Sons of Genghis Khan. Brief biography and children of Genghis Khan



Department of History of Kazakhstan

Topic: “Genghis Khan. Years of government”


1st year student

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Kulmakhanov Ramadan


Ph.D. assistant professor

Department of IC

Chatybekova K.K.

Almaty 2011

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan (1155 or 1162 - August 25, 1227) - a short title of the Mongol khan from the Borjigin family, who united the scattered Mongol tribes.

The commander who organized the conquest campaigns of the Mongols in China, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Founder of the Mongol Empire and its first Great Khan.

After his death in 1227, the heirs of the empire were his direct descendants from the first wife of Borte in the male line, the Genghisides.

Biography. Birth and youth

Temujin was born in the Delyun-Boldok tract on the banks of the Onon River (Fig. 1) in the family of one of the leaders of the Mongolian Taichiut tribe Yesugei-Bagatur from the Borjigin clan and his wife Hoelun from the Ungirat tribe, whom Yesugei recaptured from the Merkit Eke-Chiledu and was named in honor of the Tatar leader Temuchin-Uge captured by him, whom Yesugei defeated on the eve of the birth of his son. The year of Temujin's birth remains not fully clarified, since the main sources indicate different dates. According to Rashid ad-Din, Temujin was born in 1155. The History of the Yuan Dynasty lists 1162 as the date of birth. A number of scientists (for example, G.V. Vernadsky) points to 1167.

At the age of 9, Yesugei-bagatur betrothed his son Borte, a 10-year-old girl from the Ungirat family. Leaving his son in the bride's family until the age of majority, in order to get to know each other better, he went home. According to the Secret History, on the way back, Yesugei stopped at the Tatars' parking lot, where he was poisoned. Upon returning to his native ulus, he fell ill and died three days later.

After the death of Temujin's father, his followers abandoned the widows (Yesugei had 2 wives) and Yesugei's children (Temujin and his younger brother Khasar, and from his second wife, Bekter and Belgutai): the head of the Taichiut clan drove the family out of their homes, stealing all her cattle. For several years, widows with children lived in complete poverty, wandering in the steppes, eating roots, game and fish. Even in summer, the family lived from hand to mouth, making provisions for the winter.

The leader of the Taichiuts, Targitai-Kiriltukh (a distant relative of Temujin), who declared himself the ruler of the lands once occupied by Yesugei, fearing the revenge of his growing rival, began to pursue Temujin. Once an armed detachment attacked the camp of Yesugei's family. Temujin managed to escape, but he was overtaken and taken prisoner. They put a block on him - two wooden boards with a hole for the neck, which were pulled together. The block was a painful punishment: the person himself did not have the opportunity to eat, drink, or even drive away the fly that sat on his face.

He found a way to slip away and hide in a small lake, plunging into the water with the stock and sticking out of the water with one nostril. The Taichiuts searched for him in this place, but could not find him. He was noticed by a laborer from the tribe of the Selduz Sorgan-Shire, who was among them, and decided to save him. He pulled young Temujin out of the water, freed him from the block and led him to his dwelling, where he hid him in a cart with wool. After the departure of the Taichiuts, Sorgan-Shire put Temujin on a mare, supplied him with weapons and sent him home (later Chilaun, the son of Sorgan-Shire, became one of the four close nukers of Genghis Khan).

After some time, Temujin found his family. The Borjigins immediately migrated to another place, and the Taichiuts could not find them. At the age of 11, Temujin became friends with his peer of noble origin from the Jadaran (Jajirat) tribe - Jamukha, who later became the leader of this tribe. With him in his childhood, Temujin twice became a sworn brother (anda).

A few years later, Temujin married his betrothed Borta (by this time, Boorchu appeared in the service of Temujin, who was also among the four closest nukers). Borte's dowry was a luxurious sable coat. Temujin soon went to the most powerful of the then steppe leaders - Tooril, the khan of the Kerait tribe. Tooril was the sworn brother (anda) of Temujin's father, and he managed to enlist the support of the leader of the Kereites, recalling this friendship and offering Borte a sable coat. Upon Temujin's return from Tooril Khan, an old Mongol gave him his son Jelme, who became one of his generals, to serve him.

The beginning of the conquests

With the support of Tooril Khan, Temujin's forces began to gradually grow. Nukers began to flock to him; he raided his neighbors, multiplying his possessions and herds. He differed from other conquerors in that during the battles he tried to keep alive as many people from the enemy’s ulus as possible in order to further attract them to his service.

The first serious opponents of Temujin were the Merkits, who acted in alliance with the Taichiuts. In the absence of Temujin, they attacked the camp of the Borjigins and captured Borte (according to the assumption, she was already pregnant and was expecting the first son of Jochi) and Yesugei's second wife, Sochikhel, Belgutai's mother. In 1184 (according to rough estimates, based on the date of birth of Ogedei), Temujin, with the help of Tooril Khan and his Kereites, as well as Jamukha (invited by Temujin at the insistence of Tooril Khan), from the Jajirat clan, defeated the Merkits and returned Borte. Belgutai's mother, Sochikhel, refused to go back.

After the victory, Tooril Khan went to his horde, and Temujin and Jamukha remained to live together in the same horde, where they again entered into an alliance of brotherhood, exchanging golden belts and horses. After some time (from half a year to a year and a half), they dispersed, while many noyons and nukers of Jamukha joined Temujin (which was one of the reasons for Jamukha's dislike for Temujin). Having separated, Temujin set about organizing his ulus, creating a horde control apparatus. The first two nukers, Boorchu and Dzhelme, were appointed senior in the khan's headquarters, Subetai-bagatur, in the future the famous commander of Genghis Khan, received the command post. In the same period, Temujin had a second son, Chagatai (the exact date of his birth is not known) and a third son, Ogedei (October 1186). Temujin created his first small ulus in 1186 (1189/90 are also probable) and had 3 tumens (30,000 people) troops.

Jamukha was looking for an open quarrel with his anda. The reason was the death of Jamukha's younger brother - Taychar - during his attempt to steal a herd of horses from Temujin's possessions. Under the pretext of revenge, Jamukha with his army moved to Temujin in 3 darkness. The battle took place near the Gulegu Mountains, between the sources of the Sengur River and the upper course of the Onon. In this first big battle (according to the main source "The Secret History of the Mongols") Temujin was defeated.

The first major military enterprise of Temujin after the defeat from Jamukha was the war against the Tatars together with Tooril Khan. The Tatars at that time hardly repulsed the attacks of the Jin troops who entered their possession. The combined troops of Tooril Khan and Temujin, having joined the Jin troops, moved against the Tatars. The battle took place in 1196. They inflicted a number of strong blows on the Tatars and captured rich booty. The government of the Jurchen Jin, as a reward for the defeat of the Tatars, awarded high titles to the steppe leaders. Temujin received the title "Jauthuri" (military commissar), and Tooril - "Van" (prince), from that time he became known as Van Khan. Temujin became a vassal of Wang Khan, in whom Jin saw the most powerful of the rulers of Eastern Mongolia.

In 1197-1198. Van Khan, without Temujin, made a campaign against the Merkits, plundered and gave nothing to his named "son" and vassal Temujin. This marked the beginning of a new cooling. After 1198, when the Jin ruined the Kungirats and other tribes, the influence of the Jin on Eastern Mongolia began to weaken, which allowed Temujin to take possession of the eastern regions of Mongolia. At this time, Inanch Khan dies and the Naiman state splits into two uluses, headed by Buyruk Khan in Altai and Taian Khan on the Black Irtysh. In 1199, Temujin, together with Wang Khan and Jamukha, attacked Buyruk Khan with their combined forces and he was defeated. Upon returning home, the Naiman detachment blocked the way. It was decided to fight in the morning, but at night Wang Khan and Jamukha fled, leaving Temujin alone in the hope that the Naimans would finish him off. But by morning, Temujin found out about this and retreated without engaging in battle. The Naimans began to pursue not Temujin, but Wang Khan. The Kereites entered into a heavy battle with the Naimans, and, in the evidence of death, Van Khan sends messengers to Temujin with a request for help. Temujin sent his nukers, among whom Boorchu, Mukhali, Borokhul and Chilaun distinguished themselves in battle. For his salvation, Wang Khan bequeathed his ulus to Temujin after his death.

