What date is the day of rocket troops and artillery celebrated. Day of the Strategic Missile Forces Day of the Strategic Missile Forces

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is a professional holiday of rocket and gunners. Everyone who is related to this type of troops, including service veterans and cadets of military educational institutions, joins the celebration.

In Russia, in 2020, the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19 and takes place at the official level 77 times.

Meaning: the date of the holiday is dedicated to the counteroffensive of the Red Army during the Battle of Stalingrad on 11/19/1942.

On this day, festive celebrations, concerts with the participation of show business stars, receptions, parades, demonstrations of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting, rallies, meetings are held. Distinguished employees are awarded medals, awards, cash prizes.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On November 19, 1942, a fierce battle took place between the Soviet army and the soldiers of Nazi Germany near Stalingrad. Artillery fire stunned the enemy, and after a counteroffensive, he was forced out of the occupied territory. The contribution to the victory of these troops was enormous, and for military merit, by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944 “On the establishment of the annual holiday of the “Day of Artillery” of the Red Army”, its annual celebration on November 19 was fixed. The document was ratified by the chairman of the Presidium M. Kalinin, with the secretary A. Gorkin.

With the creation of the Missile Forces, this holiday was renamed the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery in 1964. Since 1988, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Commemorative Days", it began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. But in 2006, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the original date of the celebration was returned.

Holiday traditions

In this celebration, solemn honoring of military personnel is held. Concerts are held with the participation of show business stars, marches, parades, rallies, meetings, readings of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting. In the evening, artillery salutes are launched into the sky. Distinguished employees are awarded awards, medals, prizes.

Also, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is a memorable day. On this date, the traditional laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow takes place. The ceremony is attended by veterans, active military personnel, school cadets.

Task for the day

Watch a documentary or a report about the missile forces and artillery of the Russian Federation.

  • In the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944, it was enshrined to celebrate "Artillery Day" with 20 simultaneous shots from 224 artillery pieces.
  • The artillery chronicle dates back to 1382. Defending Moscow from the attack of the horde, they used "mattresses" and "guns".
  • Proven and effective combat systems bear the names of natural elements and plants: "Grad", "Hurricane", "Acacia", "Smerch".
  • The Katyusha, the brainchild of Russian scientists, was recognized as the first in the world among multiple launch rocket systems.
  • The first rockets in the Russian army appeared in 1717. They were flares.
  • For the first time, rocket troops began a battle in the Caucasus in August 1827, during the Russian-Iranian war.


“Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. I also wish you courage and determination, steadfastness and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal of life be reached as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal.

“Today is a holiday for those who shoot the hardest and farthest - the rocket troops and artillery. I wish you on this day that not only at the training ground, but also in life, you have solid hits! So that health, joy, love, well-being, prosperity and peace of mind always have the highest rates, and everything that you have in mind falls into the top ten! And most importantly - let your valuable knowledge be used only at reviews and parades, under the peaceful sky of the Motherland.

“Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the holiday! May the day of rocket troops and artillery bring you many pleasant surprises and the best mood! I wish you a sea of ​​positive, real luck and crushing victories in any business!


themed accessory. A mug, a purse, a T-shirt, a baseball cap, a phone case with the emblem of the missile forces will be an excellent present for a serviceman for a professional holiday.

Military encyclopedia. The military encyclopedia in a deluxe edition will be an excellent present for a soldier. Anyone who prefers to spend their leisure time reading can also be presented with a collection of works by their favorite author.

Wrist Watch. Wrist commander's watch will be a practical and stylish gift for the holiday. Personalized engraving will turn such a present into a memorable thing.

Camouflage form. Durable waterproof camouflage uniform will delight the military. Such clothes can be used at any time of the year and will come to the rescue on fishing, hunting, picnic or hiking.


Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare sets of men's clothing: T-shirt, shirt, trousers, belt, socks, shoes, etc. The number of kits must match the number of participants. Clothes are laid out on chairs, and the contestants line up. The host gives the command and lights the matches. Competitors must run to the chairs and put on their clothes. The winner is the participant who, during the time the match was burning, managed to put on more wardrobe items. If two contestants have the same results, then an additional round is held.

