Most probable distribution. Moscow State University of Printing Statistical weight of the most probable distribution n 10

The concept " statistical weight"(the term is also used thermodynamic probability) is one of the main ones in statistical physics. To formulate its definition it is necessary to first define the concepts macrostate And microstate.

Same condition macroscopic body can be characterized in different ways. If the state is characterized by the task macroscopic state parameters (pressure, volume, temperature, density, etc.) then we will call such a state macrostate .

If a state is characterized by specifying the coordinates and velocities of all molecules of the body, then such a state will be called microstate .

It is obvious that the same macrostate can be realized in different ways, that is, by different microstates. The number of different microstates by which a given macrostate can be realized is called statistical weight or thermodynamic probability .

To clarify these concepts, consider model(!) - a vessel in which they are N molecules. Suppose that the vessel is divided into two identical parts, and different macrostates differ in the number of molecules in the left and right halves of the vessel. That's why within the model we assume the state of the molecule is given if it is known which half of the vessel it is in.

Different microstates differ in what molecules are on the right and left. 1.2 – 3.4 (as shown in Figure 9.5) is one of the states. 1.3 – 2.4 – another microstate.

Each molecule can be located on the left or on the right with equal probability. Therefore the probability i -that molecule located, for example, on the right is equal to ½. The appearance of that molecule on the left side of the vessel along with that one is statistically independent event , so the probability of finding two molecules on the left is ½ ½ = ¼; three molecules – 1/8; four – 1/16, etc. Therefore, the probability of any arrangement (microstate) of molecules is equal to .

The statement that, the probabilities of each of their microstates are equal, called ergodic hypothesis , and it lies at the basis of statistical physics.

Let's consider N = 4. Each of the arrangements of molecules in the halves of the vessel is a specific microstate. Then the macrostate with the number of molecules on the left corresponds to 1 microstate. The statistical weight of such a macrostate is 1, and the probability of its implementation is 1/16. For other macro-states, the following can be stated:

Corresponds to 6 microstates statistical weight 6, 6/16

Corresponds to 4 microstates statistical weight 4, 4/16

Corresponds to 1 microstate statistical weight 1, 1/16

Now you can see that due to the acceptance of the ergodic hypothesis, the statistical weight turns out to be proportional to the probability (regular!) implementation of a given macrostate.

If the vessel contains N molecules, then it can be proven that the state weight of the macrostate is that on the left n molecules, and on the right (N–n)

If for four molecules the probability of gathering in one of the halves of the vessel is 1/16, that is, a quite noticeable value, then for N = 24 this probability is of the order of .

Under normal conditions, 4 cm 3 of air contains about 10 20 molecules. The probability of them gathering in one of the parts of the vessel is estimated at .

Thus, with an increase in the number molecules in the system, the probability of significant deviations from the approximate equality of the numbers of molecules in the parts of the vessel decreases very quickly. This corresponds to the fact that the state weight of states with approximately equal numbers of molecules in the halves turns out to be very large and quickly decreases as the molecules in the parts deviate from equality.

If the number N is not very large, then over time there are noticeable deviations in the number of molecules in one of the half of N/2 . Random deviations of a physical quantity from its average value are called fluctuations:

Arithmetic mean of absolute fluctuation equals zero. Therefore, the characteristics of fluctuations are often considered mean square fluctuation :

More convenient and indicative is relative fluctuation :

Moreover, in statistical physics the following relation is proven:

those. the magnitude of the relative fluctuation is inversely proportional to the root of the number of particles in the system . This statement confirms our qualitative finding.

Similar to the number of molecules in one of the halves of the vessel, other macroscopic characteristics of the state - pressure, density, etc. - fluctuate near average values.

Consider nature equilibrium and nonequilibrium states and processes from the point of view of statistical physics. Equilibrium, by definition, is a state that does not tend to change over time. It is clear that the most probable of all macrostates of the system will have this property to the greatest extent, that is, the state realized by the largest number of microstates, and therefore having the greatest statistical weight. That's why equilibrium state can be defined as a state whose status weight is maximum .

An example of a typical irreversible process is the spread of gas molecules, initially concentrated in one of its halves, to the entire volume of a vessel. This process is irreversible, since the probability that, as a result of thermal movement, all molecules will collect in one of the halves of the vessel is very small. Accordingly, always the process is irreversible, the reverse of which is extremely unlikely .



As we have established, the probability of a system’s state is proportional to its static weight, so the static weight W itself could be used as a characteristic of the state’s probability. However, W is not an additive quantity. Therefore, to characterize the state of the system, use the quantity

which is called entropy systems. Indeed, if we consider two systems of 4 molecules each, then the statistical weight of the state when each of the subsystems contains, for example, one molecule on the left will be equal to 16, i.e. . This ratio is valid for any conditions. Hence, stateweight is non-additive. In the same time entropy state of the resulting system i.e. is an additive quantity.

