy and sorrow, anger and delight. I can observe and understand my feelings, use them and combine them in myself. But I am not feelings. I own my feelings, I can control them, I am the master of my feelings.

3. I have a mind, but I am not my mind. My mind is a valuable tool for exploration and self-expression. Its content is constantly changing, enriched with new ideas, knowledge and experience. It is an organ of knowledge of the external and internal world. But I am not my mind. I own my mind, I can control my thoughts, I am the master of my mind.

4. I have many relationships with different people. But I am not my relationship. I am the son (daughter) of my parents. I am a student, I am a good friend. I am involved in different activities, I communicate with different people. But I am not my relationship. I have relationships with people, I can manage these relationships, I am the master of my relationships.

5. I am a person who has a body, feelings, mind, relationships. I can manage everything I have. I am the master of my body, my feelings, my mind and my relationships. I am my own master. I can control myself and my life. And I understand the responsibility to myself.

Final part.

Exercise 8

Target: reflection, receiving feedback from the participants.

In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion about our lesson. Now I will give you sheets of paper on which circles are depicted. You need to draw a "face" that reflects your state at the end of the lesson. Then everyone in a circle will say what he drew, why, what he liked or did not like in our lesson.

Lesson number 8. "Be more confident."

Purpose of the lesson: building self-confidence.


  • formation of the ability to unconditionally accept oneself;
  • awareness of personal resources, opportunities;
  • formation of skills of self-disclosure and self-presentation.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Signal".

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Participants sit in a circle, close to each other. Hands hold neighbors on their knees. One of the participants "sends a signal" by lightly slapping the leg of one of the neighbors. The signal must be transmitted as soon as possible and return in a circle to its author. Variants of signals are possible (different number or types of movements).

Main part:

Exercise 2. "A letter to your loved one."

Target: the formation of the ability to unconditional acceptance of oneself, awareness of one's own characteristics. Everyone writes a letter to himself, to his beloved. After completing the exercise, it is desirable to exchange opinions with what feelings they did this task. You can retell or read your letter if you wish.

Exercise 3. "Announcement in the newspaper."

Target: formation of skills of self-disclosure, self-presentation.

Now try to advertise yourself in the newspaper. Announcements should be short but informative. What would you like to write about yourself first? The announcements are then read and discussed. It is important to note what was reflected in the participants' announcements to a greater extent: their character traits, desires, dreams, etc.

Discussion: What got you interested in other guys' ads? Was it easy to write the ad? What was the first thing you tried to show? Why do you think that this is important?

Exercise 4. "Dwarfs and giants."

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Everyone is standing in a circle. On the command: "Giants!" - everyone is standing, but on the command: "Dwarfs!" - you need to sit down. The host is trying to confuse the participants - he squats on the "Giants" team.

Exercise 5. "If I were"

Target: development of self-presentation skills.

Now you will need to connect your imagination. Choose for yourself some object or thing (ice cream, lampshade, chair, pen, etc.). Immerse yourself in its world, imagine yourself as this thing, feel its "character". On behalf of this thing, tell how it feels in the world around it. About her worries, her past and future. Choose only those items that will not shock others.

Discussion: On what basis did you choose the subject? Is it difficult to self-discover? Was it difficult to penetrate into the meaning, to predict the future?

Exercise 6. "Sculpture".

Target: formation of skills of self-disclosure, self-presentation. The group is divided into two parts. One must “sculpt” a sculpture with self-esteem, the other - a person who does not respect himself, is insecure. The figure is "molded" from one participant, the rest give the figure the necessary posture, facial expressions. Next is the presentation of sculptures, a discussion is held.

Final part.

Exercise 7. "Applause."

Target: reflection, receiving feedback from the participants.

We have worked hard today, and I want to offer you such a game. First, I begin to softly clap my hands and approach one of the group members, gradually increasing the intensity of the clapping. Then this participant selects another member of the group and does the same, but already together with the first leader. The third chooses the fourth, and so on. The whole group applauds the last participant.

There is a discussion of the lesson. Participants share their impressions. What exercises did you enjoy the most and why? What did they learn about themselves or other members of the group?

Lesson number 9. "Ideal Me"

Purpose of the lesson: formation of the desire for self-development.


  • the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis ideal "I";
  • formation of ideas about one's potential, resources for personal development;
  • creating motivation for further work on yourself.

Equipment : A4 sheets, felt-tip pens, list of questions

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Changing room."

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Let's now slowly walk around the room and greet each other. Now imagine that the room is filled with gum and you are pushing through it. And now the room is orange—orange walls. Floor and ceiling, you feel filled with energy, cheerful and light like bubbles in Fanta ... And now it's raining, everything around has become blue and gray. You are sad, sad, tired ...

Main part.

Exercise 2. "Mirror".

Target: the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis ideal "I". Now you are invited to write about yourself in two mirrors: one mirror reflects what you really are now at the moment, and in the other mirror what you would like to become.

Discussion: Are there significant differences in the two mirrors? What are they mostly associated with? How can you achieve change in yourself? What is needed for this?

Exercise 3. "Years of youth."

Target: understanding of the resources of the individual.

The famous saying of Immanuel Kant "The years of youth are the most difficult years, because these are the years of choice" is written on the board. A discussion is held: one group of students must confirm this statement, and the other must refute.

Based on the results of the discussion, the facilitator makes a conclusion about the influence of individuality on a conscious choice and about the responsibility of everyone for their decisions.

Exercise 4. "My Universe".

Purpose: formation of an idea of ​​one's potential, resources for personal development.

In the center of an A4 sheet, draw the sun and write the letter "I" in it. Draw lines from the center (sun) - the rays of the sun (18–20). Above each ray write a question, and under the ray write the answer:

  • What abilities do I have?
  • What kind of books do I like?
  • What musical genres do I prefer?
  • What am I dreaming about?
  • What do I like to remember?
  • What is my character?
  • In what mood do I wake up most often in the morning?
  • What can I do better than others?
  • What is my hobby?
  • Do I have interests and hobbies?
  • Who do I want to be in the future?
  • What is more in me: self-confidence or shyness?
  • Do I have a sense of humor?
  • How do I treat myself?

The facilitator leads the students to the conclusion that the “star map” of each student shows how many opportunities he has, how unique he is, which is common to everyone, which helps a person to achieve success in life.

Exercise 5. "Paper balls."

Target: emotional release.

And now I suggest you make balls out of old newspapers. Divide in half and line up in two lines at a distance of 4-5 meters opposite each other. A “border” was drawn on the floor with chalk, beyond which it is impossible to cross, otherwise you can find yourself in the camp of the enemy. On command, throw your balls in the direction of the "opponent". Task: throw all the balls over the border. On the command "Stop" you stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on their side wins. It is necessary to observe safety precautions, do not aim at each other's face and head.

Exercise 6. "My life goals."

Target: creation of motivation for self-development and self-improvement.

Now I suggest you work with life goals. Write down the goals you would like to achieve in life.

  1. Analyze them. What does it mean to you to achieve this goal? Why do you need it? How will you show that you have achieved this goal?
  2. Assess where you are now in relation to achieving this goal. What necessary knowledge and skills do you possess at the moment, and what is still to be achieved?
  3. Assess your capabilities (write down). Try to highlight as many of your opportunities as possible, both internal and external (circumstances, help from friends, parents, etc.).
  4. Determine what you need to do to reach your goal.
  5. Specification of each of the actions in terms of time, determining how long it should last.

Well, we have analyzed your goals, look carefully at them again! And the next step you need to do yourself. Start implementing them today, act according to the plan and you will definitely succeed.

Final part.

Exercise 7. "Reflection".

Target: reflection, receiving feedback from the participants. There is a discussion of the lesson. Participants share their impressions. What exercises did you enjoy the most and why? What did they learn about themselves or other members of the group?

