Cossack nedorubov biography. Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov

Born May 21, 1889 in x. Frontier village of Berezovskaya, Ust-Medveditsky district, Don Cossack family. Died December 13, 1978. Full St. George Cavalier, Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1911 he was called up for military service. During the First World War in the army, in the troops of the Southwestern and Romanian fronts. The first St. George Cross was awarded to the clerk of the 15th regiment of the 1st Don Cossack division K. Nedorubov for the resourcefulness and heroism shown by him on December 16, 1914 during reconnaissance, when he alone captured 52 Austrians. Member of the Brusilovsky breakthrough. Podhorunzhy.
In 1918 - 1920. on the fronts of the Civil War Squadron commander, acting. commander of the cavalry regiment. As part of the troops of the 9th Army, and then the 1st and 2nd Cavalry Armies of the Southern Front, he participated in hostilities on the territory of the Ust-Medveditsky District, in the Salsky steppes, in Northern Tavria, in the Crimea.
Returning from the front, he worked as chairman of the village council x. Frontier. In 1930, he headed one of the first collective farms in the Berezovsky district.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a militia corps was formed in the Stalingrad region. K. I. Nedorubov took an active part in the creation of the consolidated Don cavalry division of the Cossack hundreds.
During the Great Patriotic War in October 1941, he formed a cavalry squadron of volunteers and became its commander. Together with him, his son Nikolai served in the squadron. At the front since July 1942. Commanding a squadron as part of the 41st Guards Cavalry Regiment, during raids on the enemy on July 28 and 29, 1942, near the Pobeda and Biryuchy farms of the Azov region of the Rostov region, on August 2, 1942, near the village of Kushchevskaya, Kushchevskaya district, Krasnodar Territory, September 5, 1942 in near the village of Kurinskaya in the Apsheron region of the Krasnodar Territory and on October 16, 1942 near the village of Maratuki, destroyed a large number of enemy manpower and equipment. In particular, in a heavy battle near the village of Kushchevskaya, over 200 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. In the battle near the village of Maratuki, the squadron also destroyed over 200 Nazis, K.I. Nedorubov personally destroyed 70 enemy soldiers and officers. His son disappeared in battle near the village of Kurinskaya, but, as it turned out later, he was wounded and was picked up by distant relatives of the Nedorubovs, who came out and hid him from the Germans. After the area was liberated, Nikolai Nedorubov returned to duty.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 25, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Guards Lieutenant Nedorubov Konstantin Iosifovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Medal. Star "(No. 1302).
Subsequently, Konstantin Nedorubov, as part of the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps, liberated Ukraine, Moldova, fought in Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. After being seriously wounded in December 1944, he was demobilized with the rank of captain.
After the war, he lived and worked in the village of Berezovskaya, Danilovsky District, Volgograd Region.

On October 15, 1967, he was part of the honorary escort that delivered the torch lit from the Eternal Flame on the Alley of Heroes to Mamaev Kurgan.
Honorary citizen of the village of Berezovskaya, Danilovsky district, Volgograd region. Streets in the village of Berezovskaya, Volgograd Region and in the city of Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory, are named after K. I. Nedorubov. He was buried in the village of Berezovskaya.

He fought with Wrangel, beat the Nazis near the village of Kushchevskaya. A well-armed and outnumbered enemy every time retreated before the courage and courage of a simple Cossack. Full Knight of St. George, Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Nedorubov "knew how to fight."

The attack on the Kuban

In July 1942, the German units, having occupied Rostov-on-Don, moved to the Kuban. After several days of heavy fighting, the Red Army, suffering huge losses, retreated. And while reserves were being pulled up from the deep rear to this sector of the front, it was necessary at all costs to stop the enemy’s rapid advance, to gain time.

Among the defenders of the Kuban steppes was a volunteer cavalry squadron under the command of the already middle-aged Cossack Konstantin Nedorubov. Fearless cavalry against elite German mountain infantry units bristling with tank armor...

Wars of the Cossack Nedorubov

Don Cossack Konstantin Nedorubov fought in the First World War. Then, in 1914, with the rank of junior officer, he commanded a half-platoon of scouts in a cavalry regiment. Military craft was easy for him, and courage and resourcefulness allowed him not only to survive, but also to prove himself.

Just a month after the start of the war, the 25-year-old Cossack earned his first St. George Cross - the highest award of Tsarist Russia, when in the battle near Tomashev, together with his colleagues, he broke into the location of the German battery, captured prisoners and six guns.

By the end of the war, Nedorubov became a full Knight of St. George - four Georges flaunted on his chest.

The Cossack received one of them when, during the battles for Przemysl, he single-handedly brought 52 captives to the location of the regiment. “I went out to a building. I hear a hubbub not in Russian, - Nedorubov later recalled. - He pulled out a grenade and threw it at the threshold. I myself hid in the ditch, I sit. After the explosion, I hear a hubbub - the Austrians are jumping out of the windows.

Seeing a whole enemy platoon, the Cossack did not retreat. By imitating the presence of numerous forces, he confused the already discouraged Austrians. “I command:“ Right flank, bypass. I got up myself, I wave my saber - forward! So he brought 52 prisoners to his."

