Development of the teacher by means of research work. Research activity in the work of a teacher

The transition of the education system to new standards has clarified the requirements that apply to the personality of a modern graduate. Especially important in the endlessly changing modern conditions are such human qualities as initiative, the ability to think creatively and find quick and non-standard solutions. The decisive factors of competitiveness in a constantly changing world are the development of research activities, which are designed to help overcome the functional mismatch between the education system and the challenges of the time, to adapt to the teacher in a constantly changing range of functional duties, to actualize interest in personal and professional self-development.

In order to determine the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of the teacher's activity, it is necessary to refer to the concept of "pedagogical activity" and consider its essence and structure. Pedagogical activity is understood as the activity to create conditions for self-development and self-education of the subjects of the educational process. Pedagogical activity is a complex system of a number of activities, each of which, according to the theory of activity of A. N. Leontiev, has a goal, motives, actions and results. Thus, a feature of pedagogical activity is its polyfunctionality. There are enough grounds for such structuring of pedagogical activity in science. According to Yu. N. Kulyutkin (1999, 2002), the peculiarity of pedagogical activity lies in the fact that it is a “meta-activity”, that is, an activity for organizing another activity, namely the educational activity of students. N. V. Kuzmina (2001) argues that pedagogical activity includes general pedagogical and professional pedagogical orientation. Exploring the psychological structure of pedagogical activity, N. V. Kuzmina distinguishes four functional components: gnostic, constructive, organizational and communicative. However, subsequent studies have shown that it is necessary to single out the design component in the constructive component and, thus, the description of pedagogical activity is based on a five-component structure. V. A. Mizherikov, I. F. Kharlamov, M. N. Ermolenko (2005) formulate such functions of pedagogical activity as: research and creative. The research and creative function is understood as such a function that requires the teacher to have a scientific approach to a variety of pedagogical phenomena, the ability to conduct a scientific search and use research methods, including analysis and generalization of their own experience and the experience of colleagues.

Of particular importance in the analysis of pedagogical activity is the creative activity of the teacher. Considering the teacher's creative activity as the basis of research activity, and the ability for creative activity as one of the qualities of the teacher's personality required in research activity, we need to turn to those approaches in which an attempt is made to explain the phenomenon of creative activity. An analysis of the essence of creative activity has shown that some researchers consider it as the creation of new, original values ​​of social significance (S. L. Rubinshtein), others as the creation of something new, including in the inner world of the subject himself (L. S. Vygotsky), third - as a source and mechanism of movement (Ya. A. Ponomarev).

Thus, if a teacher has an activity aimed at understanding and solving problems that constantly arise in the pedagogical process, as well as involving the creation of something new, different from the already existing one, including in the inner world of the subject of activity, then this activity can be classified as creative.

A.N. Luk (1981) divides creative activity into artistic and scientific, M.I. Makhmutov (1977) - into scientific, practical and artistic, while creativity is identified with scientific research, which includes all stages of creative activity. The analysis allows us to conclude that creative activity is a necessary condition for the pedagogical process and an objective professional necessity in the teacher's activity, and research activity as a component of pedagogical activity refers to the scientific type of the teacher's creative activity, the result of which are new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

Of great theoretical importance is the structure of creative pedagogical activity, considered by V. A. Kan-Kalik and N. D. Nikandrov (1990), who distinguish four levels of pedagogical creativity:

  • - reproductive level - reproduction of ready-made recommendations, development of what was created by others;
  • - the level of optimization, characterized by a skillful choice and an appropriate combination of known methods and forms of training;
  • - heuristic level - search for something new, enrichment of the known with one's own findings;
  • - research level, when the teacher himself produces ideas and constructs the pedagogical process, creates new ways of pedagogical activity that correspond to his creative personality.

Thus, creative activity at the highest, research, level is impossible without understanding the role of pedagogical scientific knowledge as a source of pedagogical creativity. V. I. Zagvyazinsky emphasizes that “mastering the patterns of learning and personality development, methods and techniques of pedagogical search, the ability to correctly consider pedagogical knowledge and conjecture, norm and search, plan and improvisation is a condition for the transition from spontaneous-intuitive to conscious, systematic, scientific -substantiated pedagogical creativity". The scientist, investigating the creative activity of the teacher, comes to the conclusion that the research and creative activity of the teacher are inseparable. There is always a research element in the activity of a creative teacher. “It is the research element, as V. I. Zagvyazinsky notes, that brings together scientific research and the educational process. The research beginning fertilizes practical pedagogical activity, and the latter contributes to scientific creativity. In practical activity, research elements are very strong and essential, making it related to scientific research.

Subsequently, V. I. Zagvyazinsky singled out an independent research function of the teacher in the structure of pedagogical activity:

"Educational institutions have a new function - research and search, the implementation of which gives pedagogical work a creative character." The teacher must perform the functions of not only a teacher, mentor, educator, but also a researcher, a pioneer of new principles, ways of teaching and educating, combine traditions with innovations, strict algorithms with creative search. In the current situation, there is a need for the teacher's research activity to become purposeful and professional and be considered as a component of pedagogical activity.

V. V. Kraevsky (2001, 2007) suggests that not only a scientist, but every practical teacher should be able to give a scientific description of their pedagogical actions and justification at the level of the phenomenon and even at the level of essence. At the same time, the scientist focuses not only on research, but on research and creative activity, since the difference between a teacher (a practical scientist) and a theoretical scientist lies in the fact that the teacher not only studies this or that process, phenomenon, but also embodies him into practice, being the creator of his research idea. Only in this way, according to V. V. Kraevsky (2001), is it possible to move from “cognitive description to normative”. Highlighting research activity as one of the structural components of pedagogical activity, V. V. Kraevsky draws attention to the fact that in order to include a teacher in research activity, his special training is necessary.

To carry out research activities, the teacher needs appropriate abilities, manifested in skills. A. I. Savenkov (2006, 2012) understands the individual characteristics of a person as research abilities, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of research activities. The scientist proposes to consider the structure of research abilities as a complex of three relatively autonomous components:

  • - search activity characterizing the motivational component of research abilities;
  • - divergent thinking, characterized by productivity, flexibility of thinking, originality, the ability to develop ideas in response to a problem situation;
  • - convergent thinking, which is closely related to the ability to solve a problem based on analysis and synthesis, which are the essence of logical algorithms.

