Aphorisms and quotes about life with meaning. Aphorisms from the singer Valeria Velikie about work, creativity, and other high meanings

The room was dark, only the bright cold light of the computer, from which it hurts in the eyes, slightly illuminated the spacious room. Outside the window, the indefatigable and noisy night Bangkok was seething and living its own life.

This new apartment on the edge of Lumpini Park has not yet become Phichit's home. Too empty, too gray, too alien. There are no those pleasant, sweet little things that create a cozy atmosphere. And even as many as six colorful plump hamsters did not save the deplorable situation. Without him a Thai would hardly be able to spend even a few hours here. (And also He Bought Phichita a big gray plush hamster that settled on the back of the sofa.)

Phichit's family did not immediately approve of his idea of ​​living on his own. Everyone thought he couldn't take care of himself. What will starve to death, not understanding why food does not appear in the refrigerator, or turn the whole apartment into a dump, wondering why things do not fall into place on their own. Then He promised his entire family that he would protect their precious son with all his might. The next week, Phichit was already swearing to himself (or maybe not), searching through the pile of open boxes scattered around his new home for the things he needed. Helpful as always He.

A month later, sitting at night in his apartment in the center of a temperamental night city, Phichit once again squinted and tried to understand the meaning of what was written on the screen, but the letters literally blurred before his eyes. His eyes were already starting to water from the strain. His temples throbbed with an unpleasant aching pain. The Thai stretched in his chair, trying to stretch the muscles that had become stiff from sitting for a long time. It was necessary to get up and walk around, driving away drowsiness, but it was too lazy to move. His eyes accidentally fell on the window, which reflected flashes of headlights of passing cars.

It's been two years since he retired from big sport and now he rode only for his own pleasure at various shows. Having received a new interesting experience, he unbearably wanted to create something of his own, original and new, which no one had ever seen and could not even think about, which would open his inner world to the audience. What would make them also fall in love with figure skating with all their hearts.

But as luck would have it, nothing came to mind. The ideas were fleeting and not interesting enough to draw attention to. Out of desperation, Phichit even began to watch videos of various ice shows of the past years, in the hope that they would bring inspiration, help him find the very thing that he had been looking for for so long. But that didn't help either. He was sitting in front of a laptop screen reading interviews with the show's creators and couldn't think of anything.

In the end, the Thai with a quiet groan lowered his head on his hands folded on the table, admitting his defeat. Phichit had no idea that coming up with a show is so difficult. All past ideas now seemed naive, boring and even somewhat banal, he did not want to repeat after others, but he never found his idea.

Whiskey again shot with pain. A malicious, gloating voice in his head said that he would not succeed. The boy lifted his head slightly and glanced at the dial of his watch. They reproachfully showed the beginning of the fourth hour of the morning. More work tomorrow. And no, today.

Phichit knew he shouldn't fall asleep at the table, but he couldn't lift his heavy head. It turns out that lying on your hands was very comfortable. He felt his mind slowly clouding over with sleep, but he couldn't help it. Even force yourself to get up and at least lie down on the sofa. He stood impermissibly far away - a few steps from the table.

But the universe took pity on him, giving him this man.

Phichit? - they whispered softly and lightly stroked his shoulder. The guy shuddered, sleepy numbness vanished.

The hand stroking him was very tender, dear and warm. It is not difficult to recognize her with closed eyes. Only she exuded such love and care.

Hey, it's uncomfortable to sleep here. Let's go to bed, - Phichit meekly allowed himself to be lifted, taken to the bedroom and laid on the bed, focusing on the feeling of someone else's palm touching his wrist, so as not to fall asleep on the go.

Once under the covers, he immediately reaches for the heat source and wraps himself around his hands, pressed so tightly that there was not even a centimeter between them.



It's hot, - they inform him with displeasure, unsuccessfully trying to get out.

I'm sorry, I can't help myself. You are so soft. I want to hug you, - Phichit rubs his cheek against his wild hair.

On your next birthday, I'll give you a hug pillow.

Only if with your photo, - the Thai snorted cheerfully. Somewhere above his head deliberately sigh heavily.