In 1200, Wang Khan and Temujin launched a joint campaign against the Taichiuts. The Merkits came to the aid of the Taichiuts. In this battle, Temujin was wounded by an arrow, after which Jelme took care of him all the next night. By morning, the Taichiuts had fled, leaving many people behind. Among them was Sorgan-Shira, who once saved Temujin, and the well-aimed shooter Jirgoadai, who confessed that it was he who shot at Temujin. He was accepted into the army of Temujin and received the nickname Jebe (arrowhead). A chase was organized for the taichuts. Many were killed, some surrendered to the service. This was the first major victory won by Temujin.

In 1201, some Mongol forces (including Tatars, Taichiuts, Merkits, Oirats and other tribes) decided to unite in the fight against Temujin. They took an oath of allegiance to Jamukha and elevated him to the throne with the title of Gur Khan. Upon learning of this, Temujin contacted Wang Khan, who immediately raised an army and came to him.

In 1202, Temujin independently opposed the Tatars. Before this campaign, he issued an order according to which it was strictly forbidden to capture booty during the battle and pursuit of the enemy: the commanders had to divide the captured property between the soldiers only at the end of the battle. The fierce battle was won, and on the council gathered by Temujin after the battle, it was decided to destroy all the Tatars, except for children below the cart axle, as revenge for the Mongols' ancestors they had killed (in particular, for Temujin's father).

In the spring of 1203, Temujin's troops fought the combined forces of Jamukha and Wang Khan. Although Wang Khan did not want a war with Temujin, he was persuaded by his son Nilkha-Sangum, who hated Temujin because Wang Khan preferred him over his son and thought to transfer the Kereit throne to him, and Jamukha, who claimed that Temujin was uniting with Naiman Taiyan Khan. In this battle, the ulus of Temujin suffered many losses. But the son of Van Khan was wounded, because of which the Kereites left the battlefield. To buy time, Temujin began to send diplomatic messages, the purpose of which was to separate both Jamukha and Wang Khan, and Wang Khan and his son. At the same time, a number of tribes that did not join either side formed a coalition against both Wang Khan and Temujin. Upon learning of this, Wang Khan attacked first and defeated them, after which he began to feast. When this was reported to Temujin, it was decided to attack with lightning speed and take the enemy by surprise. Without even stopping at night, Temujin's army overtook the Kereites and completely defeated them in the autumn of 1203. The Kereit ulus ceased to exist. Wang-khan and his son managed to escape, but ran into a Naiman guard, where Tayan-khan ordered to cut off Wang-khan's head. Wang Khan's son was able to escape, but was later killed by the Uighurs.

With the fall of the Kereites in 1204, Jamukha with the remaining army joined the Naiman in the hope of Temujin's death at the hands of Tayan Khan, or vice versa. Tayan Khan saw in Temujin the only rival in the struggle for power in the Mongolian steppes. Learning about what the Naimans think about the attack, Temujin decided to go on a campaign against Tayan Khan. But before the campaign, he began the reorganization of the management of the army and the ulus. At the beginning of the summer of 1204, Temujin's army - about 45,000 horsemen - set out on a campaign against the Naimans. Tayan Khan's army at first retreated in order to lure Temujin's army into a trap, but then, at the insistence of Tayan Khan's son, Kuchluk, entered the battle. The Naimans were defeated, only Kuchluk with a small detachment managed to escape to the Altai to his uncle Buyuruk. Tayan Khan died, and Jamukha fled even before the start of a fierce battle, realizing that the Naimans could not win. In battles with the Naiman, Khubilai, Chzhebe, Chzhelme and Subetai especially distinguished themselves.

In the autumn of the same year, Temujin, building on success, opposed the Merkits, and the Merkit people fell. Tokhtoa-beki, the ruler of the Merkits, fled to the Altai, where he united with Kuchluk.

In the spring of 1205, Temujin's army attacked Tokhtoa-beki and Kuchluk in the area of ​​the Bukhtarma River. Tokhtoa-beki died, and his army and most of the Naimans of Kuchluk, pursued by the Mongols, drowned while crossing the Irtysh. Kuchluk with his people fled to the Kara-Kitay (southwest of Lake Balkhash). There, Kuchluk managed to gather scattered detachments of Naiman and Kerait, enter the location of the gurkhan and become a rather significant political figure. The sons of Tokhtoa-beki fled to the Kipchaks, taking with them the severed head of their father. Subetai was sent to pursue them.

After the defeat of the Naimans, most of the Mongols of Jamukha went over to the side of Temujin. At the end of 1205, Jamukha himself was handed over to Temujin alive by his own nukers, for which they were executed by Temujin as traitors. Jamukha was also executed by Temujin.

Reforms of the Great Khan

In the spring of 1206, at the head of the Onon River at the kurultai, Temujin was proclaimed a great khan over all the tribes and received the title "Genghis Khan". Mongolia has changed: scattered and warring Mongolian nomadic tribes united into a single state.

A new law came into force - Yasa of Genghis Khan. In Yasa, the main place was occupied by articles on mutual assistance in a campaign and the prohibition of deceiving a trusted person. Those who violated these regulations were executed, and the enemy of the Mongols, who remained loyal to their ruler, was spared and accepted into their army. Loyalty and courage were considered good, while cowardice and betrayal were considered evil.

Genghis Khan divided the entire population into tens, hundreds, thousands and tumens (ten thousand), thereby mixing tribes and clans and appointing specially selected people from his confidants and nukers as commanders over them. All adult and healthy men were considered warriors who ran their household in peacetime and took up arms in wartime. The armed forces of Genghis Khan, formed in this way, amounted to approximately 95 thousand soldiers.

Separate hundreds, thousands and tumens, together with the territory for nomadism, were given into the possession of one or another noyon. The Great Khan, the owner of all the land in the state, distributed the land and arats into the possession of the noyons, on the condition that they would regularly perform certain duties for this. Military service was the most important duty. Each noyon was obliged, at the first request of the overlord, to put the prescribed number of soldiers in the field. Noyon in his inheritance could exploit the labor of arats, distributing his cattle to them for grazing or involving them directly in work on his farm. Small noyons served as large ones.

Under Genghis Khan, the enslavement of arats was legalized, unauthorized transition from one dozen, hundreds, thousands or tumens to others was prohibited. This prohibition meant the formal attachment of the arats to the land of the noyons - for disobedience, the arat was threatened with the death penalty.

An armed detachment of personal bodyguards, called keshik, enjoyed exclusive privileges and was intended to fight against the internal enemies of the khan. Keshiktens were selected from the Noyon youth and were under the personal command of the khan himself, being essentially the khan's guard. At first, there were 150 keshiktens in the detachment. In addition, a special detachment was created, which was supposed to always be in the forefront and be the first to engage in battle with the enemy. He was called a detachment of heroes. The Russian word "bogatyr" comes from the Mongolian word "bagadur".

Genghis Khan created a network of communication lines, large-scale courier communications for military and administrative purposes, organized intelligence, including economic intelligence.

Genghis Khan divided the country into two "wings". At the head of the right wing he placed Boorcha, at the head of the left - Mukhali, two of his most faithful and experienced companions. The position and titles of senior and senior military leaders - centurions, thousands and temniks - he made hereditary in the family of those who, with their faithful service, helped him seize the khan's throne.

Conquest of Northern China

In 1207-1211, the Mongols conquered the land of the forest tribes, that is, they subjugated almost all the main tribes and peoples of Siberia, imposing tribute on them. In 1209, Genghis Khan conquered Central Asia and turned his gaze to the south.

Before the conquest of China, Genghis Khan decided to secure the border by capturing in 1207 the Tangut state Xi-Xia, which was located between his possessions and the state of Jin. Having captured several fortified cities, in the summer of 1208 Genghis Khan withdrew to Longjin, waiting out the unbearable heat that fell that year.

Meanwhile, news reached him that his old enemies Tokhtoa-beki and Kuchluk were preparing for a new war with him. Having carefully prepared, Genghis Khan defeated them utterly in a battle on the banks of the Irtysh. Tokhtoa-beki was among the dead, and Kuchluk fled and found shelter with the Karakitays.

Satisfied with the victory, Temujin again sent his troops against Xi-Xia. After defeating an army of Chinese Tatars, he captured a fortress and a passage in the Great Wall of China and in 1213 invaded the Chinese state of Jin directly and marched as far as Nianxi in Hanshu province. With increasing stubbornness, Genghis Khan led his troops deep into the continent and established his power over the province of Liaodong, the central province of the empire. Several Chinese commanders went over to his side. The garrisons surrendered without a fight.