In addition to the St. George's Crosses, Nedorubov during the First World War was also awarded two St. George medals for courage. He ended this war with the rank of coroner.

Then there was the Civil. The Cossack more than once switched from white to red, but everywhere he fought bravely - he simply could not do otherwise. As a squadron commander in Blinov's cavalry division, he participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd) and even introduced himself to the Order of the Red Banner, but he never received the award - his biography in the ranks of the tsarist army was too heroic.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Konstantin Nedorubov was already 52 years old. The Cossack was not subject to conscription because of his age, but he also could not sit idly by.

“Young people are dying by the thousands because they are inexperienced! I won four St. George's Crosses in the war with the Germans, I know how to fight them, ”Nedorubov sought the right to go to the front.

In October 1941, Konstantin Nedorubov led a volunteer cavalry squadron. Stanitsa Kushchevskaya, side by side with him, was defended by his son Nikolai.

Kushchevskaya attack

The battles for the village began on July 29, 42 and lasted for several days. With heavy losses for both sides, Kushchevskaya repeatedly changed hands. The Don Cossacks stormed the positions of the Germans at full height, and the enemy, unable to withstand the psychological attack, rolled back, but soon launched a counterattack, returning the initiative of the battle.

On the morning of August 2, Soviet artillery hit the lines occupied by the Nazis. Under the deafening roar of guns, the Cossack cavalry moved on the attack. The German troops opened fire late, and the defenders, suffering losses, cut into the enemy lines.

A letter was found in the satchel of the deceased German soldier Alfred Kurz: “Everything that we heard about the Cossacks of the times of 1914 pales before the horrors that we experience when we meet them now. (...) The Cossacks are a whirlwind that sweeps away everything in its path: all obstacles and all obstacles.

When the Germans moved to the positions of the regiment, trying to cut off the Cossacks from other parts of the division, Konstantin Nedorubov, together with his son, rushed to cover the flank of the squadron. “Throwing hand grenades into the enemy’s chains, opening heavy fire from the PPSh, Lieutenant Nedorubov forced the enemy chains to lie down,” they will write later in the presentation of the Cossack for the award. He himself later admitted that not a single bullet and grenade was fired just like that - each reached its goal.

The Nedorubovs together repulsed the enemy offensive, and, enticing the Cossacks, Konstantin led the squadron into another attack. "In hand-to-hand combat, over 200 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed, and over 70 of them were destroyed by Lieutenant Nedorubov."


After Kushchevskaya there were many more battles and exploits. Some of them are described in the presentation of the Cossack for the highest award - Nedorubov became a Hero of the Soviet Union in October 43rd, and in December, after a serious wound, he was commissioned with the rank of captain.

After the war, Konstantin Nedorubov lived and worked in the village of Berezovskaya, Danilovsky District, Volgograd Region.

The heroic Cossack wore the Golden Star along with the St. George Crosses.

Don Cossack,
dashing and brave,
he three wars
passed with glory!

Today, December 9, Russia celebrates "Day of Heroes"! A holiday in honor of people who have earned the country's highest awards - Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory. Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov is just such a Hero. He is both a Hero of the Soviet Union and a full Knight of St. George. And he wore the Golden Star of the Hero, without hesitation, next to the St. George's crosses ...

“There are never too many Cossacks, but it won’t seem enough” - this Cossack saying fully applies to the legendary Russian hero, a participant in three bloody wars, a two-meter-high hero, as if descended from the pages of Russian epics. He was compared with Taras Bulba and Grigory Melekhov. But he entered the history of Russia and the Cossacks under his own name - Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov ...

He was born on May 21 (June 2), 1889, on the Rubezhny farm of the Berezovskaya village of the Ust-Medveditsky District of the Don Cossack Region, now part of the Lovyagin farm of the Danilovsky District of the Volgograd Region. From a family of a hereditary Cossack. Russian. In 1900 he graduated from three classes of a rural elementary school. He was engaged in farming.

In 1911 he was called up for military service in the Russian Imperial Army, served in the 15th Cossack Regiment of the 1st Don Cossack Division of the 14th Army Corps.

During the First World War, Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov became a full Knight of St. George, that is, the owner of the Order of St. George the Victorious 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees.
He himself in his autobiography wrote about this period sparingly and dryly: “In 1911 he was drafted into the old army. He served until 1917 as a private. During these years he participated in the war with the Germans and Austrians. For military exploits in battles with the Germans, I was awarded 4 crosses and 2 medals.

But behind these lines - three and a half years of war, in which Nedorubov showed miracles of heroism, similar to a myth or legend.

He received the George Cross of the 1st degree for battles in the Krasnik-Tomaszow region. Documents testify that Konstantin Nedorubov attracted a group of fellow soldiers to pursue the retreating enemy. During the chase, the Don people jumped out to the position of the enemy battery and captured it, along with gun numbers and ammunition.

