Exercise errors in the construction of complex sentences. An error in the construction of a complex sentence

Significant speech difficulties are caused by the use of complex sentences. The last pages of our manual will be devoted to them.

Complicated called offer, which has in its composition two or several simple sentences that form a single whole in semantic and intonational terms, for example: Or will the plague pick me up, or the frost will ossify, or will an imprudent invalid slam the barrier into my forehead ?; Vladimir noticed with horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest.

Parts of a complex sentence, connecting with each other by a compositional or subordinate connection, form complex or complex sentences. Compound sentences- such complex sentences, parts of which are connected by creative unions ( but, but, and, but, or ... or, then ... then etc.), for example: You are gray, and I, friend, gray; Sleep overpowered me and I fell asleep in some kind of blissful rapture.

Complex sentences- those parts of which (i.e. the main and subordinate clauses) are connected by subordinate unions or union words ( what, when, which, how, because though etc.): Krainev raised his head and saw a convoy of cars enter the open gate; I can't say exactly when it started.

1. Common syntax error - disordered structure of a complex sentence , which makes it difficult to perceive the meaning of the statement, for example:

There are many employees at the plant who have shown themselves well in work and whose nature of work corresponds to the chosen specialty(necessary:

There are many employees at the plant who work in their specialty and have shown themselves well in work.);

The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work.(necessary:

It is necessary to pay attention to the artistic side of the work.

This is the main thing or: The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work.);

The commission examined the hostel, which at one time was given a lot of funds and attention, which is located in a former garage(Maybe:

The commission examined the hostel equipped in the building of the former garage with funds allocated by the management).

2. Sometimes imprecise word order interferes with the correct understanding of the relative clause: unclear, to which member of the main sentence it refers, for example, in the sentence:

The question to Mr. Rutskoy, who cannot but worry all of us, cannot but worry refers to the word question or to words Mr. Rutskoi? Obviously more accurate will:

The question, which cannot but worry all of us, I would like to address to Mr. Rutskoi or: Mr. Rutskoi! Let me ask you a question that worries all of us. Another example: Leaders, by making minor concessions to workers who have not improved their situation in the least, try to prevent a strike.

Possible option: Leaders, trying to prevent a strike, make minor concessions to workers that do not in the least improve their situation.

3. A means of communication between parts of a complex sentence can be correlative words - Demonstrative pronouns found in the main clause and attaching a subordinate clause that specifies their meaning, for example: It was especially scary that pigeons were flying over the fire, in the smoke.

The correlative word is necessary if there is a particle in the main sentence even, only, only etc. and if the subordinate clause explains a word with which it cannot be directly combined: We only realized that Andrei had failed the exam; I have always been in favor of ending our disputes and finding a reasonable solution. In other cases, their use is optional or contraindicated.

In recent years, very often we have to deal with unjustified or misuse of correlative words ... For example, in sentences: We thought that the exam would be in the summer; I dream that I will be a lawyer - there is no reason to use a correlative word then... This blunder requires mandatory fixes: We thought that the exam will be in the summer; I dream of becoming a lawyer. The correlative word can be used in wrong form: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess her plans.

This proposal requires correction mistakes in pronoun handling then: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans. But it is better to completely eliminate the correlative word: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans, - since in this sentence the use of a correlative word is optional, since it does not affect the meaning of the statement.

4. Error often occurs when using direct speech and replacing it with indirect ... In a sentence: Lermontov is sad about the unenviable fate of his contemporaries and says that “I look sadly at our generation”, - direct speech is inappropriate. If it is necessary to point to a poem, then it is better to quote it more fully.

Utterance maybe look like this: Lermontov deeply experiences the moral emptiness and mental lethargy of his contemporaries. In the poem "Duma" he writes with bitterness: "I look sadly at our generation, its future is either empty, or dark, meanwhile ..." and so on.

Another example: As Raskolnikov's mother wrote that Dunya is ready for anything to help her brother.Necessary: Mother wrote to Raskolnikov that Dunya was ready to do anything to help him.

The examples speak for themselves: All, therefore, the knights were usually illiterate, and they were required to always, as they say, live with their ladies, and on a campaign - with their squire and with a horse; We must now spend very, very big money on textbooks, and now they are, as it were, very, very expensive. And not by bread alone, in general, as they say. And they themselves only exploit the language, in general, but it shows back. In the last example, the meaning is so distorted that it is impossible to understand what the speaker meant.