They can jokingly bicker and tease each other for a long time, and the night will pass unnoticed, bringing morning sleepiness and hatred for the whole world, but fatigue attacks them swiftly and pulls them into a serene sleep. Morning came mercilessly quickly.

And it didn't start with kisses and coffee in bed. The vile sound of the alarm clock burst into his dream, forcing him to open his eyes sharply. Phichit grimaced and yawned, trying to find the hateful source of noise on a nearby nightstand.

Turns out it's not an alarm clock. It made someone want to call at such an early hour. If this is not a problem of universal scale, then the caller will pay for ruining the morning, a very disgruntled Phichit decides. Will pay dearly.

Phichit on the fourth attempt still managed to open his eyes. And he immediately caught his questioning look. He lay, completely wrapped in a blanket, only two soft brown eyes and a mop of dark matted hair were visible.

The world is beautiful,” Phichit said happily and, under the bewildered gaze of another person, flopped back onto the soft bed. - There is something wrong with the rink. There will be no training today. How do you look at what else to sleep?

Yes, they answered him after a few seconds, trying to suppress a yawn.

Phichit smiled slightly and dived into the warm blanket cocoon, feeling his hand and laced his fingers. For a long time he looked into the eyes opposite.

You know, I don’t regret anything, - the Thai suddenly said quietly, but very seriously. Phichit said this from time to time, checking to see if he was sorry. He about the choice made.

And I do not regret - there is no need to doubt the words, the eyes on the contrary are too clean and open.

Phichit slowly reached for soft lips. In the morning, their kisses are especially tender and full of feelings.

If someone had told him a few years ago that waking up in the morning and lying in a warm bed, he would kiss Katsuki Yuuri, and the Japanese would willingly answer him, he would have twitched as if from a blow. Because you can't joke like that.

Phichit saw him with Viktor. I saw how happy Yuuri was finally. Therefore, he forbade himself to hope for something, did not want pain. And wished the best friend happiness.

But for a whole year now, she and Yuuri have been together. They moved to Bangkok and live in the same apartment. For a year now, Nikiforov has preferred the more successful Yuri Plisetsky and abandoned the latter. For a year now, the Japanese has been training figure skaters. Here. In Thailand. Along with Phichit. And he doesn't regret it at all.

When, at his last competition, the Thai fell from a quadruple loop and felt a sharp pain piercing his leg, he realized that this was the end. He did not allow himself to be put on a stretcher - staggering, swallowing angry tears, he left himself.

Phichit has always been cheerful. But at that moment he cowardly thought about death, because he had lost his meaning and purpose. Everything turned out to be pointless. Then Yuuri was there. He protected, cared for and talked, sometimes he listened to harsh abuse. But those were the words of a disappointed man who hated his weakness. After harsh words, he always asked Yuuri for forgiveness. Yuri always forgave.

A month later, Victor called him, and Phichit saw how the Japanese tried to hold back tears, swallowing a lump in his throat. The Russian could not come to terms with the fact that someone else was preferred to him. Therefore, he broke the contract with Yuuri and took Yuru as his student, who was always there, in need and idolized. Phichit never saw Yuuri crying.

After all that they had been through together, after countless ups and downs, problems and their decisions, it was unbearable to leave. The Thai well remembered Yuuri's surprised and relieved look when he grabbed his hand and asked him not to leave. They themselves did not notice how their relationship grew into something more than they had ever thought about. But it turned out to be surprisingly natural and correct. Everything fell into place.

He never thought that things would turn out like this. But life make its own adjustments. And it's fucking amazing.

I think one of the most important things is the dress code. It should correspond to us and emphasize our beauty.


The main thing in this life is to find harmony with yourself and the world around you.

If life is finite, then it is complete nonsense.

I have such a character that I generally can not sit in one place for a long time. I need to move all the time.

Style is an individuality that has developed at the moment, and not something frozen in you. It's more of a feeling of life.


Light is positive emotions for relatives, viewers, people around. Those who come into contact with you should feel good and at ease.


Never in my life did I sing at concerts to the phonogram. I think it's below my dignity.

The most popular remedy for maintaining beauty is a sound and healthy sleep!