The Order of the 2nd degree was received for the battles near Przemysl. According to the memoirs of Nedorubov, he, as part of a group of scouts, went to the rear of the Austrians. As a result of the skirmish, Nedorubov's comrades died, and he himself was forced to make his way to his own through the village. I went out to a huge house, heard Austrian speech there. He threw a grenade at the threshold of the house. When the Austrians began to jump out of the building, Nedorubov realized that there were too many of them, and used his ingenuity. “I command loudly: “Right flank - go around!” Enemies huddled together, are frightened. Then I got up from the ditch, waved my hat at them, shouted: “Forward!” Listen, let's go. So I brought them to my unit.” When counting the prisoners, it turned out that one Cossack captured 52 people! The commander who took the prisoners could not believe his eyes and asked one of the Austrian officers to answer - how many people were in the team that captured them. In response, the Austrian raised one finger.

The Order of St. George 3rd degree was awarded to Nedorubov for battles in the Balamutovka and Rzhavetsy areas. “... having passed three rows of wire obstacles, they broke into the trenches and, after a fierce hand-to-hand fight, knocked out the Austrians, while taking eight officers, about 600 lower ranks and three machine guns.”

St. George's Cross, 4th class - again for the battles at Balamutovka: "... repulsed a company of the Austrians and, going on a counterattack, dispersed the company, captured one active machine gun."

St. George medal of the 4th degree: “On April 4, 1916, together with Romanovsky Athanasius, having volunteered to be hunters to reconnoitre the outposts of the Austrians in order to remove one of the field guards at night, they crawled along the railway west of the village of Boyan, 150 steps from the Austrian wire fences, found a land mine planted under the railway decided to blow it up. When they began to carry out preliminary work, they were discovered by enemy artillery, which fired at them with heavy fire. When the land mine failed, they found the explosive device and delivered it to their boss."

Three years of war - four orders and a medal. By 1916, Konstantin Nedorubov was a full Knight of St. George.

But the awards are not easy - several wounds, one of which pulls the Cossack out of action for a long time. The hero remembers them laconicly: "Was injured. He was in a hospital in Kiev, Kharkov, and then in Sebryakov. But this was not enough for a complete restoration, therefore, on the very eve of the October events of 1917, Nedorubov was transported to the Don - to his native farm Rubizhny - to lie down and heal his wounds.

From October 1917 to July 1918, Konstantin Nedorubov was engaged in agriculture. But the war did not want to leave the brave Cossack alone. I didn’t have time to recover after the “German”, the Civil War began.

At the beginning of the summer of 1918, he was mobilized into the White Don Army of General P.N. Krasnov, enrolled in the 18th Cossack regiment. He took part in the battles on the side of the white troops. In July 1918 he was taken prisoner and on August 1, 1918 he was enrolled in the Red Army. Appointed squadron commander of the 23rd Infantry Division, participant in the defense of Tsaritsyn.

At the beginning of 1919, he was again captured, now to the Whites, again enlisted in the White units.

Since June 1919, again in the Red Army, squadron commander of the cavalry division named after M.F. Blinov in the 9th, 1st Cavalry and 2nd Cavalry armies. At one time in 1920 he temporarily served as commander of the 8th Taman Cavalry Regiment. Participant in hostilities on the Don, in the Kuban and in the Crimea. Was badly wounded. In 1921 he was demobilized.

For battles with Wrangel, Konstantin Iosifovich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and red revolutionary harem pants (somewhere a warehouse with red hussar riding breeches was found, which they decided to use "for the award").
In the rich combat biography of Nedorubov, there was also participation in the liquidation of the gang of Old Man Makhno.

He returned to his native farm, worked as an individual peasant. From July 1929 - chairman of the Loginov collective farm in the Stalingrad region. From March 1930 - Deputy Chairman of the Berezovsky District Executive Committee. Since January 1931 - controller in the Serebryakovsky inter-district branch of the Zagotzerno trust in the Stalingrad region. Since April 1932 - the foreman (according to some sources - the chairman) of the collective farm on the Bobrov farm in the Berezovsky district.

In 1933 he "sat down" - being the chairman of the collective farm, he was "convicted under Article 109 of the Criminal Code" for the loss of grain in the field "". (Hunger. For the loss of grain, imaginary and obvious, the authorities punished without hesitation.) A dark story. Sentence - 10 years in the camps. I ended up in Volgolag, at the construction site of the Moscow-Volga canal. He worked there for almost three years and was released "at will" ahead of schedule. According to the official wording "for shock work" (although they say that the writer Sholokhov, whom Nedorubov knew personally, helped the Cossack a lot here). However, at the construction site Nedorubov really worked "like a convict". And not because they were forced, but because he could not do anything halfway. After the "imprisonment" in the rights was not affected.

Returning to his homeland, he continued to work as a storekeeper, foreman, head of the horse-post station, supply manager of the machine and tractor station.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Iosifovich was not subject to conscription due to age - whatever one may say, but 52 years old. In October 1941, he volunteered for a cavalry Cossack division that was being formed in the city of Uryupinsk - they did not take it. Not even because of age, but because. former White Guard, and served time. And Nedorubov went to the 1st Secretary of the Berezovsky District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Ivan Vladimirovich Shlyapkin. The old Cossack cried: "I'm not asking for the rear! .." Shlyapkin immediately called the head of the district NKVD: "Under my personal responsibility!" Accepted. As well as the 17-year-old son of Nikolai Nedorubov.