The use of a large number of complex sentences in a business legal speech is primarily caused by the requirement of utmost accuracy, objectivity, the need to concretely present all the circumstances of the case in terms of interconnectedness, to establish temporary, cause-and-effect relationships between the actions of the accused, between the participants in the criminal case.

A pronounced syntactic connection in complex sentences contributes to the consistency of presentation.

When a writer loses their logical threads, this leads to cluttering of sentences with clauses and unnecessary, unnecessary information, and as a result - to violation of the boundaries of the sentence.

Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

When constructing complex sentences, it should be borne in mind that the most common are complex sentences with conjunctions “what; which the; if; due to the fact that; on condition; to; where; how".

Business letter writers often unnecessarily complicate the text. Letters appear full of complex sentences with the same type of subordinate clauses, long enumerations, complex inserted constructions, extended quotes (for example, from a preliminary business conversation or telephone conversation), etc.

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome structures.

1. One of the most common flaws is cluttering a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.

Wed: A statement by representatives of foreign circles that ignores the fact that trade relations, which have been steadily developing in recent years and showing a tendency to further friendship that has embraced the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that it will not be easy to achieve progress in such negotiations, but we are used to overcoming difficulties.

2 ... In a complex sentence, the weighting of the structures occurs due to the "stringing" of subordinate clauses: "The sail appeared in the sea as the happy news that everything is in order with the fishermen and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who stayed at sea because there was a strong storm ".

3. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses with successive submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which lay at the top of the keel near the shore."

4. In a number of cases, the same situation can be expressed using both complex and complex sentences.

Wed: He entered and we got up; When he entered, we got up.

· At the same time, cases of “structure failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When Murka was tired of messing with kittens, and she went somewhere to sleep.

General conclusion on the topic: A law enforcement officer on duty has to deal with people of different professions and different cultural levels. And in each case it is necessary to find the right tone and words that argue and correctly express thoughts. Violation of linguistic (including syntactic) norms can cause negative reactions or distrust on the part of listeners. Respect for the speaker disappears, there is uncertainty in his knowledge.

In the main part of many complex sentences, an index word (pronoun) is necessary, to which the subordinate part refers. Omitting such a required component results in errors:

* By the way, once I was spotted by a teacher, as I gladly shot one of the school windows and enjoyed its fall(gas.).

This sentence mixes two possible design options - two different models of a complex sentence:

a) ... the teacher spotted (= I saw), how I shot the window ...;

b) ... the teacher noticed(= caught) me after how I shot the window ...

The confusion of the two models is caused here by the fact that the speaker (a famous musician who is being interviewed) used the slang word "spotted", meaning two of its meanings at once ("saw" and "caught"), while these meanings require different building a structure. The fact is that the second value requires complement me inside the main sentence, but as soon as this addition appears, it is no longer possible to do without the index word organizing the connection with the subordinate part - there is a transition from model (a) to model (b).

Another similar example:

* The last meeting of Ivanov with Albright shows that we can achieve success in this direction(gas.)

Should have been:., testifies About, what...

In the last decade, the number of errors in such designs has increased markedly. This is due to the fact that close models coexist in the system of complex sentences of the Russian language:

a) with explanatory subordinate clause (without an index word in the main part); some such suggestions admit index word insertion (but does not require it), compare: ... said that ...spoke About, what...;

b) the so-called sentences accommodating type - with compulsory demonstrative pronoun in the main part: ... testified About, what...(in school grammar, such sentences are also referred to as explanatory).

In group models (a) a subordinate clause refers to a word in the main part that has a clearly limited meaning of speech / feeling / thought / expression of will; most often these are verbs (say, speak, report; feel, see, hear; think, assume, prove; ask, ask, order and etc.). The introduction of a demonstrative pronoun in such sentences does not change the case: the subordinate clause in any case obeys not it, but the word with the specified meaning:

I never said mom (about) what didn't actually study for the exam.

The situation is complicated by the fact that not all verbs capable of attaching explanatory subordinate clauses admit a demonstrative pronoun nearby in the prepositional case (About): you can, for example, to tell or talk about but you can't prove that or suggest that.