Having established his position along the entire Great Wall of China, in the fall of 1213, Temujin sent three armies to different parts of the Chinese Empire. One of them, under the command of the three sons of Genghis Khan - Jochi, Chagatai and Ogedei, headed south. The other, led by the brothers and commanders of Genghis Khan, moved east to the sea. Genghis Khan himself and his youngest son Tolui at the head of the main forces set out in a southeasterly direction. The first army advanced all the way to Honan and, after capturing twenty-eight cities, joined Genghis Khan on the Great Western Road. The army under the command of Temujin's brothers and generals captured the province of Liao-si, and Genghis Khan himself ended his triumphal campaign only after he reached the sea rocky cape in the province of Shandong. In the spring of 1214, he returned to Mongolia and made peace with the Chinese emperor, leaving Beijing to him. However, the leader of the Mongols did not have time to leave the Great Wall of China, as the Chinese emperor moved his court further away, to Kaifeng. This move was perceived by Temujin as a manifestation of hostility, and he again brought troops into the empire, now doomed to death. The war continued.

The Jurchen troops in China, having replenished at the expense of the natives, fought the Mongols until 1235 on their own initiative, but were defeated and exterminated by Genghis Khan's successor Ogedei.

Fight against the Kara-Khitan Khanate

Following China, Genghis Khan was preparing for a campaign in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. He was especially attracted by the flourishing cities of South Kazakhstan and Zhetysu. He decided to carry out his plan through the valley of the Ili River, where rich cities were located and they were ruled by an old enemy of Genghis Khan, Khan of the Naimans Kuchluk.

Campaigns of Genghis Khan and his generals

While Genghis Khan was conquering more and more cities and provinces of China, the fugitive Naiman Khan Kuchluk asked the gurkhan who had given him shelter to help gather the remnants of the army defeated at the Irtysh. Having got a rather strong army under his hand, Kuchluk entered into an alliance against his overlord with the Shah of Khorezm Muhammad, who had previously paid tribute to the Kara-Kitays. After a short but decisive military campaign, the allies were left with a big win, and the gurkhan was forced to give up power in favor of an uninvited guest. In 1213, the gurkhan Zhilugu died, and the Naiman khan became the sovereign ruler of Semirechye. Sairam, Tashkent, the northern part of Ferghana passed under his authority. Having become an implacable opponent of Khorezm, Kuchluk began to persecute Muslims in his possessions, which aroused the hatred of the settled population of Zhetysu. The ruler of Koilyk (in the valley of the Ili River) Arslan Khan, and then the ruler of Almalyk (to the north-west of modern Kulja) Buzar moved away from the Naimans and declared themselves subjects of Genghis Khan.

In 1218, Jebe detachments, together with the troops of the rulers of Koilyk and Almalyk, invaded the lands of the Karakitays. The Mongols conquered Semirechye and East Turkestan, which were owned by Kuchluk. In the very first battle, Jebe defeated the Naimans. The Mongols allowed Muslims to public worship, which was previously prohibited by the Naimans, which contributed to the transition of the entire settled population to the side of the Mongols. Kuchluk, unable to organize resistance, fled to Afghanistan, where he was caught and killed. The inhabitants of Balasagun opened the gates to the Mongols, for which the city received the name Gobalyk - "good city". The road to Khorezm was opened before Genghis Khan.

To the west

After the conquest of China and Khorezm, the supreme ruler of the Mongol clan leaders, Genghis Khan, sent a strong cavalry corps under the command of Jebe and Subedei to reconnoiter the "western lands". They marched along the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, then, after the devastation of Northern Iran, penetrated into Transcaucasia, defeated the Georgian army (1222) and, moving north along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, met in the North Caucasus the united army of the Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush), Polovtsy , Lezgins, Circassians and Alans. There was a fight that did not have decisive consequences. Then the conquerors made a split in the ranks of the enemy. They gave the Polovtsy gifts and promised not to touch them. The latter began to disperse to their nomad camps. Taking advantage of this, the Mongols easily defeated the Alans and Circassians, and then defeated the Polovtsy in parts, while the Vainakhs managed to avoid complete defeat. After an unsuccessful attempt to seize the Lezgin-speaking Derbent, the Mongols bypassed the city. After that, through the territory of other Dagestan mountaineers, the Mongols reached the coast of the Caspian Sea north of Derbent, opening their way to the North Caucasian steppes. At the beginning of 1223, the Mongols invaded the Crimea, took the city of Surozh (Sudak) and again moved to the Polovtsian steppes.

The Polovtsy fled to Rus'. The Polovtsian Khan Kotyan asked for the help of his son-in-law Mstislav Udaly and Mstislav III Romanovich, Grand Duke of Kyiv. At the beginning of 1223, a princely congress was convened in Kyiv, which decided that the forces of the Kyiv, Galician, Chernigov, Seversk, Smolensk and Volyn principalities should support the Polovtsians. The Dnieper, near the island of Khortitsa, was appointed as a gathering place for the Russian united rati. Envoys from the Mongol camp were met here, offering the Russians to break their alliance with the Polovtsians. Taking into account the experience of the Polovtsy (who in 1222 went to persuade the Mongols to break their alliance with the Alans, after which Jebe defeated the Alans and attacked the Polovtsy), Mstislav executed the envoys. In the battle on the Kalka River, the troops of Daniel of Galicia, Mstislav the Udaly and Khan Kotyan, without notifying the rest of the princes, decided to “crack down” on the Mongols on their own and crossed to the eastern bank, where on May 31, 1223 they were completely defeated while passively contemplating this bloody battle from the side of the main Russian forces led by Mstislav III, located on the elevated opposite bank of the Kalka.

Mstislav III, having fenced himself with a tyn, held the defense for three days after the battle, and then went to an agreement with Jebe and Subedai on laying down arms and free retreat to Rus', as if he had not participated in the battle. However, he, his army and his princes were captured by the Mongols and brutally tortured as "traitors to their own army."

After the victory, the Mongols organized the pursuit of the remnants of the Russian army (only every tenth warrior returned from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov), destroying cities and villages in the Dnieper direction, capturing the inhabitants. However, the disciplined Mongol commanders had no orders to linger in Rus'. Soon they were recalled by Genghis Khan, who considered that the main task of the reconnaissance campaign to the west had been successfully completed. On the way back at the mouth of the Kama, the troops of Dzhebe and Subedei suffered a serious defeat from the Volga Bulgars, who refused to recognize the power of Genghis Khan over them. After this failure, the Mongols went down to Saksin and returned to Asia along the Caspian steppes, where in 1225 they joined the main forces of the Mongol army.

The Mongol troops that remained in China met with the same success as the armies in Western Asia. The Mongol Empire was expanded with several new provinces north of the Yellow River. After the death of Emperor Xuin Zong in 1223, the Northern Chinese Empire practically ceased to exist, and the borders of the Mongol Empire almost coincided with the borders of Central and Southern China, ruled by the Song Dynasty.

Death of Genghis Khan

Upon his return from Central Asia, Genghis Khan again led his army through Western China. According to Rashid-ad-din, in the autumn of 1225, having migrated to the borders of Xi Xia, while hunting, Genghis Khan fell off his horse and was badly hurt. By evening, Genghis Khan developed a strong fever. As a result, in the morning a council was assembled, at which the question was "to postpone or not the war with the Tanguts." The council was not attended by the eldest son of Genghis Khan Jochi, to whom there was already a strong distrust, due to his constant deviations from his father's orders. Genghis Khan ordered the army to march against Jochi and put an end to him, but the campaign did not take place, as the news of his death came. Genghis Khan fell ill throughout the winter of 1225-1226.

In the spring of 1226, Genghis Khan again led the army, and the Mongols crossed the Xi Xia border in the lower reaches of the Edzin-Gol River. The Tanguts and some of the allied tribes were defeated and lost several tens of thousands of dead. Genghis Khan gave the civilian population to the flow and plunder to the army. This was the beginning of the last war of Genghis Khan, designed for the complete extermination of the Tangut people. In December, the Mongols crossed the Huang He and reached the eastern regions of Xi Xia. Near Lingzhou, a 100,000-strong Tangut army clashed with the Mongols. The Tangut army was completely defeated. The way to Xi Xia's capital was now open.