Among those accepted were 63-year-old Paramon Sidorovich Kurkin, Pyotr Stepanovich Biryukov and many other "old men". Only in the village of Berezovskaya, at the call of Nedorubov, 60 old warriors signed up for the militia - “beard to beard”.

And the third war began for the Cossack. The war is terrible. The most terrible of all three in which he participated. Since July 1942 in battles. And the most terrible battles under the village of Kushchevskaya and around it. Chopped "to the bone"! Here both ours and the Germans did not even become brutalized, but became rabid. The 15th, 12th and 116th Don Cossack divisions against the 198th infantry, 1st and 4th mountain rifle divisions of the Wehrmacht, reinforced with everything that is possible.

Squadron commander of the 41st Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment of the 11th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Division of the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps of the North Caucasian Front Guard Lieutenant Nedorubov K.I. showed unparalleled courage and heroism in defensive battles in the Kuban at the initial stage of the battle for the Caucasus. As a result of sudden raids on the enemy on July 28 and 29, 1942 in the area of ​​the Pobeda and Biryuchy farms of the Azov region of the Rostov region, on August 2, 1942 near the village of Kushchevskaya in the Kushchev region of the Krasnodar Territory, on September 5, 1942 in the area of ​​the village of Kurinskaya in the Apsheron region of the Krasnodar Territory and on October 16 1942 - near the village of Maratuki his squadron destroyed up to 800 enemy soldiers and officers. On the personal combat account of the squadron commander there were over 100 destroyed enemy soldiers.

So, in the battle on August 2, 1942 for the village of Kushchevskaya, when the Germans captured the positions of the regiment, together with his son, he rushed to the left flank of the squadron. Both fighters fired at close range from machine guns and using grenades, forced the approaching enemy to lie down, after which Nedorubov raised the squadron to attack. In hand-to-hand combat, the enemy was thrown back.

He performed a similar feat in the battle on October 16, 1942 for the village of Maratuki - after repulsing four enemy attacks, he raised a squadron in a counterattack and threw it back in hand-to-hand combat with great damage - up to 200 soldiers. He was wounded twice in battles on September 5 and October 16, and in the last battle he was seriously wounded.

For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 25, 1943, Guards Lieutenant Nedorubov Konstantin Iosifovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal .

After a serious wound, he was treated in hospitals in Sochi and Tbilisi. Since December 1943, the captain Nedorubov K.I. - in reserve for injury. Lived in the village of Berezovskaya, Danilovsky district, Volgograd region. He worked as the head of the regional department of social security, the head of the regional department of road construction, the secretary of the party bureau of the forestry, was elected a deputy of the regional council of workers' deputies.

Captain of the Guard (1943). He was awarded Soviet awards: two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner (, medals "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (, other medals, awards of the Russian Empire: St. George's Crosses 1st (1917), 2nd (1916), 3-1 (16.11. 1915) and 4th (10/20/1915) degrees, two St. George medals "For Courage" Honorary Citizen of the village of Berezovskaya, Volgograd Region.

The culmination of the recognition of the merits and exploits of Konstantin Iosifovich can be considered the opening of a monument-ensemble on Mamaev Kurgan in the fall of 1967, when he, together with twice Hero of the Soviet Union V.S. Efremov and the defender of the Pavlov House I.F. Glory torch with the flame of Eternal Fire. At that moment, the whole world was watching him.

Konstantin Iosifovich lived a long, albeit very stormy, dangerous life. Until his last days, he met with children and youth, and did a lot of social work. He died on December 13, 1978, at the age of 89. He was buried in the village of Berezovskaya.

The memory of Nedorubov is carefully preserved by his descendants. Konstantin Iosifovich had two sons and two daughters. The successor of the military glory of the Nedorubov family was first the son Nikolai (his feat in the Kushchevskaya attack was highly appreciated - the Order of the Red Banner), and then the great-grandson Andrei, a military intelligence officer during the Chechen war.

And his grandson, Valentin, continues to engage in patriotic education of youth for his grandfather, who speaks a lot to historians, youth and children, talking about the exploits of his grandfather and uncle.

Several songs have been composed about Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov, the Cadet Cossack Corps, which is located in the Krasnoarmeysky district of the city, is named after him. Streets in the village of Berezovskaya, Volgograd Region, and in the city of Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory, are also named after the Hero.

In September 2007, in the hero city of Volgograd, a monument to the full Knight of St. George and Hero of the Soviet Union K.I. Nedorubov.

This year, on the eve of Victory Day, the monument was moved to Nedorubov's native village, Berezovskaya...

Konstantin Iosifovich is an amazing example of love for the motherland, heroism and patriotism...

Eternal glory to the Heroes!

As part of the campaign dedicated to the collection of signatures for the dismantling of the monument to the fascist accomplice Krasnov , many materials are published that tell about the activities of the Cossack collaborators. But in no case should we forget that the bulk of the Cossacks fought in the ranks of the Red Army and partisan detachments. Most of the Cossacks remained faithful to the centuries-old tradition of serving Russia and defended their homeland with weapons in their hands.

It is to such Cossacks

"The contribution of the Cossacks to the victory in the Great Patriotic War" and continuing the story about it, today I present a poster dedicated to the legendary Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov.

Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov(May 21, 1889 – December 12, 1978)- a unique personality, a veteran of three wars - the 1st World War, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. Full St. George Cavalier. In the history of Russia, there are only three complete Knights of St. George and at the same time Heroes of the Soviet Union: Marshal Budyonny, General Tyulenev and Captain Nedorubov.

Nedorubov is the only hereditary Don Cossack in Russia who had the highest awards of both Tsarist and Soviet Russia.

Konstantin Nedorubov was born on May 21 (June 2), 1889, on the Rubezhny farm of the Berezovskaya village (now this area is part of the Lovyagin farm, Danilovsky district, Volgograd region).
According to the publication "Unknown Facts of a Famous Cossack", co-authored by a distant relative of Nedorubov, Konstantin Iosifovich comes from an old Cossack family. The publication states that the first official mention of the Nedorubov family can be found in one of the letters of the Cossacks of the village, dated 1848.

In 1911, Konstantin Nedorubov was called up for military service in the Russian Imperial Army, was assigned to the 1st Don Cossack Division, which was part of the army corps of General Brusilov (Warsaw Military District).
Since the beginning of the First World War, Nedorubov fought as part of his regiment on the Southwestern and Romanian fronts.
For his services during this period, Nedorubov was awarded four St. George's crosses (full St. George's Cavalier) and two St. George's medals.

The hero himself in his autobiography wrote sparingly and dryly about this: “In 1911 he was drafted into the old army. He served until 1917 as a private. During these years he participated in the war with the Germans and Austrians. For military exploits in battles with the Germans, I was awarded 4 crosses and 2 medals. But behind these lines are several years of war, in which Nedorubov showed miracles of heroism.

By the beginning of World War II, Nedorubov was over 50 years old, they refused to take him to the front. And Nedorubov went to the 1st Secretary of the Berezovsky District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Ivan Vladimirovich Shlyapkin. The persistence of the old Cossack: "I'm not asking for the rear! ..", - had an effect. Accepted. Like the 17-year-old son of Nedorubov - Nikolai.
In October 1941, he achieved enrollment as a volunteer in the cavalry division of the people's militia formed in the city of Uryupinsk from volunteer Cossacks. Then he formed a cavalry squadron and became its commander. Together with him, his son Nikolai served in the squadron.

The squadron commander of the 41st Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment of the 11th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Division of the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps of the North Caucasian Front of the Guard, Lieutenant Nedorubov, showed unparalleled courage and heroism in defensive battles in the Kuban at the initial stage of the battle for the Caucasus.

The battle for the village of Kushchevskaya became the general in this war for the commander of the Cossack hundred Nedorubov.
In July 1942, after the breakthrough of German troops near Kharkov from Voronezh to Rostov-on-Don, a "weak link" was formed. It was clear that it was necessary at all costs to restrain the advance of the German armies to the Caucasus, to the coveted Baku oil. It was decided to stop the enemy at the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory. The Kuban cavalry corps was thrown towards the Germans, which included the Don Cossack division.

“1942, July 29th. Stanitsa Kushchevskaya. The Nazis are rushing to the Volga. Their Cossack stronghold is like a bone in their throat. Against the German machine gunners, a handful of Cossacks on foot. They go to their full height, not bowing to the bullets. The Germans do not withstand the psychic attack and flee. The attack is followed by a counterattack. Kushchevskaya changed hands several times. The commanders of two Cossack divisions receive an order to recapture the village at all costs. In the morning, artillery preparation begins, and then the Cossack "lava" rushes to the attack. Horror seizes the enemy.

Later, a letter was found in the knapsack of the murdered German soldier Kurz Alfred, where he describes what he experienced in that battle: “Everything I heard about the Cossacks of the times of 1914 pales in front of the horrors that we experience before meeting with the Cossacks now. One memory of a Cossack attack terrifies me and makes me tremble. Cossacks are some kind of whirlwind that sweeps away all obstacles and obstacles in its path. We are afraid of the Cossacks, as the retribution of the Almighty.

Near Kushchevskaya, the Don and Kuban held the line for two days. Finally, the Germans made a strategic mistake, deciding to attack our division with artillery support. The Cossacks let the enemy within a grenade throw and met with heavy fire. The father and son of the Nedorubovs were nearby: the elder watered the attackers from a machine gun, the younger sent one grenade after another into the German line. But the Germans were determined to go all the way. In the end, skillfully maneuvering, they were able to bypass the Cossacks from two sides, squeezing them into their "branded" pincers. Assessing the situation, Nedorubov once again stepped towards death.

From the award list of the Guard Lieutenant Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov:
In the battle near the village of Kushchevskaya, Rostov Region, on August 2, 1942, the enemy, numerically superior in strength, began to cover the left flank of the regiment, which threatened to isolate the regiment from other parts of the division. The squadron of Lieutenant Nedorubov's Guards steadfastly repelled the enemy's furious attacks, but under pressure from vastly superior forces, began to retreat. Guards lieutenant Nedorubov, together with his son, deputy. squadron political officer Nedorubov Nikolai Konstantinovich rushed to the left flank of the squadron, taking with him a PPSh with 4 spare discs and over 20 hand grenades. Throwing hand grenades into the enemy's chains, he opened heavy fire from the PPSh, Lieutenant Nedorubov forced the enemy to lie down. In this fierce duel, the son of Lieutenant Nedorubov was seriously wounded.
Leaving a seriously wounded son on the battlefield, Lieutenant Nedorubov with the words “Forward, for the Motherland, for Stalin, for the free, quiet Don!” threw the squadron into the attack. In a fierce hand-to-hand fight, over two hundred enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed, of which over 70 were personally destroyed by Lieutenant Nedorubov. Thanks to the exceptional courage of Lieutenant Nedorubov and the squadron trained by him, the situation in this sector was restored.