Since during irreversible processes in an isolated system it moves from less probable to more probable states, it can be argued that the entropy of an isolated system increases when irreversible processes occur in it .

The equilibrium state is the most probable state, which means the entropy of the system that has passed into an equilibrium state is maximum.

Therefore, it can be argued that the entropy of an isolated system remains constant if it is in an equilibrium state, or increases if irreversible processes occur in it.

The statement that the entropy of an isolated system does not decrease, called second law of thermodynamics or law of increasing entropy .

Entropy is, obviously, state function and must be determined by the state parameters. A monatomic ideal gas has the simplest properties - its state is completely determined by specifying two parameters, for example, temperature and volume. Accordingly, its entropy can be defined as a function of temperature and volume: . The corresponding calculations show that the entropy of a mole of an ideal gas is given by

where is a certain constant, with the accuracy to which entropy is determined.

Now we can clarify the question of how entropy changes uninsulated system, for example, when imparting a certain amount of heat to it. Let's take differential (2) and multiply it by:

But the increase in internal energy of the gas. Since equality .Then (3) is transformed to the form:

Included in (4) are additive , and therefore (4) is true for any mass of gas :

According to the first law of thermodynamics, the right-hand side (5) is . That's why:

Formula (6) turns out to be valid for any bodies, it is only necessary to communicate the amount of heat was reversible .

Let's dwell on physical essence of entropy .

Let us introduce definitions: a state realized in a relatively small number of ways will be called ordered or non-random . A condition realized in a large number of ways - disorderly or random .

Then it can be argued that entropy is a quantitative measure of the degree of disorder in a system . The communication of an amount of heat to the system leads to an increase in the thermal movement of molecules, and hence to an increase in entropy. Moreover, the higher the temperature of the system, the lower the proportion of disorder introduced by the given message, which is the physical meaning of formula (6).

If the amount of heat is communicated to the system during irreversible process, then its entropy increases not only due to the receipt of heat, but also due to the occurrence of necessary processes, since an irreversible process is accompanied by an increase in the probability of the state of the system, its statistical weight

In this case, in (7) means the temperature of the reservoir from which the system receives . Combining (6) and (7) together we can write:

At absolute zero, every system is in its ground state, i.e. the state with the lowest energy. The static weight of this well-defined state is equal to unit , which means the entropy of the system is zero. It corresponds Nernst's theorem , according to which the entropy of any body tends to zero as its temperature tends to zero :

Nernst's theorem is also called third law of thermodynamics .

Since all directions of molecular speed are equally probable, at first glance it seems that all speed values ​​should be equally probable. However, as experiment shows, at each temperature T there is such a speed (the most probable) that most gas molecules move at speeds that are not very different from it. Molecules whose speeds are much greater or much less than the most probable are rare.

It makes no sense to solve the problem of the number of molecules that have a precisely specified speed v, since there may not be such molecules at any given time. But we can raise the question of the number of molecules whose velocities lie in a certain certain velocity range. The entire range of speeds is divided into sections and the number ">v to v + is found.

Then the probability that we will meet such a speed is

def-e">Probability is equal to the proportion of molecules having a speed in the specified interval in relation to the total number of molecules n.

Obviously, the probability is example">v, but also depends on the width of the interval ..gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="not in free, but in a unit speed interval, i.e.

example">f(v) - probability density, or distribution function. The dependence of the probability density (fraction) of a random variable on its value is called distribution function of this random variable f(v). We consider the molecular velocity distribution function.

For different v, the value of f(v) will be different. If we knew it, we could build “steps” called a histogram. Such histograms are used not only in physics, but also in sociology, medicine, technology, etc.

Since the speed in a system of molecules changes continuously, the distribution function f(v) can be determined more accurately:

example">f(v) should be normalized by the condition:

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="does not mean that there are molecules in the gas with infinitely high speeds, this is a computational technique that is possible because there are very few molecules with very high speeds.

The graph of the function f(v) is shown in the figure; the curve f(v) is asymmetric and passes through zero at the origin. The area of ​​the elementary strip shaded in the figure gives the probability that the speed of the molecule lies within the interval from v to v + example">n, it gives the probable number of molecules with speeds in the same interval.

Distribution function gas molecules by velocities was obtained by J. Maxwell. He solved a problem for a gas consisting of a very large number n of identical molecules in a state of random thermal motion at a certain temperature. It is assumed that there are no force fields acting on the gas. Maxwell's law of velocity distribution has the form:

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="

The function f(v) has a maximum at the value of the most probable speed (m is the mass of the molecule, T is the temperature).