Accurate shooter
To conduct the competition, you need to draw a target on a Whatman paper. Participants of the competition are given shells - colored felt-tip pens. The contestants remove the caps from the markers and throw them in turn at the target. The winner is the one whose "shot" is closer to the target. To complicate the competition, you can blindfold the participants and invite them to demonstrate their accuracy blindly.

The requisite for the competition is a transparent high container (jar or decanter), on the bottom of which a glass is placed. The container is completely filled with water. An unlimited number of people can take part in the competition. Each contestant is given a coin. Their task is to throw a coin into a glass. The one who manages to hit the target is the winner.

About the employees of the missile forces and artillery

Rocket troops and artillery are part of the Ground Forces and are the firepower of the army. They ensure the peace and tranquility of the country, and in the event of an enemy attack, they attack with artillery and rocket launchers. In the course of hostilities, rocket troops and artillery are the main means of engaging the enemy with fire. The development and enhancement of combat capabilities is carried out by equipping with high-precision weapons, increasing the power and firing range of ammunition, and automating the processes of firing.

reactive, cannon, howitzer, artillery reconnaissance, support and control. The missile troops and artillery include the Ground Forces, Coastal Troops of the Navy and the Airborne Troops of the Russian Armed Forces. The artillery of the Russian troops consists of units: mortars, Service in them begins after graduating from specialized military educational institutions.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as in Russia, the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19th. In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated on November 3rd.

To thank for the fact that our country has not yet been occupied and has not disappeared from the face of the Earth, a very specific branch of the armed forces follows - namely, the Strategic Missile Forces. It is their presence and constant combat readiness that guarantees the reliable protection of the Russian Federation from the aggression of any of the world powers. Every day, thousands of servicemen - soldiers and officers - take up compulsory combat duty in missile silos and mobile complexes. It would be strange if such a power, capable of destroying all life on the planet, but standing solely on guard of the world, would remain without its own memorable date.


Today, the status of this memorable day is regulated in accordance with a presidential decree establishing a list of military holidays and issued in 2006. But the history of this date is much older. It was chosen for a very specific reason - it was on December 17, but back in 1959, the Rocket Forces, which had a strategic purpose, were first created.

Over the past years, they have repeatedly:

  • reformed;
  • resubordinated;
  • merged with other branches of the military and separated from them.

However, the tasks facing the Strategic Missile Forces did not change.

For the first time, the holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces (not to be confused with the Day of Artillery and Missile Forces) was established in 1995 by a presidential decree dated December 10th. And the Decree of 2006 canceled the previous one, lowering the status of the holiday to the usual memorable date, since the Strategic Missile Forces turned from a branch of the armed forces into a branch of the military. However, such a decrease did not affect the scale of the celebration.


  • those who sit at the launch consoles;
  • all military personnel who ensure the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces;
  • civilian specialists;
  • support staff;
  • scientists from their own research institutes, available in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces, Higher Educational Institutions, factories that produce equipment for this kind of troops, training grounds, etc.

This date is celebrated not only by those who served or are working in the Rocket Forces now, but also by civilian and military pensioners who were related to the Strategic Missile Forces in the past.

The scale of the event is evidenced at least by the fact of the annual reception in the Kremlin, organized on December 17th. In all military units and institutions of the armed forces, solemn formations and meetings are held, awards are presented and successive ranks are awarded. There are also traditions associated with the church - many divisional churches are given icons of St. Ilya Muromets, who is the patron saint of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Until 1964, Artillery Day was celebrated in the Soviet Union. It was installed in 1944 according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date was not set by chance. On November 19, 1944, the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad began. In this major operation, which became a turning point in the course of not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the Second World War, artillery played an outstanding role. In commemoration of the merits of the Soviet artillerymen, a professional holiday was established.
In 1964, missilemen were added to the artillerymen, since these branches of the military have quite a lot in common.

How to mark?

In missile and artillery units, it is customary to congratulate officers and conscripts on this day. Solemn rallies, concerts, meetings are held. If there is a military memorial in the settlement where the unit is deployed, flowers are laid on it. In some parts, veterans and schoolchildren are invited to the celebration.