Empire of Genghis Khan at the time of his death

In the winter of 1226-1227. The final siege of Zhongxing began. In the spring and summer of 1227, the Tangut state was destroyed, and the capital was doomed. The fall of the capital Xi Xia is directly related to the death of Genghis Khan, who died under its walls. According to Rashid ad-din, he died before the fall of the Tangut capital. According to Yuan-shih, Genghis Khan died when the inhabitants of the capital began to surrender. The "Secret Tale" tells that Genghis Khan received the Tangut ruler with gifts, but, feeling unwell, ordered to kill him. And then he ordered to take the capital and put an end to the Tangut state, after which he died. Sources name different causes of death - a sudden illness, a disease from the unhealthy climate of the Tangut state, a consequence of a fall from a horse. It is established with certainty that he died in the early autumn (or late summer) of 1227 on the territory of the Tangut state Xi Xia immediately after the fall of the capital Zhongxing (the modern city of Yinchuan) and the destruction of the Tanggut state.

According to the will, Genghis Khan's successor was his third son Ogedei.

Tomb of Genghis Khan

Where Genghis Khan was buried is still not exactly established, the sources give different places and possible burial processions.

According to local legends, the tomb of Genghis Khan is located near Lake Tabasun-Nor. The alleged location of the grave is the sacred mountain for the Mongols Burkhan-Khaldun, as well as the tract Delyun-Boldok (Upper course of the Onon).

genghis khan commander army campaign

Personality of Genghis Khan

The main sources by which we can judge the life and personality of Genghis Khan were compiled after his death (the Secret History is especially important among them). From these sources we obtain information both about Genghis' appearance (tall stature, strong build, broad forehead, long beard) and about his character traits. Coming from a people who apparently did not have a written language and developed state institutions before him, Genghis Khan was deprived of a book education. With the talents of the commander, he combined organizational skills, inflexible will and self-control. Generosity and affability he possessed to a sufficient degree to retain the affection of his companions. Without denying himself the joys of life, he remained a stranger to excesses incompatible with the activities of the ruler and commander, and lived to an advanced age, retaining his mental abilities in full force.

Board results

During the conquest of the Naimans, Genghis Khan got acquainted with the beginnings of written office work, some of the Naimans entered the service of Genghis Khan and were the first officials in the Mongolian state and the first teachers of the Mongols. Apparently, Genghis Khan hoped to later replace the Naimans with ethnic Mongols, as he ordered noble Mongolian youths, including his sons, to learn the language and writing of the Naimans. After the spread of Mongol rule, even during the life of Genghis Khan, the Mongols also used the services of officials and clergy of the conquered peoples, primarily the Chinese and Persians.

In the field of foreign policy, Genghis Khan sought to maximize the expansion of the territory subject to him. The strategy and tactics of Genghis Khan were characterized by thorough reconnaissance, surprise attacks, the desire to dismember the enemy forces, setting up ambushes using special detachments to lure the enemy, maneuvering large masses of cavalry, etc.

Temujin and his descendants swept away great and ancient states from the face of the earth: the state of Khorezmshahs, the Chinese Empire, the Baghdad Caliphate, most of the Russian principalities were conquered. Huge territories were placed under the control of the Yasa steppe law.

In 1220 Genghis Khan founded Karakorum, the capital of the Mongol Empire.

Timeline of major events

1162 - Birth of Temujin (also probable dates - 1155 and 1167).

1184 (approximate date) - Capture by the Merkits of Temujin's wife - Borte.

1184/85 year (approximate date) - Liberation of Borte with the support of Jamukha and Toghrul. The birth of the eldest son - Jochi.

1185/86 year (approximate date) - Birth of the second son of Genghis Khan - Chagatai.

October 1186 - Birth of the third son of Genghis Khan - Ogedei.

1186 - His first ulus of Temujin (also probable dates - 1189/90), as well as a defeat from Jamukha.

1190 (approximate date) - Birth of the fourth son of Genghis Khan - Tolui.

1196 - The combined forces of Temujin, Togoril Khan and the Jin troops advance on the Tatar tribe.

1199 - Attack and victory of the combined forces of Temujin, Van Khan and Jamukha over the Naiman tribe led by Buyruk Khan.

1200 - Attack and victory of the joint forces of Temujin and Wang Khan over the Taichiut tribe.

1202 - Attack and destruction of the Tatar tribe by Temujin.

1203 - Attack of the Keraites, the tribe of Van Khan, with Jamukha at the head of the army, on the ulus of Temujin.

Autumn 1203 - victory over the Kereites.

Summer 1204 - victory over the Naiman tribe led by Tayan Khan.

Autumn 1204 - victory over the Merkit tribe.

Spring 1205 - Attack and victory over the close-knit forces of the remnants of the Merkits and Naimans tribe.

1205 - The betrayal and surrender of Jamukha by his nukers to Temujin and the probable execution of Jamukha.

1206 - At kurultai, Temujin is given the title "Genghis Khan".

1207 - 1210 - Genghis Khan's attacks on the Tangut state Xi Xia.

1215 - The fall of Beijing.

1219-1223 - The conquest of Central Asia by Genghis Khan.

1223 - the victory of the Mongols led by Subedei and Jebe on the Kalka River over the Russian-Polovtsian army.

Spring 1226 - Attack on the Tangut state Xi Xia.

Autumn 1227 - The fall of the capital and state Xi Xia. Death of Genghis Khan.


Borzhigin G. N. Ertniy etseg ovgod khuu urag. -- M.: Mongolia, 2005;

Grousset R. Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the Universe. - M., 2008. (ZhZL series) - ISBN 978-5-235-03133-3

D "Osson K. From Genghis Khan to Tamerlane. - Paris, 1935;

Kradin N. N., Skrynnikova T. D. The Empire of Genghis Khan. - M.: Eastern Literature, 2006. - ISBN 5-02-018521-3

Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah Hamadani. Collection of annals. - T. 1. Book. 1. Per. L. A. Khetagurova, 1952

Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah Hamadani. Collection of annals. - T. 1. Book. 2. Per. O. I. Smirnova, 1952;

Yuan-chao bi-shih. Secret History of the Mongols. Per. S. A. Kozina, 1941;

Yuan shi. History of the Yuan Dynasty. -- M.: Beijing, 1976.

Yurchenko A.G. The image of Genghis Khan in the world literature of the XIII-XV centuries. // Yurchenko A. G. Historical geography of political myth. The image of Genghis Khan in the world literature of the XIII-XV centuries. - St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 2006. - p. 7-22.

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The exact time of birth of Temujin, one of the greatest commanders and conquerors, is unknown. Calculations by Rashid ad-Din, based on documents and archives of the khans of Mongolia, indicate the year 1155, and it is this date that modern historians have accepted as a reference. The place of his birth was Delyun-Boldok, a tract on the banks of the Onon.

At the age of two, Temujin was put on a horse by his father, Yesugei-bagatur, the leader of one of the Mongol tribes - the Taichiuts. The boy was brought up in the traditions of the warlike Mongols, and at a very young age he was proficient in weapons and participated in almost all inter-tribal competitions. As soon as Temuchin was nine years old, his father, in order to strengthen friendship with the Urgenat family, betrothed his son a ten-year-old girl named Borte. Leaving the boy until the age of majority in the family of his future wife, Yesugei set off on his way back, and on the way he spent the night at the campsite of one of the Tatar tribes. After arriving in his ulus, he fell ill and died three days later. One of the legends says that the Tatars poisoned Temujin's father. After the death of Yesugei, his two wives and six children were expelled from the ulus, and they had to wander around the steppe, eating only fish, game and roots.

Having learned about the problems of the family, Temujin joined her and wandered with his relatives for several years. However, Targutai-Kiriltukh, who seized the lands of Yesugei, realized that the growing Temuchin could take cruel revenge, and sent an armed detachment after him. Temujin was captured, and he was put on stocks that made it impossible not only to eat on his own, but even to drive away flies. He managed to escape and hide in a small lake, plunging into the water in stocks. According to legend, one of the pursuers, Sorgan-Shira, noticed Temuchin, pulled him out of the water, and then hid him in a cart under wool. When the detachment left, the savior gave Temuchin a horse and weapons. Later, the son of Sorgan-Shir, Chilaun, took a very close position at the throne of Genghis Khan.

Temujin found his relatives and took them to a safe place. A few years later, he married Borta, who was intended for him by his father, and received a luxurious sable fur coat as a dowry. It was this fur coat that became an offering to Tooril Khan, one of the most powerful leaders of the steppe, and helped enlist his support. Under the patronage of Tooril Khan, the strength and influence of Temujin began to grow, and nukers flocked to his camp from all over Mongolia. He began to raid, increasing his herds and possessions. Temuchin differed from other similar conquerors in that he did not completely cut out the uluses, but tried to save the lives of even the soldiers who opposed him, and later attracted them to his army.