As the temperature increases, the velocity distribution curve of molecules is deformed.

selection">at low speeds decreases, and with at higher speeds - increases. The maximum value of the distribution function f(v) decreases, so that the area under the curve remains unchanged.

Maxwellian distribution:

    1) is always established at thermal equilibrium in systems of non-interacting or elastically interacting particles, the movement of which can be described by the laws of classical mechanics: gases, some liquids, Brownian particles (small particles in liquids).

    2) stationary (does not change with time), despite the fact that as a result of collisions the molecules constantly change their speed.

Knowledge of statistical distribution functions makes it possible to calculate the average values ​​of microscopic parameters without knowing their values ​​for individual molecules. For example, arithmetic average speed the motion of molecules can be found by calculating the integral:

example">f(v) and integrate, we get average speed ideal gas molecules:

to determine the mean square speed, you need to calculate the integral:

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="

Experimental measurements of the velocities of molecules (one of the first such experiments was carried out by O. Stern using molecular beams) showed good agreement with the theoretical values ​​of the velocities given by the Maxwell distribution. In his experiments on thermionic emission, Richardson tested Maxwell's law of velocity distribution in 1921. In a state of equilibrium, a saturated pair of electrons is formed above the metal surface; the experimental determination of electron velocities obeys Maxwell’s law.

In a gas there is a certain distribution of molecules by speed that is, on average, constant over time.

The equilibrium state of a gas is characterized not only by the distribution of molecules by speed, but also by coordinates. In the absence of external fields, this distribution will be uniform, i.e. the gas is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the vessel: in any equal macroscopic volumes inside the vessel, on average, there is the same number of molecules. But what about the situation in the presence of a field acting on the molecules, for example, a gravitational field?

Find law of distribution of gas molecules with height in a uniform gravity field possible from the condition of mechanical equilibrium.

Let's consider a vertical column of gas with a base area S, mentally select in it at a height h a layer of thickness formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="= const.

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="

where is the formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="can be written in the form

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="

From the Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation for an arbitrary gas mass m

PV = mRT/M,


formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt=".gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt=", we get

example">g and T has the form

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="

determined by the Boltzmann distribution. It characterizes the spatial equilibrium distribution of particle concentration depending on their potential energy.

The general theory of equilibrium statistical distributions was created by J. Gibbs. He showed that in a state of thermal equilibrium at temperature T, the law of distribution of molecules over any quantity characterizing their state (coordinate, speed, energy) has an exponential character, and in the exponent there is the ratio of the characteristic energy of the molecule to the value kT, taken with a minus sign, which is proportional to the average kinetic energy of the chaotic motion of molecules.

Test questions and tasks

1. What is the velocity distribution of gas molecules in the equilibrium state?

2. What is the distribution function of a random variable, for example the speed of molecules?

3. Plot the Maxwell velocity distribution function. What happens to the distribution function curve as the temperature increases?

4. What experiments confirm the conclusions of the theory about the distribution of molecules by speed?

5. How to find the average speed of molecules using the distribution function? Root mean square speed of molecules?

6. Define the most probable speed of movement of molecules.

7. Write the law of distribution of molecules in the gravitational field.

8. At what temperature does the root mean square speed of oxygen molecules exceed their most probable speed by 100 m/s?

Maxwell discovered a path that eventually became a wide highway. Over the next hundred years, the grand edifice of statistical mechanics was erected, thanks in part to the work of Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs. (Gibbs was the first great American theoretical physicist, who, like other "prophets", was the last to be recognized at his own university. It is said that the president of Yale University, having decided to create a physics department, turned to several European scientists for help. They sent him to Willard Gibbs, whom the President did not know. Gibbs was on the staff of Yale University at the time.)

The essence of the statistical hypothesis formulated for gases is that we give up trying to know the exact position and velocity of each of the many particles that make up the system, and instead assume, unless there is any additional information, that for each particle in the system all possible positions and the directions of velocity are equally probable (the word equally probable should be especially emphasized). We do have some information: it is assumed that the total energy of the system E and the total number of particles in it N are fixed (we assume that the energy and number of particles are conserved). Therefore, some combinations of particle aggregate velocities and positions are prohibited; As an example of a forbidden system, we will indicate such a combination when at least one particle has an energy greater than E: in this case, the total energy of the system would exceed E.