Lesson number 10. "Psychology of a happy person".

Purpose of the lesson: formation of motivation for self-development and self-improvement.


  • formation of unconditional self-acceptance;
  • formation of ideas about possible ways of self-development;
  • awareness of personal resources, opportunities;
  • building self-confidence.

Equipment: A4 sheets, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. "Association with a meeting."

Target: creating a positive emotional background, a mood for work.

Participants are invited to express their associations with the meeting. For example: "If our meeting was an animal, it would be ... a dog."

Main part:

Exercise 2. "Manifesto of a free man."

Target: formation of ideas about possible ways of self-development.

During our classes, you learned a lot about yourself, your capabilities, resources, learned to analyze your own actions and the actions of other people. I hope you have learned to love and appreciate yourself, have gained inner freedom. Now I invite you to do the exercise “Manifesto of a free man. Do you know what a manifesto is? (student answers). Manifesto (from the late Latin manifestum - a call. Now I suggest you write a manifesto for a free person. A call to yourself to live the way you want, love yourself and others, appreciate the moments that you have in life. The manifesto must contain at least 10 provisions Examples: “I love myself the way I am”, “I support the manifestation of freedom in others and respect the opinions of others”, etc.

Discussion: what difficulties did you have in writing the manifesto? What did you want to reflect in the first place and why? What feelings did you experience while writing the manifesto?

Exercise 3. "Be like ...".

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

We worked hard, did a great job, and now I suggest a little rest. Get up from your seats and walk around the room as you would walk: the king, the formidable police chief, the giraffe, the little mouse, the elephant, the comedy actor. Thanks everyone, you did great.

Exercise 4. "Suitcase".

Target:awareness of personal resources, opportunities.

We are finishing our work. And in order not to forget everything that we did during our classes, I suggest everyone pack a suitcase for life with new knowledge. Each of you has a sheet of paper, draw on it the suitcase that you want. Sign your suitcase. And now, you will pass your suitcases around, and each member of the group should write in it one quality that he would like to give you, which, in his opinion, will help you in life. At the same time, one must remember that one should name those qualities that manifested themselves in the course of the work of the group or are not sufficiently developed in a particular person. At the end of the exercise, each participant is given a "suitcase" with those qualities that are his personal resource.

Final part.

Exercise 5. "Reflection".

Target:reflection, receiving feedback from the participants. Guys, we have come a long way of self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement. I hope these lessons were not in vain for you, and you received new information that will be useful to you. In conclusion, I would like everyone to comment on our studies, what they gave him in terms of self-development, personal growth.

In turn, I want to thank you for the pleasant communication, for the fact that you tried, successfully completed the tasks and, in accordance with the name of the program of our classes, I want to wish you: be yourself! Be the best!


Lesson 6. "Me and my inner world." Exercise 6. "Aphorisms".


  1. “Most people are happy to the extent that they themselves decide to be happy” A. Lincoln.
  2. "Don't be afraid that your life must end, be afraid that it will never begin" John Newman.
  3. “If you ever want to find a person who can overcome any, the most incredible adversity and make you happy when no one else can, just look in the mirror and say: “Hi!” - Richard Bach.
  4. “The true vocation of everyone consists in only one thing - to come to oneself, to find one’s own, and not one’s favorite destiny, and surrender to it internally, undividedly and unshakably” Hermann Hesse.
  5. “Start to trust yourself, and you will immediately understand how to live” Johann Goethe.
  6. "We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be." William Shakespeare
  7. “By believing in who we can become, we determine who we will become.” Michel Montaigne
  8. "A man is what he believes in." A. Chekhov.
  9. "You are the main designer of your life, whether you realize it or not." Robbins Anthony
  10. “We only find in life what we put into it.” Emerson Ralph Waldo

Lesson number 7. "Self-confidence". Exercise 2. “Are you confident in yourself?”


Choose one of the suggested answers.

1. You found out that your friend spoke badly about you. How

you will do:

a) look for an opportunity to find out the relationship;

b) stop communicating with him and will avoid meetings.

2. When you enter a bus or tram, you are roughly pushed. You:

a) loudly protest;

b) silently trying to get forward;

e) wait for everyone to enter, and then, if possible, enter yourself.

3. The interlocutor defends the opposite of your point of view. You:

b) do not express your opinion, because you think that you will not be able to convince him;

e) defend your beliefs, trying to convince him and others.

4. You were late for the evening, conversation, meeting. All seats are already taken, except for one in the front row. You:

b) stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;

e) go to the first row without hesitation;

e) look around for a long time in search of another place, and then still sit in the first row.

5. Do you agree that others often take advantage of you:

D) no;


6. Do you find it difficult to engage in conversation with strangers:

D) no;


7. You bought a defective item. Is it easy for you to return a purchase:

b) no;

c) yes.

8. Can you say that other people are more confident than you:

D) no;


9. You are asked for a favor that could get you in trouble. Is it easy for you to opt out of it:

b) no;

c) yes.

10. You have the opportunity to talk to a famous person. You.

e) use this opportunity;

e) do not use.

11. You need to make a phone call to some institution. You

b) under any pretext avoid it;

c) call without hesitation;

f) call after long, painful hesitation.

12. You were given an unfairly low rating. You:

b) silently experience;

d) argue with the teacher about this assessment.

13. You don't understand explanations. You:

b) you will not ask questions because you are afraid to look stupid;

c) calmly ask a question immediately after the explanation;

d) ask a question after class, when you are alone with the teacher.

14. People sitting next to you in the cinema talk loudly during the session. You:

b) endure for a long time, and then break into a cry;

c) politely ask them to stop talking;

f) Be patient.

15. Someone climbs ahead of you out of turn. You:

b) swallowing an insult to yourself;

d) fight back.

16. Is it easy for you to enter into a conversation with a person of the opposite sex who is very attractive to you, you really like:

b) very difficult I do not know what to say;

c) easy;

d) I start with great difficulty, but then I “talk” and do not experience serious difficulties.

17. Do you know how to bargain:

a) yes;

6) no.

18. Do you get nervous when you give a talk:

6) yes;

e) no.

19. You are praised for a good job. You:

b) don't know what to say in response; e) give thanks for the praise;

e) terribly embarrassed and barely audible muttering gratitude.

20. With a good knowledge of the subject, would you prefer to take a written or oral


a) oral;

b) written;

c) I don't care, it won't affect my answer.

Now let's calculate the scores. Answer "a" - 3 points, "b" - 0 points, "c" - 5 points, "d" - 2 points, "e" - 4 points, "e" - 1 point. Determine the total amount. Grade:less than 12 points -strong self-doubt12-32 points- low self-confidence,33-60 points- average level of self-confidence,61-72 points- high self-confidence,over 72 points- a very high level of self-confidence.

Timofeeva Elena Mikhailovna
Position: educational psychologist
Educational institution: GOBU MO CSPMS-assistance Support service for foster families in Kirovsk
Locality: Murmansk region, Kirovsk
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Psychological workshop for teenagers "Six steps to self-confidence"
Publication date: 09.03.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Psychological workshop for teenagers.

"Six Steps to Self-Confidence"

Timofeeva E.M., teacher-psychologist

the formation of a sense of self-confidence, the removal of emotional stress.
1. Greeting. 2. Test for teenagers E.M. Alexandrovskaya. 3. Workshop: "Who is an insecure person?" 4. Reflection.
Course of the training

1. Greetings.

2. Test for teenagers E.M. Alexandrovskaya.
I suggest doing a little test first.
3. Workshop: "Who is an insecure person?"

A person can only suffer from self-doubt. It's oppressive

an overwhelming feeling destroys families, relationships, business, dreams. Can

to even say - drives away luck and success. An insecure person is

a skeptic who does not believe in himself. He doesn't try, he doesn't take risks, he doesn't

builds. He doubts even if he is an insecure person. Takova

The essence of insecure people is doubt.