In battles, the "Donets" and "Kubans" used all the numerous tricks that were accumulated by their ancestors in previous wars and carefully passed down from generation to generation. When the Cossack attack fell on the enemy, there was a drawn-out wolf howl in the air - so the Cossacks intimidated the enemy from afar. Already within the line of sight, that is, in front of the enemy, they were engaged in vaulting - they spun in their saddles, often hanging from them, depicting the dead, and a few meters from the enemy they suddenly came to life and broke into the enemy’s location, chopping right and left and arranging there bloody heap.

In any fight, Nedorubov himself, contrary to all the canons of military science, was the first to go on the rampage.

After the battle of Kuschevka, Nedorubov became famous in the battle on the Tuapse direction.

In September 1942, in a battle for a strategic height near the village of Kurinsky, Krasnodar Territory, the enemy fired at our advancing chains with heavy machine-gun and mortar fire. It was impossible to advance, and then Nedorubov, speaking in official military language, "using the folds of the terrain, managed to secretly get close to three machine-gun and two mortar nests of the enemy and extinguish them with hand grenades."
Then Nedorubov sent his squadron to this place. With a swift attack, the enemy was driven back from his fortifications, which were extremely strategically advantageous. In this battle, the fourth squadron destroyed over a hundred enemy soldiers and officers, Nedorubov personally destroyed up to 30 Nazis. During this fight, the Cossack was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. As a result, the height, dotted with enemy firing points, was taken with minimal losses.

In October of the same year, near the village of Maratuki, having withstood a brutal bombardment, several artillery and mortar fire raids, and a psychic attack, Nedorubov's squadron did not flinch and again distinguished itself in hand-to-hand combat with Nazi soldiers. The Cossacks repulsed four attacks of the numerically superior forces of the SS regiment units and, in hand-to-hand combat, threw the enemy back to their starting lines, destroying up to 200 Germans. Nedorubov himself then destroyed 70 Germans.

The battles in the south of Russia did not go unnoticed for the guards of Lieutenant K.I. Nedorubova. Only in the terrible battles near Kuschevka did he receive eight bullet wounds. Then there were two more wounds. After the third, difficult, at the end of 1942, the conclusion of the medical commission turned out to be inexorable: "I am not fit for military service."

For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 25, 1943, Guards Lieutenant Nedorubov Konstantin Iosifovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal .

“Our Iosifovich made the Red Star related to the St. George Cross,” the villagers joked.

Despite the fact that even during his lifetime Nedorubov became a living legend, no special benefits and assets for himself and his the Cossack never acquired a family in civilian life. But for all the holidays he regularly put on the Golden Star of the Hero along with four St. George's crosses.

Konstantin Nedorubov, with his attitude to awards, proved that power and the Motherland are completely different things. He did not understand why it was impossible to wear royal awards received for victories over the enemy. About the “crosses” he said: “I walked in the front row at the Victory Parade in this form. And at the reception, Comrade Stalin himself shook his hand, thanked him for participating in two wars.

On October 15, 1967, a participant in three wars, the Don Cossack Nedorubov joined the torch-bearing group and lit the fire of Eternal Glory at the monument-ensemble to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on the Mamaev Hill of the hero city of Volgograd.

The elderly hero was very fond of children and in peaceful years very often told schoolchildren about his adventures.

Nedorubov died on December 11, 1978 at the age of 89. He was buried in the village of Berezovskaya.

In September 2007, in the city of Volgograd, in the memorial and historical museum, a monument was opened to the famous hero of the Don, the full Knight of St. George, Hero of the Soviet Union K.I. Nedorubov. At the same time, the first tournament in military applied sports named after the full St. George Cavalier, Hero of the Soviet Union K.I. Nedorubova.

On February 2, 2011, in the village of Yuzhny, the hero city of Volgograd, the grand opening ceremony of the new state educational institution “Volgograd Cadet Corps named after the Hero of the Soviet Union K.I. Nedorubov.

May 2014 on the territory of the Cossack cadet corps, with the help of its employees and students and the forces of benefactors, a memorial sign was erected to the hero on his 125th anniversary.

Also named after the Hero are streets in the village of Berezovskaya in the Volgograd Region and in the city of Khadyzhensk in the Krasnodar Territory.

, Volgograd Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR


Russian empire Russian empire

Type of army Years of service Rank

: Invalid or missing image

Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Awards of the Russian Empire:

Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov(May 21 - December 13) - Hero of the Soviet Union, full Knight of St. George, squadron commander, guard captain, Cossack.


Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov was born into the family of a Don Cossack on the Rubezhny farm (now part of the Lovyagin farm in the Danilovsky district of the Volgograd region). Graduated from elementary school.