Another complication factor: from almost all of these verbs other parts of speech (nouns, adjectives) are formed, which by no means always exactly inherit the control of the parent verb. Thus, in the sentences of models (a) and (b), there are three groups of verbs and verbal words:

As you can see from this table, there are not so few verbs that do not allow a demonstrative pronoun with them. But there are clearly more verbs and derivatives of nouns of the second and third groups; if we consider that many of them are widely used and, moreover, have common roots with the verbs of the first group, it becomes clear why in the minds of people who do not fully understand the culture of Russian speech, the model with the participation of the demonstrative pronoun acquires the status of a universal one. Hence the numerous mistakes.

Errors often arise as a result of thoughtless use of syntactic models that are superimposed on each other. Consider the following example:

* Forgive criminals, no matter what official position they occupy, we do not intend(gas.).

The main idea of ​​this phrase was to affirm the equality of all before the law. To express this idea, the speaker quite reasonably applied a concessional construction that denies the dependence of the judiciary on the official position of the criminal. (regardless...). He could have said "regardless of their official position," but chose the demonstrative variant (from that) which makes the further clause mandatory - otherwise it will be unclear what is hidden behind the pronoun Togo. The correct continuation assumed the usual subordinate clause (according to school grammar - an explanatory or pronoun-definitive): ... no matter what official position they held ... But the speaker was too carried away by his main idea, and this subordinate clause turned from an explanatory into a generalized-concessive one, although the concessional meaning had already been expressed earlier. The correct variants of this phrase (along the way, we will replace the unfortunate and inaccurate "official position" with "official position" or "position"):

a) We do not intend to forgive criminals, regardless of their official position;

b) We do not intend to forgive criminals, no matter what official position they occupy;

v) We do not intend to forgive criminals, regardless of what position they held (s).

Note that the most acceptable and economical options turned out to be without combining two structures: either with an isolated assignment circumstance (a), or with a concessional clause (b). This is exactly the kind of correction that the journalist who prepared the interview for the press should have made: after all, as a professional, he should be well aware of how great the differences between oral and written speech are: what is not striking in oral speech and can go unnoticed, on paper turns out to be a gross mistake.

As already noted, the appearance of a demonstrative pronoun in the main part of a sentence makes the presence of a subordinate clause mandatory. Most often this occurs in complex sentences with determinative and explanatory clauses, in complex sentences with pronominal-determinative clauses and clauses (according to school grammar).

A definitive clause refers to a noun that appears in the main part of a complex sentence. If this noun does not have a demonstrative pronoun (the one like that) then, in principle, you can do without a clause. Wed:

Here is the house that Jack built.Here is the house. Here is a vegetable garden. There, further,garden.

However, the appearance of the demonstrative pronoun "tightly" attaches the subordinate clause to the main thing, it can no longer be dropped:

Here that House, which the built by my father.

In the four other named types of complex sentences, the subordinate clause is in any case required:

At the last lecture, we are talking that the proper level of speech culture is achieved by not reading textbooks before the exam(complex sentence with an explanatory clause); Today we start with the fact that let's do a little sociological research(a complex sentence with an enclosing clause); For those who are interested in aircraft modeling, a new circle has been opened in the children's creativity house(a complex sentence with a pronominal-definitive clause); your predecessorscurrent second yearanswered the exam So OK, what I wanted to record some answers on a tape recorder(a complex sentence with a subordinate clause).

In oral speech, these patterns are often violated.

Often in speech we come across formally correct, but poorly constructed constructions, for example, with an unsuccessful arrangement of parts of a complex sentence.

In complex sentences with attributive relations, the subordinate clause refers to the noun in the main part. It is advisable to arrange the subordinate clause so that it is, if possible, directly in contact with the noun to which it refers, especially if there are other nouns of the same grammatical gender in the main part.

* We often receive letters from our readers, in which they talk about their encounters with otherworldly forces(gas.); * On November 11, 2000 at 17.20 an accident occurred on Zelenogorsk highway when leaving the city of Zelenogorsk, in which a pedestrian was injured(gas.); * In the House of Folk Art in Zelenogorsk, she was offered a job, where she stayed for a long time(gas.); * In the 43rd anti-aircraft searchlight regiment had to learn the whole brunt of a soldier's life, which fell on the girl's shoulders(gas.); * Natasha's dreams of her unborn son, whom she even thought of the name Arkhip, whom she so wanted from Igor, will also remain in good memories.(gas).