Somewhere I read a wonderful phrase: “The souls of children are not our property, they are given to us for safekeeping” ... and how carefully we store and educate these souls depends on what children will grow up to be.

Relationships either exist or they don't.

Once upon a time, computers were called devilry, but now they are in every church. Life makes its own adjustments.

All my children are unplanned, and therefore, if God grants, I will be very happy.

The child is you, but improved.


After all, what is love? It's about giving, not taking. And what you give is returned to you.

If adults get confused along the way, perhaps they should seek the truth with their children.


Many people are concerned about how to raise children. The most important thing is not edification. And to be a friend so that a child at any age can share his problems with you.

Living with the idea that everything is finite is destructive. But if a person lives with the thought and confidence that the Universe is infinite and we must also be infinite, and our life is infinite, now it is in this form, then in another, then meaning appears.

Give yourself the happiness of taking care of yourself, do not neglect sports. Experiment with your appearance and get enough sleep. Most importantly, love yourself and your body.

"A good day starts with a good morning." In a world of constant haste and bustle, many people forget this simple truth. It is much easier to say that there is no such thing as a good morning, but this way the whole day can pass in a senseless expectation that everything will suddenly change for the better. It's a pity, but pleasant accidents happen only to those who start a new page in a good morning. Therefore, quotes about a good day and morning will give a little confidence and optimism.

It all depends on thoughts

The Strugatsky brothers said that 83% of all the days that make up a year begin the same way: the alarm clock rings. But this is no reason to despair. This is just a statement of fact - the alarm clock rings in the morning. But not the period of time that starts with an alarm clock and ends with a TV. It begins and ends with human thoughts. So why not follow the example of Winnie the Pooh?! Talking with Piglet, he uttered an interesting phrase: "Today is my favorite day." It's so simple and unsophisticated: today is your favorite date.

At one time, Turgenev said: "Life must be built in such a way that every day is significant." Each new dawn is another chance to change everything. And there is no need to hate the alarm clock that interrupted a sweet dream, queues at the store or unpleasant words from the boss. A good day is not a specific date, it is our attitude to the next period of time that comes after the alarm goes off.

Quotes about morning

Morning is always a dilemma: continue to sleep or get up and make your dreams come true. So, what did the figures of the past give us? It is best to recall the saying of Marcel Ashard: "Success comes to those who wake up in a good mood." Mornings should always start with positive thoughts. Even if it’s dull and slushy outside, there are many more difficult things planned for today. A positive attitude is the only thing that turns a dull alarm clock into a start.

Once he remarked: “According to the advice of the Pythagoreans, every morning you need to look at the sky. This allows us to remember that everyone has their own purpose, the main thing is to stay true to their path.” Perhaps this does not cause optimism, but it gives confidence that the coming dawn is special.

How to make a good day

In quotes about a good day, you can often find tips that will make it better. The main thing to remember: a new date is another start and it doesn’t matter what happened the day before. Morning has come, which means there is a chance to start life from scratch. In childhood, we woke up and perceived the coming date as another miracle. But adult life makes its own adjustments. It's hard for people not to think about the future or leave the past behind. So it's time to relearn and do good every day.

Quotes about a good day:

  • “To have a perfect day, you need to work hard.”
  • "Do something that scares you every day."
  • “If a day passes without laughter, they can be considered lost.”
  • "Every day can be perfect, the main thing is to share it with someone."
  • “The next date will be better if you put on a happy face in the morning.”
  • "Every day is a little life."


Every day a person makes a choice: leave everything as it is or change something. They say that life is striped, but everyone should paint it in their own colors.

Sayings about a good day can be quite contradictory. said that anything can happen in one moment: “In a day a person is born and dies. In a day, he can fall in love and change his life forever.” Whether the next dawn will be good or bad depends on the choice of everyone. But the new day is successful already because they have come, and quotes about a good day mention this more than once.

Nadeya Yasminskaya once said: "Every new day is a kingdom that needs to be conquered." Whether it will be good or bad, whether the fortress of the kingdom will fall before a desperate knight, depends only on the person. No matter how many aphorisms about a good day are read, only one conclusion can be drawn from them: each date is a small life, it cannot be exchanged or returned, and everyone decides what it will be, just waking up in the morning.