One could imagine a situation where all the energy of a gas is invested in one particle, which moves at an extremely high speed corresponding to the energy, while the remaining particles stand still. We feel, however, that such a configuration is unlikely to be “viable”, since one would expect that a fast moving particle would collide with other particles and give up some of its energy to them. Another combination is also possible, when the total energy of the gas is divided equally between all the molecules, which move in equal formation one after another at the same speeds; but this situation, as intuition tells us, looks unlikely, since collisions will ultimately lead to chaotization of movement.

Let us consider all possible (and differing from each other) distributions of molecules in space and in speed, satisfying the conditions that the energy E and the number of particles N remain unchanged when all the molecules are in one corner of the vessel and have the same speed, when they are in another corner and have a different speed, etc., i.e. we will take into account absolutely all possible combinations. Let us now find the most probable distribution of positions and velocities of molecules. This problem is solvable under the conditions listed above. The basic idea of ​​statistics lies in the hypothesis that if a system

is at a given temperature (in thermal equilibrium, such as a gas in a vessel), the velocities and positions of the molecules are described by the most probable distribution. Knowing this most probable distribution of molecules, it is possible to calculate the viscosity coefficient, pressure and other quantities.

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution requires that the particles be uniformly distributed in space and their velocities as shown in Fig. 385.

This is the most probable distribution of particles in positions and velocities, provided that all configurations are equally probable, and the total number of particles and their total energy are fixed.

Thus, we do without the assumption of equality of particle velocities and do not solve the equations of motion from which we could obtain the exact values ​​of the coordinates and velocities of each particle, but we introduce the most probable distribution of positions in space and velocities for all particles. This very radical assumption goes far beyond the laws of mechanics; it is not without reason that it was discussed and analyzed for a long time and intensively after Maxwell and Boltzmann. This assumption has been formulated in different ways. But essentially it all comes down to a purely intuitive guess that in any real physical situation, unlikely distributions of molecules (both in space and in speed) cannot arise so often as to have at least some influence on the equilibrium properties of the system.

Let us illustrate the meaning of this hypothesis with several examples. Consider a gas consisting of a large number of particles enclosed in a container. It is quite possible for such a distribution of particles to occur when all the particles move in one direction, hit at some point on one wall of the vessel, and none of them hits the opposite wall

wall (Fig. 386). As a result of this movement, a significant force will be applied to one wall of the vessel, but no force will be applied to the other wall, so the entire vessel will bounce sideways until the opposite wall collides with the molecules, after which the vessel will bounce back. It's possible, but unlikely. It is unlikely that molecules will be able to momentarily organize their movement and begin to move in one direction instead of randomly rushing in all directions.

Fig. 386. All molecules move in the same direction.

It may also happen that at some point all the molecules suddenly find themselves in one corner of the vessel, and all other parts of the vessel appear empty (Fig. 387). At this instant, the density of the gas in one corner of the vessel will become very large, while in other parts the density will be zero. This situation is also possible, but unlikely.

Suppose there are 10,000 cars in a parking lot and the parking lot has only one exit; When football ends, all car owners get behind the wheel. The question arises: is it possible for all the cars to leave the parking lot in a continuous stream, without forming “traffic jams” or accumulations of cars in some places?

Fig. 387. All molecules gathered in one corner.

Of course, this is possible, but it is extremely unlikely unless there are a large number of traffic police on the scene. As a rule, when a parking lot is vacated, an incredible mess of cars forms, since each of them moves almost randomly, trying to leave the parking lot.

The assumption contained in the works of Maxwell, Boltzmann and Gibbs is equivalent to the statement that a large number of particles obeying Newton’s laws of motion, in the presence of certain external restrictions (for example, the constancy of the total energy and the total number of particles), as a result of mutual collisions, eventually go to some average state. From the famous Boltzmann theorem (theorem) it follows that for given initial conditions, particle collisions lead to the gradual establishment

most likely condition. Statistical mechanics relieves us of all the inconveniences associated with solving the equations of motion. It is based on the assumption that the distribution of particles in the equilibrium state is the most probable, and then derives all the consequences arising from this distribution. It is obvious that distributions may also arise that are not the most probable. It is no less obvious, however, that such distributions will quickly disappear if the vessel is shaken or disorder is introduced in some other way.

η = A/ Q 1 = 1 – Q 2 /Q 1 ,

Where Q 1 - heat received by the working fluid; Q 2 - heat given off.

    Efficiency Carnot cycle:

Where T 1 , T 2 - heater and refrigerator temperatures.

    Clausius inequality:

where δ Q - elemental heat received by the system.

    System entropy increment:

    The basic equation of thermodynamics for reversible processes:

T d S= d U + p d V

    Free energy:

F = U - T.S., A T = - Δ F

    Relationship between entropy and statistical weight Ω (thermodynamic probability):

S = k∙ lnΩ

Where k - Boltzmann's constant.