A. S. Obukhov (2015) describes research abilities as individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure the success and qualitative originality of the process of searching, acquiring and comprehending new information. At the foundation of research abilities is search activity.

A. M. Novikov (2013) considers research skills in accordance with the stages of research: identifying the problem; formulation of the problem; goal formulation; building a hypothesis; definition of tasks; development of the experiment program; data collection (accumulation of facts, observations, evidence); analysis and synthesis of collected data; comparison of data and conclusions; preparing and writing messages; presentation with a message; rethinking the results in the course of answering questions; hypothesis testing; building generalizations; drawing conclusions. Based on the ideas of A. I. Savenkov and A. M. Novikov, the following basic criteria for the manifestation of research abilities can be distinguished: the ability to see a problem and translate it into a research task; the ability to put forward a hypothesis, to generate as many ideas as possible in response to a problem situation; the ability to define concepts, to classify; the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and conclusions; the ability to explain, prove and defend their ideas.

In the studies of V. I. Andreev (2005), N. V. Kukharev, V. S. Reshetko (1996), the problem of manifestation of research abilities and skills in the activities of a teacher is reflected, which confirms the correctness of the criteria we have chosen that determine the research abilities of a teacher. The authors in their studies come to the conclusion that each teacher can create a researcher out of himself and form non-standard pedagogical thinking, the ability to foresee, predict the consequences of the pedagogical measures taken, the objectivity of the mind, the ability to create different methods for solving the same pedagogical problem, analytical approach to any pedagogical problems.

N. V. Kukharev and V. S. Reshetko (1996), studying the creative activity of a teacher, note that the formation of a professional teacher begins with his ability to analyze his own activities, the ability to measure the results of his work and justify the process that affects the achievement of quality indicators in activities. The teacher's ability to investigate the quality of practical activity is the leading sign of professionalism.

The content of research activity, according to I.P. Podlasy, begins with understanding the new paradigm of the development of society, the perception of the change in the paradigm of education and the development trend of the system of general secondary education, the awareness of the new paradigm of pedagogical activity, the understanding of the new content of education, participation in the process of implementing new ideas in the education system. Research in pedagogy is interpreted as a process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining socially significant new knowledge about the patterns, structure, mechanism of education and upbringing, theory and history of pedagogy, methodology for organizing educational work, its content, principles, methods and organizational forms ( Taubaeva, 2000). In the pedagogical literature, the relationship between the concepts: "teacher-practitioner", "teacher-researcher" is considered. For example, N. Yu. Postalyuk (2014) believes that every practicing teacher, any person carrying out practical activities in the field of pedagogy, is simultaneously engaged in spontaneous empirical research. As soon as the means and methods of his own pedagogical activity (i.e., reflection) become the subject of his research, research is already carried out. In his research activities, the practitioner masters pedagogical reality with ordinary pedagogical thinking, while the researcher has theoretical pedagogical thinking. Their language is also different: a practical teacher has an everyday, everyday vocabulary, and a researcher is characterized by a specialized dictionary and syntax of a scientific language. A teacher who wants to combine his pedagogical activity with scientific research needs not only to supplement one work with another, but to transform the pedagogical work, the educational activity of the student. It is necessary to turn it into a convenient one for modeling various research goals and problems. The teacher's thinking is directly included in his practical activities and, in contrast to the thinking of a teacher-researcher, is not aimed at searching for general patterns, but at adapting universal knowledge to specific educational situations. Therefore, the teacher's pedagogical thinking is called practical, considering pedagogical activity as a structural unit of his mental activity (Yu. N. Kulyutkin, V. A. Slastenin, L. F. Spirin). The following signs of thinking in the teacher-researcher are distinguished:

  • - the ability to observe, analyze and explain observational data, to separate essential facts from non-essential ones;
  • - the ability to conduct an experiment (staging, explanation and presentation of the results);
  • - the ability to carry out an active search at its individual stages;
  • - understanding the structure of theoretical knowledge;
  • - mastery of general scientific ideas and principles;
  • - the ability to highlight the main thing in complex natural phenomena, to abstract, analyze and generalize the material;
  • - possession of methods of scientific knowledge;
  • - the ability to consider phenomena and processes in interconnection, to reveal the essence of objects and phenomena, to see their contradictions.

N. V. Kukharev (1996) believes that a teacher, in order to carry out a research function, must master the following skills and abilities:

  • - the ability to observe the pedagogical process, identify issues and problems that require in-depth study and further improvement;
  • - the ability to put forward and formulate a hypothesis in the event of a problem-pedagogical situation;
  • - the ability to work with scientific pedagogical literature (mono-
  • - graphic, periodical), research papers, works popularizing best practices, critically perceive it, revealing objectively valuable;
  • - skills of working with reference literature (bibliographic reference books, indexes, catalogues, other sources of information);
  • - the ability of meaningful and psychological-pedagogical substantiation of their judgments;
  • - the ability to analyze the best practices of other teachers, creatively process it and apply it in their work.

All of the above functions are closely related to each other in the integral structure of the teacher's personality and form the basis of the creative activity of the teacher-researcher.

Research methods in pedagogical science have different classifications. Yu. K. Babansky (1989) proposes to classify methods on the following grounds: by the purpose of the study, by sources of information, by the logic of the development of the study, by the method of processing and analyzing research data. In research, well-known methods from the practice of other sciences are often used: ranking, scaling (I.P. Podlasy), terminological methods (P.I. Pidkasisty), evaluation (rating) (Yu.K. Babansky). General scientific methods include: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, axiomatic method, generalization, abstraction, method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, observation, experiment, analogy, modeling, hypothesis, extrapolation, cybernetic methods, formalization method, system-structural, etc. .

There are methods of obtaining empirical knowledge (observation, experiment), development of knowledge (axiomatic, hypothetical-deductive).

B. G. Ananiev offers a complete classification of methods, highlighting among them organizational methods(comparative and longitudinal); empirical methods(observation, ascertaining and forming experiment, testing, projective method, expert method, self-observation method using relationship scales, content analysis, conversation, interview, questioning, sociometric methods, analysis of activity products, biographical method); data processing methods(quantitative, differentiation of results, identification of typologies, classifications, methods of mathematical statistics).