However, Temujin also had opponents. In his absence, the Merkits attacked the camp, and Temuchin's pregnant wife, Borte, was captured. With the support of Tooril Khan and Jamukha, the leader of the Jadaran tribe, in 1184 Temujin defeated the Merkits and returned his wife. After the victory, he began to live in the same horde with Jamukha, his childhood friend and brother, but a year later Jamukha left Temujin, and many of his soldiers remained in the horde. During the formation of the administration apparatus in the horde, Djalme and Boorchu occupied the leading posts in Temuchin's headquarters, and Subedei-bagatur received a post equivalent to the chief of staff. By that time, Temuchin already had three sons, and in 1186 he created his first ulus. Temujin's army at that time consisted of three tumens - about thirty thousand soldiers.

Jamukha could not just break the laws of the steppe and oppose his brother. But one day his younger brother Taychar tried to steal horses from Temujin and was killed. Jamukha declared revenge on his brother and marched against him with a huge army. In a battle that took place near the Gulegu Mountains, Temujin was defeated. After this unpleasant event, Temujin accumulated strength and, together with Tooril Khan, began a war against the Tatars. The main battle was in 1196, and as a result, the combined forces of the Mongols got rich booty, and Temujin gained the title of jauthuri - military commissar. Tooril Khan became a Mongol van - that is, a prince.

The joint military operations of 1197-1198 served to cool relations between Temuchin and Tooril Van Khan, since the latter decided that it makes no sense to give his vassal part of the booty. And since in 1198 the Chinese Jin dynasty ruined many Mongolian tribes, Temujin managed to extend his influence to the eastern regions of Mongolia. Perhaps Temujin was too trusting, because literally a year later he again teamed up with Jamukha and Van Khan, and they struck a blow at the Naiman ruler Buyruk Khan. Upon the return of the troops home, the Naiman detachment blocked their path, and as a result of the betrayal of his associates, Temuchin was left face to face with a strong army. He decided to retreat, and the Naiman warriors rushed to pursue Wang Khan and inflicted a crushing defeat on him. Fleeing from the persecution, Wang Khan sent a messenger to Temuchin with a request to rescue him and received help. In fact, Temuchin saved Wang Khan, and he bequeathed his ulus to the savior.

From 1200 to 1204, Temujin was constantly at war with the Tatars and the recalcitrant Mongols. But he opposes them already alone, without the support of Wang Khan, wins one victory after another, and his army is growing. However, Temujin acted not only by military force, but also by diplomatic means, as well as by a method that none of the Mongol leaders had yet applied before him. Temujin ordered not to kill the enemy soldiers, but first to conduct an interrogation and try to attract them to his army. At the same time, he distributed the newly arrived soldiers into proven units. In some ways, this policy is similar to the actions of Alexander the Great.

After Temujin's victory over the Kereites, Jamukha, with part of his army, joined the army of the Naiman Tayan Khan, expecting that either Temujin would destroy the opponents or fall in battle with them. Having learned about the plans of the Naimans, Temujin in 1204, at the head of forty-five thousand horsemen, opposed them. Despite the cunning of the enemy, Temujin's troops overtook and defeated Tayan Khan's army. Tayan Khan himself died, and Jamukha, as usual, left with a part of the soldiers even before the start of the battle. In 1205, Temujin's army continued to seize more and more new lands, and most of Jamukha's warriors left him and came under the control of Temujin. Jamukha was betrayed by his own nukers, who wanted to curry favor with Temuchin. True, Temuchin destroyed the traitors, and offered his former friend to become his ally. But Jamukha refused and asked for a death worthy of the ruler of the Mongols - without the shedding of blood. By order of Temujin, the soldiers broke Jamukha's spine.

In the spring of the following year, an important event took place in Temujin's life - he was proclaimed the Great Khan of the Mongols, and he also received a special title - Genghis Khan. Mongolia united into one state with a powerful army. Temujin began the transformation of Mongolia, and one of his most important acts was the introduction of a new law - the Yasa of Genghis Khan.

One of the main places in Yasa was occupied by articles on the importance of mutual assistance between warriors on campaigns and on deceit punishable by death. The subjugated tribes along the Yasa were accepted into the army, and the enemies were mercilessly destroyed. Courage and fidelity were declared good, and betrayal and cowardice - evil. Genghis Khan actually mixed the tribes and destroyed the tribal system, dividing the entire population into tumens, thousands, hundreds and tens. All healthy men who had reached a certain age were declared warriors, but in peacetime they were obliged to manage their household, and if necessary, come to their khan with weapons. The army of Genghis Khan at that time was about one hundred thousand soldiers. The Great Khan granted lands to his noyons, and they regularly served him, performing not only the mobilization of soldiers, but also management in peacetime.

One hundred and fifty bodyguards-keshikten guarded Genghis Khan and received exclusive privileges for this. Later, the Keshikten detachment expanded and turned into practically the personal guard of Genghis Khan. The khan also took care of the development of courier communications, serving both for administrative and military purposes. In modern terms, he also organized strategic intelligence. Dividing Mongolia into two parts, he placed Boorcha at the head of one wing, and Mukhali, his most experienced and faithful companions, at the head of the other. Genghis Khan also legalized the transfer of positions of senior military leaders by inheritance.

In 1209, Central Asia was conquered, and until 1211, the troops of Genghis Khan conquered almost all of Siberia and imposed tribute on its peoples. Now the interests of Genghis Khan have shifted to the south. Having defeated the army of Tatars supporting the Chinese, Genghis Khan captured the fortress and secured a passage through the Great Wall of China. In 1213, the Mongols invaded China. Using the power of his army and the fact that many fortresses surrendered to him without a fight, Genghis Khan reached the central provinces of China. The following year, in the spring, Genghis Khan withdrew his troops to Mongolia, and made peace with the Chinese emperor. However, immediately after the imperial court left Beijing, allocated under the treaty as the capital of China, Genghis Khan again brought his troops behind the Great Wall and continued the war.

After the defeat of the Chinese troops, Genghis Khan began to prepare for a campaign in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The cities of Semirechie attracted Genghis Khan also because while he was fighting in the Chinese Empire, the khan of the Naiman tribe Kuchluk, defeated at the Irtysh, gathered an army and made an alliance with Muhammad, the Shah of Khorezm, and later became the sole ruler of Semirechye. In 1218, the Mongols captured Semirechye, as well as the entire eastern Turkestan. In order to attract the population to their side, the Mongols allowed Muslims to send their own faith, which Kuchluk had previously banned. Now Genghis Khan could invade the lands of rich Khorezm.

In 1220, the capital of the Mongol Empire, Karakorum, was founded, and the tumens of Genghis Khan continued their campaigns in two streams. The first stream of invaders passed through the northern part of Iran and invaded the South Caucasus, and the second rushed to the Amu Darya after Shah Mohammed, who had fled from Khorezm. Having passed the Derbent pass, Genghis Khan in the North Caucasus defeated the Alans and defeated the Polovtsy. In 1223, the Polovtsians united with the squads of Russian princes, but this army was defeated on the Kalka River. However, the withdrawal of the Mongol army became unpleasant - in the Volga Bulgaria, the Mongols received a rather serious blow and fled to Central Asia.

Returning from Central Asia to Mongolia, Genghis Khan undertook a campaign in the western part of China. According to the records of Rashid ad-Din, during the autumn hunt in 1225, Genghis Khan flew out of the saddle and hit the ground hard. That evening, he developed a fever. He was ill all winter, but in the spring he found the strength to lead an army on a campaign across China. The resistance of the Tanguts led to the fact that they lost tens of thousands of dead, and Genghis Khan ordered the settlements to be plundered. At the end of 1226, the Mongol troops crossed the Yellow River, and a path to the east opened before them.

The hundred thousandth army of the Tangut kingdom was defeated by the army of Genghis Khan, which opened the way to the capital. Already in winter, the siege of Zhongxing began, and by the summer of 1227, the Tangut kingdom ceased to exist. But even before the end of the siege, Genghis Khan died. It is generally accepted that the date of his death was August 25, 1227, but according to other sources, this happened in early autumn. According to the will of Genghis Khan, Ogedei, the third son, became his successor.