3.1. In a heat engine operating according to the Carnot cycle, the heater temperature is n = 1.6 times the refrigerator temperature. In one cycle the machine produces work A = 12 kJ . How much work per cycle is spent on isothermal compression of a substance? (The working substance is an ideal gas.)

Answer : A" =A/(n - 1) = 20 kJ .

3.2. In what case is the efficiency Carnot cycle will increase more: with an increase in heater temperature by Δ T or when the refrigerator temperature decreases by the same amount?

Answer : when the refrigerator temperature decreases T 2 .

3.3. Hydrogen undergoes the Carnot cycle. Find efficiency cycle, if during adiabatic expansion:

a) the volume of gas increases by n = 2.0 times;

b) the pressure decreases by n = 2.0 times.

Answer : a) η = 1 – n 1-γ = 0.25; b) η = 1 – n 1/(γ-1) = 0.18

3.4. A refrigeration machine operating on a reverse Carnot cycle must maintain a temperature in its chamber - 10°C at an ambient temperature of 20° C. What work must be done on the working fluid of the machine in order to remove it from its chamber Q 2 = 140 kJ of heat?

Answer : A" =Q 2 (T 1/ T 2 - 1) = 16 kJ .

3.5. Heat machine. operating on the Carnot cycle with efficiency η 10% is used with the same heat reservoirs as a refrigeration machine. Find its cooling coefficient ε.

Answer : ε = (1 - η)/η = 9

3.6. Find efficiency cycle consisting of two isobars and two adiabats, if within the cycle the pressure varies by P once. The working substance is an ideal gas with adiabatic index γ.

Answer : η = 1 – η -(γ - 1)/γ.

3.7. An ideal gas with adiabatic index γ undergoes a cycle consisting of two isochores and two isobars. Find efficiency such a cycle, if the temperature T gas increases in P times both during isochoric heating and isobaric expansion.

Answer : η = 1 – ( n+ γ)/(1 + γ n).

3.8. An ideal gas undergoes a cycle consisting of:

a) isochores, adiabats and isotherms;

b) isobars, adiabats and isotherms,

Moreover, the isothermal process occurs at the minimum temperature of the cycle. Find efficiency each cycle, if the temperature within its limits varies by P once.

Answer : in both cases η = 1 – ln n/(n - 1)

3.9. An ideal gas with adiabatic exponent γ undergoes a direct cycle consisting of an adiabatic cycle. isobars and isochores. Find efficiency cycle, if during an adiabatic process the volume of an ideal gas is:

a) increases in n once:

b) decreases by n times.

Answer : a)η= 1– γ( n– 1)/(nγ – 1); b)η= 1– ( nγ – 1)/γ( n – 1)nγ –1.

3.10. Using the Clausius inequality, show that the efficiency all cycles that have the same maximum temperature T max and the same minimum temperature T min , less than that of the Carnot cycle at T max and T min. Note : Take into account that the inequality ∫δ Q 1 /T 1 - ∫δ Q 2 / T 2 0 only increases when replaced T 1 on T max and T 2 on T min.

3.11. What is the maximum work that a heat engine can produce if a piece of iron mass is used as a heater? m= 100 kg with initial temperature T 1 = 1500 K. and as a refrigerator, ocean water with a temperature T 2 = 285 K?

Answer : A max = mc[T 1 – T 2 – T 2∙ln( T 1 /T 2)] = 34 MJ, where With- specific heat capacity of iron.

3.12. The main variables characterizing the state of a body are its temperature and entropy. Graphically depict the Carnot cycle on a diagram, plotting entropy on the abscissa axis and temperature on the ordinate axis. Calculate efficiency using this graph. cycle.

3.13. Find changes in the entropy of a mole of an ideal gas during isochoric, isothermal and isobaric processes.

3.14. Find the change in entropy during the transition of 80 g of oxygen from a volume of 10 liters at a temperature of 80 o C to a volume of 40 liters at a temperature of 300 o C.


3.15. One cubic meter of air at a temperature of 0 o C and a pressure of 19.6 N/cm 2 expands isothermally with volume V 1 to volume V 2 = 2V 1 . Find the change in entropy during this process.


3.16. Prove that entropy v moles of an ideal gas can be represented as: S = v[c V ln T + R ln( V/v) + const], where the additive constant in brackets does not depend on the number of gas particles.

3.17. Two vessels of the same volume contain different ideal gases. Mass of gas in the first vessel m 1 in the second – m 2, the gas pressure and temperature are the same. The vessels were connected to each other, and the diffusion process began. Determine the total change Δ S entropy of the system under consideration, if the relative molecular mass of the first gas is μ 1, and the second is μ 2.