Only the one who knows how to live cherishes every dawn. A good day starts with a good morning. Yes, it is not always possible to wake up in a great mood. Often everyday worries crush with their unbearable burden, trying to extinguish the spark of faith that another day is not so bad. But one does not mean that all life is bad. Days tend to end... Tomorrow there will be another dawn, another chance, another new beginning. You just need to wake up in the morning and allow the coming day to be good.


Quotes and Aphorisms 21.06.2017

As the poet absolutely correctly put it, "we did not teach dialectics according to Hegel." From school years, the Soviet generation remembered the lines of another mentor, Nikolai Ostrovsky, who insisted: life must be lived in such a way "so that it would not be excruciatingly painful ..." The textbook phrase ended with a call to give all one's strength to "the struggle for the liberation of mankind."

Decades have passed, and many of us remained grateful to Nikolai Ostrovsky for his personal example of perseverance and for his peculiar aphorisms and quotes about life with meaning. It's not even that they corresponded to that heroic era. No, similar thoughts sounded in the statements of philosophers, historical figures of the ancient world, and in other times. He just set the highest bar, which is far from achievable for everyone.

However, another thinker at about the same period advised: "Take it higher, the current will carry you anyway." So figuratively, Nicholas Roerich explained that there must be high goals, and then life, the environment will definitely make its own adjustments. Aphorisms about the life of this great scientist and cultural figure should be studied separately and in detail.

Today I have prepared for you, my dear readers, a selection of a variety of catch phrases that may help us all to take a slightly different look at ourselves, our place in the world, our destiny.

Great about work, creativity, other high meanings

We spend at least a third of our working life on work. In reality, most of us are engaged in affairs for much more time than is delineated by the official daily routine. It is no coincidence that aphorisms and quotes about life with the meaning of great people and the statements of our contemporaries are often based precisely on this side of our being.

When work and hobbies coincide, or at least are close to each other, when we choose a business we like, it becomes as productive as possible and brings us a lot of positive emotions. The Russian people have created many proverbs and sayings about the role of the craft, a good attitude towards business in everyday life. “He who gets up early, God gives him,” our wise ancestors claimed. And about the lazy people they joked caustically: "They are on the committee for trampling down pavements." Let's see what aphorisms about life and life values ​​left us as a guide to action by the sages of different eras and peoples.

Wise life aphorisms and quotes of great people with meaning about life

“If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick.” Sigmund Freud.

“If anything is worth doing, it is only what is considered impossible.” Oscar Wilde.

"Good wood does not grow in silence: the stronger the winds, the stronger the trees." J. Willard Marriott.

“The brain itself is immense. It can be equally a receptacle for both heaven and hell. John Milton.

“You will not have time to find the meaning of life, as it has already been changed.” George Carlin.

"He who works all day has no time to earn money." John D. Rockefeller.

“Anything that is not enjoyable is called work.” Bertolt Brecht.

“It doesn’t matter how slowly you progress, the main thing is that you don’t stop.” Bruce Lee.

“The most enjoyable thing is to do what they think you will never do.” Arabic proverb.

Disadvantages - continuation of advantages, mistakes - steps of growth

“The whole world and the sun cannot be blackened,” our grandfathers and great-grandfathers reassured themselves when something did not work out, it did not go according to plan. Aphorisms about life do not ignore this topic: our shortcomings, mistakes that can nullify our efforts, or, on the contrary, can teach us a lot. “Troubles torment, but they teach the mind” - there are many such proverbs among different peoples of the world. And religions teach us to bless obstacles, because we grow with them.

“People always blame the force of circumstances. I don't believe in the power of circumstances. In this world, only the one who seeks the conditions he needs and, if he does not find them, creates them himself, achieves success. Bernard Show.

“Pay no attention to minor flaws; remember: you also have large ones. Benjamin Franklin.

"A good decision made too late is a mistake." Lee Iacocca.

“You need to learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to do them all on your own." Hyman George Rickover.

"Everything that is beautiful in this life is either immoral, or illegal, or leads to obesity." Oscar Wilde.

"We can't stand people with the same flaws that we have." Oscar Wilde.