There are many legends about the location of the tomb of Genghis Khan. According to some data, he rests in the depths of the sacred mountain of the Mongols Burkhan-Khaldun, according to others - in his homeland in the upper reaches of the Onon, in the tract Delyun-Boldok.

Genghis Khan was born in 1155 or 1162, in the tract Delyun-Boldok, on the banks of the Onon River. At birth, he was given the name Temujin.

When the boy was 9 years old, he was betrothed to a girl from the Ungirat clan, Borte. He was brought up in the family of his bride for a long time.

When Temujin became a teenager, his distant relative, the leader of the Taichiuts, Tartugay-Kiriltukh, declared himself the sole ruler of the steppe and began to pursue his rival.

After an attack by an armed detachment, Temujin was taken prisoner and spent many years in painful slavery. But he soon managed to escape, after which he reunited with his family, married his betrothed and entered into a struggle for power in the steppe.

First military campaigns

At the very beginning of the 13th century, Temujin, together with Wang Khan, set out on a campaign against the Taijiuts. After 2 years, he undertook an independent campaign against the Tatars. The first independently won battle contributed to the fact that Temujin's tactical and strategic skills were appreciated.

Great conquests

In 1207, Genghis Khan, deciding to secure the border, captured the Tangut state of Xi-Xia. It was located between the state of Jin and the possessions of the Mongol ruler.

In 1208, Genghis Khan captured several well-fortified cities. In 1213, after capturing a fortress in the Great Wall of China, the commander invaded the Jin state. Struck by the power of the attack, many Chinese garrisons surrendered without a fight and passed under the command of Genghis Khan.

The unofficial war continued until 1235. But the remnants of the army were quickly defeated by one of the children of the great conqueror, Ogedei.

In the spring of 1220, Genghis Khan conquered Samarkand. Passing through northern Iran, he carried out an invasion of the south of the Caucasus. Then the troops of Genghis Khan came to the North Caucasus.

In the spring of 1223, the battle of the Mongols with the Russian Polovtsy took place. The latter were defeated. Intoxicated with victory, the troops of Genghis Khan themselves were defeated in the Volga Bulgaria and in 1224 returned to their master.

Reforms of Genghis Khan

In the spring of 1206, Temujin was proclaimed great khan. There he "officially" adopted a new name - Genghis. The most important thing that the great khan managed to do was not his numerous conquests, but the unification of the warring tribes into a powerful Mongol empire.

Thanks to Genghis Khan, courier communications were created, intelligence and counterintelligence were organized. Economic reforms were carried out.

last years of life

There is no exact data regarding the cause of the death of the great khan. According to some reports, he died suddenly in the early autumn of 1227, due to the consequences of an unsuccessful fall from his horse.

According to an unofficial version, the old khan was stabbed to death at night by his young wife, who was taken by force from his young and beloved husband.

Other biography options

  • Genghis Khan had an atypical appearance for a Mongol. He was blue-eyed and blond-haired. According to historians, he was too cruel and bloodthirsty even for a medieval ruler. He repeatedly forced his soldiers to become executioners in the conquered cities.
  • The tomb of the Great Khan is still shrouded in mystical fog. So far, her secret has not been revealed.

Genghis Khan- Great Khan and founder of the Mongol Empire during the 13th century (from 1206 to 1227). This man was not just a khan, among his talents was a commander-commander, a state administrator, and a fair commander.

Genghis Khan owns the organization of the largest state (empire) at all times!

History of Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan's own name Temujin (Temujin). This man with a difficult but great fate was born in the period from 1155 year on 1162 year - the exact date is unknown.

The fate of Temujin was very difficult. He came from a noble Mongolian family, who roamed with their herds along the banks of the Onon River in the territory of modern Mongolia. When he was 9 years old, during the steppe civil strife, his father was killed Yesugei Bahadur.

Genghis Khan - slave

The family, which lost its protector and almost all its livestock, had to flee from the nomads. She with great difficulty managed to endure a harsh winter in a wooded area. Troubles continued to haunt the little Mongol - new enemies from the tribe tayichiut attacked an orphaned family and took the boy into slavery.

However, he showed firmness of character hardened by the hardships of childhood. Having broken the collar, he escaped and returned to his native tribe, which could not protect his family several years ago.

The teenager became a zealous warrior: few of his relatives knew how to control the steppe horse so deftly and shoot accurately from a bow, throw a lasso at full gallop and cut with a saber.

Revenge for the family

Temujin pretty soon managed to take revenge on all the offenders of his family. He has not yet turned 20 years how he began to unite the Mongol clans around him, gathering a small detachment of warriors under his command.

It was very difficult - after all, the Mongol tribes constantly waged armed struggle among themselves, raiding neighboring pastures in order to take possession of their herds and seize people into slavery.

The steppe tribe hostile to him Merkits once made a successful raid on his camp and kidnapped his wife Borte. This was a great insult to the dignity of the Mongol commander. He redoubled his efforts to gather nomadic families under his rule, and just a year later he commanded a whole cavalry army.

With him, he inflicted a complete defeat on the large Merkit tribe, exterminating most of it and capturing their herds, and freed his wife, who knew the fate of a captive.

Genghis Khan - a novice commander

Genghis Khan mastered the tactics of war in the steppe. He suddenly attacked the neighboring nomadic tribes and invariably won. He offered to the survivors right to choose: or become his ally, or perish.

First big battle

The leader Temujin fought his first big battle in 1193 near Germany in the Mongolian steppes. At the head 6 thousand warriors he broke 10 thousandth father-in-law's army Ung Khana who began to argue with his son-in-law.

The Khan's army was commanded by a commander Sanguk, who, apparently, was very confident in the superiority of the tribal army entrusted to him and did not worry about either reconnaissance or outposts. Genghis Khan caught the enemy by surprise in a mountain gorge and inflicted heavy damage on him.

Obtaining the title of "Genghis Khan"

TO 1206 Temujin became the strongest ruler in the steppes north of the Great Wall of China. That year is remarkable in his life in that on kurultai(congress) of the Mongol feudal lords, he was proclaimed "great khan" over all the Mongol tribes with the title " Genghis Khan" (from the Turkic " Tengiz"- ocean, sea).

Genghis Khan demanded from the leaders of the tribes who recognized his supremacy, maintain permanent military detachments to protect the lands of the Mongols with their nomad camps and for aggressive campaigns against neighbors.

The former slave no longer had open enemies among the Mongol nomads, and he began to prepare for wars of conquest.

Army of Genghis Khan

The army of Genghis Khan was built according to decimal system: tens, hundreds, thousands and tumens(they consisted of 10 thousand soldiers). These military units were not only accounting units. A hundred and a thousand could perform an independent combat mission. Tumen acted in the war already at the tactical level.

According to the decimal system, and command of the Mongolian army: foreman, centurion, thousand's manager, temnik. Genghis Khan appointed his sons and representatives of the tribal nobility to the highest positions, temniks, from among those military leaders who, by deed, proved to him their devotion and experience in military affairs.

In the army of the Mongols, the strictest discipline was maintained along the entire command hierarchical ladder, any violation was severely punished.

The history of the conquests of Genghis Khan

First of all, the great khan decided to annex other nomadic peoples to his state. IN 1207 In the year he conquered vast areas north of the Selenga River and in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. The military forces (cavalry) of the conquered tribes were included in the general Mongol army.

Then came the turn of the big for those times Uyghur states in East Turkestan. IN 1209 In the same year, a huge army of Genghis Khan invaded their territory and, capturing one by one their cities and flowering oases, won a complete victory.

The destruction of settlements in the occupied territory, the total extermination of recalcitrant tribes and fortified cities that decided to defend themselves with weapons in their hands, were a characteristic feature of the conquests of the great Mongol Khan.

The strategy of intimidation allowed him to successfully solve military problems and keep the conquered peoples in obedience.

Conquest of Northern China

IN 1211 In 1994, Genghis Khan's cavalry attacked northern China. The Great Wall of China - this is the most grandiose defensive structure in the history of mankind - did not become an obstacle for the conquerors. IN 1215 the city was captured by cunning Beijing(Yanjing), which the Mongols subjected to a long siege.

In this campaign, Genghis Khan adopted the engineering military equipment of the Chinese into service with his cavalry troops - various throwing machines And battering rams. Chinese engineers trained the Mongols to use them and deliver them to the besieged cities and fortresses.

Hike to Central Asia

IN 1218 year the Mongolian army invaded Central Asia and captured Khorezm. This time, the great conqueror found a plausible pretext - several Mongol merchants were killed in the border city of Khorezm, and therefore this country should be punished.