Answer : Δ S = R ln2( m 1 /μ 1 + m 2 /μ 2).

3.18. A thermally insulated cylindrical vessel is divided by a piston of negligible mass into two equal parts. On one side of the piston there is an ideal gas with mass m, relative molecular weight μ and molar heat capacities C p And WITH v , independent of temperature, and a high vacuum is created on the other side of the piston. Initial gas temperature and pressure T 0 and p 0 . The piston is released, and it moves freely, allowing gas to fill the entire volume of the cylinder. After this, gradually increasing the pressure on the piston, slowly bring the volume of gas to its original value. Find the change in internal energy and entropy of the gas during this process.

Answer : Δ U = U - U 0 = (m/η)∙ C V T 0 (2 γ -1 - 1);

ΔS = S - S 0 = (m/μ)∙ C V(γ - 1)ln2.

3.19. Knowing the dependence of free energy on temperature and volume F(T, V), show that the pressure p = -(dF/dV) T and entropy S = -(dF/d T) V .

3.20. Along with internal energy U and free energy F in thermodynamics the functions are widely used N =U + RV - enthalpy and F = F + RV - Gibbs free energy. Prove that these functions satisfy the relations:

dU = TdS – pdV,

dF = -SdT – pdV,

dF= -SdT + Vdp,

dH = TdS + Vdp,

3.21. Prove Maxwell's relations:

3.22. What is wrong with the following reasoning? Elementary amount of heat dQ, obtained by a physically homogeneous body during a quasi-static process is equal to

dQ = dU + pdV = dHVdp,


From here

Equating both expressions, we get (∂ V/∂T) p = 0. It follows that thermal expansion of bodies is impossible.

3.23. Show that the internal energy of a substance with an equation of state in the form R = f(V)T does not depend on volume.

3.24. Internal energy and units of volume are a function only of T, and the equation of state of the gas has the form p = u(T)/ 3 Determine the functional form And(T).

Answer : u(T) = const T 4 - (photon gas)

3.25. For an ideal electron gas the following relation holds: PV = 2 / 3 U. Find the adiabatic equation for this gas: a) in variables ( R,V); b) in variables (V, T).

Answer : A) RV 5/3 = const; b) TV 2/3 = const .

3.26. Show that for substances in which pressure is a linear function of temperature T, heat capacity WITHv does not depend on volume.

3.27. Using Maxwell's relations, find an expression for the entropy of a mole of van der Waals gas.

Answer :

3.28. Calculate entropy density S thermal radiation fields.

Answer : S = 4 / 3 aT 3 +const. (see problem 2.32).

3.29. Find the ratio of the mean square velocities of helium and nitrogen molecules at the same temperatures.


3.30. Determine the temperature of the mixture CO 2 And H 2 , if the difference in average kinetic energies per molecule of both gases is 2.07·10 -14 erg. Gas is considered ideal.

300 o K.

3.31. N atoms of helium gas are located at room temperature in a cubic vessel with a volume of 1.0 cm 3. (The average time of flight of helium atoms is a distance on the order of the size of the vessel τ ~ 10 -5 s).Find:

a) the probability that all atoms will gather in one half of the vessel;

b) approximate numerical value N, at which this event can be expected throughout t= 10 10 years (age of the Universe).

Answer :a) p= 1 / 2 N ; b) N= 1g (t/τ)/ 1g 2 = 80. where

3. 32 . Find the statistical weight of the most probable distribution N= 10 identical molecules in two identical halves of the vessel. Determine the probability of such a distribution.

Answer: Ω ver = N!/[(N/2)!] 2 =252, p N/2 = Ω ver/2 N = 24.6%.

3.33. What amount of heat must be imparted to a macroscopic system at temperature T = 290 K, so that with a constant volume its statistical weight increases by Δη = 0.1%?

Answer : δ Q = kTΔη = 4·10 -23 J.

3.34. One mole of an ideal gas consisting of monatomic molecules is in a vessel at a temperature T 0 = 300 K. How and how many times will the statistical weight of this system (gas) change if it is heated isochorically by Δ T= 1.0 K?

Answer : Increase in Ω/Ω 0 = (1 + Δ T/T 0) iNa /2 = 10 1.31·10ˆ21 times .

· Efficiency of a heat engine:

η = A/ Q 1 = 1 – Q 2 /Q 1 ,

Where Q 1 - heat received by the working fluid; Q 2 - heat given off.

· Efficiency Carnot cycle:

Where T 1 , T 2 - heater and refrigerator temperatures.

