Visiting Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev: New Year's shooting with children. How much is a model's conscience worth? How old is Lena Perminova

Elena Perminova is a fashion model and socialite, philanthropist, wife of a Russian entrepreneur.

Elena was born in the town of Berdsk, located in the Novosibirsk region. Perminova spent her childhood there and graduated from school. As a teenager, the girl became interested in a modeling career, but after receiving her matriculation certificate, she tried to follow the “standard” path.

Elena entered the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law and could have become a lawyer, accountant or manager, but in the end she abandoned the university for a modeling agency. Perminova received her higher education much later, graduating from Moscow State University. . But at that moment Elena entered into a long-term contract with the company Modus Vivendis and began participating in photo shoots, although the first stage of the model’s biography ended in failure.

Perminova got into a semi-criminal story related to the distribution of narcotic drugs. 17-year-old Lena found herself in the dock, facing a prison term. But the father intervened in the matter and wrote an open letter to State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev asking him to help his daughter. Lebedev, who at that time was lobbying for a bill on witness protection, took an active part in the fate of the Novosibirsk girl.

As a result, Elena was only charged with a conditional charge. But Perminova showed amazing resilience for her age. While under investigation, the girl continued to work - she starred in photo shoots and even appeared in the video clip for the song “Where Will I Be.”

Model business

Elena Perminova fully resumed her professional career as a fashion model with the help of an erotic photo shoot in the men's magazine Playboy. Soon Lena received the title of girl of the month, and a little later she was already appearing on the catwalk at the most prestigious fashion festivals.

Elena demonstrated collections of brands, Viktor & Rolf, Lanvin and others, and participated in shows in European fashion capitals - Paris, Milan and Rome.

While Perminova collaborates with famous fashion houses for advertising, for herself she personally prefers designer items from little-known couturiers. The fact is that Elena’s personal style is avant-garde, so the girl chooses clothes that will be exclusive and unique.

At one time, Elena Perminova was a business partner of Alexander Lebedev and was involved in editing the magazine Rohr.

Personal life

Elena Perminova's first serious relationship arose while she was living in Siberia. It was a well-known Novosibirsk crime boss who dragged the girl into the high-profile drug trafficking story described above. Deputy and businessman Alexander Lebedev helped young Lena get rid of this problem. At first, the entrepreneur became Perminova’s guardian angel, and then her husband. True, Perminova and Lebedev have not yet officially gotten married; they live in a de facto marriage. But Elena Perminova’s personal life was happy.

Elena and Alexander have a full-fledged family. The couple has two sons, Nikita and Egor, and in 2014, their dreamed daughter, Arina, was born. Neither Lebedev nor Perminova are embarrassed by the age difference of 27 years. The family has to live in two countries, since the business requires a regular presence in both Moscow and London.

The husband and wife also love to travel with their children. The couple chooses a new vacation spot every time. Among the places visited by the couple are exotic countries - Mongolia, Zimbabwe or Colombia, the beaches of the sunny Maldives, or their own villa, which is located in the picturesque Italian Umbria, near the city of Perugia.

Elena Perminova manages to stay in excellent physical shape. The weight of the model with a height of 175 cm still remains within 50 kg.

Looking at the model, who loves to appear in bold outfits and open swimsuits, fans are surprised that even after the third birth, no signs of pregnancy are visible on the girl’s body. Elena herself claims that every time after the birth of a child, contrary to the recommendations of doctors, she began to engage in physical exercise. In the house of Perminova and Lebedev there is a gym equipped with equipment for training. The girl spends a lot of time there, preferring strength exercises, Pilates, dancing and yoga. The young mother is accompanied by her sons and her adored daughter Arina, who is already mastering Pilates.

For a flawless appearance, Elena Perminova uses expensive anti-aging masks and regularly performs cosmetic procedures at the beauty center of her sister Alexandra Kiriyenko Brow&Go, who is also Elena’s personal makeup artist. Perminova refutes fan speculation that she is fond of plastic surgery and injects fillers into her lips. The girl is categorically against radical measures in relation to her own body; Perminova especially does not accept a silicone bust.