"Genius consists in the ability to distinguish between the difficult and the impossible." Napoleon Bonaparte.

"The greatest glory is not in never being wrong, but in being able to rise whenever you fall." Confucius.

“That which cannot be corrected should not be mourned.” Benjamin Franklin.

“A person should always be happy; if happiness ends, look where you made a mistake.” Lev Tolstoy.

"Everyone is making plans, and no one knows if he will live until the evening." Lev Tolstoy.

On the philosophy and realities of money

A lot of beautiful short aphorisms and quotes about life with meaning are devoted to financial issues. “Without money, everyone is skinny”, “I bought it dull” - the Russian people are ironic over themselves. And he assures: “He is wise, whose pocket is vigorous!” He immediately gives advice on the easiest way to achieve the recognition of others: “If you want good, sprinkle silver!” Continuation - in the well-aimed statements of famous and anonymous authors who know exactly the value of money.

"Don't be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes." John Rockefeller.

"If you buy what you don't need, you will soon be selling what you need." Benjamin Franklin.

“If the problem can be solved with money, then this is not a problem. It's just expenses." Henry Ford.

"We don't have money, so we have to think."

"A woman will always be dependent until she has her own wallet."

"Money won't buy happiness, but it's much nicer to be unhappy with it." Claire Booth Lyos.

"The dead are valued according to their merits, the living - according to financial means."

"A fool can produce a product, but it takes brains to sell it."

Friends and enemies, relatives and we

The theme of friendship and enmity, relationships with loved ones has always been popular with writers and poets. Aphorisms about the meaning of life, affecting this side of being, are quite numerous. They sometimes become "anchors" on which songs and poems are built, gaining truly popular love. Suffice it to recall at least the lines of Vladimir Vysotsky: “If a friend suddenly turned out to be ...”, heartfelt dedications to friends of Rasul Gamzatov and other Soviet poets.

Below I have selected for you, dear friends, aphorisms about life with meaning, short and capacious, accurate. Maybe they will lead you to some thoughts or memories, maybe they will help you to re-evaluate the usual situations and the place of your friends in them.

"Forgive your enemies - that's the best way to piss them off." Oscar Wilde.

“As long as you are concerned about what other people will say about you, you are at their mercy.” Neil Donald Welch.

"Before you love your enemies, try a little better to treat your friends." Edgar Howe.

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." Mahatma Gandhi.

“If you want to remake people, start with yourself. It's both healthier and safer." Dale Carnegie.

"Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you, be afraid of friends who flatter you." Dale Carnegie.

"In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude." Dale Carnegie.

"The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed." Mahatma Gandhi.

“The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi.

“It has always been a mystery to me how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.” Mahatma Gandhi.

“I count only on the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others. Mahatma Gandhi.

"Even the weirdest people can come in handy someday." Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins".

“I don't believe that you can change the world for the better. I believe that you can try not to make it worse.” Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins".

"If you managed to deceive a person, this does not mean that he is a fool - it means that you were trusted more than you deserve." Tove Jansson, "All about the Moomins".

Neighbors should be seen but not heard.

"Never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and the loyalty of friends."

Optimism, success, luck

Aphorisms about life and success is the next section of today's review. Why are some people always lucky, while others, no matter how you fight, remain outsiders? How to achieve success in life, and in case of failures not to lose the presence of mind? Let's listen to the advice of experienced people who have achieved a lot in life, who know the value of themselves and others.

“Humans are interesting creatures. In a world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom." Sir Terence Pratchett.

“A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, while an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill.

“Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity. Confucius.

"The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working and jerks who are willing to work without getting rich." Bernard Show.

“Moderation is a fatal property. Only extremes lead to success." Oscar Wilde.

"Great success always requires some promiscuity." Oscar Wilde.

"A smart person does not make all the mistakes himself - he gives a chance to others." Winston Churchill.

"In Chinese, the word 'crisis' is made up of two characters - one means danger and the other an opportunity." John F. Kennedy.

“A successful person is one who is able to build a solid foundation from the stones that others throw at him.” David Brinkley.

“If you fail, you will be upset; if you drop your hands, you are doomed.” Beverly Hills.