Shah Muhammad at the head of a large army ( up to 200 thousand Human) came out to meet Genghis Khan. At Karaku there was a great battle, distinguished by such persistence that by the evening there was no winner on the battlefield.

The next day, Muhammad refused to continue the battle due to heavy losses, which were calculated almost half the troops he had gathered. Genghis Khan, for his part, also suffered heavy losses, retreated, but this was his military trick.

The conquest of the huge Central Asian state of Khorezm continued until 1221. During this time were conquered by Genghis Khan the following cities: Otrar (the territory of modern Uzbekistan), Bukhara, Samarkand, Khujand (modern Tajikistan), Merv, Urgench and many others.

Conquest of Northwest India

IN 1221 year after the fall of Khorezm and the conquest of Central Asia, Genghis Khan made a campaign in northwest india, capturing this large territory. However, Genghis Khan did not go further to the south of Hindustan: he was constantly attracted by unknown countries at sunset.

He, as usual, thoroughly worked out the route of the new campaign and sent his best generals far to the west. Jebe And subedea at the head of their tumens and auxiliary troops of the conquered peoples. Their path lay through Iran, Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus. So the Mongols ended up on the southern approaches to Rus', in the Don steppes.

Attack on Rus'

At that time, Polovtsian towers roamed in the Wild Field, which had long lost their military strength. The Mongols defeated the Polovtsy without much difficulty, and they fled to the borderlands of Russian lands.

IN 1223 year, the generals Jebe and Subedei defeated in the battle on river Kalka united army of several Russian princes and Polovtsian khans. After the victory, the vanguard of the Mongol army turned back.

The last campaign and the death of Genghis Khan

IN 1226–1227 years, Genghis Khan made a trip to the country of the Tanguts Xi-Xia. He instructed one of his sons to continue the conquest of China. The anti-Mongol uprisings that began in the North China he had conquered caused Genghis Khan great anxiety.

The great commander died during his last campaign against the Tanguts August 25, 1227. The Mongols gave him a magnificent funeral and, having destroyed all the participants in these sad celebrations, managed to keep the location of Genghis Khan's grave a complete secret to this day.

(Temujin, Temujin)

(1155 -1227 )

Great conqueror. Founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.

The fate of Temujin, or Temujin, was very difficult. He came from a noble Mongolian family, who roamed with their herds along the banks of the Onon River in the territory of modern Mongolia. When he was nine years old, during the steppe civil strife, his father Yesugei-bahadur was killed. The family, which lost its protector and almost all its livestock, had to flee from the nomads. She with great difficulty managed to endure a harsh winter in a wooded area. Troubles continued to haunt the little Mongol - new enemies from the Taijiut tribe attacked the orphaned family and captured Temujin, putting on him a wooden slave collar.

However, he showed the firmness of his character, hardened by the hardships of childhood. Having broken the collar, he escaped and returned to his native tribe, which could not protect his family several years ago. The teenager became a zealous warrior: few of his relatives knew how to control the steppe horse so deftly and shoot accurately from a bow, throw a lasso at full gallop and cut with a saber.

But the warriors of his tribe were struck by something else in Temujin - dominance, the desire to subjugate others. From those who stood under his banner, the young Mongol commander demanded complete and unquestioning obedience to his will. Disobedience was punishable only by death. To the disobedient, he was as merciless as to his natural enemies among the Mongols. Temujin pretty soon managed to take revenge on all the offenders of his family. He was not yet 20 years old, when he began to unite the Mongol clans around him, gathering a small detachment of warriors under his command. It was very difficult - after all, the Mongol tribes constantly waged an armed struggle among themselves, raiding neighboring pastures in order to take possession of their herds and seize people into slavery.

Steppe clans, and then entire tribes of the Mongols, he united around him, sometimes by force, and sometimes with the help of diplomacy. Temujin married the daughter of one of the most powerful neighbors, hoping for the support of his father-in-law's soldiers in difficult times. However, while the young military leader had few allies and his own soldiers, he also had to endure setbacks.
The steppe tribe of the Merkits, hostile to him, once made a successful raid on his camp and kidnapped his wife. This was a great insult to the dignity of the Mongol commander. He redoubled his efforts to gather nomadic families under his rule, and in just a year he commanded an entire cavalry army. With him, he inflicted a complete defeat on the large Merkit tribe, exterminating most of it and capturing their herds, and freed his wife, who knew the fate of a captive.

The military successes of Temujin in the war against the Merkits attracted other Mongol tribes to his side, now they resignedly gave their warriors to the military leader. His army was constantly growing, and the territories of the vast Mongolian steppe were expanding, which were now subject to his authority.
Temujin tirelessly waged war with all the Mongol tribes who refused to recognize his supreme authority. At the same time, he was distinguished by perseverance and cruelty. So, he almost completely exterminated the tribe of Tatars that refused to subdue him (the Mongol was already called this name in Europe, although as such the Tatars were destroyed by Genghis Khan in an internecine war). Temujin was well versed in the tactics of war in the steppe. He suddenly attacked the neighboring nomadic tribes and invariably won. He offered the survivors the right to choose: either become his ally, or die.

The leader Temujin fought his first big battle in 1193 near Germany in the Mongolian steppes. At the head of 6 thousand soldiers, he defeated the 10 thousandth army of his father-in-law Ung Khan, who began to argue with his son-in-law. The Khan's army was commanded by the commander Sanguk, who, apparently, was very confident in the superiority of the tribal army entrusted to him and did not worry about either reconnaissance or military protection. Temujin took the enemy by surprise in a mountain gorge and inflicted heavy damage on him.

By 1206, Temujin had become the strongest ruler in the steppes north of the Great Wall of China. That year is remarkable in his life in that at the kurultai (congress) of the Mongol feudal lords, he was proclaimed the “Great Khan” over all the Mongol tribes with the title of “Genghis Khan” (from the Turkic “tengiz” - ocean, sea). Under the name of Genghis Khan, Temujin entered world history. For the steppe-Mongols, the title sounded like "universal ruler", "real ruler", "precious ruler".
The first thing the great khan took care of was the Mongol army. Genghis Khan demanded that the leaders of the tribes, who recognized his supremacy, maintain permanent military detachments to protect the lands of the Mongols with their nomads and for aggressive campaigns against their neighbors. The former slave no longer had open enemies among the Mongol nomads, and he began to prepare for wars of conquest.

To assert personal power and suppress any discontent in the country, Genghis Khan created a horse guard of 10 thousand people. The best warriors were recruited from the Mongol tribes, and she enjoyed great privileges in the army of Genghis Khan. The guards were his bodyguards. From among them, the ruler of the Mongolian state appointed military leaders to the troops.
The army of Genghis Khan was built according to the decimal system: tens, hundreds, thousands and tumens (they consisted of 10 thousand soldiers). These military units were not only accounting units. A hundred and a thousand could perform an independent combat mission. Tumen acted in the war already at the tactical level.

The command of the Mongolian army was also built according to the decimal system: ten's manager, centurion, thousand's manager, temnik. Genghis Khan appointed his sons and representatives of the tribal nobility to the highest positions, temniks, from among those military leaders who, by deed, proved to him their devotion and experience in military affairs. In the army of the Mongols, the strictest discipline was maintained along the entire command hierarchical ladder, any violation was severely punished.
The main branch of the army in the army of Genghis Khan was the heavily armed cavalry of the Mongols proper. Her main weapons were a sword or saber, a pike and a bow with arrows. Initially, the Mongols protected their chest and head in battle with strong leather breastplates and helmets. Subsequently, they had good protective equipment in the form of various metal armor. Each Mongol warrior had at least two well-trained horses for the campaign and a large supply of arrows and arrowheads for them.

Light cavalry, and these were mainly horse archers, were warriors of the conquered steppe tribes.

It was they who started the battles, bombarding the enemy with clouds of arrows and introducing confusion into his ranks, and then the heavily armed cavalry of the Mongols themselves went on the attack in a dense mass. Their attack was more like a ramming blow than a dashing raid of mounted nomads.

Genghis Khan went down in military history as a great strategist and tactician of his era. For his temnik commanders and other military leaders, he developed the rules for conducting war and organizing the entire military service. These rules, in the conditions of the brutal centralization of military and state administration, were strictly observed.