Elena Perminova now

Now the model and mother of many children does not abandon the duties of a socialite. In September, Elena Perminova and her husband attended a wedding celebration and. For her outfit, the model chose a designer dress. In December, the girl surprised the audience at the Evening Standard Theater Awards by appearing on the red carpet in a tight-fitting transparent dress, under which the contours of her underwear were not visible.

A world cinema star was also present at the gala event. Later, Perminova attended the opening of the hotel of the Italian jewelry house Bulgari in Dubai, which will become the most expensive in the UAE. For the visit, the Russian model chose a trouser suit made of flesh-colored fabric with sequins. The Russian woman was accompanied at the evening by a fashion model.

Elena Perminova has been involved in fashion blogging for the last few years. The model does not have an official website, but from her own page “ Instagram» Perminova talks with fans about makeup and creating a harmonious wardrobe.

At the beginning of 2018, Elena organized a contest for subscribers, asking them to guess the cost of the outfit shown in the photo. After a number of days of voting, the model revealed the cost of the bow, which did not exceed 10 thousand rubles. The girl revealed the secret that she often goes shopping in mass markets, where she looks for original things that, in combination with jewelry and accessories, look impressive.

Elena Perminova’s personal microblog, in which she regularly appears in breathtaking outfits, has another goal - charity. Many branded items tried on by Elena are then sold under the hammer. The auction operates under the stamp @sos_by_lenaperminova. This is not only the sale of wardrobe items, but also unique promotions, such as participation in a joint fashion show with a star of the fashion world. Thanks to the funds raised over the course of a year, Elena manages to help dozens of sick children who are awaiting expensive treatment.

Today, while looking through Lena Perminova’s Instagram, I saw this photo.
Starbucks It is not known what it means.
Alexander Lebedev born on December 16, 1959 in Moscow. Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC National Reserve Corporation. He graduated from English special school No. 17. In 1977 he entered the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO. Father, Evgeniy Nikolaevich, is an optical engineer, professor, doctor of sciences, after graduating from Moscow Higher Technical University. Bauman devoted his entire life to teaching. In his youth, he was professionally involved in sports, played for the USSR national water polo team, was awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports”, was friends with the famous football player Lev Yashin. Mother, Maria Sergeevna, after graduating from a pedagogical institute in Moscow, worked as a rural teacher on Sakhalin. Teacher of English at MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. First wife: Natalya - daughter of the famous Soviet biologist, academician Vladimir Sokolov. Scientist, works at Moscow University. Son Evgeniy from his first marriage, born in 1980, has lived in London since the age of eight.
Elena Perminova born on September 1, 1986 in the city of Berdsk, Novosibirsk region. At a fairly early age, Lena began building a career as a Russian provincial model, but already at the age of 17 she got into a very serious mess. She was charged with distribution of narcotic drugs and faced a sentence of up to 6 years in prison. Her friend, a well-known Novosibirsk crime boss, also appeared in the case. According to one version, Lena’s father wrote a letter to a Duma deputy, and also to billionaire Alexander Lebedev, who at that time was implementing a bill on witness protection. He asked to protect his minor daughter from the influence of a criminal group. Be that as it may, the oligarch took an active part in this case, and, thanks to his support, in the fall of 2007 Perminova was sentenced only to a suspended sentence. Since then, Lena calls Alexander her guardian angel. At the beginning of last year, the girl became editor-in-chief of Pop magazine, once headed by Dasha Zhukova. It is not difficult to guess that in England they saw Roman Abramovich for the first appointment, and Lebedev for the second. However, Perminova, who devotes great attention to her outfits, really likes this position. The age difference is 27 years. The couple has two sons - Nikita (06/17/2009) and Egor (11/14/2011), which only confirms that such a difference cannot be an obstacle to true love.

Elena was born in the town of Berdsk, located in the Novosibirsk region. Perminova spent her childhood there and graduated from school. As a teenager, the girl became interested in a modeling career, but after receiving her matriculation certificate, she tried to follow the “standard” path.

Elena entered the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law and could have become a lawyer, accountant or manager, but in the end she abandoned the university for a modeling agency. Perminova received her higher education much later, graduating from Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov. But at that moment Elena entered into a long-term contract with the company Modus Vivendis and began participating in photo shoots, although the first stage of the model’s biography ended in failure.