"If you are going through hell, go without stopping." Winston Churchill.

"Be present in your present, otherwise you will miss your life." Buddha.

“Everyone has something like a dung shovel, with which, in moments of stress and trouble, you begin to delve into yourself, into your thoughts and feelings. Get rid of her. Burn her. Otherwise, the hole you dug will reach the depths of the subconscious, and then at night the dead will come out of it. Stephen King.

“People think they can’t do a lot of things, and then they suddenly discover that they can very much when they find themselves in a stalemate.” Stephen King.

“There is a test to determine whether your mission on earth is completed or not. If you're still alive, then it's not finished." Richard Bach.

“The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, and right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. An entrepreneur who achieves success is one who acts, not slows down, and acts right now.” Nolan Bushnell.

“When you see a successful business, it means someone made a bold decision sometime.” Peter Drucker.

“There are three types of idleness - doing nothing, doing badly and doing the wrong thing.”

“If in doubt about the road, take a companion, if you are sure, move alone.”

“Never be afraid to do what you can't do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

Man and woman - poles or magnets?

Many life aphorisms tell about the essence of the relationship between the sexes, about the peculiarities of psychology, the logic of a man and a woman. Situations where these differences are clearly manifested, we meet every day. Sometimes these collisions are quite dramatic, and sometimes they are simply comical.

I hope that these clever aphorisms about life with meaning, describing such situations, will be of some help to you.

“Until the age of eighteen, a woman needs good parents, from eighteen to thirty-five, a good appearance, from thirty-five to fifty-five, a good character, and after fifty-five, good money.” Sophie Tucker.

“It is very dangerous to meet a woman who fully understands you. It usually ends in marriage." Oscar Wilde.

"Mosquitoes are much more humane than some women, if a mosquito drinks your blood, at least it stops buzzing."

“There is such a type of women - you respect them, you admire them, you revere them, but from a distance. If they make an attempt to approach, they must be beaten off with a club.

“A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married." Coco Chanel.

The prince didn't jump. So Snow White spit out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance, and made a test tube baby."

"The woman you love is the one you can hurt the most."
Etienne Ray.

"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Lev Tolstoy.

Love and hate, good and evil

Wise aphorisms and quotes about life and love are often born on the fly, they are scattered like pearls in all significant literary works. You, dear readers of the blog, probably have your favorite phrases about love and other manifestations of human feelings. I suggest you take a look at my selection of such revelations.

"Of all things eternal, love lasts the shortest." Jean Moliere.

“It always seems like we are loved for being so good. And we don’t guess that they love us because those who love us are good. Lev Tolstoy.

“I don't have everything I love. But I love everything I have." Lev Tolstoy.

"In love, as in nature, the first cold is the most sensitive." Pierre Buast.

"Evil is only within us, that is, where it can be taken out." Lev Tolstoy.

“Being good is such a wear and tear on a person!” Mark Twain.

“You can’t forbid living beautifully. But you can get in the way." Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

“Good always conquers evil, so whoever wins is the good one.” Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Loneliness and the crowd, death and eternity

Aphorisms about life with meaning cannot pass by the theme of death, loneliness, everything that scares us and attracts us at the same time. To look there, behind the curtain of life, beyond the brink of existence, a person tries all his centuries-old history. We are trying to comprehend the secrets of the cosmos, but we know so little about ourselves! Loneliness helps to take a deeper, closer look into yourself, to peer into the world around you from a distance. And books, clever phrases of insightful thinkers can also help in this.

"The worst loneliness is when a person is uncomfortable with himself."
Mark Twain.

"Getting old is boring, but it's the only way to live long." Bernard Show.

“If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to break his neck.” Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

"Each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness and the anvil of someone else's." Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

“To be able to endure loneliness and enjoy it is a great gift.” Bernard Show.

"If the patient really wants to live, the doctors are powerless." Faina Ranevskaya.

"Life and money start to think about when they come to an end." Emil Krotky.

And it's all about us: different facets, aspects, formats

I understand that the systematization of aphorisms about life with meaning is conditional. Many of them are difficult to fit into a certain thematic framework. Therefore, I have collected here a variety of interesting and instructive catchphrases.