The results of the teacher's research activity are a set of new ideas, theoretical and practical conclusions obtained in accordance with the goals and objectives of the work: theoretical provisions (new concepts, approaches, directions, ideas, hypotheses, patterns, trends, classifications, principles in the field of education and upbringing, development of pedagogical science and practice); their clarification, development, addition, development, verification, confirmation, refutation; practical recommendations: (new methods, rules, algorithms, proposals, regulations, programs, explanatory notes to the programs); their clarification, development, addition, development, verification, confirmation, refutation. Thus, the conclusions of Sh. Taubayeva (2000) become relevant today: “The teacher-researcher is called upon to practically carry out practice-oriented science and science-intensive, science-oriented practice.”

The following stages of the formation of the skills and abilities of the teacher's research activity are distinguished:

  • - development of traditional forms of methodical work, based on the concept of teacher education, advanced training of teaching staff;
  • - study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience (the stage of didactic comprehension by the teacher of his activity). The teacher analyzes and generalizes his own experience, the experience of colleagues, identifies didactic difficulties, looks for solutions; formulates problems, uses the results of research and advanced pedagogical experience addressed to practice, gets acquainted with teaching technologies;
  • - development of educational and methodological literature, development of curricula, study of the possibility of learning technology and teaching one's subject;
  • - implementation of own ideas;
  • - development of new pedagogical knowledge, which involves the preparation of scientific articles by the teacher, the writing of scientific papers, the creation of new teaching and upbringing methods, new teaching technology.

Research activity as part of pedagogical practice is studied by many scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology: A. A. Korzhenkova, A. V. Leontovich, A. S. Obukhov, A. N. Poddyakov, A. I. Savenkov, V. I. Slobodchikov and others. The research activity of the subject of the educational process performs a number of functions:

  • - educational: mastery of theoretical (scientific facts) and practical (scientific methods of research; methods of conducting experiments; ways of applying scientific knowledge) knowledge;
  • - organizational and orientational: formation of the ability to navigate in sources, literature; development of skills to organize and plan their activities; choice of information processing methods;
  • - analytical and corrective: associated with reflection, introspection, self-improvement of planning and organization of their activities; correction and self-correction of activity;
  • - motivational: development and strengthening of interest in science in the process of carrying out research activities, cognitive needs, belief in the theoretical and practical significance of the developed scientific knowledge; development of the desire to become more familiar with the problems of the studied field of scientific knowledge, a variety of points of view; stimulation of self-education, self-development;
  • - developing: development of critical, creative thinking, the ability to act in standard and non-standard situations, the ability to substantiate, defend one's point of view; understanding of the development of motivation (interest, desire for knowledge), the development of abilities (cognitive, communicative, special abilities, etc.);
  • - nurturing: the formation of moral and legal self-awareness; education of the ability to adapt in a changing social environment; the formation of adequate self-esteem, responsibility, purposefulness, strong-willed self-regulation, courage in overcoming difficulties and other abilities and character traits. The educational function also includes the formation of readiness for professional self-determination, professional ethics.

Research activity acts as a form of organization of the educational process, as an activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge and a structural basis for the formation of research experience. Consequently, the goal of research activity is not only the end result, but also the process itself, during which research experience is formed, the experience of life self-determination, as a personal acquisition of the student.

Research experience can be defined as a set of practically learned knowledge, skills and methods of activity obtained in the course of research activities, which further provide a subjective attitude to the activities performed, an appeal to one's capabilities in the course of subsequent research activities, thereby contributing to the formation research competence.

Thus, research activity is an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types, influencing the development of the teacher's professional competence and performing the function of a means of this development; activities aimed at the formation and development of the personality of the teacher as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization; an activity based on the internal cognitive need and activity of the subject, and aimed on the one hand at cognition, at the search for new knowledge to solve educational problems, on the other hand at reproduction, at improving the educational process in accordance with the goals of modern education. This is an activity in the course of which the formation and development of the most important mental functions takes place, a significant increase in research skills and abilities for research, learning and development.

The research activity of the teacher is embodied in a creative approach to achieving the results of modern education, requiring the active involvement of schoolchildren in research projects, creative activities, during which students learn to design, invent, and use the acquired knowledge in practice.

New education standards are focused not on individual elements of innovation, but on the creation of an entire education system based on the use of innovative technologies and their effects.

One of these technologies is a research technology aimed at forming the independence of the student's thinking, which allows him to gain experience in mental activity, certain algorithms of actions and mental operations and independently "extract" new knowledge in a logical way. Undoubtedly, the condition for its implementation is the teacher's possession of the skills of their own research activities and the organization of research activities of students.

The research activity of both the student and the teacher presupposes the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research:

  • - statement of the problem, formulation of the topic;
  • - goal-setting, hypotheses;
  • - familiarization with the literature on this issue;
  • - selection of research methods;
  • - collection of empirical material, its analysis;
  • - generalization of the obtained results, their interpretation and formulation of conclusions.

Conducting research stimulates a thought process aimed at finding and solving a problem. Teaching and research activities require a high level of knowledge, primarily from the teacher himself, a good command of research methods, a solid library with serious literature, and, in general, a desire to work in depth with students to study the research topic.

Research activities of students can be represented in the following forms:

  • 1. information project, which is aimed at collecting information about an object or phenomenon with subsequent analysis of information, possibly generalization and mandatory presentation. Therefore, when planning an information project, it is necessary to determine: a) the object of information collection; b) possible sources that students will be able to use (it is also necessary to decide whether these sources are provided to students or whether they themselves are engaged in their search); c) the form of presentation of the result. Options are also possible here - from a written message, which only the teacher gets acquainted with, to a public message in the classroom or a speech in front of an audience (at a school conference, with a lecture for younger students, etc.). The main general educational task of the information project is precisely the formation of the skills to find, process and present information, therefore, it is desirable that all students take part, albeit in information projects of different duration and complexity. Under certain conditions, an information project can develop into a research one.
  • 2. research project involves a clear definition of the subject and methods of research. In full, this may be work that roughly coincides with scientific research; it includes substantiating the topic, defining the problem and objectives of the study, putting forward a hypothesis, identifying sources of information and ways to solve the problem, arranging and discussing the results. Research projects tend to be lengthy and are often students' examination papers or competition papers.
  • 3. Practice-oriented project, which implies a real result of the work, but unlike the first two, it is of an applied nature (for example, arrange an exhibition of rocks for a geography classroom). The type of educational project is determined by the dominant activity and the planned result. For example, a project to study the area may be of a research nature, or it may be practice-oriented: to prepare an educational lecture on a research topic.