It is easy to see that editing such clumsy constructions, as a rule, boils down to changing the word order in the main part. Enough to swap letters and from our readers- and a strange surreal picture, where letters tell something about their meetings with otherworldly forces will be excluded; postpone there was an accident at the very end of the main part - and we will get rid of the undesirable meaning “a pedestrian was injured when leaving the city of Zelenogorsk”; just change the order of the words in the third sentence to she was offered a job in the House of Folk Art in Zelenogorsk- and the semantic effect “she stayed at work for a long time” will also be excluded.

Editing is slightly more difficult in other cases. In the fourth sentence, shift the noun severity closer to the clause is impossible (the severity of a soldier's life- this sounds too songy for a small newspaper essay); it is obvious that there are at least two cliches in this phrase, of which one can clearly be thrown out painlessly - and turn the sentence into a simple one. The corrected options may be as follows:

In the 43rd anti-aircraft searchlight regiment, she had to learn the whole burden of a soldier's life; In the 43rd anti-aircraft searchlight regiment, the whole burden of a soldier's life fell on her girl's shoulders.

In the last sentence, it is not the arrangement of the noun to which two subordinate clauses belong, but the order of these subordinate clauses that is unfortunate: it turns out that Natasha wanted Igor and her son, and the name Arkhip (?!). Another failure is that the order of the clauses does not correspond to the significance of their content: after all, first - the son, and then - the name for him. But it is enough to change the subordinate clauses and connect them with a connecting union and, so that everything falls into place.

Errors in the construction of a complex sentence may also be associated with the incorrect use of pronouns. In written text, pronouns are often used to refer to other words or phrases that were used in previous sentences or in the same sentence. In this case, the correlation of a pronoun with a word (phrase) to which it refers should be read unambiguously. For this, firstly, the pronoun must be consistent in number and gender with the given word; secondly, in the immediate preceding context, especially between the pronoun and the word to which it refers, there should not be words with the same grammatical parameters. Otherwise, ambiguity will inevitably arise. Examples of violations of this rule are:

* Representatives this sign(Taurus. - Comp.) Are classified as the most dangerous criminals. Usually, Taurus plans crimes well and carefully and never deviates from what was planned, always takes care of a reliable alibi. They do not envy the success of others, but are always ready to take away this success(gas.). The author of this passage wrote they, meaning representatives, but between this word and the pronoun there is a word Taurus, denoting the same thing, and the pronoun is perceived as referring precisely to the last noun; there is a mismatch in the number, which gives the impression of a grammatical error;

* Friends affectionately called Anatoly Vladimirovich Romashka. And how many kind and cheerful memories were sounded at the evening in memory of the untimely departed actor on the occasion of his 70th birthday, which he would definitely celebrate in this young metropolitan temple of arts(Theater of the Moon. - Comp.). Exactly So and it was decided to name a new theatrical award for young acting talents, whom Romashin himself brought up and nurtured at VGIK and at the Theater of the Moon(gas.).

The reader is forced to puzzle over how exactly it was decided to name the new prize: "temple of the arts"? "Young metropolitan temple of arts"? Perhaps the "Theater of the Moon"? He will not immediately realize that it was decided to call the prize "Camomile": the distance between this word and the pronoun referring to it is too great.

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

1) I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the "test of love" - ​​and thus revealed the true essence of his hero.

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

2) Everyone who visited Crimea took with them after parting with it vivid impressions of the sea, mountains, southern grasses and flowers.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) The story of a Real Man is based on real events that happened to Alexei Maresyev.

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

4) S. Mikhalkov argued that the world of the merchant Zamoskvorechye can be seen on the stage of the Maly Theater thanks to the excellent acting.

E) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms

5) In 1885 V.D. Polenov exhibited ninety-seven sketches at a traveling exhibition, brought from a trip to the East.

6) The theory of eloquence for all kinds of poetry was written by A.I. Galich, who taught Russian and Latin literature at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

7) In the landscape of I. Mashkov "View of Moscow" there is a sense of the sonorous colorfulness of a city street.

8) Happy are those who, after a long journey with its cold and slush, see a familiar house and hear the voices of relatives.

9) Reading classical literature, you notice that how differently the "city of Petrov" is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky.

Answer: 59321

In tests from 2016 to 2019, you will find this task at number 6. The content of the task has not changed this year.

When completing the assignment, you need to select examples for five types of errors (9 sentences are given, 4 of them do not contain errors at all).