We cannot turn into other beings and become other people.

We cannot change our height, age, or DNA. But we can

learn how to use your resources effectively.

Let's consider: 1. the scheme of "an enchanted psychological circle" of an insecure person. Discussion. Output. Self-doubt leads to:  fear, mistakes, negative emotions and feelings  failures, failures, feelings of uselessness and hopelessness  increased negative emotions and a sense of “loser” So, what needs to be done to develop self-confidence. Let's consider in order. Step one. The ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
Exercise "Forces of resistance"
Purpose: the ability to be aware of their weaknesses and strengths. Each participant will now think and name their strengths, and write down their weaknesses on a piece of paper (you can read it out if you wish). Step two. The ability to meet your needs is a priority component of self-confidence. Step Three Faith in yourself Do you agree with S. Rimposhe's thesis: “Walking changes a person. As you walk through life with your head held high, your consciousness changes.”
Exercise "Gait"
(we play different situations) Purpose: practicing confident and insecure behavior. Step Four Willingness to achieve your goal, the ability to act.
Exercise "My next plans"

the ability to set priorities for oneself.
Step Five In case of failure, readiness to correct, try to learn from your mistakes. Failure or defeat is already a success. From this you can conclude that you pursued false goals and perhaps in the future, you will be able to avoid troubles like this. Step six Feeling yourself the master of your own life or "love yourself." Let's make a diagram of the "enchanted psychological circle" of a confident person. Flip chart work. Smiling is one of the most reliable ways to relieve tension, anxiety and preserve energy and tone. At the same time, a smile is a sign that you are confident and ready to act.
Exercise "Smile"
Goal: relieve emotional stress, develop confident behavior. Please try to try on a variety of smiles: kind, mocking, cynical, open, “through your teeth”, haughty - the more the better. Discussion.

Attachment 1

Test for teenagers E.M. Alexandrovskaya

How do you look in the eyes of others.
Answer the following questions by choosing one of the suggested answers.
1.My favorite color:
A. Red or orange. B. White.
V. Black. G. Dark blue. D. Yellow. E. Brown. G. Green.
2. When I go to bed, I lie:
A. On the back. B. On the stomach. B. On the side. G. Covering his head with his hand. D. With a head under a blanket.
3. When I go to a party, I:
A. I put on bright clothes, go into the room with noise, in the hope that everyone will pay attention to me. B. I put on something special, but I go in quietly and hope to see someone I know. B. I put on clothes in which I hope not to attract special attention to myself.
4. I walk:
A. Big quick steps. B. Small, quick steps. B. Not very fast, head forward. G. Not very fast, head down. D. Slowly.
5. I usually feel at my best:
A. Right after I wake up. B. During the day. B. Late in the evening.
6. If something funny happens, then I:

A. I laugh loudly. B. Quietly laughing. B. I laugh to myself. G. I smile broadly.
7. When I talk to people, then:
A. I stand with crossed arms. B. I keep my hands in front of me. B. I keep one or both hands on my side. G. I touch the interlocutor. E. Touching my face or hair. E. I like to hold some object in my hands.
8. When I sit relaxed in a chair, I:
A. I hold my knees with my hands. B. I sit cross-legged. B. I stretch my legs in front of me. D. One leg under me. Question # a A B C D E F 1 6 2 7 3 5 1 4 2 6 4 2 — — — — 3 7 6 4 2 1 — — 4 6 4 7 2 2 — — 5 2 4 6 — — — — 6 6 4 3 5 2 — — 7 4 2 5 7 6 1 — 8 4 6 2 1 — — — Results

42 or more points
: people around you think that you are a self-confident person who likes to be in the spotlight. They admire you, sometimes they envy you, some of them are afraid.

Training sessions for teenagers

It's hard for you to make friends.
From 35 to 41 points:
people around you find you an interesting person with whom you can do a lot of fun. What you will do in the next moment cannot be predicted, so it is interesting with you. Many would like to see you as a leader.
27 to 34 points
: You are considered a very friendly person. They communicate with you because you are friendly and cheerful. Many would like to be friends with you.
20 to 26 points
: you are careful and practical. Friends trust you, you trust them.
Less than 20 points:
to others it seems that you are a modest and worried person. Some people think that you worry too much about the little things. In their opinion, you are very cautious: before you do anything, you will carefully consider everything.
Annex 2
Let's make a diagram of the "enchanted psychological circle" of a confident person. Belief in oneself Feeling the growth of one's own abilities, feeling oneself the master of one's own life
Willingness to achieve one's goal, ability to act In case of failure, readiness to correct, try, learn from one's mistakes. Self-doubt Experiences of being unable to cope with oneself and one’s
life, the formation of a “loser” Fear of making mistakes, negative feelings Failure of failure feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

To the education section

Brave people are not born, they become brave. The best school for cultivating courage and determination is a combat situation.

Courage and determination are brought up in the process of combat training. In addition, the fighter additionally trains in special physical exercises. These exercises are aimed at developing a fighter's faith in their own strength, at developing the habit of overcoming a sense of fear during certain physical exercises associated with difficulties and dangers.

Lesson on the topic: "Training for confident behavior"

Deep and long jumps, falling standing still and from a height (with support), moving at height, driving and other physical exercises, as well as many other sports, are a good way to develop courage and determination.

High jump and long jump

Jumps in depth and length should be performed simultaneously by the entire unit in groups of 3-5 people or in line (one fighter after another).

Jumps should be performed at the command, sign or signal of the commander.

Jumps from cliffs in depth and length into sand and other soft soil from a squat and standing position (Fig. 170). Jumps from the roof of the building, from the window to produce from standing, squatting and hanging positions (Fig. 171).

Jumps from a place in length and depth to make through a stream, a hole with water.

Jumps over the horse in leg length apart from a distance of 10, 6, 4 and 2 steps.

Jumping from a tree from the positions of hanging and sitting should be performed at first according to two signs or signals. At the first sign or signal, the fighters prepare, at the second they jump, and then jump at one sign or signal.

Jumping from a cliff into the water should be done after examining the bottom of a stream or river. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the observation of 1-2 best swimmers of the unit for jumps.

Movement at height, falls and jumps

Fall in place

Falling backwards, into the hands of a friend, without bending the body, straining the muscles of the legs, back and neck.

The fighters who catch the falling one put their hands under the shoulder blades, under the arms, and then, after good preparation, keep their hands folded "in the lock" and catch the falling one by the neck (Fig. 172).

Falls from a height

The fall of a scout from various heights into a tarp, which is held by 6-8 fighters, is made from various positions: sitting, standing, lying, facing in the direction of the fall and back in the direction of the fall (Fig. 173). Falls can be made from a board, which 4 fighters raise to the height of the belt, chest and outstretched arms from the roof of a barn, tree, etc. from a height of up to 3 m. A fighter making a fall must curl up, that is, remove his head and bend his legs .

Read also:

Training "Be confident"


Don't exaggerate your ability to change reality. Overestimation of one's own capabilities is equal to an inadequate assessment of the situation. A mistake in oneself is more likely to lead to defeat than a mistake in circumstances.

Interpretation of the law

A person on the path to success is much more vulnerable than one who is indifferent to honor and glory. And above all, this vulnerability is determined by the degree of confidence of an ambitious subject. There is no doubt that aspiring to success must certainly believe in his own strength, otherwise he will never achieve what he wants. But excessive self-confidence breeds spiritual blindness.

A person who does not doubt the success of what he undertakes, on the one hand, is worthy of admiration. Nothing singles out and uplifts like unshakable faith in oneself. When you have no doubt that you will succeed, you are ready to move mountains. But at the same time, you do not notice what is happening around. Meanwhile, these actions can be directed against you.