· Clausius inequality:

where δ Q- elemental heat received by the system.

System entropy increment:

· Basic equation of thermodynamics for reversible processes:

T d S= d U + p d V

· Free energy:

F = U - T.S., A T = - Δ F

· Relationship between entropy and statistical weight Ω (thermodynamic probability):

S = k∙ lnΩ

Where k- Boltzmann's constant.

3.1. In a heat engine operating according to the Carnot cycle, the heater temperature is n = 1.6 times the refrigerator temperature. In one cycle the machine produces work A = 12 kJ . How much work per cycle is spent on isothermal compression of a substance? (The working substance is an ideal gas.)

Answer : A" = A/(n- 1) = 20 kJ .

3.2. In what case is the efficiency Carnot cycle will increase more: with an increase in heater temperature by Δ T or when the refrigerator temperature decreases by the same amount?

Answer : when the refrigerator temperature decreases T 2 .

3.3. Hydrogen undergoes the Carnot cycle. Find efficiency cycle, if during adiabatic expansion:

a) the volume of gas increases by n = 2.0 times;

b) the pressure decreases by n = 2.0 times.

Answer : a) η = 1 – n 1-γ = 0.25; b) η = 1 – n 1/(γ-1) = 0.18

3.4. A refrigeration machine operating on a reverse Carnot cycle must maintain a temperature in its chamber - 10° C. At an ambient temperature of 20° C. What work must be done on the working substance of the machine in order to remove it from its chamber Q 2 = 140 kJ of heat?

Answer : A" = Q 2 (T 1/ T 2 - 1) = 16 kJ .

3.5. Heat machine. operating on the Carnot cycle with efficiency η 10% is used with the same heat reservoirs as a refrigeration machine. Find its cooling coefficient ε.

Answer : ε = (1 - η)/η = 9

3.6. Find efficiency cycle consisting of two isobars and two adiabats, if within the cycle the pressure varies by P once. The working substance is an ideal gas with adiabatic index γ.

Answer : η = 1 – η -(γ - 1)/γ.

3.7. An ideal gas with adiabatic index γ undergoes a cycle consisting of two isochores and two isobars. Find efficiency such a cycle, if the temperature T gas increases in P times both during isochoric heating and isobaric expansion.

Answer : η = 1 – ( n+ γ)/(1 + γ n).

3.8. An ideal gas undergoes a cycle consisting of:

a) isochores, adiabats and isotherms;

b) isobars, adiabats and isotherms,

Moreover, the isothermal process occurs at the minimum temperature of the cycle. Find efficiency each cycle, if the temperature within its limits varies by P once.

Answer : in both cases η = 1 – ln n/(n - 1)

3.9. An ideal gas with adiabatic exponent γ undergoes a direct cycle consisting of an adiabatic cycle. isobars and isochores. Find efficiency cycle, if during an adiabatic process the volume of an ideal gas is:

a) increases in n once:

b) decreases by n times.

Answer : a) η = 1 – γ( n – 1)/(nγ – 1); b) η = 1 – ( nγ – 1)/γ( n – 1)nγ–1.

3.10. Using the Clausius inequality, show that the efficiency all cycles that have the same maximum temperature T max and the same minimum temperature T min , less than that of the Carnot cycle at T max and T min. Note : Take into account that the inequality ∫δ Q 1 /T 1 - ∫δ Q′ 2 /T 2 0 only increases when replaced T 1 per T max and T 2 on T min.

3.11. What is the maximum work that a heat engine can produce if a piece of iron mass is used as a heater? m= 100 kg with initial temperature T 1 =1500 K. and as a refrigerator, ocean water with a temperature T 2 = 285 K?

Answer : A max = mc[T 1 – T 2 – T 2∙ln( T 1 /T 2)] = 34 MJ, where With- specific heat capacity of iron.

3.12. The main variables characterizing the state of a body are its temperature and entropy. Graphically depict the Carnot cycle on a diagram, plotting entropy on the abscissa axis and temperature on the ordinate axis. Calculate efficiency using this graph. cycle.

3.13. Find changes in the entropy of a mole of an ideal gas during isochoric, isothermal and isobaric processes.

3.14. Find the change in entropy during the transition of 80 g of oxygen from a volume of 10 liters at a temperature of 80 o C to a volume of 40 liters at a temperature of 300 o C.


3.15. One cubic meter of air at a temperature of 0 o C and a pressure of 19.6 N/cm 2 expands isothermally with volume V 1 to volume V 2 = 2V 1 . Find the change in entropy during this process.


3.16. Prove that entropy v moles of an ideal gas can be represented as: S = v[c V ln T + R ln( V/v) + const], where the additive constant in brackets does not depend on the number of gas particles.