There are 10 types of errors offered:
- an error in constructing a sentence with participial turnover;
- an error in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover;
- an error in the construction of a sentence with indirect speech;
- incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;
- violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate;
- an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members;
- a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.
- an error in the use of a numeral name;
- a mistake in the construction of a complex sentence;
- violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms.
These 10 types of errors can now be combined in any combination, and in the assignment you need to find examples of 5 different types of errors. For each correct answer, you will receive 1 point, so for completing the task you can get from 0 to 5 primary points.

How to decide?
1. Carefully read 9 sentences of the second column and select those 4 in which there are no errors.
2. Correlate the remaining 5 sentences with the errors indicated in the first column. Note that the same error can be named differently.
For example,
The jets of the fountain, which sparkled in the sun and seemed to hit the very sky, refreshed the air.

Obviously, this proposal without error would have looked like this: The jets of the fountain, which sparkled in the sun and BILI, it seemed, into the very sky, refreshed the air.

A mistake was made in the subordinate part of this sentence: the verb and participle turned out to be homogeneous predicates.
What is it: an error in the construction of a complex sentence, an error in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover, or an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members? See which of these options is in the first column and is not "busy" with other examples. Most likely, in this task there will be a more obvious sentence with an incorrectly formed participle phrase ("Mom's cooked pancakes were delicious") and with an incorrectly constructed complex sentence ("I was asked if I need to prepare for the test").
So, we choose the option "error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members".

Let's recall the types of errors.

1) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
A participle is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object by action, that is, it is like both a verb and an adjective at the same time (playing boy = boy who plays).
Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases
a) Mixing real and passive participles. This is a story about a man who was returned to his hometown after the war. The returned exhibits are exhibited in museums.
b) The use of a participle turnover instead of a clause qualifier. From books and films, we learn about the horrors experienced by our people during the war and Stalinist repressions.
c) The participle turnover is separate from the word being defined. These people have done a lot for their country, giving their lives in the name of freedom.
d) A pile of participial constructions. Persons walking on the grass that grows behind the lawn fence are subject to fines.
Common mistakes with participles:
a) A ball forgotten by a child is bored in the yard. (what ball? forgotten)
The participle agrees in gender, number, and case with the word being defined. Algorithm: look for the word to be defined, ask a question from him for the participle. The ending in the question is the ending of the participle (remember that the O and S in the endings are often the same).
b) The pancakes prepared by my grandmother were delicious. (what kind of pancakes is grandmother? here the implication turned out to be out of place: Pancakes prepared by grandmother ... - that's right)
c) there are no future participles, participles with a particle and participial phrases that join a sentence with the pronouns SUCH, SUCH, THAT, TA, TE: Grushnitsky is one of those people who do not have their own opinion.

2) violation in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

The verb participle is a special form of the verb that denotes an additional action. And if there is an additional action, then there must be a word that denotes the main action (look for the predicate). The subject must correlate with both the main and the additional action (one "doer" performs two actions).

The main types of mistakes when using adverbs:

a) Error: Looking out the window, my hat flew off.

The main action is performed by the hat (the hat has flown off). The additional action is performed by another “doer” (s). This means that the fallacy of the proposal lies in the fact that the two actions (main and additional) have different "agents".

Correct: When I was looking out the window, my hat fell off.

b) Error: Going out into the yard, I felt cold.

This is an impersonal sentence, there can be no subject in it, there is no “doer”. In this impersonal sentence, the adverbial turnover is not used.

Correct: When I went out into the yard, I felt cold.

c) In impersonal sentences, you can use the adverbial turnover if the predicate is expressed by the infinitive (= indefinite form): When going to the forest for mushrooms, you must take a compass with you. There is no subject in this sentence. But the main and additional actions (“take” and “about”) have the same “doer” (“you are going” and “you are taking”).

d) Lost in the forest, the boy was found.

This sentence is a passive construction. A boy got lost in the forest. Other people will be looking for him.

That's right: the boy lost in the woods was found.

Algorithm for completing the task:

1) Highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence.

2) Find the participle (answers the questions: what by doing? What by doing?)

3) If there is no subject in the sentence (the sentence is impersonal), try to restore it by the predicate.

4) Match the subject with the verbal participle.

5) The option where the subject ("doer") performs the action of both the participle and the predicate is correct.

3) an error in the construction of a sentence with indirect speech

a) The use of 1st and 2nd person pronouns in the subordinate part is permissible only when transmitting direct speech. Error: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation."