The research activity of students or schoolchildren, as experience shows, does not arise by itself. The necessary conditions for its implementation are, in our opinion:

  • - readiness of students for this type of work;
  • - the desire and willingness of teachers to lead this type of activity.

Teachers, therefore, take on another new function - the leader of the student's research activities. At the same time, the main tasks of teachers are: updating the research needs of the student; involving him in search activities; search for means that activate the process of cognition; assistance in conscious goal setting; helping the student achieve results.

In the process of research activities, students master the initial skills of performing theoretical and experimental research work, which ensures a strong and deep assimilation of knowledge in special and related disciplines; development of creative, analytical thinking, broadening of horizons; development of skills for the application of theoretical knowledge to solve specific practical problems; the formation of skills to work in creative teams.

Research in the educational process is a tool in the hands of the teacher, they contribute to the development of creative abilities, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by the student, the activation of cognitive activity, etc. All this characterizes educational research as a pedagogical technology, one of the ways to organize the educational process, which gives a high pedagogical result. The content of the educational research is based on the classical canons of conducting scientific work, the basics of the methodology of scientific research, and the traditions of designing this kind of work. Research technology requires the teacher to restructure, first of all, the way of thinking, a methodical approach to the organization of the educational process in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Possession of the research methodology, the system of research skills is becoming today one of the most important qualitative characteristics of a successful teacher. The new system of evaluation of all subjects of the educational process, the strengthening of the connection between educational practice and science encourage teachers to comprehend their own activities from scientific positions, to master the skills of research activities.

Thus, unlike other professional tasks facing the teacher, research activity involves a certain research competence, which allows you to understand how you can get answers to complex questions dictated by modern educational practice.

In conclusion, we briefly present the results of the research activities of the teaching staff of MBOU "Secondary School No. 15" in Vladimir, included in the innovative project "Educational space school-university as a condition for life self-determination of the subjects of the educational process." In recent years, the teaching staff has published four collections of scientific articles, which included a description of the results of individual and group studies of students, teachers, university teachers and students:

  • - Life self-determination in the educational space school-university: Sat. scientific Art. / under total ed. prof. I. V. Plaksina; Vladim. state un-t im. A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs. - Vladimir: Publishing House of VlGU, 2015. - 255 p.;
  • - Life self-determination: stages of growth: Sat. scientific Art. / under total ed. cand. psychol. sciences, prof. I. V. Plaksina; Vladim. state University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs. - Vladimir: Publishing House of VlGU, 2014. - 253 p.;
  • - Psychological and pedagogical aspects of life self-determination of personality: Sat. scientific Art. / under total ed. cand. psychol. sciences, prof. I. V. Plaksina; Vladim. state University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs. - Vladimir: Publishing House of VlGU, 2013. - 279 p.;
  • - Implementation of a competency-based approach to education in the conditions of the educational space school-university: Sat. scientific Art. / under total ed. cand. psychol. sciences, prof. I. V. Plaksina; Vladim. state University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs. - Vladimir: VlGU Publishing House, 2013. - 250 p.

Based on the results of the innovative activities of the school for the 2013-2014 academic year, the following indicators were identified:

  • - 27 teachers (60% of the entire teaching staff) involved in the innovative activities of the school are working on an individual research topic;
  • - 25 participants (92.5% of the total number of participants in the innovative activities of the school) have a portfolio with methodological materials and developments on the research topic;
  • - 24 participants (88.8%) have individual plans for innovation;
  • - 22 participants (81.5%) have a fully written justification for the research topic;
  • - 18 teachers (66.6%) during the academic year showed open lessons for various categories of students - teachers of the city and region, students of the VlSU;
  • - master classes on the subject and on the topic of the study were demonstrated by 7 teachers (25.9%);
  • - 16 teachers (59.2%) participated with presentations at seminars of various levels;
  • - 22 teachers (81.4%) actively participated in the meetings of school and university leaders;
  • - 24 teachers (88.8%) participated in the Days of Science and Art of the school as scientific supervisors of student research work;
  • - 6 teachers (22.2%) sent 25 students of the school to participate in the Days of Student Scientific Conferences of the VlSU at various departments;
  • - 21 teachers (77.7%) submitted materials for printing in various periodicals and scientific and methodological publications;
  • - 6 teachers (22.2%) prepared students for participation in subject competitions at the regional level, 1 teacher (3.7%) - at the Russian level;
  • - 7 teachers (25.9%) involve parents of students in joint research activities.

On the basis of the school for 13-14 academic years. VlSU students carried out more than 25 scientific studies.

Teachers (18 people - 40% of the entire teaching staff) who are not involved in the innovative activities of the school do not have quantitative indicators of the development of professional competence. The figures prove the effectiveness of research activities that support the creative activity of the teaching staff. At the same time, 40% of teachers who do not take part in the implementation of innovative activities are an additional resource that needs to be actively involved in solving today's important and eternal tasks of educating the younger generation.


The article discusses the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity. The concept of "pedagogical activity", its essence and structure are specified. The essence and structure of the teacher's creative activity as the basis of research activity is determined. The research abilities of the teacher are considered and, based on the works of scientists, the authors identify the basic criteria for the manifestation of the research abilities of the modern teacher. The authors come to the conclusion that research activity is an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types. Research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity affects the development of the professional competence of the teacher, the formation and development of the personality of the teacher as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization.

research abilities and skills

creative activity research activity of the teacher

pedagogical activity

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17. Samodurova, T.V. Research work of students in the context of multi-level professional and pedagogical training at the university // Vector of Science of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, psychology. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 257-259.

18. Tuleikina M.M. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the personal development of children with speech disorders: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. ped. Sciences. - Khabarovsk, 2000. - 21 p.

19. Shumeiko A.A. Mechanisms for updating higher professional and pedagogical education // Amur Scientific Bulletin. - 2009. - No. 2. - S. 6-12.


Modern cardinal transformations in society, changing socio-cultural priorities, changing the purpose and content of education require the teacher to reorient his consciousness to the research nature of pedagogical activity.

The modern educational environment predetermines the need to change the requirements for the qualifications of teachers. The new system of evaluation of all subjects of the educational process, the strengthening of the connection between educational practice and science encourage teachers to comprehend their own activities from scientific positions, to master the skills of research activities.

The need to include a teacher in research activities is substantiated in the works of a number of domestic scientists (Zagvyazinsky V.I., Kraevsky V.V., Kuzmina N.V., Novikov A.M., Skatkina M.N., etc.).