An overconfident person exalts his abilities. He exaggerates his own powers and, as a result, downplays those of his opponents. But even if he realistically assesses the opposing side, his chance of being the loser is quite large. The fact is that when we are too self-confident, we incorrectly calculate our own strengths and sometimes make unrealistic plans. It is not surprising that, if we do not fulfill one point, in the future we become a victim of the continuously working “snowball” principle, when one failure entails another, and that, in turn, causes the next one. As a result, it can be stated with certainty that the planned enterprise failed.

This is where the next point of the principle described above arises, when a person who still has the opportunity to correct what he has done, instead becomes a slave to his self-confidence. He begins to blame other people for his failures, to refer to circumstances, but he does not realize his real guilt, and therefore does not have the opportunity to correct mistakes. An incorrect assessment of one's capabilities and a misunderstanding of the current situation entails the search for truth where it does not exist and cannot exist. As a result, a sad picture arises, when good ideas that are close to becoming a reality are completely broken.

Another common mistake of a self-confident person is too specific plans. There is practically nothing strictly defined in life, because its image is very changeable.

Self-confidence: 10 exercises against shyness

A person proposes, and, as you know, God himself disposes, therefore, when planning something, it is necessary to make allowances for the fact that everything can appear in a slightly different light than it seemed to us initially, and sometimes the situation develops in a completely opposite way. .

Despite this, the self-confident subject is unwilling to accept such a fact. He draws up a clear schedule of his victories and conquests, he paints everything point by point and starts the next one only after the previous one has been completed. Here a vicious circle arises, because the more victories a self-confident person manages to win, the more his main personal quality grows. When at least one point from the planned one fails, then the person is disappointed because all his plans have collapsed. It is clear that this is by no means conducive to success.


A self-satisfied king who does not doubt his own greatness and excellence. He has no authority other than himself. He is the only ruler in his own world, unique in his kind, proud, taking credit for everything that is rightfully the achievement of completely different people. He is the king first of all in his mind, while his subordinates do not experience the most important feeling that servants should have in relation to their ruler - respect. And the latter is difficult to achieve when you rest on the laurels of your self-confidence.

Evidence of the law

A good historical example of overconfidence is any attempt at world domination. Whatever historical character tried to achieve such a goal, in the end, insidious plans turned out to be broken. And this happened despite the fact that he had all the prerequisites for achieving what he wanted, and the high level of organization of law enforcement agencies and the amount of material resources were not in doubt.

Leaders aspiring to world domination were overthrown precisely because they possessed excessive self-confidence. Their high potential, in which there is no doubt, and which, unfortunately, they directed to ignoble goals, most likely caused the failure of a carefully planned plan, since at some point self-confidence turns into a kind of dense veil that rises right before your eyes. person.

As a result, he may not see what is happening next to him. By the way, the pedestal on which a self-confident person erects himself is also one of the reasons for the inevitable failure. After all, sometimes some important events are not visible from a height, and from this the fall from the top of the social hierarchy is always the most rapid and painful.

Consider the story of Napoleon. It would seem that numerous victories in the conquests were a solid and unshakable basis for achieving the goal - the conquest of world domination. Nevertheless, the result of his ambition was a staggering collapse of carefully thought out and tested plans.

The same thing, that is, the failure of the planned, was expected by another, no less famous historical figure - Adolf Hitler. His terrible plans, fortunately, failed, although they caused incalculable human suffering. By the way, regarding the suffering inflicted on our fatherland, human self-confidence is perhaps the main reason. At least it was she who caused the incredible scale of the harm done.

As we know, the Soviet leadership and, in particular, Stalin knew about the threat of an attack by the Nazi troops long before the official declaration of war. But the inaction of politicians at the most crucial moment for the country is a reliable historical fact. Excessive self-confidence in unshakable strength dimmed the eyes of the Soviet leadership, because of which precious time was lost, and a huge number of human destinies were crippled by the most terrible war in the history of mankind.

A leader, in any sense of the term, is unacceptable to be overconfident. Of course, he must believe in his own strength, plan for the possibility of victory, but at the same time allow for the possibility of losing. Very often the destructive effect of human self-confidence spreads to a large number of other people and becomes the cause of many disasters. From this we can conclude that excessive self-confidence often becomes the cause of social disasters that periodically shake our lives.

By the way, there are many other examples in history that can rightfully be considered positive. First of all, the personalities representing these examples are the supreme commanders, who won the sympathy of their descendants by remarkable deeds. These people, of course, were self-confident, but this confidence did not take perverted forms. They fully accepted the possibility of a miss - and therefore sought to do everything possible to prevent it. Such a remarkable historical figure is, of course, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, a man who knew how to develop tactics and, at the same time, admit his own mistakes.

If you trace the history of a single state, you can easily see that in the chronological annals, historians describe with much greater sympathy those who felt confident in their own abilities, acted accurately and skillfully, but at the same time avoided excessive self-confidence, which is usually a consequence of glorification. own person. So it is in life: people who cause universal disposition and do not boast of their significance, whatever it may be, true or imaginary, invariably delight others and evoke sympathy.

Many politicians are characterized by excessive self-confidence. This quality must be present in abundance in the nature of officials and members of the government, because only confident people can reach conceivable heights. Those who do not have such qualities as perseverance and confidence are unlikely to achieve dominance, no matter what meaning is put into this concept.

However, one can say quite definitely about politicians: their excessive confidence is a negative quality. The power given to a person imposes on him a great responsibility, the significance of which in no case should be underestimated. Unfortunately, not all people understand this, and once in power, they often begin to abuse their position. This behavior is noticeable in many politicians, both past and present.

... The picture of so many state vanities in the destinies of various peoples teaches us not to be too proud of ourselves. So many names, so many victories and conquests buried in the captivity of oblivion, make ridiculous our hope to perpetuate our name by capturing some chicken coop, which became somehow known only after our fall, or by capturing a dozen horse warriors. The magnificent and proud celebrations in other states, the greatness and arrogance of so many rulers and courts will strengthen our eyesight and help us look, without squinting, at the brilliance of our own court and ruler ...

/Michel Montaigne/

The other side of the law

So, it became clear that excessive confidence is a sharply negative trait. However, its absence can hardly be called a favorable quality. This is because extremes are unacceptable in any area of ​​human life, and even more so in the one that concerns human destinies.

A person who is on the path to success must always realistically assess his capabilities, and any hesitation in one direction or another inevitably leads to collapse. It has already been said about the exaggeration of one's own strengths, however, even an underestimation leads to a result opposite to that desired. First of all, a person who does not believe in himself will simply not try to do something, and, as you know, whoever does nothing will have nothing. A person who strives for leadership, but at the same time downplays his own abilities, will never succeed. This fact is beyond doubt.

In the case when a person, fearing not to become overly self-confident, begins to consciously slow down his development, he will certainly begin to degrade. This will definitely happen, because it is simply impossible to constantly be at the same level of development. The flow of life is unstoppable, everything changes, and depending on changes in the environment, the one who is its inhabitant also changes. In other words, if a person does not develop for the better, then his development goes in the opposite direction, according to the principle of regression.

Self-confidence is what you should strive for. However, this concept and the concept of self-confidence are not at all the same thing. Self-confidence presupposes the presence of an unshakable sense of one's own significance and the complete elimination of shortcomings, and self-confidence does not exclude the possibility of a bad outcome, but at the same time focuses all the forces and possibilities on the destruction of this negativity.

Be that as it may, it is very easy to cross the line between confidence in one's own abilities and categorical self-confidence. A person who does not doubt his greatness is, in fact, pathetic, just like, in principle, the one who does not believe in the success of his own enterprise.