How to note

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery can be celebrated in almost any settlement in Russia. Surely among the inhabitants of your city and village there are veterans who served in these troops. You can find out about this in the city council of veterans or in the committee of social protection. It may well be that there were battles on the territory of your city or village during the Great Patriotic War. Artillery must have been involved as well. You can write an article about this in a local newspaper, make a report on radio or television. Even if your city is far from the battlefields, it is possible that one of the fellow countrymen served in these troops during the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan or in hot spots. Maybe it was in the territory where you now live that guns or shells were made. You can make an exhibition about all this in the local history museum or tell schoolchildren at the lessons of courage. The service of your fellow countrymen in the rocket troops and artillery can also be the topic of a local history conference. You can also conduct a historical reconstruction of any battle in which artillery participated. Large military museums usually organize interesting exhibitions on this day.
The exhibits of such an exhibition can be not only photographs, newspaper clippings, but also toy models of guns, military vehicles with missile weapons, etc.
Of course, the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery is a professional holiday for those who served in these troops in relatively recent times or are even serving now. But the history of artillery has more than one century. So exhibitions, historical reconstructions, conferences, thematic concert programs may concern not only the Soviet period and the present. You can tell about the history of artillery in your area, about famous military figures who developed cannons and shells for them, about the use of artillery in famous battles, starting from the Middle Ages.

The Day of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) is a memorable day celebrated in Russia in December and dedicated to the branch of service, which is the basis of our country's nuclear shield.

When is the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces - 2017

History of the Strategic Missile Forces Day

This memorable day was established on December 17, 1959, when the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) were created as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Hero of the Soviet Union Chief Marshal of Artillery became the first Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces M. I. Nedelin, who made a great contribution to the formation of this type of troops, as well as to the development, testing and adoption of nuclear missile weapons.

In 1995, the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces became a professional holiday, according to the decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of the Day of Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces."

Today the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces is a memorable day.

What is the Strategic Missile Forces

The Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are the backbone of Russia's nuclear shield. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and military units, include spaceports, training grounds, research stations and institutes, higher military educational institutions, training centers for junior specialists and schools of technicians, arsenals, repair plants, central bases and other facilities.

The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces and are directly subordinate to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

These are troops of constant combat readiness, intended for nuclear deterrence of possible enemy aggression. The Strategic Missile Forces, independently and as part of the strategic nuclear forces, can strike enemy strategic targets with massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in the village of Vlasikha, Moscow Region. Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces - Colonel General Sergei Karakaev.

Congratulations on the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces

On guard of Mother Russia,
Invisible to everyone,
Great power, terrible power,
Thunderstorm of enemies - missile shield.

You protect our peace
Simple, brave guys.
Let it bypass
Our eternal rival is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate -
Let it become known to everyone -
We hasten to glorify with all our hearts
Day of our brave Strategic Missile Forces!

To all who serve
in the missile forces
strategic purpose,
Today we send good wishes
And holiday greetings.
We wish that in life you did not happen
Press the red button
So that in peace, tranquility and silence
The planet could stay.

For rocket men a day
Fell out very glorious
Because your holiday
From the military - the main one!

Congratulations, friends
And from everyone who is a civilian,
We wish you
Congratulations early in the morning!

And the health of the sea,
And big big love
Receive congratulations
Poetry with soul!


One of the greatest battles in history - the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad - destroyed the sixth army of Field Marshal Paulus and turned to dust the last hopes of the Reich for victory. Among other things, this operation demonstrated for the first time the growing capabilities of Soviet artillery, which deservedly earned the nickname "God of War".

Two years later, on October 21, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR will issue a decree on the establishment of "Artillery Day" on November 19 in honor of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Even 20 years later, in connection with the ever-increasing role of missile weapons in the conditions of the Cold War, the holiday will be renamed the "Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery" - which remains to this day.

This holiday is appreciated not only by gunners and operators of Gradov, Smerch and Iskander. In part, the servants of the new chthonic God of War, the Strategic Missile Forces, also consider him theirs; and air defense fighters who "do not fly themselves and do not give to others."

The funny thing is that the Russian military for the most part is not very aware: the most terrible manifestation of Russian military power for possible foreign "partners" is not the stamina and ferocity of the infantry, not the power of tanks and not the swiftness of aviation - namely, the merciless severity of artillery strikes.