Perminova got into a semi-criminal story related to the distribution of narcotic drugs. 17-year-old Lena found herself in the dock, facing a prison term. But the father intervened in the matter and wrote an open letter to State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev asking him to help his daughter. Lebedev, who at that time was lobbying for a bill on witness protection, took an active part in the fate of the Novosibirsk girl.

As a result, Elena was only charged with a conditional charge. But Perminova showed amazing resilience for her age. While under investigation, the girl continued to work - she starred in photo shoots and even appeared in a video clip for Stas Piekha’s song “Where Will I Be.”

Model business

Elena Perminova fully resumed her professional career as a fashion model with the help of an erotic photo shoot in the men's magazine Playboy. Soon Lena received the title of girl of the month, and a little later she was already appearing on the catwalk at the most prestigious fashion festivals.

Elena demonstrated collections of brands Armani, Viktor&Rolf, Lanvin and others, and participated in shows in European fashion capitals - Paris, Milan and Rome.

While Perminova collaborates with famous fashion houses for advertising, for herself she personally prefers designer items from little-known couturiers. The fact is that Elena’s personal style is avant-garde, so the girl chooses clothes that will be exclusive and unique.

Best of the day

At one time, Elena Perminova was a business partner of Alexander Lebedev and was involved in editing the magazine Rohr.

Personal life

Elena Perminova's first serious relationship arose while she was living in Siberia. It was a well-known Novosibirsk crime boss who dragged the girl into the high-profile drug trafficking story described above. Deputy and businessman Alexander Lebedev helped young Lena get rid of this problem. At first, the entrepreneur became Perminova’s guardian angel, and then her husband. True, Perminova and Lebedev have not yet officially gotten married; they live in a de facto marriage. But Elena Perminova’s personal life was happy.

Elena and Alexander have a full-fledged family. The couple has two sons, Nikita and Egor, and in 2014, their dreamed daughter, Arina, was born. Neither Lebedev nor Perminova are embarrassed by the age difference of 27 years. The family has to live in two countries, since the business requires a regular presence in both Moscow and London.

The husband and wife also love to travel with their children. The couple chooses a new vacation spot every time. Among the places visited by the couple are exotic countries - Mongolia, Zimbabwe or Colombia, the beaches of the sunny Maldives, or their own villa, which is located in the picturesque Italian Umbria, near the city of Perugia.

Elena Perminova manages to stay in excellent physical shape. The weight of the model with a height of 175 cm still remains within 50 kg.

Looking at the model, who loves to appear in bold outfits and open swimsuits, fans are surprised that even after the third birth, no signs of pregnancy are visible on the girl’s body. Elena herself claims that every time after the birth of a child, contrary to the recommendations of doctors, she began to engage in physical exercise. In the house of Perminova and Lebedev there is a gym equipped with equipment for training. The girl spends a lot of time there, preferring strength exercises, Pilates, dancing and yoga. The young mother is accompanied by her sons and her adored daughter Arina, who is already mastering Pilates.

For a flawless appearance, Elena Perminova uses expensive anti-aging masks and regularly performs cosmetic procedures at the beauty center of her sister Alexandra Kiriyenko Brow&Go, who is also Elena’s personal makeup artist. Perminova refutes fan speculation that she is fond of plastic surgery and injects fillers into her lips. The girl is categorically against radical measures in relation to her own body; Perminova especially does not accept a silicone bust.

Elena Perminova now

Now the model and mother of many children does not abandon the duties of a socialite. In September, Elena Perminova and her husband attended the wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. For her outfit, the model chose a dress from designer Ulyana Sergeenko. In December, the girl surprised the audience at the Evening Standard Theater Awards by appearing on the red carpet in a tight-fitting transparent dress, under which the contours of her underwear were not visible.

World cinema star Keira Knightley also attended the gala event. Later, Perminova attended the opening of the hotel of the Italian jewelry house Bulgari in Dubai, which will become the most expensive in the UAE. For the visit, the Russian model chose a trouser suit made of flesh-colored fabric with sequins. The Russian woman was accompanied at the evening by fashion model Bella Hadid.