3.17. Two vessels of the same volume contain different ideal gases. Mass of gas in the first vessel m 1 in the second – m 2, the gas pressure and temperature are the same. The vessels were connected to each other, and the diffusion process began. Determine the total change Δ S entropy of the system under consideration, if the relative molecular mass of the first gas is μ 1, and the second is μ 2.

Answer : Δ S = R ln2( m 1 /μ 1 + m 2 /μ 2).

3.18. A thermally insulated cylindrical vessel is divided by a piston of negligible mass into two equal parts. On one side of the piston there is an ideal gas with mass m, relative molecular weight μ and molar heat capacities C p And C v, independent of temperature, and a high vacuum is created on the other side of the piston. Initial gas temperature and pressure T 0 and p 0 . The piston is released, and it moves freely, allowing gas to fill the entire volume of the cylinder. After this, gradually increasing the pressure on the piston, slowly bring the volume of gas to its original value. Find the change in internal energy and entropy of the gas during this process.

Answer : Δ U = U- U 0 = (m/η)∙ C V T 0 (2 γ-1 - 1);

ΔS = S - S 0 = (m/μ)∙ C V(γ - 1)ln2.

3.19. Knowing the dependence of free energy on temperature and volume F(T, V), show that the pressure р = -(dF/dV) T and entropy S = -(dF/d T) V.

3.20. Along with internal energy U and free energy F in thermodynamics the functions are widely used H = U+ pV- enthalpy and F = F + pV - Gibbs free energy. Prove that these functions satisfy the relations:

dU = TdS – pdV, dF = -SdT – pdV,
d Ф = -SdT + Vdp, dH = TdS + Vdp,

3.21. Prove Maxwell's relations:

3.22. What is wrong with the following reasoning? Elementary amount of heat dQ, obtained by a physically homogeneous body during a quasi-static process, is equal to

dQ = dU + pdV = dHVdp,


From here

Equating both expressions, we get (∂ V/∂T) p = 0. It follows that thermal expansion of bodies is impossible.

3.23. Show that the internal energy of a substance with an equation of state in the form R = f(V)T does not depend on volume.

3.24. Internal energy and units of volume are a function only of T, and the equation of state of the gas has the form p = u(T)/ 3Define functional form And(T).

Answer : u(T) = const T 4 - (photon gas)

3.25. For an ideal electron gas the following relation holds: PV = 2 / 3 U. Find the adiabatic equation for this gas: a) in variables ( P, V); b) in variables (V, T).

Answer : A) PV 5/3 = const; b) TV 2/3 = const .

3.26. Show that for substances in which pressure is a linear function of temperature T, heat capacity Cv does not depend on volume.

3.27. Using Maxwell's relations, find an expression for the entropy of a mole of van der Waals gas.

Answer :

3.28. Calculate entropy density S thermal radiation fields.

Answer : S = 4 / 3 aT 3 +const. (see problem 2.32).

3.29. Find the ratio of the mean square velocities of helium and nitrogen molecules at the same temperatures.


3.30. Determine the temperature of the mixture CO2 And H 2, if the difference in average kinetic energies per molecule of both gases is 2.07·10 -14 erg. Gas is considered ideal.

Answer: 300 o K.

3.31. N atoms of helium gas are located at room temperature in a cubic vessel with a volume of 1.0 cm 3. (The average time of flight of helium atoms is a distance on the order of the size of the vessel τ ~ 10 -5 s).Find:

a) the probability that all atoms will gather in one half of the vessel;

b) approximate numerical value N, at which this event can be expected throughout t= 10 10 years (age of the Universe).

Answer :a) p= 1 / 2 N ; b) N= 1g (t/τ)/ 1g 2 = 80. where

3.32. Find the statistical weight of the most probable distribution N= 10 identical molecules in two identical halves of the vessel. Determine the probability of such a distribution.

Answer: Ω ver = N!/[(N/2)!] 2 =252, p N/2 = Ω ver/2 N = 24.6%.

3.33. What amount of heat must be imparted to a macroscopic system at temperature T = 290 K, so that with a constant volume its statistical weight increases by Δη = 0.1%?

Answer : δ Q = kTΔη = 4·10 -23 J.

3.34. One mole of an ideal gas consisting of monatomic molecules is in a vessel at a temperature T 0 = 300 K. How and how many times will the statistical weight of this system (gas) change if it is heated isochorically by Δ T= 1.0 K?

Answer : Increase in Ω/Ω 0 = (1 + Δ T/T 0)iNa/2 = 10 1.31·10ˆ21 times .

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