According to the official documents of the European Commission, the decisive factors of competitiveness in a constantly changing world are precisely research activities, which are designed to help overcome the functional mismatch between the education system and the challenges of the time, to adapt to the teacher in a constantly changing range of functional duties, to actualize interest in personal and professional self-development.

In order to determine the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of the teacher's activity, it is necessary to clarify the concept of "pedagogical activity" and consider its essence and structure.

Pedagogical activity is understood as activity to create conditions for self-development and self-education of people. Pedagogical activity is a complex system of a number of activities. In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multilevel system, the components of which are the goal, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, consideration of its components as relatively independent functional types of teacher activity prevails. It is this idea that received methodological formalization in the theory of activity formulated by Leontiev A.N. .

Thus, a feature of pedagogical activity is its multifunctionality. There are enough grounds for such structuring of pedagogical activity in science.

So, Kuzmina N.V. claims that pedagogical activity includes a general pedagogical and professional-pedagogical orientation, Rachenko I.P. considers pedagogical activity "as one of the types of labor where the teacher and students interact (the latter act not only as objects, but also as subjects of activity), material and spiritual means, working conditions" . According to Yu.N.

Kuzmina N.V., exploring the psychological structure of pedagogical activity, identifies four functional components: gnostic, constructive, organizational and communicative. However, subsequent studies have shown that it is necessary to separate the design and actual design components, and thus, the description of pedagogical activity is based on a five-component structure. Kharlamov I.F., Mizherikov V.A., Ermolenko M.N. formulate such functions of pedagogical activity as: diagnostic, orientational and prognostic, constructive and design, organizational, informational and explanatory, communicative and stimulating, analytical and evaluative, research and creative. Under the research and creative function, scientists understand such a function that requires the teacher to have a scientific approach to a variety of pedagogical phenomena, the ability to conduct a scientific search and use research methods, including analysis and generalization of their own experience and the experience of colleagues.

Of particular importance in the analysis of pedagogical activity is the creative activity of the teacher. Considering the teacher's creative activity as the basis of research activity, and the ability for creative activity as one of the qualities of the teacher's personality required in research activity, we need to turn to those approaches in which an attempt is made to explain the phenomenon of creative activity. An analysis of the essence of creative activity showed that some researchers consider it as the creation of new, original values ​​of social significance (Rubinshtein S.L.), others as the creation of something new, including in the inner world of the subject himself (Vygotsky L. .S.), third - as a source and mechanism of movement (Ponomarev Ya.A.).

Thus, if a teacher has an activity aimed at understanding and solving problems that constantly arise in the pedagogical process, as well as involving the creation of something new, different from the already existing one, including in the inner world of the subject of activity, then this activity can be classified as creative.

Creative activity Luk A.N. subdivides into artistic and scientific, Makhmutov M.I. - scientific, practical and artistic, while creativity is identified with scientific research, which includes all stages of creative activity.

The analysis allows us to conclude that creative activity is a necessary condition for the pedagogical process and an objective professional necessity in the teacher's activity, and research activity as a component of pedagogical activity refers to the scientific type of the teacher's creative activity, the result of which are new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

The structure of creative pedagogical activity, considered by V.A. Kan-Kalik, acquires great theoretical significance. and Nikandrov N.D., who distinguish four levels of pedagogical creativity: the reproductive level - the level of reproduction of ready-made recommendations, the development of what was created by others; level of optimization, characterized by a skillful choice and an appropriate combination of known methods and forms of learning; heuristic level - search for the new, enrichment of the known with one's own findings; research, personally independent level, when the teacher himself produces ideas and constructs the pedagogical process, creates new ways of pedagogical activity that correspond to his creative personality.

Thus, creative activity at the highest, research, level is impossible without understanding the role of pedagogical scientific knowledge as a source of pedagogical creativity. We are close to the position of Zagvyazinsky V.I., who claims that “mastery of the patterns of learning and personality development, methods and techniques of pedagogical search, the ability to consider pedagogical knowledge and conjecture, norm and search, plan and improvisation as correct is a condition for the transition from spontaneous-intuitive to conscious, systematic, scientifically based pedagogical creativity. The scientist, investigating the creative activity of the teacher, comes to the conclusion that the research and creative activity of the teacher are inseparable. There is always a research element in the activity of a creative teacher. “It is the research element, - notes V.I. Zagvyazinsky, - that brings together the scientific search and the educational process. The research beginning fertilizes practical pedagogical activity, and the latter contributes to scientific creativity. In practical activity, research elements are very strong and essential, making it related to scientific research.

Subsequently, Zagvyazinsky V.I. highlights an independent research function of the teacher in the structure of pedagogical activity: "Educational institutions have a new function - research and search, the implementation of which gives pedagogical work a creative character." The teacher must perform the functions of not only a teacher, mentor, educator, but also a researcher, a pioneer of new principles, ways of teaching and educating, combine traditions with innovations, strict algorithms with creative search... became purposeful and professional. Thus it is Zagvyazinsky The.AND. identifies research activity as an independent component of pedagogical activity.

Kraevsky V.V. suggests that not only a scientist, but also every teacher-practitioner should be able to give a scientific description of their pedagogical actions and justification at the level of the phenomenon and even at the level of essence. At the same time, the scientist focuses not only on research, but on research and creative activity, since the difference between a teacher (a practical scientist) and a theoretical scientist lies in the fact that the teacher not only studies this or that process, phenomenon, but also embodies him into practice, being the creator of his research idea. Only in this way, according to Kraevsky V.V., is it possible to move from “cognitive description to normative” .

Singling out research activity as one of the structural components of pedagogical activity, Kraevsky V.V. draws attention to the fact that in order to include a teacher in research activities, his special training is necessary.

To carry out research activities, the teacher needs appropriate abilities, manifested in skills.

Yes, under research abilities Savenkov A.I. understands individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of research activities. The scientist proposes to consider the structure of research abilities as a complex of three relatively autonomous components:

  • search activity characterizes the motivational component of research abilities;
  • divergent thinking is characterized by productivity, flexibility of thinking, originality, the ability to develop ideas in response to a problem situation;
  • convergent thinking is closely related to the ability to solve a problem based on logical algorithms, through the ability to analyze and synthesize.

Egorova T.A. interprets research skills as individual psychological characteristics of a person, which ensure the success and qualitative originality of the process of searching, acquiring and comprehending new information. At the foundation of research abilities is search activity.