Elena Perminova has been involved in fashion blogging for the last few years. The model does not have an official website, but from her own Instagram page, Perminova communicates with fans on the topics of makeup and creating a harmonious wardrobe.

At the beginning of 2018, Elena organized a contest for subscribers, asking them to guess the cost of the outfit shown in the photo. After a number of days of voting, the model revealed the cost of the bow, which did not exceed 10 thousand rubles. The girl revealed the secret that she often goes shopping in mass markets, where she looks for original things that, in combination with jewelry and accessories, look impressive.

Elena Perminova’s personal microblog, in which photos of the owner in breathtaking outfits regularly appear, has another goal - charity. Many branded items tried on by Elena are then sold under the hammer. The auction operates under the stamp @sos_by_lenaperminova. This is not only the sale of wardrobe items, but also unique promotions, such as participation in a joint fashion show with a star of the fashion world. Thanks to the funds raised over the course of a year, Elena manages to help dozens of sick children who are awaiting expensive treatment.

In 1986, on September 1, a daughter was born into a very ordinary family living in the city of Berdsk, in the Novosibirsk region. The girl was named Elena. The parents had no idea that they were raising a future star.


Elena Perminova in childhood

Future model Elena Perminova has shown a love for clothes since childhood. She came up with a funny game - she often tried on her mother's dresses, imagining herself as a princess.

The parents sent the girl to a regular school. Next waiting for her was the Faculty of Law of the Kuzbass Institute. Having entered the university, Perminova succumbed to the will of her parents, although she herself wanted a different fate. Due to her reluctance to study, the girl was soon expelled - after the second year of study.

Path to glory

Despite her parents' prohibitions, Elena Perminova relied on the modeling business.

When the young girl turned 16, her modeling career began. She was noticed almost immediately and offered a job in Moscow. Arriving in the capital, the future show business celebrity managed to sign a contract with the famous agency Modus Vivendis.

But the biography of Elena Perminova is full of contradictions, and in 2004 the girl finds herself in an unpleasant situation. She is arrested for selling drugs. That is why the prestigious modeling agency terminated the contract with the long-legged beauty.

The current circumstances were to blame for Perminova’s then-boyfriend, who forced the girl to sell ecstasy. Elena's father intervened in the course of events and asked for help from State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev. He took part in the fate of the model - the girl was only given a suspended sentence of 6 years.

Despite the circumstances, Elena achieved success.

But while under investigation, Elena Perminova did not stop working and during this period she managed to appear on the screens in Stas Piekha’s video for the song “Where Will I Be”.

From then on, Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev began to be close friends. It is difficult to say what gave impetus to the girl’s career - an irresistible desire to rise to the top of fame or a romantic relationship with Lebedev, but already in 2007 the young star returned to the modeling business. She conquered the podium with renewed vigor and transformed into a real social tigress.

Elena Perminova - successful model

The main step in the celebrity’s career was a photo shoot for the fashion glossy Playboy. Following this, Perminova was named girl of the month, and later she was seen on the catwalks of many prestigious festivals. She adequately presented the outfits of the most fashionable brands: Lanvin, Viktor & Rolf, Armani, etc. The model traveled with shows throughout Europe - she conquered Rome, Paris and Milan.

Interesting fact! At shows, Elena Perminova wears items exclusively from well-known brands, but personally prefers to dress in outfits from unfamiliar designers. Elena considers avant-garde to be her own style, which is why she chooses exclusive and cozy things.

In addition to her successful career as a show business star, Elena is a business partner of Alexander Lebedev. And for the last 2-3 years she has been the editor of the popular publication Pop.

Personal life

Alexander Lebedev - common-law husband of Elena Perminova

The personal life of Elena Perminova began in the Novosibirsk region. Her lover was a local crime boss, who convinced the young girl to help her do business by distributing drugs. This is how she was caught by law enforcement agencies. Alexander Lebedev, a deputy and businessman, helped Elena get out of this situation.

Alexander is 27 years older than Elena

At first, he was a guardian angel for the girl, then they developed strong friendships, and soon Lebedev won the model’s heart and became her husband. By the way, the couple has not officially registered their relationship yet - they are in a civil marriage.