The strategy and tactics of the great conqueror of the Ancient World were characterized by careful long-range and short-range reconnaissance, the surprise attack on any enemy, even noticeably inferior to him in strength, the desire to dismember the enemy forces in order to destroy them in parts. Ambushes and luring the enemy into them were widely and skillfully used. Genghis Khan and his commanders skillfully maneuvered large masses of cavalry on the battlefield. The pursuit of the fleeing enemy was carried out not with the aim of capturing more military booty, but with the aim of destroying it.

At the very beginning of his conquests, Genghis Khan did not always gather a general Mongol cavalry army. Scouts and spies brought him information about a new enemy, about the number, location and routes of movement of his troops. This allowed Genghis Khan to determine the number of troops needed to defeat the enemy and quickly respond to all his offensive actions.

However, the greatness of the military art of Genghis Khan also consisted in something else: he was able to react quickly, changing his tactics depending on the circumstances. Thus, having encountered strong fortifications in China for the first time, Genghis Khan began to use all kinds of throwing and siege machines in war. They were taken disassembled for the army and quickly assembled during the siege of a new city. When he needed mechanics or doctors, who were not among the Mongols, the khan wrote them out from other countries or captured them. In this case, military specialists became khan's slaves, but were kept in fairly good conditions.
Until the last day of his life, Genghis Khan sought to maximize his truly vast possessions. Therefore, each time the Mongol army went farther and farther from Mongolia.

First, the great khan decided to annex other nomadic peoples to his state. In 1207 he conquered vast areas north of the Selenga River and in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. The military forces (cavalry) of the conquered tribes were included in the general Mongol army.

Then came the turn of the then large state of the Uighurs in East Turkestan. In 1209, a huge army of Genghis Khan invaded their territory and, capturing one by one their cities and flourishing oases, won a complete victory. After this invasion, only heaps of ruins remained from many trading cities and villages.

The destruction of settlements in the occupied territory, the total extermination of recalcitrant tribes and fortified cities that decided to defend themselves with weapons in their hands, were a characteristic feature of the conquests of the great Mongol Khan. The strategy of intimidation allowed him to successfully solve military problems and keep the conquered peoples in obedience.

In 1211, Genghis Khan's cavalry attacked northern China. The Great Wall of China - this is the most grandiose defensive structure in the history of mankind - did not become an obstacle for the conquerors. The Mongolian cavalry defeated the troops that stood in its way. In 1215, the city of Beijing (Yanjing) was captured by cunning, which the Mongols subjected to a long siege.

In northern China, the Mongols destroyed about 90 cities, the population of which resisted the Mongol army. In this campaign, Genghis Khan adopted the engineering military equipment of the Chinese into service with his cavalry troops - various throwing machines and battering rams. Chinese engineers trained the Mongols to use them and deliver them to the besieged cities and fortresses.

In 1218, the Mongols conquered the Korean Peninsula. After campaigns in Northern China and Korea, Genghis Khan turned his gaze further to the West - towards the sunset. In 1218, the Mongol army invaded Central Asia and captured Khorezm. This time, the great conqueror found a plausible pretext - several Mongol merchants were killed in the border city of Khorezm, and therefore the country where the Mongols were treated badly should be punished.

With the advent of the enemy on the borders of Khorezm, Shah Mohammed, at the head of a large army (figures up to 200 thousand people are called), set out on a campaign. A great battle took place at Karaku, which was distinguished by such persistence that by the evening there was no winner on the battlefield. With the onset of darkness, the commanders took their armies to their camps. The next day, Muhammad refused to continue the battle due to heavy losses, which amounted to almost half of the troops he had gathered. Genghis Khan, for his part, also suffered heavy losses, retreated, but this was his military trick.

The conquest of the huge Central Asian state of Khorezm continued. In 1219, the Mongol army of 200 thousand people under the command of the sons of Genghis Khan, Oktay and Zagatai, besieged the city of Otrar, located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. The city was defended by a 60,000-strong garrison under the command of the brave Khorezm commander Gazer Khan.

The siege of Otrar, with frequent attacks, lasted four months. During this time, the number of defenders decreased three times. Famine and disease began in the city, since it was especially bad with drinking water. In the end, the Mongol army broke into the city, but could not capture the fortress citadel. Gazer Khan with the remnants of the defenders of Otrar held out in it for another month. By order of the Great Khan, the city was destroyed, most of the inhabitants were destroyed, and some - artisans and young people - were taken into slavery.

In March 1220, the Mongol army, led by Genghis Khan himself, laid siege to one of the largest Central Asian cities, Bukhara. The 20,000-strong army of the Khorezmshah stood in it, which, together with its commander, fled when the Mongols approached. The townspeople, not having the strength to fight, opened the city gates to the conquerors. Only the local ruler decided to defend himself, hiding in the fortress, which was set on fire and destroyed by the Mongols.

In June of the same 1220, the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, besieged another large city of Khorezm - Samarkand. The city was defended by a garrison of 110,000 (the figures are greatly inflated) under the command of the governor Alub Khan. Khorezmian soldiers made frequent sorties outside the city walls, preventing the Mongols from conducting siege work. However, there were citizens who, wanting to save their property and life, opened the gates of Samarkand to the enemy.

The Mongols broke into the city, and heated battles with its defenders began in the streets and squares. However, the forces turned out to be unequal, and besides, Genghis Khan brought more and more new forces into battle to replace the tired warriors. Seeing that Samarkand could not be defended, Alub Khan, who fought heroically at the head of a thousand Khorezm horsemen, managed to escape from the city and break through the blockade ring of the enemy. The surviving 30 thousand defenders of Samarkand were killed by the Mongols.

The conquerors also met stubborn resistance during the siege of the city of Khujand (modern Tajikistan). The city was defended by a garrison led by one of the best Khwarezmian commanders, the fearless Timur-Melik. When he realized that the garrison was no longer able to resist the assault, he, with part of his soldiers, embarked on ships and sailed down the Jaksart River, pursued along the coast by the Mongol cavalry. However, after a fierce battle, Timur-Melik managed to break away from his pursuers. After his departure, the city of Khojent surrendered to the mercy of the winners the next day.

The Mongols continued to capture the Khorezm cities one after another: Merv, Urgench ... In 1221
After the fall of Khorezm and the conquest of Central Asia, Genghis Khan made a campaign in North-Western India, capturing this large territory as well. However, Genghis Khan did not go further to the south of Hindustan: he was constantly attracted by unknown countries at sunset.
He, as usual, thoroughly worked out the route of a new campaign and sent far to the west his best commanders Jebe and Subedei at the head of their tumens and auxiliary troops of the conquered peoples. Their path lay through Iran, Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus. So the Mongols ended up on the southern approaches to Rus', in the Don steppes.

At that time, Polovtsian towers roamed in the Wild Field, which had long lost their military strength. The Mongols defeated the Polovtsy without much difficulty, and they fled to the borderlands of Russian lands. In 1223, the generals Jebe and Subedey defeated the united army of several Russian princes and Polovtsian khans in a battle on the Kalka River. After the victory, the vanguard of the Mongol army turned back.

In 1226-1227, Genghis Khan made a trip to the country of the Tangut Xi-Xia. He instructed one of his sons to continue the conquest of China. The anti-Mongol uprisings that began in the North China he had conquered caused Genghis Khan great anxiety.

The great commander died during his last campaign against the Tanguts. The Mongols gave him a magnificent funeral and, having destroyed all the participants in these sad celebrations, managed to keep the location of Genghis Khan's grave a complete secret to this day.

The Arab chronicler Rashid-ad-Din in his work "Chronicles" described in detail the history of the formation of the Mongol state and the conquests of the Mongols. Here is what he wrote about Genghis Khan, who became for world history a symbol of the desire for world domination and military power: “After his victorious performance, the inhabitants of the world saw with their own eyes that he was marked by all kinds of heavenly support. Thanks to the extreme limit of (his) power and might, he conquered all the Turkic and Mongol tribes and other categories (of the human race), introducing them into a number of his slaves ...

Thanks to the nobility of his personality and the subtlety of his inner qualities, he stood out from all those peoples, like a rare pearl from the midst of precious stones, and drew them into the circle of possession and into the hand of the supreme government ...

Despite the plight and abundance of difficulties, troubles and all sorts of misfortunes, he was an extremely brave and courageous person, very intelligent and gifted, reasonable and knowledgeable ... "

For a year they laid siege to the city of Bamiyan and after many months of defense took it by storm. Genghis Khan, whose beloved grandson was killed during the siege, ordered that neither women nor children be spared. Therefore, the city with the entire population was completely destroyed.

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