Correct :: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes: "I look sadly at our generation." Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that he looks sadly at his generation.

b) the simultaneous use of the union WHAT and the LI particle in the subordinate part of the SPP is unacceptable. Error: I didn't notice if he was in the room.

Correct: I didn't notice if he was in the room.

4) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

Pretext ON(= after) is used with the prepositional case: upon arrival in Moscow, at the end of the performance, after the expiration of the term, after the end of the school year; at the end of the event; upon arrival in the city.

Pretext TO AVOID used with genitive: to avoid trouble.

Prepositions THANKS, ACCORDING TO, IN DEFINITION, IN DEFINITION, LIKE, FORWARD used only with the dative case (to whom? what?): according to (what?) the order; contrary to (what?) opinion; thanks to your advice; went to meet (to whom?) brother.



pay for travel, pay for travel

dress - whom? what? (dress brother);

put on - ON someone (put on a jacket, boots, mask);

confidence (in what?) in victory;

faith (in what?) in victory.

5) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

The standard error that demonstrates violation of this rule is: "Those who taught poorly forgot everything." That's right - THOSE who taught badly, FORGOT everything. "TE is a plural pronoun, and the verb must be in the form of the corresponding number. Otherwise, we get an error in the agreement of the subject and the predicate.

6) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

a) Using different parts of speech as homogeneous members of the sentence: " I like music and play football".

b) Inclusion in a number of homogeneous members of words denoting heterogeneous concepts: " Ivan Petrovich came with his wife and bad mood".

c) Incorrect use of conjunctive conjunctions to connect homogeneous members: " The boy was forehead, but serious".

d) Incorrect joining of logically heterogeneous minor members to one main member: " In the boat lay crucian carp, carp, bream, fish ".

e) Errors in the agreement of homogeneous subjects with the predicate: " Anxiety and longing froze in her eyes".

f) Violations in the area of ​​homogeneous predicates:
- the use of different types of predicates as homogeneous: " The sea after the storm is calm, gentle and plays with the rays of the sun";
- violation of the uniform design of compound nominal predicates: the use of different case forms of the nominal part of homogeneous compound nominal predicates: " Their father was an experienced fisherman and a brave sailor"; joining homogeneous verbal predicates of the addition, which is controlled by only one of the predicates:" Everyone is very much waiting and worried about the soldiers "; the use of short and full forms of adjectives and participles in the nominal part: " My room has been recently renovated: whitewashed and painted".

g) Combining members and parts of different proposals on the basis of homogeneous ones: " Mushrooms, berries grow under the birch, snowdrops bloom in spring". "The children were waiting for their father and when his boat showed up".

7) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

A name in quotation marks given with a generic word (story, painting, etc.) is an inconsistent application and must be in the nominative case. If there is no generic word, then the name in quotation marks begins to change. EXAMPLE: In Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" the dark kingdom is exposed - the generic word "play", the appendix remains in the nominative case. In Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" the dark kingdom is exposed - the generic word is absent, therefore the name changes the case.

8) a mistake in the use of a numeral name
a) Non-declination or incomplete declension of compound and compound numerals is a violation of the literary norm. “Within a day and a half, the city was empty” (correct: “a day and a half”).

b) Errors in choosing the case form of a compound numeral ending in "two", "three", "four" in combination with an animated noun. In such constructions, regardless of the category of animation, the accusative case retains the nominative form, for example: "In total, thirty-two wounded were brought to the hospital during this month" (and not "thirty-two wounded").

c) In a compound ordinal number, only the last word is declined. Error: "The construction of the complex must be completed by the year two thousand and three" (correct: "... by the year two thousand and three").

d) It is not recommended to use collective numerals in combination with nouns related to official business vocabulary. For example: “It is no coincidence that two senators ended up in this region at once” (correct: “... two senators ...”).

e) The numerals “both” (male) and “both” (female) should be used in accordance with the gender of the noun. Error: “The conflict prevents the development of both countries” (correct: “... both countries”).

9) an error in the construction of a complex sentence
Errors in the construction of complex sentences
a) Semantic incongruity of simple sentences in complex sentences. We climbed to the top of the mountain, and it was hot below.
b) The use of an adversarial union instead of a connecting one. The author expresses his attitude to the problem, but he gives the reader the opportunity to agree or disagree with him.
c) Tautology, (repetition) when using conjunctions. Parents and children often cannot find a common language, and they resent each other, and this is the main problem.