There was one king in the world who was always confident in his own abilities, and this was so pronounced that over time it became the subject of secret ridicule of courtiers and servants. People were amused by the short-sightedness of their sovereign, his desire to emphasize his importance, to stand out. He simply adored listening to praise addressed to him.

But most of all, the king was concerned about how he looked as a politician and statesman. He was very worried that the kingdom he ruled was not as big as he would have liked.

And then one day the king made a decision - to go to war with the neighboring kingdom, then capture another one, then another and another, and thus increase his possessions and become a powerful ruler. However, he misjudged the strength of his kingdom, as a result of which he was immediately defeated. True, his self-confidence did not suffer from this, because he still managed to win one small victory, conquering a principality that was so insignificant that it was not even on the map.

Exercises for training on self-esteem and self-confidence

Exercise "Ode about myself"

Take a sheet of paper. Calm down, relax, if necessary, look at yourself in the mirror. Write yourself a compliment. Praise yourself! Wish yourself good, health, success in business, work.

Love and everything else. The form of presentation is small sentences of 5-10 words in prose or verse. Write yourself a few. Choose from them the one you like the most. Beautifully rewrite, if possible - put in a frame and hang (place) in a conspicuous place. Read this ode aloud or mentally every morning. Feel how, while reading the ode, your mood and vitality rise, how you are filled with vitality, and the world around you becomes bright and joyful.

Exercise "Formula of self-love"

Remember the famous cartoon about a little gray donkey who is tired of being a donkey. And he became at first a butterfly, then, if I am not mistaken, a bird, then someone else ... until, finally, he realized that it would be better for himself and for all others if he remained a little gray donkey.

Therefore, I ask you, do not forget to go to the mirror every day, look into your eyes, smile and say: “I love you (and give my name) and accept you as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages. I will not fight you, and there is absolutely no reason for me to defeat you. But my love will give me the opportunity to develop and improve, to enjoy life myself and bring joy to the lives of others.

Exercise "Become confident"

The transition from one state to another is accompanied by a corresponding rearrangement of the facial muscles. For example, a smile transmits nerve impulses to the emotional center of the brain. The result is a feeling of joy and relaxation.

Myself: Developing Self-Confidence and Responsibility

Try to smile and hold the smile for 10-15 seconds. Change the smile to a smirk - feel dissatisfied. Look angry - feel angry. Your face, voice, gestures, posture can evoke any feeling.

And if you are not confident in yourself, then constantly pretend to be a confident person. If you stoop - straighten up, control your voice - so that it does not tremble, do not fiddle with anything in your hands, do not draw - this is also a sign of anxiety, insecurity. You can say to yourself, “I need to be confident. I can't really become one, but I can control my posture, my voice, my face. I will look like a confident person." And you will become a confident person.

Exercise "I'm 100% sure"

Purpose: to learn to be liberated and love yourself.

This exercise is good for training for women.

Material: small mirrors. If not, then the participants bring powder with a mirror.

Every woman at least once in her life was (or is) dissatisfied with her appearance (figure, face, hair ...)

During the training, participants stand in a circle. Further

We say compliments to each other (3 compliments each)

Each participant tells about herself to those present 3 qualities for which she must be loved. The last quality (be sure to touch on appearance) must be said in front of the mirror.

Bottom line: as a result of this exercise, ladies begin to love and appreciate themselves. If you regularly do this exercise at home in front of a mirror, the results in a short time are very good. Establishing relationships with a man, for those who are free - finds a soul mate. A woman begins to pay attention and thus her self-esteem grows.

Technique "Feelings of confidence"

Try to consciously evoke feelings that you associate with confidence. To do this, it is enough to remember and re-experience three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around him is like-minded people. A rod appears inside, a person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. There is a feeling that his coordination of movements is just great and he can easily perform the most difficult acrobatic pirouette.

Self-confidence exercise

Purpose: to form self-esteem, self-confidence, to contribute to the acquisition of experience in speaking in front of an audience, which in turn effectively affects the increase in self-confidence.

Required time: 30 minutes.

Procedure: A willing participant is called, he sits on a chair opposite the rest of the players. The essence of the game is as follows: the main participant must trust as much as he sees fit, reveal himself to the rest of the group. He needs to talk about himself. Whatever he sees fit.

The main participant can talk about his acquisitions during the training, about his own experiences, impressions, about how he felt in this group, in the classroom, what unpleasantly hurt his “I”, and what inspired him, etc.

About your abilities; plans for the future.

At the end of the story of the main participant, the rest ask him exciting, interesting questions related to the participant. After the speeches of all participants, a general discussion of the game.

Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to be king and queen. They sit down on a makeshift throne (preferably with an elevation). The task of the rest of the participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can be in any form. "Monarchs" also welcome the participants.

Analysis: This is an exercise in discovering the "defenses" of the individual. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - a bow to the king; and each in his own way will have to "defend himself" from this traumatic situation. It is analyzed who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

Exercise "Beautiful Women"

The participant is called. Host: After walking around the room, bring out all the women whom you consider beautiful for yourself, sit opposite them and look, admire them ... I have to ask the girls one very important question: “Did you know that you are beautiful?” - "No" - "So know it!" Thank the one who chose you, you can sit down in your seats.

Analysis: “Of the selected 1-2 people correspond to the standards of beauty that we have become accustomed to through television, films and magazine covers. But there are always those who are surprised that they were chosen. This exercise shows all the non-standard human preferences. This is a test of optimism. There is a person (girl) among us who, perhaps, considers himself unattractive. So I ask you to believe, in someone's eyes, he can be very beautiful.

For persuasiveness, you can ask one or two more people (preferably men) to make their choices.

Exercise "I am Alla Pugacheva"

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a person who is significant for him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, the President of the United States, a fairy-tale character, a literary hero, etc.). Then he conducts a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: pronounces a phrase, shows a gesture that characterizes his hero). The rest of the participants try to guess the name of the "idol". After the exercise, a discussion is held, during which each participant verbalizes the feelings that arose during the presentation. This exercise helps to increase self-esteem and can be used to develop the skill of confident behavior.

Get up from your seats


The participants sit in a circle. The leader “throws out” any number of fingers on his hands. As many participants must rise at the same time as the number of fingers shown. It is impossible to agree in advance on how to perform the exercise.

The meaning of the exercise

Training of determination, the ability to intuitively understand the intentions of other people and coordinate their actions with them, the development of a flexible response to changing circumstances, as well as mindfulness.


Who was guided by what, when making decisions, at what moment should he get up, and at what moment should he remain in place? Who took the initiative and who was afraid (perhaps never getting up)?



Participants stand in a circle, they are given 3-5 balls at the same time (you can also use lumps of crumpled paper sheets).

The task is to simultaneously throw all these balls in such a way that none of them fall to the floor. The time that can be held in this way is fixed. It is interesting to organize a competition between several teams, which one will last longer.

The meaning of the exercise

Development of the ability to adequately respond to a rapidly changing situation, reaction speed, dexterity. Physical warm-up, activation of participants.


What qualities, besides dexterity, from the point of view of the participants predetermined success in this game? Is it necessary to coordinate joint actions with other participants, or is it each "for himself"?



One of the participants - the driver - depicts an "owl", which guards its prey in the daytime. But, being a night bird, it does not see anything in bright sunlight (the eyes of the driver are closed or tied) and therefore cannot fly (it is forbidden to leave your place). "Production", which is depicted by 10-15 crumpled sheets of paper, lies at the feet of the driver. The rest of the participants are located around, depicting a flock of "day birds", and at the signal of the leader, they try to steal its "prey" from the "owl". The one who was caught by the "owl" is out of the game. In one attempt, only one piece of "prey" is allowed to be stolen. The participant who gets the most of these pieces wins and is awarded with applause.

The meaning of the exercise

Training in speed of reaction, observation, the ability to act in accordance with a rapidly changing situation.