But this did not stop the young people from becoming a full-fledged family - they have three children: sons Egor and Nikita and the youngest daughter Arina, who is already in her fourth year.

The long-awaited daughter of Elena Perminova - Arina

The couple is not afraid of either the age difference, which is 27 years, or gossip - they are happy! Lebedev and Perminova and their children live in both Moscow and London, since their business obliges them to be present in both countries.

Family on vacation

A happy family is prone to travel: they can suddenly go to an interesting exotic country, for example, Zimbabwe, Colombia or Mongolia. They bring new impressions from the vacation they spent together in the Maldives. The family also enjoys relaxing in their villa, which is located near the city of Perugia in picturesque Italy.

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05.09.2013 11:28

Elena Perminova Biography (Elena Perminova Biography) model, designer, socialite, mother of three children, wife of Alexander Lebedev

Elena Perminova was born on September 1, 1986 in the city of Berdsk (Novosibirsk region, Russia). The family of the future star of the world's podiums did not live richly. Elena and her older sister did not have fashionable clothes or expensive toys, but this did not stop the girl from dreaming of a brilliant modeling career from an early age. Elena Perminova graduated from a regular school in her native Berdsk and, yielding to the wishes of her parents, entered the law faculty of the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law, from where she was expelled already in her third year. The official reason was the student’s absence from academic leave. Elena Perminova began her modeling career in Novosibirsk at the age of 16. The fragile, tremulous and promising beauty was noticed and soon invited to the capital.

Perminova did not fail to take advantage of this chance, and a few months later the famous modeling agency Modus Vivendis entered into a contract with the girl, but in 2004 it was terminated early due to Elena being charged with attempting to illegally store and purchase drugs. This story, perhaps, will forever remain one of the most striking facts in the biography of Elena Perminova. In 2004, 17-year-old fashion model Elena Perminova was detained in one of the Novosibirsk clubs, where the girl was trying to sell 25 grams of ecstasy. As it turned out during the investigation, Perminova was forced to distribute drugs by her partner Dmitry Kholodkov. In September 2007, Elena Perminova was sentenced. The fashion model was sentenced to six years of suspended imprisonment. It would seem that after such a shock one could forget about the career of a top model, but thanks to her natural resilience and amazing talent, Elena Perminova was able to restore her own reputation and reappear on the catwalks of the world's fashion capitals.

By the way, it was thanks to the story with drugs that Elena Perminova met her current husband, famous businessman Alexander Lebedev, thanks to whose efforts such a lenient sentence was handed down.

On June 17, 2009, the couple had a son, Nikita (Nikita Aleksandrovich Lebedev), and on November 14, 2011, a son, Egor, was born. Afterwards, at the end of 2013, it became known that Elena was pregnant for the third time. On April 9, 2014, a girl was born. The baby’s dad is also Elena’s common-law husband, Alexander Lebedev.

Thanks to her shocking style, which always made Elena stand out from the faceless crowd, Perminova quickly won the love of the Russian and London public and became the heroine of gossip columns and Internet gossip. For several years in a row, circumstances have developed in such a way that the Lebedev-Perminov couple are forced to live “in two houses,” or rather, in two countries.

Constant travel from Moscow to London and from London to Moscow is due to the fact that the main business projects of Elena Perminova and her husband are concentrated in these two megacities.

Elena Perminova’s career is developing rapidly today. In 2006, the fashion model became the “girl of the month” of Playboy magazine, and from 2009 to 2011 she actively participated in fashion shows held in Paris, Milan, Rome (Armani, Lanvin, Viktor & Rolf).

In addition to a successful modeling career, socialite Perminova today is her husband’s business partner (London Evening Standard newspaper), a sought-after stylist and fashion editor for the popular British magazine POP - a position she has held recently, since the beginning of 2011.

Many doubt that the young top model, editor of a famous magazine, stylist and simply beautiful woman Elena Perminova will be able to combine career and motherhood. Well, Perminova herself does not lose optimism and still never ceases to delight her fans, smiling at millions from the covers of the most expensive and most prestigious glossy magazines.

Personal life

Common-law husband

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