In 1911 he entered military service as a Cossack in the 15th Don Cossack Regiment of the 14th Army Corps of General Brusilov, the city of Tomashev, the territory of the Kingdom of Poland, the Russian Empire. Member of the First World War, served on the Southwestern and Romanian fronts. During the war he became a full Knight of St. George.

  • The first St. George Cross of the 4th degree was awarded for heroism during one of the most difficult battles near the city of Tomashev. In August 1914, pursuing the retreating Austrians, despite the hurricane of artillery shelling, a group of Don Cossacks, led by constable Nedorubov, broke into the location of the enemy battery and captured it, along with servants and ammunition.
  • The second St. George Cross Konstantin Iosifovich received in February 1915 for a feat during the battles for the city of Przemysl. On December 16, 1914, he was awarded for the resourcefulness and heroism shown by him during reconnaissance, for having single-handedly captured 52 Austrians.
  • Nedorubov received the third St. George Cross for distinction in battles in June 1916 during the famous Brusilov breakthrough, where he showed courage and courage.
  • He received the fourth - the golden "George" of the 1st degree for captivity with a group of Cossacks of the headquarters of the German division, along with the general and operational documents.
  • In addition to four crosses, Konstantin Nedorubov was also awarded two St. George medals for military courage. He graduated from the war with the rank of coroner.

Later, Konstantin Nedorubov, as part of the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps, liberated Ukraine. After being seriously wounded in December 1943, he was demobilized with the rank of captain.

After the war, he lived and worked in the village of Berezovskaya, Danilovsky District, Volgograd Region.


Soviet state awards:

  • Medal "Gold Star" No. 1302 of the Hero of the Soviet Union (October 26, 1943)
  • two orders of Lenin (October 26, 1943, ???)
  • Order of the Red Banner (September 6, 1942)
  • medals including:
    • medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

State awards of the Russian Empire:


see also

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  • Bondarenko A.S., Borodin A.M. (team leader), Loginov I.M., Merinova L.N., Naumenko T.N., Novikov L.N., Smirnov P.N. The Cossack went to war // Volgograd Heroes / Literary processing by V. I. Efimov, V. I. Psurtseva, V. R. Slobozhanina, V. S. Smagorinsky; introduction by A. S. Chuyanov. - Volgograd: Nizhne-Volzhskoe book publishing house, 1967. - S. 248--251. - 471 p. - 25,000 copies.

Documentary film

  • Film company "Rodina". Russia. 2011.


Site "Heroes of the Country".

  • .

An excerpt characterizing Nedorubov, Konstantin Iosifovich

Bilibin gathered the skin over his eyebrows and thought about it with a smile on his lips.
“Vous ne me prenez pas en by surprise, vous savez,” he said. - Comme veritable ami j "ai pense et repense a votre affaire. Voyez vous. Si vous epousez le prince (it was a young man)," he bent his finger, "vous perdez pour toujours la chance d" epouser l "autre, et puis vous mecontentez la Cour. (Comme vous savez, il ya une espece de parente.) Mais si vous epousez le vieux comte, vous faites le bonheur de ses derniers jours, et puis comme veuve du grand… le prince ne fait plus de mesalliance en vous epousant, [You don't take me by surprise, you know. As a true friend, I've been thinking about your case for a long time. You see, if you marry a prince, then you forever lose the opportunity to be another's wife, and in addition, the court will be dissatisfied. (You know, after all, kinship is involved here.) And if you marry the old count, then you will make up the happiness of his last days, and then ... it will no longer be humiliating for the prince to marry the widow of a nobleman.] - and Bilibin loosened his skin.
– Voila un veritable ami! said Helen, beaming, once more touching Bilibip's sleeve with her hand. - Mais c "est que j" aime l "un et l" autre, je ne voudrais pas leur faire de chagrin. Je donnerais ma vie pour leur bonheur a tous deux, [Here is a true friend! But I love both and would not want to upset anyone. For the happiness of both, I would be ready to sacrifice my life.] - she said.
Bilibin shrugged his shoulders, expressing that even he could no longer help such grief.
"Une maitresse femme! Voila ce qui s "appelle poser carrement la question. Elle voudrait epouser tous les trois a la fois", ["Well done woman! That's what is called firmly posing the question. She would like to be the wife of all three at the same time. "] thought Bilibin.
“But tell me, how does your husband look at this matter?” he said, owing to the firmness of his reputation, not afraid to drop himself with such a naive question. Will he agree?
- Ah! Il m "aime tant!" - said Helen, who for some reason thought that Pierre also loved her. - Il fera tout pour moi. [Ah! he loves me so much! He is ready for anything for me.]
Bilibin picked up the skin to indicate the forthcoming mot.
– Meme le divorce, [Even for a divorce.] – he said.
Ellen laughed.
Among the people who allowed themselves to doubt the legality of the proposed marriage was Helen's mother, Princess Kuragina. She was constantly tormented by envy of her daughter, and now, when the object of envy was the closest to the heart of the princess, she could not come to terms with this thought. She consulted with a Russian priest about the extent to which divorce and marriage were possible with a living husband, and the priest told her that this was impossible, and, to her joy, pointed out to her the Gospel text, which (it seemed to the priest) directly rejected the possibility of marriage from a living husband.
Armed with these arguments, which seemed to her irrefutable, the princess early in the morning, in order to find her alone, went to her daughter.
After listening to her mother's objections, Helen smiled meekly and mockingly.
“But it’s directly said: who marries a divorced wife ...” said the old princess.
Ah, maman, ne dites pas de betises. Vous ne comprenez rien. Dans ma position j "ai des devoirs, [Ah, mama, don't talk nonsense. You don't understand anything. There are responsibilities in my position.] - Helen spoke, translating the conversation into French from Russian, in which she always seemed to have some kind of ambiguity in her business.
But my friend...
– Ah, maman, comment est ce que vous ne comprenez pas que le Saint Pere, qui a le droit de donner des dispenses…
At this time, the lady companion, who lived with Helen, came in to report to her that his highness was in the hall and wanted to see her.
- Non, dites lui que je ne veux pas le voir, que je suis furieuse contre lui, parce qu "il m" a manque parole. [No, tell him that I don't want to see him, that I'm furious against him because he didn't keep his word to me.]
- Comtesse a tout peche misericorde, [Countess, mercy to every sin.] - said, entering, a young blond man with a long face and nose.
The old princess rose respectfully and sat down. The young man who entered ignored her. The princess nodded her daughter's head and swam to the door.
“No, she is right,” thought the old princess, all of whose convictions were destroyed before the appearance of his highness. - She is right; but how is it that in our irretrievable youth we did not know this? And it was so simple, ”the old princess thought, getting into the carriage.