Novikov A.M. considers research skills in accordance with the stages of research: identifying the problem; formulation of the problem; goal formulation; building a hypothesis; definition of tasks; development of the experiment program; data collection (accumulation of facts, observations, evidence); analysis and synthesis of collected data; comparison of data and conclusions; preparing and writing messages; presentation with a message; rethinking the results in the course of answering questions; hypothesis testing; building generalizations; drawing conclusions.

Based on the ideas of Savenkov A.I. and Novikov A.M., we identify the following basic criteria for the manifestation of research abilities: the ability to see the problem and translate it into a research task; the ability to put forward a hypothesis, to generate as many ideas as possible in response to a problem situation; the ability to define concepts, to classify; the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and conclusions; the ability to explain, prove and defend their ideas.

In the studies of Andreev V.I., Kochetov A.I., Kukhareva N.V., Reshetko V.S. reflects the problem of the manifestation of research abilities and skills in the activities of the teacher, which confirms the correctness of the criteria we have chosen that determine the research abilities of the teacher.

So, Kochetov A.I. in his study, he comes to the conclusion that “every teacher can create a researcher out of himself and form in himself: non-standard pedagogical thinking; the ability to foresee, predict the consequences of the pedagogical measures taken; objectivity of the mind, that is, finding the causes of failures and preventing them in the future; the ability to create different methods for solving the same pedagogical problem; analytical approach to any pedagogical problem; contact method of interaction with children.

Kukharev N.V. and Reshetko V.S., exploring the creative activity of a teacher, note that the formation of a professional teacher begins with his ability to analyze his own activities, the ability to measure the results of his work and justify the process that affects the achievement of quality indicators in activity. According to Kukharev N.V., the leading sign of professionalism is the ability of a teacher to investigate the quality of practical activity.

Thus, research activity is an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types, influencing the development of the teacher's professional competence and performing the function of a means of this development; activities aimed at the formation and development of the personality of the teacher as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization; activity based on the internal cognitive need and activity of the subject, and aimed on the one hand at cognition, at the search for new knowledge to solve educational problems, on the other hand at (re)production, at improving the educational process in accordance with the goals of modern education; activity in the course of which the formation and development of the most important mental functions takes place, a significant increase in research skills and abilities for research, learning and development.


Shumeiko A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector, Amur State University for the Humanities and Pedagogics, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Sedova N.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogics of Vocational Education, Amur State University for the Humanities and Pedagogics, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Bibliographic link

Rybaleva I.A., Tuleikina M.M. PLACE AND ROLE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY AS A COMPONENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 04/29/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

TSPI them. , Tobolsk

Research activity as a condition

teacher self-development

On the basis of our conclusions about the conditions for the introduction of research activities into the modern school and the development of the research function of the teacher, we can talk about the impact of their practical implementation on the self-development of the teacher, on the growth of his methodological culture, on acquiring the position of a subject-researcher, on the professional qualification growth. We put forward these indicators as criteria for the effectiveness of a teacher's research activities. This activity can act as a means of professional and qualification growth of each teacher.

Self-development of the teacher is considered by us as one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of the teacher's studies in science. The transition from development under the influence of external factors (research approach to management, regulatory support, special training in research activities) to internal development as self-development is convincing evidence that the research activity of a practicing teacher can serve as a mechanism (means) for the development of pedagogical school staff and school as a socio-pedagogical system.

A teacher working in the self-development mode seeks to study himself, allocates time for methodological reflection of his experience and future prospects, overcomes barriers and obstacles in managing personal professional development. This is the kind of teacher that the modern school needs today.

We studied the opinion of teachers of educational institutions of Tobolsk and the Tobolsk region in order to identify factors and barriers to creative self-development, the tendency of teachers to self-development.

Based on the analysis of these data, four categories of teachers were identified with a readiness for self-development from the lowest level - an orientation towards development to a higher level - creative self-development (see table).

Levels of teacher's readiness for self-development.


to self-development


Obstructing Barriers

System of measures

Creative self-development

1. research activities

2. self-education

4. moral and material incentives

1. state of health

Concept writing,

Creative self-development programs,

Speeches at teachers' councils, conferences, pedagogical festivals

Active self-development

1. self-education

2. scientific methodical work

3. training in courses



Development of self-development programs.

Active participation in work

urban MO

The initial stage of self-development

1. interest in work

2. trust

3. increasing responsibility

Lack of objective information about yourself

Scientific and methodological support

Orientation to self-development

1. interest in work

2. example and influence of colleagues

own inertia

Scientific and methodological support

Stopped self-development

Lack of time, retirement age


Based on the research data and the determination of the teacher's readiness levels for creative self-development, it can be seen that the research activities of teachers have been enriched by another direction in working with the teacher - the development and writing of self-development programs. The name of this type of professional activity speaks for itself: the teacher himself must see the trajectory of his personal development, assess his abilities and capabilities and be able to predict the dynamics of qualitative changes, as well as outline the ways of his self-improvement. The famous writer Hermann Hesse wrote: “To learn is to change. To change is to learn." It is clear that self-development is a deeply conscious process that begins with reflection, analysis of one's being (personal and professional), as well as the discovery of problems and contradictions. All this inevitably leads to the realization of one's own imperfection and the birth of a desire to change oneself, one's work and one's life. It is with the need for new knowledge that the path of increasing the qualification growth of a teacher begins.

In recent years, the number of school teachers working to create and implement their own self-development programs has been increasing. What attracted this difficult work of a teacher? Almost all teachers noted that this is a new form of research activity, the object of which is the teacher himself, with his psychological abilities, is very captivating and develops, and contributes to creative self-actualization.

Thus, the study of this issue allows us to conclude that research activities provide the teacher with professional growth and creative self-development.


1.Kharlamov personality and education //Soviet pedagogy.-1990.-№12.-P.28-35.

2., Masters of self-development. - M.: Inter-praks, 1995.-288s.

Methodology - the doctrine of the structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity. The methodology of science characterizes the components of scientific research - its object, subject of analysis, research objectives, the totality of research tools necessary to solve research problems, and also forms ideas about the sequence of movement of the researcher in the process of solving problems.