Errors in the construction of complex sentences
a) The simultaneous use of the compositional and subordinate conjunctions in a complex sentence. When the heavy battle had already ended, but in some places separate shots were still heard.
b) Unjustified proximity of two subordinate unions. They dreamed that when spring came, the old bird cherry would bloom again.
c) The use of an extra index word in the main sentence. She said that in life there is not only useful, but also beautiful.
d) The absence of an index word in the main sentence. We are grateful to them that we live under a peaceful sky.
e) Skipping part of a compound union. He was late for lectures, because the transport almost did not run due to ice.
f) Unjustified repetition of a union or union word (tautology). He saw a bird cherry growing in the courtyard of a house that had not survived during the war.
g) The use of different types of tense forms of the verb in the main and subordinate clauses. When their son has changed a lot, the parents suffer.
h) The connection in one sentence of the attributive and participial turnover. Galileo is shown as a man who sacrifices honor and continues to pursue science.
i) The clause is drawn up as an independent clause. The author showed different people. Which each in their own way showed the beauty and wealth of the inner world.

10) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms.

This complex formulation hides a simple rule: homogeneous verbs must be in the form of the same tense (present, past or future) and form (perfect or imperfect). Otherwise, an error occurs. For example:
The article shows the vices of modern society and aroused a lively response from readers.

Sentences consisting of two or more parts, each of which has its own grammatical basis (subject and predicate or one of the main members), are called complex. Parts can be connected using conjunctions or just using intonation. In written text, parts of a complex sentence are usually separated by commas or other punctuation marks.

Errors in compound sentences

1. Violation of the logical-grammatical connection between the parts of a compound sentence: "My father did not forget this story for a long time, but he died."

2. The use of a pronoun in the second part of a compound sentence, leading to ambiguity: "May the hopes come true and they will return."

Errors in using compound conjunctions:

a) connecting - for connecting parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "Yesterday there was a storm, and today everything around was calm."

b) adversarial - to combine parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "In our yard there is a birch tree, but the buds are also swelling on it."

c) double and repetitive: "A bird has landed on the water, or the wreckage of a broken boat is floating on the sea."

d) unjustified repetition of alliances: "And suddenly the girls saw a small black dot, and they had hope."

e) unsuccessful choice of unions: "Mitras was ten years old with a tail, but his sister was older."

Errors in complex sentences

1. Inconsistency of the type of the subordinate clause with the meaning of the main one: "But they will still wait for their father, since the fishermen must wait on the shore."

2. Using composition and submission to connect parts in a complex sentence: "If a person does not play sports, and he is aging quickly."

3. Weighting the structures by "stringing" subordinate clauses: "The sail appeared in the sea as the happy news that everything is in order with the fishermen and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm."

4. Omitting a necessary index word: "Mom always scolds me for throwing my things around."

5. Unjustified use of the index word: "I have the assumption that the fishermen were delayed by a storm."

6. Incorrect use of conjunctions and union words when choosing them correctly:

a) the use of conjunctions and union words in the middle of the subordinate clause: "There is a TV in the room on the bedside table, after school on which I watch entertainment programs."

b) violation of the agreement of the union word in the subordinate clause with the substituted or definitive word in the main sentence: "On two shelves - fiction that I use in preparation for the lessons."

7. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses with successive submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which lay at the top of the keel near the shore."

8. Using the subordinate clause as an independent one: “Girls worry about their relatives. That is why they gaze so sadly into the distance. "

Errors in a non-union complex sentence

1. Violation of the unity of the designs of homogeneous parts in the non-union complex sentence: "The picture shows: early morning, just the sun rises."

2. Decomposition of the parts of a non-union complex sentence into independent sentences: “The girls are dressed simply. They are wearing summer chintz dresses. The elder has a scarf on her head. "

3. Simultaneous use of non-union and allied ties: "The clothes on the girls are simple: the older one with a headscarf on her head, in a blue skirt and gray sweater, the younger one without a headscarf, in a purple dress and a dark blue blouse."

Errors in a complex sentence with different types of connection

1. Violation of the order of the parts of the sentence: “The waves are still foaming, but calming down near the shore; the closer to the horizon, the darker the sea; and therefore the girls have the hope that their father will return. "

2. The use of pronouns leading to ambiguity: "We see that the girl's bed is not made, and she confirms that the girl has just got up."

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