What qualities of the "owl" and "day birds" determined their success in this game? Where in real life are these qualities in demand?

Running with a pencil


Participants are divided into pairs. Each pair will need a pencil (you can also use a capped felt-tip pen or a retractable fountain pen). The couples stand near one of the walls of the room and each raise their own pencil, holding it between the index fingers of the partners' right hands. At the command of the leader, they begin to move to the opposite wall of the room, and then back, continuing to hold the pencil between their fingers. Whoever drops it is out of the game. The pair that covers the distance the fastest wins. You can modify the exercise: hold two pencils at the same time (one between the index fingers of the right, and the second - of the left hand), run along complex trajectories, in triplets, organize a relay race.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise teaches you to coordinate your actions, as well as take the initiative, manage these actions. Develops a flexible response to a changing environment, determination. It is also a physical warm-up, activates the group, relieves tension.


What qualities are most important for the successful completion of this exercise? What contributed to its implementation, and what, on the contrary, prevented it?



6-8 participants depict a “train”, standing in a column and putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. All but the first close their eyes. This "train" needs to pass through the obstacles that other participants represent. With a small number of players playing part of the obstacles can be depicted with the help of chairs. The task of the “train” is to proceed from one wall of the room to another, on the way, be sure to go around 3-4 obstacles in a circle (the leader indicating which ones) and not collide with the rest. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to go around in a circle be from their number), when the “train cars” approach them at a dangerously close distance

may make warning sounds, such as starting to sing. The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to be both in the role of obstacles and as part of the "train". If there are many participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the games more dynamic by running two "trains" at the same time.

The meaning of the exercise

Cohesion, increasing mutual trust of participants, confidence training behavior, if necessary, to act in the absence of information, relying on partners. Development of the ability to coordinate joint actions. Physical workout.


Whom did you like to be more - “locomotive”, “wagonmi”, obstacles; what is it connected with? What emotions did anyone have while moving as part of the “train”? What real life situations can this game be likened to?



The participants are given a brief description of a conflict situation: for example, a teenage girl wants to go to a disco late in the evening, but her mother does not let her go there. One participant is invited to the role of one of the participants in the conflict, and two at once to the role of the second. The one who plays the role alone speaks the lines in the usual way, and those who are together speak word by word: one of them says one word, the other the next, etc. At the same time, they should have a coherent, logically coherent conversation . The game is repeated 3-4 times with different partners.

The meaning of the exercise

Teaching the skills of mutual understanding with a partner, "adjusting" to him in a conversation. Material for discussing strategies of behavior in conflict situations.


What was the main difficulty of the game "two for one"? What qualities were required of them in order to get a really coherent conversation, would they be able to act together as a single interlocutor? What ways of behavior in conflicts were demonstrated: passive justification, aggressive attack of the interlocutor, ignoring his statements, “avoiding the topic”, etc.? In what real life situations related to conflicts, these ways of behavior are effective?

I succeed


Participants take it in turns to stand up and talk about something they are particularly good at. Then they answer two questions:

How did they manage to learn this?

Where can this skill come in handy?

The meaning of the exercise

Creating conditions for self-presentation, acquaintance, increasing motivation to learn new activities. Breaking down psychological barriers between participants.


What did each of you want to learn from what the other participants talked about? Which member surprised you? Made me look at it in a new way?

Just say no


Participants are divided into two equal subgroups (with an odd number of them, the leader also participates in the exercise). Members of one subgroup stand in a circle facing outward, members of the second subgroup - in a circle of larger diameter facing the center, so that each of them is opposite the participant from the inner circle. Then each of the participants standing in the outer circle turns to the one opposite him with a request, and he refuses. At the same time, he should not begin to make excuses, explain the reasons for his refusal, apologize, explain the inappropriateness of the request or the impossibility of fulfilling it. You should refuse by simply saying “No,” “Unfortunately, I can’t,” “No, I won’t do it,” or using other similar phrases.

After that, the outer circle is shifted by one person relative to the inner one (that is, the composition of the couples changes), and now those

stands in the inner circle, they turn to the outer ones with regular requests, and they refuse. The circle shifts by one more person, the outer ones make a request to the inner ones, and this is repeated 6-8 times.

The meaning of the exercise

Demonstration that we can refuse to comply with the request without excuses and explanations of any reasons.


What emotions arose when you had to ask and when you had to refuse? What was more difficult - to make requests and get rejected for them or to refuse them yourself, what is it connected with? A request is a form of influence that, unlike an order or demand, implies the possibility of refusal. What is the reason why people are often embarrassed to ask others for a request, and if they are asked with a request, they are embarrassed to refuse? Suppose the request is unacceptable for us and we still decide to refuse. When is it better to do it without explaining the reasons, as in this exercise, and when should the refusal still be accompanied by an apology, explanation of its reasons, promises to fulfill the request later, etc.?

Gretsov A., Bedareva T. Psychological games for high school students and students

Training school leader "Vertical"
The theme is "Be confident."

Goals and objectives:

to acquaint students with the signs characteristic of an aggressive, confident and insecure person;

build a sense of self-confidence;

develop skills of confident behavior;

continue to work on acquaintance and rallying the asset for further joint work.

Equipment and attributes:


Chairs, tables, sheets of paper, pens;

Cards with tables, situations and roles;

Computer, projector and screen.
Participants: students of the leader's school "Vertical".


Stage 1: Introductory.

The participants sit in a circle.

Good afternoon! I'm very glad to see you. Today, the best guys have gathered at our lesson: smart, active, independent, cheerful, purposeful - in a word: leaders. Let's greet each other with loud applause!

(Applause sounds.)

But before we start studying, let's do this exercise: everyone will need to alternately say two phrases “Today I have ...” and “I don’t want to boast, but ...”.

(Performing the exercise in a circle).

Well done! You have successfully completed the task! How will you deal with the next one?

The game "Find a person" (materials paper and pens).

You know that the success of a leader is affected by the presence of "search behavior". In this game, we will test your ability to quickly make friends.

You will need to enter the names of people who meet the given criteria on the tablets I have distributed as soon as possible.

So let's get started!

(Playing the game, presenting the results in a circle)

Thanks to this simple game, we got to know each other better and got ready and can move on to the next stage of our lesson.

Stage 2: Work on the topic of the lesson.

And now, guys, I invite you to read the statements of famous people and determine the topic of today's lesson.

(Statements are displayed on the screen, which are read aloud)

“No matter how high a mountain is, people can climb it… as long as they have determination and confidence.”Andersen

“The worst disbelief is disbelief in oneself”Carlyle, Carlyle Thomas

“Avoid those who try to undermine your BELIEF IN YOURSELF. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the contrary, inspires you with the feeling that YOU CAN BECOME GREAT"Mark Twain

“Self-confidence is the foundation of our confidence in others”

F. La Rochefoucauld

“If a person loses confidence, then he stops seeing the road. Nothing shines like that"NN

"The self-confidence that comes with achieving your goals is the most beautiful thing in the world"Madonna

(Children express their guesses.)

That's right guys! Today we will talk about a very important quality of a leader - self-confidence. And the topic of our lesson"Be confident in yourself." . Wewe will get acquainted with the signs characteristic of an aggressive, confident and insecure person; we willbuild self-confidence and practice self-confidence skills.

On the topic of self-confidence, my choice fell not by chance. When teenagers are asked about what is most important for them in terms of psychology, what they would like to learn, the results show that the statement “I would like to develop self-confidence” is most often put in the first place. And this is quite natural: after all, such a quality is very important for later life, for achieving success in a variety of situations, whether it is relationships with friends and girlfriends, training or work, sports or other hobbies. After all, behaving confidently means being able to set and achieve goals, control yourself, defend your interests without aggression and shyness, and overcome conflicts with honor. Of course, these qualities develop throughout life, but the life experience that is accumulated in youth most of all influences their formation.