Methodological Apparatus of Pedagogical Research Research Topic The relevance of the research is determined by the contradiction between, for example, the modern tasks facing vocational education and the established practice of training workers and specialists, which do not allow solving these problems. When analyzing the rationale for the relevance of the study, an analysis is made of the current teaching practice, the state of the problem in science, and the results of their own pedagogical research. The research problem follows from the highlighted contradiction and is most often formulated in the form of a question to which the answer is sought in the course of the study.

The purpose of the study shows what should be achieved in the course of the study, i.e., the scientific result that should be obtained. The object of the study is that part of the practice or scientific knowledge that the researcher deals with. When defining it, one should usually answer the question: What is being considered? The subject of the study is that side, that part of the object that is being studied. The hypothesis of the study is a scientific assumption that should be proved during the study. The hypothesis is not formulated in its final form immediately: working hypotheses are put forward, which replace each other and, after confirmation, move from working to actual.

Research objectives are determined by the purpose and hypothesis, they act as private independent goals in relation to the general ones Research methods: Theoretical: analysis of literature and regulatory documents, methods of system analysis, comparison and comparison, modeling of pedagogical situations, designing the content of education and learning technologies, processing the results of the experiment and their analysis. Experimental: psychodiagnostic (questionnaires, interviews, observation of the educational process, testing, peer review, self-assessment) experimental teaching, statistical methods for processing the experiment

All methodological characteristics of the study are interconnected and complement each other Theme PurposeObject Subject Formation of a system of additional qualifications in a professional lyceum based on the competence approach and model of formation of additional qualifications of additional qualifications in a professional lyceum

As a hypothesis of the study, the assumption was made that the formation of a system of additional qualifications for working professions will be pedagogically effective if: the structure of additional qualifications is justified on the basis of the competence approach; to meet the needs of the individual, directions for planning changes in the educational process of SPs for the development of additional qualifications were formulated, methodological recommendations were developed for the system of advanced training of pedagogical and managerial personnel of vocational education and social partners

The structure of pedagogical research Studying the state of the problem Substantiation of the relevance and formulation of the problem Formulation and development of a hypothesis Practical development of the problem Implementation of the results into practice Theoretical analysis of literature Ascertaining experiment Theoretical analysis Search experiment Testing experiment Teaching Control

Algorithm for working on a scientific and methodological topic 1. Define the topic or research problem. 2. Get the necessary advice on the order and sequence of implementation, volume, content of the work, its scientific, methodological and organizational part. 3. Determine the methodological apparatus of the study: relevance, object, subject, goal, scientific hypothesis, tasks, initial concept, problem under study, novelty and research methodology. 4. Make a program of research work. 5. Analyze the scientific and pedagogical literature on the chosen topic. 6. Think about and plan experimental work, conduct it. 7. Check the obtained experimental data or conduct a delayed re-experiment. 8. Complete the study in writing. 9. Make recommendations based on the results of the study or set perspectives. 10. Conduct a reflection on the results of the research work. 11. Protect completed research.

Pavlov Alexey Vladimirovich, Director, MBOU "Secondary School No. 9", Birsk [email protected]

Management of research activities at school as a condition for the development of teachers: materials from the experience of a school director

Annotation. The author of the article shares his experience in organizing research activities at school, which contributes to the development of teachers. Key words: research culture; research activities; analytical, reflective, monitoring, designing, predictive skills of teachers.