(Photo: V. Savitsky)

It all started in the distant and terrible era of the Mongol invasion of Russia. In order to stop the elusive boyar Yevpaty Kolovrat and his rebels, who avenged the troops of Batu Khan for the death of his native Ryazan, the army of the Mongol Empire "inflicted many vices on him, and began to beat him with so many vices, and barely killed him." It is unlikely that in the field battle against the army of Kolovrat, the Mongols came in handy with siege stone throwers ... but Chinese cannons could play a critical role in the death of the brave rebels.

The presence of artillery among the Mongols in Batu's campaign against Russia is still not confirmed by sources, although it was already possible in time. Therefore, what the chronicler meant by “vices” - siege weapons common for those times (catapults, ballistas), machines for throwing arrows, or, indeed, firearms of the early period, is no longer understood.

In 1382, Muscovites, defending the walls of the city from the armies of Khan Tokhtamysh, for the first time in Russian history massively used cannons that hit the Khan's troops from the city walls. The capital was eventually taken by deceit, but the Russian princes and governors appreciated the power of artillery fire. A hundred years later, the Cannon Yard was founded in Moscow, where the centralized production of cannons of various types and calibers began.

(Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

During the famous standing on the Ugra River, the presence of artillery in the army of Ivan III cooled the ardor of the Horde Khan Akhmat, who eventually preferred to retreat. The son of the sovereign, Vasily III, brought 300 guns, including heavy siege guns, under the walls of Smolensk, and recaptured the city from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The great Lithuanian hetman Konstantin Ostrozhsky, who defeated the Russian army near Orsha, who did not have even a shadow of the artillery power of Moscow with his advanced Renaissance army, only looked at the walls of Smolensk from a distance and was forced to leave.

Let us clarify that the city fell on the third attempt, and the siege of one of the most important Lithuanian fortresses at that time did not become an easy walk. But the artillery, which was set up in the Russian troops by a German specialist - Master Stefan - really played a key role in this campaign.

The gunners brought many victories to Ivan IV "the Terrible", bringing down the walls of Kazan, as well as the cities of Livonia and the Commonwealth, rescuing the sovereign's soldiers in the fields of Molodi and on the walls of Pskov. In the Time of Troubles, they forced King Sigismund III, instead of a victorious march to Moscow, to spend the entire military budget under the walls of Smolensk. The Russian state of the 16th-17th centuries possessed a huge fleet of artillery of all calibers, and Russian engineers enthusiastically experimented with long-barreled, breech-loading and even rifled artillery.

Pavel Sokolov-Skalya, “The Capture of the Livonian Fortress of Kokkenhausen by Ivan the Terrible”

Alas, all the wealth of the old Russian artillery was lost in the fields near Narva, where the Swedes taught the young sovereign Peter Alekseevich an object lesson in modern European warfare. This lesson has been learned. The new artillery of the emerging Russian Empire was created by Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, a descendant of the Scottish kings, the great Russian alchemist and naturalist. Cast from requisitioned monastery bells, the cannons of the "sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower" Bruce destroyed the Swedish army of Charles XII near Poltava and opened a new era of Russian artillery power - which will say a lot of big words on the fields of Kunersdorf, Borodino, Crimea and Manchuria.

I note that the bells, of course, were not removed from the bell towers - the samples that were stored and not involved were requisitioned. It soon became clear that bell alloy was not very suitable for artillery, and monasteries and temples were left behind.

In the USSR, artillery was paid no less attention, having created a number of advanced models even before the Great Patriotic War, many of which are still fighting. Karelian sculptors B-4 will break through the Mannerheim line, Katyusha BM-13 will instill fear in the best divisions of the Third Reich, and the artillery of the reserve of the Supreme High Command will become the very crowbar against which the best strategists of Germany, the heirs of von Clausewitz and von Schlieffen, will not find a reception.

(Photo: Yuri Smityuk)

Now the missile forces and artillery of the Russian Federation constitute one of the most important branches of the ground forces. Their regiments and brigades are armed with thousands of various artillery pieces and rocket systems, constantly replenished with the latest models. From the first "mattresses" and squeakers to tactical missile systems and heavy MLRS, a long and glorious path has been traveled, and the modern descendants of the gunners of voivode Shein, Field Marshal Bruce and Marshal Nedelin are unlikely to disgrace the artillery glory of their ancestors.

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