What is your degree of self-confidence? This will help us to determine the test "Self-assessment of the level of self-confidence".

(Testing of participants. Announcement of results).

So,what kind of behavior can be called confident?

Focused on overcoming emerging obstacles, not to worry about them. All people periodically have certain difficulties, this is a life reality. But different people react to these difficulties in different ways. For an insecure person, they turn into such obstacles that cause a lot of negative experiences, but constructive

they do not cause a new activity aimed at overcoming them. He spends a lot of energy precisely on these experiences, while not moving towards goals. Or, at the other extreme, he spends all his strength on overcoming the obstacles that have arisen, which in reality are not surmountable at all, the circumstances that caused them do not depend on the person. And, faced with the next failures, he worries more and more. A confident person is capable of a rational analysis of the difficulties that arise, and if they seem surmountable (with a reasonable, justified expenditure of time and effort), then he spends his efforts precisely on overcoming them. If the obstacles turn out to be too serious or even insurmountable, such a person does not “break his forehead into a closed door”, but reconsiders goals or looks for other ways to achieve them.

Purposeful. With confident behavior, a person presents goals accurately enough and builds his own actions in such a way that they allow him to approach them. At the same time, not all goals are a prerequisite for confident behavior. First, they must be realistic, that is, fundamentally achievable by a given person, taking into account his capabilities and limitations. Secondly, the goals must be specific, such that a person has an exact idea on the basis of what, according to what criteria, he will be able to judge whether they have been achieved or not. Thirdly, it is more appropriate to define goals for yourself in positive terms: as an image of what you plan to achieve, and not what you would like to avoid.

flexible, implying an adequate response to a rapidly changing environment. Such a person quickly navigates situations of novelty and uncertainty, and if he sees that some actions do not lead to positive results, he begins to act differently. Flexibility is especially evident in communication. A confident person is able to change the style of his communication, depending on which interlocutors he is talking to and in what conditions this happens. An insecure person constantly “hides” behind some social role, behaves in accordance with it without taking into account the situation in which he is (for example, as a military man, always and with everyone communicating from command positions, so “fused” with this role that it becomes almost impossible for him to communicate in any other way).

Focused on building constructive relationships with others implying movement "toward the people", not "away from the people" or "against the people". Such a person seeks to establish harmonious relationships with others based on trust, mutual understanding and cooperation. This strategy of behavior is maintained even when a person encounters difficulties. To overcome them, a confident person, if necessary, uses "social resources", turns to those around him for support. Other strategies imply either withdrawal into oneself, locking in one's inner world, loneliness (movement "away from people"), or opposing oneself to others, enmity with them, aggression (movement "against people"). If a person is inclined to any of these strategies, then in the event of life difficulties, this tendency also intensifies: a closed one is rejected from people even more, becomes unsociable, and a hostile one goes over to open aggression. And this leads to the fact that there is a kind of “vicious circle”, problems as a result of such behavior are amplified even more.

Combining spontaneity with the possibility of arbitrary regulation. When the situation requires immediate action, a person performs them, but if necessary, he can also control his spontaneous reactions. This applies not only to behavior, but also to emotional response. Such a person does not seek to constantly suppress his emotions and feelings, he allows himself to openly express them. But if necessary (for example, when the situation does not allow them to be manifested outwardly or they are too strong, preventing an adequate perception of reality), he is ready to take them under control.

Persistent, but not turning into aggressive. A person makes efforts to achieve his goals, but does this, if possible, not to the detriment of the interests of other people. Of course, confident behavior does not mean a "sacrificial position" and the abandonment of one's interests. On the contrary, such a person is ready to defend them very harshly, to go into conflict for their sake. But, firstly, in such conflicts, he concentrates precisely on defending his interests, and not on insulting, humiliating or offending the interlocutor as a person. Secondly, a confident person does not conflict without objective reasons for it. When something that caused tension is more important for a partner than for such a person, or when it is more important for him to maintain harmonious relationships, then he is ready to give in, to sacrifice his interests. For him, it is more important not to “go on principle”, but to resolve the conflict flexibly, taking into account all the nuances of the situation in which it arose.

Focused on achieving success rather than avoiding failure . A person is centered on getting something positive, and is guided precisely by this goal, and not by avoiding possible troubles. Thinking about his goals, such a person imagines their successful achievement, and not how he fails. For example, starting to prepare for an exam, a confident person imagines his successful delivery and strives precisely for this goal. The insecure one imagines how he “fails” the exam, and strives to ensure that this situation does not become a reality. The first of these types of motivation is more effective and more likely to lead to success. First, when a person imagines a favorable outcome of the upcoming business, his emotional state is much better than when he imagines failure. As a result, his activities will be more efficient, which will increase the chances of success. Secondly, when we imagine something in detail, then, willy-nilly, we begin to translate our ideas into reality.

Creative. A person who shows confident behavior does not waste energy on fighting with anyone or anything (be it the people around him or his own mental characteristics), but instead creates what he sees fit. It's like in business, where the winner is not the one who spends resources on fighting competitors, but the one who does his job more efficiently than they do. To overcome a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. To abandon an inefficient way of thinking or behaving means to develop another, more effective one. Overcoming your own insecurity means mastering the ways of confident behavior. As the proverb says, "it's better to fight for something than against something."

Self-confidence, by the way, does not meanunconditionally high self-esteem of a person. It implies that he, along with the fact that he accepts himself as a whole as a person, his particular abilities and skillsevaluates realistically - that is, not always highly. The self-esteem of a confident person is not

as much elevated as concrete: each particular is evaluated separately, but this is not transferred to the personality as a whole. An insecure person, on the other hand, has an unstable and too generalized self-esteem, often he argues according to the scheme “if I didn’t succeed, it means that I myself am bad and good for nothing, nothing will work out for me.” Or, conversely, "since it succeeded, then everything else should work." And such directly opposite judgments can change several times a day under the influence of insignificant, random factors.

Sometimes confident behavior is seen as intermediate between shy and aggressive, and aggression is treated as a consequence of an excess of confidence. In fact, aggression is also a manifestation of uncertainty! What then is the difference between those for whom insecurity leads to shyness and those for whom it manifests itself in the form of aggression? There is reason to believe that the main difference between these types of responses is related to what a person tends to attribute responsibility for his own inability to achieve the goal. Shy people attribute this responsibility to themselves (reasoning lined up along the lines of “I can’t do it because I’m bad myself”). Aggressive ones shift it to other people or to the surrounding reality as a whole (“I can’t do it because you tell meinterfering"). This can be shown in the diagram:

What do you guys think, what are the signs of a confident and insecure (aggressive and shy) person?

Signs of confident and insecure behavior

A person who exhibits a confident demeanor appears calm and carries himself with dignity. He has an open look, even posture, a calm and confident voice. He does not fuss, does not fawn, does not show irritation.

The behavior of an insecure person is of two types: aggressive and passive-dependent.

An insecure person can be aggressive: shout, insult, wave his arms, look with contempt, etc. The manifestation of aggressive behavior, no matter how strange it may seem, is an indicator of insecurity. Such behavior is characterized by exactingness or hostility, the person "gets personal" and often pays attention not so much to satisfying his needs as to punishing the other.

Uncertainty also manifests itself through the opposite, shy behavior: such a person can be very quiet, shy, walk stooped and head down, avoid a direct look, give in to any pressure on him. With such behavior, a person avoids a direct discussion of the problem, tends to talk about his desires and needs in an indirect form, “in a roundabout way”, is passive, but at the same time is not ready to accept what the partner can offer.