The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational process, the definition of education goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests. The research work of teachers is one of the indispensable components of the successful development of an educational institution. Possession of a research culture is a necessary characteristic of a modern specialist in the field of education. It is research skills that are necessary for a modern teacher in order to work effectively in a rapidly changing world. In order to competently manage the scientific work of schoolchildren, a teacher must have his own practice of performing work of this kind. The concept of "creativity" in the activities of the teacher is associated with the concept of "pedagogical experience", which involves the comprehension by the teacher of a large fund of pedagogical facts and phenomena. All this is accumulated in a more efficient use of the means of teaching and educating schoolchildren, teaching methods and techniques, forms of organization of research and educational activities of students. Creativity in the work of a teacher implies his ability to work with scientific and methodological literature and independently carry out scientific research. The system of work on the organization and implementation of research activities of teachers contains the following sections: - determination of the knowledge and skills of a teacher-researcher; - planning activities for training school teachers in the field of research; - development of a model of research activities at school; - identification of problems for conducting pedagogical research; - definition content of work within the framework of the main forms and types of research activities; - determination of forms of reporting on research; - managerial decisions on the organization and implementation of research activities of teachers. The school administration saw its task in helping the teacher acquire basic knowledge and skills in the field of research. Therefore, we planned the work of training seminars and workshops related to the organization of research activities, the improvement and development of analytical, reflective, monitoring, design, predictive skills of teachers. Any research work begins with the choice of a research topic. The choice of the topic of school research work is an important and very important moment. The teacher must be competent enough, have a broad outlook, have creative qualities in order to identify the problem, formulate the research topic, determine its novelty and practical significance. The leader who proposes a research topic to a child should have a good idea of ​​what the direction of future scientific research is, what problem needs to be solved. The topic should be interesting to the child and close to the teacher. In addition, the topic must be feasible, its solution must bring real benefit to the participants in the study; it should have scientific novelty, relevance and practical significance. It is important to understand that "idea" and "novelty" are not the same thing. Quite often, an innovation in work does not contain any rational idea. Finding a research topic is a very difficult moment for a teacher. First, many disciplines require observations and experiments directly carried out on the territory of the object of study. This type of activity is very valuable for the development of exploratory behavior and in terms of acquiring new information about the world. Theoretical studies focused on the study of facts, materials contained in various theoretical sources, we refer to the works of the abstract plan and often do not admit to the competition, since almost always they do not contain novelty and independent conclusions. However, theoretical scientific research in the scientific world is recognized as the most difficult. After all, mental processing of information is a highly intellectual analytical and, at the same time, creative activity. The theory forms a single, general, and therefore economical way to solve a problem. Here, the researcher (child) often requires interest in analysis and synthesis, the ability to classify and categorize, developed associative thinking and intuition. Therefore, conducting research at a theoretical level is available to highly gifted students. It is necessary to avoid incorrect wording of the topic and title of the work. It is unlikely that the topics: "Volcanoes" or "Nature of Africa" ​​will allow the young researcher to competently organize the work. Most likely, such a work will be abstract or overloaded with a large amount of literary material that is not directly related to the purpose of the study. It is desirable to associate the topic of research with the territory where the student lives, or with the area that he managed to visit during the expedition. After all, it is under these conditions that the student will have access to the empirical methods of research necessary to complete the work. It is good if, already at the initial formulation of the topic, it begins with the words: analysis, comparison, study, influence, definition, identification, etc. The topic of the work should be consonant with the purpose of the work and its tasks, determined before the start of the work. Often, after the end of the work, during its preparation for the presentation, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to choose a bright and colorful title that attracts the reader's attention to the work. This does not take into account one of the significant differences between artistic and scientific work. If the title really plays a major role in fiction and journalistic literature, then in scientific literature it should clearly reflect the essence of the work done, characterize the direction of the research. Titles not suitable for scientific work: "Rivers and Civilization" or "Caves: Destroy or Admire." And the work, which calculated the number of cars passing through the streets of the city per day, cannot be called "Identification of the impact of urban transport on the state of the environment." A work with such a name can be performed for a number of years by a special scientific laboratory, and not by a 9th grade student. The discrepancy between the title and the topic of the study leaves the reader with the feeling that the author does not understand well what he did after all. The topic of the work is supported by a working hypothesis. Undoubtedly, both the hypothesis and the set of tasks required for solving may change in the course of the work. However, at any particular moment, the author of the work must accurately understand what and for what purpose he is doing. Substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic is the initial stage of any research. When applied to educational research work, the concept of "relevance" has one feature: the choice and formulation of the topic characterize the scientific maturity and competence of the researcher. Explanation of relevance should be laconic. There is no special need to start its description from afar - the main thing is to show the essence of the problem situation. The formulation of the problem situation is an important part of the introduction. Any scientific research is carried out in order to overcome difficulties in the process of cognition of new phenomena, to explain previously unknown facts or to reveal the incompleteness of old ways of explaining known facts. Therefore, it makes sense to dwell on the concept of "problem" in more detail. The problem arises when the old knowledge has already revealed its inconsistency, and the new one has not yet taken a developed form. Thus, a problem in science is a contradictory situation that needs to be resolved. This situation most often arises as a result of the discovery of new facts that do not fit into the framework of previous theoretical concepts. The correct formulation and clear formulation of new problems are of great importance. They, if not entirely, then to a very large extent, determine the strategy of research in general and the direction of scientific research in particular. It is no coincidence that it is considered that to formulate a scientific problem means to show the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to find out what is already known and what is still unknown to science about the subject of research. Separate studies aim to develop the provisions put forward by one or another scientific school. The topics of such studies can be very narrow, which does not detract from their relevance. The purpose of such works is to solve particular issues within the framework of one or another already sufficiently tested concept. The relevance of such scientific works as a whole should be assessed from the point of view of the conceptual setting that the researcher adheres to, or the scientific contribution that he makes to its development. which are to be decided. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (to study, describe, establish, find out, derive a formula, etc.). Next, the object and subject of research are determined. An object is a process or phenomenon chosen for study. An object is something that is within the boundaries of an object. The object and subject of research as categories of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular. In the object, the part that serves as the subject of research is singled out. The main attention of the researcher is directed to it. In the context of new requirements for the quality of education, the introduction of new generation standards in our school, the system of work on managing the quality of education, on the system of evaluating educational results, was revised. The work of each teacher in the application of modern teaching technologies, in improving the skills to create conditions for starting processes is subject to the scientific and methodological theme of the school: "The use of research technologies as a way to develop the creative abilities of students in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standards." School teachers are open to everything new, understanding child psychology and developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, who know their subject well. Our main task is to reveal the abilities of each student, educate a decent and patriotic person, a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. We build education in such a way that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations. Each lesson is built on the use of innovative health-saving technologies: design, modular, research. A systematic activity approach is being implemented, ICT is being used. The following structural units of the methodological service have been created in our educational institution, which have a specific focus of activity, perform certain functions and tasks: a pedagogical council, a methodological council, subject departments, methodological associations of teachers, creative groups of teachers. Forms of scientific and methodological work are determined by the structure of the methodological service, the interconnection of all its links. One of the most important forms of the methodological service of the school is the work on a single methodological topic “The use of research technologies as a way to develop the creative abilities of students in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.” The school scientific and methodological council determined the main direction and ways of developing the school, a strategy for strengthening and moving forward. In order to present the results and the path of moving up the ladder of personal growth for all subjects of education (so that students achieve the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard2, and teachers have professional competence aimed at organizing the educational process that ensures the achievement of results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard2), the Portfolio technology was identified as a possible an additional tool with which a visual picture is formed that reflects the system for assessing the quality of education. Thanks to a clear tool for monitoring and evaluation activities, the level of assimilation of educational programs is monitored at school. In the classroom, teachers strive, using the content of the subject, using modern teaching technologies, to form learning activities, motivate the interest of children, develop the potential of each student. The main goal of the Methodological Council is the continuous improvement of the teacher's qualifications. Methodological advice:

coordinates and controls the work of methodological associations that unite teachers of various specialties;

discusses topical problems, the solution of which determines the effectiveness and efficiency of training and education of students of an educational institution;

considers innovations, innovations, innovations presented by the leaders of methodological associations, analyzing their course, results;

analyzes the results of the work of methodological associations;

assists the leaders of methodological associations in studying the effectiveness of their work;

contributes to the improvement of the professional skills of teachers, the growth of their creative potential. All these areas are relevant and significant for our educational institution. This system of innovation is unified and is aimed at creating a holistic student-oriented educational space of the school. The teachers of our educational institution actively use information and communication technologies. The use of ICT makes it possible to make the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual. Therefore, teachers in the creative group are developing electronic support for lessons, guidelines for using a computer as an operational visual aid in teaching, an assistant in organizing the consolidation of the studied material, conducting a survey and monitoring the knowledge of schoolchildren in order to shift the focus from verbal teaching methods to methods of search and creative activity teachers and students. The system of innovation activities organized in our school is unified, aimed at creating a holistic student-oriented educational space of the school and contributes to the development of teachers.

Links to sources1.Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M, Pedagogy, 1991.2. Galanov A.B. "New information technologies for subject teachers: a textbook", Ufa, BIRO, 2004.3. Nemov R.S. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M., "Vlados", 2001.4. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook / Ed. T.P. Salnikova. -M.: TC Sphere, 2005.5. Development program: work experience of an innovative institution. // author L.P. Makarova, E.L. Gordiyash, Volgograd, 2008.6. , No. 8.

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