"Culture is just a thin apple peel over red-hot chaos." Friedrich Nietzsche.

“The strongest influence is not those who are followed, but those against whom they are going.” Grigory Landau.

“You learn the fastest in three cases - before the age of 7, at trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner.” S. Covey.

“In America, in the Rocky Mountains, I saw the only reasonable method of art criticism. In the bar, a sign hung over the piano: "Do not shoot the pianist - he does everything he can." Oscar Wilde.

“Whether any particular day will bring you more happiness or more grief depends largely on the strength of your determination. Every day of your life will be happy or unhappy - this is the work of your hands. George Merriam.

"Facts are sand grinding in the gears of theory." Stefan Gorchinsky.

“Whoever agrees with everyone, no one agrees with that.” Winston Churchill.

"Communism is like dry law: the idea is good, but it doesn't work." Will Rogers.

“When you start looking into the abyss for a long time, the abyss starts looking into you.” Nietzsche.

"In the battle of the elephants, the ants get the most." An old American proverb.

"Be yourself. Other roles are already taken. Oscar Wilde.

Statuses - modern aphorisms for every day

Aphorisms and quotes about life with meaning, short funny - such a definition can be given to the statuses that we see in the accounts of network users as “slogans” or simply topical slogans, common phrases that are relevant today.

Don't you want a sediment to appear on your soul? Don't boil!

The only person for whom you are always THIN and HUNGRY is your grandmother!!!

Remember: good males are still taken apart by puppies!!!

Humanity is at a dead end: what to choose - work or daytime TV shows.

Strange: the number of gays is growing, although they cannot reproduce.

You begin to understand the theory of relativity when you stand in front of a sign on the store for half an hour: "Break 10 minutes."

Patience is the art of hiding impatience.

An alcoholic is a person who is ruined by two things: drinking and not drinking.

When because of one person it is bad, sick of the whole world.

Sometimes you really want to withdraw into yourself ... Taking a couple of bottles of cognac with you ...

When you suffer from loneliness - everyone is busy. When you dream of loneliness - EVERYONE will visit and call!

My beloved told me that I am a treasure ... Now I'm afraid to fall asleep ... suddenly he will take it and bury it somewhere!

Killed with a word - finish with silence.

No need to close the mouth of someone who is trying to open your eyes.

You need to live in such a way that it would be embarrassing to tell, but it's nice to remember!

There are people who run after you, who follow you and who stand up for you.

My friend loves apple juice and I like orange juice, but when we meet we drink vodka.

All guys want the one and only girl waiting for them while they sleep with everyone else.

I am married for the fifth time - I understand witches better than the Inquisition.

They say guys only want sex. Don't believe! They also ask to eat!

Before you cry into your friend's vest, smell if this vest smells like your boyfriend's perfume!

There is nothing more useful in the household than a guilty husband.

Girls, don't hurt guys! They already have an eternal tragedy in life: sometimes they don’t like it, sometimes they’re too tough, sometimes they can’t afford it!

The best gift for a woman is a gift made by hand… By the hands of a jeweler!

Caught in the net of the Internet - statuses about the Network

Our contemporaries dedicate a lot of aphorisms about life with humor to the Internet. Which is understandable: we spend a lot of time on the Web both at work and at home. And we get into the network of real and imaginary friends, we plunge into ridiculous situations. About some of them - in this section of the review.

Yesterday I deleted my left friends from the Vkontakte list for half an hour, until I realized that I was on my sister's account ...

Odnoklassniki is the center of employment of the population.

Humans tend to make mistakes. But for inhuman mistakes you need a computer.

Lived up! In Odnoklassniki, the husband offers friendship ...

Hacker morning. Woke up, checked mail, checked mail of other users.

Odnoklassniki is a terrible site! Stretch ceilings, curtains, wardrobes ask me to be friends ... I don’t remember that such people studied with me at school.

Ministry of Health warns: the abuse of virtual life leads to real hemorrhoids.

That's all for now, dear friends. Share these wise life aphorisms and quotes with your friends, share your favorite “highlights” with me and my readers!

I thank the reader of my blog Lyubov Mironova for her help in preparing this article.

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