A self-confident person is able to defend his position without resorting to either aggression or passive-dependent behavior. He speaks candidly about his needs, as well as about the desired actions on the part of partners, doing this without hostility and self-defense. A confident person is also distinguished by the ability to show independence, to defend his personal opinion, and not dutifully follow others.

Stage 3: Role-playing game "I can be different."

Now we will conduct a role-playing game “I can be different”, through which you can determine how a teenager feels and how he behaves when he is in roles: a confident, shy or aggressive person.

Each of you will need to play a certain role in the situation I have proposed.

(The facilitator distributes role cards to everyone, then reads situation number 1, and three participants beat it in three ways, etc., until everyone has participated in the game).

Then there is a discussion, and conclusions are drawn:

Aggressive behaves rudely, impudently, attacks, threatens, looks down, etc.;

The shy one speaks softly, begs, looks with an imploring look, etc.;

Confident partially yields, assumes, acts with reason, etc.

How does an aggressive, shy, and confident person feel?

(aggressive causes discomfort; shy causes pity; confident gives a feeling of reliability).

Stage 4: Exercise "Help a friend."

Guys, imagine that you work for a popular youth radio, and a teenager called you with a problem, that he is very insecure, and asks you for help and support. What would you wish him? Now you have to write down on pieces of paper your wishes and advice to an insecure teenager.

(Work in groups. Speeches of representatives of groups).

Was it difficult for you to find words to support an insecure person? In fact, the more you support other people, the more confident you become.

Here are some more tips to boost your confidence:

1. Remember, there are no perfect people, and you are no exception, so allow yourself to make mistakes. Take it easy. Any mistake is an experience that allows you to improve!

2. Being confident does not mean being cocky, aggressive, or abusive towards others.

3. Apply self-hypnosis.

4. Notice your successes and achievements, even small ones. Praise yourself for them!

5. Do not concentrate on what and how others will think or say about you.

Start now a little more to believe in yourself, appreciate and love yourself and you will succeed!

(Showing four cool confidence slides)

And last but not least, smile more often! After all, a smile is one of the most important signs of a confident person!

Stage 5: Speech by the leaders who became participants in the profile shift "Architecture of Talents" .

Stage 6: Summing up, receiving feedback.

Summing up all of the above, I want to remind you that confidence does not come just like that, by itself, in order for it to appear, one should show

activity, get involved in business, accumulate and comprehend life experience.

I would like today's lesson to allow you to better understand yourself, to determine what exactly you need to pay attention to in order to become more confident in yourself - and therefore, happier and more successful people and effective leaders.

And now let's say in a circle what was the most important thing for you in this lesson, what you liked and what you didn't like.


Exercise "Closing the Circle"

At the end of our session, let's do an exercise that will fill us with positive emotions and create a sense of our unity. We will take turns taking our neighbor on the right by the hand, call him by name and say a few pleasant words to him, starting, for example, like this, “Tanya, today you are ...” or “Lena, I am glad to meet you, because ...”. Having already said the words, he does not open his hands. As a result, we will have a vicious circle as a symbol of our unity. So, I'm starting.

(Statements in a circle).

And now all together we will raise our hands up with the words "Goodbye, we!"

Thanks! Until we meet again


Self-doubt is not a terrible vice. It would seem that something terrible will happen if, because of her, you refuse to try yourself in a new job or meet a person you like. What if it would turn out that this work is the vocation of a lifetime, and the person is your destiny? you will never know because you were insecure and didn't take your chance. If you count how many losses in life occur due to indecision and timidity, you can be horrified. Doubts devour everything - money, energy, love, success. Only regrets about unfulfilled dreams and unrealized opportunities remain.

But all this is never too late to change. To do this, you just need to become a confident person. By using simple self-confidence training, which consists of simple exercises, you can better know yourself.

Confidence is born precisely from knowing your capabilities and yourself.

The purpose of the training: to explore and know yourself, self-improvement, increasing personal and professional growth, self-knowledge and therapy, revealing your untapped potential.

Training objectives:

  • learn to live brightly and joyfully, fulfilling your cherished dreams;
  • learn to open and realize your habits and outlook on life;
  • find out your true nature;
  • with absolute confidence to feel in any situation;
  • understand how to deal with shyness and anxiety;
  • confidently maintain a conversation and business negotiations;
  • easy to perform in front of a large crowd of people;
  • not be afraid to take risks.

"How I see myself, how I will be in the future"

The purpose of the training exercise: to learn to develop an objective self-assessment of oneself, to learn to focus on the result that needs to be achieved.

This exercise should be done in a group. You need to take a piece of paper, pencils and draw the way you see yourself. The more colorful the drawing, the better. Draw important elements of your life: hobbies, hobbies, beloved pet, etc. After that, all the leaves need to be collected and mixed, after which everyone shares their impressions about each drawing.

Using a piece of paper and pencils, draw yourself again, but only now in the future. It is necessary to say aloud a kind of "defense" of the drawing.

“If that happened… then I would do…”

The purpose of the training exercise: to develop a quick response to various conflict situations.

The exercise is carried out in a group in a circle. One person comes up with a conflict situation (for example: “If my wallet was stolen on the bus ...”), and the second expresses his reaction to it (for example: “... I would start screaming, call the police”).

"Wings of Confidence"

The purpose of the training exercise: to discover new energy opportunities.

You need to sit or lie down comfortably and consciously generate in yourself the sensations that you associate with confidence. To do this, you need to rummage through your memory, remember and relive several situations in which you felt very confident. Usually in such cases there is a feeling that wings have grown behind the back. The person straightens his back, straightens his shoulders and confidently looks into the eyes of others. At the same time, control of the situation increases and coordination of movements improves. you are an absolutely confident person.

"The most charming and attractive"

The purpose of the training exercise: to love yourself and learn to be liberated.

Exercise for women is well known, but very effective. Everyone needs to take a small mirror with them. All trainees are required to stand in a circle. At first, everyone gives each other at least three compliments. After that, each participant tells the audience about her 3 qualities for which she can be loved. The last quality should affect appearance and is said in front of a mirror.

If you do this exercise at home regularly, you can get stunning results.

"Searching for Real Hope"

The purpose of the training exercise: to assess your real capabilities.

Throughout the week, you need to pay attention to all situations where you are faced with empty dreams, and when you are faced with real hope (regardless of their size).

For example:

  • in the afternoon, the thought comes to you that it would be nice to sign up for a sports club or go for a run, after which you get distracted and forget about it;
  • standing on the scales in the middle of the day, you think it's time to lose weight, and during dinner you refuse the pie;
  • your friend constantly tells everyone what car he wants to buy, without having the funds and doing nothing to change it;
  • a friend declares that she wants to quit smoking for 5 years already, but does nothing;
  • every day you think about learning English or enrolling in advanced training courses, and you don’t even make a single necessary phone call for this.

You need to make a list. At the end of the week, read it carefully and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How do I feel about people living in empty dreams?
  2. What kind of response do people get from others who use real hopes?
  3. What do people focus on in the first and second situation?
  4. Which hopes are real and which are empty?


The purpose of the training exercise is to realize your true aspirations and increase self-confidence.

Each participant in the training should think about how he would like to be: how to behave, how to dress, what attitude should be towards himself and others, in what environment to move, etc. Taking into account all this, it is necessary to draw up a consistent program for your own " autopilot." It must be written according to a certain scheme. For example: "I'm confident, I'm good." After completing the program, each in turn reads it aloud in such a way that others have the feeling that this person really is like that.

Using these simple 6 exercises, you will easily discover new energy opportunities for yourself. An insecure person spends a lot of energy on fear, anxiety, resentment and anger, instead of using it to achieve goals. Learn to apply this energy in the directions you need, life will become much easier and more fun. you will discover more and more new horizons! You just need to cast aside all doubts and head towards the confidence that will fill your body with energy and your heart with joy.

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