In early August, Helen's case was completely decided, and she wrote a letter to her husband (who she thought was very fond of her) in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she had entered into the one true religion and that she asks him to complete all the formalities necessary for the divorce, which the bearer of this letter will convey to him.
“Sur ce je prie Dieu, mon ami, de vous avoir sous sa sainte et puissante garde. Votre amie Helene.
[“Then I pray to God that you, my friend, be under his holy strong cover. Your friend Elena"]
This letter was brought to Pierre's house while he was on the Borodino field.

The second time, already at the end of the battle of Borodino, having escaped from the Raevsky battery, Pierre with crowds of soldiers headed along the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing station and, seeing blood and hearing screams and groans, hastily moved on, getting mixed up in the crowds of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre now wanted with all the strength of his soul was to get out of those terrible impressions in which he lived that day as soon as possible, return to the usual conditions of life and fall asleep peacefully in the room on his bed. Only under ordinary conditions of life did he feel that he would be able to understand himself and all that he had seen and experienced. But these ordinary conditions of life were nowhere to be found.
Although the balls and bullets did not whistle here along the road along which he walked, but from all sides it was the same as it was there, on the battlefield. There were the same suffering, tormented and sometimes strangely indifferent faces, the same blood, the same soldier's greatcoats, the same sounds of shooting, although distant, but still terrifying; in addition, there was stuffiness and dust.
After walking about three versts along the high Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat down on its edge.
Twilight descended on the earth, and the rumble of the guns subsided. Pierre, leaning on his arm, lay down and lay for such a long time, looking at the shadows moving past him in the darkness. Incessantly it seemed to him that with a terrible whistle a cannonball flew at him; he winced and got up. He did not remember how long he had been here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, dragging branches, placed themselves beside him and began to make fire.
The soldiers, looking sideways at Pierre, kindled a fire, put a bowler hat on it, crumbled crackers into it and put lard. The pleasant smell of edible and greasy food merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre got up and sighed. The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.
- Yes, which one will you be? one of the soldiers suddenly turned to Pierre, obviously meaning by this question what Pierre thought, namely: if you want to eat, we will give, just tell me, are you an honest person?
- I AM? me? .. - said Pierre, feeling the need to belittle his social position as much as possible in order to be closer and more understandable to the soldiers. - I'm a real militia officer, only my squad is not here; I came to the battle and lost mine.
- You see! one of the soldiers said.
The other soldier shook his head.
- Well, eat, if you want, kavardachka! - said the first and gave Pierre, licking it, a wooden spoon.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began to eat kavardachok, the food that was in the pot and which seemed to him the most delicious of all the foods he had ever eaten. While he greedily, bending over the cauldron, taking away large spoons, chewed one after another and his face was visible in the light of the fire, the soldiers silently looked at him.
- Where do you need it? You say! one of them asked again.
- I'm in Mozhaisk.
- You, became, sir?
- Yes.
- What's your name?
- Pyotr Kirillovich.
- Well, Pyotr Kirillovich, let's go, we'll take you. In complete darkness, the soldiers, together with Pierre, went to Mozhaisk.
The roosters were already crowing when they reached Mozhaisk and began to climb the steep city mountain. Pierre walked along with the soldiers, completely forgetting that his inn was below the mountain and that he had already passed it. He would not have remembered this (he was in such a state of loss) if his bereytor had not run into him on the half of the mountain, who went to look for him around the city and returned back to his inn. The landlord recognized Pierre by his hat, which shone white in the darkness.
“Your Excellency,” he said, “we are desperate. What are you walking? Where are you, please!

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